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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Kunskapsöverföring i gränslandet : En studie av systemutvecklingsteam under ett projektmetodikskifte på Folksam

Lööf, Anton, Svärd, Filip January 2016 (has links)
Enligt det kunskapsbaserade perspektivet är kunskap organisationens viktigaste resurs. Inom dagens organisationer har olika enheter möjligheter att lära av varandra och dra nytta av den kunskapsmängd som genereras internt. För att detta ska lyckas krävs effektiva och utvecklade processer för kunskapsöverföring. I den genomförda studien undersöks hur kunskap överförs mellan systemutvecklingsteam under ett skifte från en vattenfallsmetodik till en agil metodik på företaget Folksam. Uppsatsen syftar även till att besvara vilka faktorer som främjar och hindrar kunskapsöverföring under ett metodikskifte. Med anledning av att allt fler organisationer övergår till en agil projektmetodik samt att forskningen inom den studerade kontexten är begränsad, anses en studie inom området väl motiverad. Studiens teoretiska ramverk tar sin utgångspunkt i kunskapsbegreppet där en diskussion kring de två dominerande kunskapsepistemologierna mynnar ut i uppsatsens förståelse för kunskapsbegreppet. Vidare diskuteras hur kunskapsöverföring kan förstås genom modifiering och förflyttning av kunskapsreservoarer, vilka utgörs av organisationens individer, verktyg och aktiviteter. Ramverket inkluderar också teorier rörande faktorer som påverkar kunskapsöverföring. Den insamlade empirin består huvudsakligen av intervjuer och observationer och visar att kunskapsöverföring mellan team sker i relativt liten utsträckning samt att de tillfällen då kunskap har överförts till stor del organiserats av de agila coacher som Folksam har konsulterat. Kunskapsöverföring främjas på grund av den liknande teamkontexten och på grund av den kunskapsstruktur som den agila metodiken medför, men hindras i och med att teamen inte är motiverade till eller inser värdet av kunskapsöverföring, vilket har sin grund i att teamen har kommit olika långt i övergången till den nya metodiken. / According to the knowledge-based view of the firm, knowledge is an organizations’ most important resource. In today’s organizations, different units have the opportunity to learn from each other and make use of the knowledge that is being generated internally. However, in order for this to succeed there is a need for effective and well-developed processes for the transfer of knowledge. In the performed study, research has been done on how knowledge is transferred between system development teams during a shift from a waterfall methodology to an agile methodology at the company Folksam. The paper also aims to answer what factors that facilitate and what factors that impede knowledge transfer during a methodology shift. As an increasing numbers of organizations change to an agile methodology and previous research within the specific context is limited, a study within the area is well motivated. The theoretical framework is based on the concept of knowledge itself where a discussion of the two dominating epistemological perspectives is concluded in the thesis understanding of knowledge. Further, knowledge transfer is being defined as either a modification or transfer of knowledge reservoirs, comprised by the organization’s individuals, tools and activities and in which knowledge is embedded. The theoretical framework also includes factors influencing knowledge transfer. The empirical foundation consists mainly of interviews and observations and shows that inter-team knowledge transfer is limited, and that the occasions where transfer does take place are generally organized by the agile coaches consulted by Folksam. When knowledge transfer takes place it is facilitated by the similar team context and by the knowledge structure entailed by the agile methodology, but impeded by the team members not being motivated or able to realize the benefits with knowledge transfer, which is rooted in the teams being in different stages of the transition to the new methodology.

Motivation och Agila aktiviteter : En fallstudie om hur agila aktiviteter motiverar deltagare i ett utvecklarteam på Tradera

Nord Olsson, Hjalmar, Wiskman, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka hur agila aktiviteter kan bidra till att motivera deltagare i ett agilt utvecklarteam. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en fallstudie under nio veckor där ett utvecklarteam på företaget Tradera observerades. Utöver observationerna gjordes även intervjuer med en majoritet av teamets medlemmar. Genom att kombinera den klassiska motivationsteorin Job Characteristics Modell med scrumteori utvecklades en konceptuell analysmodell. Den konceptuella analysmodellen operationaliserar egenskaper hos de agila aktiviteterna som enligt teorin ger upphov till hög arbetsmotivation. Genom intervjuerna operationaliseras begreppet motivation – där en intervjuteknik som använts i tidigare studier för att mäta motivation anammats. Resultatet av studien visar att de agila aktiviteterna planeringsmöte, demonstration och återblicksmöte i det studerade utvecklarteamet på Tradera innehar egenskaper som skapar förutsättning för hög arbetsmotivation. I en teoretisk men inte empirisk mening stöds sambandet mellan egenskaperna och hög arbetsmotivation. Där berättelser från teammedlemmar om episoder av hög motivation kopplat till de agila aktiviteterna ger en indikation på att egenskaperna hos aktiviteterna gett upphov till psykologiska tillstånd som resulterat i en hög arbetsmotivation. / The purpose of this paper is to examine how agile activities can act as motivators for members of an agile development team. In order to serve this purpose a field study of nine weeks was carried out during which an agile development team at Tradera were observed. In addition to the field study interviews where conducted with a majority of the team members. A classical motivational theory in the form of Job Characteristics Model (JCT) and theory about scrum was used to form a conceptual analysis model. The model operationalizes characteristics of the agile activities, which according to JCT creates high work motivation. The concept of motivation was operationalized through the use of an interview technique that has been used in numerous previous studies in order to measure motivation and other non-tangible factors. The study shows that the agile activities planning session, demonstration and retrospective used by the development team at Tradera has inherent characteristics that creates a setting in which high work motivation has the possibility of being prevalent. In a theoretical, but not empirical, way the results of the study supports a connection between the presence of the characteristics in the agile activities and high motivation. Where stories from team members of episodes of high motivation during the agile activities gives an indication of the activities.

OntoSoft: um processo de desenvolvimento ágil para software baseado em ontologia / OntoSoft: an agile development process for ontology-based software

Marques, Joice Basilio Machado 02 October 2017 (has links)
A formalização e o compartilhamento do conhecimento tem incentivado cada vez mais o uso de ontologias em diversas áreas da computação. Na Engenharia de Software, por exemplo, elas são usadas em diferentes fases do ciclo de vida do software. Especificamente no desenvolvimento de software a ontologia pode ser considerada como um artefato de software que atua na formalização do conhecimento e requisitos, na geração automática de código, na integração contínua e na transformação de dados em conhecimento. No entanto, poucos estudos abordam esses fatores de maneira sistematizada na construção do software baseado em ontologia, ao associar os conceitos da Engenharia de Software à Engenharia de Ontologias. Além disso, as abordagens atuais não inserem princípios ágeis em suas definições. Portanto, este trabalho tem por objetivo definir um processo de desenvolvimento considerando os princípios e valores ágeis para o desenvolvimento de software baseado em ontologia. No processo, denominado OntoSoft, fases, atividades, tarefas, papeis e modelos de artefatos foram definidos de maneira detalhada para guiar as equipes de desenvolvimento. Ademais, foram especificados três cenários de desenvolvimento considerando a complexidade do software a ser desenvolvido, a fim de evidenciar possibilidades distintas na sequência das atividades durante o fluxo de desenvolvimento do software baseado em ontologia. Com base nos estudos de caso conduzidos em diferentes cenários de desenvolvimento, os resultados sugerem que o processo OntoSoft contribui positivamente na produção dos artefatos do software baseado em ontologia, colaborando para a efetividade e produtividade da equipe. / Formalization and knowledge sharing have increasingly encouraged the use of ontologies in several areas of computing. In Software Engineering, for example, they have been used in different phases of the software life cycle. Specifically in software development, an ontology can be considered as a software artifact, which acts in the formalization of knowledge and requirements, automatic generation of code, continuous integration and data transformation into knowledge. However, few studies deal with these factors in a systematized way for the development of ontology based software, regarding to associating Software Engineering and Ontology Engineering concepts. In addition, current approaches do not address agile principles in their definitions. In this sense, this work aims to define a development process concerning the principles and agile values for ontology based software development. In the process, called OntoSoft, phases, activities, tasks, roles, and artifact models were defined in detail to guide development teams. In addition, three development scenarios were specified considering the complexity of the software to be developed, in order to demonstrate distinct possibilities of development flow of the ontology based software. Based on case studies conducted in different development environments, the results suggest that the OntoSoft process contributes positively to the development of ontology based software artifacts, contributing to the effectiveness and productivity of the team.

Scrum-DR: uma extensão do framework Scrum aderente ao CMMI-DEV utilizando técnicas de Design Rationale. / Scrum-DR: an extension of the scrum framework adherent to the capability maturity model using Design Rationale techniques.

Kawamoto, Sandra 08 November 2017 (has links)
Os métodos ágeis introduziram uma nova abordagem de desenvolvimento de software, enfatizando os indivíduos, o produto e a comunicação. Prometem alta satisfação do cliente, baixo índice de erros, tempo de desenvolvimento mais rápido e uma solução para a rápida mudança de requisitos. Por outro lado, modelos de qualidade de software, como o CMMI, prometem previsibilidade, estabilidade e segurança, melhorando a qualidade dos produtos e dos processos da empresa. O intuito desta pesquisa é unir estas duas abordagens na tentativa de aproveitar as vantagens de ambas. Como resultado, apresenta-se o framework Scrum-DR, uma extensão do Scrum, aderente às diretrizes do CMMI-DEV na categoria Suporte. O Scrum-DR possui características do desenvolvimento ágil de software e contempla a utilização de técnicas de Design Rationale, apresentando um modelo que soluciona uma importante questão nas metodologias ágeis. / Agile methods introduced a new approach to software development, emphasizing individuals, product, and communication. They promise high customer satisfaction, low error rates, faster development time and a solution for rapidly changing requirements. On the other hand, software quality models, such as CMMI, promise predictability, stability and security, improving the quality of the company\'s products and processes. The purpose of this research is to link these two approaches in an attempt to take advantage of both. As a result, the Scrum-DR framework, a Scrum extension, adhering to the CMMI-DEV guidelines in the Support category is presented. Scrum-DR has characteristics of agile software development and contemplates the use of Design Rationale techniques, presenting a model that solves an important issue in agile methodologies.

Scrum-DR: uma extensão do framework Scrum aderente ao CMMI-DEV utilizando técnicas de Design Rationale. / Scrum-DR: an extension of the scrum framework adherent to the capability maturity model using Design Rationale techniques.

Sandra Kawamoto 08 November 2017 (has links)
Os métodos ágeis introduziram uma nova abordagem de desenvolvimento de software, enfatizando os indivíduos, o produto e a comunicação. Prometem alta satisfação do cliente, baixo índice de erros, tempo de desenvolvimento mais rápido e uma solução para a rápida mudança de requisitos. Por outro lado, modelos de qualidade de software, como o CMMI, prometem previsibilidade, estabilidade e segurança, melhorando a qualidade dos produtos e dos processos da empresa. O intuito desta pesquisa é unir estas duas abordagens na tentativa de aproveitar as vantagens de ambas. Como resultado, apresenta-se o framework Scrum-DR, uma extensão do Scrum, aderente às diretrizes do CMMI-DEV na categoria Suporte. O Scrum-DR possui características do desenvolvimento ágil de software e contempla a utilização de técnicas de Design Rationale, apresentando um modelo que soluciona uma importante questão nas metodologias ágeis. / Agile methods introduced a new approach to software development, emphasizing individuals, product, and communication. They promise high customer satisfaction, low error rates, faster development time and a solution for rapidly changing requirements. On the other hand, software quality models, such as CMMI, promise predictability, stability and security, improving the quality of the company\'s products and processes. The purpose of this research is to link these two approaches in an attempt to take advantage of both. As a result, the Scrum-DR framework, a Scrum extension, adhering to the CMMI-DEV guidelines in the Support category is presented. Scrum-DR has characteristics of agile software development and contemplates the use of Design Rationale techniques, presenting a model that solves an important issue in agile methodologies.

An organizational ontology for multiagent-based Enterprise Process modeling and automation / Une ontologie de l'organisation pour la modélisation et l'automatisation des processus d'entreprise basé multi-agent

Lin, Yishuai 10 September 2013 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse définit une nouvelle approche pour la modélisation et la conceptualisation des processus métiers dans les entreprises afin de construire des outils logiciels d'assistance intelligents qui prennent en charge ces processus. L'approche proposée définit une ontologie dédiée à l'étude des organisations, nommée K-CRIO. Elle est décrite à l'aide du langage de représentation des connaissances OWL. Afin d'illustrer nos travaux, un système d'assistance a été implanté sur la base des résultats issus de la modélisation et de la conceptualisation d'un processus métier spécifique avec l'ontologie K-CRIO. Ce système prend la forme d'une application Web qui intègre et exploite pleinement les avantages des systèmes multiagents. L'ontologie K-CRIO est une ontologie dédiée à l'étude des organisations et à l'analyse organisationnelle des processus métiers qu'elles mettent en oeuvre. Plus précisément, elle est utilisée pour comprendre, analyser et raisonner sur ces organisations. Les organisations visées sont celles composées d'acteurs humains impliqués tout au long de la conception de produits et, pour ce faire, organisés selon un processus métier. L'éventail de ce type d'organisations est assez large. Nous avons donc limité notre étude aux organisations qui produisent des logiciels comme objectif final du processus. Dans ce contexte, l'ontologie K-CRIO peut être utilisée pour modéliser la structure organisationnelle du processus et les activités qui en résultent. Cette ontologie peut ensuite être exploitée afin de concevoir des outils d'assistance à la mise en oeuvre des processus ciblés au sein des organisations décrites. Plus précisément, l'ontologie fournit des moyens de raisonnement, d'annotation des ressources, et de suivi des processus de conception, permettant des recherches et de proposer pro-activement des conseils et des contenus appropriés. Afin d'illustrer l'utilisation de K-CRIO, nous appliquons K-CRIO sur deux processus différents: le modèle en cascade et la méthodologie Scrum. Ces exemples sont des processus de développement de logiciels classiques. En outre, pour le processus Scrum, qui est un processus agile de développement de logiciel, largement utilisé dans les entreprises de logiciels, nous avons conçu et développé un outil d'assistance intelligent. Cet outil contribue principalement à aider les Scrum Masters en leur fournissant des indicateurs pour les assister dans leurs prises de décisions ainsi que par la constitution d'une base de connaissances sur les activités / The work presented in this PhD thesis defines a new approach for the modeling and the conceptualization of enterprise business processes in the perspective of building intelligent assistance software tools to support these processes. The proposed approach defines an organizational ontology, named K-CRIO. Its description is based on the Ontology Web Language. To illustrate our work, an intelligent assistance system has been designed and implemented according to the result from the modeling and conceptualization of a specific business process with the K-CRIO Ontology. It is a web-based application that integrates and takes full advantage of multi-agent systems.The K-CRIO Ontology is an Ontology dedicated to the study of organizations and the analysis of business processes adopting an organizational point of view. Specifically, it is used to understand, analyze and reason about organizations and the processes they implement. The targeted organizations are those composed of entities involved throughout products' design and, to do so, following a defined business process. The range of this type of organizations is quite wide. We have thus limited our study to organizations that produce software as the final process goal, specifically IT enterprises delivering software products or services. In this context, the K-CRIO ontology could be used to model structure of the considered organizations and model human activities appearing in their business processes. This ontology could be used to support process assistance within the described organizations. More specifically, the ontology could provide means for reasoning, annotating resources, monitoring design processes, enabling searches and pro-actively proposing tips and proper content. In order to illustrate the usage of K-CRIO, we apply K-CRIO on two different processes: the Waterfall Model and the Scrum methodology. These examples are both classical software-development processes. Moreover, for Scrum, the famous agile software-development process widely used in software enterprises, we have designed and developed an intelligent assistance tool. This tool mainly helps Scrum Masters to make decision by monitoring Scrum project teams' activities within their various projects and collecting knowledge about these activities.

Scrumptious:A Scrum Planning Tool Case Study to Evaluate the Rich Ajax Platform

Häggbom, Fredrik, Olsson Haglund, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p>During the last year Tieto has been interested in evaluating the potential of a newly developed technology called Rich Ajax Platform (RAP). The RAP technology allows the developer to write Java code and deploy it on the web as a Rich Internet Application (RIA)with similar look and feel as a regular application ran in for example Microsoft Windows. The biggest benefit with a RIA is that it offers similar features to stand-alone applications but these features are deployed via a web server i.e. no installation at the client side is needed.</p><p>To evaluate this technique a Scrum handler prototype was developed using the RAP. Secondly, a comparison with another similar technique called Google Web Toolkit had been made. The Scrum process is an agile development method which is based on small iterations.The purpose of this study was to create a functional prototype in order to evaluate and demonstrate the RAP technology.</p><p>The result of the evaluation is that RAP is a strong competitor for developing Web 2.0 applications. Most of the concerns regarding RAP depend on the fact that it is a new technology and is still under development. Since Tieto in Karlstad currently develops RCPapplications, the RAP technology is a logical successor since the developers do not have to learn a new technology.</p>

Förbättrad metod för tidig mobilisering av planerat kejsarsnittförlösta En kvalitativ studie av patienternas upplevelser

Shafie, Maryam January 1900 (has links)

Scrum som möjliggörare för kunskapsöverföring? : - en studie om kunskapsöverföring mellan utvecklare på ett mjukvaruföretag

Larsdotter Nilsson, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Kunskap är som mest användbar när den har inflytande och delas med andra varför medarbetarna inom en organisation bör ha möjlighet att lära av varandra. Då en individ delar eller sprider sin kunskap och erfarenhet till någon annan benämns det som kunskapsöverföring. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om och hur kunskapsöverföring mellan utvecklare möjliggörs när en organisation inom mjukvaruindustrin använder Scrum som arbetsmetod. Studien avser även undersöka huruvida metoden på något sätt hindrar kunskapsöverföring. För att besvara syftet ställs följande huvudfråga: Hur möjliggör Scrum kunskapsöverföring mellan utvecklare? vilken består av tre delfrågor: (i) Var sker kunskapsöverföring i Scrum? (ii) Vilken typ av kunskap sprids i Scrum? (iii) Vad kan hindra kunskapsöverföringen då Scrum används som arbetsmetod? Med utgångspunkt i teorier om kunskap, kunskapsöverföring och kontexten för kunskapsöverföring samt den teoretiska beskrivningen av Scrum utformades en analysmodell som visar Scrums förväntade stöd för kunskapsöverföring. Den insamlade empirin består av observationer och intervjuer vilka genomfördes under en tio veckor lång praktik på ett mjukvaruföretag som nyligen tillämpat Scrum som arbetsmetod. På fallföretaget har Scrum anpassats till verksamhetens behov med hjälp av tre scrumteam, till skillnad från teorin som beskriver Scrum utifrån endast ett scrumteam. Av resultatet framgår att två av Scrums ceremonier samt co-location utgör ett direkt stöd för kunskapsöverföring och tre av ceremonierna utgör ett indirekt stöd. En av ceremonierna utgör både ett direkt och indirekt stöd. Vidare visar studien att flera scrumteam kan hindra kunskapsöverföring mellan utvecklare i olika scrumteam. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar studien att Scrum till viss del bidrar med en kontext som möjliggör för viss typ av kunskapsöverföring. / Knowledge is most useful when it has influence and is shared with others. Therefore, employees of an organization should have the opportunity to learn from each other. When an individual share his or her knowledge to another, this is termed knowledge transfer. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether and how knowledge transfer between software developers is made possible when an organization in the software industry is using Scrum as a working method. The study also intends to examine whether the method in any way prevents knowledge transfer. In order to answer the purpose the following main questions were addressed: How does Scrum enable knowledge transfer between developers? This question further consists of three parts: (i) Where does knowledge transfer take place? (ii) What type of knowledge is transferred in Scrum? (iii) What can prevent the knowledge transfer when Scrum is used as a working method? Based on theories of knowledge, knowledge transfer, the context for knowledge transfer, and the theoretical description of Scrum, a specific framework was designed. The framework shows the expected support for knowledge transfer by Scrum. The collected empirical data consists of observations and interviews, which were conducted during a ten-week case study at a software company that recently implemented Scrum as a working method. The company has adapted Scrum to business needs with the help of three scrum teams, as opposed to the theory that describes Scrum based on only one scrum team. The results show that two of Scrum ceremonies and co-location constitutes direct support for knowledge transfer, and three ceremonies constitute an indirect support. One ceremony constitutes both direct and indirect support. The study also shows that several scrum teams can prevent knowledge transfer between developers in different scrum teams. In conclusion, the study indicates that Scrum partly contributes a context that allows for certain types of knowledge transfer.

OntoSoft: um processo de desenvolvimento ágil para software baseado em ontologia / OntoSoft: an agile development process for ontology-based software

Joice Basilio Machado Marques 02 October 2017 (has links)
A formalização e o compartilhamento do conhecimento tem incentivado cada vez mais o uso de ontologias em diversas áreas da computação. Na Engenharia de Software, por exemplo, elas são usadas em diferentes fases do ciclo de vida do software. Especificamente no desenvolvimento de software a ontologia pode ser considerada como um artefato de software que atua na formalização do conhecimento e requisitos, na geração automática de código, na integração contínua e na transformação de dados em conhecimento. No entanto, poucos estudos abordam esses fatores de maneira sistematizada na construção do software baseado em ontologia, ao associar os conceitos da Engenharia de Software à Engenharia de Ontologias. Além disso, as abordagens atuais não inserem princípios ágeis em suas definições. Portanto, este trabalho tem por objetivo definir um processo de desenvolvimento considerando os princípios e valores ágeis para o desenvolvimento de software baseado em ontologia. No processo, denominado OntoSoft, fases, atividades, tarefas, papeis e modelos de artefatos foram definidos de maneira detalhada para guiar as equipes de desenvolvimento. Ademais, foram especificados três cenários de desenvolvimento considerando a complexidade do software a ser desenvolvido, a fim de evidenciar possibilidades distintas na sequência das atividades durante o fluxo de desenvolvimento do software baseado em ontologia. Com base nos estudos de caso conduzidos em diferentes cenários de desenvolvimento, os resultados sugerem que o processo OntoSoft contribui positivamente na produção dos artefatos do software baseado em ontologia, colaborando para a efetividade e produtividade da equipe. / Formalization and knowledge sharing have increasingly encouraged the use of ontologies in several areas of computing. In Software Engineering, for example, they have been used in different phases of the software life cycle. Specifically in software development, an ontology can be considered as a software artifact, which acts in the formalization of knowledge and requirements, automatic generation of code, continuous integration and data transformation into knowledge. However, few studies deal with these factors in a systematized way for the development of ontology based software, regarding to associating Software Engineering and Ontology Engineering concepts. In addition, current approaches do not address agile principles in their definitions. In this sense, this work aims to define a development process concerning the principles and agile values for ontology based software development. In the process, called OntoSoft, phases, activities, tasks, roles, and artifact models were defined in detail to guide development teams. In addition, three development scenarios were specified considering the complexity of the software to be developed, in order to demonstrate distinct possibilities of development flow of the ontology based software. Based on case studies conducted in different development environments, the results suggest that the OntoSoft process contributes positively to the development of ontology based software artifacts, contributing to the effectiveness and productivity of the team.

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