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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stockpiling Behavior Impacted by Social Media Use Among Middle-aged Women Consumers in Sweden Amid Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak

Lin, Biqiong January 2020 (has links)
The research paper presents qualitative research and aims to examine the impact of social media on consumers’ stockpiling behavior under the situation of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Sweden since week 11, 2020. Data is collected by interviewing five middle-aged women in Sweden who are either native Swedes or permanent immigrants and who had experienced stockpiling behavior. The interpretation of collected data is discussed based on the two-step flow theory, risk communication and the theory of planned behavior, and the social contagion theory. The qualitative content analysis is used to analyze the data with the results of three themes: being inclined to reach information, realizing why and when to hoard things, and behavior changes and showing confidence. The five women interviewed all use various social media ways to get information about COVID-19. There is a significant correlation between social media use, risk perception formulation, and stockpiling behavior. Participants have their judgment to look into the authenticity and reliability of related news. They trust the official social media reports, underwent the influence of social media reports, two-way online interaction, and other stockpiling consumers. They also experience the decreasing level of risk perception and thus changes in stockpiling behavior.

New Public Management och socialt arbete i en samtida pandemi

Bergendahl, Andreas, Håkansson, Maja January 2020 (has links)
Mot bakgrund av en kostsam välfärd och växande offentlig sektor implementeradeSverige New Public Management för att stävja kostnader och effektiviseravälfärden. I New Public Managements utbredning, 30 år senare, förefallerimplementeringen ha bidragit till en allt mer ohälsosam arbetsmiljö. Det socialaarbetet organiseras numera med hjälp av ständiga effektiviseringar, en tilltagandedokumentation och ett decentraliserat budgetansvar. Politiker har kritiseratmodellen då många välfärdsprofessioner insjuknar i miljön, och flera socialarbetareanvänder olika hanteringsstrategier för att hantera situationen. I dagsläget befinnersig det sociala arbetet i en ny situation på grund av ett globalt virusutbrott avCorona. Med pandemins omfattning följer också nya förutsättningar för det socialaarbetets praktik, där New Public Managements effektivitetsanspråk möjligtvis ståri motsättning till Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer vad gäller reduktionenav smittspridning. Därmed är syftet med studien att undersöka vilken upplevelsesocialarbetare har av styrmekanismerna effektivitet, budget och dokumentation iden pågående Coronapandemin, samt vilka hanteringsstrategier enskildasocialarbetare använder när de navigerar i en miljö präglad av både New PublicManagement och pandemin. Datainsamlingen utgörs av åtta semi-struktureradeintervjuer, med socialarbetare inom Region Skåne och Socialtjänsten. Detempiriska materialet analyserades med hjälp av ett teoretiskt ramverk där helhetenutgörs av tre teorier; Gestaltpsykologi, Copingstrategier och den Naturligainställningen. Resultaten illustrerar att effektivitet, budget och dokumentation istora drag är lika styrande, dock förefaller inte styrmekanismerna upplevas avenskilda socialsekreterare på samma sätt som innan pandemin. Resultaten visarockså på en diskrepans mellan enskilda socialarbetares och ledningens upplevelseav effektivitet, budget och dokumentation, samt vad som blir viktigt under enpandemi. Resultaten visar också på att socialarbetare använder åtta olika typer avcopingstrategier i det praktiska arbetet. Slutligen, framgår tre lärdomar utifrånresultatet vad gäller: en organisatorisk oförberedelse inför pandemin, ett distanseratsocialt arbete och en trög byråkratisk omställning. / New public Management was implemented as a response to growing welfare andan expensive public sector. 30 years later, the spread of New Public Managementappears to have contributed to an increasingly unhealthy working environment.Social work is now characterized with a big emphasis on continual efficiencyprojects, a growing burden of documentation and a decentralized budgetaryresponsibility due to this. Furthermore, numerous politicians have criticised themodel and many welfare professions become ill in this context. Therefore, socialworkers are using different coping strategies to cope with the organizationalsituations. Today the social work in Sweden is in a new situation due to the globalpandemic that came with the spread of the Coronavirus. This may affect how socialworkers experience and cope with New Public Managements focus on constantefficiency actions because there might be opposition between this andFolkhälsomyndighetens recommendation of curbing the spread of the Coronavirus.Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to study social workers experience ofefficiency, budget, documentation and which coping strategies social workers useto cope in a new context characterized by both New Public Management and apandemic. This study addresses the research problem with a qualitative method,more specifically, with help of semi-structured interviews. Eight interviews wereconducted with social workers within Region Skåne and Socialtjänsten. Empiricaldata is analysed with a holistic approach consisting of three theories: Gestaltpsychology, Coping strategies, and Natural Attitude. The results show thatefficiency, budget, and documentation govern to a certain extent, however, theyappear to be less important and meaningful to the individual social worker as beforethe pandemic. The results also show a discrepancy between individual socialworkers and management's views on efficiency, budget, documentation, and whatbecomes important to social work in a pandemic. The result also shows that socialworkers use eight different coping strategies in the practical sphere within thepandemic. Finally, there are three takeaways from the result, pertaining to: anunprepared organisation in relation to the pandemic, a distanced social work, and asluggish bureaucratic readjustment.

SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic from a Criminological Perspective - Investigating Antisocial Behaviour Changes in Germany

Schwarzer, Kira January 2020 (has links)
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is not only a health crisis, but also shatters the socialand economic lives through regulations and social restrictions. As seen duringSARS 2002-2003, measures like social restrictions can impact behaviournegatively, leading to discrimination, stigmatisation and xenophobia. There is alack of studies on antisocial behaviour and crime during health crises, such aspandemics. Related studies on disaster and crime gave mixed results, with somesuggesting an increase in prosocial rather than antisocial behaviour. Using acriminological perspective, German news media from January 1, 2020 untilMarch 31, 2020 were analysed. These media sources were the tabloid Bild andtwo main elite newspapers, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter AllgemeineZeitung. Analyses were conducted quantitatively based on frequencies, means andword counts. Additionally, a qualitative media content analysis regarding events,behaviour and story tone was undertaken. The aim was to reveal indications ofreported behavioural changes. For a complete overview, both antisocial andprosocial behaviours were included. Results indicate that antisocial behaviour,such as ignoring of governmental advice and rules, and discriminatory behaviours,as well as crimes like fraud became more prominent over time than prosocial andhelping behaviour. This study shows only a fragment of the situation in Germany,but highlights the importance of continuous assessments of human behaviourduring dynamic and critical times.

‘’Now, God himself is preaching’’: Perspectives on the Spanish flu from magazines affiliated with the Church of Sweden

Karlsson, Love January 2021 (has links)
This study explores how the Church of Sweden was impacted by the Spanish flu in 1918-1920 and how people affiliated with the church interpreted the pandemic theologically. The material analyzed is trade-magazines for people affiliated with the Church from the relevant years. During the current Corona-pandemic, the activities of religious organizations have been given a lot of media attention as potential risk-events for infections. The religious beliefs of those organizations are scrutinized to explain why they feel safe to gather. After gatherings, possible effects such as large-scale outbreaks are often the focus of negative attention. Historically, however, there seems to be few studies on how religious organizations handled ongoing pandemics and the theological beliefs that motivated their choices. This study tries to look at the people working for the Church of Sweden in 1918-1920: how were they affected by the pandemic, how did they interpret the events theologically and what did they do in response to it.

The dark shadow of a world crisis : A study on how organizations in Östergötland county manage, organize and plan for the effects of the Corona pandemic 2020

Hasanagic, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Tourism in rural areas has an important role of developing and altering the rural communities when it comes to the environment, social and economic structures. Rural areas have high potential in tourism development but the world is continuously experiencing the power of nature. December 2019 the world experienced the beginning of the Corona pandemic that would later affect the whole world in just weeks. The Corona pandemic has caused many problems throughout the world but one sector that was specifically affected was the tourism sector. Even though crises are to some extent random and rare, there is no organization that is immune from such events. Unfortunately, many tourism-oriented organizations have been affected by this crisis and there has been a marginal decrease in bookings from previous years. The purpose of this study is to examinate how different organizations manage, organize and plan for crises in rural destinations in Östergötland county. The focus lies on organizations that are dependent on tourism and that use tourism as their main sources of income. The study has a qualitative research approach meaning qualitative semi-structured interviews with organizations in rural destinations. The main findings were that organizations in rural areas don’t have experience about crisis management and therefore don’t adapt it in their organization. In order for organizations to reorganize and plan for the crisis there need to be guides and routines on how the organization will achieve it. By having different plans for different crises, the organization can be better prepared for the next one. The important steps in the reorganization are communication strategy, controlling resources and collaboration with stakeholders. No matter how big or small the organization is, it is important for each organization to have an organization plan in order to tackle and reduce the consequences of a crisis.

Att vänta och föda barn under Coronapandemin : en intervjustudie

Henryson Snöberg, Magdalena, Pellergry, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Background: In 2020 the world was hit by the Coronavirus pandemic and the WHO issued information on how to diminish global virus spreading. In Sweden new rules and regulations concerned among other social sectors maternity and childbirth care. Aim: The aim of the study is to describe experiences by parents of expecting and giving birth to a child during the Coronavirus pandemic. Method: The study is an interview study. The collection of data consists of ten semi structured interviews with parents who were selected through convenience and snowball selections. A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach were used on analyzing the material. Result: The following four main categories were base for the results; Anxiety during pregnancy and childbirth. Partners feeling of exclusion. Handling of current life situation and Parents feeling of powerlessness. The parents felt concern and experienced powerlessness during the periods of pregnancy and childbirth. The anxiety was enhanced by the fact that there was lack of information on the influence on the fetus and the pregnant woman by the virus disease and by altered official regulationsconcerning to maternity care and childbirth care. Conclusion: A pandemic creates anxiety and feelings of powerlessness which brings the conclusion that the parents need more support and information. Both parents should as much as possible be included in all phases of pregnancy, childbirth, and maternity care even during a pandemic, to minimize psychic disorder. This also increases the possibilities for parental affiliation and equality in parenthood. National guidelines for maternity care and childbirth care need to be created, preparing for upcoming pandemics. Scientific evidence should be at hand before children and parents are separated in health and medicine care. Future research should start from a family orientated perspective in health and medicine care, where the participation of all family members is seen as equally important. / Bakgrund: År 2020 drabbades världen av Coronapandemin och WHO gick ut med information för att minska smittspridningen globalt. I Sverige kom nya riktlinjer och regler vilket påverkade mödrahälsovård och förlossningsvård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter av att vänta och föda barn under Coronapandemin. Metod: Studien är intervjustudie. Datainsamlingen utgjordes av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med föräldrar vilka valdes ut genom bekvämlighetsurval samt snöbollsurval. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktivt förhållningssätt användes vid analys av materialet. Resultat: Följande fyra huvudkategorier blev grunden till resultatet: Oro under graviditet och barnafödande, Partners utanförskap, Hantering av rådande livssituation och Föräldrars maktlöshet. Föräldrarna upplevde oro och maktlöshet under graviditet och förlossning, oron förstärktes av det faktum att det var brist på information kring virusets påverkan på fostret, den gravida kvinnan och kring ändrade riktlinjer inom både mödrahälsovård och förlossningsvård. Slutsats: En pandemi skapar oro och maktlöshet vilket medför att föräldrarna behöver mer stöd och information. Båda föräldrarna bör i möjligaste mån inkluderas i hela vårdkedjan kring graviditet, förlossning och tiden på BB även under pandemier för att minimera psykisk ohälsa. Det ökar även möjligheter för en god anknytningsprocess och ett jämställt föräldraskap. Nationella riktlinjer för mödrahälsovård och förlossningsvård behöver skapas så att alla är förberedda inför kommande pandemier. Vetenskaplig evidens bör finnas innan barn och föräldrar separeras inom hälso-sjukvården. Framtidens forskning bör utgå från ett familjecentrerat perspektiv inom hälso- och sjukvård, där hela familjens delaktighet är lika betydelsefull.

Role of e-commerce for the survival of food service industry during covid-19

Islam, Ashraful, Sultana, Sonia January 2020 (has links)
Title: Role of e-commerce for the survival of food service industry during covid-19 Level: Thesis for Master‟s Degree in Business Administration   Authors: Ashraful Islam and Sonia Sultana    Supervisor: Professor Akmal Hyder   Examiner: Dr. Olivia Kang   Final submission date: 28-01-2021     Aim: The aim of the study is to examine the various factors involved in adopting an ecommerce platform to overcome the challenges of the covid-19 pandemic in food service industry. Methods: For the research purpose, we have conceptually reviewed articles, books published in different journals, face-to-face interviews, and online surveys. As a methodology, we have used the qualitative method with an inductive approach. We have used primary data only from five intensive interviews in two companies located in Stockholm. We also collected data from the online survey.    Findings: Our research result was outstanding; we have found that the adoption of e-commerce for the foodservice company has a positive impact. This e-commerce platform helps to survive their business in this pandemic situation and contributes to overcome all the challenges faces by the covid-19 pandemic.    Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes to the literature of both challenges of covid-19 created by covid-19 and factors involved in adopting e-commerce platforms to overcome the challenges.    Suggestions for further research: This study is based on Sweden and we only used data from Sweden based restaurant, so, we suggest more extensive research on different type and location of the restaurant.    Key Words: Challenges of covid-19, adoption of e-commerce, online food order, health and safety, Pandemic, Social distance.

Impact of COVID-19 on pharmaceuticals industry to adapt digital marketing

BM, Khalid, Rani Priyanka, Pulikanti January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis was prompted by the overall interest in Digital marketing that has been growing since the last decade. During this pandemic time, we are interested to know about the impact of COVID-19 on pharmaceutical industry. Most of the articles and the reports in the early stage were mainly about the concept of digital marketing, technology, implementation in day-to-day business. Lesser studies have been conducted keeping the pandemic in view. Covid-19 is the most influencing topic today around the world and because of this, digital marketing has become the important marketing strategy for every business to withstand in the market.  We have chosen to work with the pharmaceutical company in an emerging country India to study the impact of Covid-19 on the pharmaceutical industry and how the industry is adapting digital marketing as their marketing strategy. The empirical study is designed as a qualitative method. We had conducted the interview with the employees of the marketing department, used digital marketing concepts from different literature, and applied to our study. We have also explained the selected methodology to answer our research questions.  Our findings from the research have shown that digital marketing is the most effective marketing strategy for almost all businesses during this lockdown. The company we worked is believing that digital marketing has a long-run result. We had discussed about the marketing challenges faced by the pharmaceutical companies during pandemic, challenges of adopting digital transformation, strategies followed by the company to sustain customer loyalty by following the aspects of relationship marketing. Our research also focused to know about the solutions to overcome the challenges faced by the pharmaceutical companies.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid omvårdnad av patienter med Covid-19 : En litteraturstudie / Nurses experiences of caring for patients with Covid-19 : A literature review

Paulsson, Emma, Lindsjö, Cajsa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19 är en pågående global pandemi, som orsakats av ett nyupptäckt coronavirus. Ett allvarligt problem under pandemin har varit dålig planering, förberedelse och ledarskap. Detta inkluderar förbiseendet av att säkerställa bland annat skyddsutrustning och materiella resurser. I tidigare studier om sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid infektionsutbrott framkommer det svårigheter och utmaningar såsom negativa känslor, brist på kunskap samt information. Det finns få studier om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med Covid-19. Det är därför viktigt att studera sjuksköterskornas upplevelser i Covid-19 pandemin för att underlätta omvårdnadsarbetet samt ta lärdom av upplevda utmaningar och svårigheter inför kommande infektionsutbrott. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att sammanställa sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid omvårdnadsarbete i anslutning till patienter med Covid-19. Metod: Litteraturstudien bygger på kvalitativa artiklar. Databaserna Cinahl och PubMed har använts vid datainsamling. Tolv artiklar valdes ut till litteraturstudiens resultat med hjälp av inklusionskriterier och exklusionskriterier. Samtliga artiklar i resultatet kvalitetsgranskades och resulterade i åtta artiklar med hög kvalitet samt fyra artiklar med medelhög kvalitet. Dataanalysen genomfördes utifrån en innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet identifierades två kategorier; Upplevelser av faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans arbetssätt och Upplevelser av organisatoriska faktorer. I varje kategori identifierades tillhörande subkategorier. Konklusion: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskorna upplevde negativa känslor, utmaningar och svårigheter i samband med omvårdnaden av patienter med Covid-19. För att undvika detta upplevde sjuksköterskorna att de behövde tydliga riktlinjer, tillgång till resurser, stöd, information och kunskap för att erbjuda en säker vård. / Background: Covid-19 is an ongoing global pandemic, caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. A serious problem during the pandemic has been poor planning, preparation and leadership. This includes the oversight of securing protective equipment and material resources. Previous studies of nurses experiences of outbreaks of infection reveal difficulties and challenges such as negative emotions, lack of knowledge and information. There are few studies on nurses experiences of caring for patients with Covid-19. It is therefore important to study the nurses experiences in the Covid-19 pandemic to facilitate the nursing work and learn from perceived challenges and difficulties before future outbreaks of infection. Aim: The purpose of this literature study was to compile nurses experiences of nursing related to patients with Covid-19. Method: The literature study is based on qualitative research. The databases Cinahl and PubMed were used for data collection. Twelve articles were selected for the result of the literature study using inclusion and exclusion criteria. All articles in the result were assessed for quality and resulted in eight high quality articles and four articles of medium quality. The data analysis was performed based on a content analysis. Results: In the results, two categories were identified; Experiences of factors that affect the nurses way of working and Experiences of organizational factors. In each category, associated subcategories were identified. Conclusion: The results showed that the nurses experienced negative emotions, challenges and difficulties in connection with the care of patients with Covid-19. To avoid this, the nurses felt that they needed clear guidelines, access to resources, support, information and knowledge to offer safe care.

Capital flows during times of crises : A study of 21st century economic crises and their impact on FDI-flows

Andreas, Repeta, Carl, Palm January 2021 (has links)
Foreign direct investment has been sharply affected by the global SARS-CoV-19 pandemic, as quarantine measures have decimated global trade, aviation and domestic economies through lockdowns which have wreaked havoc on markets. Macroeconomic indicators including GDP growth rates, unemployment, business confidence, consumer confidence, retail sales and inflation have all been negatively affected due to the simultaneous supply & demand shock caused by the pandemic. Economic crises are a regularly occurring feature, with a degree of cyclicality determining their emergence. The uniqueness of crises, in their appearance and dissipation, stems from a large variance in relevant macroeconomic, fundamental and societal factors giving rise to the crisis in the first place, with the uniqueness being bound and pertinent to a selected period of time in history under which they occurred. In this thesis we explored the impact of the two most significant economic crises of the 21st century, the Great Recession and the ongoing SARS-CoV-19 pandemic and their impact on capital flows, specifically on FDI-flows in two developed markets and two emerging markets. Our findings suggest that FDI-flows display a high synchronicity with stages of economic cycles, and tend to decrease during economic recessions and increase during economic expansions.

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