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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guantánamo: The Amen Temple of Empire

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Guantánamo: The Amen Temple of Empire connects the fetishization of the trauma of nine/eleven with the co-constitution of subjects at Guantánamo—that of the contained Muslim terrorist prisoner silhouetted against the ideal nationalistic military body—circulated as ‘afterimages’ that carry ideological narratives about U.S. Empire. These narratives in turn religiously and racially charge the new normative practices of the security state and its historically haunted symbolic order. As individuals with complex subjectivities, the prisoners and guards are, of course, not reducible to the standardizing imprimatur of the state or its narratives. Despite the circulation of these ‘afterimages’ as fixed currency, the prisoners and guards produce their own metanarratives, through their para-ethnographic accounts of containment and of self. From within the panopticon of the prison, they seek sight lines, and gaze back at the state. This dissertation is thus a meditation on US militarism, violence, torture, race, and carceral practices, revealed thematically through metaphors of hungry ghosts, nature, journey and death, liminality, time, space, community, and salvage. Based on a multi-sited, empirical and imaginary ethnography, as well as textual and discourse analysis, I draw on the writing and testimony of prisoners, and military and intelligence personnel, whom I consider insightful para-ethnographers of the haunting valence of this fetishized historical event. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Religious Studies 2018

Ensaios sobre o morrer : como escrever sobre algo que não se fala?

Isoppo, Rodrigo Schames January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado põe em questão o morrer, verbo tão elástico que confunde-se com a própria vida. Partindo do pressuposto que o morrer é um processo que cabe aos vivos e, por isso, é atravessado pelas relações do sujeito com a verdade, o seguinte trabalho pretende analisar, a partir do instante presente, como a sociedade moderna ocidental se organizou para dar conta dos infinitos mistérios que a morte desperta nos indivíduos em paralelo com o projeto de governo do Estado de gestão e controle da população, a partir das práticas biopolíticas e da legitimidade do saber médico que prescreve o que é uma vida, quais são os valores que a determinam e sob que códigos e condutas os seres devem se submeter para serem considerados existentes. Aliado ao filósofo Michel Foucault e Giorgio Agamben, propõe-se um percurso sinuoso da emergência do racismo biológico e do racismo de Estado para refletir sobre os grandes genocídios do século XX, sob a perspectiva de uma Tanatopolítica. Através do recurso do ensaio, este trabalho provocará a pergunta: como escrever sobre algo que não se fala O ensaio, mais do que um método, é um artesania capaz de costurar o tempo e a história em busca do passado de nossas verdades presentes e um convite ao leitor a um livre flanar pelos rastros de um conhecimento subsumido das cátedras acadêmicas, mas que clama por sua palavra e seu sepultamento. Ensaiar é permitir, também, que a ficção, a poesia e a literatura entrem pela porta da frente na obstinação do saber. Se a ciência moderna carece de evidências acerca do morrer e seus processos, o ensaio responde, sem ferir os mistérios do mundo, com mais questões que permitem criar outras realidades, fora das instituídas. Junto com Walter Benjamin, Jorge Larrosa, Peter Pal Pelbart e outros filósofos, a dissertação problematiza a distância entre a pesquisa e a militância, flertando com o saber morrer e apostando no luto enquanto luta, ensaiando outras maneiras de dar sentido a ausência com a inventividade política dos movimentos de ocupação atuais para fazer frente ao projeto biopolítico. / This master's dissertation questions dying: a verb so elastic that it is confused with life itself. Based on the assumption that dying is a process that belongs to the living and is therefore crossed by the subject's relations with the truth, the following work intends to analyze, from the present moment, how modern Western society organized itself to address the infinite mysteries that death awakens in the individuals in parallel with the state governor's project of management and control of the population, from the biopolitical practices and the legitimacy of the medical knowledge that prescribes what a life is, what the values that determine it are and under what codes and behaviors living beings must undergo to be considered existing. Allied with the philosophers Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, it is proposed a sinuous route of the emergence of the biological racism and the racism of State to reflect on the great genocides of century XX, from the perspective of Tanatopolitics. This work will provoke the question in the form of an essay: how do we write about something that is not spoken The essay, more than a method, is a craft capable of sewing time and history in search of the past of our present truths and an invitation to the reader to a free walk through the traces of a subsumed knowledge of academic chairs, but that claims by its word and its burial. Essaying is to allow, also, that fiction, poetry, and literature enter the front door in the obstinacy of knowledge. If modern science lacks evidence about dying and its processes, this essay responds, without hurting the mysteries of the world, with more questions that enable us to create other realities, other than those instituted. Along with Walter Benjamin, Jorge Larrosa, Peter Pal Pelbart, and other philosophers, this dissertation problematizes the distance between research and militancy, flirting with the acceptance of dying, and betting on mourning while fighting, essaying other ways to make sense of absence with the political inventiveness of the current occupation movements facing the biopolitical project.

Perda e luto na equipe de enfermagem do centro cirúrgico de urgência e emergência / Loss and mourning in the nursing team at the emergency surgery center.

Adriana Gonçalves Bosco 20 August 2008 (has links)
A morte é um tema que sempre despertou a curiosidade do homem. O advento da tecnologia, acompanhado da modernização das técnicas médicas, possibilitam a cura de inúmeras doenças. A vida moderna assumiu uma característica importante: o medo que o homem passou a ter da morte. A morte saiu das casas e do convívio familiar e instalou-se nos hospitais, passando a ser vivenciada por pessoas que ali desenvolvem seu trabalho. São os profissionais de saúde que, atualmente, sofrem o impacto da perda e têm de lidar com todos os sentimentos oriundos da morte. O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer o significado da morte dos pacientes, para os profissionais de enfermagem do Centro Cirúrgico de Urgência e Emergência do HCFMRP. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio do método clínico-qualitativo. Os participantes da pesquisa foram os auxiliares, técnicos de enfermagem e enfermeiros do centro cirúrgico em questão. Os dados foram coletados mediante a realização de entrevista semidirigida e organizados em quatro temas: morte infantil, racionalização da morte, envolvimento emocional e apoio aos profissionais de saúde. A equipe de enfermagem demonstrou uma capacidade emocional prejudicada para elaborar as perdas vivenciadas em seu cotidiano de trabalho, principalmente quando a morte envolve crianças e jovens. Tem-se enraizado o conceito de que somente na cura existe a gratificação de seu trabalho, enxergando na morte, frustração e fracasso profissional, o que lhes acarreta uma carga emocional negativa e sofrimento psíquico, colocando-os sob o risco de desenvolverem a síndrome de Bournout e inviabilizando o estabelecimento de vínculos afetivos na relação profissional e também pessoal. Evidenciamse a necessidade da inclusão de disciplinas voltadas para o tema da morte, nos currículos de formação desses profissionais, e o apoio das instituições para promoverem situações que auxiliem o profissional na elaboração do processo de luto, como os chamados Grupos Balint e Grupos de Reflexão. / Death is a theme that has always aroused man\'s curiosity. The arrival of technology, accompanied by the modernization of medical techniques, permits a cure for countless diseases. Modern life has acquired an important characteristic: the fear man has caught of death. Death has left the homes and family sphere and entered the hospitals, being experienced by the people who work there. These are health professionals, who now suffer the impact of loss and have to deal with all feelings originating in death. This study aims to get to know the meaning of patients\' death for nursing professionals at the Emergency Surgery Center of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas, Brazil. The research was developed through the clinical-qualitative method. Research participants were nursing auxiliaries and technicians and nurses from the surgery center under study. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview and organized in four themes: children\'s death, rationalization of death, emotional involvement and support to health professionals. The nursing team demonstrated impaired emotional ability to elaborate the losses experienced in their daily work, mainly when death involves children and young people. There is an established concept that the gratification for their work only exists in cure, seeing death as frustration and professional failure. This charges them with a negative emotional burden and mental suffering, exposes them to the risk of developing the burnout syndrome and makes it impossible for them establish affective bonds in their professional and also personal relationship. The need is evidenced to include subjects on death into the training curricula of these professionals. Institutional support is needed to promote situations that help professionals to elaborate the mourning process, such as the so-called Balint and Reflection Groups.

O adolescente vivenciando o luto pela morte de um dos genitores: repercussões na esfera escolar / Teenagers experience on mourning due to the death of a parent: repercussions at school

Marina Candiani Meles 30 October 2014 (has links)
A morte e o luto na atualidade são grandes tabus, sendo esse assunto evitado e muitas vezes ignorado. Em uma sociedade voltada para o prazer, a dor de vivenciar uma perda pode ser mais difícil de ser elaborada. A adolescência é uma fase da vida caracterizada por intensas mudanças físicas e psíquicas, exigindo do adolescente uma profunda reorganização. A vivência de uma morte real e significativa pode acarretar nele sentimentos mais exacerbados, exatamente por estar passando por esta fase do desenvolvimento cercada de instabilidade. O ambiente escolar, por ser um local de aprendizado e relacionamentos entre os pares, é de grande importância para a socialização desses adolescentes. Esta pesquisa qualitativa objetivou compreender a vivência do adolescente enlutado em consequência da morte de um dos pais e as repercussões desse luto no ambiente escolar. Trata-se de um estudo clínico- qualitativo, que busca a descrição e compreensão dos fenômenos humanos através dos sentidos e significados. Foram realizadas três entrevistas abertas com alunos de escolas públicas de Ribeirão Preto, todas foram audiogravadas e transcritas na íntegra. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à analise de conteúdo, de acordo com o métodos clínico- qualitativo. Após a realização das leituras flutuantes e análise do material, observou-se que a morte de um dos pais na adolescência impactou os jovens de diversas maneiras. Acompanhar o declínio da saúde dos pais, o processo da morte e todas as consequências dentro da família foram aspectos definidos como desestruturantes, levando a pedidos a Deus pela recuperação da saúde do pai/mãe enfermo. O momento da notícia do falecimento, as mudanças na rotina e nos hábitos, a reorganização familiar foram apontados como aspectos intensos do processo de luto. As formas encontradas de lidar com a perda estiveram relacionadas a vínculos ressignificados com os familiares, levando os adolescentes a manterem-se nos propósitos prometidos aos falecidos. As repercussões na escola envolveram falta de concentração, assiduidade prejudicada, comportamento agressivo e lembranças do falecido na sala de aula. Em relação aos professores e funcionários da escola, percebe-se que os aspectos práticos, como abonar faltas e rever notas foram evidentes e importantes. Porém, não foi percebido acolhimento emocional dos jovens, sendo este apoio dado muitas vezes pelos colegas de sala. O luto é vivido de maneira singular e única, porém a fase do desenvolvimento e o grau de vinculação indicam que o luto do adolescente por morte de um dos genitores pode ser mais difícil de se elaborar. A escola necessita trabalhar com o aluno de maneira integral, para que os adolescentes enlutados possam sentir-se acolhidos e/ou encaminhados para serviços especializados em casos mais graves. A implementação da \"Educação para a Morte\" pode auxiliar tanto os adolescentes quanto os profissionais da educação para lidar de maneira mais saudável com a morte e o luto / Death and mourning are huge taboos nowadays - issues which are avoided and many times despised. In a society that enhances satisfaction, the pain of experiencing such loss may be harder to figure out. Adolescence is a time in life featured by huge physique and psychological changes, requiring from the teenager a profound reordering of things. Experiencing a real and significant death may lead to more exacerbated feelings in the teenager, just because he or she is going through this phase of development surrounded by instability. This schooling realm is very important for teens\' social interaction: a place where he or she learns and interacts in pairs. This qualitative research aims at understanding the experience of mourning teens due to the death of a parent and its outcomes in the schooling realm. This study is both clinics and qualitative, aiming at the description and apprehension of human phenomena through senses and meanings. Three open interviews with public school students in Ribeirão Preto were accomplished, recorded in audio and written down in full. Data were collected and presented to be analyzed as for their contents, according to methods both clinical and quantitative. After the processes of reading and analyzing the material, it was observed that the passing away of a parent during the period of adolescence caused several different impacts on youths. Seeing the parent\'s health going down, the process of death and all its consequences inside the family were aspects known as \'destructive to the structure\' of the teen, leading to requests to God for the health recovery of the ill parent. The time of death, the changes in habits and routines and the family reorganization were seen as intense aspects of the mourning process. The ways found to deal with such loss were related to a rearranged link in family bonds, leading the adolescents to keep those purposes formerly promised to the deceased one. Facts in the school environment involve lack of concentration, unbalanced presence, aggressive behavior and frequent remembrances of the deceased one in the classroom. As far as the school teachers and staff are concerned, we notice that the practical aspect is to \'forget\' absences and reevaluate the pupil\'s grades; such practices are both evident and important. However, it was not noticed any emotional receptivity towards the youth among the above mentioned groups; such support seems to be granted by the pupil\'s classmates. The mourning is lived out in a unique way; however, the phase of development and the bonding degree show that a teen\'s mourning due to the death of a parent can be harder to work out. It is necessary for the school to deal thoroughly with the pupil, so that the suffering adolescent may be able to feel welcomed and/or addressed to specialized services in more severe cases. The implementation of the \"Education for Death\" can aid both teens and teaching professionals to deal with death and mourning in a healthier way

O que \"dizem\" os filmes sobre a morte? - ensaios de análise fílmica / What do films tell us about death? Essays on film analysis

Aurélio Fabrício Torres de Melo 19 June 2013 (has links)
Têm sido muitas as formas como o homem ocidental encara a morte desde a idade média: evento natural da vida, destino certo do homem, castigo de Deus, glamour exclusivo dos jovens amantes, fracasso da medicina, descarte de mercadoria. Assim como na história do homem, a história do cinema também retratou as diferentes formas do homem encarar a morte. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar, no discurso fílmico, o que dizem os filmes sobre a morte, formas contemporâneas de encarar a morte. O método de pesquisa consistiu na análise dos filmes Mar Adentro (Alejandro Amenabar), O Quarto do Filho (Nanni Moretti) e O Sétimo Selo (Ingmar Bergman), sob dois aspectos: a análise dos elementos fílmicos fotografia, iluminação, câmera, figurino, cenário, maquiagem, roteiro, montagem, personagens; a análise do filme como narrativa, identificando a fábula, os temas e o discurso. As análises fílmicas revelaram um discurso intimista da morte. A morte foi retratada como experiência íntima e singular. De acordo com a literatura tanatológica, a morte como experiência subjetiva é uma das formas atuais de encarar a morte nas sociedades ocidentais. O fenômeno da intimização da morte também se apresenta no discurso fílmico de algumas obras cinematográficas, confirmando uma mentalidade histórico-cultural do homem / There have been many ways of the western man face the death since the middle Ages: natural event of life; inevitable fate; God punishment; exclusive glamour of young lovers; medicine failure, discard material. In the history of cinema as well as in the human history face death is also portrayed in different ways. The purpose of this study was identifying in the film discourse what the films says about this event and the contemporary ways to face it. The method of the research consists in analyze the films; The Sea Inside (Alejandro Amenabar), The Son´s Room (Nanni Moretti), The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman) in two aspects: analysis of the film elements like cinematography, lighting, camera, costumes designer, scenery, makeup, script, editing, characters; and the film analysis like a narrative, identifying the fable, the themes and the discourses. This analyses show an intimate narrative of death which was portrayed like a unique experience. According to the thanatological literature, death as subjective experience is one of the current ways of facing death in Western societies. The phenomenon of death in an intimate perspective also appears in the film discourse of some cinematographic works, confirming a historical-cultural mentality of humanity


MARCIA HERCULANO VELASCO 30 January 2017 (has links)
[pt] As perdas gestacionais são intercorrências da gravidez que provocam significativa angústia emocional nas mulheres e a Doença Trofoblástica Gestacional (gestação molar) é uma das diversas patologias que implicam essa perda. A gravidez molar é considerada particularmente interessante para a nosso estudo por submeter as mulheres a dois eventos distintos: a perda da gestação, em virtude de severa má formação genética do feto; e a possibilidade de que a gravidez molar evolua para um tipo de câncer, que irá submeter a mulher aos rígidos protocolos do tratamento de Neoplasias. No Centro de Referência do Estado do Rio de Janeiro em Doença Trofoblástica Gestacional, na trigésima terceira Enfermaria/Maternidade da Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro, onde trabalhamos desde 1998, são atendidas semanalmente cerca de 70 mulheres com Doença Trofoblástica Gestacional. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar as repercussões emocionais da vivência da mulher diante da gestação molar e suas implicações psicossociais. Para realizar tal intento, realizamos uma pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa, entrevistando cinco mulheres que estavam em acompanhamento semanal no ambulatório de gestação molar referido e que haviam recebido o diagnóstico há 3 meses no máximo. A partir da análise de conteúdo do material discursivo coletado nas entrevistas, emergiram quatro categorias: 1) Sentimentos e percepções; 2) Doença e o medo de morte; 3) Suporte familiar e do Centro de Referência e 4) Relação amorosa e desejo da maternidade. Os relatos indicaram que a perda gestacional por mola é repleta de sofrimento pela doença adquirida levando a mulher a se sentir com menos-valia e fracassando em sua missão social concernente à perpertuação da espécie. Verificamos também que a família e o centro de referência, com destaque ao apoio psicológico, têm papel fundamental na prevenção das complicações da perda e do luto advindos da gestação molar. Além disso, constatamos que cada uma das mulheres impõe a sua singularidade ao processo de perda, o que deriva da relação particular com a sua gestação e com as expectativas do filho esperado. / [en] Among the various pregnancy intercurrences, the pregnancy loss causes, in women who experience the process, significant emotional distress. The Gestational Trophoblastic Disease is one of several diseases that implies on the loss of pregnancy. However, what makes the molar pregnancy of particular interest to our study, is its characteristic of submitting the women who suffer this disease to two different set of events: the loss of pregnancy itself, due to severe genetic malformations of the fetus, and to a further event, where the Molar Pregnancy usually evolves or implies in some kind of cancer, that consequently will submit it s patients to the strict protocols of treatment of neoplasms. Our experience with Gestational Trophoblastic Disease, comes from working, since 1998, at the reference center of the State of Rio de Janeiro to this disease, located at the 33th ward of the Maternity Hospital Santa Casa da Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro, where every week a group of about 70 women with Gestational Trophoblastic Disease are admitted and treated. This research aims to study the emotional impact on women facing the molar pregnancy disease and its psychosocial implications. To achieve this goal, we conducted a series of exploratory qualitative interviews, involving five women who were followed up weekly at the clinic of molar pregnancy, no more than three months after they had been diagnosed. The discursive material collected from the interviews was analyzed. From this analysis four categories of issues emerged : 1) feelings and perceptions; 2) fear of disease and death; 3) Family Support and Referral Center; and 4) Relationship and desire for motherhood. We noted that each of these categories of issues imposes its uniqueness to the process of loss, which derives from the particular relationship with the pregnancy and with the expectations related to the expected child fed by the women . Moreover, the interviews indicated that the pregnancy loss caused by Trophoproblastic Gestacional Disease, is full in suffering related to the secondary disease acquired, causing women to experience the sense of Little-value and failure in their social role related to perpetuating the especies. We also verify that the Family Support and Referral Center, with its emphasis on psychological support, plays a key role in preventing the complications of the loss and grief arising from molar pregnancy.

Transforming Ritual: Unconventional Translation and the Contemporary English-Canadian Elegy

Keeler, Breanna 12 January 2022 (has links)
This study explores the ways contemporary English-Canadian elegists transform rituals of mourning in order to accommodate a broader set of losses than has been permitted by the conventions of elegiac tradition. Focusing on the poetry of Jordan Abel, Stephanie Bolster, Anne Carson, Anne Simpson, and Souvankham Thammavongsa, I explore the ways these elegists make use of unconventional translation practices — that is, translation practices that privilege creativity, process, and transformation rather than mimetic transfers of information — to capture the incommensurability of grief. By exploiting the transformative power of translation, these elegists use unconventional translation practices to create a version of elegy that shifts attention from elegy as product to elegy as enactment. These works find value in the ongoing process of lamentation rather than in the cessation of mourning that characterized pastoral elegy and has become understood as paradigmatic of elegy more broadly. For the elegiac works I discuss in this dissertation, translation functions as both a metaphor and a tool to deal with the dilemmas presented by mourning in the context of a new global reality characterized by unbridgeable geo-temporal distances and community fragmentation. Each chapter of this dissertation explores the way that the transformation of elegiac ritual occurs in the context of a particular kind of loss by analyzing one or two representative texts. Chapter One reads Anne Carson’s Nox as an example of the familial elegy in the context of community fragmentation, examining the ways that Carson’s abundant, amplificatory translation of Catullus’s “Poem 101” allows for the creation of an elegy that grapples with geo-temporal distances through the creation of an elegiac ritual that acts as a stand in for the funeral. Chapter Two considers Souvankham Thammavongsa’s Found as an example of the postmemorial elegy, arguing that the combination of found poetry and ekphrasis allows for the creation of an elegiac ritual that facilitates acceptance but is limited by a desire to protect both the elegist’s own privacy and the privacy of her father. Chapter Three analyzes Nisga’a poet Jordan Abel’s The Place of Scraps, arguing that the use of erasure in this text allows for the creation of an elegy that politicizes grief by challenging the subjects that are considered worthy of elegy and actively working toward the reclamation of identity through a rewriting of accepted colonial collective myths. Chapter Four pairs Anne Simpson’s “Seven Paintings by Brueghel” and Stephanie Bolster’s Long Exposure in order to consider the ways that the contemporary phenomenon of mediatized trauma can be mourned through ekphrastic elegies as well as the ways these works push the contemporary elegy to its limits by exploring the ethics of witnessing. By reading this group of elegies in the context of the history of the English elegy and through the lens of translation, I argue that these elegists open the field of elegy to voices that have frequently been excluded and challenge our understanding of readers as participants in elegiac community.

"Det är ingen punkt, det är ett kommatecken.." : En hermeneutisk intervjustudie om kristna och borgerliga begravningsritualer

Björkander, Catharina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to contribute with an increased understanding of how funeral rituals can contribute to relatives' grief work as a coping strategy and to see what distinguishes and what unites Christian and civil funerals. This has been investigated using qualitative, semi-structured interviews that have been analyzed with a hermeneutic approach. The theories applied to the collected material are SOC according to Antonovsky, religion as coping according to Kenneth Pargament and rite de passage according to Arnold Van Gennep. The results of the survey show that fellowship with other mourners can be perceived as meaningful and that the farewell is the part of the funeral that helps relatives to accept the loss and move forward in their grief work. The results of the survey also show that religion can act as a support for some individuals but not for all.

Soldados de Salamina: Terapias Para Después de una Guerra

Del Pozo Ortea, Marta 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
According to Jung, the individuation process is a spiritual transformation through which the individual attains the maturity of his personality. This process requires the incorporation of subconscious material to the conscious life. The unconscious, though personal, is according to the famous psychologist full of images and archetypes that conform what Jung called the “collective unconscious”, which transcends the personal and expands inter-culturally through time and space. This is the perspective used in the present study of Soldados de Salamina (2001), a novel by the Spanish writer Javier Cercas. The hero of this story that combines fiction and reality travels from the present time into the past of his country, the Spanish Civil war, with the purpose of understanding. This immersion in time parallels another one in his psyche through which he deepens into the collective unconscious of the Spanish people. As a result, we have the vital, spiritual and psychological voyage of a man that stars the narration from a chaotic state to finally emerge innerly renovated and mature. By virtue of this transformation, we witness the hero’s process of individuation. Soldados de Salamina returns to the mystery of the ix unconscious and becomes the narration of a voyage of a human being from his deepest psyche, both as a universal and a particular man, towards his conscience. Comprehension is ultimately the engine of a novel that revisits the Spanish past in order to heal inner wounds.

Anticipatory Mourning: Investigating Children and Youth's Self-Reported Experiences with Life-Limiting Illness

Loucaides, Andrea M. 09 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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