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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingový mix posilovny Sport Centrum Budokan / Marketing mix of fitness Spot Centrum Budokan

Růžová, Monika January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe and analyze the marketing mix and marketing activities of the fitness SPORT CENTRUM BUDOKAN with the emphasis on increasing its attractiveness and competitiveness, to identify possible deficiencies and to give a list of recommendations for the owner of the fitness, i.e. to make a proposal of a compact marketing strategy. Based on my own marketing analysis (positional analysis, SWOT analysis, mystery shopping, polling, observation and benchmarking), I have designed my own marketing strategy, which would lead to the established aim.

Marketingový výzkum prodejní sítě družstva Jednota, OD Tábor metodou mystery aktivit / Marketing research of sales network Jednota, OD Tábor by mystery activities

Hronová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on marketing research using methods Mystery of activity in the sphere of consumer cooperatives. It outlines the development of consumer co-operatives in the Czech Republic and the historical origins of the development, from the camp. The practical part is realized in business units Unity from the camp, specifically in the stores included in the retail chain COOP TIP. Marketing research has focused on determining the level of service and quality of supply of goods. The analyzed information was the basis for the comparison of results obtained from the research of individual stores and to formulate measures to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities, consumer cooperatives Jednota, from the camp.

Zákaznicky orientovaný marketing stavebního podniku / A customer oriented marketing of construction company

Gloc, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issues of marketing communication in a construction company. Theroretical basis is then applied to a certain construction company which is UniPi.technology. The thesis includes strenhths and weaknesses of the company and a specific marketing communication plan for the following year.

Épicure et les vates sacrés

Groulx, Christophe 12 1900 (has links)
Aux vers 102 et 109 du premier livre de DRN, Lucrèce, poète épicurien, condamne les Vates (poète, prophète) qui, par leurs paroles, inspireraient une peur de la mort liée à des supplices d’après-vie. Pour un épicurien, l’âme cesse d’exister lors de la mort, d’où la condamnation exprimée dans les vers de Lucrèce. On a pensé que Lucrèce utilisait tout simplement le terme de façon péjorative en référence générique à des prophètes latins. Sous Auguste, le mot signifiera poète, tandis que des auteurs comme Virgile se désigneront eux-mêmes par ce terme. Ce travail cherche à donner une réponse à la question: qui sont les vates dont Lucrèce parle? Nous proposons d’identifier les vates de Lucrèce comme étant Orphée et Musée. Ces poètes étaient très connus dans l’antiquité, en particulier par leur association aux rituels mystiques. Ces cultes étaient pour leur part essentiellement eschatologiques. En ce sens, ils véhiculaient une croyance en l’immortalité de l’âme, et des menaces de punition ou de mauvais sort dans le cas où les rituels initiatiques n’étaient pas accomplis. Parmi ces rituels, on peut compter les fameux mystères d’Éleusis. Par leur forte association avec ces cultes, Orphée et Musée se présentent comme les poètes eschatologiques les plus importants du monde antique. Épicure et son système, qui enseignaient que l’âme était mortelle, étaient donc certainement en conflit avec l’ensemble des croyances associées aux rituels mystiques et à leur pratique. Qui plus est, une étude de la piété épicurienne révélera qu’Épicure encouragea la participation aux cultes traditionnels dont les mystères, tout en rejetant les raisons traditionnelles de ces rituels (bienfaits des dieux, eschatologie de l’âme, etc.) Ainsi, Épicure ne put manquer de critiquer les croyances associées aux initiations, ainsi que les deux poètes qui en étaient inséparables. C’est cette critique que nous retrouvons dans le poème de Lucrèce. / In lines102 and 109 of his first book, Lucretius uses the term vates of unnamed persons that preached eternal punishment of the soul. Lucretius (and Epicurus) reject the reality of these punishments, holding them a cause of needless trouble for the mind. Most translators understand the word vates to mean «prophet». But given such a translation, it is hard to identify clearly who the vates could be, especially if we seek the answer in the Roman world. This paper seeks a satisfactory answer to the question "Who are Lucretius’ vates?" The author proposes to identify those Lucretius had in mind when he wrote the lines as Orpheus and Musaeus. These two mythical poets were well known in antiquity, especially through their association with mystic rites and initiations. These rites, it turns out, were fundamentally eschatological. As such, they promoted belief in the immortality of the soul, and of eternal punishments if the rituals were not accomplished. Such rites included the famous Mysteries of Eleusis. Through their association with them, Orpheus and Musaeus are the most important eschatological poets of the ancient world. Because Epicurus asserted that the soul was mortal, there certainly existed a tension between the complex of beliefs associated with mystic rites and the Epicurean system. In addition, a study of Epicurean piety reveals that Epicurus encouraged participation in traditional cults, among them the mysteries, although the Epicurean had to reject the traditional justification of the cults (eschatology, good deeds from the gods, etc.). Consequently, Epicurus must have developed a critique of the beliefs associated with initiations, and certainly a critique of the two well-known poets that were inseparable from these rites. This critique is the one we find in Lucretius’ poem.

Vom Mythos zur Popkultur: Das Vampir-Genre im Wandel der Zeit

Köhler, Luise 01 July 2010 (has links)
Die ‚’Twilight’‘-Saga der Autorin Stephenie Meyer, welche die Geschichte von dem Vampir Edward und seiner menschlichen Geliebten erzählt, hat eine neue Phase des Vampir-Genres eingeläutet. Fernab von gesellschaftlich verankerten Mythen um die geheimnisvollen und gefährlichen Blutsauger, kreiert die Autorin ein neues Vampirbild. Das einst rücksichtslose, egoistische Monstrum ist gezähmt und tritt in Form eines aufopferungsvollen Liebhabers in Erscheinung. Für die Zielgruppe, weibliche Teenager und junge Erwachsene, ist Edward, der Prototyp des neuen Vampirs, schnell zum Idol avanciert. Rund um die ‚’Twilight’‘-Saga hat sich somit eine riesige, internationale Fangemeinschaft gebildet, die vorwiegend über das Internet den Vampirismus-Diskurs zum populärkulturellen Gegenstand werden ließ. Die neue Vampir-Begeisterung stellt jedoch nur den vorläufigen Höhepunkt einer langen Genre-Geschichte dar. Bereits seit der Entstehung des Vampir-Glaubens übt der Mythos vom blutsaugenden Wesen eine enorme Faszination auf die Menschen aus. Grund dafür ist seine Anlehnung an menschliche, meist tabuisierte Bedürfnisse und Wünsche, die mit Hilfe der Vampir-Metapher zum Ausdruck gebracht werden können. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit soll es sein, die Entwicklung des Vampir-Genres und seine Funktionen im Rahmen gesellschaftlicher Kontexte nachzuzeichnen. Zu diesem Zweck erfolgt zunächst ein kurzer Überblick über die Entstehung des Vampir-Mythos und eine Charakterisierung des ‚klassischen‘ Vampirs, wie er im Volksglauben verankert ist. Im Anschluss soll das Vampir-Genre als multidimensionales und historisch variables Genre analysiert werden. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung liegt hierbei auf dem Vampirfilm, welcher sich im Laufe seiner Entwicklung vom Sub-Genre des Horrorfilms zum zielgruppenspezifischen Unterhaltungsmittel ausdifferenziert hat. Abschließend erfolgt eine Skizzierung der aktuellen Vampir-Begeisterung, welche durch die Verfilmung der ’Twilight’-Romane von Stephenie Meyer ausgelöst wurde.:1 Einleitung...1 2 Vampir-Mythos…2 2.1 Der abendländische Vampir...2 2.2 Herkunft und Entwicklung des Vampir-Begriffs...3 2.3 Der Vampir im Menschen…3 3 Das Vampir-Genre…4 3.1 Einflüsse…4 3.1.1 Fantasy…5 3.1.2 Horror…8 3.1.3 Mystery…11 3.2 Charakterisierung…14 3.3 Der Vampirfilm…15 3.3.1 Versuch einer formalen Einordnung…15 3.3.2 Funktionen…17 Der Vampirfilm als Spiegel der Gesellschaft…18 Die Vampir-Metapher und Sexualität…19 3.3.3 Zielgruppe…20 4 Der gesellschaftsfähige Vampir als popkulturelles Phänomen...21 4.1 Die ‚Twilight‘-Saga: Ursprung eines Vampir-Hypes…21 4.2 Das neue Vampirbild…21 4.3 Der Fan als ‚Opfer‘…23 4.4 Vampirismus und Populärkultur…24 5 Fazit und Ausblick...26 6 Literaturverzeichnis…27 7 Eidesstattliche Erklärung...30

La pensée religieuse de Maurice Barrès / The religious thought of Maurice Barrès

Jin, Fenghua 04 May 2016 (has links)
Maurice Barrès, en tant qu’un des plus grands maîtres à la fin du XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle de la France, exerce une grande influence dans la société française. Souvent réduit par la critique d’aujourd’hui au nationalisme, Barrès est cependant plus riche que ce que l’histoire en a retenu puisque sa pensée peut elle-même se décrire comme une trilogie, individualisme, nationalisme, catholicisme. Né dans une famille catholique, il conserve ses racines religieuses et dans son oeuvre, la présence de la religion est partout. Nous pourrions même affirmer que l’œuvre de Maurice Barrès est un exercice spirituel pour connaître la vérité : ses œuvres sont comme des expériences qui vont au bout du compte l’amener vers Dieu. Après l’individualisme et le nationalisme, l’écrivain trouve la voie de son salut dans le catholicisme. La pensée religieuse de Barrès occupe une grande place dans son œuvre, et cet aspect ne doit pas être négligé si l’on veut comprendre le grand écrivain. C’est un sujet riche et intéressant, qui mérite d’être exploité et étudié. De plus, sa pensée est tellement particulière que Barrès, lui-même, s’interroge dans un cahier : « Suis-je croyant ? Suis-je athée ? » Alors, cette étude présente tente à éclaircir la pensée religieuse du grand maître dans une période historique de la France. Et cette période si riche sur le plan des événements intellectuels permet aussi de comprendre mieux la France contemporaine, qui se saisit aujourd’hui à nouveau de mots comme « terre », « racine », « identité », etc. / As one of the greatest writers in the late XIXth and early XXth century in France, Maurice Barrès has greatly influenced the French society. Often reduced to nationalism by critics, however, Barrès is much richer than what history has withheld, since his thoughts could be described as a trilogy : individualism, nationalism and Catholicism. Born in a Catholic family, he retains his religious roots and the religion is clearly omnipresent in his works. The works of Maurice Barrès could be considered as the spiritual exercises and experiences that will ultimately bring him to the Supreme Being - God. After individualism and nationalism, the writer finds his own way of salvation in Catholicism. The religion occupies a large place in the works of Barrès. Nevertheless, this aspect should not be overlooked if we want to better understand his thoughts. The religious thought of Barrès is a rich and interesting topic that deserves to be studied and exploited. His thought is so special in the sense that Barrès questions his beliefs; he says in his personal diary : “Am I a believer ? Am I an atheist ?” This present study attempts to explain the religious thought of the great master during a specific period of French history. This period, which is very rich in terms of intellectual events, enables us to have a better view of contemporary France and the new acceptance of words such as “earth”, “root”, “identity”, etc.

The Contemplative Gift in the Life of the Church

St. Romain, Sister Pia (Kimberly) 01 October 2021 (has links)
Church leaders and other members of the Mystical Body of Christ can avail themselves more to the contemplative gift while undergoing the Paschal Mystery as a team and cultivating spaces of encounter and communion with people in the Church and in the world for deepening union with God and further entry in the process of divinization. Members of the Mystical Body can be more sensitive to the presence of God within themselves and others through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that offers an entryway for Divine Love to take captive the affections of the will as the contemplative gift is increasingly activated from within each person. This way is shown through the Holy Family and their common spiritual life which offers a model of Church that invites all people to share in their oneness of heart rooted in the Trinity to be love as one family of God.


RAFAEL MENDONCA DE SOUZA 02 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa analisa a segunda linha do hino cristológico da perícope 1Tm 3,14-16 na qual encontramos a expressão foi considerado justo no Espírito (v.16b). Essa perícope está dividida em dois gêneros literários: prosa (v.14-16a) e poesia (v.16b-g), assim como por dois temas básicos: eclesiologia e cristologia. Nota-se, porém, que tanto o primeiro tema quanto o segundo encontram-se bem entrelaçados em todo o texto, por meio de palavras isoladas ou mesmo de expressões. Além disso, tal pesquisa constata que o coração da perícope é o hino cristológico presente no v.16, no qual o redator faz referência ao maior de todos os modelos de vida para a Igreja, Àquele cujo exemplo, segundo a perícope, deve ser imitado e a vida proclamada, Jesus Cristo. Utilizando o Método Histórico-Crítico e a Análise Retórica Bíblica Semítica, são apresentadas as seis linhas do hino, que estão em paralelismo antitético e dispostas da seguinte forma: carne (primeira linha) x Espírito (segunda linha) – anjos (terceira linha) x nações (quarta linha) – mundo (quinta linha) x glória (sexta linha). Com base nesses parâmetros, a presente pesquisa sugere uma proposta interpretativa para todo o hino; todavia, com enfoque principal à segunda linha, objeto primeiro desta pesquisa. / [en] This research analyzes the second line of the Christological hymn of the 1Tm 3,14-16 pericope, in which we find the expression was considered righteous in the Spirit (v.16b). This pericope is divided into two literary genres: prose (v.14-16a) and poetry (v.16b-g), as well as two basic themes: ecclesiology and christology. It is noted, however, that both the first theme and the second are well intertwined throughout the text, through isolated words or expressions. In addition, such research finds that the heart of the pericope is the Christological hymn present in v.16, in which the writer makes reference to the greatest of all models of life for the Church, the One whose second, the example, it must be imitated and the life proclaimed, Jesus Christ. Using the Historical-Critical Method and the Biblical Semitic Rhetorical Analysis, the six lines of the hymn are presented, which are in antithetical parallelism and arranged as follows: flesh (first line) x Spirit (second line) - angels (third line) x nations (fourth line) - world (fifth line) x glory (sixth line). Based on these parameters, the present research suggests an interpretive proposal for the entire hymn; however, with a main focus on second line, the first object of this research.


CILBENE INES FALCAO BARBOSA 04 April 2022 (has links)
[pt] A vida de Jesus de Nazaré é um mistério, desde a concepção até a sua ascensão. Na sua paixão, morte, ressurreição e glorificação o mistério de Jesus Cristo é clarificado e torna-se o núcleo central da fé cristã. No mistério pascal o desígnio salvífico de Deus se realizou uma vez por todas com a morte redentora do seu Filho, Jesus Cristo. Jesus venceu o sofrimento, o pecado, a morte e abriu um caminho de vida plena para homens. Primeiramente no Antigo Testamento temos o termo pesah, (passagem) para a festa da páscoa e depois no Novo Testamento as comunidades cristãs do século I a III, passaram a entender páscoa como o mistério de Cristo. Este mistério compreende toda a história da salvação, que tem seu ápice em Jesus Cristo, sua encarnação, sua morte, sua ressurreição gloriosa e depois, na espera feliz de seu retorno. As comunidades faziam memória da imolação de Jesus na cruz, o ato salvífico primordial. A crucificação de Cristo era entendida, pelos primeiros cristãos, como início da sua glorificação. Esta linha histórica, contínua e progressiva do desígnio de Deus para a humanidade e o fundamento bíblico de mistério, são as bases nas quais se elabora o conceito de mistério pascal, no século II. A teologia patrística, entre os séculos III a IV, reflete o mistério pascal de Cristo com foco nas dimensões: história salvífica, eclesial e sacramental. Anos mais tarde, um movimento litúrgico retoma a teologia com base nas fontes bíblico-patrísticas e proporciona vigor fontal à liturgia. Pio XII lentamente incorpora a teologia do mistério, pensada pelo movimento litúrgico, aos documentos pré-conciliares. Neste movimento progressivo, a teologia litúrgica do mistério pascal se concretiza na constituição dogmática Sacrosanctum Concilium que estabelece o mistério pascal como cume e fonte da liturgia. / [en] The life of Jesus of Nazareth is a mystery, from conception to his ascension. In his passion, death, resurrection and glorification, the mystery of Jesus Christ is clarified and becomes the central core of the Christian faith. In the paschal mystery, the salvific plan of God was fulfilled once and for all with the redeeming death of his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus conquered suffering, sin, and death and opened a path of full life for men. First, in the Old Testament, we have the term pesah (passage) for the Easter feast, and then in the New Testament the Christian communities from the 1st to the 3rd century came to understand Easter as the mystery of Christ. This mystery includes all of salvation history, which has its culmination in JesusChrist, his incarnation, his death, his glorious resurrection and then in the joyful waiting for his return. The communities remembered the immolation of Jesus on the cross, the primordial saving act. The crucifixion of Christ was understood, by the first Christians, as the beginning of his glorification. This continuous and progressive historical line of God s plan for humanity and the biblical foundation of mystery are the bases on which the concept of the Paschal Mystery was elaborated in the second century. Patristic theology, between the 3rd and 4th centuries, reflects the paschal mystery of Christ with a focus on the dimensions: salvific, ecclesial and sacramental history. Years later, a liturgical movement takes up the theology based on the biblical-patristic sources and gives fontal vigor to the liturgy. Pius XII slowly incorporates the theology of mystery, thought up by the liturgical movement, into pre-conciliar documents. In this progressive movement, the liturgical theology of the paschal mystery is concretized in the dogmatic constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, which establishes the paschal mystery as the summit and source of the liturgy.

Monuments of The Ones Before

Manoukian, Hagob January 2021 (has links)
Architecture and Film - A Symbiotic Relationship. This project is not intented to be revolutionary, but rather exploratory. To delve deeper into ones interests and better understand them. My architectural studies are five years young, and my passion for film has been with me for as long as I can remember. That is why I see my diplomaproject as an opportunity to bring both worlds that fuel my creativity together. I do not see myself as an architect without being a filmmaker and I cannot create worlds as a filmmaker without exploring architecture. An anomaly was detected in the northern region of Europe. Satellite images show an island not included in any of our maps on which monolithic structures are resting. The clean geometry and the elusive dimensions show monuments difficult to specify in time. These monuments seem ancient, but they are not primitive. They show advanced knowledge of our celestial bodies from however long ago. These are The Monuments of The Ones Before. Once, before our time. To you the reader: We have made a startling discovery. This is the birthplace of astronomy.

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