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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The laws regulating beneficiary funds in South Africa : a critical analysis

Mangammbi, Mafanywa Jeffrey January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Labour Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2013 / This mini-dissertation evaluates the laws regulating beneficiary funds in South Africa. A beneficiary fund is a fund established for the purposes of accepting lump sum death benefits awarded in terms of Section37C of the Pension Funds Act (the Act) to a beneficiary (dependant or nominee) on the death of a member, which are not paid directly to that beneficiary or to a trust nominated by the member, or to the member’s estate or to the guardian’s fund. This replaces the previous payments to trusts and a fund can now only pay to a trust if the trust was nominated by the member, a major dependant or nominee; a person recognised in law or appointed by a court as the person responsible for managing the affairs or meeting the daily care needs of a minor or incapacitated major dependant or nominee. Any association of persons or business carried on under a fund or arrangement established with the object of receiving, administering, investing and paying benefits, referred to in section 37C on behalf of beneficiaries, payable on the death of more than one member of one or more pension funds is a beneficiary fund and must be registered by the Financial Services Board and approved. Beneficiary funds were introduced as a result of the amendments to the Pension Funds Act into the Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act, 22 of 2008. The beneficiary funds were introduced with stronger regulatory framework. They have sufficient governance, reporting requirements and conduct annual audits.

Does freedom of testation supersede the powers of the board of trustees to allocate a death benefit in terms of section 37C of the Pension Funds Act, 24 of 1956?

Marodi, M. L. January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Labour Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2015 / Section 37C of the Pension Funds Act was introduced primarily to ensure that death benefits are paid in accordance with the object of the Act and government policy. Its purpose is to make sure that the dependants of the deceased member are not left destitute upon the death of the member. In order to achieve this, the death benefits are placed under the control of the trustees who are tasked with the duty to distribute the benefits equitably among the beneficiaries. According to this section, death benefits do not form part of the deceased’s estate and as a result a beneficiary under the last will and testament of the deceased is not necessarily a beneficiary under section 37C of the Act. The board of trustees will consider a person as a beneficiary if the deceased member has nominated such a person in a valid nomination form. This section therefore overrides the deceased’s freedom of testation because the board of trustees are not bound by the deceased’s wishes as completed in the nomination form. A nomination form is one of the factors which the trustees have to consider in the exercise of their discretion to make an equitable distribution.

我國國民年金制度與財務規劃之研究 / The Financial Planning of Public Pension

邱美齊, Chiou, Mei Chyi Unknown Date (has links)
從風險的角度來看,所謂的老年風險主要有二:一是對存活期長短的不確定,一為對近老年時的工作能力狀態的不確定。因此,為針對此一風險之特性,以提供自進入老年時期以致死亡時的基本生活保障,個人可藉各種資源移轉的方式,獲取經濟生活的安全。而資源的移轉可分為三種類型:(一)家庭內的移轉,也就是俗稱的養兒防老;(二)生命週期的移轉,即個人透過儲蓄或投資,將生命中早期或中期的資源移轉至晚期使用;(三)社會移轉,例如透過政府的稅收制度或擬議中的國民年金保險,將資源從青壯年人口移轉給屆齡退休的老年人口。   然隨著晚近臺灣地區生育水準的降低及工業化、都市化的結果,想要藉家庭內資源移轉形式取得老年生活的照顧,已不可期待,促使父母尋求以積蓄或投資理財方法作為退休後生活的保障。但此種透過市場機制的資源移轉行為,也難免發生因通貨膨脹或生活水準提高,而吞蝕個人一生積蓄的風險。因此,使用社會移轉如國民年金保險制度的建立,來彌補或取代家庭資源和私人儲蓄的不足,成為國家介入老年福利資源移轉機制的理由。   年金保險制度既然有其需要性,自需做審慎的計畫與評估,而其中財務面的考量是不可欠缺的一環。唯有充足的財源與健全的財務責任制度,才能使年金保險徹底發揮其保障人民基本生活的功能,並使制度可長可久。故本文即著眼於年金保險的財務流程,探討其財源籌措方式、基金管理與運用策咯以及給付內容的擬訂。希望藉由完善的財務規劃,成為年金保險永續經營的支撐力量。   根據估算結果,開辦國民年金保險制度,將約增加六百四十六億元的國庫負擔。考慮當前政府的財政收支狀況及各種財源籌措方法後,以提高營業稅稅率與開徵所得稅附加捐為最適宜的財源取得管道。除了可支應年金保險的成本外,並能用來挹注財政收入。惟應先獲得民眾加稅的共識,才有利於制度的推行。   就基金管理與運用方面而言,為避免重蹈過去勞保責任準備金之投資,太重視安全性而忽咯收益性致使報酬過低之覆轍,今後年金基金的規劃方向應以收益性原則為主,安全性原則為輔,並兼顧基金所具有之公益性特質。一方面開放投資空間;一方面將民間資金導入國家建設,在獲取高收益的同時,亦能達成「取諸於被保險人,用諸於被保險人」的目的。   而合理給付內容之設計,不僅攸關被保險人權益,亦關係政府的財務負荷能力。由於國民年金係定位在提供「防貧」功能的基礎年金上,故考慮最低生活費及貧窮線後,以平均薪資額的30%為給付標準。另顧及個人因素、勞動市場需要及年金財務壓力,針對提早或延後退休的受雇者而有減額、增額年金之規定。此外,為確保年金給付實值與提昇大眾對年金保險的認同感,可分別採取給付調整措施及租稅優惠的方式,使制度更加合理化與普及化。   總之,一項周詳的計畫,應有縝密的考慮。以完備的財務力量做後盾,制度的目標才能落實,而民眾的福祉也才有所依歸。

Pension Reform: The Turkish Case In The European Context

Ozgur, Asuman 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Since 1990s, there was increasing evidence that pension systems have been restructured across Europe and in Turkey. This thesis aims to analyse the outcomes of the pension reform in Turkey in the light of the pension reforms, realized in the European countries. Theoretically, the thesis also attempts to reevaluate institutionalist approach that is dominant approach within the study of pension systems. The main argument of the thesis is that pension systems both across Europe and in Turkey have been restructured since 1990s in accordance with the neo-liberal policies. In both contexts, it is underlined that the target of the reform is to privatize and individualize the pension systems. Change from PAYGO to funded scheme, shift towards multi-tiered model, reduction of the scope and coverage of public pension scheme and shifting of risks from public to individuals form the common characteristics of pension reforms across Europe and in Turkey.

Konsekvenser vid slopandet av korridormetoden : Engångseffekten på eget kapital / Consequences of abolishing the corridor method : One time effect on equity

Jarnbo, Cecilia, Ljungberg, Sophie January 2015 (has links)
Hur företag påverkades av slopandet av korridormetoden varierade från företag till företag. Dock hade alla undersökta företag som tillämpat korridormetoden räkenskapsår 2012, ackumelerade underskott. Den totala genomsnittliga effekten på eget kapial blev en minskning med -4,49 procent. En sjättedel av företagen i undersökningen vidtog någon åtgärd för att förebygga en negativ effekt på eget kapital. Den främsta åtgärd som dessa företag hade vidtagit, var att de successivt hade övergått till avgiftsbestämda pensionsplaner under de senaste åren och stängt de förmånsbestämda pensionsplanerna, vilket har förebyggt en negativ effekt. En ytterligare anledning till varför effekten inte blev så stor som befarades i media, kan bero på att en del företag valde att tillämpa den reviderade IAS 19 i förtid, det vill säga under tidigare räkenskapsår. / How the corporates equity was affected due to the abolishment of the corridor method varies from corporate to corporate. However, all investigated corporates in the essay which practiced the corridor method the fiscal year 2012 had an accumulated deficit. The total average effect on equity shows a decrease by -4,49 percent. One sixth of the corporates reviewed performed preventive actions to mitigate a negative effect on equity. One foremost action these corporates performed was to move from defined benefit plans to contribution plans the last years and close the defined benefit plans. One additional cause why the effect on equity was not as big as the media predicted, could be because some corporates choose to practice the revised IAS 19 in their previous fiscal years.

Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų įvertinimas / Evaluation of private pension funds in Lithuania

Klimaitė, Jurgita 06 June 2006 (has links)
Evaluation of private pension funds in Lithuania Final work of University Postgraduate Studies, 84 pages, 22 figures, 11 tables, 85 references, 14 appendix, Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: pensions, social security, pension reform, private pension funds. Research object – Private pension funds in Lithuania Research aim – to evaluate private pension funs in Lithuania. Objectives: 1)specify the concept of private pension funds. 2)perform theoretic the analysis of social insurance models and estimate their potential use in the practice of private pension funds. 3)estimate potential ways of sponsorship and administration of pension funds. 4)frame the methodology of evaluation of private pension funds. 5)evaluate private pension funs in Lithuania according to the prepared methodology. Research methods: the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, logical analysis and synthesis, comparable analysis, structural comparative analysis, the analysis and synthesis of statistical information, graphic methods of modeling, method of rating.

Pensijų fondų veiklos teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of the performance of pension funds

Kačėnaitė, Jurgita 27 December 2006 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikoje nuo 2004 metų veikia nauja socialinio draudimo pensijų sistema. Ji suteikia Lietuvos Respublikos gyventojams teisę kaupti papildomai pensijos daliai pensijų fonduose. II ir III pakopos pensijų fondų veiklos priežiūrą atlieka Lietuvos Respublikos Vertybinių popierių komisija. Pensijos yra tam tikra taupymo forma, kuri leidžia sulyginti pajamas per visą gyvenimo laikotarpį. Kiekvienas dirbantis žmogus gali taupyti tam tikrą einamųjų pajamų dalį, taip užtikrindamas sau išmokas iš÷jus į pensiją. Todėl išsivysčiusiose šalyse pensijos ir pensijų fondai vystėsi jau nuo senų laikų – jų užuomazgų galima rasti jau XVII amžiuje. Pirmosios valstybinės pensijos įvestos, generolo Oto fon Bismarko dėka, Vokietijoje 1889 metais. Daugumoje Europos Sąjungos valstybių praktikoje išryškėjo tendencija II pensijų sistemos pakopą daryti kaip privalomąją. Lietuvos Respublikos privalomąjį pobūdį išlaikė tik pirmoji pakopa, tuo tarpu antroji ir trečioji yra savanoriškos. Nuo 2004 m. sausio m÷n. 1 d. Lietuvos Respublikos gyventojai dalį įmokų “Sodrai” turi teisę pervesti į pensijų fondus, o taip pat gali savanoriškai kaupti papildomai pensijos daliai pensijų fonduose ar gyvybės draudimo įmonėse, mokėdami tam tikro dydžio įmokas. Teisę tapti pensijų fondo dalyviu turi asmenys, privalomai draudžiami valstybiniu socialiniu pensijų draudimu pagrindinei ir papildomai pensijos daliai gauti, išskyrus asmenis, kurie jau yra sukakę senatvės pensijos amžių. Pensijų įmokos dydis 2006 metais... [to full text] / Lithuanians, since 01/01/04, a part of their payments to “Sodra” can remit in pension funds. All pension accumulation enterprises are strictly controlled and supervised by the Stock Commission. Pension is a particular way on saving, which allows dispensing lifetime income. Every working person can put aside a certain part of his income, thus guaranteeing allowance when the person retires. In wealthy countries pensions and pension funds have existed for a long time, their origins dating as far back as the 17th. First retirement was instituted by Otto von Bismarck in Germany 1889. There is a tendency that in most of European Union states II level’s of the pension system are compulsory. In Lithuania only I level is compulsory, while II and III are voluntary. Lithuanians, since 01/01/04, a part of their payments to “Sodra” can remit in pension funds, also they can accumulate voluntary for subsidiary part of the pension in pension funds or insurance enterprises, by making certain payments. To become a participant of the pension fund may a person, who is compulsory insured with the social retirement insurance, to get main or subsidiary part of pension. Person, who is already turned the retirement age, have no right to participate in the second level. In 2006 the pension payment is 4.5 percent, since 2007 – 5.5 percent of participant’s income, from which the national social security payments are countable. Payments are remitted from VSDF (National Social Insurance Fund) budget to... [to full text]

Pensijų reformos plėtra / Development of the pension reform

Barilovič, Gražina 13 June 2005 (has links)
Pensija – tai senatvės pajamos, skirtos kasdieniam senų žmonių vartojimui finansuoti. Šiandien beveik visi Lietuvos pensininkai, kaip ir daugelyje Europos šalių, pensijas gauna iš valstybės, t. y. valstybė turi finansuoti beveik visą pensininko vartojimą. Dėl ilgėjančio senų žmonių amžiaus ir mažėjančio gimstamumo didėja valstybės išlaidos senatvės pensijoms. Vienas iš siūlomų valstybės išlaidų mažinimo būdų – padidinti asmeninių santaupų vaidmenį senatvės pajamose. Manoma, kad ateityje daugelis pensinio amžiaus žmonių beveik visą savo vartojimą turės finansuoti iš asmeninių santaupų. Vadinasi, pensijų sistemos reforma padidins asmeninių santaupų svarbą. Asmeninių santaupų struktūra – esminis pensijų reformos klausimas. Lietuvos gyventojai, galėdami laisvai pasirinkti investicijų formas (vyriausybės taupymo lakštai, banko indėliai ir pan.) ir investicijų horizontą, dažniausiai savo santaupas laiko trumpalaikių banko indėlių forma. LR Vyriausybė įvedė privalomąjį kaupimą pensijų fonduose, dalį socialinių draudimo įmokų perduoti į privačius pensijų fondus. Šie fondai pradėjo veikti 2004 metų pradžioje. Pensijų fondų finansavimo šaltinis – privalomos darbuotojų įmokos. Privalomojo kaupimo pensijų įmoka yra atimama iš valstybinio socialinio pensijų draudimo įmokos. / According to the currently effective system in Lithuania funds collected from currently employed persons are immediately paid out to the existing pensioners (the solidarity principle of generations). Pensions currently paid are too low to maintain a “normal” living standard. The practices of well-developed Western countries suggest that an old age pension should make at least 70 per cent of the average wages previously earned by the person in order to maintain a similar living standard (now it represents about 40 per cent of average wages). In the future pensions are likely even to decrease in relative terms as life expectancy is getting longer and employed persons will have to maintain more and more pensioners. In order to ensure a higher living standard for future pensioners the pension reform has been launched recently. It may help to take care of one’s future and have a possibility to receive higher income when retired. Participation in private pension funds provides a possibility to accumulate pension funds in one’s personal account. Pension funds invest contributions paid by employed persons in shares, bonds and bank deposits. By investing part of income of individuals in the pension funds the Government is changing the structure of personal savings, and that influences the importance of certain segments of the financial sector (banks, capital market, insurance, etc.) in the Lithuanian economy.

Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų įvertinimas / Evaluation of Private Pension Funds in Lithuania

Stankūnaitė, Gitana 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamasis darbas, 69 puslapiai, 12 paveikslai, 8 lentelių, 88 literatūros šaltiniai, 11 priedų, lietuvių kalba. RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: pensijos, socialinė apsauga, pensijų sistemos reforma, privatūs pensijų fondai. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos privatūs pensijų fondai. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos privačius pensijų fondus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) nustatyti privačių pensijų fondų vietą pensijų sistemoje; 2) nustatyti privačių pensijų fondų svarbą kuriant gerovės valstybę; 3) atlikti privačių pensijų fondų veiklos ir vertinimo problemų analizę; 4) nustatyti pensijų fondų vertintojus ir jų vertinimo kriterijus; 5) parengti pensijų fondų įvertinimo metodiką; 6) pagal parengtą metodiką įvertinti Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų veiklą. Tyrimo metodai - mokslinės literatūros bei loginė analizė ir sintezė, lyginamoji analizė, struktūrinė santykinė analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė ir sintezė, grafinio vaizdavimo metodas, reitingavimo metodas. / The final work of magistracy studies, 69 pages, 12 pictures, 8 tables, 88 literature sources, 11 annexes, in Lithuanian. KEY WORDS: pensions, social security, pension system reform, private pension funds. Research Target: private pension funds in Lithuania. Research aim: To evaluate private pension funds in Lithuania. Research Objectives: 1. To ascertain the location of private pension funds in pension system; 2. To ascertain the importance of private pension funds creating the welfare state; 3. To carry out the analyses of the problems determining the activity of private pension funds; 4. To establish the evaluators and their criteria for evaluating private pension funds; 5. To prepare methodics for evaluating pension funds; 6. to evaluate the activity of private pension funds in Lithuania according to the prepared methods. Research methods: logical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, comparative analyses, structural relative analysis, analysis and synthesis of statistical data, graphical representation method, rate-making method.

Privatūs II pakopos pensijų fondai ir jų raidos Lietuvoje ekonominis vertinimas / Private II pillar pension funds and economic evaluation of their development in Lithuania

Mikulevič, Rima 17 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe išnagrinėta pensinio socialinio draudimo samprata bei aptarta socialinio draudimo istorinė raida Lietuvoje. Išanalizuotas privačių pensijų fondų objektyvus reikalingumas Lietuvoje. Šiame magistro darbe taip pat ištirta Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų rinkos struktūra bei atlikta išsami Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų rinkos ekonominė analizė. Pagal šios analizės rezultatus pateiktos privačių pensijų fondų tobulinimo galimybės. Patvirtinta autoriaus suformuluota hipotezė, kad Lietuvoje pensinio amžiaus žmonių aprūpinimas nėra pakankamas, todėl šią problemą galima dalinai išspręsti remiantis privačiais pensijų fondais. / This master‘s thesis examinated the concept of social security retirement and discussed social security historical development in Lithuania. Analyzed the private pension fund objective necessity in Lithuania. Also this master‘s thesis has been investigated Lithuanian private pension fund market structure and accomplished detail Lithuanian private pension fund market economic analize. According to the results of the analyze has been present the private pension fund improvement facilities. Author‘s formulated hypothesis – that Lithuania retirement age persons provision is not sufficient, so this problem can be partially resolved by private pension funds,was approved by the reasersh.

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