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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais: abordagens filosóficas da psicologia do senso comum / Mental states and propositional attitudes: philosophical approaches to folk psychology

Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira 23 May 2014 (has links)
A literatura filosófica sobre a Psicologia do Senso Comum se estende desde a década de 1970, e abrange diversas questões sobre nosso entendimento interpessoal cotidiano, nossa capacidade de interação e coordenação de atividades, o arcabouço conceitual intuitivo que relaciona estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais a comportamentos, e os mecanismos cognitivos de leitura mental que nos permitem atribuir estados mentais a outras pessoas. Nesta dissertação eu examino o desenvolvimento histórico desta literatura, identificando dois debates distintos, o primeiro (principalmente entre Paul Churchland e Jerry Fodor dos anos 70 aos anos 90) tendo como foco a relação entre a teoria da Psicologia do Senso Comum e teorias científicas (da neurociência e das ciências cognitivas), e o segundo (o debate contemporâneo) tendo como foco os mecanismos cognitivos de leitura mental e o papel das atribuições de estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais nas teorias da cognição corporificada, situada e estendida. Além do exame histórico do que argumento serem dois debates distintos e da transição conceitual entre ambos, também apresento aqui minha crítica à abordagem eliminativista contemporânea de Matthew Ratcliffe e, como alternativa, articulo os princípios de uma abordagem pluralista que combina leitura mental e interpretação contextual situada como fundamentais para a cognição social / The philosophical literature on Folk Psychology began in the 1970s, and encompasses various questions about our everyday interpersonal understanding, our ability to interact and coordinate activities, the intuitive conceptual framework that relates mental states and propositional attitudes to behaviors, and the cognitive mechanisms of mindreading that allow us to attribute mental states to other people. In this thesis I examine the historical development of this literature, identifying two distinct debates, the first (mainly between Paul Churchland and Jerry Fodor from the 70s to the 90s) focusing on the relationship between the theory of Folk Psychology and scientific theories (in neuroscience and cognitive science), and the second (the contemporary debate) focusing on the cognitive mechanisms of mindreading and the role played by attributions of mental states and propositional attitudes in theories of embodied, situated and extended cognition. In addition to the historical examination of what I argue are two distinct debates as well as of the conceptual transition between them, here I present my criticism of Matthew Ratcliffe\'s contemporary eliminativist approach and, as an alternative to it, I articulate the principles of a pluralistic approach that combines both mindreading and situated contextual interpretation as fundamental for social cognition

Concevoir l'interaction avec des systèmes de drones militaires : une approche incarnée et située. / Designing interaction with military UAV systems : an embodied and situated approach

Large, Anne-Claire 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une approche incarnée et située de la cognition humaine et de l’ergonomie des interfaces Homme-Machine (IHM). En rupture avec les théories computo-symboliques, cette approche considère que la cognition a pour seule vocation l’action dans le but de s’adapter au monde. Appliquée à l’ergonomie des IHM, elle met l’accent sur la perception, l’action et le contexte comme éléments clés de l’interaction Homme-Machine. Cette vision de l’ergonomie est ici mise au service de la conception de stations sol de drones militaires, sur lesquelles le manque de sollicitations perceptivo-motrices et le caractère isolé des opérateurs contribuent à une accidentologie symptomatique. L’objet de cette thèse est donc de montrer en quoi l’approche incarnée et située permet de guider une démarche ergonomique et, en particulier, la conception de deux stations sol de drones militaires développés par Airbus Defence and Space. Dans un premier temps, une analyse centrée sur les aspects moteurs, perceptifs et contextuels de l’activité des opérateurs de drones est réalisée. La seconde étape est dédiée à la définition d’une organisation matériel-logiciel standardisée pour tous types de drones. Cette organisation repose sur l’exploitation de processus perceptivo-moteurs, notamment au moyen du paradigme Stimulus-Response Compatibility (SRC). En troisième lieu, est présentée la conception matérielle et logicielle de deux stations sol de drones adaptées à leurs contextes respectifs d’utilisation. Des moyens de vérification (e.g. tests utilisateurs) sont mis en œuvre pour valider les solutions proposées. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la démarche adoptée permet d’améliorer significativement certains aspects de l’activité des opérateurs de drones, en particulier en termes de performances et de charge mentale. D’autre part, ces travaux soulignent l’intérêt de l’approche incarnée et située, et sa forte valeur applicative tant au sein de la démarche ergonomique que dans un cycle de conception industrielle. / Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une approche incarnée et située de la cognition humaine et de l’ergonomie des interfaces Homme-Machine (IHM). En rupture avec les théories computo-symboliques, cette approche considère que la cognition a pour seule vocation l’action dans le but de s’adapter au monde. Appliquée à l’ergonomie des IHM, elle met l’accent sur la perception, l’action et le contexte comme éléments clés de l’interaction Homme-Machine. Cette vision de l’ergonomie est ici mise au service de la conception de stations sol de drones militaires, sur lesquelles le manque de sollicitations perceptivo-motrices et le caractère isolé des opérateurs contribuent à une accidentologie symptomatique. L’objet de cette thèse est donc de montrer en quoi l’approche incarnée et située permet de guider une démarche ergonomique et, en particulier, la conception de deux stations sol de drones militaires développés par Airbus Defence and Space. Dans un premier temps, une analyse centrée sur les aspects moteurs, perceptifs et contextuels de l’activité des opérateurs de drones est réalisée. La seconde étape est dédiée à la définition d’une organisation matériel-logiciel standardisée pour tous types de drones. Cette organisation repose sur l’exploitation de processus perceptivo-moteurs, notamment au moyen du paradigme Stimulus-Response Compatibility (SRC). En troisième lieu, est présentée la conception matérielle et logicielle de deux stations sol de drones adaptées à leurs contextes respectifs d’utilisation. Des moyens de vérification (e.g. tests utilisateurs) sont mis en œuvre pour valider les solutions proposées. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la démarche adoptée permet d’améliorer significativement certains aspects de l’activité des opérateurs de drones, en particulier en termes de performances et de charge mentale. D’autre part, ces travaux soulignent l’intérêt de l’approche incarnée et située, et sa forte valeur applicative tant au sein de la démarche ergonomique que dans un cycle de conception industrielle.

Personal Identity and the Extended Mind: A Critique of Parfitian Reductionism

Miller, Jamie M. 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.


LUIS HENRIQUE SFORZIN PAZZINI 13 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] Os games (jogos digitais) estabelecem relação com linguagens de outras mídias e têm a propriedade de manifestar aspectos da vida humana. Constituem um fenômeno da cultura digital que vem se sofisticando cada vez mais e multiplicam o desenvolvimento de inúmeros estilos de design de jogo, produzindo experiências diversificadas através de seus inovadores sistemas de jogabilidade. Logo, os games possuem plasticidade para incorporar diversos fins e, como objeto cultural, atraem diferentes segmentos sociais para explorá-lo, tais como gamers (jogadores), desenvolvedores (indústria) e pesquisadores (acadêmicos). Esta dissertação parte de uma conceituação baseada em elementos compartilhados pelo campo cultural dos games e se apropria da análise crítica sobre a gamificação para investigar se um game do estilo de design mundo aberto possibilita mediação de princípios de aprendizagem à luz da abordagem da cognição situada. A pesquisa se fundamenta em evidências obtidas de gamers em processo de interação com o mundo virtual do game. A experimentação lançou mão da captura e análise qualitativa de gameplays. Os procedimentos metodológicos elaborados para análise qualitativa desta investigação resultaram em um roteiro de observação direta em formato de tabela de rubricas, e isso talvez seja a principal contribuição desta dissertação, cujo status epistemológico permite que a construção teórico-metodológica para análise de imagens em movimento desta pesquisa seja útil para investigar se outros estilos de design de game comportam a mediação de princípios de aprendizagem. / [en] Games relate to languages in other media and have the property of manifesting aspects of human life. They are a phenomenon of digital culture that has become increasingly sophisticated and multiply the development of innumerable styles of game design, producing diversified experiences through its innovative gameplay systems. Thus, games have plasticity to incorporate various purposes and, as a cultural object, attract different social segments to exploit it, such as gamers, developers and researchers. This dissertation starts from a conceptualization based on elements shared by the cultural field of the games and appropriates the critical analysis on the gamification to investigate if a game of the open world design style allows mediation of learning principles according to the approach of situated cognition. The research is based on evidence obtained from gamers in the process of interacting with the virtual world of the game. The experimentation used capture and qualitative analysis of gameplays. The methodological procedures developed for the qualitative analysis of this research resulted in a direct observation script in a table format, and this is perhaps the main contribution of this dissertation, whose epistemological status allows the theoretical-methodological construction for video analysis of this research to be useful for investigate whether other game design styles mediate learning principles.

Felt_space infrastructure : hyper vigilant spatiality to valence the visceral dimension

Emmett, Mathew Henry January 2013 (has links)
This thesis evolves perception as a hypothesis to reframe architectural praxis negotiated through agent-situation interaction. The research questions the geometric principles of architectural ordination to originate the ‘felt_space infrastructure’, a relational system of measurement concerned with the role of perception in mediating sensory space and the cognised environment. The methodological model for this research fuses perception and environmental stimuli, into a consistent generative process that penetrates the inner essence of space, to reveal the visceral parameter. These concepts are applied to develop a ‘coefficient of affordance’ typology, ‘hypervigilant’ tool set, and ‘cognitive_tope’ design methodology. Thus, by extending the architectural platform to consider perception as a design parameter, the thesis interprets the ‘inference schema’ as an instructional model to coordinate the acquisition of spatial reality through tensional and counter-tensional feedback dynamics. Three site-responsive case studies are used to advance the thesis. The first case study is descriptive and develops a typology of situated cognition to extend the ‘granularity’ of perceptual sensitisation (i.e. a fine-grained means of perceiving space). The second project is relational and questions how mapping can coordinate perceptual, cognitive and associative attention, as a ‘multi-webbed vector field’ comprised of attractors and deformations within a viewer-centred gravitational space. The third case study is causal, and demonstrates how a transactional-biased schema can generate, amplify and attenuate perceptual misalignment, thus triggering a visceral niche. The significance of the research is that it progresses generative perception as an additional variable for spatial practice, and promotes transactional methodologies to gain enhanced modes of spatial acuity to extend the repertoire of architectural practice.

Interkulturelle Qualifizierung im Rahmen des Hochschulstudiums in Deutschland

Hößler, Ulrich 06 March 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, ein Modell interkultureller Qualifizierung im Rahmen des Hochschulstudiums in Deutschland zu generieren. Im theoretischen Teil wird der Qualifizie-rungsbegriff in Bezug zum Qualifizierungsziel interkulturelle Kompetenz und zum Anwen-dungskontext Hochschulstudium in Deutschland erörtert sowie das Thema innerhalb der Erzie-hungswissenschaften verortet. Auf die Themen interkulturelle Kompetenz und interkulturelles Lernen wird gesondert eingegangen. Darauf aufbauend werden im empirischen Tiel die zwei durchgeführten Studien beschrieben und abschließend die Ergebnisse interpretiert. Aus einer qualitativ-explorativen Interviewbefragung von 18 ehemaligen Teilnehmenden am Zusatzstudi-um Internationale Handlungskompetenz der Regensburger Hochschulen und einer quantitativ-explanativen Fragebogenstudie mit 129 damals aktuellen Teilnehmenden am Ende des Zusatz-studiums konnten relevante Eingangsbedingungen, Lernprozesse und Wirkungen sowie Kon-trollvariablen interkultureller Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen identifiziert werden. Die identifizierten Variablen werden zu den fünf Nutzungsprofilen interkultureller Qualifizierung 1) Sensibilisie-rung, 2) kognitive Anwendung, 3) Aktivierung, 4) aktionale Anwendung und 5) Potenzierung zusammengefasst. In einem Transfermodell werden die Nutzungsprofile schießlich in Bezug auf Wissenstransfer und Handlungstransfer verortet und in einem Input-Prozess-Output-Modell auf-steigend angeordnet. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit besteht somit in einem theoretisch fundierten und empirisch geprüften lern- und handlungstheoretischen Modell interkultureller Qualifizierung, das exemplarisch Bedingungen, Prozessverläufe und Wirkungen interkultureller Qualifizie-rungsmaßnahmen an deutschen Hochschulen beschreibt und dadurch Anwendungswissen für Konzeption, Implementation und Evaluation weiterer bestehender und geplanter interkultureller Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen bietet. / This study aims at generating an input-process-output model of intercultural qualification in the context of academic education in Germany. The theoretical framework consists of defining in-tercultural qualification and localizing the topic within educational sciences. The topics intercul-tural competence and intercultural learning are discussed separately. There were two empirical studies: 1) 18 former participants of the Extracurricular Study Program for Intercultural Compe-tence at the Regensburg universities have been interviewed about the program’s learning pro-cesses and learning outcomes. Resulting data were analysed using qualitative methods, yielding a set of hypotheses on relations between preconditions, processes and outcomes of intercultural qualification. 2) At the end of the program, 129 participants completed a questionnaire con-structed on the results of the interview study producing quantitative data. Relevant input, pro-cess and output variables could be identified and were integrated into five user profiles: 1) sensi-tisation, 2) cognitive application, 3) activation, 4) behavioral application, and 5) potentialisation. These profiles were finally arranged in relation to knowledge transfer and behavioral transfer, thus yielding a transfer model of intercultural qualification, and were put in ascending order in an input-process-output model. This theoretically founded and empirically tested model de-scribes exemplarily preconditions, learning processes, learning outcomes, and control variables of intercultural qualification in the context of academic education in Germany. It can be used as a theoretical framework for further research or conceptualisation, implementation, and evalua-tion of intercultural qualification programs.

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