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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A estrutura argumental da língua Dâw / The argument structure of the Dâw language

Jéssica Clementino da Costa 09 June 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve e analisa a estrutura argumental e as classes verbais da língua Dâw (família Nadahup, Amazonas). Estudamos os verbos dessa língua do ponto de vista semântico e sintático, identificando classes e subclasses de acordo com o comportamento morfossintático das raízes verbais. Além disso, avaliamos as hipóteses descritivas e explicativas das classes verbais identificadas por Martins (2004), primeira pesquisadora a abordar a morfossintaxe Dâw. Nosso arcabouço teórico é a teoria de estrutura argumental desenvolvida por Hale & Keyser (2002), que propõe uma análise da sintaxe e da semântica dos itens lexicais por meio da estrutura argumental sistema de relações estruturais estabelecidas entre o núcleo e seus argumentos, dentro de estruturas sintáticas projetadas pelo próprio núcleo. Por meio de testes linguísticos variados, incluindo alternância de valência e julgamento de (a)gramaticalidade, reclassificamos as nove classes verbais identificadas por Martins (2004) em três classes de acordo com a valência do verbo: classe dos verbos intransitivos, classe dos verbos transitivos e classe dos verbos bitransitivos. Martins (2004) afirma que, na sentença, os verbos podem mudar de tom devido à presença de um morfema tonal transitivizador ou intransitivizador. Contudo, mostramos neste trabalho que o sistema tonal da língua, no nível da sentença, é previsível. Desse modo, independentemente do processo de aumento de valência envolvido, percebemos que a mudança tonal dos verbos decorre devido ao fraseamento fonológico das sentenças. Quanto ao processo de transitivização, este identificou subclasses de verbos intransitivos: verbos alternantes e verbos nãoalternantes. As restrições de alternância devem-se à estrutura argumental de cada tipo verbal. No caso dos verbos intransitivos alternantes ou inacusativos, observamos que eles são formados a partir de estrutura diádica composta, que projeta um especificador interno e um complemento, o que lhe permite alternar entre uma forma intransitiva e transitiva. No caso dos verbos não-alternantes encontramos três padrões: verbos denominais e inergativos, formados a partir de uma estrutura argumental monádica (que não projeta especificador interno), o que impede a alternância; verbos inacusativos nãoalternantes, formados a partir de uma estrutura monádica que toma como complemento uma estrutura diádica básica verbos desse tipo não alternam, pois eles não são formados por uma estrutura diádica, mas contêm tal estrutura; e ve b s e jetiv is, formados a partir de uma cópula que toma como complemento um adjetivo. Uma vez que raiz e núcleo verbal possuem conteúdo fonológico pleno (não vazio), não é possível fazer conflation entre núcleo e raiz, o que impede que o predicado verbal seja formado. Essa estrutura explica a agramaticalidade desses verbos frente ao processo de transitivização automática. Também testamos a sintaxe e a semântica da intransitivização (construções incoativas, voz passiva, reflexiva e média). De modo geral, percebemos que não há morfologia específica para a construção de sentenças médias, incoativas ou anticausativas. Não existem passivas em Dâw; no lugar desta voz, os falantes produzem sentenças incoativas ou com o sujeito subespecificado. As sentenças reflexivas são geradas por meio de pronomes reflexivos na posição de objeto da sentença. Por fim, vimos que objetos diretos de sentenças transitivas são marcados pelo morfema {-uuy\'} analisados por nós como MDO. Sua aplicação está condicionada a restrições semânticas de definitude e animacidade / This thesis describes and analyzes the argument structure and verbal classes of the Dâw language (Nadahup family, Amazon). We studied the verbs of that language from the semantic and syntactic perspective, identifying classes and subclasses according to the morphosyntactic behavior of verbal roots. Furthermore, we evaluated the descriptive and explanatory hypotheses of verb classes identified by Martins (2004), the first researcher to address Dâw morphosyntax. Our theoretical framework is the theory of argument structure developed by Hale & Keyser (2002), which proposes an analysis of the syntax and semantics of lexical items by means of the argument structure the pattern of structural relations between the head and its arguments within syntactical structures projected by the head itself. Through various language tests, including verbal valency alternation and judgment of (a)grammaticality, we reclassified the nine verb classes identified by Martins (2004) into three classes according to the verbal valency: the classes of intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and bitransitive verbs. Martins (2004) states that, in the sentence, the verbs may change in tone due to the presence of a transitivizing or intransitivizing tonal morpheme. However, we show in this paper that the tonal system of the language is predictable at the sentence level. Thus, regardless of the valency-increasing process involved, we realized that the tonal change of verbs arises due to the phonological phrasing of sentences. Regarding the transitivization process, subclasses of intransitive verbs were identified: alternating and non-alternating verbs. The restrictions on alternation are due to the argument structure of each verb type. In the case of unaccusative or alternating intransitive verbs, we observed that they are formed from a composite dyadic structure, projecting an internal specifier and a complement, which allows them to switch between intransitive and transitive forms. In the case of non-alternating verbs we found three patterns: denominal and unergative verbs, based on a monadic argument structure (that does not project internal specifier) that prevents alternation; non-alternating unaccusative verbs based on a monadic structure that takes a basic dyadic structure as a complement verbs of this type do not alternate because they are not formed by a dyadic structure, but contain such a structure n e jectiv l ve bs, f me f m c p l ve b th t t kes n jective s complement. Since the root and verbal head have full (non-empty) phonological content, no conflation is possible between head and root, which prevents the formation of the verbal predicate. This structure explains the agrammaticality of these verbs with regard to the automatic transitivization process. We also tested the syntax and semantics of intransitivization (inchoative constructions, passive, reflexive and middle voices). In general, we found that there is no specific morphology for constructing middle, inchoative or anticausative sentences. There are no passives in Dâw; in place of this voice, the speakers form sentences that are inchoative or have a subspecified subject. Reflexive sentences are created using reflexive pronouns in the position of the object of the sentence. Finally, we found that direct objects of transitive sentences are marked by the {-uuy\'} morpheme analyzed by us as DOM. Its use is subject to semantic constraints of definiteness and animacy

Para uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe / For a standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb

Paula da Costa Caffaro 22 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na investigação da terminologia gramatical árabe, visando à padronização em língua portuguesa. Tendo em vista a grande quantidade dos fenômenos linguísticos, a análise restringiu-se às denominações da classe verbal. Dez termos principais e dezesseis termos secundários foram investigados em três corpora constituídos de gramáticas árabe-árabes; gramáticas árabes elaboradas por arabistas e de obras de referência cujo tema é a terminologia gramatical árabe. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é propor uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe que seja aparente aos leitores especializados brasileiros, a priori, e aos pesquisadores lusófonos cujo objeto de estudo seja a língua árabe. Elabora-se ainda um glossário terminológico Árabe-Português/ Português-Árabe. / This work consists of an investigation of Arabic grammatical terminology, aiming at the standardization in Portuguese language. In view of the great amount of linguistic phenomena, the analysis was restricted to the verbal class names. Ten principal terms and sixteen secondary terms were investigated in three corpora constituted by Arabic-Arabic Grammars; Arabic Grammar elaborated by Arabists and other reference works on Arabic Grammatical Terms. The main aim of this search is to suggest standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb which can be understandable to Brazilian skilled readers, at first, to Lusophone searchers whose study objective is Arabic language. It is elaborated a Terminological Glossary Arabic-Portuguese/ Portuguese-Arabic.

Tempo, aspecto e modo verbais e o gênero textual carta do leitor: análise de tarefas do Celpe-Bras / Time, aspect and verbal modes and the readers letter genre: task analysis of Celpe-Bras

Samira Ahmad Orra 13 December 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo verificar os usos dos verbos no gênero textual carta do leitor através da análise das produções textuais de estrangeiros no Exame do Celpe-Bras. Nosso corpus é composto por redações de estudantes de língua portuguesa, realizadas a partir de duas tarefas do Celpe-Bras que exigiam a redação de uma carta do leitor. As tarefas foram aplicadas a alunos de língua portuguesa para estrangeiros em São Paulo. Partimos, para a análise, do pressuposto de que o verbo desempenha um papel fundamental na construção discursiva do texto (Travaglia, 1991 e Castilho, 2012) e recorremos a metodologia de Vargas (2011) que demonstra por meio da análise textual como o uso do verbo participa da produção do sentido. Também desenvolvemos reflexões sobre a relação entre argumentação e modo (indicativo ou subjuntivo), tempo (pretérito, presente e futuro) e aspecto (perfectivo ou imperfectivo) do verbo. / This thesis aims to determine the uses of verbs in the genre Reader´s letter through the analysis of textual productions of foreigners in the Brazilian Official Examination of the Proficiency of Portuguese Language for foreigners (CELPE-Bras). Our corpus consists of the redactions of the students of Portuguese Language, made from two tasks of CELPE- Celpe that required the writing of a reader`s letter. The tasks were applied to students of Portuguese as a Foreign Language in São Paulo. We go to the analysis with the hypothesis that the verb plays a key role in the discursive construction of the text (Travaglia, 1991 and Castilho, 2012), and we used the methodology of Vargas (2011) that demonstrates that by textual analysis how the use of verb participates in the production of the sense. We also developed reflections on the relationship between argumentation and the verbal categories like mode (indicative or subjunctive), time (past, present or future), and aspect (perfective vs. imperfective).

Descrição e análise morfossintática do nome e do verbo em Pykobjê-Gavião (Timbira) / Description and morphosyntactic analysis of noun and verb classes in Pykobjê-Gavião (Timbira)

Talita Rodrigues da Silva 24 October 2011 (has links)
No presente estudo descrevemos e analisamos, sob o viés morfossintático, as partes do discurso que se diferenciam no dialeto Timbira conhecido como Pykobjê- Gavião (Tronco Macro-Jê, Família Jê). Através de uma abordagem tipológicofuncionalista, discutimos (i) aspectos de tipologia e ordem de palavras, (ii) distinção entre as duas classes de palavras mais comuns no rol das línguas naturais do mundo, isto é, nome e verbo e (iii) demais classes de palavras observáveis nessa variante linguística, na medida em que se relacionam a nome e verbo. Veremos que os nomes funcionam em Pykobjê-Gavião, basicamente, como núcleo de argumento; ao passo que o verbo, que é mais fomentador de relações, tem como principal atribuição dentro da frase atuar como núcleo de predicado. Os verbos se dividem, por sua vez, em verbos intransitivos simples (único argumento: Sa, So ou Sio) ou intransitivos estendidos e verbos transitivos simples (dois argumentos: A e P) ou transitivos estendidos. Para fundamentar a análise utilizaremos, principalmente, Comrie (1985), Dik (1997), Dryer (1999), Givón (1997, 2001), Payne (1997) e Schachter (2007). / In this thesis, we have described and analyzed, under the bias morphosyntactic, the parts-of-speech systems we could differ in one Timbiras dialect, known as Pykobjê- Gavião (Macro-Jê Branch, Jê Family). Via a functional-typological approach, we have discussed (i) some aspects about language typology and word order correlations, (ii) some distinctions between noun and verb classes, i.e., the most usual word classes among all natural languages and (iii) some others word classes we could observe in this dialect to extent that they are related to noun and verb. We will see that the names work in Pykobjê-Gavião basically as the core of the argument, whereas the verb, which is high promoter relations, within the clause acts mainly as the core of the predicate. Verbs can be divided for analysis into intransitive verbs (single argument: Sa, So or Sio) or extended intransitive verbs and transitive verbs (two arguments: A and P) or extended transitive verbs. To support our analysis we will use, mainly, Comrie (1985), Dik (1997), Dryer (1999), Givón (1997, 2001), Payne (1997) e Schachter (2007).

Para uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe / For a standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb

Caffaro, Paula da Costa 22 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na investigação da terminologia gramatical árabe, visando à padronização em língua portuguesa. Tendo em vista a grande quantidade dos fenômenos linguísticos, a análise restringiu-se às denominações da classe verbal. Dez termos principais e dezesseis termos secundários foram investigados em três corpora constituídos de gramáticas árabe-árabes; gramáticas árabes elaboradas por arabistas e de obras de referência cujo tema é a terminologia gramatical árabe. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é propor uma padronização em português da terminologia morfossintática do verbo árabe que seja aparente aos leitores especializados brasileiros, a priori, e aos pesquisadores lusófonos cujo objeto de estudo seja a língua árabe. Elabora-se ainda um glossário terminológico Árabe-Português/ Português-Árabe. / This work consists of an investigation of Arabic grammatical terminology, aiming at the standardization in Portuguese language. In view of the great amount of linguistic phenomena, the analysis was restricted to the verbal class names. Ten principal terms and sixteen secondary terms were investigated in three corpora constituted by Arabic-Arabic Grammars; Arabic Grammar elaborated by Arabists and other reference works on Arabic Grammatical Terms. The main aim of this search is to suggest standardization in Portuguese of the morphosynthatic terminology of the Arabic verb which can be understandable to Brazilian skilled readers, at first, to Lusophone searchers whose study objective is Arabic language. It is elaborated a Terminological Glossary Arabic-Portuguese/ Portuguese-Arabic.

The predicative relative construction in Tsonga : (a descriptive study of its form and function)

Mayevu, George Shirhami January 1978 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African Languages)) --University of the North, 1978 / Refer to the document

La structure verbale en chinois mandarin : un problème d'étiquetage ? / The VP structure in Mandarin Chinese : a labeling probleme ?

Zhao, Chen 29 May 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur deux phénomènes syntaxiques importants du chinois mandarin: la construction à copie du verbe et la construction en BA, chacun desquels pose un défi à l'approche générative de la linguistique. Nous avons proposé dans le travail une analyse par étiquetage qui permet éventuellement d'unifier les deux phénomènes qui sont à première vue très différents. Dans la partie sur le phénomène de copie du verbe, nous avons avancé l'idée que la forme de la copie du verbe est dérivée par le mouvement du VP qui fait partie d'une des stratégies grammaticales pour rendre labélisable la structure formée par la fusion entre le complément postverbal et AspP, qui est du type {XP, YP} dans les termes de Chomsky (2013). Dans la partie sur les constructions en BA, en nous basant sur l'hypothèse du mouvement, nous supposons que le mouvement du NP (le BA-NP) est pour satisfaire des exigences de sous-catégorisation de l'élément BA, que le Merge interne du NP avec le vP donne lieu à une structure nominale qui porte le label [φ], et que le rôle de BA est de fournir un label verbal à cette structure nominale sous T, qui autrement serait exclue à l'interface C-I / -résumé en anglais:The thesis mainly discusses two important syntactic phenomenons of Mandarin Chinese: verb copying constructions and BA-constructions, each of which presents a challenge to the generative approach of linguistics. I provided in the thesis a labeling analysis that allows to unify the two phenomena which are very different en the surface. In the part of verb copying constructions, I put forward the idea that the verb copying form is derived by VP movement, one of the grammatical strategies to provide a label to the unlabelable structure formed by the internal Merge between the postverbal complement and AspP, resulting in a {XP, YP} structure in the terms of Chomsky (2013). In the part of BA-construction, based on the movement hypothesis, I proposed that the movement of NP (the BA-NP) is to satisfy the subcategorization requirement of BA, and the internal Merge between the NP and the vP gives rise to a nominal structure labeled [φ], and we argue further that the role of BA is to provide a verbal label to the nominal structure under T, which otherwise, would be ruled out at the CI interface

L'évidentialité en anglais - approche contrastive à partir d'un corpus anglais-tibétain / Evidentiality in English - a contrastive study on a Tibetan- English corpus

Mélac, Éric 12 December 2014 (has links)
Cette étude vise à fournir une description détaillée de l’évidentialité en anglais dans une approche contrastive avec le tibétain. Elle repose sur un corpus spécialement recueilli au Tibet et en Angleterre (TSC et CSC/LAC, 2010-2012, 10 h.). Le tibétain possède un système évidentiel complexe et grammaticalisé dont la description peut fournir une grille d’analyse préliminaire pour notre étude de l’évidentialité en anglais. Des exemples authentiques et des données quantitatives issus du corpus nous permettent d’illustrer et de compléter les descriptions du groupe verbal tibétain dans plusieurs travaux pionniers antérieurs à la présente recherche (Tournadre & Sangda Dorje 1998) afin de poser les bases de la sémantique évidentielle. Les marqueurs évidentiels qui émergent dans les parties tibétaine et anglaise du corpus sont examinés afin de déterminer les paramètres qui motivent leur utilisation. Les marqueurs tibétains sont principalement grammaticaux et intégrés à des paradigmes syntaxiques : copules, suffixes verbaux et enclitiques. Les marqueurs évidentiels anglais sont lexicaux ou semi-grammaticaux : verbes de perception, verbes de cognition, verbes de discours, modaux, adverbes, conjoints, parenthétiques et marqueurs de discours (Nuyts 2001a, Cappelli 2007, Sanders & Sweetser 2009, Mortensen 2010, Whitt 2010, Gisborne 2010, Miller 2008, Boulonnais 2010, Gurajek 2010, Kaltenböck et coll. 2011, Heine 2013). Cette description de l’évidentialité en tibétain et en anglais nous permet d’analyser les conséquences d’un rendu grammatical ou lexical de cette notion (Talmy 2000, Bybee et coll. 1994, Nuyts 2001a, Boye & Harder 2009). Des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives du corpus contrastif et sur large corpus illustrent les différences de complexité, d'optionalité, de fréquence, de restriction sémantique, de prise en charge, de statut informatif, et de stratégie de discours dans les deux systèmes.Enfin, nous réévaluons la dichotomie, souvent considérée comme acquise, entre évidentialité grammaticale et lexicale (Aikhenvald 2004). Nous avançons que les marqueurs évidentiels des deux langues se positionnent à différents endroits sur un continuum multidimensionnel lexique-grammaire. Cette étude ne remet pas en question que le système évidentiel tibétain est plus grammaticalisé que le système anglais, mais démontre que ce dernier présente tous les signes d’une grammaticalisation partielle. Nous concluons ainsi que l’évidentialité est une notion pertinente et nécessaire pour une description linguistique complète de l’anglais. / This study aims to give a detailed description of evidentiality in English in contrast with Tibetan. It is based on a specialised corpus collected in Tibet and in England (TSC and CSC/LAC, 2010-2012, 10 h.).Tibetan has a complex and grammaticalised evidential system, and its description can provide a preliminary analytical grid for a semantic assessment of English evidentiality. Athentic examples and quantitative data from the corpus illustrate and supplement the analyses of the Tibetan verb phrase from previous research (Tournadre & Sangda Dorje 1998), in order to lay the foundation of the semantics of evidentiality. The evidential markers that emerge in the Tibetan and English sections of the corpus are examined so as to determine the parameters that motivate their usage. Tibetan evidentials are mainly grammatical and paradigmatised: copulas, verb suffixes and enclitics. English evidentials are either lexical or semi-grammatical: perception verbs, cognition verbs, speech verbs, modals, adverbs, conjuncts, parentheticals and discourse markers (Nuyts 2001a, Cappelli 2007, Sanders & Sweetser 2009, Mortensen 2010, Whitt 2010, Gisborne 2010, Miller 2008, Boulonnais 2010, Gurajek 2010, Kaltenböck et al. 2011, Heine 2013).This survey of Tibetan and English evidentiality provides precise data for the analysis of the consequences of a grammatical or a lexical rendering of this notion (Talmy 2000, Bybee et al. 1994, Nuyts 2001a, Boye & Harder 2009). Qualitative and quantitative evidence illustrates the differences in complexity, optionality, frequency, semantic restriction, speaker commitment, informative status and discourse strategy in the two systems. Finally, this study reassesses the assumed dichotomy between grammatical and lexical evidentiality (Aikhenvald 2004), arguing that evidentials in both Tibetan and English inhabit a lexicon-grammar multidimensional continuum, merely in different positions. This study does not question that the Tibetan evidential system is more grammaticalised than the English one, but it shows that the latter presents all the signs of partial grammaticalisation. This reassessment leads to the conclusion that evidentiality is a relevant and necessary notion for a thorough linguistic description of English.

Phrasal verbs in academic lectures

Pierce, Robert D. 01 January 1990 (has links)
Phrasal verbs are a pervasive and distinctly Germanic part of the spoken English language that has been alive for centuries. They have preceded American history, and yet considered to be "the most active and creative pattern and word formation in the American language" (Meyer, 1975). Distinctly colloquial, idiomatic and varying in shades of literalness and figurativity, phrasal verbs are largely dominant in casual usage, such as conversation, while the Latinate verbs of English are dominant in formal usage, such as in making reports (McArthur 1989). While foreign educators and their students, such as from Chinese countries, are found to emphasize English study for formal and academic purposes, the acquisition of phrasal verbs may not be considered instrumental to the purposes of the students coming to the United States in pursuit of academic degrees. Because of the pervasiveness of phrasal verbs in spoken English language, and because of the largely conversational nature of American lectures, this study is intended to answer the following research questions: 1. In university classrooms, are the phrasal verbs spoken by native English speaking lecturers? 2. Are figurative phrasal verbs in academic lectures significantly greater in frequency than non-figuratively classified phrasal verbs in the academic lectures? 3. Do certain academic subjects tend to generate a significant increase in the number of phrasal verbs spoken by instructors, of either figurative phrasal verbs, or the more literal non-figuratively classified phrasal verbs?


REGINA DE SOUZA FERREIRA LIMA DA SILVA 05 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] Empreende-se no trabalho a análise lingüística do texto legal-penal, com base nas normas penais incriminadoras contidas no Código Penal Brasileiro, buscando identificar as propriedades formais destas e ressaltando aspectos da estrutura sintática das mesmas e da semântica do desvalor nelas refletido. O estudo visa a refutar a idéia (extremamente difundida entre os penalistas) de que o verbo seria o elemento nuclear dos tipos penais. Isto é feito demonstrando-se que, muitas vezes, não é no verbo que reside o cerne do desvalor enfocado nas normas incriminadoras. Pois, se é fato que o desvalor de conduta se expressa notadamente por meio dele, o desvalor de resultado se concentra nos complementos verbais e/ou nos adjuntos na descrição do tipo. Assim sendo, o verbo, tomado isoladamente, é com freqüência insuficiente para caracterizar a ação/omissão humana desvalorada, particularmente quando o desvalor é predominantemente de resultado. Nesses casos, o verbo deve ser considerado em conjunto com seus complementos e com os adjuntos presentes no tipo, para se determinar o que a norma penal incriminadora pretende evitar/reprimir. Identificam-se nessa análise, quatro classes de verbos - os intrinsecamente negativos, os negativos moldáveis, os neutros e os positivos moldáveis. / [en] This work undertakes the linguistic analysis of the criminal law text based on the criminal norms comprised in the Brazilian Penal Code. It aims at identifying their formal properties and at stressing some aspects of the syntactic structure of such norms and of the semantics of the devalue (negative value) reflected in them. The study intends to refute the idea (largely spread among criminalists) that the verb is the nuclear element in the description of penal types. This is done by demonstrating that the devalue focused in criminal norms often does not dwell in the verb. For, if it is a fact that the devalued conduct is usually conveyed by the verb, the devalued result lies basically on verbal complements and on adjunctive phrases in the type description. Thus, the verb, taken by itself, is usually insufficient to characterize the devalued human action/omission, particularly when the devalue resides predominantly in its result. In such cases, in determining what exactly the criminal norm aims at avoiding/repressing, the verb must be taken into account in association with its complements and with the adjunctive expressions present in the type description. In this analysis, four verb classes are identified, namely those of intrinsically negative, adaptable negative, neutral and adaptable positive verbs.

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