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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategické víceúrovňové vládnutí v kulturní politice / Strategic multi-level governance in cultural policy

Dušková, Zdenka January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis "Strategic multilevel governance in cultural policy" deals with the often omitted topic of cultural policy. This field is observed from the strategic governance point of view and its position is analysed according to the levels of governance - supra-national, national, and sub-national. To explore the current state of the culture, it had to be placed into a framework forming context, where cultural policy takes place. Therefore, the analysis of this work dealt with the activities of political institutions according to the evaluation framework and with the evaluation of two specific cases of public policy documents of national and sub-national levels, including their application. From the perspective of major institutions at various levels of governance, especially organizations specialized on the field of culture, certain effort of conceptual solution of partial and overall issues of this field was found. The specific implementation and responsibility are often delegated to the lower levels of governance. Mainly, the continuity in the strategic documents topic and time at the multi-level governance is very problematic, as well as the funding necessary for their implementation. At the end of this work, specific recommendations, which should result in the improvement of strategic...

Rozvojová spolupráce EU se zeměmi ACP : přístup ke Rwandě, Haiti a Východnímu Timoru / EU development assistance and the ACP countries. EU's approach to Rwanda, Haiti, and East Timor

Pavelková, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
The work looks at EU's development policy through the lens of one of integration theories, namely multi-level governance. The relationship between the EU and three countries from ACP group, Rwanda, Haiti and East Timor is being analysed. From current trends of multi-level governance the research is focusing on the process of strengthening of supranational level and on advancing regionalization, understood in terms of regional integration on one side and the transfer of powers to lower administrative units or local emancipation. The work is inspired by the idea of the author Martin Holland that integration theories are better observable on EU's development policy than on EU's integration itself. Using the comparison of official EU's declarations over development cooperation with ACP group and real agenda implemented in those countries, the work investigates EU's involvement during penetration of surveyed countries into transnational structures, into regional coalitions and the promotion of emancipation of lower administrative units in the country. The research aims to analyze bonds formed between the European Union and Rwanda, Haiti and East Timor, which, according to Martin Holland, the concept of multi-level governance should best describe.

Var är jag? Och vart ska jag? : En studie om att förstå en plats och hitta rätt.

Meijer Lönnroth, Sara January 2020 (has links)
This is a thesis in Information design with focus on Spatial Design. This study examines how information can be shaped and placed in a multipurpose building to make it easier for the visitor to understand the place and find their way. The examined place is Kulturhuset in Hallstahammar, where the target audience is visitor who has no experience or very little experience of the place. The purpose of the thesis is to explore how information design in a spatial context can be designed to facilitate the understanding and simplify the orientability of a multi-story building, in a house with multipurpose.    Through literature studies, place analysis, survey with expert users and an analysis of similar projects, a design proposal has been produced that has been presented through rendered images. The results of the study show that a map of the building provides a clear overview of the premises and the activities Kulturhuset offers. Together with color coding and pictograms, visitors can easily see where their destination is and how to get there. / Detta är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign med inriktning på rumslig gestaltning. Denna studien undersöker hur information kan utformas och placeras i en komplex yta för att underlätta för människor att förstå en plats och hitta rätt. Platsen som undersöks är Kulturhuset i Hallstahammar där målgruppen är nya besökare som inte har någon eller endast lite vetskap om platsen. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utforska hur informationsdesign i en rumslig kontext kan utformas för att underlätta förståelsen samt förenkla orienterbarheten i en flervåningsbyggnad, som inrymmer flera olika verksamheter.   Genom litteraturstudier, platsanalys, frågeformulär med expertanvändare samt en omvärldsanalys har ett gestaltningsförslag kunnat tagits fram som presenterats genom renderade bilder. Resultatet av studien påvisar att en karta över byggnaden ger en tydlig överblick över lokalerna samt verksamheterna som huserar i byggnaden. Tillsammans med färgkodning och piktogram kan besökare enkelt se vart deras slutmål för att sedan kunna ta sig dit.

Omställning till hållbara livsmedelssystem : Kommersiell stadsodling i Stockholm / Sustainability transitions in food systems : Commercial urban farming in Stockholm

Ljungberg, Alice January 2020 (has links)
De storskaliga globala livsmedelssystemen står inför ett antal utmaningar inom hållbar utveckling. Livsmedelssystemens nuvarande utformning resulterar i hållbarhetsproblem som förlust av biologisk mångfald och utarmning av jordar, långa livsmedelskedjor och stora avstånd mellan konsument och producent. Klimatförändringarnas effekter och den ökande urbaniseringen bidrar ytterligare till problematiken. Behovet av en omställning till hållbara livsmedelssystem är därför stort och kräver innovativa lösningar såväl som en omfördelning av naturresurser. Ett exempel på en systeminnovation är stadsodling, som uppvisat potential till högre resurseffektivitet såväl som till ökad social hållbarhet i urbana och stadsnära områden. Trots det ökande intresset för stadsodling tycks det finnas en brist på empiriska studier som undersöker stadsodlingens nuvarande status, sammansättning och olika faktorer för utveckling. Syftet med detta examensarbete är således att identifiera faktorer och förutsättningar som påverkar utvecklingen av stadsodling som en del av omställningen mot en hållbarare livsmedelsproduktion, i den specifika kontexten i Stockholm. Studien tillämpade en flexibel, kvalitativ forskningsdesign och inbegriper en systematisk kartläggning och en kvalitativ fallstudie av kommersiell stadsodling i Stockholm. Det empiriska datamaterialet baseras på en litteraturstudie, semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer och insamling av sekundärdata. En innehållsanalys av det empiriska datamaterialet utfördes med vägledning av ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på omställningsteori ur ett flernivåperspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att kommersiell stadsodling är ett mångfacetterat såväl som växande fenomen, men att många verksamheter befinner sig i en tidig fas. Den form av kommersiell stadsodling som växt fram mest i Stockholm är klimatkontrollerade inomhusodlingar. Nio av 14 identifierade verksamheter är inomhusodlingar, två är etablerade växthus och tre är utomhusodlingar. Kartläggningen indikerar att kommersiell stadsodling i dagsläget bidrar med omkring 0.5-4% av direktkonsumtionen av örter och sallat i Storstockholm. Det finns dock potential för produktion av större volymer och en större mångfald av grödor i de olika stadsodlingssystemen. Studien identifierade ett flertal faktorer och förutsättningar som påverkar möjligheterna till en utveckling av lokal livsmedelsproduktion genom stadsodling. Byråkratiska, regulatoriska, ekonomiska och kulturella faktorer visade sig utgöra hinder för utvecklingen av stadsodling. Detta indikerar att det krävs politiskt stöd i form av främjande ramverk och policy för markanvändning, som möjliggör och underlättar upplåtelse av mark för kommersiell odling. Andra möjliggörande åtgärder kan vara policyverktyg för att i framtiden kunna underlätta offentlig upphandling av lokal mat. Vidare efterfrågas ett större engagemang och ansvar från näringslivet, i form av ökande investeringar i lokal och hållbar mat samt externa samarbeten mellan aktörer. De indikationer som framkom om att konsumenter i högre utsträckning går runt de dominerande alternativen i livsmedelssystemen och efterfrågar kortare värdekedjor identifierades också som en möjliggörande faktor för den fortsatta utvecklingen av stadsodling. / The globalised food systems are facing extensive challenges concerning sustainable development and are furthermore characterized by long supply chains with numerous food miles, industrial production and large-scale retailers. Dominant agricultural practices result in deforestation, loss of biodiversity and depletion of soil and natural resources. In addition, external factors such as climate change and urbanisation trends increases the complexity of these sustainability issues. Thus, transitions from the dominant food systems to more sustainable alternatives has been suggested in scientific literature. Transitions towards sustainability requires social and technical innovations as well as fundamental changes in the governance of food and agriculture. In light of this, a range of different urban farming practices have increasingly been considered to tackle some of these issues. Despite the growing interest in urban agriculture, there is a lack of extensive empirical studies exploring the current state of various urban farming practices and their role in the existing food systems. This study aims to explore the role of enabling factors that influence the development of commercial urban farming as part of a food sustainability transition, in the Stockholm area. The methodological approach of the project includes a qualitative case study and a mapping of productive urban food systems in Stockholm. The research design is flexible and the empirical data material builds on literature review, semi-structured interviews and secondary data collection. Content analysis is conducted and guided by the conceptual framework consisting of transition theory and the multi-level perspective framework.   The results show that commercial urban farming is a diverse phenomenon gaining momentum in Stockholm. Commercial urban farming in Stockholm mainly consists of controlled environment farming; nine out of 14 establishments are indoor farms, two are well established greenhouses and three are outdoor cultivations. However, commercial urban farming seems to be more characterized by the local aspect and closeness to a dense population, rather than a certain applied technology. The mapping indicates that commercial urban farming in Stockholm is currently meeting 0.5-4 % of the direct consumption of herbs and lettuce in Stockholm, but that the potential production capacity is higher. Furthermore, the study found several enabling factors and barriers that affect the development of local food production through urban farming in Stockholm. Through the lens of the multi-level perspective, the main barriers identified are regulations and politics, economic funding and organizational and cultural structures in the food regime. This indicates that further development of urban farming in Stockholm requires support through frameworks and policy, for example regulations regarding land use, to enable disposal of land and estate for urban agriculture use. Measures to facilitate public procurement of locally produced food could also enable the development of urban farming initiatives. Moreover, interaction and co-operation between various stakeholders is crucial for niche development. Large businesses in the food sector could enable the development of urban farming through investments and partnerships. Finally, consumers could enable the development of urban farming by increasingly choosing the alternative pathways offered by some of the urban farming initiatives.

Climates for Preparing Culturally Responsive Educators: A Multilevel Approach for Understanding Relationships Between Teacher Preparation Programs’ Racial Climates and White Preservice Teacher’s Racial Identity Development

Baker, Aaron A. 11 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

How does the EU legislate within social policy? : A qualitative case study on the Commission proposal on gender balance on company boards

Persson Kehler, Adina January 2023 (has links)
This paper is a single-case study on the European Commission’s (the Commission) proposal for a directive on improving gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchange. I aim to study the decision-making process of the Directive and, by applying the theories of multi-level governance and social policy, examine to what extent the proposal was negotiated and watered down during the negotiation process. I will do this by adopting a discourse analysis approach and using qualitative data such as EU documents, country statements and articles related to the proposal, to gather an in-depth understanding of the issue.  My findings are straightforward. First, the EU social policy domain is a complex area and difficult to legislate on, within a multi-level governance system. Second, Euroscepticism is growing throughout Europe and several forces opposed the idea of more power being transferred to the EU. Lastly, Northern Member States as well as countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), held a negative position throughout the process and argued against EU interference in the domestic social policies. The above-mentioned tensions were the cause of the controversial and lengthy negotiations on the Directive and the reasons why the decision-making process of this case lasted over 10 years. However despite the clear-cut assumptions, I found that the proposal was not watered down, but in fact the opposite.

Legumes as protein-based alternatives to meat: A case study of Färsodlarna and Stacky’s

Nilsson, Hilda January 2023 (has links)
The urgent action needed to achieve the goals within the Paris Agreement and restrict the increase of global warming to 1,5 degrees calls for adaptation across the whole of society. One way to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is to enable a transition towards a sustainable food system, from meat products to more plant-based products including the consumption of more legumes. Legumes have many positive effects, both for arable land in terms of nitrogen fixation, as well as for people’s health in terms of high bioavailability. However, many plant-based alternatives currently on the market are multi-processed, resulting in low bioavailability and a high use of non-natural additives. The aim of this study is to shed light on what enables and hinders the transition towards a sustainable food system based on a more plant-based diet of Swedish-grown crops, including legumes. Furthermore, the purpose is to explore opportunities and challenges within strategy documents that affect the transition toward more sustainable food production. Two Swedish companies, both selling products labeled From Sweden, were interviewed to increase the understanding of opportunities and challenges for them to thrive in the existing meat-dominated market. The Swedish Board of Agriculture was interviewed to increase the understanding of the policy environment. This was complemented by a content analysis of two policy documents, the Swedish Food Strategy and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. The analysis of collected data showed that the development of legume-based, From Sweden products depends on both collaboration between actors in the value chain, and educating Swedish consumers. The findings also reveal that retailers play an important role when it comes to affecting the opportunities and challenges for a transition towards more plant-based diets. In light of this, the study concludes that education, retailers and collaboration are the most important factors at play when it comes to opportunities and challenges that enable or hinder the transition towards a more sustainable food system including more high-legume plant-based diets. Often, these factors can be seen as both opportunities and challenges. However, further research is needed to better understand how these factors fit into the wider policy environment, where more key authorities beyond the scope of this study are included.

Marking tags within the construction industry : A qualitative case study of the Swedish construction industry regarding implementing technical standardizations to promote circularity

Eriksson, Markus, Norberg, Casper January 2023 (has links)
The construction industry is vital in meeting humanity's infrastructure and essential building needs. However, its current practices contribute significantly to environmental challenges such as global warming, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. The current study points out the need for a more sustainable approach in the construction sector. The reason this study focuses on RFID-tags is both because of the academic gap regarding implementation of new standardizations and the project Lumi that this study has as its case study of the thesis.    The goal of this thesis is to analyze the Swedish construction industry’s attitude toward the implementation of RFID-tags as a standardization and fill the academic gap that has been identified in the literature review. The goal is to determine the attitude of each stakeholder type within the industry through the lens of socio-technical transition theory, to determine specific barriers and drivers for the concept. Furthermore, the aim is to determine if RFID-tags can be implemented to promote circularity and enhance sustainable development.   The research methods incorporate a literature review and a case study with semi-structured interviews conducted with eight participants. The sample consisted of actors within the construction industry, such as customers, distribution companies, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, service companies, and workers.  The thesis identified the conservative nature of the industry as an obstacle, along with the fear of failure within the construction industry. The attitude towards the standardization of RFID-tags is positive, where beneficial factors were identified, such as saving time, reducing environmental impact, and improving the structure for recycling.

<i>iVirtualWorld</i>: A Domain-Oriented End-User Development Environment for Building 3D Virtual Chemistry Experiments

Zhong, Ying 10 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Framgångsfaktorer för hållbar innovation : En fallstudie av Stockholms biokolsprojekt / Success factors for sustainable innovation : A case study of the Stockholm biochar project

Gustafsson, Ulrika January 2018 (has links)
Innovation is often assigned an important role in mitigating climate impact and achieving sustainable development. Stockholm city has ambitious sustainability goals and aims to be carbon neutral by 2040. This will require an increased capacity when it comes to promoting and implementing innovative sustainability solutions. Climate friendly innovations need to move from environmental profile projects to the new “business as usual”.  The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about innovation processes within sustainable development and how they can be promoted.   Strategic Niche Management (SNM) is a model which was developed to support a transition to sustainable development by promoting sustainability innovations. SNM suggests a number of hypotheses regarding important features of successful innovation niches, factors that will increase the potential of innovations to be developed, implemented and spread. Stockholm Biochar project is an innovative project which has received attention for its success and potential to contribute to sustainable development by reducing the city’s net carbon emissions. A case study of the Stockholm Biochar project has been conducted to identify how the project emerged and the main success factors for its development. The case study was complemented with an interview study with personnel from Vinnova, the Swedish innovation agency, focusing on their experience of success factors for innovation processes. SNM:s hypotheses has then been used to analyze the result of the case study, which was also compared to the result of the Vinnova-study. The analysis to a large extent confirms SNM:s hypotheses, regarding what factors contribute to a successful innovation niche, but also provide some specifications and elaborations on what these hypotheses mean in this specific case. This result is used to suggest possible complements to the SNM hypotheses that can be useful in contexts similar to the one studied. The result also points out important success factors that are not covered by the hypotheses suggested in SNM. Particularly the case study shows the important role of passionate enthusiasts as driving forces for innovation processes which is not pointed out in SNM hypotheses. The identified success factors, in combination with the complemented hypotheses, are used to formulate recommendations for how an organization can promote innovation processes within sustainable development. In short, the study shows that successful innovation processes require assigned resources, commitment and strategic work, e.g. visions with clearly stated sustainability goals, continuous evaluations on how innovations are contributing to these goals, active measures for gaining support for the innovation on multiple levels in society, and financial space for the development of innovations. The study also confirms the function of protected innovation niches and suggests that passionate enthusiasts have a significant role in innovations processes. / Innovation och ny teknik tillskrivs ofta en betydelsefull roll för att minska klimatpåverkan och bidra till hållbar utveckling. Stockholms stad har ambitiösa hållbarhetsmål och staden ska bland annat vara koldioxidneutral år 2040. För att uppnå detta har staden identifierat ett behov av ökad förmåga att främja, tillvarata och sprida innovationer som bidrar till hållbar utveckling. Klimatsmarta innovationer behöver gå från spjutspetsprojekt till att bli det nya ”business as usual”.  Syftet med dennastudie är att bidra med kunskap om hur innovationsprocesser inom hållbar stadsutveckling fungerar och hur dessa kan främjas.   Strategic Niche Mangament (SNM) är en modell som har utvecklats för att stödja en omställning till hållbar utveckling genom att just främja innovationsprocesser. SNM presenterar ett antal hypoteser angående vad som bidrar till framgångsrika innovationsnischer, faktorer som skapar gynnsamma förutsättningar för innovationer att utvecklas, implementeras och spridas. Ett innovationsprojekt som fått stor uppmärksamhet för dess framgång och potential att bidra till hållbar utveckling är Stockholms biokolsprojekt. En fallstudie av Biokolsprojektet har därför genomförts för att identifiera hur projektet uppstod och vad som hittills utgjort viktiga framgångsfaktorer. Detta har kompletterats med en intervjustudie med personal från Vinnova med fokus på deras erfarenhet av framgångsfaktorer för innovationsprocesser. SNM:s hypoteser har sedan använts för att analysera resultatet av fallstudien, som även jämförs med resultatet från Vinnovastudien. Resultatet bekräftar i stor utsträckning SNM:s hypoteser men visar också mer konkret vad hypoteserna inneburit i det specifika fallet. Utifrån detta föreslås en möjlig utveckling av hypoteserna som kan vara användbar i sammanhang som liknar det som studerats. Resultatet pekar också på viktiga framgångsfaktorer som inte omfattas av de hypoteser som föreslås i SNM. Framträdande bland dessa framgångsfaktorer är eldsjälars betydelse för innovationsprocesser vilket inte tas upp i SNM:s hypoteser. De identifierade framgångsfaktorerna och utvecklingen av SNM:s hypoteserhar använts för att formulera rekommendationer för hur en organisation kan främja innovationsprocesser inom hållbar utveckling.   Kortfattat visar studien att innovationsprocesser inom hållbar utveckling behöver avsatta resurser, engagemang och strategiskt arbete, t.ex. i form av visioner med tydliga hållbarhetsmål, uppföljning av hur innovationen bidrar till de målen, aktivt arbete för att skapa förankring för innovationen på olika nivåer i samhället, samt ekonomiskt utrymme för innovationer att utvecklas. Studien bekräftar också funktionen av skyddande innovationsnischer och visar på att eldsjälar har en viktig roll i innovationsprocesser.

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