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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace návrhových parametrů bezpečnostního přelivu / Optimization of Spillway Design Parameters

Pospíšilík, Šimon January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the program development. The program is aimed at finding optimal design parameters for a two-pole emergency spillway. These parameters are the lengths of the spillway edges and their relative height arrangement. The program is based on the flood wave transformation simulation. Multi – gradient algorithm was used for optimization design parameters of a two-pole safety spillway.

Návrh strategie pro vybudování ziskového víceúrovňového podnikání / Strategy Proposel for Building a Profitable Multi-level Marketing Business

Mokrý, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the multi-level marketing issue as a branch of business opportunities for individuals. It weighs pros and cons of this business method and its difference from misleading models. This diploma thesis proposes a specific approach leading to gain of a stable income level in this industry. It uses present knowledge of multi-level marketing, basic competence definition methods, competence models and coaching.

Numerical and modeling methods for multi-level large eddy simulations of turbulent flows in complex geometries / Modélisation et méthodes numériques pour la simulation aux grandes échelles muti-niveaux des écoulements turbulents dans des géométries complexes

Legrand, Nicolas 13 December 2017 (has links)
La simulation aux grandes échelles est devenue un outil d’analyse incontournable pour l’étude des écoulements turbulents dans des géométries complexes. Cependant, à cause de l’augmentation constante des ressources de calcul, le traitement des grandes quantités de données générées par les simulations hautement résolues est devenu un véritable défi qu’il n’est plus possible de relever avec des outils traditionnels. En mécanique des fluides numérique, cette problématique émergente soulève les mêmes questions que celles communément rencontrées en informatique avec des données massives. A ce sujet, certaines méthodes ont déjà été développées telles que le partitionnement et l’ordonnancement des données ou bien encore le traitement en parallèle mais restent insuffisantes pour les simulations numériques modernes. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer de nouveaux formalismes permettant de contourner le problème de volume de données en vue des futurs calculs exaflopiques que l’informatique devrait atteindre en 2020. A cette fin, une méthode massivement parallèle de co-traitement, adaptée au formalisme non-structuré, a été développée afin d’extraire les grandes structures des écoulements turbulents. Son principe consiste à introduire une série de grilles de plus en plus grossières réduisant ainsi la quantité de données à traiter tout en gardant intactes les structures cohérentes d’intérêt. Les données sont transférées d’une grille à une autre grâce à l’utilisation de filtres et de méthodes d’interpolation d’ordre élevé. L’efficacité de cette méthodologie a pu être démontrée en appliquant des techniques de décomposition modale lors de la simulation 3D d’une pale de turbine turbulente sur une grille de plusieurs milliards d’éléments. En outre, cette capacité à pouvoir gérer plusieurs niveaux de grilles au sein d’une simulation a été utilisée par la suite pour la mise en place de calculs basés sur une stratégie multi-niveaux. L’objectif de cette méthode est d’évaluer au cours du calcul les erreurs numériques et celles liées à la modélisation en simulant simultanément la même configuration pour deux résolutions différentes. Cette estimation de l’erreur est précieuse car elle permet de générer des grilles optimisées à travers la construction d’une mesure objective de la qualité des grilles. Ainsi, cette méthodologie de multi-résolution tente de limiter le coût de calcul de la simulation en minimisant les erreurs de modélisation en sous-maille, et a été appliquée avec succès à la simulation d’un écoulement turbulent autour d’un cylindre. / Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) has become a major tool for the analysis of highly turbulent flows in complex geometries. However, due to the steadily increase of computational resources, the amount of data generated by well-resolved numerical simulations is such that it has become very challenging to manage them with traditional data processing tools. In Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), this emerging problematic leads to the same "Big Data" challenges as in the computer science field. Some techniques have already been developed such as data partitioning and ordering or parallel processing but still remain insufficient for modern numerical simulations. Hence, the objective of this work is to propose new processing formalisms to circumvent the data volume issue for the future 2020 exa-scale computing objectives. To this aim, a massively parallel co-processing method, suited for complex geometries, was developed in order to extract large-scale features in turbulent flows. The principle of the method is to introduce a series of coarser nested grids to reduce the amount of data while keeping the large scales of interest. Data is transferred from one grid level to another using high-order filters and accurate interpolation techniques. This method enabled to apply modal decomposition techniques to a billion-cell LES of a 3D turbulent turbine blade, thus demonstrating its effectiveness. The capability of performing calculations on several embedded grid levels was then used to devise the multi-resolution LES (MR-LES). The aim of the method is to evaluate the modeling and numerical errors during an LES by conducting the same simulation on two different mesh resolutions, simultaneously. This error estimation is highly valuable as it allows to generate optimal grids through the building of an objective grid quality measure. MR-LES intents to limit the computational cost of the simulation while minimizing the sub-grid scale modeling errors. This novel framework was applied successfully to the simulation of a turbulent flow around a 3D cylinder.

Transformativ klimatanpassning inom Sveriges vattenförvaltning : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av styrdokument inom vattenförvaltningen. / Transformative climate adaptation within Sweden’s water management : A qualitative content analysis of documents on water regulation.

Johansson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet klimatanpassning inom vattenförvaltningen i Sverige som härleds från Europeiska Unionens ramdirektiv för vatten. Sveriges vattenresursers utsätts för påfrestningar från klimatförändringar. Klimatanpassning behövs därför för att säkra vattenresurserna för nuvarande och kommande generationer och ett stort ansvar kring detta arbete vilar på lokal nivå i samhället. EU:s utvärdering av vattenförvaltningsarbetet konstaterar att det finns förbättringsmöjligheter gällande sociala och organisatoriska aspekterna kring klimatanpassning. Studiens fokus är på dessa aspekter med tillägg att de även är avgörande för att uppnå en transformativ klimatanpassning, den högsta av tre nivåer inom klimatanpassning där samhällsomvandling sker. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar klimatanpassningen på lokal nivå inom vattenförvaltningen i Sverige ur ett transformativt klimatanpassningsperspektiv. Detta undersöks genom att besvara frågeställningarna om vad som driver och begränsar klimatanpassning på lokal nivå inom vattenförvaltningen och hur dessa drivkrafter och begränsningar skulle kunna hanteras för att uppnå en transformativ klimatanpassning. Studien utförs genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av samrådsdokument från de fem vattendistrikten i Sverige. Analysen genomförs med en abduktiv inriktning där kontexten är ur ett klimatanpassnings- och riskperspektiv gentemot klimatförändringarnas påverkan på vattenresurserna. Resultatet visar att faktorer som engagemang, målkonflikter, organisation, ansvarsfördelning, samverkan, ekonomiska- och kompetensmässiga resursbrister, nonchalans, lagstiftning och samordning påverkar lokal klimatanpassning inom vattenförvaltningen. I diskussionen knyts resultatet till tidigare forskning och det teoretiska ramverket för att ge en djupare förståelse för faktorernas innebörd i relation till att uppnå en transformativ klimatanpassning och samt de är begränsande eller drivande. Teoretiska ramverket innehållande flernivåstyrning, miljörättvisa, strategiskt ledarskap och samskapande anknyter till hur drivkrafterna och begränsningarna kan hanteras. Slutsatserna för studien visar att implementering av strategiskt ledarskap och samskapande på lokal nivå inom vattenförvaltningen är ett arbetssätt för att uppnå transformativ klimatanpassning. / This paper addresses the topic of climate adaptation within water management in Sweden, based on the European Union's Water Framework Directive. Sweden's water resources being exposed to stress from climate change. Therefore, climate adaptation must be implemented to secure water resources for current and future generations and a great responsibility regarding this work rests at the local level in society. The EU evaluation of water management work notes that there is a need for improvement regarding social and organizational aspects of climate adaptation. The focus of the study is on the aforementioned aspects, additionally these aspects are also crucial for achieving a transformative climate adaptation, the highest of three levels in climate adaptation where social transformation takes place. Thus, the purpose of the study is to investigate what factors affect climate adaptation at the local level in water management in Sweden from a transformative climate adaptation perspective. The purpose is fulfilled by answering the questions about what drives and limits climate adaptation at the local level within water management and how these driving forces and constraints could be managed to achieve transformative climate adaptation. The study is conducted through a qualitative content analysis of consultation documents from the five water districts in Sweden. The analysis is conducted with an abductive approach where the context is from a climate adaptation and risk perspective vis-à-vis the effects of climate change on water resources. The results show that factors such as commitment, target conflicts, organization, division of responsibilities, collaboration, financial and skills shortages, non-balance, legislation and coordination affect local climate adaptation in water management. In the discussion, the result is linked to previous research and the theoretical framework to provide a deeper understanding of the significance of the factors in relation to achieving a transformative climate adaptation and if they act as driving forces or constraints. The theoretical framework consisting of multi-level governance, environmental justice, strategic leadership and co-creation links to how the driving forces and constraints can be managed. The conclusions of the study show that implementation of strategic leadership and collaboration at the local level in water management is a possible way of achieving transformative climate adaptation.

The hierarchical preconditioning having unstructured threedimensional grids

Globisch, Gerhard 09 September 2005 (has links)
Continuing the previous work in the preprint 97-11 done for the 2D-approach in this paper we describe the Yserentant preconditioned conjugate gradient method as well as the BPX-preconditioned cg-iteration fastly solving 3D-elliptic boundary value problems on unstructured quasi uniform grids. These artificially constructed hierarchical methods have optimal computational costs. In the case of the sequential computing several numerical examples demonstrate their efficiency not depending on the finite element types used for the discretiziation of the original potential problem. Moreover, implementing the methods in parallel first results are given.

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Automotive Structures

Domeij Bäckryd, Rebecka January 2013 (has links)
Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) can be used as an effective tool to improve the design of automotive structures. Large-scale MDO problems typically involve several groups who must work concurrently and autonomously for reasons of efficiency. When performing MDO, a large number of designs need to be rated. Detailed simulation models used to assess automotive design proposals are often computationally expensive to evaluate. A useful MDO process must distribute work to the groups involved and be computationally efficient. In this thesis, MDO methods are assessed in relation to the characteristics of automotive structural applications. Single-level optimization methods have a single optimizer, while multi-level optimization methods have a distributed optimization process. Collaborative optimization and analytical target cascading are possible choices of multi-level optimization methods for automotive structures. They distribute the design process, but are complex. One approach to handle the computationally demanding simulation models involves metamodel-based design optimization (MBDO), where metamodels are used as approximations of the detailed models during optimization studies. Metamodels can be created by individual groups prior to the optimization process, and therefore also offer a way of distributing work. A single-level optimization method in combination with metamodels is concluded to be the most straightforward way of implementing MDO into the development of automotive structures.

Role euroregionu Silva Nortica v rámci přeshraniční spolupráce a při utváření regionální identity. / The role of Euroregion Silva Nortica within the cross-border co-operation and the formation of regional identity

Klečková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis examines the impact of euroregion Silva Nortica on cross-border cooperation and regional identity. Silva Nortica as the newest Czech euroregion is located in Czech-Austrian borderland. The situation in the euroregion is analyzed through quantitative and qualitative research to offer a complex view on the issue. In context of institutional framework conditions the questionnaire survey together with guided interviews with representatives of the euroregion was analyzed. The thesis also offers possible ways of future development of the euroregion. The results show a good potential among locals to build a cross-border community. However, on the institutional level there are many problematic factors as constrains in future development of cross-border cooperation in Czech-Austrian borderland. Key words: Euroregion Silva Nortica, Czech-Austrian borderland, cross-border cooperation, regional identity, cross-border community, multi-level governance

A Sustainable Intensification of the Swedish Cereals Production / Hållbar intensifiering av den svenska spannmålsodlingen

Joel, Ljungberg, William, Bergqvist January 2015 (has links)
The natural environment will become an increasingly important arena for economic competition in the future. The growing world population and the increased global consumption raise concerns about the sustainability of the current and future use of natural resources. Due to the growing global population the production of agricultural crops and food security is high on the global policy agenda. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the opportunities for a sustainable intensification in the Swedish cereals production and how the Lantmännen cooperative, a company active in the whole cereals value chain can act in order to enable the intensification. The research was conducted as a descriptive case study. Given the comprehensive nature of the purpose of this study, we have studied the Swedish agriculture from a system perspective in order to get the comprehensive understanding of its complexity. The findings presented in this report are based on data from multiple research methods such as interviews with stakeholder in the agriculture, database search, and archive searches. We show in this study that a sustainable intensification of the Swedish cereals production can be realized through utilizing the existing unused farmland registered by the farmer as fallow for a number of consecutive years in a row, which can be described as acreage that is not used for crop production but is still kept in farmable condition. Our study has identified four barriers hindering the intensification; Single payment system, Leasing contract, Logistics and Investment costs. To overcome these barriers we argue that the RO PSS business model is appropriate. By using this model Lantmännen will be able to deliver four different types of values to the farmers. The first value is the intangible value of identity, which let inactive farmers continue to live on their farms while being able to focus on other sources of main income. The second value we name ownerless consumption. This value offers farmers with little capital to start up or expand their production without having to invest in new machinery and equipment. The third value we call safety, which is connected to the barrier of lease contracts identified and the distrust between landowners and tenants. The fourth value, specialization, gives the farmer possibility to leverage overall cereals bulk production by including niche crops. We conclude by arguing that the opportunities for an intensification of the Swedish Cereals production lie in delivering these four values. / Naturen kommer i framtiden bli en alltmer viktig arena för ekonomisk konkurrens. En växande världsbefolkning och en ökad global konsumtion skapar oro kring hållbarheten i vårt användande av naturresurser. På grund av den ökande befolkningsmängden placerar sig frågor såsom produktionen av jordbruksgrödor och livsmedelsförsörjning högt upp på den globala politiska dagordningen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka möjligheter för en hållbar intensifiering av den svenska spannmålsodlingen och hur Lantmännen, ett kooperativt företag som verkar i spannmålets hela värdekedja ska agera för att möjliggöra intensifieringen. Med tanke på den övergripande karaktären av våra frågeställningar har vi studerat det svenska jordbruket ur ett systemperspektiv för att få en övergripande förståelse av dess komplexitet. Forskningen har genomförts i form av en beskrivande fallstudie. Våra resultat baseras på data från flera forskningsmetoder som intervjuer med intressenter inom jordbruket, databassökning, arkivsökning. Vår studie visar att en hållbar intensifiering av den svenska spannmålsodlingen kan realiseras genom att utnyttja befintlig oanvänd jordbruksmark som av jordbrukaren registrerats som träda i flera år i följd. Träda kan beskrivas som jordbruksareal som inte används till växtodling men som fortfarande hålls i odlingsbart skick. För att få denna mark i bruk och därmed möjliggöra en intensifiering krävs det att få bukt med fyra identifierade barriärer inom det svenska jordbrukssystemet; Gårdsstödet, Arrendekontrakt, Logistik och Investeringskostnader. Vi hävdar, baserat på våra resultat och analyser, att affärsmodellkonceptet RO PSS är lämplig att använda då Lantmännen ska lyckas få bukt med barriärerna. Denna modell kommer leverera fyra olika värden till jordbrukarna. Det första värdet har vi döpt till Identitet och är av en immateriell natur som vilket låter inaktiva jordbrukare fortsätta bo kvar på sina gårdar medan de inriktar sig på andra inkomstbaserade verksamheter. Det andra värdet gav vi namnet Ägandefri konsumtion. Detta ger värde till jordbrukaren i form av att jordbrukaren inte behöver låna pengar för höga  investeringskostnader i maskiner och infrastruktur vid uppstart eller expansion av verksamheten. Det tredje värdet kallar vi för Säkerhet, vilket är relaterat till barriären arrendekontrakt där vi har funnet en misstro mellan markägare och arrendatorer. Det fjärde värdet, Specialisering, ger jordbrukaren möjlighet att blanda in specialgrödor i sin produktion, och på så vis skapa en hävstång åt bulkproduktionen. Vår slutsats är att möjligheterna för en intensifiering av den Svenska spannmålsodlingen ligger i att kunna leverera dessa värden.

Opportunities and Challenges for Developing High- tech Urban Agriculture in Sweden: A case study in Stockholm

Shan, Yujing January 2021 (has links)
Food system is complex and encompasses stakeholders from local, regional, and global level. The activities and outcomes of the food system are associated with environmental, economic, and social impacts. Due to the growing population, and urbanization, along with the fact that global food system contributes up to 30% of anthropogenic GHG emission, one of the main contributors to climate change, a sustainable food system that could meet the food demand in the urban areas is in need. Therefore, high-tech urban agriculture (HTUA) that uses advanced technologies and enables food production in a controlled environment is seen as a promising solution, which remains niche in Sweden. This study adopted the sustainable food system approach and used the theory of multi-level perspective (MLP) on sustainability transitions to explore this technology-driven transition and identify the challenges and opportunities in developing HTUA in Sweden. Through the analysis of five Swedish policy documents and interviews with four HTUA initiatives in Stockholm, three main aspects are identified: 1) external context; 2) policy environment; and 3) communication and influence, which are independent but also interconnected. According to the findings, the global environment and Swedish context, such as climatic condition and Swedish consumption, provide HTUA an opportunity to develop. The findings also suggest that though the characteristics of HTUA initiatives and the priorities within the Swedish policy environment have overlapping traits, the policies are not effectively translated into practice and thus making it challengeable to develop HTUA in the long run. Implementing more strict restrictions and regulations on the external price, providing an easier access to urban space, simplifying the procedure for the financial support, raising public awareness towards HTUA, and bridging the knowledge gap among all stakeholders through collaborations and partnerships are suggested to reduce the risk of initiating HTUA. However, further research is still required to understand the potential of HTUA in the transformation towards a sustainable food system.

Prosazování principu flexicurity otevřenou metodou koordinace z pohledu teorie víceúrovňového vládnutí a z pohledu sociologického institucionalismu - případová studie ČR / Promoting the concept of Flexicurity by the Open Method of Coordination from the perspective of the Multi-Level Governance Theory and the Sociological Institutionalism - case study of the Czech Republic

Hájek, David January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a single-case study analyzing promotion of the concept of Flexicurity principle in the CR through the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). The concept of flexicurity began raising European integration actors' awareness since early 2000s. That was due to considerations how to strenghten competitiveness of the EU Member States' economies during growing expansion of more liberal markets such as China, and in the same time to maintain the European social model based on the concept of welfare state. In 2007, there was adopted EU's definition of Flexicurity. Flexicurity began to be promoted by the OMC. This thesis responds to the lack of studies analyzing the influence of the OMC in specific policy areas. Tha author analyzes literature, relevant laws as well as thier explanatory reports, National Reform Programmes, Czech government's policy statements, and interviews with representatives of tripartite actors who take part in social dialogue. The study explores how does the OMC work in the case of Flexicurity promotion. The aim is to find out which of the selected theories is more suitable for describing the process of Flexicurity promotion through the OMC. Selected theories are the theory of Multi-Level Governace (MLG) and the theory of Sociological Institutionalism (SI). The author...

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