Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY"" "subject:"[enn] KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY""
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A critical analysis of information and knowledge societies with specific reference to the interaction between local and global knowledge systemsHolmner, Marlene Amanda 10 November 2008 (has links)
Benefiting from the process of globalisation and becoming an information and knowledge society, has become the vision for many governments throughout the world. However, as it has been demonstrated in this thesis, becoming an information and knowledge society is much easier for developed countries that already possess some of the prerequisite criteria, such as an efficient and effective ICT infrastructure. By investing in such an infrastructure, the interaction and exchange of data, information, and knowledge from a local knowledge system with the global knowledge system is enabled. Through this two-way flow of information, the other criteria these countries have to comply with are stimulated, making it much easier and faster for these countries to achieve their goal. However, for the developing countries that are still in the grip of the digital divide, the goal of becoming information and knowledge societies seem nearly unattainable. Owing to this digital divide that is experienced by developing countries, combined with other barriers such as the social barriers that include the overall health and education level of citizens, the citizens of these countries cannot take part in the interaction and exchange process. Thus, this interaction and exchange process cannot aid these countries in complying with the other criteria needed to become information and knowledge societies, and in this way, the progress of developing countries towards becoming information and knowledge societies are seriously hampered. How does the interaction and exchange of data, information, and knowledge between developing countries’ local knowledge systems and the global knowledge system contribute to their development and positive participation in the global information and knowledge society? This is the research question that has guided this thesis. To get an answer to this question the author addressed the following issues:<ul> <li>The author sketched the theoretical foundation of this thesis by providing a brief historical perspective of the Information Science domain. This provided a better understanding of concepts such as data, information, knowledge, global-, western-, and scientific knowledge as well as indigenous-, traditional-, and local knowledge as applied in this thesis. The underlying relationship between these concepts were also explored. Furthermore, the phenomenon of the global information and knowledge society was discussed as one of the opportunities presented by globalisation.</li> <li>The author then analysed the criteria of the information and knowledge society as discussed in Chapter 3, and identified indicators that the stated criteria are constructed from. To investigate whether developed countries are information and knowledge societies, these indicators were applied to Norway and the USA. It was concluded that both countries comply with the stated criteria and are thus information and knowledge societies. </li> <li>The author followed the same method of investigation and applied the indicators identified in Chapter 4 to two developing countries, namely Niger and South Africa. It was concluded that both these countries do not comply with the stated criteria and, thus, are not information and knowledge societies. Furthermore, barriers were identified by the author that inhibit these countries from becoming information and knowledge societies.</li> <li>Lastly, the author discussed proposed solutions and recommendations that can be used to overcome the various barriers that inhibit the progress of developing countries becoming information and knowledge societies. </li></ul> / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Information Science / DPhil / unrestricted
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Překvalifikovanost: skutečný nebo umělý problém? / Overqualification: real or artificial problem?Koutná, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The imbalance in the labor market between the supply of and demand for skills is a widespread phenomenon that may contribute to unemployment and lower productivity and competitiveness. This diploma thesis aims to explore and understand the complex phenomena of skill mismatches on the labor market. As skill mismatch manifests itself in various forms, there exist different but also related concepts of educational or qualification and skill mismatches. In the first part a clear distinction between skill and qualification mismatch is made, the links between different types of mismatches are described and the debate of using each of the concepts is situated as well as the comparison of advantages and disadvantages of different concepts. Next part of this thesis concerns also with potential causes of mismatches in the labor market as well as its consequences and implications for individuals, businesses and society as a whole. In the next section, the information on possible measures of educational or qualification and skill mismatches is offered and the comparison of these measures is made. A new approach for measuring skill mismatch is introduced. Due to published results from PIAAC survey, which contains measures of skill proficiency and also information about qualifications, educational as well as...
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Der italienische Mezzogiorno auf dem Weg in die europäische WissensgesellschaftJahnke, Holger 18 January 2005 (has links)
Der Übergang Europas in die Wissensgesellschaft ist durch die massive Ausbreitung wissenschaftlichen Wissens und dessen Eindringen in den ökonomischen Produktionsprozess gekennzeichnet. Für die Teilnahme von Regionen an der Wissensgesellschaft ist die Ausbildung junger Akademiker und deren Integration in den regionalen Arbeitsmarkt von entscheidender Bedeutung. In dieser Perspektive wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Erwerbssituation und die regionale Mobilität italienischer Hochschulabsolventen aus dem Mezzogiorno betrachtet. Die Untersuchung erfolgt anhand von zwei methodischen Ansätzen. Im ersten empirischen Teil wird umfangreiches Datenmaterial, u.a. die Hochschulabsolventenbefragung des italienischen Statistikamts, ausgewertet. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass der italienische Mezzogiorno trotz vergleichsweise niedriger Absolventenzahlen von einer extremen Jungakademikerarbeitslosigkeit gekennzeichnet ist: Zudem verlassen viele junge Süditaliener vor Studienbeginn oder nach Studienende ihre Heimat, um in Nord- oder Mittelitalien eine Arbeit zu finden, so dass von einem regelrechten Brain drain gesprochen werden kann. Im zweiten empirischen Teil der Arbeit werden in einer hermeneutischen Perspektive sowohl die Erwerbssituation als auch die Mobilitätsbereitschaft von Hochschulabsolventen in Sizilien untersucht. Mit Hilfe von biographisch orientierten, themenzentrierten qualitativen Interviews wird der Versuch unternommen, die Handlungsrationalitäten zu verstehen, die sich hinter den hohen Arbeitslosenzahlen verbergen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die sozialen, kulturellen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen die Entstehung komplexer Aktivitätsnetze begünstigen, die den Verbleib in Sizilien auch bei einer unbefriedigenden Erwerbssituation ermöglichen und zu einem permanenten Hinausschieben der Wanderungsentscheidung beitragen. Für die regionale Entwicklung Siziliens, wie auch der übrigen Regionen des Mezzogiorno, kann sich aber gerade der Verbleib junger Hochschulabsolventen in der Unterbeschäftigung als Standortvorteil für wissensorientierte Unternehmen und somit als Entwicklungspotential erweisen. / Europe''s transition towards the Knowledge Society is characterised by major advances in scientific knowledge and its infiltration of the economic production process. To fulfil their role in the Knowledge Society, regions must ensure that young academics can be educated and integrated into the regional labour market. In this perspective the book analyses the employment situation and the regional mobility of young academics in the Italian Mezzogiorno using two different empirical approaches. The first part of this paper investigates the employment situation and regional mobility of young Italian academics using data sources provided by the Italian statistical office, Istat. Despite its comparatively small academic population, the Italian Mezzogiorno is marked by extremely high unemployment levels among young academics. Furthermore, a large number of young Italians from the South leave their home region before starting university or after graduation in order to find jobs in Northern or Central Italy. The second section of this paper draws on empirical evidence to analyse the employment outlook and high level of emigration among young Sicilian graduates from a hermeneutic perspective. With the help of biographical, problem-oriented qualitative interviews, the author attempts to understand the culturally embedded rationalities that inform statistical evidence. Sicily''s social, cultural and institutional framework is shown to promote the growth of highly complex networks of activity that encourage young unemployed graduates to remain in unsatisfactory work environments and constantly postpone their decision to migrate. On a more positive note, the continued presence of young underemployed university graduates may be considered beneficial to the regional development of Sicily, as well as other parts of the Mezzogiorno, if interpreted as a regional advantage for knowledge-intensive industries in their search for new locations.
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Adornos legitime ErbinHess, Jörg 28 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Wie wollen wir diese hochgradig komplexe soziale Welt von heute verstehen, in der bald über 7 Mrd. Menschen auf vielerlei verschlungenen Kanälen miteinander kommunizieren und interagieren, ohne über eine brauchbare ‚General Theory‘ des gegenwärtigen globalen sozialen Weltsystems zu verfügen? Wie wollen wir verstehen, wie das soziale Weltsystem mit seiner ökologischen Umwelt interagiert, wenn wir über keine brauchbare universelle Theorie verfügen, die hinlänglich präzise erklären könnte, wie die ‚globalen Zustände‘ zustande kamen und kommen? Adornos legitime Erbin argumentiert wider die vorherrschende Meinung, das grandiose Scheitern des Marxismus-Leninismus habe große historische Welterklärungsversuche ein für alle Mal diskreditiert. Aufbauend auf einer akribischen Kritik Anthony Giddens‘ zeitdiagnostischem Spätwerk, entwirft die vorliegende Untersuchung den Bauplan einer ‚Forschungsplattform Anthropogenes Weltsystem‘, die vielleicht irgendwann tatsächlich leisten kann, woran Kritische Theorie bislang noch immer scheiterte: schrittweise das Verständnis schaffen, das geschaffen werden muss, damit die Menschheit hoffen darf, die über kurz oder lang drohende doppelte soziale und ökologische Krisis des 21. Jahrhunderts zu meistern.
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La evaluación y el cambio institucional en la sociedad del conocimiento : un estudio de caso en la Universidad del Valle - ColombiaRengifo Millán, Maritza 10 1900 (has links)
Les sociétés contemporaines affrontent le défi de s’intégrer et s’adapter à un processus de
transformation qui vise la construction de sociétés du savoir. Ce processus doit notamment son élan aux institutions d’enseignement supérieur qui constituent un espace privilégié où on bâtit l’avenir d’une société à partir des savoirs et celles-ci doivent faire face aux nouveaux enjeux sociaux, économiques et politiques qui affectent tous les pays du monde. La quête de la qualité devient donc un processus constant d’amélioration et surgit l’intérêt par l’évaluation au niveau universitaire.
Par conséquent, cette recherche s’attache au sujet de l’évaluation à l’enseignement supérieur
et s’enfonce dans le débat actuel sur les changements provoqués par les évaluations
institutionnelles produisant un défi puisqu’il s’agit d’une prise de conscience fondée sur la
culture de la qualité. L’autoévaluation est une stratégie permettant aux institutions
d’enseignement supérieur mener des processus intégraux de valorisation dont le but est
d’identifier les faiblesses des facteurs qui ont besoin d’améliorer. Le résultat conduit à
l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre d’un plan d’amélioration pour l'institution, programme
académique ou plan d’études.
À travers l’orientation du modèle d’évaluation systémique CIPP de Stufflebeam (1987), on
a pu analyser de façon holistique la mise en place de l’autoévaluation depuis son contexte,
planification, processus et produit. Ainsi les objectifs de la thèse visent l’identification du
développement de la deuxième autoévaluation afin d’obtenir une reconnaissance de haute
qualité et effectuer la mise en œuvre du plan d’amélioration auprès des programmes
académiques de Licence en Comptabilité et Gestion de l’entreprise de la Faculté de Sciences de l’Administration de l’Université du Valle en Colombie. À travers l’appropriation de la théorie
Neo-institutionnelle les changements apparus après l’autoévaluation ont été également analysés et interprétés et ont ainsi permis l’achèvement des fins de la recherche.
La méthodologie développe la stratégie de l’étude de cas dans les deux programmes
académiques avec une approche mixte où la phase qualitative des entretiens semi-structurés est complémentée par la phase quantitative des enquêtes. Des documents institutionnels des
programmes et de la faculté ont aussi été considérés. Grâce à ces trois instruments ont pu obtenir plus d’objectivité et d’efficacité pendant la recherche.
Les résultats dévoilent que les deux programmes ciblés ont recouru à des procédés et à des
actions accordées au modèle de l’Université du Valle quoiqu’il ait fallu faire des adaptations à
leurs propres besoins et pertinence ce qui a permis de mener à terme la mise en œuvre du
processus d’autoévaluation et ceci a donné lieu à certains changements. Les composantes
Processus Académiques et Enseignants sont celles qui ont obtenu le plus fort développement, parmi celles-ci on trouve également : Organisation, Administration et Gestion, Ressources Humaines, Physiques et Financières. D’autre part, parmi les composantes moins développées on a : Anciens Étudiants et Bienêtre Institutionnel.
Les conclusions ont révélé que se servir d’un cadre institutionnel fort donne du sens d’identité
et du soutien aux programmes. Il faut remarquer qu’il est essentiel d’une part élargir la
communication de l’autoévaluation et ses résultats et d’autre part effectuer un suivi permanent des plans d’amélioration afin d’obtenir des changements importants et produire ainsi un enracinement plus fort de la culture de la qualité et l’innovation auprès de la communauté académique.
Les résultats dégagés de cette thèse peuvent contribuer à mieux comprendre tant la mise en
œuvre de l’autoévaluation et des plans d’amélioration aussi que les aspects facilitateurs,
limitants, les blocages aux processus d’évaluation et la génération de changements sur les
programmes académiques. Dans ce sens, la recherche devient un guide et une réflexion à propos des thèmes où les résultats sont très faibles. Outre, celle-ci révèle l’influence des cadres institutionnels ainsi que les entraves et tensions internes et externes montrant un certain degré d’agencement par le biais de stratégies de la part des responsables de la prise de décisions dans les universités.
On peut déduire que la qualité, l’évaluation, le changement et l’innovation sont des concepts
inhérents à la perspective de l’apprentissage organisationnel et à la mobilité des savoirs. / Contemporary societies face the challenge of incorporating and adapting themselves to a transformation process aimed at the construction of knowledge societies. Such process is especially oriented by Institutions of Higher Education, which are seen as a privileged space where the future of a society is forged through knowledge and as such, they face the new social, economic, and political challenges affecting the world. Thus, the search for quality education becomes a continuous improvement process which brings about the interest in educational evaluation in the university milieu.
This research study deals with the evaluation of higher education as part of the current debate concerning the changes and challenges triggered by institutional evaluation, an awareness-raising process based on the quality culture. As an strategy, self-evaluation allows institutions for higher education to carry out holistic assessment processes aimed at detecting weaknesses in those institutions requiring improvement. Therefore, the outcome of this serves as basis for the design and implementation of an improvement plan, not only for each institution but also for each study program.
Stufflebeam’s (1987) CIPP systemic model was used to holistically analyze the implementation of self-evaluation, considering variables such as context, planning, process, and product. The objectives of the study were: 1. Find out how the second self-evaluation process of the Public Accounting and Business Administration study programs of the Administrative Sciences Faculty of Universidad del Valle, aimed at obtaining high-quality reaccreditation from the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, was carried out; 2. Implement the Improvement Plan for such study programs; and 3. Analyze and interpret the changes arising from this self-evaluation, by using the Neo-institutional Theory.
The methodology evolved around a case study of two study programs. A mixed approach was chosen, where the qualitative stage of semi-structured interviews was complemented by the quantitative stage of surveys. The data also included institutional documents dealing with information about the two study programs and about the Faculty.
The findings show that both study programs followed right procedures and carried out correct actions in order to fit the Universidad del Valle Institutional Model by making the necessary adjustments to meet their needs and pertinence, which led to the successful implementation of the self-evaluation process. Likewise, it was found that the factors with the best improvement rate were Academic Processes, Teaching Stuff, Organization, Administration and Management, Human Resources, Infrastructure, and Financial Resources. Contrary to this, the factors with the lowest improvement rate were Alumni and Institutional Welfare.
We conclude that following a sound institutional framework provides study programs with an identity and support and, at the same time, it allows them to implement follow-up improvement plans that bring about significant changes resulting in the rooting of the quality culture and innovation of the academic community.
These findings can shed light into a better understanding of the implementation of self-evaluation and that of improvement plans. In addition, they can be instrumental in recognizing the importance of facilitating factors as well as constraining factors that may hamper evaluation processes and the generation of changes within the study programs. Thus, this research study can be seen as a reflection guide on a subject which has been scarcely dealt with. It is also important as it exposes the role played by institutional frameworks and the internal and external pressures exerted on administrative staff members involved in decision-making processes at institutions of higher education.
All in all, it can be said that quality, evaluation, change, and innovation are inherent concepts to the organizational learning perspective and to the mobility or knowledge transfer.
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Sobreintegração e subintegração no desenvolvimento da sociedade informacional: problemas e perspectivasLamha, Aline 12 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis aims to analyze the need to create new perspectives for society and
law, considering the challenges imposed by the present frame of economic
globalization, characterized by over‐integration and under‐integration. In this
sense, firstly it studies two alternative proposals towards a new global law.
Following this study, it defends the need to rethink such theories, as well as to
insert new variables to the debate, mainly due to the particularities verified in
the peripheral regions of the globe, considering the existing interdependence in
the society. It exposes as well the informationalism as the most evident
characteristic of the contemporary global society, consequently recognizing the
inevitability of the economic globalization and the importance of the
technological innovation in such scenario. Finally, it proposes to re‐evaluate the
priorities set by such social model (and, therefore, by the law), using the arsenal
already formed by the information society towards the construction of a new
knowledge society. We aim to demonstrate that such alternative presupposes
the transfer of the focus from the purely economic achievements in detriment
of the social ones, towards the expansion of the human capacities, evoking,
therefore, the need to adapt the law to this new reality / Este trabalho objetiva analisar a necessidade de criação de novas perspectivas
sociais e do direito, em face dos desafios postos pelo quadro atual de
globalização econômica, marcado pela sobreintegração e subintegração. Deste
modo, primeiramente estuda duas propostas alternativas para um novo direito
global. Em seguida, defende a necessidade de repensar tais teorias, bem como a
de inserir novas variáveis ao debate, notadamente por conta das
particularidades verificadas nas regiões periféricas do globo, dada a
interdependência existente na sociedade. Também expõe o informacionalismo
como a característica mais evidente da sociedade mundial contemporânea,
conseqüentemente reconhecendo a inevitabilidade da globalização econômica e
a importância da inovação tecnológica nesse cenário. Por fim, propõe reavaliar
as prioridades estabelecidas por este modelo social (e, assim, pelo direito),
utilizando o arsenal já formado pela sociedade informacional para a construção
de uma nova sociedade do conhecimento. Procuramos demonstrar que esta
alternativa pressupõe a transferência de enfoque das realizações puramente
econômicas em detrimento das sociais, para a ampliação das capacidades
humanas, evocando, por conseguinte, a necessidade de adaptação do direito à
referida nova realidade
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Gestão universitária frente à sociedade do conhecimento: um estudo de casoSilva, Claudio Luiz de Souza 08 October 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-10-08 / The technological evolution extended connections, made a big quantity of information available and revolutionalized knowledge, creating new possibilities for storage, management and transmission. The drawbacks concerning adaptability of the organizational traditional structures related to College Education institutions to the new challenges, are leading the organizations to break up with traditional patterns of management and structure, which are still attached to the industrial society of development pattern. The quest is for the lessening of the gap between the technological transformation speed and the changes in the organization, in a new society coined as the knowledge society.
This article, besides being a circumstantial description, aims at accurately analyzing an experience related to exploiting and constructing a new methodology of management. It looks forward to bringing light on a tension generated among the new social environment - caused by higher density of knowledge in productive processes-, and transformation difficulties in universities. This study was put forward through documental analysis, questionnaires and interviews with professors, coordinators and the board of directors of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos campus. Conclusions point to the possibility of reasoning the proposal to a new pattern of management, according to an aspect shown by the study, as peculiar to Unifesp Santos proposal, as follows: flexible organizations work better in the knowledge society, since decisions can be made at the end or at any point of the net.
Hierarchical organizations work better during periods of constant and stable markets, despite being totally inadequate during periods of flow, like the one that identifies the society of knowledge.
Its managerial procedures are way too rigid to adapt to quick changes under market conditions / A evolução das tecnologias ampliou as conexões, tornou disponível uma grande quantidade de informações e revolucionou o conhecimento, com novas possibilidades para sua estocagem, gestão e transmissão. As dificuldades de adaptação das estruturas tradicionais de organização das Instituições de Ensino Superior aos novos desafios estão levando as organizações a romper com os tradicionais modelos de gestão e estrutura, que ainda atendem ao modelo de desenvolvimento da sociedade industrial. A busca é pela diminuição crescente no vão entre a velocidade da transformação tecnológica e das mudanças na organização, numa nova sociedade cunhada como sociedade do conhecimento.
Este trabalho é uma descrição circunstanciada e uma análise apurada sobre uma experiência de exploração e construção de uma nova metodologia de gestão. O objetivo é trazer esclarecimentos para a tensão gerada entre o novo ambiente social, em função da maior densidade do conhecimento nos processos produtivos, e as dificuldades de transformação das universidades. Este estudo foi realizado por meio de análise documental, questionário e entrevistas junto a professores, coordenadores e direção do campus de Santos da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. As conclusões indicam que é possível fundamentar a proposta de um novo modelo de gestão no seguinte aspecto, apontado pelo estudo como característico da proposta da Unifesp Santos: na sociedade do conhecimento funcionam melhor as organizações flexíveis, em que a decisão pode ser tomada na ponta ou em qualquer ponto da rede. As organizações hierárquicas funcionam melhor em períodos de mercados constantes e estáveis, mas são totalmente inadequadas em períodos de fluxos, como o que caracteriza a sociedade do conhecimento. Seus procedimentos administrativos são rígidos demais para se ajustar às rápidas mudanças nas condições de mercado
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Reform of higher education within the context of the knowledge economy and societal change in EgyptAbu Zayed, Ahmed January 2016 (has links)
This study explores models for the reform of higher education in Egypt, and warns of potential consequences arising from the adoption of models based exclusively on the requirements of the knowledge economy and which fail to take account of the public role of national universities, socio-cultural realities and local as well as global pressures. The overall aim of the research is to identify the prerequisites for higher education reform in Egypt and the characteristics of a tailor-made reform model. It explores the role of higher education in Egypt, within the context of international organisations’ reform models for less-developed countries, and identifies the remits of the knowledge economy and knowledge society as frameworks for reforming higher education. This research has sought to answer questions on current conceptions of the role of higher education in Egypt and how these are being challenged by stakeholders. An exploratory study was designed using mixed methods. The research aim and objectives are achieved through a five-stage research process. The findings showed a general discontent among students and academics with higher education, and a near unanimity on the need for reform, particularly in the areas of teaching methods, curricula and university staff. The findings demonstrated that cultural issues deeply rooted in Egyptian society are preventing reform from being effective. The reform of higher education in Egypt should not only be part of an economic development vision, but a wider strategic vision for societal and cultural reform too. Reforming higher education in Egypt is a challenge, which will require consistent methodological rigour and a transformation of the current corrupted education culture prior to implementing the proposed OECD recommendations, or at the very least concurrent with any implementation.
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Podniková kultura ve vybraných podnicích / Corporate culture in chosen enterprisesZIKMUNDOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis which is called Corporate culture in chosen enterprises was to specify the deciding dimensions of corporate culture, analyze them and suggest changes in the chosen companies. The surveyed companies were Pleas, a.s. and TKZ Polná, spol. s r.o.
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Inovar é preciso: concepções de inovação em educação dos programas proinfo, enlaces e educarTeixeira, Cláudia Maria Francisca 16 November 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / To be imported from the world of production and administration, the concept of innovation related to education came steeped in the idea that the advancement of science and technology would determine the economic, social and cultural development. The predominance of Information and Communication Technologies - ICT in the so-called Information and Knowledge Society can unfold into new strategies, new forms of administration, and new perspectives to the educational process. In this research, we intend to investigate concept(s) of educational innovation that permeates the proposals for integrating ICT in education programs like Proinfo from Brazil, Educar from Argentina and Enlaces from Chile by analyzing official documents available at these programs sites and in their Educational Ministries. To achieve the goals we set out to do a literature research related to the field of education studies such as: innovation and educational change, public policies for integrating ICT in the educational environment, and; inclusion and digital gap. We seek to make a documentary analysis of a qualitative nature in order to understand the educational innovation, considering the contexts of its genesis, its insertion and its uniqueness as ongoing processes of public politics in Latin American for ICT integration. Find points of convergence in the proposed integration of ICT, that take different aspects of the concepts of innovation in education and support to warrant such inclusion. We saw that very general conclusion is that innovation on ways of teaching and learning is associated with the introduction of ICT in the class room. As well, the vision of innovation in education as a facilitator of the process of modernization and thus participate in the global economy / Ao ser importado do mundo da produção e da administração, o conceito de inovação relacionado à educação surgiu impregnado da concepção de que os avanços da ciência e da tecnologia determinariam o desenvolvimento econômico, social, cultural e educacional. A predominância das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação TIC na denominada Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento - SIC pode desdobrarse em novas estratégias, novas formas de administração, e em novos olhares para os processos educativos. Nesta pesquisa, investigamos o(s) conceito(s) de inovação educacional existentes nas propostas para inserção das TIC na educação nos programas Proinfo do Brasil, Educar da Argentina e Enlaces do Chile por meio de análise dos documentos oficiais disponíveis nos sites destes programas e respectivos Ministérios de Educação. Para atingir o os objetivos de pesquisa partimos de levantamento bibliográfico relacionado ao campo de estudos da educação como: inovação e mudança educacional; políticas públicas de inserção das TIC no meio educacional, e; inclusão e brecha digital. Procuramos realizar uma análise documental de cunho qualitativo no intuito de compreender a inovação educacional, considerando os contextos de sua gênese, de sua inserção e suas singularidades como processos decorrentes das políticas públicas latino-americanas de integração das TIC. Encontramos pontos de convergência nas propostas de inserção das TIC, que se apropriam de diferentes aspectos dos conceitos de inovação em educação como suporte para justificarem tal inserção. Vimos que é bem generalizada a conclusão de que a inovação quanto às formas de ensino e aprendizado está associada com a introdução das TIC na sala na aula. Como também, a visão da inovação da educação como facilitadora do processo de modernização e assim participar da globalização da economia
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