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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomika Jižní Koreje: vnitřní a vnější souvislosti / South Korea's Economy: Inward and Outward Aspects

Vojtíšková, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
The first chapter describes the economic development of South Korea from the end of the WWII to the 90s, with regard to both inward and outward aspects. The second chapter analyses the current economic situation in the country. It deals with Korean agriculture, industry and service sector. It covers impacts of the Asian crisis from 1997 and the Financial crisis from 2008 on the Republic of Korea. In the third chapter the outward relations of Korea are described. It concerns with i.a. Korean trade policy, Korean trade, membership in international organizations and relations with certain countries.

Modelos, contramodelos e seu contexto: as respostas sul-coreana a argentina à crise da dívida como evidência da complexa interação entre o processo político e as formças da economia internacional / Models, against models and its context: South Korean and Argentine responses to the Debt Crisis as evidences of the complex interaction between the political process and the forces of the international economy

Silva, Rodrigo Luiz Medeiros da 20 April 2012 (has links)
No fim dos anos 1970, dois choques externos o segundo salto nos preços do petróleo e o reajuste na taxa básica de juros norte-americana marcam o início de tendências econômicas divergentes entre o Leste da Ásia e a América Latina. Para os prósperos tigres, a próxima década seria uma janela para o chamado catching up, culminando com a promoção simbólica de seu prodígio, a Coréia do Sul, ao status de país desenvolvido quando da realização dos Jogos Olímpicos em Seul. Na América Latina, inversamente, os anos 1980 são geralmente apelidados de Década Perdida, inaugurando uma era de regressão econômica e instabilidade política. A Argentina, provavelmente a menos dinâmica dentre as economias que então se industrializavam, é geralmente evocada como um desastre que tipifica a sina regional. A vasta maioria das investigações acerca desta divergência se concentra nas políticas econômicas domésticas e em seus resultados objetivos. Não obstante, tais políticas foram formuladas e aplicadas sob uma combinação de circunstâncias internacionais e políticas que podem variar consideravelmente de país para país ao longo do tempo. O objetivo deste texto é examinar em que medida algumas das particularidades destes dois casos naquilo que concerne ao processo político interno e à evolução da economia internacional moldaram a reação de cada qual ao cenário adverso. / At the end of the 1970s, a couple of external shocks namely, the second leap in petroleum prices and the readjust of American basic interest rate mark the beginning of divergent economic trends for East Asia and Latin America. For the prosperous tigers, the following decade would be a time for catching up, culminating with the symbolic promotion of its prodigy, South Korea, to the rank of a developed country by the time of Seouls Summer Olympics. In Latin America, inversely, the 1980s are generally nicknamed the Lost Decade, inaugurating an era of economic regression and political instability. Argentina, probably the worlds less dynamic industrializing economy at that time, is usually evoked as a disaster that typifies the regional fate. The vast majority of the investigations about this diversion concentrate on domestic economic policies and their objective results. Nonetheless, such policies were formulated and launched under a combination of international and political circumstances that can vary considerably from country to country and along the course of time. The aim of this text is to examine to what extent have some of these two cases particularities in what concerns to the domestic politic process and the evolution of international economy molded each national reaction to the adverse scenario.

Die Bedeutung der Inspiration für die Autorität der Schrift bei Calvin

Yang, Shin Hye 17 April 2009 (has links)
Die presbyterianische Kirche in Süd-Korea ist vor allem aufgrund von unterschiedlichen Auffassungen über die Verbalinspiration der Bibel in etwa 100 Denominationen gespalten. Der Streit hat sich um die Verbalinspiration in den 50er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts besonders auf die Auseinandersetzung zwischen Hyongyong Park als einem Vertreter der Verbalinspiration und Chaechun Kim als Vertreter der sogenannten „Sachinspiration“ fokussiert. Ich stellte in meiner Arbeit dar, wie es zu diesen Spaltungen gekommen ist, die ihre Wurzel schon in der presbyterianischen Mutterkirche in den USA haben. Dabei verdeutlichte ich, dass dieser Streit Auseinandersetzungen über grundsätzliche theologische und ethische Fragen zur Folge hatte, z. B. über den Kreationismus oder über die Frauenordination. Um einen Anstoß zu einem Versöhnungsprozess zwischen den gespaltenen presbyterianischen Kirchen in Süd-Korea zu geben, ging ich auf Johannes Calvin als einem der Väter der Presbyterianischen Kirche zurück, mit der Begründung, dass sich alle Parteien auf ihn berufen. Hilfreich ist dabei meine Analyse, wie Calvin die Inspiration der Schrift durch Gottes Geist verstanden hat. Ich habe zunächst untersucht, wie sich Calvin in seinen theologischen Schriften und exegetischen Arbeiten auf die Inspiration der Schrift bezogen hat. Auf dieser Grundlage werden dann die verschiedenen, in der Calvinforschung vertretenen Interpretationen von Calvins Begründung der Autorität der Schrift thematisiert; (1) was bei ihm „Wort Gottes“ bedeutet, inwiefern er dieses Wort als „spezielle Offenbarung“ versteht und in welchem Sinne er von einer „Selbstevidenz der Schrift“ redet. (2) Calvins Kanonverständnis wird berücksichtigt, obwohl es in der dem Schriftverständnis Calvins geltenden Forschung bislang verhältnismäßig geringe Aufmerksamkeit gefunden hat. (3) Darüber hinaus untersuchte Ich, dass Calvin das Verb dictare, auf das sich die Vertreter der Verbalinspirationslehre vor allem berufen, häufig verwendet, wenn er von der Inspiration der Schrift spricht. (4) Anschließend war es nötig, eine Auseinandersetzung mit der These zu führen, da Calvins Verständnis der Allmacht Gottes auf die Behauptung der Unfehlbarkeit der Schrift hinaus führt. / The Presbyteran church in South-Korea is divided in to around 100 different denominations because of their varying opinons about the verbal inspiration of the Bible. It results from the discussion about the verbal inspiration in the fifties between Hyongyong Park as the representative of the verbal inspiration und Chaechun Kim as the representative of the Understanding of the inspiration, which the Holy Spirit inspiriers only content of the Bible with regarding to the salvation of Jesus Christ. I gave a detailed description, how the church is seperated and showed the connection between the seperation of the Presbyteran church in Korea and in the USA and I became aware of the fact, that the discussion resulted in the disputes about creationism and ordination of woman. Every denomination refers to John Calvin as the spiritual father of the Presbyteran church. Therefore it would be helpful, if we considered, how Calvin unterstood the biblical inspiration by the Holy Spirit. At first we scrutinized, how Calvin reflected it in his theological writings und his biblical exegeses. On the basis of the results, I analysed the various interpretations, which researchers gave according to the verbal inspiration in their research. (1) We investigated, what the term of „Word of God“ meant, how Calvin establiched a connection between the „Word of God“ and the „special revelation“ and what he exactly signified as „self-authentication“. (2) We had to take the unterstanding of canon in to consideration, although the researchers of Calvin didn’t especially point it out. (3) We need to analyse the verb dictare, on the one side because of the fact that Calvin used it often, when he talked about the inspiration of the Bible and on the other side because the representatives of the concept of verbal-inspiration use it as an argument. (4) In addition it was necessary to reflect on the omnipotence of God, because it is connected with irrancy of the Bible.

An eclectic approach to enhancing the competitive advantage of nations : analyzing the success factors of East Asian economies with a focus on the development of South Korea / Une approche éclectique de l'amélioration de la compétitivité des avantages concurrentiels des nations : une analyse des facteurs du succès des économies d’Asie de l’Est à travers l'exemple de la Corée du Sud

Parc, Jimmyn 17 June 2014 (has links)
Les théories économiques existantes se concentrent sur les avantages que possède chaque pays en tant que facteurs essentiels pour le développement. Cependant, le succès sans précédent des économies d’Asie de l’Est, comme Hong Kong, Singapour, Taiwan et la Corée du Sud, ne peut pas être convenablement expliqué par ces théories antérieures car ces économies ont commencé leur développement sans avantages significatifs. L’examen du succès de ces économies devrait être abordé dans une perspective différente. Le but de la thèse est de développer une nouvelle approche laquelle permet de mieux déterminer les facteurs clés de la réussite du développement économique des quatre « dragons asiatiques ». / Existing economic theories focus on advantages that nations possess as a key factor to growth and success. However, the unprecedented success of East Asian economies cannot be appropriately explained by these earlier theories. The success of these countries should be addressed in a different way because they started their economic growth without any significant advantages. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to develop a new paradigm that can fully explain the key success factors for the economic development of East Asian economies.

A inteligência cultural na construção de joint ventures de países emergentes em setores de alta tecnologia: o caso HT Micron

Hommerding, Thiago Alberto January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-09T21:40:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 20b.pdf: 3176393 bytes, checksum: b85ec1ddba048cc511f230d9d7018d2c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-09T21:40:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 20b.pdf: 3176393 bytes, checksum: b85ec1ddba048cc511f230d9d7018d2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Nenhuma / O presente estudo teve como finalidade compreender a utilização da inteligência cultural em joint ventures internacionais em setores de alta tecnologia, tendo como estudo de caso a HT Micron, que nasceu da união do Grupo Parit, brasileiro, e da Hana Micron, sul-coreana, para compreensão dos passos realizados para a consolidação do negócio. A utilização da inteligência cultural ainda é um desafio para muitas pessoas e empresas, além de ser uma área pouco conhecida na academia, como aponta Livermore (2010), havendo um vasto campo de pesquisa a ser explorado e desenvolvido. Buscou-se apresentar uma série de informações sobre a empresa, avaliando os aspectos culturais envolvidos, a gestão intercultural e a inteligência cultural numa perspectiva melhor visualizada através do lado brasileiro da joint venture. Com base na fundamentação teórica, realizada através de pesquisa bibliográfica relacionada ao assunto, foi feito um estudo de caso exploratório, através de entrevistas e visitas pessoais a diferentes áreas da empresa e a pessoas que estiveram envolvidas na criação da empresa, desenvolvendo-se uma análise de conteúdo. A dissertação contextualiza sobre a área de semicondutores, descreve o processo de construção da joint venture HT Micron, apresenta como se dá a gestão intercultural na HT Micron e a utilização da inteligência cultural nesse contexto, além de sugerir um conjunto de recomendações nessa área para joint ventures internacionais, como a HT Micron. Como resultado da pesquisa, pode-se verificar que a empresa acaba por utilizar ações esporádicas para o desenvolvimento cultural, caracterizando uma baixa utilização de princípios de inteligência cultural na formação da joint venture, que poderiam ser melhor explorados no seu dia-a-dia. / The present study aimed to understand the use of cultural intelligence in international joint ventures in high-technology sectors, taking as case study the HT Micron, which was born from the union of the Brazilian Parit Group and South Korean Hana Micron to understand the steps performed to consolidate the business. The use of cultural intelligence still a challenge for many people and companies, as well as being an area little known in academy, as pointed Livermore (2010), with a wide field of research to be explored and developed. In this research was tried to provide a sequence of information about the company, assessing the cultural aspects involved in intercultural management and cultural intelligence, more visualized through the Brazilian side of the joint venture. Based on the theoretical reasons, performed through a literature research related to the subject, was created an exploratory case study, conducting interviews and personal visits to different areas of the company and people who were involved in the creation of the company, developing a content analysis. The theses contextualizes the semiconductor area, identifies the cultural aspects of the realization of the joint venture, shows how is the HT Micron in intercultural management and use of cultural intelligence, and suggest a set of recommendations in the area of cultural intelligence for international joint ventures as the HT Micron. As a result of the research can be seen that the company had sporadic actions in the cultural development, featuring a low utilization of the principles of cultural intelligence in the shaping of the joint venture, which could be better explored in the day-by-day operation.

Commerces et espaces marchands dans les villes sud coréennes : les centres commerciaux verticaux / Retail and Shopping Spaces in the South Korean Cities : Vertical shopping centers

Cho, Hun Hee 06 July 2015 (has links)
Pleinement intégrés dans les tissus urbains, les centres commerciaux verticaux se multiplient sous une forme variée sur le territoire sud-coréen depuis les années 1990. Un grand équipement urbain multifonctionnel, affichant une verticalité spatiale, présente une pluralité de comportements des consommateurs. La recherche s’interroge sur les principaux aspects de l’articulation entre le commerce et la ville et démontre comment interagissent la transformation de la société et la mutation des espaces marchands. L’hypothèse centrale est que d’une part ces nouveaux lieux marchands soient formés à partir du contexte local et que d’autre part ces lieux participeraient à une production urbaine spécifique et contribueraient ainsi à une recomposition sociale singulière. Dans ce cadre, la recherche interroge l’histoire locale, les conditions sociales, économiques, juridiques et culturelles comme matrice principale et s’appuie sur l’exemple des centres commerciaux verticaux à Séoul. À travers l’analyse géographique, la recherche aborde trois questions majeures : formes, dynamiques et pratiques urbaines qu’induisent ces lieux marchands. Les interrogations reposent aussi sur la variation des échelles d’analyse : villes, quartiers, lieu marchand et individu. Prenant l’architecture commerciale comme angle d’analyse, la recherche apporte un nouvel éclairage pour comprendre la morphologie actuelle de Séoul et aussi pour évaluer dans quelle mesure un tel équipement urbain peut contribuer à réinventer la ville. La thèse ouvre également une nouvelle perspective sur la circulation des modèles commerciaux dans le contexte de mondialisation actuelle et sur la verticalisation des espaces urbains. / Fully integrated into the urban fabric, vertical shopping centers multiply in varied form on South Korean territory since the 1990s. Large multifunctional urban equipment, displaying spatial verticality, has a plurality of consumer behavior. The research examines the main aspects of the articulation between the retail and the city and demonstrates how interact the transformation of society and the changing of shopping spaces. The central hypothesis is that on the one hand the new shopping places are formed from the local context and on the other hand these places would participate in a specific urban production and thus contribute to a singular social recomposition. In this framework, the research questions the local history and social, economic, legal, cultural situation as main matrix and is based on the example of vertical shopping centers in Seoul. Through geographic analysis the research addresses three major issues: forms, dynamic and urban practices that bring these shopping places. The questions are also based on the change in scales of analysis: cities, neighborhoods, shopping places and individual. Taking commercial architecture as analysis angle, the research provides new insights for understanding the present morphology of Seoul and also to assess how such urban equipment can contribute to reinvent the city. The thesis also opens up a new perspective on the circulation of retail models in the current context of globalization and the verticalization of urban spaces.

Women's education and social mobility in South Korea

Kim, Kyung-A. January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine women's educational attainment and social mobility in contemporary South Korea. This study seeks to answer to the following key research questions: 1) how much parents' characteristics such as occupational status and educational attainment, are important to their children's education and class; 2) the roles of educational qualification to occupational attainment in contemporary South Korea; 3) whether South Korea has become a more equal society with improved mobility chances for people of different social origins; and, 4) if there is a general pattern of social mobility and social fluidity in South Korea, how it is related to the change in the occupational positions of women. This research uses the Korean Labour and Income Panel Study (KLIPS) from 1998 to look at the changing relationship between social origin, education, and destination and what it indicates the role of education in the social mobility in Korea. The following tools are used for the analysis: I adopt Goldthorpe's class schema and CASMIN scales of educational qualifications. I then separately look at the association for men and women separately. Various statistical methods are subsequently employed to explore the substantive research questions: I use descriptive analysis for changes of Korea's educational attainment and look at absolute rates of mobility. Disparity ratios and odds ratios are used for describing the relative patterns and chances of educational attainment and mobility and regression model are used for analysing the impact of a range of factors on educational attainment and class destination. Finally, I draw on log-linear and log-multiplicative analysis for the trends in relative mobility and social fluidity. I find that access to education is still influenced by social background. Although the disparities between men and women become narrower across cohort, class and gender differentials in general educational attainment still apply to South Korea. Regarding the relative mobility rates, the results from disparity ratios show that the social class and gender differentials in class mobility still exist and the results of odds ratios confirm that social origin has a significant effect on children's social class destination. Looking at the origin-education (OE) association, class differences are still considerable and the relationship between class origins and educational attainment remains. Turning to the association between educational attainment and occupational destination (ED), qualifications continue to play a critical role in entry into the labour market remains, but there is no evidence that the association between education and destination has strengthened over time. Looking at the direct association between origins and destination (OD), the evidence shows the continuing association of origins on destinations. Regression analysis shows that the origin class effects upon educational attainment and occupational destinations were not dramatically decreased, but there were significant changes for women but not for men. The findings from the log-linear and log-multiplicative analysis suggest that there is trendless fluctuation and a stronger link between education and destination for women than for men.

韓日慰安婦協議:尚未解決的問題 / The ROK-Japan comfort women agreement: an unresolved issue

劉柔拿, Liu, Yuna Esther Unknown Date (has links)
2015 年年底,⽇本與韓國政府迅速發表有關慰安婦議題的協議。雖然此協 議在國際上獲得讚揚,然⽽卻引起韓國⼈民、慰安婦及⽀持者們的嚴厲批判。 這「最終定案」的協議被視為對犧牲者的背叛,於是幾百位韓國抗議⼈民,包 括慰安婦,⾛上街頭並譴責協議。簡⾔之,慰安婦議題橫亙韓⽇兩國之間且相 當棘⼿。過去幾⼗年,韓國⼈民對於⽇本的道歉感到不滿。因此本論⽂將探究 韓國⼈對於⽇本道歉持續不滿的原因。本研究會依循2015 年協議無效,並進⼀ 步揭露協議真正的⽬的。本論⽂以質量分析研討諸多學術性期刊、報告等資 料。 / At the end of year 2015, Japanese and South Korean governments announced a quick agreement over the long-standing issue of “comfort women.” While the agreement won international praises, it raised sharp criticisms from the South Korean citizens, the former comfort women and their supporters. This “final and irreversible” deal was seen as a betrayal of the victims, leading hundreds of South Korean protesters including former comfort women out on the street to denounce the deal. The comfort women issue remained a stubbornly unsolvable issue between the two countries. For the past decades, South Korean people were never satisfied with Japan’s past apologies. This thesis aims to study the reasons behind South Korean people’s constant dissatisfaction towards Japan’s allegations; to trace the ineffectiveness 2015 agreement; and to reveal the true purpose behind the agreement. This thesis is based on qualitative analysis of various scholarly books, journals and reports relevant to the topic at hand.

Feedback and Innovative Work Behavior among Local Government Employees in Korea: The Roles of Trust in Supervisor, Affective Commitment, and Risk-Taking Climate

Bak, HyeonUk 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanisms of how feedback from supervisor affects innovative work behavior among local government employees in Korea. Another purpose of this study is to explore the mediating roles of trust in supervisor and affective commitment, and the moderating role of risk-taking climate, using various theories, such as organizational support theory, social exchange theory, intrinsic motivation theory, and psychological climate theory. The results from a cross-sectional study based on a sample of 1,699 local government employees from 65 local governments find that feedback from supervisor has a significant direct effect on innovative work behavior. Trust in supervisor and affective commitment significantly mediate the relationship between feedback from supervisor and innovative work behavior. Feedback from supervisor has an indirect effect on innovative work behavior through its influence on trust in supervisor and affective commitment in serial. Risk-taking climate significantly moderates the relationship between affective commitment and innovative work behavior. Lastly, the results of moderated mediation model find that the conditional effects are significant at high levels of the moderator (at one standard deviation above the mean) and at the mean, while the conditional effect was not significant at low levels of moderator (at one standard deviation below the mean) for both two indirect effect paths (feedback from supervisor --> affective commitment --> innovative work behavior, and feedback from supervisor --> trust in supervisor --> affective commitment --> innovative work behavior).

Transformational Leadership and Job Satisfaction of Retired Army Noncommissioned Officers in South Korea

Williams, Terra 01 January 2012 (has links)
Organizations, including the military and their managers, have used transformational leadership for over 30 years to increase job satisfaction. The purpose of this correlation research study was to determine whether a relationship existed between transformational leadership and job satisfaction among retired Army noncommissioned officers who had rejoined the military workforce in South Korea. The research question was grounded in a synthesis of theories concerning transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ5X), the Job Descriptive Index (JDI), and Job in General (JIG) scales were used to gather data from 141 participants. Univariate analyses were used to document that MLQ5X transformational leadership subscale scores were high among the participants, and that they were satisfied with their jobs along all JDI/JIG subscales, except opportunity for promotion. Linear regression analysis and the chi-square test of independence were used to test associations between MLQ5X and JDI/JIG scores. The results from the linear regression indicated no significant relationship existed between transformational leadership and job satisfaction. To compensate for violations of parametric assumptions, a chi-square test was conducted with MLQ5X and JDI/JIG scores recoded into high/low transformational leadership and 3 levels of satisfaction (dissatisfied, undecided, satisfied). A significant association between transformational leadership and job satisfaction was observed. The combined results contributed to the conclusion that transformational leadership can contribute to job satisfaction, but that it can also lead to dissatisfaction if organizational conditions do not support the approach. The study contributes to positive social change by inform planning to improve higher morale and increased productivity among soldiers.

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