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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital methods in English Education / Digitala metoder i engelsk undervisning

Feldt, Zanna, Mekkelholt, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Our study explores Swedish teachers' experience with digital reading methods during English lessons and the perceived advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The study is qualitative and based on zoom interviews with four 4-6 English teachers from two different schools. The results show that some students who have problems understanding texts benefitted from being able to listen to the texts with the help of digital tools. However, even if this helps the students, there is the risk of overusing such listening aids. The results also show that the benefits of digital teaching methods outweigh the drawbacks. Most of the negative aspects were about the administration of the programs they used and how the teachers want to control and prevent distractions that come with the use of digital tools.

Entorno familiar y rendimiento académico / Home environment and school achievement

Jara Cerrón, Paolo Daniel 21 November 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo examinar el logro académico en comprensión lectora en Perú y, en especial, su relación con las características asociadas al hogar del estudiante. De acuerdo con estudios previos, existe un efecto refuerzo de una mejora en la implementación dentro del hogar en el rendimiento académico. Por este motivo, el estudio analiza esta relación aplicando la información estadística provista por el estudio de Niños del Milenio con un Modelo Jerárquico Lineal. Finalmente, el análisis concluye que existe un efecto ambiguo del entorno y hacinamiento del hogar en el rendimiento académico. El primero por una mayor o menor calidad dentro del hogar. Mientras que la segunda relación se da por un alejamiento del apoyo de los padres. Entre otras conclusiones relacionadas con la no linealidad de esta relación. / This academic research aims to examine academic achievement in reading test in Peru and, in particular, the relationship with the characteristics associated with home environment. According to previous studies, there is a reinforcing effect of an improvement in the implementation within the home in academic performance. For this reason, this study analyzes this relationship using the Young Lives data with a Linear Hierarchical Model. Finally, the analysis concludes that there’s an ambiguous effect of the home overcrowding and environment on academic performance. The first is given by a departure from parental support. While the second relationship for a higher or lower quality in the home. Among other conclusions related to the non-linearity of this relationship. / Trabajo de investigación

Teaching English reading comprehension to Grade 2 First Additional Language learners

Swanepoel, Nadia January 2016 (has links)
English reading comprehension is an educational challenge worldwide. This study investigated how Grade 2 teachers teach English reading comprehension to First Additional Language (FAL) learners at three selected independent schools in Gauteng where the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) is English. Three English medium independent schools in Gauteng, South Africa participated in the study. The participants at each research site consisted of Grade 2 teachers (main participants) and Grade 2 learners (secondary participants). Grade 2 teachers were selected purposively on the criteria that they had taught for more than two years and were teaching English reading comprehension to Grade 2 FAL learners. This study followed a qualitative approach, and was situated within the interpretivist paradigm. The research design accommodated a case study. The conceptual framework was based on the revised taxonomy by Krathwohl and Anderson for questioning which integrated the role of the teacher in a reading lesson. The three stages of reading, before reading, during reading and after reading were divided into the different levels of thinking and reasoning as suggested in Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) theory. The data collection strategies were semi-structured interviews with Grade 2 teachers; observing reading lessons they gave; and keeping a journal in which personal reflections on the investigation into teaching and learning practices were documented. Once data was collected, the recordings of the semi-structured interviews were transcribed. The observation checklists and the reflection journal entries were analysed. Data was analysed using a coding process and five themes and twelve sub-themes emerged. The findings show that the interactive approach was common in the teaching of English reading comprehension. However, parental involvement, the availability of the trained teachers and appropriate resources were necessary. A learner's individual reading needs and reasoning ability have to be considered through the use of differentiated teaching practices. Questioning throughout the reading process improves a learner's understanding of the text. / Die leesbegrip van Engels is 'n wêreldwye uitdaging. Hierdie studie het ondersoek hoe Graad 2-onderwysers onderrig in leesbegrip in Engels aan leerders van Engels as Eerste Addisionele Taal gee by drie uitgesoekte onafhanklike skole in Gauteng waar die taal van leer en onderrig (TLO) Engels is. Drie onafhanklike Engelsmediumskole in Gauteng, Suid-Afrika het aan die studie deelgeneem. By elke skool was die deelnemers Graad 2-onderwysers (hoofdeelnemers) en Graad 2-leerders (sekondêre deelnemers). Graad 2-onderwysers is doelbewus gekies op grond van die kriterium dat hulle langer as twee jaar onderrig gegee het en ten tye van die studie Graad 2-EAT-leerders onderrig het. Die studie volg 'n kwalitatiewe benadering binne die interpretivistiese paradigma. Die navorsingsontwerp behels 'n gevallestudie. Die konseptuele raamwerk is gebaseer op Krathwohl en Anderson se hersiene taksonomie van vraagstelling wat die onderwyser se rol in 'n leesles integreer. Die drie leesstadia voor, gedurende en na lees word in die verskillende vlakke van lees en redenering verdeel, soos wat in Vygotsky se teorie van die Sone van Naaste Ontwikkeling (ZPD) aan die hand gedoen word. As dataversamelingstrategieë is semigestruktureerde onderhoude met Graad 2-onderwysers gevoer, lesse waargeneem en 'n joernaal gehou waarin persoonlike besinning oor die ondersoek van onderrig- en leerpraktyke gedokumenteer is. Na dataversameling is die opnames van die semigestruktureerde onderhoude getranskribeer. Die waarnemings-kontrolelyste en die inskrywings in die besinningsjoernaal is ontleed. Data is met behulp van 'n koderingsproses ontleed, wat vyf temas en twaalf subtemas na vore gebring het. Daar is bevind dat die interaktiewe benadering algemeen in die onderrig van leesbegrip van Engels gebruik word. Die betrokkenheid van ouers, beskikbaarheid van opgeleide onderwysers en geskikte hulpbronne was egter noodsaaklik. Leerders se individuele leesbehoeftes en redeneringsvermoë moet by wyse van gedifferensieerde onderrigpraktyke in aanmerking geneem word. Leerders se begrip van die teks verbeter wanneer vrae in die loop van die leesproses gestel word. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Early Childhood Education / MEd / Unrestricted

Läsning är ju inte bara med ögonen … utan med hjärnan också : En intervjustudie av mellanstadielärares reflekterade erfarenheter om lässtrategier i svenskundervisningen.

Kolasinac, Edi January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie är att undersöka sex mellanstadielärares reflekterade erfarenheter beträffande lässtrategier i svenskundervisningen. För att studera detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer används. Frågeställningarna syftar till att besvara hur mellanstadielärarna undervisar gällande lässtrategier i svenskundervisningen samt hur lässtrategier inverkar på elevers läsförståelse. Enligt läroplanen ska elever få undervisning i lässtrategier samt träning i att göra inferenser (slutledningar), detta för att öka elevernas kunskaper om texthantering. Det framgår av media och forskningen att elever möter utmaningar då de ska hantera och förstå mer avancerade texter. Orsaken till detta är ett minskat intresse för läsning, samt att sociala medier och datorspel får allt större utrymme. I takt med att elever läser allt mindre blir kraven på texthantering i samhället allt större. I uppsatsen har det pragmatiska perspektivet använts, då i synnerhet reflekterad erfarenhet. Resultaten från studien visar att mellanstadielärare upplever elevernas situation som problematiskt när eleverna ska begripliggöra text av mer komplex karaktär, i synnerhet då elever behöver koppla samman olika delar av texten samt läsa mellan raderna. Resultaten visar dessutom att lässtrategin sökläsning ofta används och att majoriteten av informanternas elever har en förtrogenhet med att använda sig av denna lässtrategi. / <p>Svenska</p>

Cómo leer y escribir en la universidad. Cuaderno de trabajo [Capítulo 1]

Aguirre, Mauricio, Maldonado, Claudia, Peña, Cinthia, Rider, Carlos January 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Reflektioner kring undervisning i läsförståelse : En intervjustudie med pedagoger om undervisning i läsförståelse i årskurs 3-6 / Reflections upon Teaching in Reading Comprehension : A Study of Interviews with Teachers regarding Teaching in Reading Comprehension in Grades 3-6

Karlsson, Ann-Christine January 2019 (has links)
Kraven på elevernas läsförmåga ökar från och med årskurs 4 och det är därför angeläget att erbjuda en fortsatt god undervisning i läsförståelse efter den första läsinlärningen.  Syftet med den här kvalitativa studien var att utifrån specialpedagogisk synvinkel studera pedagogers uppfattningar om undervisning i läsförståelse i årskurserna 3-6. Ett annat syfte var att studera och framhålla pedagogens betydelse i undervisning i läsförståelse.  Studien omfattades av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det insamlade dataunderlaget transkriberades och bearbetades genom tematisk analys och två huvudteman växte fram; Undervisning i läsförståelse och Undervisningsuppdraget. Dessa huvudteman mynnade ut i ett antal underteman.  Resultatet visar att fortbildning är viktigt för pedagogernas utveckling av sin undervisning i läsförståelse. Pedagoger beskriver att de undervisar om läsförståelsestrategier genom modellering. Resultatet indikerar ett relationellt förhållningssätt samt anpassningar av undervisningen för att möta individuella behov. Arbete i olika grupp-konstellationer framhålls för den individuella utvecklingen i läsförståelse. Pedagogerna lyfter även fram betydelsen av specialpedagogisk handledning och att specialundervisning ges till elever i behov av stöd. Teoretiskt ramverk för studien är det sociokulturella och det relationella perspektivet. Den övergripande slutsatsen av den här studien är att pedagogerna beskriver en god undervisning i läsförståelse. Pedagogernas uppdrag är att erbjuda strategier och tekniker, som stödjer utvecklingen av läsförståelsen. En annan slutsats är betydelsen av lärande i en social kontext.

Högläsning i förskoleklassen Read aloud in the preschool class : En kvalitativ undersökning med fyra verksamma lärare i förskoleklassen A qualitative study with four active teachers in the preschool class. / Read aloud in the preschool class : A qualitative study with four active teachers in the preschool class.

Karlsson, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Jhusey Luján, Maricielo, Rodríguez Pérez, Ximena, Ruiz Rincon, Jose Eduardo, Torres Ramos, José Adrián, Valdivia Ojeda, Pierina 31 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto fue elaborado debido a que identificamos un problema grave en los estudiantes de primaria. Los resultados de la última Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes (ECE) llevada a cabo a fines del 2018 no fueron nada alentadores, ya que la mitad de niños de primaria no comprendía lo que leía. Fabu Kids es una plataforma web que promueve el hábito de lectura en niños y jóvenes a través de recursos didácticos, divertidos y personalizados para hacer del proceso de lectura una experiencia única. De esta manera, crear en ellos un gusto por la lectura a través de pruebas que no resulten tediosas o aburridas, sino que le ofrezcan un momento de diversión que a su vez les deje una lección. El canal que usaremos es un aplicativo móvil fácil de usar, este servicio incluirá niveles de dificultad de acuerdo con la edad de los niños y su avance las lecturas. Además, conforme van superando los niveles, la experiencia se convertirá de forma sutil de algo más cercano a un juego a una pequeña librería personal para el usuario, con cada vez menos dinámicas visuales pero una mayor calidad y profundidad en las lecturas que impulse en cierta medida la preferencia del usuario de los medios escritos sobre los audiovisuales. La principal fuente de ingreso será la suscripción del servicio Premium de Fabu Kids, que otorgará mayor contenido a los usuarios y vales en centros de entretenimiento.

Lärandeaktiviteters inflytande på läsförståelse och resonemangsförmåga i matematik / Influence of learning activities on reading comprehension and reasoning ability in mathematics

Teig, Anna-Katarina January 2022 (has links)
In previous research it has been concluded that mathematical texts more often than not test a students reading comprehension rather than their mathematical knowledge. It has also been concluded that in order to promote language learning in the mathematics classroom the teacher has a great responsibility to not only make the oftentimes abstract mathematical key concepts clear and understandable but also the concepts, methods, calculations and operational rules. In order to do so teachers must be well equipped to teach and to keep the right focus when working with concretion such as supporting images or practical mathematics such as the use of manipulatives in the classroom. My study was aimed at further researching what learning activities are being used in the classroom to promote mathematical language development which is a fundamental part of the mathematics syllabus and how its being described in the view of teachers and of students alike. My study was also aimed at looking at the relation between the learning activities that are being used to promote language skills in the Swedish language classroom. I chose to do individual interviews of teachers, group interviews of students as well as a classroom observation. My theoretical foundation was a sociocultural perspective. The results of my study show that the verbal interaction between students and teachers or students and other students played an integral part in most learning activities. It was also in this interaction that most of the formative assessments were taking place. Furthermore the results showed that those students whose aim was to find mathematical connections and seeing how different mathematical concepts interact with each other had come farther in developing generalizable skills rather than the students whose focus was to understand key concepts.


Jhusey Luján, Maricielo Sofía, Rodríguez Pérez, Ximena Alejandra, Ruiz Rincon, José Eduardo, Torres Ramos, José Adrián, Valdivia Ojeda, Pierina Aracelli 07 July 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto fue elaborado debido a que identificamos un problema grave en los estudiantes de primaria. Los resultados de la última Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes (ECE) llevada a cabo a fines del 2018 no fueron nada alentadores, ya que la mitad de niños de primaria no comprendía lo que leía. Fabu Kids es una plataforma web que promueve el hábito de lectura en niños y jóvenes a través de recursos didácticos, divertidos y personalizados para hacer del proceso de lectura una experiencia única. De esta manera, crear en ellos un gusto por la lectura a través de pruebas que no resulten tediosas o aburridas, sino que le ofrezcan un momento de diversión que a su vez les deje una lección. El canal que usaremos es un aplicativo móvil fácil de usar, este servicio incluirá niveles de dificultad de acuerdo con la edad de los niños y su avance las lecturas. Además, conforme van superando los niveles, la experiencia se convertirá de forma sutil de algo más cercano a un juego a una pequeña librería personal para el usuario, con cada vez menos dinámicas visuales pero una mayor calidad y profundidad en las lecturas que impulse en cierta medida la preferencia del usuario de los medios escritos sobre los audiovisuales. La principal fuente de ingreso será la suscripción del servicio Premium de Fabu Kids, que otorgará mayor contenido a los usuarios y vales en centros de entretenimiento. / This project was prepared because we identified a serious problem in elementary students. The results of the last Student Census Evaluation (ECE) carried out at the end of 2018 were not encouraging, since half of primary school children did not understand what they were reading. Fabu Kids is a web platform that promotes the reading habit in children and young people through educational, fun and personalized resources to make the reading process a unique experience. In this way, create in them a taste for reading through tests that are not tedious or boring, but offer them a moment of fun that in turn leaves them a lesson. The channel that we will use is an easy to use mobile application, this service will include levels of difficulty according to the age of the children and their reading progress. In addition, as levels are passed, the experience will subtly convert from something closer to a game to a small personal user library, with less and less visual dynamics but a greater quality and depth in the readings that drives a certain Measure the preference of the user of written media over audiovisual media. The main source of income will be the subscription to the Fabu Kids Premium service, which will grant more content to users and vouchers in entertainment centers. / Trabajo de investigación

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