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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How social is the politics? : A case study of how political parties used social media in the Swedish governmental election of 2014

Kempe, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
In the past years the usage and growth of social media has increased, through the increase in popularity, growth and use, social media has become an all the more important arena. Politicians need to communicate with the public, where the public is, in order to be elected and right now a large amount of the public is on social media. This research studies how four of the largest political parties in Sweden, Socialdemokraterna, Moderaterna, Sverigedemokraterna and Miljöpartiet, together with an upcoming party Feministiskt initiativ, used social media in the governmental election in Sweden 2014. In order to study how these political parties used social media, the posts made on Facebook and Twitter were selected. The posts were selected from the two weeks leading up to the election. The posts on Twitter had a higher quantitity and were studied through a quantitative content analysis; while the posts on Facebook included richer text and were studied through a qualitative content analysis. The choice to include both a quantitative and a qualitative content analysis were made to give a richer result with a more including picture. The result showed that there is not one universal media logic used by the parties on the posts posted on Facebook and Twitter, however the elements used were the same, but in different extent. One of the parties, Miljöpartiet, had a consequent media logic of all of the selected post made by them on Facebook. On social media political parties become gatekeepers themselves, without relying on journalists to bring forth their ideals, election issues, and topics of importance. On social media the political parties decide what to publish and how to publish it. The political parties frame the topics to benefit themselves and argue for why their approach is the right choice and why the viewer of the post should vote for them.

Hålla rågången : En kvalitativ studie av relationen mellan lokalpolitiker i Kalmar och journalister

Crabb, Evelina, Bäcklund, Karin January 2008 (has links)
This study focused on how local politicians in Kalmar perceive journalists and their intertwined relationship. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of today’s media-centric democratic society. The ‘adversary model’ offered an understanding of the intricate relations between politicians and journalists. The relationship builds on constant trade where both parties are dependent on each other. Politicians exchange information to gain attention in the media. Journalists needs politicians as important sources of information and have the power to control the exposure that politicians get in the public eye. This study was researched and conducted through qualitative interviews with local politicians. We found that experienced politicians have developed an understanding for journalistic work and that it is important to have a good relationship to reach out to their constituency. This professional relationship has to be kept at arm’s length as it otherwise risks to become too muddled. We learned that politicians are well aware of the need to adapt to media conditions – there were, however, examples of breakdowns in this precarious relationship. The politicians in our study delivered several examples of how media adaptation is managed, e g how press conferences are scheduled according to media deadlines and are held at suitable locations so that photographers can get good pictures. Trust appeared to be the crucial condition for a rewarding relationship. Every politician in our study agreed that it is all a question of trust.

Marketingo apraiškos politinėje komunikacijoje. 2012-tų metų Lietuvos Seimo rinkimai: politinės partijos „Sąjunga TAIP“ atvejis / Marketing in Political Communication. Lithuanian Parliamentary Elections in 2012: The Case of Political Party “Sąjunga Taip”

Žilevičius, Nerijus 06 February 2013 (has links)
Marketingo teorija iki XX a. 8-to dešimtmečio nagrinėjo pelno siekiančių kompanijų veiklą. Tačiau vėliau buvo pastebėta, jog valstybinės ir viešos įstaigos, taip pat žmonės, susiduria su panašiomis problemomis, kurias padeda spręsti marketingas. Nuo XX a. antros pusės politinės partijos bei politikai politinėje komunikacijoje nevengia naudoti marketingo elementų. Lietuvos politika skaičiuoja vos 23 metus, kuomet yra galima laisvai vykdyti rinkimines kampanijas ir taip pritraukti visuomenės balsų. Marketingo apraiškos Lietuvos politinėje komunikacijoje ligi šiol lieka neištirtas laukas. Politinės komunikacijos tyrėjai pastebi, jog tokie marketingo elementai, kaip strategijų rašymas, apklausos, focus grupės, segmentacija, tikslinių grupių išskyrimas, pozicionavimas, partijos ženklo-brand‘o vertės kūrimas (brandingas), profesionalizmas, viešųjų ryšių akcijos ir kt., yra nemaža dalis viso politinės komunikacijos proceso dalis. Šiame darbe yra analizuojama vienos Lietuvos politinės partijos, „Sąjunga Taip“, politinė komunikacija 2012 m. Seimo rinkimų rinkiminės kampanijos metu. Analizuojant šios partijos politinę komunikaciją yra ieškoma taikomų marketingo elementų. Marketingo elementai politinėje komunikacijoje dar kitaip yra vadinami politiniu marketingu. Šiame darbe analizuojant marketingo, komunikacijos ir politinės komunikacijos sampratas yra pristatomas politinis marketingas. Tiriant „Sąjungos Taip“ politinę komunikaciją, buvo svarbu suprasti visą 2012 m. Seimo rinkimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Marketing theory until the twentieth century eighth decade investigated activities of business profit companies. Nevertheless later it was discovered that state and public institutions, as well as people, are facing similar problems, which can be solved using marketing. From the second half of the twentieth century political parties and politicians do not avoid using marketing elements in communication. Lithuanian policy counts only 23 years of existence, when it is possible freely conduct election campaigns, this way attracting votes. Marketing manifestations in Lithuanian political communication have so far stayed an unexplored field. Political communication researchers note that a big part of all political process consists of such marketing elements as: writing strategies, surveys, focus groups, segmentation, target groups, positioning, branding, professionalism, public relations, promotions, and etc. This work is the analysis of political communication in 2012 done by a Lithuanian political party, the” Sąjunga Taip“during the period of the parliamentary elections campaign. In the analysis of this party political communication the elements of marketing have been searched for. Marketing elements in political communication are also called political marketing. In this paper, the analysis of political marketing, communication, and political communication concepts are being presented. While analyzing the "Sąjunga Taip" political communication, it was important to understand... [to full text]

Du recrutement au lobbying: une étude de l'utilisation du marketing politique par les groupes d'intérêt au Québec

Lemieux, Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est double. D’une part, il vise à proposer un cadre d’analyse novateur permettant d’étendre le modèle du marketing politique, traditionnellement limité au cas des partis politiques, en l’appliquant aux stratégies de recrutement (en amont) et de lobbying (en aval) des groupes d’intérêt. D’autre part, il a pour but de donner un nouveau souffle à l’étude des groupes d’intérêt en tant que sous-champ de la science politique en situant leur action dans une perspective dynamique et stratégique. De façon plus spécifique, cette recherche vise à évaluer, à l’aide de deux hypothèses, le degré de déploiement global de l’approche marketing chez les groupes d’intérêt au Québec et à comparer son niveau de pénétration spécifique au sein des différentes organisations. La première hypothèse avance que le degré de déploiement global du marketing politique auprès des groupes d’intérêt québécois s’avère relativement faible en raison d’un certain nombre de facteurs contextuels qui ont historiquement limité son intégration au sein de leurs stratégies de recrutement et de lobbying. La seconde hypothèse affirme pour sa part que le niveau de pénétration spécifique de l’approche marketing est limité à certaines organisations et varie en fonction de certains facteurs qui peuvent s’avérer contradictoires. Les données recueillies lors d’entrevues menées auprès de douze des principaux groupes d’intérêt actifs à l’échelle du Québec tendent à confirmer les deux hypothèses. / The goal of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to offer an innovative analytical framework for extending the model of political marketing, traditionally limited to the case of political parties, by applying it to the recruitment (upstream) ad lobbying (downstream) strategies of interest groups. On the other hand, it aims to give new impetus to the study of interest groups as a subfield of political science by placing their actions in a dynamic and strategic perspective. In more specific terms, this research aims to assess, with two hypotheses, the overall level of deployment of the marketing approach among interest groups in Quebec and compare its specific level of penetration within the various organizations. The first hypothesis argues that the degree of penetration of global marketing policy with interest groups in Quebec is relatively low due to a number of contextual factors that have historically limited its integration within their recruitment strategies and lobbying. The second hypothesis assumes for his part that the level of deployment of specific marketing approach is limited to certain organizations and varies depending on certain factors which may be contradictory. The data gathered during interviews with twelve key interest groups active throughout the Quebec tend to confirm the two hypotheses. / Fonds québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture


Duan, Ran 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study examined the pattern of online public opinion change in China by investigating the top one hit blog and its following commentaries of every day from July 2009 to March 2012 on a famous Chinese website, and then discussed potential factors that affected the formation of online public opinion. The extent of freedom of online public opinion during this period presented regular fluctuations. Whether criticisms were registered by commentators was influenced by four factors. First and most important, the negative tone of bloggers increased criticism and the positive tone decreased criticism, which shows that the news that flows from the media to the public is amplified and interpreted by influential bloggers according to the two-step flow theory. Second, while national and local events had no effect, international news events decreased criticism because the public strongly supported the Chinese government. This was as important as the first factor. Third, the negative tone of events discussed in blogs increased criticism, which means that the mass media did have some direct influence through negative but not positive events. And fourth, when the government censored blogs and commentaries, the public shied away from criticism because their posts would probably be removed.

Brand Obama: How Barack Obama Revolutionized Political Campaign Marketing in the 2008 Presidential Election

MIchaelsen, Abigail 01 January 2015 (has links)
In 2008, President Barack Obama was named Advertising Age’s marketer of the year, the first time a politician won such an award. While presidential candidates have always employed marketing tactics in order to communicate their platform and persuade voters to support them, candidate Obama’s marketing campaign completely revolutionized the field. Through an innovative marketing strategy, candidate Barack Obama transformed himself from a mere political unknown in 2004 to a worldwide sensation by the time the general election started in 2008. His calls for “hope and change” and “post-partisanship” captured the hearts of Americans frustrated with failed Bush policy and constant gridlock in Washington. His inspirational speeches and words inspired a nation ready for a fresh and modern leader prepared to tackle twenty-first century problems. And, his innovative use of online and social media tools allowed millions of supporters to easily get involved in the campaign, igniting a movement never seen before in American elections. This paper analyzes how Barack Obama transformed political campaign marketing, utilizing both traditional and new ways to communicate and engage with the masses. This is accomplished by first illustrating a general framework for political marketing. Then, I examine the history of political campaign marketing, with a special emphasis on how technology has transformed the field over time. Lastly, I analyze how online and social media tools helped Obama win the election and how the internet has transformed the nature of political elections.

En studie om Socialdemokraterna och Moderaternas användning av Instagram under valkampanjandetår 2014 / The role of Instagram in the Swedish election campaign 2014

Grevlind, Andreas, Svensson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Undersökningen kartlägger innehållet på en latent och manifest nivå i de fotografier och texter som Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna distribuerat genom Instagram som politisk kommunikationskanal under val-kampanjandet år 2014. Frågan är om avsändaren uppmanar till aktion och i så fall, hur? På vilket sätt framtonas respektive partiordförande? Och på vilket sätt innehåller kommunikationsbudskapet sakpolitiska frågor? Fyra legitima strategier för valkampanjande på Internet har använts och en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av de 143 bilder och texter som Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna distribuerat under perioden 1e januari till 13e september har legat till grund för undersökningen. I ljuset av teorin om framing och semiotik analyserades resultatet och de centrala upptäckterna är att de båda partierna till största del använder respektive Instagram-konto som en nyhetskanal i vilken dem informerar om samtida politiska aktiviteter. Instagram erbjuder de politiska partierna en möjlighet att involvera, informera, mobilisera och ansluta sina väljare utan censurering och filtrering från traditionell media. Denna uppsats redogör vidare för den potential Instagram som politisk kommunikationskanal har i svensk kontext. / This paper is mapping the content on a latent and manifest level in the pictures and texts, which have been distributed via Instagram as a political communication channel by Moderaterna and Socialdemokraterna during the Swedish election campaign in 2014. Does the sender invite the receiver to act? And in which ways are the prime minister candidates perceive in terms of salience? And in which way does the content discuss political issues in terms of salience? The theory of semiotics has been used when operationalization of the issue, on which a quantitative content analysis consisting of 143 images and text fragments that Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna uploaded during the period 1st January to 13th September 2014 has been the basis for this research paper. In light of the framing theory the result and the key findings is that the two parties for the most part uses the respective Instagram account as a news channel, in which it inform the public about political activities. Instagram gives political parties an opportunity to both involve and mobilize voters without censoring and filtering from traditional media therefore the political parties should realize what potential Instagram has as a political communication channel.

Hålla rågången : En kvalitativ studie av relationen mellan lokalpolitiker i Kalmar och journalister

Crabb, Evelina, Bäcklund, Karin January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study focused on how local politicians in Kalmar perceive journalists and their intertwined relationship. We based our study on the theoretical understanding of today’s media-centric democratic society. The ‘adversary model’ offered an understanding of the intricate relations between politicians and journalists. The relationship builds on constant trade where both parties are dependent on each other. Politicians exchange information to gain attention in the media. Journalists needs politicians as important sources of information and have the power to control the exposure that politicians get in the public eye. This study was researched and conducted through qualitative interviews with local politicians.</p><p>We found that experienced politicians have developed an understanding for journalistic work and that it is important to have a good relationship to reach out to their constituency. This professional relationship has to be kept at arm’s length as it otherwise risks to become too muddled. We learned that politicians are well aware of the need to adapt to media conditions – there were, however, examples of breakdowns in this precarious relationship.</p><p>The politicians in our study delivered several examples of how media adaptation is managed, e g how press conferences are scheduled according to media deadlines and are held at suitable locations so that photographers can get good pictures. Trust appeared to be the crucial condition for a rewarding relationship. Every politician in our study agreed that it is all a question of trust.</p>

Comunicação e debate público : o caso Pontal do Estaleiro em Porto Alegre

Quevedo, Josemari Poerschke de January 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve e analisa o debate público sobre o projeto do Pontal do Estaleiro entre as esferas pública, política e midiática. O terreno referente ao Pontal do Estaleiro se tornou uma polêmica durante a revisão do Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano e Ambiental de Porto Alegre. Este projeto monopolizou um debate entre novembro de 2008 e agosto de 2009, ao sair do escopo da revisão do plano diretor e solicitar alteração da Lei Complementar 470 de 02/01/2002 (LC 470/2002) para permitir edificações residenciais em espaço de orla às margens do Guaíba. A polêmica rendeu duas aprovações do projeto, veto do prefeito e audiências públicas na Câmara de Vereadores. Acabou resultando em deliberação pública através da realização de uma consulta à população. O trabalho aborda a circularidade das questões nas cinco principais fases do debate, a partir das especificidades de cada instância. Na esfera política, analisaram-se os movimentos de accountability (prestação de contas) em notícias publicadas pela Câmara de Vereadores e Prefeitura Municipal nos respectivos sites. Na esfera pública, foram identificados os argumentos da arena de interlocução através da observação participante de uma audiência pública, duas reuniões do Fórum de Entidades e de entrevistas realizadas no dia da consulta pública. Na esfera midiática, foram examinadas as questões enquadradas nas principais coberturas jornalísticas sobre o Pontal, realizadas pelos jornais Zero Hora, Correio do Povo e Jornal do Comércio. Concluiu-se que as esferas realizam diferentes tipos de comunicação no debate. A esfera pública substanciou os principais argumentos que foram discutidos no debate público. Juntamente com a esfera política, foi mais permeável à circulação de questões em debate, mas ambas não conseguiram agendar a esfera midiática na exposição argumentativa. Assim, a mídia se mostrou menos permeável aos argumentos reduzindo a amplitude do debate público. / This thesis describes and analyzes the public debate on the development proposal for Pontal do Estaleiro between the public, politics and media spheres. Pontal do Estaleiro’s property became controversial during the revision of the Master Plan for Urban and Environmental Development of Porto Alegre. This project was the main focus of a debate between the months of November 2008 and August 2009, when it left the scope of the Master Plan review and a change of the Complementary Law 470 of 01/02/2002 (LC 470/2002) was requested in order to allow residential buildings to be built on the coast of Guaíba Lake. The controversy was such that the project had two approvals, the mayor's veto and public hearings at the City Council. It eventually was resolved through public deliberation by a query within the population. This work addresses the issues of circularity in the five main stages of the debate considering the specificities of each instance. In the public sphere, the arguments of the arena for dialogue were identified through participant observation of a public hearing, two meetings of the Forum of Entities and interviews done during the public consultation. In the political sphere, the movements of accountability were analyzed in reports published by the City Council and City Hall on their websites. In the media sphere, issues framed in the main news coverage on the Pontal made by Zero Hora, Correio do Povo and Jornal do Comércio were examined. It was concluded that the spheres carry different types of communication throughout the debate. The public sphere has substantiated the main arguments that have been discussed in public debate. Along with the political sphere, it was more open to the circulation of issues under discussion, but both failed to influence the media sphere's agenda towards the explanatory argument. Thus, the media showed itself less susceptible to arguments, reducing the extent of public debate.

Le complexe de la communication : Michel Rocard entre médias et opinion (1965-1995) / Communication complex : the institutionalization of political communication through the case of the former Prime minister Michel Rocard (1965-1995)

Guigo, Pierre-Emmanuel 16 November 2016 (has links)
Michel Rocard (1930-2016) apparaît comme un des premiers à s'être saisi des moyens de communication « modernes », dès la fin des années 1960, puis de manière plus systématique à partir de 1974 autour de groupes dédiés à son image (Groupe « image » et groupe Prospol). Il fait un large usage des techniques de marketing politique s'appuyant notamment sur des conseillers spécialistes du domaine, l'utilisation des sondages et du videotraining. Cela lui permet de se bâtir une légitimité médiatico-sondagière alors qu'il se trouve en marge du jeu politique. Toutefois, il ne parvient pas par ce biais à fragiliser le pouvoir de François Mitterrand sur le Parti. Il doit ainsi renoncer en faveur du Premier secrétaire à être candidat pour l'élection présidentielle de 1981. Déçu par les limites de cette ressource médiatico-sondagière il en devient l'un des principaux critiques et se forge un « complexe » à son égard. Il accuse les médias de simplifier à outrance et de rendre impossible l'exercice du pouvoir. Cela l'amène à délaisser la communication audiovisuelle, et à devenir de plus hostile aux journalistes, au point d'apparaître comme l'un des Premiers ministres (1988-1991) les moins communicants. L'absence de pédagogie autour de ses actions laissera toute la place aux critiques. Ainsi, après avoir quitté Matignon, il ne pourra pas s'appuyer sur un bilan ayant marqué les esprits et sera rapidement rattrapé par l'impopularité du PS d'alors. Dès lors, il ne parviendra pas à inverser la tendance et à conserver ses chances pour la présidentielle de 1995. / Michel Rocard (1930-2016) appears as one of the pioneers in french political communication. From the 1960's he adopted the new techniques of political marketing. In 1974, this preparation of his communication becomes organized systematically. Two main groups were created around political scientists, pollsters and journalists in order to shape his image, using opinion polls, video training and marketing methods. He used opinion polls and good media coverage in order to make up his marginality inside the French Socialist Party (directed by François Mitterrand). However, he failed to threaten the power of François Mitterrand on the Socialist Party. For the first time he had to renounce in favor of the Prime Secretary of the party. After this defeat he became progressively one of the main critics of the political communication. He accused the media for threatening the exercise of power. More and more he renounced Tv shows and became aggressive with journalists. Prime minister between 1988 and 1991 he avoided media coverage. Forced to resign in 1991 his appraisal was largely unknown. Even if he tried to reinforce his position becoming the leader of the French socialist Party in 1993, Michel Rocard was rapidly reached by the unpopularity affecting the Socialist Party.After a severe defeat during the European elections in 1994 he renounced to become the candidate for the presidential election in 1995.

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