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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teori och praktik i sociala konsekvensanalyser - Fallet Västlänken

Albrecht, Isabelle, Lindenmo, Ellinor January 2016 (has links)
Sociala konsekvensanalyser är en process som handlar om att beskriva, analysera och hantera avsiktliga och oavsiktliga sociala konsekvenser som uppkommer som en följd av planerad stadsutveckling. Syftet med studien är att skapa ökad kunskap kring teori och praktik i sociala konsekvensanalyser genom att jämföra teorier om social rättvisa och aktuell forskning med ett praktiskt exempel i anslutning till infrastrukturprojektet “Västlänken” i Göteborg. Studien kommer även att undersöka om det finns några eventuella utmaningar i den praktiska tillämpningen av sociala konsekvensanalyser. Vidare syftar studien till att få insikt i på vilket sätt en social konsekvensanalys potentiellt kan påverka social rättvisa. Resultatet visar att det förekommer utmaningar kring en gemensam förståelse och definition av området, avsaknad av en gemensam modell samt en brist på kompetens inom social hållbarhet och social rättvisa. Studien föreslår att det införs ett lagkrav på sociala konsekvensanalyser och utformning av en nationell modell med utgångspunkt i teorier om social rättvisa. Att inkludera sociala konsekvensanalyser i planeringsprocessen innebär att ta ställning till ett antal komplexa frågor, nödvändiga för att nå fram till ett rättvist och socialt hållbart samhälle. / Impact Assessments are common tools in urban planning, used to predict future consequences of a certain project. This study focuses on the Social Impact Assessment, which is about the processes of describing, analyzing and managing the intended and unintended social consequences of planned interventions. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the theory and practice in Social Impact Assessments and in what way the Social Impact Assessment could have the potential to affect social justice. This will be accomplished by comparing existing research within the subject and theories about social justice with the Social Impact Assessment carried out in an infrastructure project called "Västlänken" in Gothenburg, Sweden. The study also explores if there are any particular challenges in the field of Social Impact Assessments and its practical application. The results show that there are challenges around the common understanding and definition of the field, absence of a common model and a lack of expertise in social sustainability and social justice. The study proposes that the Social Impact Assessment becomes a legal requirement in Sweden and that a national model based on theories of social justice will be created. Including Social Impact Assessments in the planning process means taking a stand in a variety of difficult questions, necessary in the aim for a just and socially sustainable society.


JOANA GUEDES NIN FERREIRA 26 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] Na dissertação Filmes para mudar o mundo - produção e distribuição de documentários de impacto social, investigamos uma nova metodologia de realização de obras do gênero a partir da associação da narrativa documental com um projeto de comunicação estratégica. O documentário de impacto social é construído para ser o centro de um projeto maior, com vistas a propor transformações objetivas na sociedade, ou mesmo ações no intuito de contribuir com mudanças de mentalidade a respeito de problemas específicos. Ativistas, organizações da sociedade civil e simpatizantes engajados atuam em parceria com a equipe do filme, basicamente por meio de práticas crossmídia e advocacy, ampliando seu alcance de público e potencial persuasivo. Da mesma forma, podem dispor do documentário para fomentar debates em seus grupos de origem, num jogo de ganha-ganha. Em termos metodológicos, partimos dos primórdios do documentário social britânico, com seu projeto de educação cívica através do cinema, até a abordagem de iniciativas contemporâneas, dialogando com autores como Brian Winston, Thomas Austin e Jane Chapman, com pesquisas que ajudam a entender as principais questões em torno das condições de existência e do desenvolvimento das formas de produção do cinema documentário. Tratamos também dos problemas da distribuição e da audiência em seu sentido mais amplo, considerando os contextos históricos ditados por questões tecnológicas, de mercado e de comportamentos do público. Veremos ainda como é organizada a campanha de impacto de documentários a partir de dois estudos de caso brasileiros: Menino 23 – infâncias perdidas no Brasil (BRASIL, 2016), e Paratodos (BRASIL, 2016). / [en] In the dissertation Films to change the world – production and distribution of social impact documentaries, we investigate a new methodology of making works of this genre from the association of documentary narrative with a strategic communication project. The social impact documentary is built to be the center of a larger project, aiming to propose objective transformations in society, or even actions in order to contribute to a change of mentality regarding specific problems. Activists, civil society organizations and engaged sympathizers begin to act together with the film team, basically through crossmedia and advocacy practices, expanding its audience reach and persuasive potential. In the same way, they can use the documentary to foster debates in their home groups, in a win-win game. In methodological terms, we start from the beginnings of the British social documentary, with civic education project through cinema, to approach contemporary initiatives, dialoguing with authors such as Brian Winston, Thomas Austin and Jane Chapman, with research that helps to understand the main issues in around the conditions of existence and the development of the forms of production of documentary cinema; We also deal with distribution issues; and the audience in its broadest sense, considering the historical contexts dictated by technological, market and public behavior issues. We will also see how the impact campaign of documentaries is organized from two Brazilian case studies: Boy 23 – The Forgotten Boys of Brazil (BR, 2016), and 4All (BR, 2016).

Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP). Research Report No. 6.

Davison, N., Lewer, N. January 2004 (has links)
yes / New non-lethal technologies (weapons and delivery systems) continue to make the news, both for their civil and military applications. Technologies which were considered to be in the realm of science fiction a few years ago, are now beginning to undergo field trials or, in some cases, are being deployed with police and soldiers on active service. As this, and our previous reports have highlighted, the development of acoustic weapons (Long Range Acoustic Device) and microwave weapons (Active Denial System) have proceeded rapidly as have advances in robotic, unmanned vehicles for the delivery of both lethal and non-lethal weapons. We repeat our concern that there is a danger of these new non-lethal technologies being `rushed¿ into service (1) without thorough testing for harmful health effects, (2) without a deeper consideration of civil and human rights, (3) without full discussion of their impact on arms control treaties and conventions, and (4) without further study of their social and cultural impact. Since many such weapons will have a rheostatic capacity along the non-lethal to lethal continuum, it is important that weapons developers and manufacturers, and those charged with the responsibility of using them, are held clearly accountable and have transparent rules of engagement. Of particular concern are a new generation of biological and chemical weapons. With respect to the health impact, NATO has a panel working on NLW human effects, the Human Factors and Medicine (HFM) Panel 073, which is due to report later this year (2004) on the Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies.1

Leveraging Philanthropy for Sustainable Development : A Way to Mobilise Private Capital into Social Finance? / Utnyttjande av filantropi för hållbar utveckling : Ett sätt att mobilisera privat kapital till social finansiering?

Arpas, Samantha Irene January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines if private capital can progress social sustainability through financial instrumentsby unveiling how philanthropy can serve to mobilise private capital investments, alongside social impactbonds, using various finance framework approaches. Presently, the dialogues within sustainable financehave focused primarily on the environmental rather than the social aspects despite social sustainabilitybeing identified as a key component to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, an investigation onwhat can be done to mobilise more capital into social sustainability investments was performed. By conducting a literature pre-study and a survey, this study was able to identify that investors wouldlike for there to be a philanthropic mechanism in place within financial frameworks. However, they donot see themselves as playing a part in contributing philanthropically themselves, rather, it seems asthough investors would prefer for philanthropy to be a separate role. Despite this, when presented withframeworks according to their preferences, investors were hesitant to invest, indicating that it is thebarriers that investors face to make social sustainability investments that must be alleviated in order tomake a fair assessment of the potential for philanthropy alongside social impact bonds to mobilise moreprivate capital into social sustainability investments. / Denna avhandling undersöker ifall privat kapital kan främja social hållbarhet via finansiella instrument.Detta görs genom att utreda hur filantropi genom olika finansieringsramverk kan fungera som ettverktyg för att mobilisera privata kapitalinvesteringar tillsammans med resultatbaseradefinansieringsavtal. För närvarande har fokuset inom hållbar finans främst varit på de miljömässigasnarare än de sociala aspekterna. Detta trots att social hållbarhet har identifierats som ennyckelkomponent för att uppnå hållbar utveckling. Med detta som bakgrund, gjordes en undersökningav vad som kan göras för att frigöra mer kapital till investeringar i social hållbarhet. Genom en litteraturförstudie och enkätundersökning kunde denna avhandling identifiera följande:Investerare vill att det ska finnas en filantropisk mekanism i finansiella ramverk. Däremot serinvesterarna sig inte att de har en roll i att själva bidra filantropiskt, utan de föredrar att filantropi är enseparat roll. Trots detta var investerarna tveksamma till att investera när de presenterades med ramverkenligt deras preferenser, vilket tyder på att det finns andra hinder. Identifierade hinder är: Otydlighetergällande hållbarhetsaspekter i investeringarna, brist på investeringsmöjligheter och svårighetergällande mätning av social påverkan. Dessa hinder måste minskas för att kunna göra en rättvisbedömning av filantropins potential tillsammans med resultatbaserade finansieringsavtal för attmobilisera mer privat kapital till investeringar i social hållbarhet.

Jeux à portée sociale : vers une nouvelle appellation d’un divertissement responsable

Bhéreur-Lagounaris, Alexia 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A survey of social involvement by the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (Zambia)

Phiri, Elisha Francis 30 November 2012 (has links)
The subject of social involvement though, still under debate and being pursued by the Church of Jesus Christ even this time around has not wholly been appreciated by most Pentecostals. This is despite the fact that some of the early Pentecostals, including the early Church as seen from the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ chose to pursue social dimension of the gospel in addition to the Church’s mandate of ‘pure evangelism.’ Although social involvement has been at the very heart of Pentecostal theology, traditionally speaking, PAOG (Z), being one of the Pentecostal groupings has been seen to place much emphasis on ‘pure evangelism’, rather than ‘embracing’ both forms of missional dimensions. However, this trend is slowly changing as observed from the social involvements that some of its congregations and institutions are currently undertaking. This study views that part of the reason for the lack of an all-round social involvement’ by all the PAOG (Z) congregations lies in its theology of mission and thus critically examines it. The other aspect is the non-utilization or recognition of known professions of clergies that could normally enhance social involvement in most of its congregations. Next it makes an in-depth study of one PAOG (Z) - PAOC run projects and few congregations for the purpose of doing a social impact assessment, which has shown positive impacts in the communities that these projects are being undertaken. The study also reveals that the lack of clear constitutional guidelines concerning this has contributed to the absence of social programs in most of its churches resulting in not having a strong ‘social’ voice compared to the Catholic Church. The thesis uses a modified “praxis cycle” to structure its theoretical framework and research methodology. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

台灣 B 型企業之企業社會責任的實務研究 / A Study on the Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility of Taiwanese B Corps

孫書恩 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR)和社會企業(Social Enterprise)在全球蔚為風潮,前者促使公司思考其在員工、社會、環境等層面的角色定位和所能發揮的影響力;後者則改變了非營利組織的經營思維與營運效率,使其採取具市場競爭力和財務獲利性的商業模式;兩者可謂搭建了營利事業與非營利組織之間溝通互動的橋樑,並使兩類型的組織在目標設定和策略執行上更具永續性。一個營利組織在通過B 型實驗室(B Lab)線上綜合性的企業社會責任評量—「效益影響評估」(B Impact Assessment)—後,可被認證成為B 型企業,該評量從員工照顧、社區經營、顧客關懷、環境保護、公司治理等面向進行細部項目檢核,在總分200 分中滿足80 分以上的條件要求,方可取得B 型企業的資格。 本研究探討台灣B 型企業在落實企業社會責任時,對於內、外部之利害關係人所採取的實務作法和制度設計,從中萃取出營利事業在CSR 五大面向下可供借鏡之處,進而建構出具正面社會影響力的商業模式。本研究總共訪談三家B 型企業,每家企業訪談對象包含一位高階主管(董事長、總經理或所長特助)和兩位負責推動B 型企業和企業社會責任相關業務的員工,累積共九位受訪者。 根據訪談結果,B 型企業透過落實企業社會責任,提升了員工對於工作的滿意度和投入度,進而降低員工流動率;提高顧客對企業的信任度和評價;減少對外在環境的衝擊,卻仍保有穩健獲利;降低舞弊和人謀不臧,完善公司治理。本研究亦針對研究所受限制和未來研究方向提出建議,供未來研究者做為參考。 / In recent years, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social enterprises have become a growing trend on an international scale, the former has prompted companies to rethink its role and potential impact on employees, society, and the environment; the latter has changed the managerial mentality and operational efficiency of non-profit organizations, causing them to adopt business models that possess market competitiveness and financial profitability; the two have bridged the for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations, channeling communication and interaction, motivating the two types of organizations to become more sustainable in goalsetting and strategy implementation. A for-profit organization that passes a comprehensive CSR evaluation— the “B Impact Assessment”—designed by the non-profit organization B Lab, is certified as a B-Corp. The assessment conducts detailed evaluations of CSR practices under five main categories(employee welfare, community engagement, customer outreach, environmental protection, corporate governance), if a company is to pass the requirements and score more than 80 points out of a total of 200, it attains B-Corp qualification. This study researched the CSR practices and measures of Taiwanese B-Corps dealing with the various internal and external stakeholders, extracting their practical experiences under the five main categories. In this study, interviews were conducted at three Taiwanese B-Corps, interviewees at each company included a high-level executive ( the chairman, CEO or executive assistant) and two employees responsible for promoting B-Corp. and CSR practices, with a cumulative total of nine interviewees. According to the results of this study, Taiwanese B-Corps have resulted in an increase in employee job-satisfaction and work-involvement, leading to lower employee turnover; improved customer trust and review of the company; mitigated external environment impact, and still retain a robust profit; reduced fraud and ineffective management, thus improving corporate governance. This study also points out research limitations and provides recommendations regarding future research directions, serving as a reference for future researchers.

Exploring the application of web 2.0 technologies in the context of e-government

Uthayasankar, Sivarajah January 2014 (has links)
Electronic government (e-Government) in terms of public service delivery and administration has endured signification transformation over the last decade. More recently, modern second generation web technologies (Web 2.0) have started to be used to deliver e-Government. However, this in turn has brought about additional challenges. By its nature, Web 2.0 is more interactive than the traditional model of information provision or creation of digital services and as such opens up a new set of benefits, costs and risks to those who make use of it as part of their e-Government approach. In the main, the usage of Web 2.0 is in its infancy within e-Government and this creates a need for research into exploring the application of Web 2.0 technologies in e-Government and to provide practical advice to practitioners. This research draws on the existing literature to present a novel conceptual model that could be used to guide implementation and evaluation of Web 2.0. The conceptual model draws the existing literature into the traditional information systems (IS) evaluation model (benefits, costs and risks) specifically in terms appropriate to Web 2.0. In turn that evaluation is set in the context of the impact on the organisation in terms of organisational, technological and social consequences. This conceptual model was tested in a United Kingdom local government authority (LGA) that had recently started to make use of Web 2.0 in terms of service delivery and for internal work purposes by its employees. The result was a qualitative enquiry making use of interviews and documentary evidence to explore the validity of the conceptual model as a tool to assist decision making in this field. The findings elicited from the in-depth case study offer an insight into IS evaluation criteria and impact factors of Web 2.0 from both a practical setting and an internal organisational perspective. An interesting finding of this study was the contrast between the agreement on the need for evaluation of Web 2.0 tools and how to carry that out, and the fact that this had not been formally carried out by the case study with respect to its early Web 2.0 projects. This study concludes that a combined analysis of the evaluation and impact factors rather than a singular approach would better assist the decision making process that leads to effective application of Web 2.0 technologies. Keywords: e-Government, Web 2.0, Information Systems Evaluation, Impact, Local Government Authorities (LGAs).

A implantação de inovação social por organizações participantes da matriz do empreendedorismo social

Lencini, Carlos Artur dos Santos 27 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-07-06T18:59:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Artur dos Santos Lencini.pdf: 747942 bytes, checksum: eecb7ef70632b7312b7840448523e543 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-06T18:59:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Artur dos Santos Lencini.pdf: 747942 bytes, checksum: eecb7ef70632b7312b7840448523e543 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-27 / Nenhuma / O estudo da inovação social é baseado na identificação de oportunidades e melhorias para a vida do indivíduo e a sua difusão para a sociedade como forma de amenizar o desequilíbrio social. A organização e o empreendedor social desempenham papel preponderante no processo de implementar a inovação social. Com esse foco, o presente estudo apresenta a matriz do empreendedorismo social como um pano de fundo para compreender a interação entre empreendedor e organização. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo geral analisar diferentes tipos de organizações sob a ótica da matriz do empreendedorismo social que implantam práticas de inovação social e os impactos causados na vida dos beneficiários. O referencial teórico apresenta a evolução do conceito e focos de estudo da inovação social, o empreendedorismo social e suas características, a organização social vista sob a abordagem de negócios sociais e a visão sobre a aplicação da matriz do empreendedorismo social. A pesquisa classifica-se de cunho descritiva e qualitativa, com entrevistas com empreendedores sociais e beneficiários das ações de inovação social das organizações estudadas, de acordo com a classificação dos quadrantes da matriz. Foi utilizado um roteiro semiestruturado, contendo perguntas abertas relacionadas as categorias como: características empreendedoras, desafios, perspectivas futuras e benefícios sociais . A análise dos dados foi por meio da análise de conteúdo e relação entre as categorias de análise. Os resultados indicaram que as organizações possuem características distintas apontadas pelo modelo adotado pela matriz do empreendedorismo social, havendo dificuldades de classifica-las adequadamente. A realização pessoal dos empreendedores está relacionada aos benefícios sociais proporcionados aos indivíduos e a comunidade. Os impactos da inovação social apresentam-se de forma clara e transparente para os beneficiários, pois resultam em melhoria da qualidade de vida de forma sustentável, expressos em autossuficiência individual, familiar, comunitária e organizacional. / The study of social innovation is based on the identification of opportunities and improvements to the individual’s life and its dissemination to society as a way to mitigate the social imbalance. The organization and social entrepreneur play a preponderant role in the process of implementing social innovation. With this focus, this study brings the social entrepreneurship array as background to understand the interaction between entrepreneur and organization. This research aims at analyzing different types of organizations implementing social innovation and the motivations of entrepreneurs and its impacts. The theoretical presents the evolution of the concept and focus of the study of social innovation, social entrepreneurship and its characteristics, social organization and approach on the social entrepreneurship matrix. The research is classified as descriptive and qualitative. We have conducted interviews with entrepreneurs and beneficiaries. We have used a semi-structured guide. It contains open questions which are related to entrepreneurial characteristics, motivation, challenges, future prospects and social benefits. Data analysis consists of content analysis and relationship between categories. The results indicated that organizations have distinct characteristics identified by the social entrepreneurship array. We have had difficulty to properly classify the characteristics in the social entrepreneurship matrix. The motivations of entrepreneurs are related to family background, social vision and personal fulfillment participate in social transformation that occurs in the individual life or in the community. The impacts of social innovation are clear and transparent to beneficiaries. The result of impacts improved quality of life. These results are expressed in individual, family and organizational selfsufficiency.

Negócio social: uma alternativa para as transformações sociais no mercado direcionado à população de baixa renda

Silva, Alexandre Viegas da 21 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-04-25T18:40:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Viegas da Silva_.pdf: 2226777 bytes, checksum: c8336debde594e1996145e1ea198170d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Viegas da Silva_.pdf: 2226777 bytes, checksum: c8336debde594e1996145e1ea198170d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-21 / Nenhuma / Diante dos problemas sociais com os quais o segmento de baixa renda tem se deparado, há grande preocupação na busca por soluções sociais e mercadológicas que possam contribuir para minimizar os efeitos do déficit social ocasionado na população situada na base da pirâmide econômica. Nesse contexto, os negócios sociais ganharam notoriedade no cenário acadêmico, organizacional e midiático, ao se posicionarem como uma nova alternativa que contribui para a promoção das transformações sociais direcionadas a população de baixa renda, promovendo a inclusão social e econômica. Isso acontece por meio dos produtos e serviços ofertados pelos negócios sociais para esse público, os quais visam solucionar dificuldades sociais, levando em consideração o impacto individual e coletivo. Assim, este estudo buscou compreender como o negócio social contribui para promover transformações sociais no mercado direcionado à população de baixa renda. Para tanto, toma-se como base teórica as abordagens negócios sociais e transformações sociais. Esta pesquisa de campo tem como foco um caso particular, que é o do Banco Bem, localizado em Vitória, no Espírito Santo. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, organizada em duas fases distintas. A primeira buscou a identificação dos diferentes tipos de inclusão, além dos que a abordagem negócio social tradicionalmente apresenta, e a identificação dos fatores facilitadores e dificultadores que interferem na promoção das transformações sociais. Essa primeira fase foi desenvolvida por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 15 diferentes atores envolvidos com o negócio social estudado, abrangendo a gestora, os agentes de créditos e os seus beneficiários. Posteriormente, os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo. A segunda fase aborda a trajetória de vida, que analisa a experiência individual de três pessoas da comunidade que foram beneficiadas pelo Banco Bem e tiveram suas vidas impactadas por esse negócio. Como principais resultados, o estudo aponta a identificação de novos tipos de inclusão que um negócio social pode gerar, além da social e econômica, e a identificação de outros fatores que facilitam e dificultam a promoção das transformações sociais. A trajetória de vida como relato das transformações sociais sinalizou que a realidade individual e econômica das pessoas entrevistadas foi modificada a partir do momento em que elas foram beneficiadas pelas ações do Banco Bem. Os depoimentos destacaram os benefícios e as mudanças na vida dessas pessoas e da comunidade. Todos destacaram questões do contexto social da comunidade, demonstrando um olhar diferenciado sobre os benefícios usufruídos. As transformações sociais promovidas pelo Banco Bem, na comunidade de baixa renda, estão associadas a resultados, como, por exemplo, valorização das pessoas, diminuição da vulnerabilidade social, nova realidade social e econômica, empoderamento comunitário, integração e engajamento comunitário e escolhas de novas oportunidades sociais e econômicas para o desenvolvimento humano local. / Facing the social problems that the low-income segment have faced, there is great concern in the search for social and market solutions that can help to minimize the effects of the social deficit caused in the population at the base of the economic pyramid. In this context, the social business got notoriety in the academic, organizational and media scenery to take position itself as a new alternative that contributes to the promotion of social transformation addressed to the low-income population, promoting social and economic inclusion. This happens through the products and services offered by the social business to this audience that aim to solve social problems, taking into account the individual and collective impact. This study tried to understand how the social business helps to promote social changings in the market targeted to low-income population. Therefore, it takes as a theoretical base as social business approaches and social transformations and field research addresses one single case study made at Banco Bem, in Vitória (ES). Therefore, a qualitative research was developed, organized into two distinct phases: the first tried to identify the different types of inclusion, in addition to the social business approach traditionally features and identify the facilitating and inhibiting factors that interfere with the promotion of social changings. This first phase was developed through semi-structured interviews with 15 different actors involved in the social business studied as the manager, and their beneficiaries. Later, the data were analyzed from the content analysis. The second phase focuses with the life path, which analyzes the individual experience of three people in the community who were benefited by the Banco Bem and had their lives impacted by this business. The main results, the study shows the identification of new types of inclusion that can generate a social business, as well as social and economic, and the identification of other factors that facilitate and makes the promotion of social changings difficult. The trajectory of life as reporting of social changings signaled that the individual and economic reality of the people interviewed has been modified from the moment they were benefited by the actions of the Banco Bem in the community. The statements highlighted the benefits and changings in their lives and the community. All of them highlighted the community's social context issues, demonstrating a differentiated looking at the acquired benefits. The social changings promoted by the Banco Bem in low-income community are associated with results as for instance , valuing people, the reduction of social vulnerability, new social and economic reality, community empowerment, integration and community engagement and new opportunities social and economic choices for local human development.

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