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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A divulgação científica nos telejornais brasileiros e seus impactos sociais no fortalecimento da cidadania

Zaganelli, Bárbara Martins 31 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Priscilla Araujo (priscilla@ibict.br) on 2018-11-05T16:37:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Barbara Zaganelli-Tese Doutorado-2018.pdf: 2135237 bytes, checksum: f997623ce753109501f31517c5034cfd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-05T16:37:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Barbara Zaganelli-Tese Doutorado-2018.pdf: 2135237 bytes, checksum: f997623ce753109501f31517c5034cfd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-31 / Impacto social produzido pela divulgação científica do telejornalismo brasileiro. A pesquisa verifica a correspondência entre os temas noticiados sobre a ciência e os assuntos que interessam à sociedade, além da contribuição das matérias de ciência do telejornalismo brasileiro para a vida do cidadão. Metodologia descritiva e exploratória, com abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas, por meio de aplicações de metrias da informação e comunicação, mapeamentos de notícias, entrevistas com os telespectadores com a Técnica do Incidente Crítico (TIC) e análises de conteúdo das matérias. As fontes da pesquisa são seis telejornais de TV aberta e alcance nacional (Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record, Jornal da Band, SBT Brasil, Rede TV News! e Repórter Brasil Noite), matérias coletadas durante um ano, totalizando 72 edições, o equivalente à aproximadamente 9 horas e 30 minutos de programação. Os entrevistados são 163 telespectadores dos telejornais brasileiros, homens e mulheres, acima de 18 anos, com dados coletados durante as atividades da 13ª Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (SNCT). Os principais resultados revelam quase a metade da programação jornalística voltada à ciência. O mapeamento da divulgação científica indica que a maior parte está relacionada à transposição de informação científica e tecnológica para uma linguagem acessível à compreensão do público. Entre as características das notícias, falta variedade na exibição de pesquisas das áreas de conhecimento (CNPq) e categorias de divulgação científica propostas por nesta tese. Os principais impactos sociais das matérias de ciências na vida do cidadão são as mudanças em ações e/ou hábitos no cotidiano para a qualidade de vida e preservação do meio ambiente. Pelos relatos, a divulgação científica do telejornalismo brasileiro provoca questionamentos e debates, mas não estimula o cidadão a participação em ações coletivas. Espera-se que os resultados permitam configurar propostas de divulgação científica para o telejornalismo brasileiro mais promissoras para a ampla difusão do conhecimento e o exercício de cidadania. / Social impact produced by the scientific divulgation of Brazilian television journalism. The research verifies the correspondence between the news subjects about science and the subjects that interest the society, besides the contribution of the science subjects of the Brazilian journalism to the citizen´s life. Descriptive and exploratory methodology, with quantitative and qualitative approaches, through applications of information and communication metrics, news mappings, interviews with viewers with Critical Incident Technique and content analysis. The sources of the research are six national TV news broadcasters (Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record, Jornal da Band, SBT Brasil, Rede TV News! and Repórter Brasil Noite), collected over a year, adding up to 72 issues, the equivalent approximately 9 hours and 30 minutes of programming. The interviewees are 163 viewers of Brazilian television news shows, men and women, over 18 years old, with data collected during the activities of the 13th National Science and Technology Week. The main results reveal almost half of journalistic programming focused on science. The mapping of scientific divulgation indicates that most is related to the transposition of scientific and technological information into a language accessible to the public’s understanding. Among the characteristics of the news, there is a lack of variety in the display of research in the areas of knowledge (CNPq) and categories of scientific dissemination proposed by this thesis. The main social impacts of science subjects on the life of the citizen are changes in actions and/or daily habits for the quality of life and preservation of the environment. By the reports, the scientific divulgation of the Brazilian TV News causes questions and debates but does not stimulate the citizen participation in collective actions. It is hoped that the results will allow the creation of proposals for sycientific divulgation for the most promising Brazilian news media for the wide dissemination of knowledge and the exercise of citizenship.

Social Impact Assessment :analyse d'un outil d'aide à la décision pour la lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités sociales de santé: Etude des conditions nécessaires à la fonction d'apprentissage conceptuel de l'outil dans le contexte bruxellois

Feyaerts, Gille 27 April 2018 (has links)
Malgré leur potentiel important et leur introduction de plus en plus fréquente à différents niveaux politiques, le rôle des outils d’évaluation d’impact dans le processus politique reste questionné. Leur efficacité semble particulièrement limitée dans le cadre des problématiques comme la pauvreté et les inégalités sociales. Au-delà de leur complexité, c’est surtout le caractère controversé de ces phénomènes et le fait qu’il n’existe pas de consensus sur la manière d’aborder la pauvreté et les inégalités sociales, qui posent problème. Dans ce contexte, les connaissances issues d’une évaluation d’impact ne vont pas toujours jouer un rôle direct et instrumental dans la prise de décisions politiques.Dans cette thèse de doctorat, nous avons analysé comment adapter et améliorer le design et la mise en œuvre de l’outil de ‘Social Impact Assessment’ (ou de ‘Test d’impact pauvreté’), afin de mieux exploiter son potentiel d’aide à la décision en matière de lutte contre la pauvreté. Sur base d’une analyse (théorique et pratique) du fonctionnement des processus politique et décisionnels et des mécanismes de policy change, nous nous sommes intéressés aux différentes fonctions d’aide à la décision qu’il peut jouer. Nous avons identifié la fonction d’apprentissage instrumental comme la fonction la plus ‘consensuelle’ et attendue de la part des décideurs politiques, et la fonction d’apprentissage conceptuel comme la fonction potentiellement la plus puissante, mais souvent négligée et donc sous-exploitée.Via la fonction d’apprentissage instrumental, le test d’impact pauvreté doit apporter des informations précises et directement utiles à la décision. Dans cette perspective, l’accent est mis sur l’amélioration et l’optimalisation de la proposition politique, tout en respectant son cadre de référence, et en se concentrant sur ses aspects opérationnels. L’identification d’effets potentiels négatifs peut alors donner lieu à la formulation de propositions d’adaptation permettant d’atténuer voire compenser ces effets, tandis qu’un impact potentiel positif peut être davantage accentué et maximisé.Via la fonction d’apprentissage conceptuel, le test d’impact pauvreté devrait permettre d’introduire de nouvelles idées, perspectives et hypothèses qui contribuent à une compréhension plus élargie de la pauvreté, permettant ainsi de mieux appréhender les effets potentiels d’une politique sur la pauvreté. Dans cette perspective, le test d’impact pauvreté devrait contribuer, à plus long terme, à ce que les politiques publiques, quel que soit leur « secteur », puissent contribuer à une action politique globale efficace, pertinente et durable pour réduire (ou lutter contre) la pauvreté.Notre proposition de design pour le test d’impact pauvreté est guidée par le souci d’exploitation de ce double potentiel. Nous avons suivi une démarche itérative, dans laquelle nous avons développé une première proposition de design sur base (1) d’une revue de la littérature et (2) d’une analyse d’expériences en cours en matière d’évaluation d’impact sur la santé et la pauvreté en Irlande et au Québec (Canada). Cette proposition a été testée et appliquée concrètement dans des contextes de ‘real-world policy-making’. Nous avons effectué deux études de cas dans le contexte bruxellois :la première sur le projet d’ordonnance concernant le parcours d’accueil et d’intégration des primo-arrivants, la deuxième sur le projet d’assurance autonomie. Les observations faites sur le terrain, qui ont été confrontées avec des éléments issus de la littérature scientifique, ont permis d’adapter et affiner notre proposition.La proposition de design pour le test d’impact pauvreté est composée de quatre axes :(1) L’articulation du test d’impact pauvreté au timing et contraintes du processus politique et décisionnel ;(2) la clarification de ce que nous entendons par la ‘pauvreté’ et ‘l’impact sur la pauvreté’ et un schéma d’analyse des déterminants de la pauvreté, permettant d’identifier de quelle manière et à quel niveau une politique impacte la pauvreté ;(3) la proposition d’une démarche méthodologique d’évaluation, inspirée de l’approche de l’évaluation réaliste. Pour cet axe, nous avons défini une série de questions pour un test d’impact pauvreté ;(4) l’intégration des connaissances et de l’expertise des personnes en situation de pauvreté dans le test d’impact pauvreté. / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé Publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Social and economic impact of coastal tourism in Kalmar, Sweden

Fan, Wanting January 2017 (has links)
Coastal tourism is one of the most important way of leisure and entertainment in the world, which brings impact in varying degrees to the tourism destination. These effects relate to economic, social, and environmental aspects. With the concept of sustainability being widely used, sustainable tourism has received more attention. However, most studies focus on the tourism impact on the coastal environment, while the social and economic aspects were sparse explorations. Therefore, this research applies the qualitative method to explore the social and economic impact of tourism on the coastal city, Kalmar. Furthermore, the perspective of residents and business owners is the main way to reflect these effects. According to the results of the study, the development of the tourism industry will indeed bring some impact to the coastal city on economy and society. However, due to differences of cultural background and actual situation, these effects are not always the same. For example, for the economic impact of tourism business, the impact on the hotel is more noticeable than the impact on restaurants and bars.

Sustainable project life cycle management : development of social criteria for decision-making

Labuschagne, Carin 11 October 2005 (has links)
An initial analysis of sustainable project life cycle management methodologies’ current status highlighted that social and environmental aspects of sustainable development are not addressed effectively. An acceptable model aimed at addressing the various sustainable development aspects from a project management perspective is thus needed. This study’s main research objective was consequently to develop the different elements of such a model for social business sustainability. The research focused on the three main research questions discussed below. Which lifecycles should be considered when evaluating the project’s possible impacts? Projects implement or deliver certain products, which in turn, can produce other commodities sold by the company. The three lifecycles, i.e. project, asset and product, were studied to determine which lifecycles to consider when evaluating projects’ possible impacts. It was concluded that it is specifically the project’s deliverables and its associated products that have economic, social and environmental consequences. These life cycles must therefore be considered as part of the project life cycle when evaluating social impacts. What social business sustainability impacts or aspects should be considered in the project life cycle? A sustainable development framework that can be applied to projects directly to ensure their alignment with sustainable development does not exist at present. A social sustainability assessment framework as part of a sustainability assessment framework for operational initiatives was consequently developed and introduced. The social framework was verified and validated by means of case studies, a survey and a Delphi Technique case study to test the framework’s completeness and relevance. How should project management methodologies be adopted to ensure incorporation of social business sustainability? The research indicated that the various social aspects are addressed in different ways in the individual asset life cycle phase. The social criteria in the framework should therefore also be addressed in different ways in the project management methodologies. A Social Impact Indicator (SII) calculation procedure, based on a previously introduced Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) calculation procedure for environmental Resource Impact Indicators (RIIs), was developed as a method to evaluate social impacts in the project life cycle phases. Case studies in the process industry and statistical information for South Africa have been used to establish information availability for the SII calculation procedure. / Thesis (PhD (Engineering Management))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM) / unrestricted

The needs and experiences of caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease living in black rural communities in Mpumalanga

Bosch, Johan N. January 2015 (has links)
The worldwide ageing of the population, with an increase in associated chronic diseases, will inevitably escalate the demand for social work services at individual, group and community level. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the conditions associated with a population that is growing older. The disease was first described by Alois Alzheimer in 1906 and is characterised by progressive declines in cognitive and body functions, eventually resulting in death. It is estimated that 25 to 30 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and that in 2050, 106.2 million people will be living with the disease, causing a looming global epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease (Brookmeyer, Johnson, Ziegler-Graham & Arrighi, 2007:186). At some stage in the disease’s process, most, if not all people with Alzheimer’s, require some form of care. This care is generally provided by informal (family) caregivers in the community. Providing care to an older person with Alzheimer’s disease present multiple challenges with many factors influencing the caregiving experience. When the needs of caregivers are not met, caregiver burden may result. For the many families living in rural and impoverished areas, this additional responsibility may come as an extraordinary burden and cause unwarranted stress. The goal of the study was to explore the needs and experiences of caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease living in black rural communities in Mpumalanga. The guiding research question was: What are the needs and experiences of caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease living in black rural communities in Mpumalanga? A qualitative research approach was followed with a collective case study research design. The population for this study was caregivers providing care to persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease living within the Ehlanzeni and Nkangala Rural Districts Municipalities of Mpumalanga. Non-probability purposive sampling was utilised to generate a sample. Eleven participants who were caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease living in communities within the above-mentioned municipalities were selected. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with participants. Interviews were voice recorded with the permission of the participants, and were transcribed by a contracted transcriber. The data gathered were analysed by the researcher and themes and sub-themes were identified. The research findings were presented by providing a profile of research participants followed by a thematic analysis of the themes and sub-themes from the transcriptions. Literature control and verbatim quotes were used to support the findings. The themes include the following: Theme One – The Alzheimer’s disease caregiver; Theme Two – Indigenous issues with regards to Alzheimer’s disease; Theme Three – Caregivers’ understanding of Alzheimer’s disease; Theme Four – The impact of Alzheimer’s disease on the caregiver and Theme Five – Support services in the community. The conclusions of this study reflect that caregivers in black rural communities in Mpumalanga have a number of needs and challenges in providing care to a person with Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the challenges include the absence of caregiving training, stigmatisation due to indigenous beliefs, traditional healers’ diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, limited knowledge of caregivers about Alzheimer’s disease, adverse physical, social and psychological outcomes associated with caregiving, negative experiences with the public health care system, and the limited availability and accessibility of support services in the community. The recommendations offered by this study can be used by professionals working in the field of gerontology to understand the needs and experiences of Alzheimer’s caregivers. Social workers can use the recommendations to find ways to make their services known to the communities, and improve their intervention and support to these caregivers. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted


29 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa disserta sobre as soluções de mobilidade urbana em favelas de encostas como parte integrante do planejamento urbano, tendo como foco a implantação do sistema de transporte teleférico e como estudo de caso, o teleférico do Complexo do Alemão. Inicialmente é apresentado um panorama histórico das intervenções do poder público nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro e como se desenvolveu a mobilidade urbana nessas áreas. Em seguida, é exposto o problema da mobilidade nas favelas e a implantação de equipamentos alternativos de transportes. Os Projetos de implantação do teleférico Metrocable em Medellín, o teleférico de San Augustín em Caracas, o teleférico do morro da Providência e o projeto para o teleférico da favela da Rocinha são expostos como exemplos desse sistema. No Estudo de caso, foram analisados os impactos da implantação do teleférico no Complexo do Alemão, sua eficiência e principalmente, os custos de execução, operação e os custos sociais. Considera-se que o impacto estudado é moldado por análises contextuais, avaliações empíricas de visitas ao local, entrevistas com os moradores e usuários do sistema em questão, conteúdos bibliográficos e análise de indicadores. / [en] This research is on urban mobility solutions in favelas (slums) on hills as an integral part of urban planning. With a focus on the implementation of cable cars as transport systems, this research examines the cable car of the Complexo do Alemão as a case study which is located on the north side of the city of Rio de Janeiro. In Chapter 1, the research outlines the problem of poverty and absence of urban planning in Brazilian cities, which has intensified since the 1950s because of the rapid influx of migrants in search for work in the great economic city centers. Currently in Rio de Janeiro, 22 per cent of the population lives in favelas. The population of the favelas grew disproportionally in the last two decades, four times more than the population of the officially recognized areas of the city. The problem of housing in the favelization process of the city is aggravated by poor sanitation, violent conflicts, problems with security and safety, a lack of public services, poor access, precarious urban mobility, irregular services like illegal connections to electricity, among other problems. Additionally, there is the overarching problem of urban mobility. Spatial segregation makes it difficult for low-income populations to move from one place to another and is mainly due to the historical selection of occupations in isolated and peripheral areas of the city. The problem of mobility is further aggravated by underdeveloped transitional areas between the rural and urban parts of the city especially when, like in the case of this research, those populations occupy areas with steep hills. The chapter continues by tracing a history of public policies affecting the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, from the first removal of tenement houses in the city center in the nineteenth century, to the developmental policies of today. The chapter follows the formation of the first favelas with an occupation organized by the people who were removed from tenement houses and who needed to live near the economic city centers, the eventual expansion to other areas, the first removal policies for temporary housing and subsequently a more rigid posture of the state in regard to favelas. The 1960s and 1970s were periods marked by the removal and political denial of favelas, it was only in the 1980s that the state began to provide public policies to improve favelas. Thus, there has been a gradual acceptance of these occupations in the landscape of the city. Beyond the social problems aforementioned, Chapter 2 points more specifically to the problems of mobility in favelas on hills because of high building density, risks of landslides and precarious road access. In Rio de Janeiro, the state started to intervene in regard to the issue of mobility in favelas during the first term of Leonel Brizola (1983-1987), with the construction of the Inclined Plane in the Pavão Pavãozinho favela. But it was not until the Favela Bairro program that mobility initiatives were executed on a much wider scale, the program initiated walkways and improved stairs which greatly increased accessibility and the flow of traffic on road networks. With an urbanization policy for favelas in motion, other urban mobility transport systems were established, like the inclined plane on the Hill of Santa Marta in 2008 and the elevator of Cantagalo in 2010. While these transport systems assert the presence of the state in marginal communities, the daily transportation of the residents are mainly local options like vans and motorcycle taxis which continue to play a fundamental role and also contribute to the local economy. This generates income for residents because many of the people working with this type of transport also live in the favelas. The chapter then describes cable car technology and looks at specific examples of cable cars built or planning to be built in the favelas of Latin America. The lines of Medellin are used as an example because they inspired so many others like San Agustín in Caracas, Complexo do Alemão in Rio de Janeiro, Providencia in Rio de Janeiro and the cable car project of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro. The city of Medellin for many years suffered from violence generated by drug trafficking and came to be known in the early 90s as one of the most violent cities in the world. The high murder rate and violence receded after a series of investments that occurred in the city, mainly investments towards urbanization, education and security. The urban planning of Medellin was based on major public interventions through specific projects in the poorest sectors of the city. Initially structured around the cable cars, called Metrocables, and spatially articulated with other projects extended to formal sectors of the city, known as Urban Integral Projects (Proyectos Urbanos Integrales-PUIs), the aim of these initiatives was to connect various urban spaces. One of the characteristics of these projects was the emphasis on aesthetics as an engine for social change. This aesthetic quality to the new cable cars resulted in an increase of residents self-esteem but was also criticized for its stark contrast with poor local reality. In 2004, the Line K of the cable car was constructed in Comunas 1 and 2, and initiated an urban planning of the city based on the theory of Social Urbanism, with several projects aimed at improving infrastructure and education in favelas. In 2010, Line K was supplemented by a transfer to the Line L, which goes to the Arvi Park, an ecological park created on the border of a green area to Comuna 1, stimulating tourism. There is also Line J which meets Comunas 7 and 13, inaugurated in 2008. Medellín has become a model for other cities to adopt the cable car system for transportation in favelas. One example was the cable car of San Agustín in Caracas, designed as an important integrator between the favela and the rest of the city. In January 2010, the system started was connected to the subway. In contrast to Medellin, the Metrocable system in Caracas is characterized with large stations that integrate cultural facilities, sports arenas, and shopping centers together in one convenient location. The estimated daily demand during the planning stages of the project was 15 thousand passengers. Approximately 40,000 people live in San Augustin which means that the demand estimate would amount to 37.5 per cent of the residents. The data in 2012 showed that only 4,500 passengers use the system daily, about three times less than expected, showing that the cable car, which cost 318 million dollars, is being underutilized. In Rio de Janeiro, in the favela Morro da Providência, there is a cable car built and because the favela is considered the first favela in Rio, current projects by the municipal government show that there is interest in promoting tourism and to integrate it with the dynamics of cultural and historical revitalization of the port area and the cable car is the vehicle proposed for this purpose. However, the Hill of Providence (Morro da Providência) is suffering from forced evictions, mainly due to the Morar Carioca project, an urban program of the city government. These interventions have not been discussed with the residents and involve the demolition of nearly half of the residences. The idea is to replace the residences with a historical and cultural center in the favela. According to the city administration, about 42 houses block, in the context of urban landscape, the view of the chapel located at the highest point of the hill and thus those 42 houses would have to be removed. Although the construction of the cable car has also caused the removal of a few houses, its implementation is linked more with tourism in the favela. Various resident led protests organized with activists and supported by critical news sources released in Brazil and abroad, put the Hill of Providence in the spotlight as an example of the negative impact of mega-events on the poor. Consequently, after the injunction obtained in a lawsuit, the projects in the community are at a standstill and the houses that were scheduled to be removed remain standing. In Rocinha, the PAC 2 (Accelerating Growth Program is a federal program that has as the main objective the development of the country through the planning and execution of large urban infrastructure, works in the transportation sector and the energy sector) provides for the cable car installation, an elevator, escalators, and other mobility infrastructure. This project is very controversial because the cable car project has an estimated budget of 700 million reais, an amount that would consume approximately 44 per cent of the total amount available for the PAC 2. Most debate is on the residents priorities, which if considered would require that the funds be applied to the sanitation of the favela, which the current project does not guarantee. In the project under study, the cable car will connect to the future subway station of Line 4 in São Conrado to the top of the favela and have 6 stations distributed in two lines, 2,500 meters long. This would be the third cable car built in the favelas of the city, reflecting a state trend to adopt this transportation method in favelas. It seems that cable cars are more than a modal of mass transport, but also as a way to enter favelas as a new tourist attraction of the city. In Chapter 3, the case study is presented about the cable car of Complexo do Alemão, an integral part of PAC. The cable car was built with 3.4 km in length, 152 cabins half of which are in regular operation, while the other half is parked. The system has six stations and the capacity to carry 30,000 passengers daily. The path between the first transfer station with the train, the Bonsucesso Station, and the last stop, the Palmeiras Station, is traversed in about 20 minutes. Using other means of transport, the time to travel the distance between these two places is about 40 minutes. The six stations are located on the tops of hills that form the intricacies of the favelas and therefore, many residents complain about the accessibility of the system. For those who live far away and do not see advantage in climbing the hill to use the system, it is more common to use van or motorcycle taxis to move around. This is the main reason that the cable car is underused even though residents are entitled to two free trips per day. According to the Supervia, which operates the system, the daily movement of people is about 10,000 to 11,000 people, but, as we reported, the equipment has been design for a capacity of 30,000 passengers per day. The construction of the cable car cost the government R$ 210 million, equivalent to 22.35 per cent of the total PAC work in Complexo do Alemão, and the operating cost is about 50.1 million reais a year. What we can conclude is that the cable car has a relatively high operating cost for low use by residents, and it is also expensive to build. The high investment in the cable car is not justified when there are still major problems to be solved in favelas. One of the main complaints made by residents is the lack of investments in priority areas, such as basic sanitation. As part of this research a survey was given to 50 residents. When asked if the resources used to cable car execution, being very high, could be implemented in other areas, 74 per cent said yes. Among the responses on areas where resources should be invested, they pointed mainly to sanitation, health and education. Some health problems in the favelas worsened while tourism has increased with the use of the cable car. Also according to the data from the Supervia, the percentage of passengers with gratuities, i.e. registered residents using the cable car during the week is 75 per cent and the percentage of those who paid the fare, mostly tourists, is 25 per cent. On weekends, the number of visitors almost doubled: 54 per cent of gratuities and 46 per cent of tourists. The cable car has always had a tourist appeal due to its comfort and excitement by offering the experience of getting a suspended adventure of great heights with a privileged view of the favela landscape. This also happens with the cable car of the Complexo do Alemão, but in another context, within a patrimonialization effort of those spaces. The research makes clear that even with the difficulties within a space precariously built, mobility solutions that were initially created by the residents are still the most used, for example, the alternative transport system like vans and motorcycle taxis. To establish that the cable car is the solution for urban mobility on slopes of slums is quite questionable, as each case requires a specific and detailed study. In the case of the Complexo do Alemão, for example, both positive and negative factors were found. On the one hand the cable car considerably reduced the Bonsucesso travel time to some community points and provided connection with the train, on the other, the number of users contained does not justify its high cost. It is also clear that the general population in favelas want more primary rights met like access to health care, the installation of sewer systems, and competent schools as their priority.

Public Participation in Environmental Management: Seeking Participatory Equity through Ethnographic Inquiry

Stone, John V 01 May 2002 (has links)
This dissertation reports the activities, methods, and key findings of a doctoral research project in applied anthropology and an environmental anthropology fellowship. The research project was conducted through the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan, while the fellowship was sponsored jointly by the Society for Applied Anthropology and the United States Environmental Protection Agency and was conducted through the Great Lakes Fellowship Program of the Great Lakes Commission, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Together, these projects demonstrated the utility of an ethnographic approach called Risk Perception Mapping (RPM) to the public consultation and social research interests of the Commission and its associated network of environmental management agencies and organizations. Through consultation with these organizations I identified an environmental management problem to which anthropological perspectives and methods would be particularly well-suited: Can the undesirable social phenomenon of environmental discrimination be minimized by assuring greater equality in access to public participation in environmental management? To address this problem, I conducted an RPM demonstration project in a five county area surrounding the Fermi II nuclear power plant in southeastern Michigan. My research focused on cultural, geographical, and social-contextual factors that influence the nature and distribution of perceived risk among populations that are potentially affected by environmental management projects. Key findings pertain to perceptually-specific communities of environmental risk and have implications for what I call "participatory equity" in environmental management. Potential applications to Great Lakes environmental management center on developing equitable population-specific exchanges of information through which more culturally sensitive indicators of Great Lakes ecosystem integrity may emerge. Anthropological contributions to public participation in environmental management are discussed with particular attention to anthropological perspectives on the multiple publics that comprise locally affected communities of environmental risk.

Možnosti institucionální a neinstitucionální péče o osoby s Parkinsonovou nemocí v produktivním věku / The options of non/institutional care for people in productive age suffering from Parkinson disease

Oberreiterová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse an availability of care for people mostly in productive age suffering from Parkinson's disease. In the first part, the author describes in a detail symptoms and medical treatment of the disease with an emphasis on the effects of these symptoms on life of patient and his/her surroundings. Following part pay attention to a specific group of so-called Young Onset, or younger patients. Finally, the thesis analyses the current state of the care in the Czech Republic with a comparison to a Dutch model. After exposing problematic spots in the Czech model, the author offers recommendations for viable changes in the institutional care system. The technique of analysing secondary literature was used in order to achieve the aim of this thesis.

Ulcerózní kolitida a její psychosociální dopad na dospívajícího / Ulcerous colitis and its psychosocial impact upon adolescent

Robková, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of ulcerative colitis and its psychosocial impact upon adolescents. The main goal of the thesis is to identify, through qualitative research, the psychosocial factors that influence the adolescent in his everyday life and to map the situations that are most difficult for the teenager. The topic is based on the theoretical part, which consists of information about the diagnosis and course of ulcerative colitis, treatment methods and complications connected with them. The theoretical part also deals with describing the psychosocial factors of ulcerative colitis and describing adolescence as the stage of an individual's life. The research part describes a qualitative research method that answers the main research question. The output of a qualitative research survey is 7 identified areas that are most influenced by ulcerative colitis during adolescence. Key words: Ulcerative colitis, adolescence, psychosocial factors, chronical disease, impact, handicap, social impact

Impacto económico y social en los usuarios del Sistema de Transporte Metropolitano de Lima caso de estudio: corredor segregado de alta capacidad – COSAC I - El Metropolitano

Rodríguez Cuadros, Giulianna Victoria, Suárez Quiroz, Irene, Vilchez Castellanos, Sarita Iedayola 31 July 2018 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se analiza y estima el impacto económico y social del servicio de transporte público masivo El Metropolitano que utiliza como infraestructura el Corredor Segregado de Alta Capacidad – Cosac I. Este sistema se ha constituido como el principal medio de transporte de la ciudad de Lima por atributos como: la formalidad de su servicio, la infraestructura que ofrece, su modernidad, la rapidez, entre otros aspectos que se desarrollan en las siguientes páginas. El documento está dividido en ocho capítulos. El primero está referido a los fundamentos teóricos de la investigación, el segundo contiene una breve descripción de la realidad del transporte urbano de pasajeros y de los sistemas de transporte que existen en Lima Metropolitana, la oferta actual y en este marco, se contextualiza la problemática detectada en cuanto a la informalidad, falta de regulación, baja calidad del servicio e infraestructura para la movilidad urbana en la ciudad. El tercer capítulo desarrolla la finalidad, los objetivos, justificación y alcance de la investigación. El cuarto capítulo aborda los supuestos, la hipótesis, variables e indicadores que pretendemos comprobar. Seguidamente, en el quinto capítulo se describe la metodología utilizada para realizar esta investigación y, en el sexto capítulo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas, así como su respectiva interpretación. Por último, en el capítulo séptimo se exponen las conclusiones de la investigación realizada y en el octavo, se plasman las recomendaciones que corresponden, que esperamos sean consideradas como aporte a la gestión pública en materia de transporte. / This document of investigation measured and analyzed the economic and social impact of mass public transport service so-called “El Metropolitano” which uses as infrastructure the High Capacity Segregated Roadway  – COSAC I. This system has been established as the main means of transport of the city of Lima by attributes such as: the formality of its service, the infrastructure it offers, modernity, speed  among other aspects  that are further developed on the next chapters. The document is divided into eight chapters. The first, is related to the theoretical foundations of the research; the second chapter contains a brief description of the reality of urban passenger transport and of the transportation systems that exist in Lima Metropolitana, the existing transport offer and within that framework, the problematic detected in terms of informality, lack of regulation and low quality of service and infrastructure for urban mobility in the city. The third chapter develops the purpose, objectives, justification and scope of investigation. The fourth chapter addresses the assumptions, hypotheses, variables and indicators that we intend to verify. Next, the fifth chapter describes the methodology used to carry out this research and, in the sixth chapter the surveys outcome are presented along with the interpretation. Finally, in the seventh chapter, the conclusions of the research carried out are presented and in the eighth, the corresponding recommendations are presented, which can be a contribution to public management in the area of ​​transportation. / Trabajo de investigación

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