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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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CECILIA REZENDE DA SILVA CUNHA 25 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] O luto vivenciado a partir de uma perda gestacional ou neonatal apresenta características e reações semelhantes a outros tipos de luto, entretanto, muitas vezes é não-reconhecido (Doka, 1989). Espera-se que a chegada de um novo bebê seja capaz de resolver o luto. O vínculo entre cuidador primário e a criança é fundamental para a sobrevivência física e emocional e, por isso, essa relação inicial é tão importante para o desenvolvimento de todos os indivíduos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar as repercussões da perda gestacional ou neonatal prévia no processo de construção do vínculo da mãe com o bebê que nasce durante o processo de luto. O estudo de cunho qualitativo entrevistou 17 mulheres que tiveram ao menos uma perda gestacional ou neonatal e tiveram um novo bebê após a perda. Os resultados demonstraram a necessidade das mães explicarem detalhadamente a experiência de perda, em uma possível busca de construção de sentido. A tristeza e a culpa foram identificadas como principais reações frente ao luto que foi vivenciado de maneira silenciosa. A maioria das mães referiu medo relacionado à gravidez subsequente e à vinculação com o bebê durante o período gestacional. O contato corporal foi o principal sistema parental identificado nas interações. O trabalho concluiu que apesar de serem comuns e frequentes e, muitas vezes não- reconhecidas, perdas perinatais são vividas de maneira singular, repercutem nas interações e não são resolvidas com o nascimento de um novo bebê. Acredita-se que esse estudo possa contribuir para a legitimação e o reconhecimento do luto por perda gestacional e neonatal e para a maior atenção às interações iniciais nesse contexto. / [en] The grief experienced after a miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal loss presents characteristics and reactions similar to other types of bereavement although it is often unrecognized (Doka, 1989). It is expected that the arrival of a new baby should be able to resolve the grief. The bond between the primary caregiver and the child is fundamental for physical and emotional survival and that is why this initial relationship is so important for the development of all individuals. The objective of this research was to investigate the repercussions of a previous perinatal loss in the process of building the mother s bond with the baby born during the grieving process. The qualitative study interviewed 17 women who had at least one perinatal loss and had a new baby after such loss. The results demonstrated the need for mothers to explain the loss experience in detail, possibly searching for the meaning reconstruction. Sadness and guilt were identified as the main reactions to the grief, which was experienced silently. Most mothers reported fear related to the subsequent pregnancy and to bonding with the baby during the gestational period. Body contact was the main parental system identified in the interactions. The study concluded that, although common and frequent and, many times, unrecognized, perinatal losses are experienced in a unique way, impact on interactions, and are not necessarily resolved with the birth of a new baby. We believe that this study may contribute to the legitimacy and recognition of mourning from perinatal loss and to greater attention to the initial interactions in this context.

L'écriture du deuil dans l'œuvre poétique et diaristique de Simone Routier

Achille-Sautrelle, Elise 01 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire a pour but premier de réinscrire Simone Routier, écrivaine québécoise oubliée, dans l’histoire littéraire québécoise. Pour ce faire, cette étude s’appuiera sur les documents du fonds d’archives Simone-Routier conservé à Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec : ils serviront à rendre compte des moments marquants de la vie et de la carrière d’écrivaine de Simone Routier. Il a comme deuxième objectif d’analyser l’écriture du deuil dans une œuvre diaristique, Adieu, Paris ! : journal d’une évacuée canadienne (10 mai–31 août 1940), et dans une œuvre poétique, Le long voyage, de l’écrivaine. Publiés à sept années d’intervalle, les deux textes rapportent le deuil que l’écrivaine fait de Paris, ville qu’elle a dû fuir durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et de son fiancé parisien, mort durant la guerre. L’œuvre diaristique est parcourue de deux récits de deuil : le récit de deuil intime, celui de Simone Routier, la fiancée endeuillée, et le récit de deuil collectif, celui des Canadiens français ayant dû fuir Paris. Ces deux récits, qui s’apparentent à des « lieux de mémoire », convoquent pour l’un la mémoire personnelle et, pour l’autre, la mémoire collective. Étant donné que la version finale du journal intime est constituée à partir de versions antérieures, cette étude s’interrogera également sur la fiabilité de la mémoire dans la transmission de récits historiques. L’œuvre poétique, pour sa part, reconduit le récit de deuil intime, celui du fiancé parisien, mais sublime l’amour que la poète ressent pour le fiancé dans son amour pour Dieu. Les poèmes traduisent ainsi le tiraillement que la poète ressent entre la figure du fiancé et la figure divine : la poète, sept ans après la mort du fiancé, continue à ressasser la mort de ce dernier. Cette recherche, par conséquent, tente de faire ressortir les particularités de l’écriture du deuil en lien avec la mémoire dans le journal intime et en lien avec le ressassement dans le recueil de poèmes. / This master’s thesis first aims at reinstituting Simone Routier, a forgotten French-Canadian female author, in Quebec’s literary history. In order to do so, this study will be based on the documents from the Simone-Routier archive collection of the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec: the documents will serve to present the highlights of Simone Routier’s personal life and writing career. Its second goal is to analyze the theme of mourning in a personal diary, Adieu, Paris ! : journal d’une évacuée canadienne (10 mai–31 août 1940), and in a poetry book, Le long voyage, of the writer. The works were published seven years apart and they establish the author’s mourning for Paris, the city she had to flee during World War II, and for her Parisian fiancé, who died during the War. In the personal diary, there are two mourning narratives: the intimate one, that of Simone Routier, the bereaved fiancée, and the collective one, that of the French Canadians who had to flee the war. These two narratives, which can be referred as “lieux de mémoire”, convene the personal memory for the former and the collective memory for the latter. Since the final version of the personal diary is the result of preliminary versions, this study will also examine the reliability of memory in the transmission of historical accounts. The author, in the collection of poems, writes about the intimate mourning narrative, the fiancé’s one, but also sublimates the love that she feels for the fiancé in her love for God. The poems thus illustrate the seesaw relationship between the fiancé and God: seven years after his death, the fiancé still turns over in Routier’s mind. This research project, therefore, seeks to bring out the main characteristics of the theme of mourning regarding memory in the personal diary and regarding the notion of rehashing in the collection of poems.

May Day and Melancholia: A Study of Loss, Memorialization and Commemoration by Observing the Aftermath of the May 4 Shootings at Kent State University

Burkey, Adam 30 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.


RAFAELA COSTA BRAGA 03 August 2018 (has links)
[pt] Apesar da filosofia paliativista defender o direito do doente de escolher o local do óbito, existe uma valorização do óbito em domicílio e uma política de desospitalização nas unidades de saúde com o objetivo de otimizar recursos, diminuir os riscos de infecção hospitalar e favorecer o bem-estar do paciente. Entretanto, óbito no domicílio não é por si só indicativo de qualidade da assistência prestada. Torna-se importante saber como ocorreu o processo de morrer. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a experiência de acompanhamento do processo de morte no domicílio para o cuidador familiar principal de paciente oncológico adulto em cuidados paliativos. Para tal, discutiu-se sobre as seguintes temáticas: a relação do ser humano com a morte e o morrer a partir de referenciais sócio antropológicos, os estudos contemporâneos sobre o luto e as especificidades dos cuidados ao fim de vida no domicílio. Utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, submetendo o material discursivo das entrevistas a uma análise de conteúdo. Conclusão: Constatou-se que a abordagem quanto às decisões de fim de vida costuma ser tardia e prevalece a falta de diálogo sobre o assunto entre o paciente e a família. Portanto, as escolhas são majoritariamente da família. Sobrecarga, bem como dificuldades durante a alimentação e os curativos foram alguns dos desafios enfrentados pelos cuidadores familiares principais. A experiência foi avaliada de forma positiva pela maioria dos entrevistados, havendo valorização do suporte da equipe de assistência domiciliar e da oportunidade de usufruir do convívio familiar. Contudo, para alguns o domicílio permaneceu impregnado de lembranças do período de adoecimento e do momento da morte. / [en] Although the palliative philosophy defends the patient s right to choose the place of death, there is a valuation of death at home and a policy of dehospitalization in the health units with the objective of optimizing resources, reducing the risks of hospital infection and favoring the well-being of the patient. However, death at home is not in itself indicative of the quality of care provided. It becomes important to know how the dying process occurred. The objective of this study was to investigate the experience of monitoring the death process at home for the main family caregiver of an adult oncologic patient in palliative care. For that, the following themes were discussed: the relation of the human being with death and dying from socio-anthropological references, the contemporary studies on grief and the specifics of end-of-life care at home. The qualitative research methodology was used, subjecting the discursive material of the interviews to a content analysis. Conclusion: It was found that the approach to end-of-life decisions is usually late and there is a lack of dialogue on the subject between the patient and the family. Burden, as well as difficulties during feeding and dressing were some of the challenges faced by leading family caregivers. The experience was evaluated in a positive way by most of the interviewees, valuing the support of the home care team and the opportunity to enjoy family life. However, for some the household remained impregnated with memories of the period of illness and the time of death.

Psychological significance of shaving hair as a ritual during mourning within the Ndebele culture

Tshoba, Zanele Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The study examined and explored the psychological significance of shaving hair as a ritual during mourning within the Ndebele culture in Mamelodi, Pretoria. The focus was on rituals performed or conducted during the mourning process that will be useful in an attempt to reach a state of healing and restoration. The study explored what meaning the participants attach to the rituals. Through this exploration; a deeper understanding of the value of rituals was developed. The qualitative research method, particularly Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used. Snowball sampling was used to identify participants who had lost their loved and who had gone through mourning for more than six months. In total, ten participants were interviewed for this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the mother tongue of the participants in order to allow them to express themselves in the most ultimate way they know and understand. Thematic content analysis was used to extract themes that were dominant across participants. The study was useful as it could be incorporated into the study of psychology specifically from the African epistemological standpoint. Even though the rituals might be practiced amongst the black African community, there is not much literature that focuses mainly on the specific rituals and their significance. This study could also be useful in terms of exposing this knowledge to persons who might not be exposed to this specific ritual of shaving hair due to cultural differences. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Psychological significance of shaving hair as a ritual during mourning within the Ndebele culture

Tshoba, Zanele Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The study examined and explored the psychological significance of shaving hair as a ritual during mourning within the Ndebele culture in Mamelodi, Pretoria. The focus was on rituals performed or conducted during the mourning process that will be useful in an attempt to reach a state of healing and restoration. The study explored what meaning the participants attach to the rituals. Through this exploration; a deeper understanding of the value of rituals was developed. The qualitative research method, particularly Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used. Snowball sampling was used to identify participants who had lost their loved and who had gone through mourning for more than six months. In total, ten participants were interviewed for this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the mother tongue of the participants in order to allow them to express themselves in the most ultimate way they know and understand. Thematic content analysis was used to extract themes that were dominant across participants. The study was useful as it could be incorporated into the study of psychology specifically from the African epistemological standpoint. Even though the rituals might be practiced amongst the black African community, there is not much literature that focuses mainly on the specific rituals and their significance. This study could also be useful in terms of exposing this knowledge to persons who might not be exposed to this specific ritual of shaving hair due to cultural differences. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

Baring the breast in Homer and Attic tragedy : death, dunning and display

Martin, Catherine Ellen 12 1900 (has links)
Breast-baring occurs in fifth century Attic tragedy in a variety of situations, but almost always within a mournful context. Many connotations of the naked breast—vulnerability, womanhood, motherhood, and voluntary humiliation—can be evoked. Breast-baring can be a precursor of the death of the woman who exposes herself or of the death of the person to whom she makes the gesture. The most commonly represented context is the supplication of a son by a mother, a topos which finds its origin in Hecuba’s supplication of Hector (Il. 22.79-89). As a consistent failure, breast-baring during supplication reinforces the idea, commonly held in the society of the time, that female power is inferior to male power. The motivations for the gesture will be examined both within the respective literary contexts and within the society of the period. / Classics and World Languages / MA (Classical Studies)

Philistine burial practices in cultural context

Fugitt, Stephen Mark 30 November 2003 (has links)
This paper traces burials from Iron Age I Canaan that reflect an influence of Philistine culture. This influence can be measured by the presence of Philistine bichrome pottery or other evidence related to this ancient biblical people. A major road block to the clearest possible understanding of Philistine burials is that no cemeteries have been found at any of the earliest settlements of the biblical Philistines, the Pentapolis. The Old Testament lists these cities as Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath, and Gaza (e.g. Joshua 13:3). Though extensive excavation has been conducted at most of these sites, they have yet to yield a necropolis. Excavations are still being done at Tell es-Safi/Gath and Ashkelon, so hopefully the future will supply researchers with data to help clarify this rather vague area of Philistine studies. Recognizing these limitations, the paper presents a "symbiotic model," which identifies some of the areas of shared culture from the Canaanite context. Examples of this symbiosis are seen as the amalgamated result of people groups living in close proximity to each other and influencing the customs and practices of their neighbors. A Mycenaean origin of the Philistines is an underlying supposition of the research laid out in this paper. Because of this origin, and the other influences upon the early Philistine settlers in Canaan, a certain amount of cultural comparison becomes necessary to be able to understand the developing Philistine culture of Iron I. The paper includes a map of tombs and burials bearing Philistine influence and a map identifying different types of tombs and their locations. The variety of tomb types is an important facet of Philistine custom. The strong Egyptian influence upon Canaan and the surrounding area at that time in history is inescapable. Evidence of this influence will be explored. The inclusion of a chapter on the anthropoid clay coffins, and the Philistines' relationship to them, struggles with the scholarly interpretations. Finally, a chapter on literary implications strives to shed light on possible Philistine burial practices from the perspective of the Old Testament and other applicable literatures of the ancient Near East. / Old Testament / D. Th.

A social constructionist understanding of mourning : Indian widows' experiences

Bhana, Jyoti 30 November 2007 (has links)
Death is one of the few certainties in life. It comes to all of us, but the way in which we deal with it will vary according to a range of social and cultural factors. Based on my mother's experiences since being widowed, this dissertation has undertaken a qualitative research method to examine how Hindu widows express their mourning in their context, thereby defining their experiences of widowhood. The aim of this dissertation is to give voice to the mourning experiences of Hindu widows. By examining these constructions of mourning experiences, one is able to gain an understanding of grief from a cultural perspective, which may serve as a guide for professional counsellors and academics in their endeavours to provide much needed support and understanding for bereaved Hindu women. The epistemological framework is social constructionism. In this study five Hindu widows were interviewed with the intention of providing readers and fellow researchers with insight into their narratives, and the data was hermeneutically analysed. The participants' stories were interpreted and categorised into themes. This study allowed for elaborate and detailed descriptions about Hindu widows' experiences to surface, with the view that this study will broaden the way Hindu widowhood is thought of. Analyses reveals that within patriarchal society, Hindu widows appear inadequately prepared for their widowhood. As a result they experience financial, emotional and psychological difficulties, which make adjusting to widowhood a challenge. The perspective this study hopes to argue for is broader, inclusive, collaborative engagement and thinking in respect of Indian widowhood / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Making meaning in anticipatory mourning : reflections by caregiving spouses of cancer patients

Esterhuizen, Estelle Leonie 11 1900 (has links)
This insider research journey explores the meaning-making processes of female spousal caregivers in anticipatory mourning and the knowledges which they have gained in retrospect. The research traces the social constructions of meaning and how they influence the process of meaning-making. A phenomenological study was undertaken in which unstructured interviews were conducted with five bereaved participants, highlighting the unique way in which each woman made meaning of loss in anticipatory mourning. The main phenomenological themes to emerge from their meaning-making were: a) the significance of time; b) challenges and gifts; c) witnessing the decline; d) paradoxes; e) the significance of the spousal relationship; and f) spirituality. The therapeutic effect of telling the life story is explored in this study and the need for contextual pastoral care that is specific to the state of anticipatory mourning is highlighted. Finally, possibilities for co-constructive pastoral care are raised in the light of the research findings. / Practical Theology / M. Th. ( Practical Theology, with Specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

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