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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regime switching in bond yield and spread dynamics / Changements de régimes dans la dynamique des taux et écarts de taux obligataires

Renne, Jean-Paul 22 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse développe différents modèles à changements de régimes de la structure par terme des taux d'intérêt. Un cadre général de modélisation des taux associés à différents émetteurs y est présenté (chapitre 2). Ce cadre est exploité afin d’analyser les taux d’État de dix pays de la zone euro entre 1999 et 2012 (chapitre 3). Un régime de crise permet d’expliquer l’accroissement de la volatilité des taux pendant la crise financière. Cette étude montre en outre que la liquidité des titres est déterminante pour leur valorisation. Le cadre de modélisation est complété afin d’étudier le lien de causalité entre deux types de tensions: celles liées à des motifs de liquidité et celles liées à des motifs de crédit (chapitre 4). Enfin, l'influence de la politique monétaire sur la courbe des taux est examinée grâce à un modèle dans lequel une utilisation innovante des changements de régime permet de produire des trajectoires réalistes des taux directeurs de la banque centrale (chapitre 5). / This doctoral thesis develops regime-switching models of the term structure of interest rates. A general framework is proposed to model the joint dynamics of yield curves associated with different debtors (Chapter 2). This framework is exploited to analyse the fluctuations of ten euro-area sovereign yield curves over the period 1999-2012 (Chapter 3). In this model, a crisis regime is key to account for the increase in spread volatility during the financial crisis. Also, this study shows that market liquidity is an important determinant of bond prices. The model is then completed in order to explore potential causality relationships between two kinds of stresses: liquidity- and credit-related stresses (Chapter 4). Finally, the influence of monetary policy on the yield curve is investigated by means of a term structure model where an innovative use of regime-switching techniques makes it possible to capture salient features of the dynamics of monetary-policy rates (chapter 5).

Essays on strategic asset allocation and risk management of pension funds / Trois essais sur la gestion des fonds de pension

Lemoine, Killian 11 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis une dizaine d'années, une part croissante de fonds de pension rencontrent des difficultés financières. Cette détérioration a soulevé des questions sur la gestion de ces institutions et sur l'efficacité du cadre réglementaires. Cette thèse a pour objet d'analyser les comportements financiers et la gestion des risques opérés par les fonds de pension à prestation définies et les institutions assimilées. En premier lieu, nous relions les choix d'investissement à la question du contrôle managériale. Notre analyse suggère que la bonne gestion des fonds de pension nécessite un partage optimal des droits de contrôle entre les participants du plan et l'entreprise sponsor. Nous montrons alors comment cette répartition affecte les décisions d'investissement. Notre seconde analyse étudie l'impact des fluctuations financières sur la gestion des fonds de pension. Nos résultats suggèrent que le cadre réglementaire actuel conduit à de larges effets pro-cycliques, en particulier sur les exigences de capital et les décisions d'investissement. Finalement, nous analysons comment les changement structurels de la mortalité affectent le risque et les politiques de risque des fonds de pension. / Since ten years, an increasing proportion of pension funds faces to severe financial difficulties, addressing some questions about the management of these institutions and the effectiveness of the regulatory framework. This thesis aims to analyze the investment decisions and financial risk management made by the pension fund defined benefit and assimilated institutions, in order to address some advances for the regulation purpose. First, we address the question of the pension funds management by analyzing the implications of the managerial control problem. Our analysis suggests that the efficient management may require an optimal splitting of control rights between plan participants and the sponsoring company. We then show how this splitting of right controls can affects investment decisions in pension funds. Second, we analyze the implications of financial cycles for pension fund management. Our results suggest that the regulatory framework produces large pro-cyclical, including regime-dependent capital requirement and regime-dependent investment decisions. Finally, we analyze how the structural change in mortality affect the risk and the risk management of pension funds.

La prévision des périodes de stress fiscal : le rôle des indicateurs fiscaux, financiers et de gouvernance / Predicting fiscal stress events : the role of fiscal, financial and governance indicators

Cergibozan, Raif 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’Europe a subi la crise la plus sévère de sa récente histoire à la suite de la crise financière globale de 2008. C’est pourquoi cette thèse a l’objectif d’identifier de façon empirique les déterminants de cette crise dans le cadre de 15 principaux membres de l’UE. Dans ce sens, nous développons d’abord un index de pression fiscale continu, contrairement aux travaux empiriques précédents, afin d’identifier des périodes de crise dans les pays UE-15 de 2003 à 2015. Ensuite, nous utilisons trois différentes techniques d’estimation, à savoir Cartes auto-organisatrices, Logit et Markov. Nos résultats d’estimation démontrent que notre indicateur de crise identifie le timing et la durée de la crise de dette dans chacun des pays de UE-15. Résultats empiriques indiquent également que l’occurrence de la crise de dette dans l’UE-15 est la conséquence de la détérioration de balances macroéconomiques et financières sachant que les variables comme le ratio des prêts non-performants sur les crédits totaux du secteur bancaire, la croissance du PIB, chômage, balance primaire / PIB, le solde ajusté du cycle PIB. De plus, variables démontrant la qualité de gouvernance tel que participation et responsabilisation, qualité de la réglementation, et de l'efficacité gouvernementale, jouent également un rôle important dans l’occurrence et sur la durée de la crise de dette dans le cadre de l’UE-15. Étant donne que les résultats économétriques indiquent l’importance de la détérioration fiscale dans l’occurrence de la crise de dette européenne, nous testons la convergence fiscale des pays membre de l’UE. Les résultats montrent que Portugal, Irlande, Italie, Grèce et Espagne diverge des autres pays de l’UE-15 en termes de dette publique / PIB alors qu’ils convergent, à part la Grèce, avec les autres pays membres de l’UE-15 en termes de déficit budgétaires / PIB. / Europe went through the most severe economic crisis of its recent history following the global financial crisis of 2008. Hence, this thesis aims to empirically identify the determinants of this crisis within the framework of 15 core EU member countries (EU-15). To do so, the study develops a continuous fiscal stress index, contrary to previous empirical studies that tend to use event-based crisis indicators, which identifies the debt crises in the EU-15 and the study employs three different estimation techniques, namely Self-Organizing Map, Multivariate Logit and Panel Markov Regime Switching models. Our estimation results show first that the study identifies correctly the time and the length of the debt crisis in each EU-15-member country by developing a fiscal stress index. Empirical results also indicate, via three different models, that the debt crisis in the EU-15 is the consequence of deterioration of both financial and macroeconomic variables such as nonperforming loans over total loans, GDP growth, unemployment rates, primary balance over GDP, and cyclically adjusted balance over GDP. Besides, variables measuring governance quality, such as voice and accountability, regulatory quality, and government effectiveness, also play a significant role in the emergence and the duration of the debt crisis in the EU-15. As the econometric results clearly indicate the importance of fiscal deterioration on the occurrence of the European debt crisis, this study also aims to test the fiscal convergence among the EU member countries. The results indicate that Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain diverge from other EU-15 countries in terms of public debt-to-GDP ratio. In addition, results also show that all PIIGS countries except for Greece converge to EU-10 in terms of budget deficit-to-GDP ratio.

Regime shifts in the Swedish housing market - A Markov-switching model analysis / Regimskiften pa den svenska bostadsmarknaden - En analys med Markov-switchingmodeller

Stockel, Jakob, Skantz, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
Problem statement: Accurate and reliable forecasts of trends in the housing market can be useful information for market participants as well as policy makers. This information may be useful to minimize risk related to market uncertainty. Since the burst of the housing bubble in the early 1990s the price level of single-family houses has risen sharply in Sweden. The Swedish housing market has experienced an unusually long period of high growth rates in transaction prices which has opened up for discussions about the risk of another housing bubble. Business and property cycles have shown to contain asymmetries, which linear models are unable to pick up and therefore inappropriate to analyze cycles. Approach: Therefore, this study uses non-linear models which are able to pick up the asymmetries. The estimated models are variations of the Markov-switching regression model, i.e. the Markov-switching autoregressive (MS-AR) model and the Markov-switching dynamic regression (MS-DR) model. Results: Our ndings show that the MS-AR(4) model allowing for varying variance across regimes estimated using the growth rate of FASTPI produce superior forecasts over other MSAR models as well as variations of the MS-DR model. The average expected duration to remain in a positive growth regime is between 6.3 and 7.3 years and the average expected duration to remain in a negative growth regime is between 1.2 to 2.5 years. Conclusion: The next regime shift in the Swedish housing market is projected to occur between 2018 and 2019, counting the contraction period in 2012 as the most recent negative regime. Our ndings support other studies ndings which indicate that the longer the market has remained in one state, the greater is the risk for a regime shift. / Problemformulering: Noggranna och tillforlitliga prognoser om utvecklingen pa bostadsmarknaden kan vara anvandbar information for marknadsaktorer samt beslutsfattare. Denna information kan vara anvandbar for att minimera risken relaterad till osakerheten pa marknaden. Sen bostadsbubblan sprack i borjan av 1990-talet har prisnivan for smahus okat kraftigt i Sverige. Den svenska bostadsmarknaden har upplevt en ovanligt lang period av hog tillvaxt i transaktionspriser som har oppnat upp for diskussioner om risken for en ny bostadsbubbla. Konjunkturoch fastighetscykler har visat sig innehalla asymmetrier som linjara modeller inte kan uppfanga och darfor visat sig vara olampliga for att analysera cykler. Tillvagagangssatt: Darfor anvander den har studien icke-linjara modeller som kan uppfanga dessa asymmetrier. De skattade modellerna ar variationer av Hamiltons Markov-switchingmodell, dvs. en autoregressiv Markov-switchingmodell (MS-AR) och en dynamisk Markov-switchingmodell (MS-DR). Resultat: Resultatet visar att MS-AR(4)-modellen som tar hansyn till varierande varians over regimerna estimerad med tillvaxten av FASTPI producerar overlagsna prognoser jamfort med andra MS-AR-modeller samt variationer av MS-DR-modellen. Den genomsnittliga forvantade varaktigheten att benna sig i en positiv regim ar mellan 6,3 och 7,3 ar och den  genomsnittliga forvantade varaktigheten att benna sig i en negativ regim ar mellan 1,2 till 2,5 ar. Slutsats: Nasta regimskifte pa den svenska bostadsmarknaden beraknas ske mellan 2018 och 2019, antaget att nedgangen under 2012 ar den senaste negativa regimen. Resultatet stodjer tidigare studier, som tyder pa att ju langre marknaden har varit i ett tillstand, desto storre ar risken for ett regimskifte.


EDUARDO GONCALVES COSTA AMARAL 29 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação é composta por três capítulos que abordam questões relacionadas à política monetária. O Capítulo 1 avalia o problema de conduzir política monetária com ativos arriscados em um simples modelo neo-Wickselliano. Eu mostro que a potência da política monetária com relação a preços e inflação se reduz uma vez que ela só pode ser condicionalmente ativa na presença de risco subjacente ao ativo de política monetária. Além disso, prêmio de risco não compensado induz viés inflacionário, e há correlação positiva entre probabilidade de calote e inflação, do mesmo sinal que se costuma encontrar em dados empíricos. Esses resultados constituem um argumento novo em favor de uma política monetária mais vigilante em caso de crise fiscal ou política, o que ajuda a explicar o conservadorismo da política monetária em economias arriscadas. O capítulo 2 endogeniza risco no ativo de política monetária como risco fiscal e estuda sua transmissão. Eu desenvolvo um modelo novo-Keynesiano de dois agentes (TANK) com limites fiscais endógenos no qual o banco central opera através de títulos com risco de calote, e calibro para uma grande economia emergente, Brasil. Eu encontro que, ao ignorar o risco subjacente ao ativo de política monetária, o banco central reforça a coincidência desagradável de taxas mais altas de juros real, nominal e inflação na distribuição de equilíbrio do modelo, o que surge como o resultado de expectativas endógenas de recessões severas em caso de calote. Outrossim, acomodar risco de ativo de política induz correlação positiva entre risco de calote e inflação. Do ponto de vista de política, esses resultados lançam dúvidas quanto à correta avaliação da rigidez da política monetária em economias com risco de calote soberano, enquanto também lançam nova luz sobre a antiga discussão de por que a taxa básica de juros foi excepcionalmente alta no Brasil após o Plano Real. Finalmente, o Capítulo 3 responde à controvérsia recente sobre a presença, de fato, de um canal de transmissão de taxa de juros real nos modelos novo-Keynesianos, uma vez que adição de capital endógeno é consistente com a taxa real se movendo em qualquer direção após um choque monetário positivo. Eu mostro que esse problema de identificação pode ser contornado pela inclusão de outro ingrediente tão comum em modelos de tamanho médio quanto o próprio capital: suavização de taxa de juros. / [en] This dissertation presents three chapters addressing issues pertaining to monetary policy. Chapter 1 evaluates the problem of conducting monetary policy with risky assets in a simple neo-Wicksellian monetary model. I show that monetary policy s power w.r.t prices and inflation reduces as it can only be conditionally active in the presence of policy-asset risk. Moreover, uncompensated risk premium induces an inflationary bias, as well as default probability and inflation are positively correlated, the same sign of empirical correlations usually found. These results constitute a novel argument in favor of a more hawkish stance in case of a fiscal or political crisis, which helps to explain monetary policy conservatism in risky economies. Chapter 2 endogenizes policy-asset risk as a fiscal risk and studies its transmission. I lay out a two-agent New-Keynesian (TANK) model with endogenous fiscal limits in which the central bank operates through defaultable bonds, and then calibrate it to a large emerging economy, Brazil. I find that by ignoring policy-asset risk the central bank reinforces the unpleasant coincidence of higher inflation, real, and nominal interest rates in the equilibrium distribution of the model, what emerges as the result of endogenous expectations of a severe recession in case of default. Additionally, accommodating policy-asset risk induces positive correlation between default risk and inflation. From a policy perspective, these results raise serious concerns about the evaluation of monetary policy stance in default-risky economies, while shed new light on the long-standing discussion about why policy rates have been exceptionally high in Brazil after the Real Plan. Finally, Chapter 3 responds to a recent controversy on the actual presence of a real interest rate transmission channel in New-Keynesian models, as the addition of endogenous capital is consistent with real rates moving in any direction after a monetary shock. I show that this identification problem can be circumvented by the inclusion of another ingredient as prevalent as capital itself in middle-scale models: interest-rate smoothing.


秦秀琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於探討Put-Call Parity(PCP)所隱含的買權、賣權與標的資產間的價格變動關係。藉由探討PCP偏差程度的動態行為,推論若PCP的偏差為隨機漫步過程,則無法達到長期穩定,隱含PCP的廣義關係無法成立;反之,若PCP的偏差具有回歸平均特性,表示長期會達到穩定狀態,則PCP的廣義關係成立。 在研究方法上本文以變異數比率法檢定指數選擇權的PCP偏差是否為隨機漫步過程,採用隱含利率和實際無風險利率的差代表PCP的偏差程度,利用馬可夫轉換模型描繪PCP偏差的動態行為,並使用Gibbs Sampling演算法說明參數的不確定性。 本文以S&P500和DAX為研究標的,並探討股利不確定性是否影響PCP廣義關係,得到下列結論: 1、 對於S&P 500指數選擇權而言,不論是以日資料或週資料估計VR,S&P 500的PCP偏差都無法提供回歸平均的證據,隱含S&P 500的PCP廣義關係無法成立。 2、 對於DAX指數選擇權而言,檢定日資料的結果發現,DAX之PCP偏差在長期時(40~50日)有明顯的回歸平均的證據;而在檢定週資料時,使用原始資料法在90%信心水準下,不論取任何lag都可拒絕虛無假設,使用標準化資料則無法提供明顯的回歸平均證據。 3、 比較S&P 500和DAX,檢定日資料與週資料的結果都發現,DAX的p-value都比S&P 500小,並且S&P 500的PCP偏差都無法提供回歸平均的證據,而DAX有明顯回歸平均現象,隱含在消除股利的不確定性後,指數選擇權PCP的廣義關係式成立之證據較強烈。

Estimation du modèle GARCH à changement de régimes et son utilité pour quantifier le risque de modèle dans les applications financières en actuariat

Augustyniak, Maciej 12 1900 (has links)
Le modèle GARCH à changement de régimes est le fondement de cette thèse. Ce modèle offre de riches dynamiques pour modéliser les données financières en combinant une structure GARCH avec des paramètres qui varient dans le temps. Cette flexibilité donne malheureusement lieu à un problème de path dependence, qui a empêché l'estimation du modèle par le maximum de vraisemblance depuis son introduction, il y a déjà près de 20 ans. La première moitié de cette thèse procure une solution à ce problème en développant deux méthodologies permettant de calculer l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance du modèle GARCH à changement de régimes. La première technique d'estimation proposée est basée sur l'algorithme Monte Carlo EM et sur l'échantillonnage préférentiel, tandis que la deuxième consiste en la généralisation des approximations du modèle introduites dans les deux dernières décennies, connues sous le nom de collapsing procedures. Cette généralisation permet d'établir un lien méthodologique entre ces approximations et le filtre particulaire. La découverte de cette relation est importante, car elle permet de justifier la validité de l'approche dite par collapsing pour estimer le modèle GARCH à changement de régimes. La deuxième moitié de cette thèse tire sa motivation de la crise financière de la fin des années 2000 pendant laquelle une mauvaise évaluation des risques au sein de plusieurs compagnies financières a entraîné de nombreux échecs institutionnels. À l'aide d'un large éventail de 78 modèles économétriques, dont plusieurs généralisations du modèle GARCH à changement de régimes, il est démontré que le risque de modèle joue un rôle très important dans l'évaluation et la gestion du risque d'investissement à long terme dans le cadre des fonds distincts. Bien que la littérature financière a dévoué beaucoup de recherche pour faire progresser les modèles économétriques dans le but d'améliorer la tarification et la couverture des produits financiers, les approches permettant de mesurer l'efficacité d'une stratégie de couverture dynamique ont peu évolué. Cette thèse offre une contribution méthodologique dans ce domaine en proposant un cadre statistique, basé sur la régression, permettant de mieux mesurer cette efficacité. / The Markov-switching GARCH model is the foundation of this thesis. This model offers rich dynamics to model financial data by allowing for a GARCH structure with time-varying parameters. This flexibility is unfortunately undermined by a path dependence problem which has prevented maximum likelihood estimation of this model since its introduction, almost 20 years ago. The first half of this thesis provides a solution to this problem by developing two original estimation approaches allowing us to calculate the maximum likelihood estimator of the Markov-switching GARCH model. The first method is based on both the Monte Carlo expectation-maximization algorithm and importance sampling, while the second consists of a generalization of previously proposed approximations of the model, known as collapsing procedures. This generalization establishes a novel relationship in the econometric literature between particle filtering and collapsing procedures. The discovery of this relationship is important because it provides the missing link needed to justify the validity of the collapsing approach for estimating the Markov-switching GARCH model. The second half of this thesis is motivated by the events of the financial crisis of the late 2000s during which numerous institutional failures occurred because risk exposures were inappropriately measured. Using 78 different econometric models, including many generalizations of the Markov-switching GARCH model, it is shown that model risk plays an important role in the measurement and management of long-term investment risk in the context of variable annuities. Although the finance literature has devoted a lot of research into the development of advanced models for improving pricing and hedging performance, the approaches for measuring dynamic hedging effectiveness have evolved little. This thesis offers a methodological contribution in this area by proposing a statistical framework, based on regression analysis, for measuring the effectiveness of dynamic hedges for long-term investment guarantees.

Dynamic portfolio construction and portfolio risk measurement

Mazibas, Murat January 2011 (has links)
The research presented in this thesis addresses different aspects of dynamic portfolio construction and portfolio risk measurement. It brings the research on dynamic portfolio optimization, replicating portfolio construction, dynamic portfolio risk measurement and volatility forecast together. The overall aim of this research is threefold. First, it is aimed to examine the portfolio construction and risk measurement performance of a broad set of volatility forecast and portfolio optimization model. Second, in an effort to improve their forecast accuracy and portfolio construction performance, it is aimed to propose new models or new formulations to the available models. Third, in order to enhance the replication performance of hedge fund returns, it is aimed to introduce a replication approach that has the potential to be used in numerous applications, in investment management. In order to achieve these aims, Chapter 2 addresses risk measurement in dynamic portfolio construction. In this chapter, further evidence on the use of multivariate conditional volatility models in hedge fund risk measurement and portfolio allocation is provided by using monthly returns of hedge fund strategy indices for the period 1990 to 2009. Building on Giamouridis and Vrontos (2007), a broad set of multivariate GARCH models, as well as, the simpler exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) estimator of RiskMetrics (1996) are considered. It is found that, while multivariate GARCH models provide some improvements in portfolio performance over static models, they are generally dominated by the EWMA model. In particular, in addition to providing a better risk-adjusted performance, the EWMA model leads to dynamic allocation strategies that have a substantially lower turnover and could therefore be expected to involve lower transaction costs. Moreover, it is shown that these results are robust across the low - volatility and high-volatility sub-periods. Chapter 3 addresses optimization in dynamic portfolio construction. In this chapter, the advantages of introducing alternative optimization frameworks over the mean-variance framework in constructing hedge fund portfolios for a fund of funds. Using monthly return data of hedge fund strategy indices for the period 1990 to 2011, the standard mean-variance approach is compared with approaches based on CVaR, CDaR and Omega, for both conservative and aggressive hedge fund investors. In order to estimate portfolio CVaR, CDaR and Omega, a semi-parametric approach is proposed, in which first the marginal density of each hedge fund index is modelled using extreme value theory and the joint density of hedge fund index returns is constructed using a copula-based approach. Then hedge fund returns from this joint density are simulated in order to compute CVaR, CDaR and Omega. The semi-parametric approach is compared with the standard, non-parametric approach, in which the quantiles of the marginal density of portfolio returns are estimated empirically and used to compute CVaR, CDaR and Omega. Two main findings are reported. The first is that CVaR-, CDaR- and Omega-based optimization offers a significant improvement in terms of risk-adjusted portfolio performance over mean-variance optimization. The second is that, for all three risk measures, semi-parametric estimation of the optimal portfolio offers a very significant improvement over non-parametric estimation. The results are robust to as the choice of target return and the estimation period. Chapter 4 searches for improvements in portfolio risk measurement by addressing volatility forecast. In this chapter, two new univariate Markov regime switching models based on intraday range are introduced. A regime switching conditional volatility model is combined with a robust measure of volatility based on intraday range, in a framework for volatility forecasting. This chapter proposes a one-factor and a two-factor model that combine useful properties of range, regime switching, nonlinear filtration, and GARCH frameworks. Any incremental improvement in the performance of volatility forecasting is searched for by employing regime switching in a conditional volatility setting with enhanced information content on true volatility. Weekly S&P500 index data for 1982-2010 is used. Models are evaluated by using a number of volatility proxies, which approximate true integrated volatility. Forecast performance of the proposed models is compared to renowned return-based and range-based models, namely EWMA of Riskmetrics, hybrid EWMA of Harris and Yilmaz (2009), GARCH of Bollerslev (1988), CARR of Chou (2005), FIGARCH of Baillie et al. (1996) and MRSGARCH of Klaassen (2002). It is found that the proposed models produce more accurate out of sample forecasts, contain more information about true volatility and exhibit similar or better performance when used for value at risk comparison. Chapter 5 searches for improvements in risk measurement for a better dynamic portfolio construction. This chapter proposes multivariate versions of one and two factor MRSACR models introduced in the fourth chapter. In these models, useful properties of regime switching models, nonlinear filtration and range-based estimator are combined with a multivariate setting, based on static and dynamic correlation estimates. In comparing the out-of-sample forecast performance of these models, eminent return and range-based volatility models are employed as benchmark models. A hedge fund portfolio construction is conducted in order to investigate the out-of-sample portfolio performance of the proposed models. Also, the out-of-sample performance of each model is tested by using a number of statistical tests. In particular, a broad range of statistical tests and loss functions are utilized in evaluating the forecast performance of the variance covariance matrix of each portfolio. It is found that, in terms statistical test results, proposed models offer significant improvements in forecasting true volatility process, and, in terms of risk and return criteria employed, proposed models perform better than benchmark models. Proposed models construct hedge fund portfolios with higher risk-adjusted returns, lower tail risks, offer superior risk-return tradeoffs and better active management ratios. However, in most cases these improvements come at the expense of higher portfolio turnover and rebalancing expenses. Chapter 6 addresses the dynamic portfolio construction for a better hedge fund return replication and proposes a new approach. In this chapter, a method for hedge fund replication is proposed that uses a factor-based model supplemented with a series of risk and return constraints that implicitly target all the moments of the hedge fund return distribution. The approach is used to replicate the monthly returns of ten broad hedge fund strategy indices, using long-only positions in ten equity, bond, foreign exchange, and commodity indices, all of which can be traded using liquid, investible instruments such as futures, options and exchange traded funds. In out-of-sample tests, proposed approach provides an improvement over the pure factor-based model, offering a closer match to both the return performance and risk characteristics of the hedge fund strategy indices.

Estimation du modèle GARCH à changement de régimes et son utilité pour quantifier le risque de modèle dans les applications financières en actuariat

Augustyniak, Maciej 12 1900 (has links)
Le modèle GARCH à changement de régimes est le fondement de cette thèse. Ce modèle offre de riches dynamiques pour modéliser les données financières en combinant une structure GARCH avec des paramètres qui varient dans le temps. Cette flexibilité donne malheureusement lieu à un problème de path dependence, qui a empêché l'estimation du modèle par le maximum de vraisemblance depuis son introduction, il y a déjà près de 20 ans. La première moitié de cette thèse procure une solution à ce problème en développant deux méthodologies permettant de calculer l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance du modèle GARCH à changement de régimes. La première technique d'estimation proposée est basée sur l'algorithme Monte Carlo EM et sur l'échantillonnage préférentiel, tandis que la deuxième consiste en la généralisation des approximations du modèle introduites dans les deux dernières décennies, connues sous le nom de collapsing procedures. Cette généralisation permet d'établir un lien méthodologique entre ces approximations et le filtre particulaire. La découverte de cette relation est importante, car elle permet de justifier la validité de l'approche dite par collapsing pour estimer le modèle GARCH à changement de régimes. La deuxième moitié de cette thèse tire sa motivation de la crise financière de la fin des années 2000 pendant laquelle une mauvaise évaluation des risques au sein de plusieurs compagnies financières a entraîné de nombreux échecs institutionnels. À l'aide d'un large éventail de 78 modèles économétriques, dont plusieurs généralisations du modèle GARCH à changement de régimes, il est démontré que le risque de modèle joue un rôle très important dans l'évaluation et la gestion du risque d'investissement à long terme dans le cadre des fonds distincts. Bien que la littérature financière a dévoué beaucoup de recherche pour faire progresser les modèles économétriques dans le but d'améliorer la tarification et la couverture des produits financiers, les approches permettant de mesurer l'efficacité d'une stratégie de couverture dynamique ont peu évolué. Cette thèse offre une contribution méthodologique dans ce domaine en proposant un cadre statistique, basé sur la régression, permettant de mieux mesurer cette efficacité. / The Markov-switching GARCH model is the foundation of this thesis. This model offers rich dynamics to model financial data by allowing for a GARCH structure with time-varying parameters. This flexibility is unfortunately undermined by a path dependence problem which has prevented maximum likelihood estimation of this model since its introduction, almost 20 years ago. The first half of this thesis provides a solution to this problem by developing two original estimation approaches allowing us to calculate the maximum likelihood estimator of the Markov-switching GARCH model. The first method is based on both the Monte Carlo expectation-maximization algorithm and importance sampling, while the second consists of a generalization of previously proposed approximations of the model, known as collapsing procedures. This generalization establishes a novel relationship in the econometric literature between particle filtering and collapsing procedures. The discovery of this relationship is important because it provides the missing link needed to justify the validity of the collapsing approach for estimating the Markov-switching GARCH model. The second half of this thesis is motivated by the events of the financial crisis of the late 2000s during which numerous institutional failures occurred because risk exposures were inappropriately measured. Using 78 different econometric models, including many generalizations of the Markov-switching GARCH model, it is shown that model risk plays an important role in the measurement and management of long-term investment risk in the context of variable annuities. Although the finance literature has devoted a lot of research into the development of advanced models for improving pricing and hedging performance, the approaches for measuring dynamic hedging effectiveness have evolved little. This thesis offers a methodological contribution in this area by proposing a statistical framework, based on regression analysis, for measuring the effectiveness of dynamic hedges for long-term investment guarantees.

狀態轉換跳躍相關模型下選擇權定價:股價指數選擇權之實證 / Option pricing under regime-switching jump model with dependent jump sizes: evidence from stock index option

李家慶, Lee, Jia-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
Black and Scholes (1973)對於報酬率提出以B-S模型配適,但B-S模型無法有效解釋報酬率不對稱高狹峰、波動度微笑、波動度叢聚、長記憶性的性質。Merton (1976)認為不尋常的訊息來臨會影響股價不連續跳躍,因此發展B-S模型加入不連續跳躍風險項的跳躍擴散模型,該模型可同時描述報酬率不對稱高狹峰和波動度微笑兩性質。Charles, Fuh and Lin (2011)加以考慮市場狀態提出狀態轉換跳躍模型,除了保留跳躍擴散模型可描述報酬率不對稱高狹峰和波動度微笑,更可以敘述報酬率的波動度叢聚和長記憶性。本文進一步拓展狀態轉換跳躍模型,考慮不連續跳躍風險項的帄均數與市場狀態相關,提出狀態轉換跳躍相關模型。並以道瓊工業指數與S&P 500指數1999年至2010年股價指數資料,採用EM和SEM分別估計參數與估計參數共變異數矩陣。使用概似比檢定結果顯示狀態轉換跳躍相關模型比狀態轉換跳躍獨立模型更適合描述股價指數報酬率。並驗證狀態轉換跳躍相關模型也可同時描述報酬率不對稱高狹峰、波動度微笑、波動度叢聚、長記憶性。最後利用Esscher轉換法計算股價指數選擇權定價公式,以敏感度分析模型參數對於定價結果的影響,並且市場驗證顯示狀態轉換跳躍相關模型會有最小的定價誤差。 / Black and Scholes (1973) proposed B-S model to fit asset return, but B-S model can’t effectively explain some asset return properties, such as leptokurtic, volatility smile, volatility clustering and long memory. Merton (1976) develop jump diffusion model (JDM) that consider abnormal information of market will affect the stock price, and this model can explain leptokurtic and volatility smile of asset return at the same time. Charles, Fuh and Lin (2011) extended the JDM and proposed regime-switching jump independent model (RSJIM) that consider jump rate is related to market states. RSJIM not only retains JDM properties but describes volatility clustering and long memory. In this paper, we extend RSJIM to regime-switching jump dependent model (RSJDM) which consider jump size and jump rate are both related to market states. We use EM and SEM algorithm to estimate parameters and covariance matrix, and use LR test to compare RSJIM and RSJDM. By using 1999 to 2010 Dow-Jones industrial average index and S&P 500 index as empirical evidence, RSJDM can explain index return properties said before. Finally, we calculate index option price formulation by Esscher transformation and do sensitivity analysis and market validation which give the smallest error of option prices by RSJDM.

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