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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Man bara läser : En kvalitativ studie om läsförståelse och lässtrategier i grundskolans tidigare år / You just read : A qualitative study on reading literacy and reading strategies in the early years of primary school

Karlsson, Hannah January 2016 (has links)
Mitt arbete syftar till att generera förståelse runt läsprocesser i grundskolans lägre åldrar med fokus på läsförståelse samt lässtrategier. Genom att utgå från tidigare forskning inom området vill jag visa hur man ställer sig till undervisning i läsförståelse samt att genom intervjuer se lärarnas förhållningssätt och hur läsförståelseundervisningen realiseras. Arbetets empiri består av kvalitativa intervjuer med fem respondenter, där avsikten är att visa hur de arbetar med läsförståelse och vilken syn de har på läsförståelseundervisning, samt hur man arbetar konkret med förtydligade lässtrategier. Respondenterna är från skilda generationer och har varierad utbildningsbakgrund för att erbjuda bredd till undersökningen. Min undersöknings resultat visar lärarnas definition av läsförståelse samt att de lägger stor vikt vid läsförståelseundervisning. Den visar också deras syn och tankar om explicit undervisning av lässtrategierna samt vilken skillnad de ser mellan förtydligade strategier och traditionell läsundervisning. Vissa aspekter i undersökningen visade sig generella som exempelvis att alla använde sig av förtydligade lässtrategier, främst från materialet En läsande klass. Andra aspekter skilde sig åt och då studien är baserad på individuella erfarenheter kan den inte ge en generell bild på lärares syn på läsförståelseundervisning eller på läsförståelse i stort. / This study aims to generate an understanding about reading processes in the early years of primary school with a focus on reading comprehension and reading comprehension strategies. Based on previous research in the field I aim to examine how the teachers make use of reading comprehension by conducting individual interviews which are focused on how the teachers' attitudes to reading comprehension look like and how their teaching is realized. This study consists of qualitative interviews with five respondents, with the purpose to show how they work with reading comprehension instruction and clarified reading comprehension strategies. The respondents are from different generations and have varied educational backgrounds. The results of the study show that the teachers put great emphasis on reading comprehension instruction. The study also shows some differences between the vision and thoughts about the explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies, clarified strategies and traditional reading instruction. Therefore it can not give a general view on teaching reading comprehension or reading comprehension in general.

Lässtrategier och läsförståelse : En studie om hur tre lärare använder sig av olika lässtrategier för att främja elevers läsförståelse

Uney, Mariella January 2017 (has links)
Reading is a vital skill both in and outside of school. We are constantly in a world of letters through different types of media, newspapers, smartphones, work etc. You can’t escape it, because we see it everyday in our lives. Many studies point out that Swedish pupils’ reading ability has dropped severely and that the number of people with poor reading skills has increased. The studies show that the most common curriculum for reading classes is for the students to answer questions or write about what they have read in their books. The teacher’s reading skill is instrumental for developing the students’ reading ability. The purpose of this study is to investigate what learning strategies teachers use to develop students’ reading ability in their second-grade pupils of primary school. Three teachers will be interviewed and given the chance to describe their teaching style and approach to improving their ability to teach. Moreover, Langers (2005) three envisionment-worldswill be utilised: To be outside and step into a envisionment-world, to be in and move through a envisionment-world, To step out and think about what you know. So will Shulmans (1986) theory which is important for the teachers’ class structure. He divides the theory into three categories: subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular knowledge. These are central competencies for teachers to adapt class structures based on the students’ different needs.To answer the questions asked in the research, I have used both observations and interviews to get a deeper understanding for the teachers’ different approaches. The observations have made it clear that the teachers mostly use to be outside and step into a envisionment-world in their classes. What is also clear is that the teachers did not work based on one reading strategy, instead they had combined the best of each reading strategy, creating their own strategy. The teachers were well-aware of their own competency and how they work to improve students’ reading ability. Lastly, both the observations and interviews also showed a lot of similarities in their class structures.

Lärares arbete med läsförståelsestrategier inom årskurs 4-6 : En studie om lärares motiv till att arbeta eller inte arbeta med materialet En läsande klass och lärares arbete med att förse elever med läsförståelsestrategier i läsförståelseundervisningen

Serdarevic, Selma January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine teachers’ motives to work or to not work with A reading class and how teachers teach reading comprehension strategies. The two questions this study aims to answer are: Which motives do teachers have that make them choose or not to choose to teach reading comprehension strategies based on the material A reading class? How do teachers teach reading comprehension strategies in their reading comprehension instruction?      The approach used to conduct this study was qualitative. Four teachers working in grades 4-6 were interviewed and their lessons were observed. This study is based on theories that show different models (RT, TSI and QtA) of how to work with reading comprehension strategies, A reading class and a variety of learning theories: Vygotskij and Dewey.    A reading class is a material with reading comprehension strategies through characters. This study shows that the motives of those teachers who choose to work with the material A reading class is primarily to provide tools, to structure and make it clearer for the students to understand texts. The teachers who do not work with A reading class say that their motives to not work with the material is because there is too much material, meaning that they have to make a great deal of copies. Their motives are also based on their belief that the material contains texts that are too difficult for their group, they simply have other materials that suit their pupils better. The study shows that the teachers Sandra, Gunilla and Stina teach in reading comprehension strategies through RT, in addition to Marie who is focusing on the strategy “artist” of A reading class. The teachers also used TSI regarding the reading comprehension strategies, but QtA was not used among teachers. All the teachers had the conversation and the learning as a social process as an important part in providing students with reading comprehension strategies.

Reading Strategies : a study on pupils' use of strategies when reading fictional texts

Galica, Majlinda January 2007 (has links)
Abstract This study is based on empirical studies and the approach to this has been interviews with a group of pupils. The study investigates the use of reading strategies among pupils. The aim is to investigate how the pupils use different reading strategies in order to overcome problems that occur when reading fictional texts. In addition, the pupils were also asked some questions about their reading habits and attitudes towards reading. Research has shown that pupils who are introduced to different reading strategies are better readers than those who are not. Reading strategies help the readers make literary texts more comprehensible. As a result of this study, it is shown that there are reading strategies that the pupils are familiar with. These strategies are of importance, since they are part of the pupils’ learning process and help them increase their reading comprehension. They also lead to the fact that the pupils gain and widen their knowledge. However, this investigation has also shown that there are important reading strategies that the pupils did not use in this study. There can be different factors that have affected the outcome of this. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the pupils are familiar with these strategies or not. Moreover, the pupils argued that they seldom read fiction in school and those times they read, it was literature that they did not like.

An investigation of the effectiveness of TWA on reading comprehension of students with and at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders

Sanders, Sara January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs / Mickey L. Losinski / Students with emotional and behavioral disorders frequently display deficits in reading. One emerging method for addressing these deficits is known as self-regulated strategy development (SRSD). One specific SRSD reading strategy is TWA (Think before reading, think While reading, and think After reading), which teaches students to self-monitor and self-evaluate while reading. The purpose of this study was to determine if TWA is effective in increasing reading comprehension of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students with or at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders, using a randomized control trial pretest-posttest design. Results suggested no statistical significance between the reading comprehension of the treatment and control group following the intervention. Limitations are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented.

Högläsning i årskurserna F-3 : Sex lärare resonerar om högläsningensbetydelse för elevers språkutveckling. / Reading aloud in primary school : Six teachers' reasoning about itsimportance to students' language development.

Wikström, Cathrine January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: Svenska elevers läsförståelse är ständigt ett aktuellt ämne och i studien undersökslärares syn på sin egen samt elevers högläsning. Läsförståelsens innebörd har ökat i takt medsamhällets krav på att människor ska kunna läsa olika slags texter för olika tillfällen. En avskolans uppgifter är att läsundervisningen ska göra eleverna till strategiska läsare och därför har läraren ett viktigt ansvar för elevers fortsatta läsutveckling, efter att de har knäcktläskoden. Elevers läsförståelse kan utvecklas om de får ta del av högläsning och textsamtal där de kan koppla texten till sina egna erfarenheter. Studien kommer att belysa lärarnas syn på högläsning och hur de undervisar lässtrategier genom högläsning. Även lärarnas tankar omelevers högläsning lyfts. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka lärare syn på sin egen samt elevers högläsning och dessbetydelse för elevernas språkutveckling. Det är således lärarnas syn så som den kommer tilluttryck i deras tal om högläsning och dess betydelse för elevernas språkutveckling somstuderas. Metod: I studien användes en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sexverksamma lärare i årskurserna F-3 deltog. Resultat: Resultatet visar att lärarna dagligen läser högt för eleverna och de beskrev att högläsningen bör ha ett syfte. Högläsning där lärarna beskrivit att de involverar textsamtal och lässtrategier beskrivs utifrån den skönlitterära texttypen. Flertalet lärare angav att de även läser faktatexter och matematiska problem högt för eleverna på grund av att flera elever ännu inte knäckt läskoden. Lärarna beskrev högläsning som språkutvecklande eftersom eleverna då utvecklar sitt ordförråd. Några lärare angav tidsbrist för planering och att elever uppskattarolika typer av böcker som svårigheter för att kunna bedriva högläsning. Resultatet visar också att lärarna säger sig använda lässtrategier och textsamtal medan de samtidigt anger att högläsningen ofta sker i anslutning till rast eller lunch utifrån syftet att få eleverna att ”komma ner i varv”. Lärarna angav att eleverna veckovis läser högt sin läsläxa i svenskämnet för enklasskamrat eller i en liten läsgrupp.

Reading in a foreign language : effectiveness of computer-based reading instruction in comparison to teacher-based reading instruction

Ali, Mohammed Abdulmalik Awad January 2004 (has links)
This study investigated the effectiveness of two methods of instruction, Teacher-Based Instruction (TBI) versus Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), in improving undergraduate Arab learners' English reading ability in the three aspects of speed, comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. The Experimental Pre-test/Post-test Treatment Group Design was implemented in both experiments carried out in this study. Two samples of 100 and 150 students for Experiments I & II, respectively, were randomly chosen from two higher education institutions in the Arab world. Each sample was divided into two groups depending on learners' pre-instruction preferences for TBI or CALL methods. After eight weeks of instruction using one method, the students of the two groups exchanged instructional methods for another period of eight weeks. In both cases the learners attended three 90- minute reading lectures per week. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis showed that CALL was significantly more effective than TBI for improving the learners' reading ability in the three aspects targeted. Results showed that CALL was more effective due to different reasons: learners were more motivated to read and they enjoyed reading; CALL made learners' reading progress visible to them through immediate feedback; it fostered learner autonomy and their desire to be in control of the program and it offered the learners a large number of different reading activities to work on. Learners' suggestions for improving CALL were mainly related to increasing the time they can use CALL programs in learning to read. Findings of the study should encourage higher education institutions especially in the Arab world to take considerable steps towards utilising computers in instruction. Even at school level this utilisation should be considered, but further research should be carried out with learners at different age levels and in different regions in the Arab world.

Att främja läsförståelse : Lärares didaktiska strategier vid användandet av läsförståelsestrategier

Bergfalk, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att undersöka vilka didaktiska strategier som forskning påvisar främjar elevers läsförståelse vid användandet av läsförståelsestrategier. Studier som ligger till grund för denna undersökning är sex artiklar och en avhandling, vilka har analyserats utifrån den sociokulturella språksynen för inläsning av läsförståelse. Forskningsresultatet visar att de didaktiska strategier som var avgörande för elevernas användning av läsförståelsestrategier var att; modellera för användandet av läsförståelsestrategier, ge feedback till eleverna, uppmana och uppmärksamma för eleverna i användandet av läsförståelsestrategier samt att ställa frågor om elevernas läsning.

Literature teaching in a multicultural society

Wissing, Cornelia 03 April 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Applied Linguistics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

'n Taalervaringsbenadering tot leesmotivering in die primêre skoolfases

Britz, Petrea 19 November 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Psychology of Education) / Two critical problems experienced by significant numbers of children in the junior primary phase of school are, difficulties with reading and the lack of motivation to read. It is important that the reluctant reader receives the necessary help to become an efficient and motivated reader as reading influences many aspects of the child's life besides scholastic achievement, for example self-concept and social interaction. This study consists of a literature survey, the aim of which is to identify strategies and to develop guidelines for the construction of a reading motivation programme for reluctant readers who may also be experiencing reading problems. In an attempt to achieve the above goals use has been made of: 1) the language-experience approach, 2) the incorporation of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. The language-experience approach is a means of teaching children to read by capitalizing on their interests, experiences, and oral language facility. Students dictate stories and accounts based on their experiences; these materials are then used as the basis of the reading programme. This approach has distinct advantages for reluctant readers as it capitalizes on the child's unique experiences: Interest is virtually guaranteed as reading and sharing their own stories boost the morale of children whose previous reading experiences may have been fraught with failure. The aim of teaching metacognitive strategies for reading is to make the pupil aware of himself as a reader so that he realizes that he is in control of the reading process. The reader must become aware of his thought processes during reading: This reflection on personal thought processes is called "metacognition".

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