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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Swedish absolute reflexive construction in a cross-linguistic perspective

Bondarenko, Alice January 2020 (has links)
Swedish has the absolute reflexive construction, where a reflexive marker appears to be usedas an antipassive marker. Similar constructions, with omitted objects and reflexive marking on the verb, are found in Slavic and Baltic languages and is only possible with a small set of verbs.This study examines this group of verbs in Swedish and a sample of European languages andfinds that the verbs express unwanted action on an animate patient. They also share features of non-resultativity, potential reciprocality and atelicity. A set of core meanings, including ‘hit’,‘push’ and ‘bite’ are the most frequently occurring in absolute reflexives also in Slavic and Baltic languages. Lexical semantics hence play an important role in the extension of functions of reflexive markers in these languages. There is a functional overlap of reciprocal and absolute reflexive function in all of the languages, resulting in clauses with ambiguous reading between reciprocal and antipassive. It is suggested that the antipassive function of reflexive markers has grammaticalized from the reciprocal function of this marker. / I svenska finns en absolut reflexiv konstruktion, där en reflexivmarkör verkar fungera som en antipassivmarkör. Liknande konstruktioner, med utelämnat objekt och reflexiv markering på predikatet, finns även i slaviska och baltiska språk och är bara möjliga med en liten grupp verb. Den här studien undersöker denna grupp av verb i svenska och i ett urval av europeiska språk och visar att verben uttrycker oönskad handling på en animat patient. Verben är också icke-resultativa, potentiellt reciproka och ateliska. En grupp av kärnbetydelser som ’slå’, ’knuffa’och ’sparka’ är de vanligast förekommande i absolut reflexiva konstruktioner även i slaviska och baltiska språk. Lexikal semantik spelar följaktligen en viktig roll i utvidgningen av funktioner av reflexivmarkörer i dessa språk. Det finns en funktionell överlappning mellan reciproka verb och absolut reflexiv i alla språken i undersökningen, vilket resulterar i satser med två möjliga tolkningar: reciprok och antipassiv. En grammatikalisering av reflexivmarkörer från reciprok funktion till antipassiv funktion föreslås

On the Persian compound verb

O'Neill, Brian Leander. January 1978 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1978 O54 / Master of Arts

An experimental study of the English verb system and the difficulties it poses for Chinese secondary pupils

Cheng, Hsü-ning, William., 鄭旭寧. January 1968 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Arts in Education

The Lexical Prosodic Phonology of Japanese verbs.

Ishihara, Masahide January 1991 (has links)
In this dissertation, I propose a model of the Lexicon in order to have a satisfactory account of interactions between morphology and phonology. The model is a modification of Lexical Prosodic Phonology introduced in Inkelas (1989). The main point of this study is that there are three types of morphological operations defined by the number of prosodic domains constructed corresponding to one morphological domain. (1) Three types of morphological operations: (a) One that constructs two new prosodic domains; (b) One that constructs one new prosodic domain; and (c) One that does not construct any new prosodic domain. The first two types are cyclic, while the third one is noncyclic. The three types of morphology are referred to as compounding, cyclic affixation, and noncyclic affixation, respectively. Interaction between morphology and phonology in Japanese verbs provides arguments for the three-way distinction of morphology. Some rules apply only in compounding; some other rules take effect only in cyclic affixation; some rules take effect in all three morphological processes. Nonapplication of rules is due to either their structural description or their nonstructural property. In the former case, the structural description of a cyclic rule is not satisfied because of prosodic representation. In the latter case, a cyclic rule does not apply, even if the structural description is satisfied, because the domain is noncyclic.

Veiksmažodžių darybinių sinonimų vartosena / The usage of derivatives synonyms of verbs

Žvybaitė, Vilma 27 August 2009 (has links)
Veiksmažodžių darybiniai sinonimai yra bendrašakniai, skirtingus darybos afiksus ir panašią arba tapačią leksinę reikšmę turintys vediniai. Iš Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno (2000, Vilnius) buvo išrinkti 1477 veiksmažodžių vediniai ir sudarytos 709 darybinių sinonimų eilės. Darybiniai sinonimai pagal darybos būdų santykiavimą suskirstyti į sinonimiškus priesagų vedinius ir sinonimiškus priešdėlių vedinius. Veiksmažodžių darybiniai sinonimai nepasižymi didele stilistine įvairove: tai dažniausiai neutralūs žodžiai (1412 vedinių), tačiau yra tokių vedinių, kurių bent vienas narys turi kokią nors pažymą: šnekamosios kalbos žodžiai (32 vediniai), tarmybės (12 vedinių). Veiksmažodžių vediniai gali turėti variantų (sudarytos 8 darybinių variantų poros). Veiksmažodžių darybiniai sinonimai gali skirtis vartosenos dažnumu. / Derivative synonyms of verbs are the kind of synonyms which have the same root, different derivational affixes and similar or identical lexical meaning. 1477 derivatives from the Dictionary of Modern Lithuanian published in 2000 were included into 709 rows of derivative synonyms. The rows of derivative synonyms are formed of the derivatives with various suffixes and prefixes. There are many derivative synonyms of verbs (1412 derivatives) which do not differ stylistically – all the synonyms belong to neutral lexicon. Stylistically marked items of the synonyms of verbs are colloquialism (32 derivatives), vernacularisms (12 derivatives). The derivatives of verbs can have variants (8 couple of derivative variants were formed). Derivative synonyms of verbs may be different in intensity – used frequently or seldom.

Pragmatische und morphologische Analyse von Verben des Mitteilens (an Beispielen der Polizeiberichte) / Pragmatinė ir morfologinė pranešimo veiksmažodžių analizė (pagal policijos pranešimų pavyzdžius) / Pragmatical and morphological analysis of the Verbs Related to Giving News (according to examples of the police announcments)

Bronušaitė, Indrė 02 September 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Abschlussarbeit setzte sich zum Ziel, die Verben des Mitteilens in den Zeitungen Stuttgarter Nachrichten und Berliner Morgenpost zu analysieren. Die dabei insbesondere in den Blick genommenen Redemittel waren die Verben des Mitteilens in den Polizeiberichten als Untersuchungsquelle, weil sie beim Informieren auf den Informationssender sowie –empfänger in der genannten Textsorte sehr häufig vorkommen. Beim Analysieren von Verben des Mitteilens in beiden genannten Zeitungen wurden folgende Schlussfolgerungen gezogen: 1. Es wurden 220 Belege von Polizeiberichten, je 110 aus den Zeitungen Stuttgarter Nachrichten (StN) und Berliner Morgenpost (BMp) gefunden. Jeder Bericht wurde nach seinem Inhalt zur bestimmten Gruppe zugeordnet: Berichte über Verkehrsunfälle, Unglücksfälle, Brände, Diebstähle und Überfälle, Drohungen, Morde und andere Arten der Berichte. 2. In jedem Polizeibericht von dieser Art wurde nach den Verben des Mitteileins (s. S. 16) gesucht und nach dem pragmatischen Prinzip analysiert. Nach der Analyse wurde folgender Schluss gezogen, dass mit den Verben dieser Art nicht nur die Polizei bzw. zu der anderen Gerechtigkeitsinstitution gehörende Person, sondern auch die Bürger zu den Informationssendern werden können: • Bei der Vermittlung der Information verwenden die Journalisten in den Polizeiberichten meistens das Verb mitteilen (StN – 46,75 %; BMp – 44,44 %). Mit diesem Verb des Mitteilens wird oft auf einen Informationssender Polizei und nur... [der volle Text, siehe weiter] / Šio bakalauro darbo tema – „Pragmatinė ir morfologinė pranešimo veiksmažodžių analizė (pagal policijos pranešimų pavyzdžius). Tyrimo tikslas – iš Vokietijos laikraščių Stuttgarter Nachrichten (StN) (liet. Štutgarto Naujienos) ir Berliner Morgenpost (BMp) (liet. Rytinis Berlyno paštas) išrinktų policijos pranešimų, suskirstytų į grupes pagal suteikiamą informaciją, ir juose rastų pranešimo veiksmažodžių analizė, remiantis pragmatiniu bei morfologiniu aspektais. Iš viso buvo rasta 220 policijos pranešimų, kiekviename laikraštyje po 110. Šiuose pranešimuose 313 kartų aptikti pranešimo veiksmažodžiai. Vartodami kiekvieną iš šių veiksmažodžių žurnalistai suteikia tam tikrą informaciją apie įvykio priežastis, pasekmes, aplinkybes ir pan. skaitytojui. Dažniausiai policijos pranešimuose buvo aptinkami veiksmažodžiai: mitteilen (liet. pranešti), sagen (liet. sakyti), alarmieren (liet. iškviesti pagal aliarmą), berichten (liet. pranešti, duoti žinią), melden (liet. pranešti, paskelbti), ankündigen (liet. paskelbti, pranešti), aussagen (liet. pasakyti, pareikšti) ir kt. (žr. psl. 16). Kiekvienu iš šių veiksmažodžiųžurnalistai nusako informacijos apie įvykį skleidėją, kuris pranešimuose dažnai įvardijamas kaip policijos ar kita teisėtvarkai priklausanti institucija. Tačiau galima rasti ir tokių pranešimų, kuomet policininkai tampa informacijos gavėjais, pavyzdžiui, veiksmažodžiu alarmieren visuomet nusakoma, jog gyventojai pranešė policijai apie nusikalstamą veiką ar nelaimingą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Pragmatical and morphological analysis of the Verbs Related to Giving News (according to examples of the police announcments).

Acquisition de schémas prédicatifs verbaux en japonais / Verbal predicate-frame acquisition in Japanese

Marchal, Pierre 15 October 2015 (has links)
L'acquisition de connaissances relatives aux constructions verbales est une question importante pour le traitement automatique des langues, mais aussi pour la lexicographie qui vise à documenter les nouveaux usages linguistiques. Cette tâche pose de nombreux enjeux, techniques et théoriques. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à deux aspects fondamentaux de la description du verbe : la notion d'entrée lexicale et la distinction entre arguments et circonstants. A la suite de précédentes études en traitement automatique des langues et en linguistique nous faisons l'hypothèse qu’il n’y a pas de distinction marquée entre homonymes et quasi-synonymes ; de même, nous posons qu’il existe un continuum entre arguments et circonstants. Nous proposons une chaîne de traitement complète pour l'acquisition de schémas prédicatifs verbaux en japonais à partir d'un corpus non étiqueté de textes journalistiques. Cette chaîne de traitement intègre la notion d'argumentalité au processus de création des entrées lexicales et met en œuvre une modélisation de ces deux continuums. La ressource produite a fait l'objet d'une évaluation comparative qualitative, qui a permis de mettre en évidence la difficulté des ressources linguistiques à décrire de nouvelles données, plaidant par là même pour une lexicologie s'inscrivant dans le cadre épistémologique de la linguistique de corpus. / Lexical knowledge acquisition of verbal constructions is an important issue for natural language processing as well as lexicography, which aims at referencing emerging linguistic usages. Such a task implies numerous challenges, technical as well as theoretical. In this thesis, we had a closer look at two fundamental aspects of the description of the verb: the notion of lexical item and the distinction between arguments and adjuncts. Following up on studies in natural language processing and linguistics, we embrace the hypothesis that there is no clear distinction between homonyms and quasi-synonyms, and the hypothesis of a continuum between arguments and adjuncts. We provide a complete approach to lexical knowledge acquisition of verbal constructions from an untagged news corpus. The acquisition process makes use of the notion of argumenthood, and builds models of the two continuums. Our lexicon has been evaluated on a qualitative and comparative basis. Siding with lexicography anchored in the theoretical framework of corpus linguistics, we show the difficulty of using lexical resources to describe as yet unseen data.

Das Verbalsystem des Vatikanski Hrvatski Molitvenik

König, Dorothea January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
No abstract available

Translating animal verbs from English to Chinese :a corpus-assisted study

Choi, Chi Ha January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of English

Do tempo e do aspecto entre o árabe e o português / Tense and Aspect in Arabic and in Portuguese

Lima, Suely Ferreira 08 December 2016 (has links)
Esta tese investiga a expressão do Tempo e do Aspecto nas línguas árabe e portuguesa, a fim de estabelecer uma discussão de como as duas formas que compõem o seu sistema verbal - /almāḍī/ e almuḍāriᶜ/, aqui denominadas perfectivo e imperfectivo, respectivamente -, podem ser representadas no português do Brasil. O método de análise partiu da leitura e tradução do texto tomado como corpus, o conto \"O tapete persa\" de Hanan Aššayḫ, seguidas da identificação das formas verbais a serem analisadas, para lançar uma proposta de tradução de acordo com a divisão temporal do quadro do sistema verbal do português. Foi feita, para cada tempo (ou modo) que traduziu as formas árabes, uma discussão da decisão, levando em conta o contexto, sua interpretação temporal/aspectual, e, também, a Aktionsart de cada item verbal. O que se descobriu nesta pesquisa coincidiu com as conclusões apontadas nos trabalhos discutidos, como Cuvalay-Haak (1997), Holes (2004) e Bahloul (2008), sobre a língua árabe de que o perfectivo é mais comumente empregado na indicação de tempo passado, em ambientes neutros, onde outras interpretações não são possíveis, e, ao mesmo tempo, o aspecto perfectivo. O imperfectivo comporta-se semelhantemente ao tempo flexional presente do português e expressa o tempo simultâneo ao momento da fala, o futuro, o passado ou não apresenta nenhuma ligação com o tempo; pode ainda ser traduzido pelas três formas nominais, quando em perífrase. Na área aspectual, expressa o imperfectivo com verbos durativos ou, com verbos pontuais, o perfectivo ou o iterativo; precedido do verbo ﮐﺍن /kāna/ indica a continuidade do evento no passado, com uma leitura de situação habitual ou iterativa; ocorre, também, com ﻤﺎ ﺯﺍﻝ /mā zāla/ para indicar a continuidade no presente. / This thesis investigates Tense and Aspect expression in Arabic and Portuguese language, in order to establish a discussion of how both forms that composes its verbal system - /almāḍī/ and almuḍāriᶜ/, here named as perfective and imperfective, respectively -, can be represented in Brazilian Portuguese. The analysis method started from the reading and translation of the text took as corpus \"The Persian Carpet\", a Hanan Aššayḫ\'s short story following the verbal forms identification to be analyzed in order to propose a translation according to the temporal division of the Portuguese verbal system structure. That was a discussion of the decision for each tense (or mood) that translated the Arabic forms, taking into account the context, it\'s temporal/apectual interpretation and also the Aktionsart of each verb. This research finding coincided with conclusions pointed out by studies about Arabic language, such Cuvalay-Haak (1997), Holes (2004) and Bahloul (2008), that the perfective is generally used in the past tense indication, in neutral situations, where others interpretations are not possible or, at the same time, the perfective aspect. The imperfective (tense and aspect) behaves like the portuguese\'s present tense and also expresses the simultaneous time at the moment of speech, the future, the past or have no temporal link; it can even be translated by the three nominal forms, when in periphrasis. In the aspectual area, it expresses the imperfective with durative verbs, or with pontual verbs, the perfective or the iterative; preceded by the verb ﮐﺍن /kāna/ it indicates the event continuity in the past, with an habitual or iterative situation reading; it occurs also with the verb ﻤﺎ ﺯﺍﻝ /mā zāla/ to indicate the continuity in the present.

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