Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PLAN"" "subject:"[enn] PLAN""
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Effektivisering av intern kommunikation : En studie genomförd inom nöjesbranschen / Efficiency improvement of internal communicationBexander, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
The study aims to understand and streamline the use of the Cirkus Arena och Restaurang’s communication channels. This is done by analysing the current situation and identifying opportunities for improvement. The study examines three issues (1) What are and how are the organization's communication channels used today? (2) How is the communication experienced in the organization today? (3) How can the organization use the communication channels more efficient in the future? The data collection methods for the study are based on qualitative data in form of a questionnaire and an unstructured interview. The collected material indicates that there is ignorance about how the communication channels should be used in the current situation, there is also a common view that there are too many different communication channels that are unstructured. In addition, it emerged that employees want a clearer flow of communication to create more stable routines and processes. The problems that can arise when the communication is ambiguous is that the communication does not reach the affected staff, it can also create misunderstandings which in turn can have an influence on the workload of the employees. In order to develop and streamline the use of the organisation's communication channels, it is proposed that a communication policy with an associated communication plan be established and implemented in the business, combined with a plan for how the routine is to be followed to ensure that the work provides the desired benefit. / Studien syftar till att förstå och effektivisera användningen av Cirkus Arena och Restaurangs kommunikationskanaler. Detta genom att analysera nuläget och identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter. Studien undersöker tre frågeställningar (1) Vilka är och hur används organisationens kommunikationskanaler idag? (2) Hur upplevs kommunikationen på organisationen idag? (3) Hur kan organisationen utnyttja kommunikationskanerna på ett mer effektivt sätt i framtiden? Datainsamlingsmetoderna för studien bygger på kvalitativdata i form av ett frågeformulär och en ostrukturerad intervju. Det insamlade materialet tyder på att det råder okunskap kring hur kommunikationskanalerna skall användas i dagsläget, det finns även en gemensam syn om att det finns för många olika kommunikationskanaler som är ostrukturerade. Utöver detta framkom det att medarbetarna önskar ett tydligare kommunikationsflöde för att skapa mer stabila rutiner och processer. De problem som kan uppstå när kommunikationen är tvetydig är att kommunikationen inte når fram till berörd personal, det kan även skapa stora missförstånd vilket i sin tur kan påverka medarbetarnas arbetsbelastning. För att utveckla och effektivisera användningen av organisationens kommunikationskanaler föreslås att en kommunikationspolicy med en tillhörande kommunikationsplan upprättas och implementeras i verksamheten, dessa kombinerat med en plan för hur rutinen skall efterlevas för att säkerställa att arbetet ger den önskvärda nyttan.
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Detaljeringsgraden i dagens detaljplaner, en studie av femtio planer för nyexploatering av större bostadsområden / The Level of Details in Today’s Zoning Plans, a Study of Fifty Zoning Plans for New Big Residential AreasHaglund, Albin, Ekman, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Detailed development plan provisions whichcomplicate plan implementationOccurrence and utilization / Detaljplanbestämmelser som försvårar ettfastighetsrättsligt plangenomförandeFörekomst och användningSpångberg, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
For a long period of time it has been known that detailed development plans contain provisions that are difficult to implement. In 2011, the Swedish government assigned the cadastral authority to identify the gravity of the problem by sending out 384 questionnaires to cadastral surveyors. These cadastral surveyors specified whether the detailed development plans contained provisions that could be difficult to implement. In this thesis, the questionnaires are reviewed, and in order to have a deeper understanding of the reasons why these provisions are still used, interviews were carried out with five detailed development planners in different municipalities. The results from the questionnaires illustrates the following: two percent of the detailed development plans contain land that is reserved for a joint facility and for a public purpose, and five percent was for land that was not localized. In five percent there were no special reasons for the municipality for not mandating public places. The description of the plans lacked information about how the plan could be carried out in 35 percent of the plans. From the interviews it appears that the land reservation which were not localized were used because they did not want to lock the plan to existing conditions. Through the land reserve for a joint facility and for public land the municipality wanted to secure public access to private land and at the same time not have to pay for the public area. In many of the detailed development plans the municipalities did not mandate for public spaces because the neighbourhood had private mandating. According to one municipality they gave priority to the design of the plan before the implementation. Another one said that it was hard to decide which questions they had to solve in the plan and which ones belonged to the cadastral authority. However, the development planners consider the consultation as a pragmatic method to get input on the plan. In summary, the municipalities need more guidance to enforce the plan and the know-how of the provisions needed to implement the plan efficiently. / Under en längre tid har det framkommit att detaljplaner innehåller planbestämmelser som är svåra att genomföra. Lantmäteriet fick därför år 2011 i uppdrag av regeringen att utreda hur omfattande problemen är. En enkät skickades ut till förrättningslantmätare som i och med sitt samrådsyttrande till kommunen fick ange ifall detaljplanen innehöll planbestämmelser som kunde bli svåra att genomföra. I examensarbetet sammanställs de 384 enkätsvaren varav ett urval presenteras och för att få en djupare förståelse för av vilka anledningar dessa planbestämmelser används har även fem planhandläggare på olika kommuner intervjuats. Resultatet av enkätsvaren visar att två procent av detaljplanerna innehåller gx/ gz områden och olokaliserade markreservat till ett första plansamråd. Särskilda skäl för ett enskilt huvudmannaskap fattas i sju procent av detaljplanerna och 35 procent av planerna innehåller andra brister som många gånger handlar om att planbeskrivningen inte innehåller tillräcklig information om hur planen ska genomföras. Av intervjusvaren med planförfattarna framgår att de olokaliserade markreservaten användes för att inte låsa planen till befintliga förutsättningar och genom gx-området säkerställdes allmänhetens tillträde till kvartersmark samtidigt som kommunen undgick det ekonomiska ansvaret för området. I flera av detaljplanerna har kommunen avsagt sig huvudmannaskapet eftersom att det av tradition varit enskilt. Enligt en av planförfattarna prioriterar kommunen att behandla frågor om detaljplanens gestaltning till samrådet framför genomförandefrågor och en annan planförfattare menar att det är svårt att avgöra vad som är deras frågor att behandla och vad som är Lantmäteriets. Dessutom framfördes att samrådet var till för att få in bra synpunkter och att många frågor löstes efter att det genomförts. Slutsatsen av examensarbetet är att kommunerna behöver mer stöd när det gäller genomförandefrågor och bättre kunskaper i vad nämnda planbestämmelser innebär för det fastighetsrättsliga genomförandet.
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Treatment Integrity of Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) in Public School SettingsRigby, Danielle Marie Green 08 August 2019 (has links)
Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) are intended to guide educators' efforts to help struggling students succeed in school by reducing the frequency of problem behavior and teaching appropriate, pro-social responses. The impact of a BIP, however, depends on the degree to which the plan is implemented with fidelity. In practice, there are many factors that prevent teachers and other practitioners from strictly adhering to the BIP including having multiple plans to follow, inexperience with the specified intervention(s), or particularly challenging behaviors in the classroom. The purpose of the study was to identify the factors that contribute to the treatment integrity of BIPs implemented by general educators. To accomplish this goal, we graded plans already developed and implemented using the Behavior Intervention Plan Quality Evaluator, Second edition. The BIP evaluations were then paired with survey responses from the practitioners charged with creating and completing the BIPs. A multiple regression analysis was used to predict treatment integrity (TI) outcomes based on BIP quality, in terms of development and features of the written plan, and the coaching or training received by the primary implementer and plan developer. The purpose of this study was to determine how the qualifications, training, and coaching of the professionals involved in a plan, as well as the development of the plan, and the quality of the BIP influence treatment integrity. Although coaching ended up being an excluded factor and only BIP quality was found to possess some relation to treatment integrity, the study concluded with interesting findings. Training, BIP Quality, and Treatment Integrity were found to possess predictive qualities for student outcomes. A total of 4 school districts in the state of Utah participated in the study and a total of 51 plans were evaluated and 32 survey responses were submitted. Individual BIP practices were assessed, and with more information on the factors that influence treatment integrity, educators will be better prepared to support these factors in their schools and provide better supports and develop higher quality behavior intervention plans as they are implemented with greater integrity.
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Co-Branding para la Marca de Ropa Deportiva de una Universidad en PerúRosselló Tudela, María Luisa, Injoque Cantella, Daniela Patricia, Cino Barreda, Daniel 31 December 2019 (has links)
Nuestro plan de negocio es el desarrollo de una propuesta de co–branding entre una marca deportiva y una universidad para desarrollar una línea de sports fashion que integre ambas marcas.
Como oportunidad, apreciamos una tendencia creciente en el uso de ropa deportiva urbana, y la posibilidad de fortalecer la relación entre una universidad con sus alumnos y egresados a través de un vínculo emocional que usa, como herramienta, el deporte.
La propuesta incluye un co-branding entre una marca deportiva establecida, que ya cuente con un fuerte vínculo emocional con sus clientes, y una universidad peruana con un sólido programa deportivo y cuya población estudiantil sea de, al menos, 50,000 alumnos.
Esta propuesta ha sido validada con el mercado a través de un sondeo a nuestro público objetivo y consideramos que tiene viabilidad económica ya que cuenta con un TIR de 35% y un VAN positivo de S/ 2,348,148 considerando el costo de oportunidad del 15%. / We want to develop a business plan with a co-branding allegiance between a sports brand and a university in Peru while developing a “sports fashion” line on campus.
We have noticed an elevated use of urban sporting goods worldwide, as well as seen a great opportunity to strengthen the relationship and build an emotional tie between the chosen university, its students, and graduates.
We propose a co-branding between a renowned sports brand in Peru that already has a strong emotional attachment with its clients, as well as a Peruvian university with a solid sports program and at least 50,000 students.
This proposal was validated in the market while probing our primary target audience; the university’s student body. / Tesis
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Plan de negocios para la implementación de un restaurant de pizzas con mesas interactivasYangali Núñez, Rocío Miriam, Valenzuela Patiño, Victor Hernan 30 December 2016 (has links)
El presente Plan de Negocios, muestra la viabilidad económica para la Implementación de un restaurante (pizzería) con mesas interactivas enfocado en los Niveles Socioeconómicos A y B, aprovechando las oportunidades existentes actualmente en el mercado y en satisfacer a un segmento de clientes que se encuentra en búsqueda de nuevas experiencias.
La Experiencia del Cliente, será el principal factor que marcará la diferencia con respecto a las ofertas de servicios similares de acuerdo al análisis de la industria y del mercado realizado, implementando una novedosa estrategia a través del uso de mesas interactivas que permitan a los clientes personalizar y visualizar sus pedidos. Adicionalmente, las pantallas también permitirán escoger el medio de pago y ofrecerán también algunos juegos para entretener a los clientes mientras llega la pizza.
El restaurant estará ubicado en el Centro Comercial Jockey Plaza, en un espacio de 100 metros cuadrados. Se ofrecerán dos horarios, almuerzos y cenas. La propuesta que se presenta es una opción de atención única, moderna, rápida, especializada y divertida, con un producto final de excelente calidad y sabor. Y que además brindará un ambiente diferente con elementos que harán que la experiencia en CIBER PIZZA sea la mejor.
Por último, la evaluación financiera realizada concluye que, al alcanzar los niveles de ventas proyectados en este Plan de Negocios, el proyecto se considera viable y rentable, presentando un VAN positivo de S/ 856,524 con una TIR del 123% inversión que será recuperada antes del año de iniciadas las operaciones. / Tesis
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Proyecto de conversión de bicicletas convencionales a bicicletas dúo / The conversion of a conventional bike to a hybrid bikeArana Villegas, Jeanette Gissela, Mercado Zarate, Johnathan Alejandro, Paulino Aguilar, Rosalin Mayra, Rios Asmat, Polshka Francisca 14 July 2020 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es desarrollar la propuesta de valor de Forcebike. El cuál consiste en la conversión de bicicletas convencionales a bicicletas dúo, ofreciendo así una alternativa de medio de transporte más económico, ecológico y beneficioso para la salud del cliente. Para ello, se desarrollaron los siguientes planes. Primero, el estratégico donde se analiza la industria de bicicletas y se identifica el segmento de clientes. Segundo, el de marketing donde se explica el valor diferencial y las estrategias que utilizará Forcebike para captar a sus clientes. Tercero, el plan de operaciones y recursos humanos donde se identifica los procesos claves del negocio y se define la estructura de la organización. Cuarto, se determina el monto de inversión, se analizan y evalúan los resultados del plan financiero y económico para determinar la rentabilidad del proyecto. En la investigación, se utiliza la metodología cualitativa: entrevistas de profundidad a personas que tiene bicicletas convencionales. Finalmente, los resultados de la investigación indican que el 83% de los entrevistados tiene interés en usar el servicio de conversión, la inversión inicial es de S/87,805, no se requiere de financiamiento externo y se calculó una VAN de S/1´971,596 con lo cual se concluye que Forcebike es una oportunidad de negocio viable y rentable. / This research work aims to evaluate the business plan of FORCEBIKE Company. It is about the conversion of a conventional bike to a hybrid bike, in this way, it will offer an alternative of an economic and ecological transport, and provides health benefits. To that end, these plans were developed. Firstly, a strategic plan, which examines bike industry and identify the customer segment. Secondly, a marketing plan, which explains the differential value and the strategies will be used by Forcebike to attract customers. Thirdly, an operational plan and human resources, which identifies the key business processes and defines the organizational structure. Fourthly, the amount of investment is determined, it analyse and evaluate the financial and economic plan results to get the project's profitability. In this research, qualitative methodology is used: in-depth interviewees who have conventional bikes. Finally, the results of this research show that 83% of the interviewees agreed to use conversion service, the initial investment is S/87,805, it do not require external financing and a S/1´971,596 VAN was calculated. From this, it is concluded Forcebike is a viable and profitable business opportunity. / Trabajo de investigación
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FRESH COOLERBalvin Garcia, Suley Virginia, Otarola Ruiz, Erwin Jhonnatan, Ramírez Flórez, Karla Vanessa, Seminario Lozano, Lilian Isela 14 July 2020 (has links)
Hoy en día las tendencias por lo saludable están en ascenso, las circunstancias de salubridad mundial nos exigen pensar más en el bienestar propio y en las costumbres alimenticias a adoptar para reducir situaciones médicas de riesgo, es necesario adoptar una cultura de comidas saludables buscando soluciones que nos faciliten llevar a cabo actividades relacionadas a ella.
El presente trabajo de investigación está basado en la elaboración de contenedores con filtros de etileno, los cuales preservan por más tiempo los alimentos perecibles (frutas y verduras); buscamos replicar y traer al mercado doméstico una experiencia real aplicada hoy en la exportación de estos productos alrededor del mundo; basados en la investigación de mercado del proyecto evidenciamos que nuestro producto facilita el almacenamiento y la conservación de dichos alimentos. Este proyecto muestra las bondades del Filtro de Etileno que alarga la vida de alimentos perecibles a través de un compuesto químico llamado Permanganato de Potasio que, gracias a su propiedad antibacterial y aplicación aprobada para alimentos, elimina las bacterias que producen la oxidación de frutas. En estos momentos donde salir de casa o comprar con frecuencia representa un riesgo para la salud consideramos que nuestro producto solucionará este problema y reducirá considerablemente las perdidas por descomposición.
La empresa venderá los productos a través del canal retail, para llegar a más familias peruanas, el precio varía según el tamaño, pequeño S/22.00, mediano: S/29.00 y grande S/39.00.
Los filtros de Etileno se importarán de Italia y los envases de vidrio de China. / Today the trends for healthy are on the rise, the circumstances of global health require us to think more about our well-being and the eating habits to adopt to reduce risky medical situations, it is necessary to adopt a culture of healthy meals looking for solutions that facilitate us to carry out activities related to it.
The present research work is based on the elaboration of containers with ethylene filters, which preserve perishable foods (fruits and vegetables) for a longer time; We seek to replicate and bring to the domestic market a real experience applied today in the export of these products around the world; Based on the project's market research, we show that our product facilitates the storage and preservation of these foods. This project shows the benefits of the Ethylene Filter that lengthens the life of perishable foods through a chemical compound called Potassium Permanganate that, thanks to its antibacterial property and approved application for food, eliminates bacteria that cause oxidation of fruits. At these times were leaving home or shopping frequently represents a health risk, we believe that our product will solve this problem and considerably reduce losses due to decomposition.
The company will sell the products through the retail channel, to reach more Peruvian families, the price varies according to size, small S / 22.00, medium: S / 29.00 and large S / 39.00.
Ethylene filters will be imported from Italy and glass containers from China. / Trabajo de investigación
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La sazón de la NonnaBejarano Portal, Juan Pablo, Curo Girón, William Allende, Espinoza Carpio, Luis Espinoza, Vidal Alvarez, Nathalie Emmy, Vidaurre Llontop, Cesar Alberto 17 February 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de negocio tiene como finalidad demostrar que la idea de negocio es viable y tiene mucho potencial; además, es innovadora y atractiva hacia el cliente. Se refleja la tendencia y necesidad de personas de la población económicamente activa para adquirir una alternativa saludable y nutritiva en sus almuerzos.
La Sazón de la Nonna se dedica a la venta de almuerzos por delivery y ofrece 2 tipos de menús, uno de ellos es la “Comida Casera” y la otra “Comida Saludable”. La empresa busca ser flexible, puntual y ordenada en sus pedidos a fin de encontrar calidad en el producto final; por otra parte, la empresa es responsablemente sociable e inclusivos laboralmente al contratar personal de tercera edad. La ideología de la empresa está enfocada en el cliente; por lo que busca ofrecer diversas opciones de menús que lleguen a tiempo y sean acordes al requerimiento.
Se identifica el gran potencial del mercado; ya que, la empresa busca operar en distritos de alto consumo (almuerzo) como San Isidro y Miraflores; para ello, buscaremos captar la atención del cliente mediante publicidad en facebook y reparto de volantes. El presupuesto de marketing es clave para lograr la presencia que requerimos; en ese sentido, dicho presupuesto crece en función de las ventas. / The purpose of this business project is to show that the business idea is viable and has a lot of potential; In addition, it is innovative and attractive to the customer. The tendency and need of people from the economically active population to acquire a healthy and nutritious alternative in their lunches is reflected.
La Sazón de la Nonna is dedicated to the sale of lunches by delivery and offers 2 types of menus, one of them is “Homemade Food” and the other “Healthy Food”. The company seeks to be flexible, timely and orderly in order to find quality in the final product; On the other hand, the company is responsibly sociable and labor-inclusive when hiring senior staff. The ideology of the company is focused on the customer; Therefore, it seeks to offer various menu options that arrive on time and are consistent with the requirement.
The great potential of the market is identified; since, the company seeks to operate in districts of high consumption (lunch) such as San Isidro and Miraflores; to do this, we will seek to capture customer attention through advertising on Facebook and distribution of flyers. The marketing budget is key to achieve the presence we require; in that sense, said budget grows based on sales. / Trabajo de investigación
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Samordnad individuell plan : Ett implementeringsproblem? / Coordinated individual plan : An implementation problem?Dahlén, Moa January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze and try to find out why the legislation of coordinatedindividual plan does not appear to be implemented as intended. This is studied with a focus onthe social services part of the coordination and with a focus on the parts of the social servicethat relate to addiction. This has been done by interviewing ten social workers from tendifferent municipalities. The theoretical framework consists of implementation theories.By using a qualitative content analysis on the material, eight different categories have beenidentified that also constitute the empirical part of the study. It shows that there is a differencebetween what and how much education the social workers have received and that it alsodiffers around the perception around whether they have sufficient knowledge. Most peopleexpress that the work with coordinated individual plan affects the workload but that it issomething that is prioritized either way and can make the work more efficient in the longerrun. All social workers are positively attuned to coordinated individual plans, but they stillfeel that improvements can be made. To explain the results of the study, it is discussed basedon different implementation theories.
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