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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spécificités de l'agriculture dans les vallées principales du bassin versant de la Maine / Specific features of agriculture in the largest valleys of the Maine river catchment basin (Western France)

Gatien-Tournat, Amandine 16 September 2013 (has links)
La thèse examine les relations entre l'activitéagricole et le milieu qu'elle transforme : l'intérêt estici porté aux vallées. Dans ces espaces spécifiquesen matière de sols, de topographie et de modesd'écoulement, l'activité agricole doit s'adapter,valoriser ou surmonter les spécificités naturelles,tout en répondant à des attentes sociales fortes(qualité de l'eau et des paysages, aménagementdes cours d'eau, biodiversité...). L'espaced’analyse est constitué des trois principales valléesdu bassin de la Maine (Loir, Mayenne et Sarthe).Ces vallées de l'Ouest concentrent des fonctions etusages variés, dont l'agriculture représente l'un desprincipaux éléments structurants.Il est d'abord montré en quoi l'agriculture desvallées considérées est spécifique des points devue environnemental et socio-économique, àl'échelle du bassin versant jusqu'à celle de zonesd'études de quelques communes en vallée, et defaçon diachronique (du XIXe siècle à l'époqueactuelle). Puis, des entretiens auprès d'agriculteursà l'échelle des exploitations agricoles permettentd'accéder à la diversité des prises en compte d'unmême milieu, caractérisé par des contraintesd'hydromorphie dans le fond de vallée et de pentesur les versants. Les usages spécifiques à la valléesont mis en évidence : types de cultures,accessibilité des parcelles, type d'usage dufourrage herbager, etc. Enfin, grâce à huit critèresd'ordres quantitatifs et qualitatifs, tels que ladispersion des parcellaires, les dynamiquesd'usages des terres de vallée ou la relation à l'eau,une typologie d'exploitations est construite sur troisniveaux d'appréciation de la vallée portée par lesagriculteurs. / This PhD thesis analyzes relationships betweenfarming activity and its local environment,precisely in the valleys. In these valleyenvironments that have specific features in termsof soils, topography and water flows modes,farming activities have to adapt, take advantage orcope with the natural features, as well as satisfyresource management requirements (such aswater and landscapes quality, riverbankmanagement, biodiversity...). The case study fieldis made of the three main valleys of a basin inwestern France, Maine river basin (Loir, Mayenneand Sarthe rivers). In these valleys areconcentrated several functions and social uses, inwhich agriculture represents one of the mostdominant elements. First, it is shown thatagriculture is specific in these valleys in terms ofenvironmental conditions and socio-economicalcontext, at different scales (from basin level tostudy areas level composed of a few municipalitiesin valleys), and throughout time (from 19th centuryuntil today). Then, interviews with farmers at thefarming system level give access to the variety ofassessments of a same local environment, namelythe bottom of the valley characterized by wet soilsand sloped sides. Specific land uses in the valleysare revealed from these investigations: kinds ofcrops, plots accessibility, grass forage types, etc.Finally, the selection of eight qualitative andquantitative criteria, such as distribution of plots,land use dynamics or nature of the relationship towater resources in the valley, has allowed us tobuild a typology of three types of farms, based onthe level of appreciation of the valley environmentby farmers.

Université et professionnalisation : quels liens chez les étudiants en sciences de l'éducation ? : une approche par la théorie des représentations sociales / What links between university and professionalization among education sciences students? : an approach through the social representations theory

Gachassin, Bruno 13 December 2013 (has links)
En France, les étudiants tendent à s’éloigner de l’Université au profit des écoles supérieures explicitement professionnelles, alors même que l’Université intensifie la professionnalisation de ses cursus. Dans une perspective d’analyse psychosociale de ce phénomène, nous avons étudié la représentation sociale de l’Université chez les étudiants en Sciences de l’éducation et ses liens avec celle de la Professionnalisation. Les données recueillies par questionnaire ont permis plusieurs modes de traitement dont les résultats montrent tout d’abord, que la représentation sociale de l’Université s’élabore à partir des éléments les plus consensuels de la représentation collective de cet objet (études, travail et autonomie). D’autre part, les étudiants associent peu l’Université à la Professionnalisation : seuls les éléments travail, très polysémique, et avenir assurent une conjonction entre ces deux représentations. Enfin, la fréquentation de l’institution et la pratique de dispositifs de professionnalisation qu’elle propose, semblent participer à l’éloignement cognitif de ces deux objets. En outre, les résultats obtenus permettent d’envisager une modélisation de la genèse représentationnelle dans laquelle se succèdent dans un continuum, trois états de la représentation : la représentation collective, la représentation non-structurée et la représentation sociale, la représentation se spécifiant progressivement à un groupe social particulier. La mise en perspective culturelle et historique des deux objets étudiés interroge finalement la possibilité, dans un avenir proche, de leur rapprochement représentationnel chez les étudiants malgré les transformations a priori favorables du contexte et des pratiques. / In France, students are tending to move away from university and to favour competitive-entry higher education establishments, which offer a more explicitly vocational education, even though university is intensifying the professionalization of its degree courses. In order to analyze this phenomenon in a psychosocial point of view, we studied the social representation of university among students in Education Sciences and its links to their social representation of professionalization. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed with different methods. Results show that on the one hand, the social representation of university is based on the more consensual elements of the collective representation (studies, work and autonomy). On the other hand, students rarely associate university to professionalization, the only link between university and professionalization being based on two items, i.e. work, which is polysemous, and future. Finally, the cognitive distance between these two objects seems to be increased on the one hand by the attendance to the institution and on the other hand by the use of the professionalization schemes it offers. Moreover, results show that the way this representation is created can be modeled: collective representation appears, it is then replaced by non-structured representation, and finally social representation emerges, the latter being specific to one particular social group. From cultural and historical standpoints, results show that it is unlikely that the representation of university and professionalization among students will come closer in the near future, even if the evolution of the context and practices seems favourable.

Représentations sociales de l’écologie et pratiques individuelles : une étude comparative France – Allemagne / Social representations of ecology and individual behaviour : a French/German comparative study

Caillaud, Sabine 18 November 2010 (has links)
L’écologie s’est imposée comme un thème clef dans notre société moderne depuis les années 60 et interroge notre rapport à la nature. Néanmoins, l’écologie a trouvé un écho différent en France et en Allemagne dès l’apparition des premiers mouvements écologistes. L’objectif de cette étude est de saisir la manière dont la pensée sociale se représente l’écologie et la manière dont les pratiques individuelles prennent sens. L’approche théorique développée dans cette étude est celle des représentations sociales (RS), approche dialogique de la connaissance, envisageant le rôle du contexte socioculturel et historique dans la construction et le partage des RS. La comparaison France/Allemagne est utilisée afin d’éclairer le rôle de ce contexte. Une analyse documentaire permet de saisir certaines différences dans la manière dont l’écologie a été thématisé dans les deux pays. Le plan méthodologique qualitatif mis en place fonctionne sur le mode de la triangulation. Des entretiens, des focus groups et une analyse de presse ont été menés, et différentes méthodes d’analyse ont été mises à contribution. Les résultats permettent de dégager une structure représentationnelle reposant sur quatre thêmata, mobilisés de manière différentielle au niveau individuel, et rendant compte de la pensée sociale. De même, on observe une objectivation morale de l’écologie en Allemagne, avec un ancrage autour des risques globaux et des risques locaux. En France, l’écologie vient s’objectiver sur le mode du risque (économique, politique, sanitaire…) et donne lieu à des formes d’ancrage multiples qui renvoient à des inscriptions historiques variés du mouvement vert. Par ailleurs, les risques écologiques, et notamment le changement climatique, viennent s’ancrer, dans les deux pays, sur le mode de l’étrange, autour de l’idée d’une nature dénaturalisée qui constitue une menace pour l’identité. Dans ce contexte, les pratiques écologiques renvoient à des motifs variés. Elles prennent sens au sein d’un système représentationnel, dans une sphère interpersonnelle, mettant en jeu un Alter-ego en Allemagne et un Alter en France. / Since the 1960’s, ecology has become an important question for our modern societies to deal with. Yet ecology resonates differently in France and in Germany since the ecological movements first appeared. The aim of this study is to understand how social thinking represents ecology and how individual practices sense-making. The theoretical approach is the social representations (SR), which considers knowledge in a dialogical way and takes the role of the socio-cultural and historical context in the construction and the sharing of SR into account. The French/German comparison is used to highlight the role played by this context. A documents analysis gives some relevant elements about the way ecology is accepted in both countries. The qualitative methodological design is based on triangulation. Interviews, focus groups, and media analysis were conducted. Different kinds of methodological tools from Social Psychology were used. A representational structure based on four thêmata is derived from our results and shows the content and the processes of social representations. Moreover, at an individual level, some of these thêmata are preferred and structure daily knowledge. We also observed a moral objectification of ecology in Germany, with an anchoring on local and global risks. In France, ecology is objectified into risk (economical, political, health…) and anchoring categories are diverse. They refer to different evolutions of green movements in France. Moreover, in both countries, anchoring ecological risks, and particularly climate change, maintains strangeness through the idea of a denaturalized nature, which threatens the identity. Ecological practices are guided by different motives; nature’s protection is only of them. These practices are embedded in an interpersonal sphere; an Alter-ego emerged in Germany whereas in France it is an Alter.

Images et savoirs dans l’expérience du cancer du sein : Un regard psychosocial sur les photographies et les schémas dans la relation chirurgien-­patiente / Images and knowledge in the experience of breast cancer : A psychosocial approach of the photographs and schemas in the relationship between the surgeon and his patients

Roux, Pauline 03 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les images dans le parcours de soin de femmes touchées par un cancer du sein. Nous questionnons de façon spécifique les images ayant trait à la chirurgie curative du cancer du sein, images représentant la transformation du corps de la femme. Notre objectif est de comprendre les usages des images dans la consultation chirurgicale et de saisir leur interaction avec l’expérience de la maladie vécue par les patientes. Nous nous appuyons sur l’approche des représentations sociales pour appréhender la notion d’image selon deux acceptions. D’une part, l’image renvoie à l’iconographie ; ce qui nous intéresse alors est l’objectivation graphique, forme d’objectivation qui ne passe pas par les discours mais par la transformation des idées en entités concrètes dans des objets graphiques réels, comme l’iconographie circulant dans différents contextes. D’autre part, la notion d’image nous sert à désigner la dimension figurative des représentations sociales. Sous cette signification, l’image renvoie à l’aspect concret des représentations sociales, issu du processus d’objectivation. Ces deux acceptions de la notion d’image sont mises en lien avec la dimension expérientielle et les processus de genèse et de transformation des représentations sociales. Les méthodes d’enquête que nous avons mises en place sont qualitatives et s’inscrivent dans des lieux de soin. Nous nous appuyons sur un plan méthodologique reposant sur le principe de la triangulation des méthodes, qui permet d’atteindre différentes facettes de l’objet, dans différents contextes. Dans notre étude, la méthode d’observation de consultations chirurgicales est éclairée par des entretiens et focus groups avec des patientes.Les observations de consultations permettent de relever les types d’images utilisés dans ce contexte et les usages qui en sont faits : photographies et schémas sont principalement employés pour représenter la chirurgie du cancer du sein, chaque type d’image mettant en scène le corps selon des caractéristiques singulières. Si les patientes commentent peu ces images au cours des consultations, entretiens et focus groups nous donnent accès à leur perspective : photographies et schémas n’entrent pas en interaction de la même manière avec l’expérience des patientes et ne renvoient pas aux mêmes univers représentationnels. / This thesis questions the images in the treatment of breast cancer. More particularly, we question the images related to breast cancer curative surgery representing the transformation of the woman body. Our objective is to understand the use of the images in surgical consultation and to seize their interaction with the experience of the disease by the patients. We rely on the approach of social representations to comprehend the concept of image according to two different acceptances. On the one hand, the image refers to iconography; therefore, what interests us is the graphical objectification, which does not imply speeches but the transformation of ideas into concrete entities in real graphical objects such as the iconography available in different contexts. On the other hand, the concept of image is used to refer to the figurative aspect of social representations. Under this meaning, the image refers to the concrete aspect of social representations emanating from the objectification process. These two acceptances of the concept of image are linked to the experience dimension and to the genesis and transformation processes of social representations. We used qualitative investigating methods and worked in care centers. Our methodology is based on triangulation, which enabled us to assess different aspects of the object in different contexts. The method used to observe surgical consultations in our study was enlightened by interviews and focus groups held with patients.The consultation observations enabled us to highlight the types of images used in this context and how they are used: photographs and schemas are mainly used to represent breast cancer surgery as each type of image shows the body according to specific features. While the patients do not comment much these images during the consultations, they make more comments during interviews and focus groups, showing us their perspectives: photographs and schemas do not interact the same way with the experience of the patients, and do not refer to the same representational spheres.

Odeurs et représentations sociales : sentir en société / Odours and social representations : smelling in society

Cerisier, Blandine 20 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif l’exploration de la dimension sociale des odeurs. Les travaux déjà menés en sciences humaines et sociales montrent que le rapport que les individus et les groupes entretiennent avec les odeurs leur permet de se situer et d’être situés dans un contexte donné. L’intérêt porté à l’ancrage de cet objet sensoriel dans la vie affective des groupes ainsi qu’à sa matérialisation notamment au travers des processus de communication nous conduit à traiter la diversité des connaissances qui en résulte à l’aune de l’approche des représentations sociales. Nous interrogeons les dynamiques inhérentes aux représentations sociales que les groupes ont des odeurs tout autant que les effets que ces dernières ont sur les pratiques et sur les relations sociales. Les liens réciproques existant entre le « senti » d’une part, le « nommé », le « classé » et le « représenté » d’autre part sont ainsi mis à l’étude. Notre plan de recherche se centre sur la conduite de treize focus groups (N=63). Dans ce cadre, nous avons répliqué la technique de la reproduction sérielle (Bartlett, 1932) avec des matériaux odorants. Les groupes ont également collectivement partagé plusieurs expériences olfactives. Enfin, ils ont débattu de leurs rapports aux « odeurs en société ». Les résultats montrent que les groupes reconnaissent et reconstruisent l’odeur par le biais d’une centration collective sur ses sources potentielles. Celles-ci activent à leur tour des attributions, des contextes, et des souvenirs prenant la forme d’un réseau de représentations jugé pertinent par les groupes pour matérialiser l’objet sensoriel. Aussi, une logique de l’ambiguïté caractérise les relations des groupes aux « odeurs sociales ». Ils entretiennent une pluralité de proximités et d’implications à leur encontre, dépendamment des points de perspectives à partir desquels ils se situent. Notre recherche souligne également la négociation collective dont font l’objet les phénomènes représentatifs associés aux odeurs. Elle rend compte des différents visages de ces phénomènes en lien avec les significations qu’ils ont pour les groupes. En s’inscrivant dans la continuité des études menées sur la pensée sociale, cette thèse apporte de nouvelles réflexions s’agissant de l’étude conjointe du social et du sensible. / The present thesis aims to explore the social dimension of odours. Past literature in the field of social and human sciences demonstrated that the relation individuals and groups engage in with odours allow them to self-situate and be situated in a specific context. This work focuses on the diversity of knowledge resulting from the anchoring of this sensorial object in the affective life of groups, as well as from its materialization through the communication processes, with a social representation approach. We investigate the dynamics of groups’ social representations concerning odours, as well as the effects that these have on social practices and relations. The reciprocal connections between the « perceived » on one hand, and the « named », « classed » and « represented » on the other hand are thus central to this study. Thirteen focus groups (N=63) have been carried out for this research, using the technique of serial reproduction (Bartlett, 1932) with odorous stimuli. The groups also shared several olfactory experiences. In the end, participants discussed about their relation to the « odours in society ». Results show that the groups recognized and reconstructed an odour by collectively focusing on its potential sources. These sources activated attributions, contexts and memories structured in a network of representations considered pertinent by the groups to materialise the sensorial object. Moreover, the relations of participants with « social odours » are characterised by an ambiguity. This aspect is indeed defined by a plurality of proximities and implications that the groups have when relating to « social odours », depending on the perspective they adopt when encountering them. The present research highlights the collective negotiation of the representational phenomena associated to odours, and explains the plurality of facets of these phenomena depending on the meaning they have for the groups. In continuity with past studies on social thinking, this manuscript offers new insights concerning the joint study of the social and the sensorial and sensitive.

Critères de différenciation et d'indifférenciation dans les représentations sociales de l'autistme chez les éducateurs / Criteria of differentiation and lack of differentiation in the social representations of the autist in the teachers

Guelai, Tsouria Amel 19 April 2015 (has links)
Malgré son intérêt heuristique, très peu d’études ont été menées à propos des représentationssociales de l’autisme. Et dans cette étude nous utilisons le concept de représentations socialespour analyser la façon dont les éducateurs qui exercent leurs métier dans les centrespsychopédagogiques et qui n’ont eu aucune formation sur l‘autisme, perçoivent les enfantsatteintes de l‘autisme et nous nous sommes interrogés également sur la manière dont cesprofessionnels reconnaissent ces enfants en matière des signes observés.La présente recherche s'investit dans la compréhension et l'explication des difficultésrencontrées dans la reconnaissance de l’autisme retrouvées par les éducateurs, selon lareprésentation sociale que ceux-ci ont de ce trouble.Notre premier objectif est l’autisme en tant qu’objet de représentation sociale et plus enparticulier pour repérer les critères de différenciation et d’indifférenciation de l’autisme dansleurs représentations sociales. Nous interrogerons l'élément fondamental de la représentation,le « noyau central » qui détermine à la fois la signification et l'organisation de lareprésentation et vérifier comment les éducateurs hiérarchisent les critères d’identification del’autisme ce qui va permettre de connaitre l’ordre subjectif de ces signes pour les éducateursau niveau des CPP. De plus, pour permettre de dévoiler à la fois les aspects cognitifs etsociaux de leurs savoirs « naïfs » sur l’autisme.Cette recherche peut également s'inscrire dans le cadre d'une recherche d'innovation dans lamesure où elle vise à apporter au système en place une nouveauté. En effet, elle s'avèreintéressante dans la mesure où, elle dévoile leurs systèmes de croyances, les stéréotypes, lesvaleurs produites et partagées par les individus d’un même groupe et leurs positionnementvis-à-vis les connaissances scientifiques afin de dégager des stratégies pour une sensibilisationmieux ciblée.Nos résultats montrent bien que les éducateurs partagent un savoir du sens commun surl‘autisme. Et nous avons trouvé que pour les éducateurs non-formés, un enfant autiste est unindividu qui vis dans son propre monde et qui a des troubles de communication. Il s’agit dedeux critères centraux pour la reconnaissance de l’autisme autrement dite ; le noyau central deleurs représentations se compose de ces deux éléments considérés comme non-négociables.Nous avons vérifié également l’effet de différents variables comme le sexe, le statutprofessionnels des éducateurs sur les représentations sociales de l‘autisme chez les éducateursnon-formés. Et dans une deuxième étape nous avons essayé d’analyser les pratiquesprofessionnelles des éducateurs formés et les éducateurs non-formés dans leurs travaux avecles enfants autistes au niveau des centres spécialisés de l’autisme ainsi que les centrespsychopédagogiques qui accueillent des enfants avec déficience intellectuelle. / Despite its heuristic interest, very few studies have been made about social representationsof autism. And in this study, we use the concept of social representations to analyze howeducators exercise their profession in these psycho-educational centers, and had no training inautism, perceive children affected by autism, and we wondered about the way that theseprofessionals recognize these children in terms of signs observed.This research is involved in understanding and explaining the difficulties in the recognitionand differentiation of autism found by educators, according to the social representation thatthey have this disorder.Our first objective is autism as an object of social representation and in particular to identifythe criteria of differentiation and non-differentiation of autism in their social representations.We will interrogate the fundamental representation, the "core" that determines both themeaning and organization of the representation and check how educators prioritize theidentification of autism criteria which will allow knowing the subjective nature of these signs.This research can also be seen in the context of a search for innovation insofar as it seeks tobring up new things to the system. In fact, it is interesting insofar as it reveals their beliefsystems, stereotypes, values produced and shared by individuals within a group and their positioning towards the scientific knowledge to develop strategies for a more focusedawareness.Our results show that educators share common sense knowledge about autism. And wefound that for untrained teachers, an autistic child is an individual who lives in his own worldand has communication disorders. there are two central criteria for the recognition of autismcalled otherwise, the core of their representations consists of these two elements. We alsoexamined the effect of different variables such as sex, professional status of teachers on socialrepresentations of autism in this population.

A assistência social na perspectiva dos usuários : representações sociais e ideologia

Freitas, Cristiane Davina Redin January 2014 (has links)
A tese propõe-se a analisar e a interpretar a representação social do usuário sobre a assistência social. Para tanto, foi utilizada a metodologia dos círculos epistemológicos, inspirados na teoria pedagógica dos círculos de cultura de Paulo Freire, que procura superar a dicotomia entre pesquisador-pesquisando. Como nos círculos de cultura, os pesquisandos participam ativamente do processo de pesquisa. Foram realizados nove círculos epistemológicos com os usuários, em três Centros de Referência de Assistência Social – CRAS de Porto Alegre RS, três em cada CRAS. Após a realização dos nove círculos epistemológicos, todas as informações foram transcritas, lidas, categorizadas a partir de sua dimensão semântica e analisadas à luz da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Da análise dos dados, foram construídos mapas representacionais com as categorias e subcategorias que revelaram os elementos centrais que constituem tal representação. Os resultados foram interpretados a partir de aportes teóricos de autores que trabalharam temáticas ligadas à assistência social. As contribuições dos usuários pesquisandos foram levadas em consideração na produção final da tese. A tese compõe-se de quatro capítulos organizados em forma de artigo. O primeiro apresenta o referencial teórico das representações sociais e discute a metodologia dos círculos epistemológicos mostrando as conexões entre eles. O segundo artigo, também teórico, trata da formação do Estado brasileiro e como sua estruturação influenciou as políticas de assistência social. O terceiro apresenta os resultados empíricos da representação social da assistência social na perspectiva dos usuários. Tal representação apresenta-se como contraditória revelando duas dimensões centrais, uma ideológica e outra crítica. No quarto e último artigo, também empírico, é enfatizada uma dimensão específica da representação social que se destacou das informações colhidas e que se julgou oportuno aprofundá-la: a representação social que os usuários revelaram sobre si mesmos. Tal representação revelou duas dimensões contraditórias, mas inter-relacionadas: por um lado os usuários discriminam-se como “bons” e “maus”; por outro, se reconhecem como iguais pertencentes a um mesmo grupo social e deixam entrever sinais de solidariedade, que oferece condições para a emergência de uma cidadania para além dos direitos. / The dissertation proposes to analyze and interpret the social representation of the user about social assistance. The methodology of epistemological circles inspired by the educational theory of cultural circles of Paulo Freire was used, which seeks to overcome the dichotomy between researcher and research subject. As in the circles of culture, the research subjects actively participate in the research process. Nine epistemological circles were conducted with users in three reference centers of Social Assistance-CRAS of Porto Alegre RS, three in each CRAS. After the completion of the nine epistemological circles , all the information was transcribed, read, categorized from its semantic dimension and analyzed in the light of the theory of social representations. From the data analysis, representational maps were constructed with the categories and subcategories which revealed the central elements that constitute such representation. The results were interpreted from theoretical contributions of authors who worked on welfare-related themes. Research subject users ' contributions were taken into consideration in the production end of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of four chapters arranged in article form. The first presents the theoretical framework of social representations and discusses the methodology of the epistemological circles demonstrating the connections between them. The second article, also theoretical, deals with the formation of the Brazilian State and how its structure influenced the policies of social assistance. The third presents the empirical results of social representation of social assistance from the perspective of the users. Such representation is presented as contradictory revealing two central dimensions, an ideological one and another critical one. In the fourth and last article, also empirical, emphasized a specific dimension of social representation that stood out from the information collected which was deemed appropriate to deepen into: social representation that users reveal about themselves. Such representation revealed two contradictory but interrelated dimensions: on the one hand users discriminate as "good" and "bad"; on the other, recognize each other as equals belonging to the same social group and they see signs of solidarity, which provides conditions for the emergence of a citizenship beyond rights.

Representações sociais de profissionais de enfermagem sobre o alcoolismo em uma cidade serrana

Débora Inácia Ribeiro 25 April 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar as representações sociais de profissionais de enfermagem sobre o alcoolismo em Campos do Jordão, procurando compreender a relação entre as representações e a atuação desses profissionais no atendimento aos pacientes alcoolistas. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória, que utilizou métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 79 profissionais de enfermagem vinculadas à rede pública. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e de questionários. As entrevistas foram realizadas com 14 enfermeiras e os questionários foram aplicados em um grupo de 65 profissionais de enfermagem, incluindo enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares. Os resultados das entrevistas foram tratados pelo software ALCESTE e por análise de conteúdo, conforme proposta por Bardin. O instrumento ALCESTE identificou no corpo total das entrevistas seis classes de discursos: o alcoolismo como doença; o alcoolismo na família; o alcoolismo em Campos do Jordão; o atendimento emergencial ao paciente alcoolista; enfermagem e formação; o trabalho em equipe na atenção ao paciente alcoolista. Por meio da análise de conteúdo foi feita a análise qualitativa de cada um desses temas. Nessa etapa, foram identificados alguns subtemas, o que permitiu uma análise mais detalhada das classes identificadas pelo programa ALCESTE. Os dados obtidos por meio dos questionários foram tratados pelo software SPHINX. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que os profissionais de enfermagem representam o alcoolismo, primeiramente como doença, ou seja, tomam por base o modelo da biomedicina. Os sujeitos da pesquisa constroem ainda representações do alcoolismo como fenômeno de origem social (principalmente ligado à família e à pobreza), e de origem pessoal (devido à fraqueza psicológica do alcoolista). Conclui-se que nas representações dos profissionais de enfermagem sobre o alcoolismo estão presentes duas formas de ancoragem: primeiramente, o paciente alcoolista é representado como uma pessoa que ao mesmo tempo provoca e sofre diversas perdas (família, emprego, saúde) essa representação é ancorada na crença popular de que ao alcoolismo subjazem a pobreza, a solidão e a indigência, sendo esta uma ancoragem psicossociológica; o alcoolismo é representado também como uma escolha pessoal do indivíduo, escolha que poderia ser evitada por ele essa representação está ancorada na crença, compartilhada por diversos grupos sociais, de que o alcoolista é responsável e culpado por sua doença, sendo esta uma ancoragem sociológica. Essas representações expressam o conhecimento elaborado pelos profissionais de enfermagem sobre o alcoolismo e, de acordo com Moscovici, é esse conhecimento que orienta as comunicações e instrumentaliza o grupo para atuar no cuidado ao paciente alcoolista. / This research aimed to study the social representations of nurses about alcoholism in the city of Campos do Jordao-SP, Brazil, looking for understanding the relationship between the representations and actions of these professionals towards alcoholic patients. This is an exploratory research using quantitative and qualitative methods. Seventy-nine nursing professionals linked to the public network participated in this research. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. Interviews were conducted with 14 nurses and the questionnaires were administered in a group of 65 professionals, including nurses, technicians and assistants. The interviews were processed by the software ALCESTE and analyzed by a content analysis technique, as proposed by Bardin. The ALCESTE instrument identified a total of six classes: alcoholism as a disease; alcoholism in the family; alcoholism in Campos do Jordao; emergency care to the alcoholic patient; nursing and training; teamwork in alcoholic patient care. A qualitative analysis was performed on each of these themes. At this stage some subthemes were identified which allowed a more detailed analysis of the identified classes. The data obtained through the questionnaires were processed by the software SPHINX. The survey results indicated that primarily nurses represent alcoholism as a disease, as based on the biomedicine model. The subjects also construct representations of alcoholism as a phenomenon of social origin (mainly connected with family and poverty) and personal origin (due to the psychological weakness of alcoholics). We conclude that the representations of nursing professionals about alcoholism present two forms of anchoring: first, the alcoholic patient is represented as a person that provokes and suffers losses (family, job, health) - this representation is anchored in a common sense belief that alcoholism underlies poverty, loneliness and destitution, which is a psychological anchoring; alcoholism is also represented as an individuals personal choice, a choice he could avoid - this representation is anchored in the belief, shared by various social groups, that the alcoholic himself is responsible and is the one to be blame for his illness, and this is a sociological anchoring. These representations express knowledge elaborated by nursing professionals about alcoholism and, according to Moscovici, is this knowledge that guides communications and provides support for the group of nurses to act in alcoholic patient care.

Representações sociais da pobreza e da caridade no Jornal de Taubaté (1899 e 1935)

Renato Fernandes Lobo 03 September 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa buscou identificar e comparar as representações da pobreza e da caridade em Taubaté durante a Primeira República e a Era Vargas, tendo como referência documental primária o `Jornal de Taubaté dos anos de 1899 e 1935. Trata-se de uma pesquisa básica, de abordagem exploratória, com enfoque qualitativo, a pesquisa com os jornais foi feita a partir da técnica da exaustividade, os dados foram organizados em planilhas eletrônicas, a análise do discurso foi utilizada com os textos jornalísticos mais relevantes da pesquisa. Durante a pesquisa, buscou-se relacionar a teoria de Serge Moscovici sobre as Representações Sociais com o conceito de Gramsci sobre ideologia, já que os temas de estudados abordaram questões sociais, fortemente marcadas por relações assimétricas, os que doam e praticam a caridade e os pobres que dependem da ajuda alheia. Foi possível constatar que a pobreza e a caridade foram representadas pela imprensa taubateana a partir da ótica liberal, dessa maneira a ideologia liberal acabou influenciando na formação de instituições religiosas e privadas, que atuavam como paliativos das questões sociais do município, sempre diferenciando os pobres merecedores de ajuda, dos ditos `vadios. / This research seeked to identify and compare the representations of poverty and charity in Taubaté during the Primeira República and Era Vargas, as primary documental reference the `Jornal de Taubaté in the years 1899 and 1935. This is a basic research, with exploratory approach, using qualitative focus, the research was done with the papers from the technical completeness, the data were organized into spreadsheets, speech analysis was used with the most relevant journalistic texts. During the research, we tried to relate the theory of Serge Moscovici on Social Representations with Gramscis concept of ideology, since the subjects studied addressed social issues, strongly marked by asymmetrical relationships, those who donate and practice charity and poor who depend on help from others. It was found that poverty and charity were represented by the press from a liberal perspective, thus liberal ideology ended up influencing the formation of religious institutions and private, who worked as a hospice social issues of the city, always differentiating the deserving poor help, the so-called `stray.

As representações sociais de tecnologistas e pesquisadores sobre a atividade de pesquisa / As representações sociais de tecnologistas e pesquisadores sobre a atividade de pesquisa

Mônica Aparecida de Oliveira 27 September 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, apresenta-se como uma contribuição aos estudos sobre a construção social da atividade científica ao identificar as representações sociais da atividade de pesquisa realizada por pesquisadores e tecnologistas de uma instituição de pesquisa da área de ciência, tecnologia e inovação. A coleta de dados realizou-se por questionários e entrevistas. Com o auxílio do software Sphinx efetuou-se a tabulação dos dados do questionário, e com o software Alceste o corpus das entrevistas foi organização em cinco classes de discursos. A análise dos resultados foi efetuada por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo e com o aporte teórico da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Ao qualificar os sujeitos, os resultados apontam para uma comunidade predominantemente masculina, com idade média de 54 anos e baixo número de profissionais com idade inferir a 40 anos. Quanto aos cargos dos sujeitos verificou-se a prevalência de profissionais da carreira de desenvolvimento tecnológico em comparação à carreira de pesquisa. A graduação básica predominante na área de ciências exatas e da terra é em física, e na área de engenharia, dividese primordialmente em mecânica, eletrônica e elétrica. Foram realçadas pelo profissional de pesquisa as características essenciais para atuar em pesquisa, reforçando a figura do pesquisador como profissional dedicado, criativo e curioso. Foi, também, manifestado pelos sujeitos, o compromisso de realizar o trabalho de pesquisa com resultados que se revertam em benefícios para a sociedade. A atividade de pesquisa foi associada pelos sujeitos à importância da formação do profissional de pesquisa, no empenho em enriquecer os conhecimentos adquiridos realizando para isto, cursos e intercâmbios profissionais. Estratégias de trabalho em equipe foram realçadas pelos sujeitos como fator de busca de melhores resultados para a atividade de pesquisa. Os discursos dos sujeitos igualmente reiteram a função do professor/orientador na formação de novos pesquisadores e orientam para a abertura de novos temas de pesquisa, proporcionando assim o desenvolvimento de novos métodos, a geração de conhecimento e o desenvolvimento da ciência. / Esta pesquisa, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, apresenta-se como uma contribuição aos estudos sobre a construção social da atividade científica ao identificar as representações sociais da atividade de pesquisa realizada por pesquisadores e tecnologistas de uma instituição de pesquisa da área de ciência, tecnologia e inovação. A coleta de dados realizou-se por questionários e entrevistas. Com o auxílio do software Sphinx efetuou-se a tabulação dos dados do questionário, e com o software Alceste o corpus das entrevistas foi organização em cinco classes de discursos. A análise dos resultados foi efetuada por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo e com o aporte teórico da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Ao qualificar os sujeitos, os resultados apontam para uma comunidade predominantemente masculina, com idade média de 54 anos e baixo número de profissionais com idade inferir a 40 anos. Quanto aos cargos dos sujeitos verificou-se a prevalência de profissionais da carreira de desenvolvimento tecnológico em comparação à carreira de pesquisa. A graduação básica predominante na área de ciências exatas e da terra é em física, e na área de engenharia, dividese primordialmente em mecânica, eletrônica e elétrica. Foram realçadas pelo profissional de pesquisa as características essenciais para atuar em pesquisa, reforçando a figura do pesquisador como profissional dedicado, criativo e curioso. Foi, também, manifestado pelos sujeitos, o compromisso de realizar o trabalho de pesquisa com resultados que se revertam em benefícios para a sociedade. A atividade de pesquisa foi associada pelos sujeitos à importância da formação do profissional de pesquisa, no empenho em enriquecer os conhecimentos adquiridos realizando para isto, cursos e intercâmbios profissionais. Estratégias de trabalho em equipe foram realçadas pelos sujeitos como fator de busca de melhores resultados para a atividade de pesquisa. Os discursos dos sujeitos igualmente reiteram a função do professor/orientador na formação de novos pesquisadores e orientam para a abertura de novos temas de pesquisa, proporcionando assim o desenvolvimento de novos métodos, a geração de conhecimento e o desenvolvimento da ciência. / This research presents a contribution for the study of the social construction of scientific activity, by using the quantitative and qualitative approaches to identify the social representations of the research activity carried out by researchers and technologists of a science, technology and innovation institution. The data was collected with questionnaires and interviews. The software Sphinx made the tabulation of the questionnaire data, and the Alceste organized the interviews contents into five classes of speeches. On the results of that methodology it was used the technique of content analysis and the social representations theoretical approach, providing room for analysis and discussion of the results. The results point to a predominantly male community at average 54 years old and a low number of professionals younger than 40 years old. There is a prevalence of professionals in the career of technological development compared to the career in research. The graduation that predominates is in physics, and engineering, divided primarily in mechanical, electronic and electrical. It was highlighted by professional researchers the essential features to work in research, strengthening the figure of the researcher as a dedicated professional, creative and curious. It was also manifested by the professionals committed to conducting the research with outcomes that benefit society. The research activity was associated with the subject of the importance of training of professional research, a commitment to enrich the knowledge acquired to performing this, courses and professional exchanges. Strategies teamwork were highlighted by the subjects as a factor in search of better outcomes for the research activity. Subjects speech also reiterated the role of the teacher/counselor in training new researchers and guide for the opening of new research topics, thus providing the development of new methods, the generation of knowledge and the development of science. / This research presents a contribution for the study of the social construction of scientific activity, by using the quantitative and qualitative approaches to identify the social representations of the research activity carried out by researchers and technologists of a science, technology and innovation institution. The data was collected with questionnaires and interviews. The software Sphinx made the tabulation of the questionnaire data, and the Alceste organized the interviews contents into five classes of speeches. On the results of that methodology it was used the technique of content analysis and the social representations theoretical approach, providing room for analysis and discussion of the results. The results point to a predominantly male community at average 54 years old and a low number of professionals younger than 40 years old. There is a prevalence of professionals in the career of technological development compared to the career in research. The graduation that predominates is in physics, and engineering, divided primarily in mechanical, electronic and electrical. It was highlighted by professional researchers the essential features to work in research, strengthening the figure of the researcher as a dedicated professional, creative and curious. It was also manifested by the professionals committed to conducting the research with outcomes that benefit society. The research activity was associated with the subject of the importance of training of professional research, a commitment to enrich the knowledge acquired to performing this, courses and professional exchanges. Strategies teamwork were highlighted by the subjects as a factor in search of better outcomes for the research activity. Subjects speech also reiterated the role of the teacher/counselor in training new researchers and guide for the opening of new research topics, thus providing the development of new methods, the generation of knowledge and the development of science.

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