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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinanty poptávky po daňových rájích: Empirická studie z České republiky / Determinants of the Demand for Tax Haven Operations: Empirical Evidence from the Czech Republic

Burianová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the firm-specific determinants of the demand for tax haven operations by Czech firms. Our objective is to better understand the firms' incentives for tax haven use, and furthermore whether there exists cross-haven heterogeneity in those incentives. The thesis examines the firms' tax haven investment behaviour by analysing firm-level data for 15,530 Czech firms for year 2013. To the extent of our knowledge, this has been the first research of its kind devoted to Czech firms. The evidence suggests that larger, more profitable firms with larger international presence are most likely to use tax havens. The analysis also indicates that higher firm indebtedness is associated with greater likelihood of establishing tax haven operations. This would suggest Czech firms engage in profit shifting through the use of debt financing. Furthermore, service firms were found to be more likely to use tax havens than manufacturing firms. This contrasts with previous research where R&D intensity was a leading indicator of tax haven use. Additionally, we found significant cross-haven heterogeneity in the determinants, particularly in the sector-specific characteristics. In our sample, service firms favoured Cyprus and the Netherlands, while manufacturing firms preferred Luxembourg...

The Economic Value of Crop Diversity in the Czech Republic / The Economic Value of Crop Diversity in the Czech Republic

Tyack, Nicholas January 2016 (has links)
We estimate the willingness-to-pay for conserving crop diversity in the Czech Republic. Discrete choice experiments are used to elicit preferences for the conservation of wine, hop, and fruit tree varieties, while a double-bounded dichotomous choice approach is used to elicit preferences for the conservation of unspecified, "general" crop diversity. The WTP values are derived for both of these contingent products from a sample representative of the general Czech population (n=731) and a sample of respondents living in the South Moravian region that is characterized by agriculture and wine production (n=418). We demonstrate a strong preference for conserving fruit trees over hops and wine varieties, and derive positive mean WTP of the general Czech population (ages 18-69) of 56 Kč ($2.26). Mean WTP for the conservation of general crop diversity is 167 Kč ($6.80). On average, residents of South Moravia have a greater WTP for "general" crop as well as fruit tree conservation. In total, the Czech adult population (ages 18-69) has an aggregate WTP of ~1.25 billion Kč ($50.5 million) for the conservation of general crop diversity, and ~410 million Kč ($16.8 million) for the conservation of fruit trees, revealing the previously unmeasured social welfare benefits of these activities. The estimated benefits...

Is there a relationship between oil prices and house price inflation?

Magnusson, Amanda, Makdessi, Lina January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate further whether oil price has an effect on house price inflation and additionally if it has a link to house price turning points. The methodology is grounded on the previous research paper made by Breitenfellner et al. (2015). The results are based on quarterly data from the countries; Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden through the time span of 1990-2018. A linear fixed regression model was performed including the explanatory variables of monetary policy and credit developments, macroeconomic fundamentals, housing market variable and demographic variables. Secondly, a logit model was used to identify a relationship between oil price and house price turning points. The model used misalignment made from GDP per capita and real interest rate. The empirical analysis confirms that there is a positive relationship between oil prices and house price inflation. This evidence contradicts a major share of previous research papers (see Bernanke, 2010; Kaufmann et al., 2011). However, there are also some previous papers (see Yiqi, (2017); Antonakakis et al., 2016) and theoretical linkages in line with a positive correlation. Concerning, the oil price and house price inflation no empirical significance was found regarding their relationship. For future research, one could include regional aspects for the purpose of controlling for geographical differences.

Perfil das famílias tomadoras de crédito no Brasil: caracterização a partir de um modelo desenvolvido com microdados da POF 2008/09

Mendonça, Danilo Marques de 28 May 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Danilo Marques de Mendonca.pdf: 845535 bytes, checksum: 668ae8796a8ad81784166717cbbe69bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-28 / After the period of monetary stabilization started with the Real Plan in 1994 , the credit market has shown annual growth rates of 20 %. About 40 % of this growth came from the credit market for individuals . This paper analyzed the profile of the families who have credit expenses, and what changes in their characteristics can cause any effect in their propensity to take credit . For this purpose we applied binary logit choice model based on microdata from the Household Budget Survey (POF 2008 / 09 ) of the IBGE, in an attempt to measure the probability of the family take a loan. For this, we used categorical variables relating to the constitution of families, such as education level, sex, race and age of household head, and other information on the composition of household expenditures found in POF. The data suggest that the two most important factors to increase the likelihood of family borrowing is the age of the household head and income per capita. However other factors also contribute significantly, such as the existence of financial investment spending , expend with reform the household or even health spending, children's age, sex, race and education of household head / Após o período de estabilização monetária iniciado com o Plano Real em 1994, o mercado de crédito brasileiro vem apresentando taxas de crescimento anuais nominais acima de 20%. Cerca de 40% deste crescimento advêm do mercado de crédito direcionado às pessoas físicas. Neste trabalho é analisado o perfil das famílias que possuem despesas com crédito, e quais mudanças em suas características podem causar alterações em sua propensão a tomar crédito. Para tal objetivo foi aplicado o modelo de escolha binária logit à base dos microdados da Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiar (POF 2008/09) do IBGE, na tentativa de mensurar a probabilidade da família ser tomadora de crédito. Para tanto, são usadas variáveis categóricas referentes à constituição das famílias, como: grau de escolaridade, sexo, raça e idade do chefe da família, além de outras informações sobre a composição das despesas familiares encontradas na POF. Os dados sugerem que os fatores mais relevantes a aumentar a probabilidade da família tomar empréstimos são a idade do chefe da família e a renda per capita. No entanto outros fatores também contribuem significativamente, tais como a existência de gastos com aplicação financeira, gastos com reforma do domicílio ou mesmo com saúde emergencial, idade dos filhos, sexo, raça e educação do chefe da família

Impacto de medidas para estímulo ao uso da bicicleta em viagens ao trabalho : estudo de caso envolvendo funcionários da Companhia Riograndese de Saneamento

Peña Rodrigues, Fernando Schultz January 2017 (has links)
Diversos problemas de transporte, observados nas grandes metrópoles, têm sido mitigados com o aumento da capacidade da infraestrutura viária, voltada à circulação de veículos motorizados individuais. Com isso observa-se, atualmente, aumento dos congestionamentos, das poluições sonora e ambiental, mudanças climáticas e redução nos índices de atividade física da população. Uma alternativa encontrada por muitas cidades é a transformação de seu sistema viário em um local atrativo para utilização dos Modos Ativos de Transporte – realização de viagens a pé ou de bicicleta. Nesse sentido, a cidade de Porto Alegre desde 2010 vem aumentando a quantidade de ciclovias e ciclofaixas disponíveis. No entanto, a literatura indica que existem diversos outros fatores que influenciam na decisão por usar a bicicleta como modo de transporte, principalmente para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. Dessa forma, essa dissertação teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto que a implantação de vestiário, bicicletário, empréstimo de bicicletas, treinamento para trafegar de bicicleta e ciclovias disponíveis nas principais vias de Porto Alegre, causariam na probabilidade dos funcionários da Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) utilizarem a bicicleta para realizar pelo menos dois deslocamentos por semana entre a sua casa e o trabalho. Para isso foi realizada uma Pesquisa de Preferência Declarada, incluindo essas variáveis e características socioeconômicas dos funcionários. A análise das medidas foi realizada utilizando o Modelo Logit Ordenado. Foi observado que o impacto da implantação das melhorias propostas possui magnitude maior que as características socioeconômicas das pessoas. Pessoas que atualmente utilizam o automóvel particular para seus deslocamentos diários são menos propensos à inclusão da bicicleta nos seus deslocamentos, assim como as que possuem filhos. A disponibilidade de vestiário com chuveiro e armário mostrou-se a variável mais importante para o estímulo do uso da bicicleta. A presença de um bicicletário interno e seguro, disponibilidade de bicicletas para empréstimo no local de trabalho e a presença de ciclovias no trajeto também apresentaram impactos significativos. O impacto da disponibilidade de treinamento para o uso de bicicleta foi significativamente menor que os observados nas outras variáveis. Considerando a viabilidade econômica e os benefícios observados, recomenda-se a implantação de vestiário e bicicletário, como medida de estímulo ao uso da bicicleta para os deslocamentos até o trabalho. / Most metropolitan areas mitigate transportation problems by increasing road infrastructure for motorized vehicles. This practice results in an increase in traffic congestion, noise and environmental pollution and reduction in the population’s physical activity levels. Many cities have tackled these externalities by transforming their road system into an attractive environment for Active Transport Modes - walking or cycling. As an example, the city of Porto Alegre has invested in the expansion of its cycling network since 2010. According to the literature, cycling infrastructure is one of the main factors that influence the use of bicycle for transportation, especially to work. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of implementing different measures to improve the use of bicycle for commutes using as case study Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN). The evaluated measures included availability of changing rooms, cycle parking, bike sharing systems, training on bicycle use, and cycle paths. An Ordered Logit Model was estimated based onStated Preference data. The impact of the proposed measures has greater magnitude than employee’s socioeconomic characteristics. Individuals who currently use the private car for commute are less likely to use bicycles for those trips, as well as those with children. The availability of a changing room with shower and locker proved to be the most important variable to increase bicycle use among CORSAN employees. Cycle parking inside the building in a safe place, a bike sharing system and the presence of cycle paths along the way also had significant impacts. The impact of training availability for bicycle use was significantly lower, compared to other variables. This research also suggests that implementation of changing room and appropriate parking facilities for bicycles are affordable and important measures to promote the use of bicycle for commutes to work.

Ensaios em economia da saúde : o risco e o valor de uma vida estatística no caso dos acidentes de trânsito na cidade de Porto Alegre

Sousa, Tanara Rosângela Vieira January 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre o risco associado aos acidentes de trânsito, com o objetivo de avaliar como a população o percebe, e o valor que estaria disposta a pagar para reduzi-lo. As análises foram feitas com duas diferentes metodologias econométricas e dois diferentes conjuntos de dados da população de Porto Alegre. O primeiro estudo procurou avaliar que fatores de risco contribuem para aumentar a gravidade dos acidentes de trânsito, utilizando dados de acidentes de trânsito ocorridos na cidade de Porto Alegre no período 2000-2008, através de modelos logit ordenados generalizados. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das vítimas feridas em acidentes de trânsito são condutores jovens, do sexo masculino e que estavam em motocicletas ou cujo acidente foi um choque contra obstáculos. Contudo, as vítimas fatais têm maior probabilidade de morte são os pedestres, com mais de 60 anos de idade. Os acidentes com maior gravidade ocorrem em maior proporção a noite ou finais de semana, em locais mais afastados do centro da cidade, o que sugere comportamento associado à alta velocidade e uso de substâncias psicoativas como álcool. Para os demais estudos utilizaram-se dados de um survey feito com a população de Porto Alegre em 2009. O segundo estudo avalia como as características sócio-demográficas, a experiência no trânsito e a informação recebida, afetam a percepção do risco e o comportamento no trânsito. Os resultados indicam que os indivíduos que tem risco maior de morte no trânsito subestimam seu próprio risco e vice-versa; e que os mais jovens têm maior percepção deste risco, assim como os que tiveram experiência de acidente de trânsito ou passam mais tempo expostos a ele. O risco do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas associado ao trânsito, no entanto é percebido maior pelos idosos, mulheres, não bebedores ou quem não tem comportamento de risco, assim como pelos que têm mais informação do risco. Da mesma maneira, o comportamento de risco no trânsito associado ao consumo de álcool está negativamente relacionado a percepção deste risco e a idade. O terceiro estudo estimou a disposição a pagar ( ) dos entrevistados pela redução no seu próprio risco de sofrer lesões em um acidente de trânsito e o valor de uma vida estatística ( ), utilizando modelos lineares e não-lineares ajustados através de uma transformação Box-Cox. Os resultados indicam que a esta relacionada de forma decrescente com a idade e com a não utilização de dispositivos de segurança, mas aumenta com a renda, o tempo de exposição ao trânsito, a experiência com acidentes, para as mulheres e para os que têm dependentes. O valor médio eliciado da para reduzir a zero o risco das lesões mais graves, que resultam em morte, implicou em de cerca de R$ 13,4 milhões (US$7,3 milhões) - valor menor, porém comparável ao encontrado para países desenvolvidos e em estudo para o Brasil. / This thesis develops three studies on the risk associated with traffic accidents, in order to assess how people perceive it and the value they would be willing to pay to reduce it. The analysis was made with two different econometric methods and two different sets of data from Porto Alegre's population. The first study to assess at risk factors that contribute to increased severity of accidents, using data obtained from traffic accidents in the city of Porto Alegre between the years 2000 and 2008, and applying the generalized ordered logit. The results indicate that most of the victims injured in accidents are young drivers, males, motorcyclists and whose crash was a “collision with obstacles”. However, fatal victims have a different profile: they are pedestrians, over 60 years old. The most serious accidents occur in greater proportions at nights or weekends, at locations further away from the city center, which suggests behavior associated with high speed driving and the use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol. The other two studies used data from a survey done with the population of Porto Alegre in 2009. The second study evaluates how socio-demographic characteristics, traffic experience and the information received about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol, affect risk perception and behavior in the traffic. The results indicate that individuals who have greater risk of dying in traffic, underestimate their own risk and vice versa; and that young people as well as those who have been in an accident or those who spend a lot of time in traffic, have a greater perception of their risk. On the other hand, the risk of alcohol consumption associated with traffic, is perceived better by older people, women, non-drinkers, people without risky behavior, and those who are more aware of the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol. Similarly, risky behavior in traffic, related to alcohol consumption, is inversely proportional to perception of risk and to age. The third study estimated the respondents' willingness to pay ( ) for the reduction in their risk of suffering injuries in a traffic accident, as well as the value of a statistical life ( ), using linear and nonlinear models adjusted by the Box-Cox transformation. The results indicate that the decreases with age and with not using safety devices, but increases with income, exposure to traffic, and the accidents experience, for women and for those who have dependents. The average value elicited by to reduce to zero the risk of severe injuries that result in death, implied a of about R$13.4 million (US$ 7.3 million) - lower, but still a comparable value to that found in developed countries, and studied in Brazil.

Um modelo híbrido incorporando preferências declaradas e análise envoltória de dados aplicada ao transporte de cargas no Brasil

Ramos, Thiago Graça 27 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Secretaria Pós de Produção (tpp@vm.uff.br) on 2017-07-27T18:53:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 D2014 - Thiago Graça Ramos.pdf: 589803 bytes, checksum: d74ab5e26ec9908670c7d3320d45fe61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-27T18:53:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 D2014 - Thiago Graça Ramos.pdf: 589803 bytes, checksum: d74ab5e26ec9908670c7d3320d45fe61 (MD5) / Esse estudo visa construir um modelo para identificar a forma ideal de transporte de carga no Brasil, para pequenas e médias empresas que contratam este tipo de serviço. O trabalho utilizou as técnicas DEA, preferência declarada e logito ordinal para avaliar as pequenas e médias empresas que contratam transporte de carga no Brasil, verificando os aspectos importantes para a tomada de decisão na contratação deste serviço. Inicialmente, aplicou-se a ferramenta DEA para classificar as eficiências em alta, média e baixa, utilizandose o resultado de tal classificação como a variável dependente do modelo logito ordinal. As variáveis independentes deste modelo foram as utilidades oriundas da preferência declarada e do modelo de MaxDiff, que avaliou características não pertencentes ao modelo de preferência declarada. A análise dos dados indicou que a migração do modo rodoviário para o ferroviário seria melhor para as empresas, já que o primeiro acaba sendo utilizado pela falta de opção pelo segundo. Outro importante resultado do estudo foi a indicação de que as empresas com produtos de maior valor agregado são mais eficientes. Por fim, o modelo indicou que o modo de operação a ser buscado pelas empresas de transporte de carga deve incluir segurança e rapidez na entrega, propiciando facilidade de acesso ao consumidor. / This paper aims to identify efficient businesses in daily freight transport and to evaluate the main aspects to picking and hiring a cargo transportation service. To make this evaluation, some techniques will be used, such as Data Envelopment Analysis, ordinal logit and revealed preference. By using the DEA technique, the efficiency will be ranked between high, medium and low, and this ranking will be the dependent variable of the ordinal logit model, and the independent variables of this model are derived from the utilities from the revealed preference model and the maxdiff model that evaluated some features that were not declared on the preference model. Data analysis indicated that the migration from road to rail would be better for companies since the first ends up being used by a lack of options for the second. Another important result was the indication that firms with higher value-added products are more efficient. Finally, the model indicated that the mode of operation being sought by cargo shipping companies should include safety and speed in delivery, providing easy access to the consumer.

Inférence statistique dans des modèles de comptage à inflation de zéro. Applications en économie de la santé / Statistical inference in zero-inflated counts models. Applications in economics of health

Diallo, Alpha Oumar 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les modèles de régressions à inflation de zéros constituent un outil très puissant pour l’analyse de données de comptage avec excès de zéros, émanant de divers domaines tels que l’épidémiologie, l’économie de la santé ou encore l’écologie. Cependant, l’étude théorique dans ces modèles attire encore peu d’attention. Ce manuscrit s’intéresse au problème de l’inférence dans des modèles de comptage à inflation de zéro.Dans un premier temps, nous revenons sur la question de l’estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance dans le modèle binomial à inflation de zéro. D’abord nous montrons l’existence de l’estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance des paramètres dans ce modèle. Ensuite, nous démontrons la consistance de cet estimateur, et nous établissons sa normalité asymptotique. Puis, une étude de simulation exhaustive sur des tailles finies d’échantillons est menée pour évaluer la cohérence de nos résultats. Et pour finir, une application sur des données réelles d’économie de la santé a été conduite.Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons un nouveau modèle statistique d’analyse de la consommation de soins médicaux. Ce modèle permet, entre autres, d’identifier les causes du non-recours aux soins médicaux. Nous avons étudié rigoureusement les propriétés mathématiques du modèle. Ensuite nous avons mené une étude numérique approfondie à l’aide de simulations informatiques et enfin, nous l’avons appliqué à l’analyse d’une base de données recensant la consommation de soins de plusieurs milliers de patients aux USA.Un dernier aspect de ces travaux de thèse a été de s’intéresser au problème de l’inférence dans le modèle binomial à inflation de zéro dans un contexte de données manquantes sur les covariables. Dans ce cas nous proposons la méthode de pondération par l’inverse des probabilités de sélection pour estimer les paramètres du modèle. Ensuite, nous établissons la consistance et la normalité asymptotique de l’estimateur proposé. Enfin, une étude de simulation sur plusieurs échantillons de tailles finies est conduite pour évaluer le comportement de l’estimateur. / The zero-inflated regression models are a very powerful tool for the analysis of counting data with excess zeros from various areas such as epidemiology, health economics or ecology. However, the theoretical study in these models attracts little attention. This manuscript is interested in the problem of inference in zero-inflated count models.At first, we return to the question of the maximum likelihood estimator in the zero-inflated binomial model. First we show the existence of the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters in this model. Then, we demonstrate the consistency of this estimator, and let us establish its asymptotic normality. Then, a comprehensive simulation study finite sample sizes are conducted to evaluate the consistency of our results. Finally, an application on real health economics data has been conduct.In a second time, we propose a new statistical analysis model of the consumption of medical care. This model allows, among other things, to identify the causes of the non-use of medical care. We have studied rigorously the mathematical properties of the model. Then, we carried out an exhaustive numerical study using computer simulations and finally applied to the analysis of a database on health care several thousand patients in the USA.A final aspect of this work was to focus on the problem of inference in the zero inflation binomial model in the context of missing covariate data. In this case we propose the weighting method by the inverse of the selection probabilities to estimate the parameters of the model. Then, we establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator offers. Finally, a simulation study on several samples of finite sizes is conducted to evaluate the behavior of the estimator.

Vitamin D Status and Demographic and Lifestyle Determinants Among Adults in the United States (NHANES 2001-2006)

Cao, Yan, Callahan, Katie L., Veeranki, Sreenivas P., Chen, Yang, Liu, Ying, Zheng, Shimin 10 June 2014 (has links)
This study looked at risk factors associated with vitamin D levels in the body among a representative sample of adults in the U.S., NHANES III (2001-2006) data were used to assess the relationship between several demographic and health risk factors and vitamin D levels in the body. The Baseline-Category Logit Model was used to test the association between vitamin D level and the potential risk factors age, education, ethnicity, poverty status, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, obesity, diabetes and total cholesterol with both genders. Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency were significantly associated with age, race, education, physical activity, obesity, diabetes and total cholesterol level for both genders. Almost half of the adults sampled in these data had vitamin D levels lower than the recommended limits, with the highest frequency among the younger groups. Determining an individual’s vitamin D level is very difficult without proper clinical testing. Many of those who have low vitamin D levels are unaware. With such a high prevalence of individuals with low vitamin D levels in the U.S. and a better understanding of characteristics associated with these lower levels, increased education and prevention efforts should be focused toward those with higher risk characteristics.


李信佩 Unknown Date (has links)
由於傳統國人的觀念「安土重遷、購屋保值」,使得一般人都想要擁有自己的房屋,然而房價居高不下,國人大多需仰賴長時間之儲蓄,始有購屋之能力,使得許多人一屋難求,因此,本研究利用79年台北市家戶及住宅普查調查資料,探討家戶住宅租購選擇之影響因素,並瞭解選擇租屋或購屋之對象及其選擇行為,進而估計各類型家戶選擇租屋或購屋之機率。 本研究採用巢式多項羅吉特(Logit)模型分析家戶之住宅租購選擇,及各類型家戶之租購選擇機率,並估計出自有房屋市場與租賃房屋市場間有很高的替代性存在,若忽略租購選擇,則所估計到之住宅需求將會造成誤差,因此,為避免產生錯誤的結果,不應將自有房屋市場與租賃房屋市場分開來討論。 在影響家戶住宅租購選擇之因素方面,所得、住宅價格.利率、家庭因素、預期因素、心理因素等其他因素,皆會影響家戶之選擇行為,而本研究僅就家戶組成來探討住宅之租購選擇。此外,在住宅租購選擇之機率方面,各類型家戶選擇自有房屋之機率均相當高,凸顯台北市高住宅自有率之現象,此種現象正反映傳統國人購屋保值的觀念,房價在高漲的情況下,許多人仍將購屋視為理想目標。

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