Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] VISCOSE"" "subject:"[enn] VISCOSE""
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Dissolving pulp : Multivariate Characterisation and Analysis of Reactivity and Spectroscopic PropertiesElg Christoffersson, Kristina January 2004 (has links)
Various chemical properties can be used to characterise dissolving pulp. The quality of the pulp must be carefully controlled to ensure that it meets the requirements for its intended use and the further processes to be applied. If it is to be used to prepare viscose, or other cellulose derivatives, the key prop-erties of the pulp are its accessibility and reactivity. The studies described in this thesis investigated the potential utility of multivariate analysis of chemi-cal and spectral data for determining the properties of dissolving pulp. Dis-solving pulps produced by a two-stage sulfite process, both in the laboratory and a factory were produced pulps for this purpose. The analyses showed that pulp with high reactivity had short cellulose chains, low molecular weight, low polydispersity, low hemicellulose content, high content of ace-tone-extractable compounds, and high surface charge compared to pulp with low reactivity. Important chemical properties of the pulp, such as viscosity and alkali resistance, were successfully predicted from near infrared spectra. Predicting the reactivity, or the viscose filterability, of the pulp was more complex. Several chemical methods for analyzing the reactivity of the pulp were examined. The influence of the cellulose structure at the supermolecu-lar level on the reactivity of the pulp was explored by multivariate analysis of solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Structural variables considered included: differences in hydrogen bonding, contents of hemicel-lulose, amorphous cellulose and crystalline cellulose I and II. Pulps with high reactivity have higher contents of cellulose I and amorphous cellulose than pulps with low reactivity, which have higher contents of cellulose II and hemicellulose.
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Viskostygs inverkan på plagg efter tvätt. : Hur krympning av viskos påverkar plaggets passform, mått och konstruktion för en klänningAsres, Bersabeh Zemedagegnehu January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie tas fram i samband med ett mindre modeföretag inom damkonfektion. Företaget har haft återkommande problem med passformen av deras viskosklänning. Syftet med studien är att undersöka viskosmaterialets påverkan efter tvätt på passform så som balans, rörelsevidd, längd och plaggs mått. Viskos är ett av de finaste textilmaterialet för sömnad av klänningar på grund av sin fina glans, snyggt fall och höga absorberande egenskaper. Däremot har viskosmaterial tendensen att förlora styrkan när det är vått, vilket händer att plagget krymper efter tvätt. Studien utförs genom att jämföra tre framtagningsprocessen av en klänning för att få den bästa passformen och önskade plaggmått. För prototyperna A och B används samma mönsterkonstruktion, förutom för prototyp B tvättas viskos tyget i förhand. Medans för prototyp C tvättades med tygprov och krympningen beräknades i cm, mönsterkonstruktioner justerades med att addera resultatet av krympningen. Klänningarna syddes av samma viskostyg, provades på en person i storlek Medium och tog mått på klänningarna både före och efter tvättning. Prototyp C resultatet visades att klänningen har krympt till den bästa passformen och uppfyller önskade plaggmåtten i jämförelse med prototyperna A och B. I Studien visades att plagg som är sytt i viskosmaterial förändas både i passform och mått efter tvätt. Före tvätt av viskosmaterial innan tillskärning kommer inte att garantera att det uppsydda plagget inte krympa eller att plaggen behåller sitt mått efter tvättning. Ändringen i mönsterkonstruktion ger bättre resultat. / This study is developed in collaboration with a small company that works with women's clothing. The company has had recurring problems with the fit of their viscose dress. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of the viscose material shrinkage after laundering on the fit of the garment such as balance, ease, length and the garment dimension. Viscose is one of the finest textile materials for dresses sewing because of its properties such as it’s fine shine, drapes well and it have high absorbent. In contrast, viscose material tends to lose strength when wet, which affects garment fit due to viscoses shrinkage after laundering. The study is performed through comparing of three production processes of a dress to get the best fit and dimensions. For sample A and B, the same pattern construction is used, except for sample B, the viscose fabric was pre-washed in advance. While for sample C fabric samples was washed and the number of shrinkage is calculated . Pattern construction was adjusted by adding the results of shrinkage . The three sample dresses were sewn with the same viscose fabric, and the fit were tasted by one person in size Medium .The dress samples were measured both before and after laundering. The result of prototype C showed that the dress has shrunk to the best fit and meets the desired garment sizes in comparison with prototypes A and B. The study showed that garments that are sewn in viscose material change both in fit and size after washing. Washing viscose material before cutting will not ensure that the sewn garment will not shrink or that the garments will retain its dimension after washing. The change in pattern design gives better results.
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Conjugated Polymer-based Conductive Fibers for Smart Textile ApplicationsBashir, Tariq January 2013 (has links)
Electrically conductive or electro-active fibers are the key components of smart and interactive textiles, which could be used in medical, sports, energy, and military applications in the near future. The functionalization of high-performance textile yarns/fibers with conjugated polymers can produce conductive fibers with better electro-mechanical properties, which is difficult with commonly used spinning techniques. In this thesis work, textile-based conductive yarns/fibers were prepared by coating viscose and polyester (PET) yarns with the conjugated polymer PEDOT. For coating purposes, an efficient technique called chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was used, which is a solventless technique and can produce PEDOT polymer layers with high conductivity values. The polymerization of EDOT monomer vapors and coating of oxidant (FeCl3 or FepTS) enriched viscose and PET yarns took place simultaneously. The PEDOT-coated viscose and polyester yarns showed relatively high conductivity values, which could be sufficient for many electronic applications. The polymerization process and the quality of PEDOT polymer strongly depends on different reaction conditions. In this research work, the impact of most of these reaction parameters on the electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties of PEDOT-coated conductive yarns was considered separately. Under specific reaction conditions, it was found that viscose fibers were successfully coated with PEDOT polymer and showed rather high electrical conductivity (≥ 15 S/cm). However, due to the acid hydrolysis of viscose fibers in FeCl3 solutions, the mechanical properties were drastically reduced. In order to improve the mechanical properties of conductive yarns, a relatively stable and chemical-resistant substrate (PET) was coated with PEDOT polymer. Comparative studies between PEDOT-coated viscose and PET conductive yarns showed that the electrical and mechanical properties were enhanced by changing the substrate material. Later on, PEDOT-coated conductive fibers were treated with silicone elastomer solution and due to the thin silicone layers, the hydrophobic properties, flexibility, and durability of coated yarns was improved. Furthermore, a novel electrical resistance-measuring setup was developed, which can be used not only for fibers but also for fabric structures. The electrical characterization of PEDOT-coated conductive yarns showed that it can be used effectively for sensitive fibers without damaging their surface morphology. Finally, the use of conductive yarns as stretch sensors was evaluated. For this purpose, small rectangular knitted patches of conductive yarns were prepared and then the change in electrical resistance values at different extension percentages (5–50%) was investigated. The constant variations in electrical resistance values at different extension and relaxation cycles for longer periods of time revealed that the conductive yarns produced have the potential to be used as stretch sensors for monitoring of vital signs in medical and sports applications. / <p>Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to be presented on March 08, 2013, 10.00 in KA-salen, Kemigården 4, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg</p>
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Screening of volatile compounds in washing water and cloths from the sponge cloth processBergner, Sandra, Nilsson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>Freudenberg Household Products AB in Norrköping are manufacturer of sponge cloths with the well-known brand names of Wettex<sup>®</sup> and Vileda<sup>®</sup>. The production is based on the viscose fiber process and involves a high chemical demand. Recent customer complaints involve a diffuse smell from the cloths that is like a “garage odor” and occurs after a few uses. The company’s theory is that the smell derives from a chemical used in the process called Exxal 9.</p><p>The aim was to screen the washing water from two sections and the cloth before and after wash for the presence of Exxal 9 and other prominent components. The washing water samples consisted of a salt solution from one section and a water condensate from another section. A method to qualitatively and quantitatively examine the production samples was developed. To evaluate the variation over a short period of time, twelve samples were taken during four weeks. The focus for the analysis lay on production line Wx4, but comparisons with two other production lines, Wx7 and SL1, were also made. The method of choice was gas chromatography in combination with two different detectors; mass spectrometer for identification and flame ionization detector for quantification.</p><p>Exxal 9 could be identified in both of the washing water sections but in very various concentrations. At the production line Wx4, the mean concentration in the mother lye was 61.96 µl/l whereas the mean concentration in the condensate was 0.24 µl/l. The comparison between the different production lines showed significant variations, where Wx4 had the highest concentration. In the cloths, Exxal 9 could only be found before it had been washed. The concentration in the cloths was not high enough for quantification. In both the washing waters and cloths, additional unknown peaks were found. Attempts to identify all the unknowns were made but only two compounds were included in the commercial library; 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-ethanol.</p>
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Nonionic surfactants : A multivariate studyUppgård, Lise-Lott January 2002 (has links)
In this thesis technical nonionic surfactants are studied using multivariate techniques. The surfactants studied were alkyl ethoxylates (AEOs) and alkyl polyglucosides (APGs). The aquatic toxicity of the surfactants towards two organisms, a shrimp and a rotifer, was examined. The specified effect was lethality, LC50, as indicated by immobilisation. In a comparative study, the LC50 values obtained were used to develop two different types of model. In the log P model the toxicity was correlated to log P alone, while in the multivariate model several physicochemical variables, including log P, were correlated to the toxicity. The multivariate model gave smaller prediction errors than the log P model. Further, the change in reactivity when a surfactant mixture was added to dissolving pulp under alkaline conditions was studied, using the amount of residual cellulose as a measure of the reactivity. Ten AEO/APG mixtures were tested, and the mixture with greatest potential was studied in more detail. An optimum in the amount of added surfactant was found that seems to coincide, according to surface tension measurements, with the CMC.
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Environmental impact of the Swedish textile consumption : a general LCA studyStrand, Jelina January 2015 (has links)
In order to reach the Swedish environmental quality objectives, the Environmental ProtectionAgency has expressed a desire that consumption must be highlighted. The difficulty of assessingthe environmental impact of consumption lays in various calculation approaches, but one way toillustrate consumption is life cycle assessment (LCA). IVL, Swedish Environmental ResearchInstitute (IVL) has an ongoing project together with Chalmers about Urban Metabolism, wheredifferent branches of consumption are highlighted. In the current situation, the textile industryaccounts for approximately 2-10% of Europe's environmental impacts and until now, no complete LCA model over the Swedish textile consumption has been developed. The main goal of this thesis was to develop a LCA model for the Swedish textile consumption and to study the environmental impact that the consumption entails. Using data from StatisticsSweden, net consumption between 2000 and 2013 was analysed. The results showed thatclothing and household textiles account for the largest proportion of consumed textiles (68%) and cotton, wool, viscose, polyester and nylon are the most common fibres. With the GaBi software a general life cycle model for the years 2000, 2007 and 2013 wasdeveloped. The model included 25 different clothing and household articles. For each article, themodel covers raw material extraction, product manufacturing, use phase and waste management.The environmental impact categories; Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential(EP), Global Warming Potential (GWP), Human Toxicity Potential (HTP), TerrestrialEcotoxicity Potential (TETP) as well as energy and water use were analysed. The model showedthat the production phase (including raw material production) has a great influence on theenvironmental impacts, but the use phase was equally important in certain impact categories.The major processes affecting the life cycle were energy use in manufacturing of the fabric,production of natural fibres, detergent as well as energy consumption in tumble dryers. Withconscious decisions the consumer has great opportunities to influence the overall environmentalimpacts. In addition, increased recycling and reuse can potentially decrease the environmentalimpacts from the production stage. The model is considered good enough for the results to be reliable and useful in order to predictthe environmental impacts of the Swedish textile consumption. The results are also validatedwith results from other studies which increases credibility. / Det står idag klart att endast två av Sveriges 16 miljömål kommer att nås till 2020. För attSverige ska uppnå sina miljömål har Naturvårdsverket uttryckt en önskan om att konsumtionmåste belysas. Svårigheten med konsumtionens miljöpåverkan är att den inte kan mätas direktmen ett sätt att angripa problemet är att studera konsumtion genom livscykelanalys.IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet (IVL), har tillsammans med Chalmers ett pågående projekt omUrban Metabolism där olika typer av konsumtion nu belyses. Textilier är en typ av konsumtionoch i Europa står den marknaden för 2-10 % av den totala miljöpåverkan. Då textilkonsumtionenär relativt stor i Europa är det därför intressant att studera hur den svenska textilkonsumtionenser ut. Denna studie ämnade att skapa en modell för svensk textilkonsumtion och studera dessmiljöeffekter. Med data från Statistiska centralbyrån kunde nettokonsumtionen mellan 2000-2013 beskrivas. Statistiken visade att kläder och hushållstextilier står för den största delenkonsumerade textilier (68 %) och att bomull, ull, viskos, polyester och nylon är de fibrer somanvänds mest. Med programvaran GaBi gjordes en generell livscykelanalysmodell för åren 2000, 2007 och2013. 25 olika kläder och hushållsartiklar ingick och processerna råvaruframställning,tillverkning av produkt, användning och avfallshantering studerades.Miljöpåverkanskategorierna försurning, övergödning, global uppvärmning, humantoxicitet,ekotoxicitet samt energi-och vattenanvändning analyserades och resultatet visade attproduktionsfasen (inklusive råvaruframställning) har stor påverkan på resultatet. I vissakategorier var även användningsfasen en betydande faktor. De processer som påverkadelivscykelanalysen mest var energianvändningen i tygtillverkningen och naturfibrerna samttvättmedlet och energianvändningen hos torktumlaren i användningsfasen. Med medvetna valhar konsumenten stor möjlighet att påverka de övergripande miljöeffekterna och med en ökadåtervinning och återanvändning kan miljöeffekterna i produktionsfasen minska. Modellen som togs fram är inte fulländad och vissa processer kan förbättras för att utvecklamodellen vidare. Däremot antas modellen vara tillräckligt bra för att resultatet ska vara trovärdigtoch användbart i syfte att studera den svenska textilkonsumtionens miljöeffekter. Resultaten kandessutom styrkas med resultat från andra studier vilket ökar trovärdigheten.
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From recovery boiler to integration of a textile fiber plant : Combination of mass balance analysis and chemical engineeringMagnusson, Hans January 2015 (has links)
Modern chemical technology is an efficient tool for solving problems, particularly within the complex environment of the pulp and paper industry, and the combination of experimental studies, mill data and mass balance calculations are of fundamental importance to the development of the industry. In this study various examples are presented, whereby chemical technology is of fundamental importance. It is well documented that under normal conditions the molten salt mixture from the kraft recovery boiler flows down into the dissolving tank without problems. However, in the case of alternatives to the kraft recovery boiler, knowledge of more precise data of the molten salts is required for the design calculations. In this study the viscosity for the case of sodium carbonate and 30 mole% sulphide has been measured and is of the magnitude 2 – 3 cP at temperatures relevant for a recovery boiler, i.e. similar to water at room temperature. The presence of non-process elements (NPE) in a typical pulp mill has been investigated. The main input is with regards to the wood, and anticipated problems include; deposits in evaporators, high dead-load in liquor streams, plugging of the upper part of the recovery boiler and decreasing efficiency in the causticization department. Efficient green liquor clarification is of the greatest importance as an efficient kidney for many NPE. Mill data and calculations show that the magnesium added in the oxygen delignification does not form a closed loop. Integration of a prehydrolysis kraft pulp mill producing dissolving pulp with a plant producing viscose textile fiber could be highly beneficial. The prehydrolysis liquor will contain both sugars and acetic acid. It is however not possible to fully replace the sulphuric acid of the viscose spinning bath with acetic acid of own production. The sulphuric chemicals from the viscose plant can be partly taken care of in the kraft recovery area as well as the viscose plant which can be supplied with alkali and sulphuric acid. Zinc-containing effluents from the viscose plant can be treated with green liquor to precipitate zinc sulphide. / Modern chemical technology is an extremely efficient tool for solving problems particularly in a complicated environment such as the pulp and paper industry. Here, examples are studied during which chemical technology is of fundamental importance. At normal conditions the molten salt mixture from the kraft recovery boiler flows down into the dissolving tank without hindrance. However, for certain kraft recovery boiler alternatives, knowledge of more precise data of the molten salts is required. The viscosity for the case of sodium carbonate and 30 mole% sulphide has been measured and is of the magnitude 2 – 3 cP at relevant temperatures. The main input of non-process elements (NPE) is down to the wood, and known problems include deposits in evaporators and decreasing efficiency in the causticization department. Green liquor clarification is an efficient kidney for many NPE. Magnesium added in the oxygen delignification does not form a closed loop. Integration of a prehydrolysis kraft pulp mill producing dissolving pulp with a plant producing viscose textile fiber could be of significant interest, as the handling of both alkali and sulphuric compounds can be integrated. Problems will however arise as the capacity of the pulping line and the chemical recovery has to be adjusted.
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Modification and characterisation of carbon fibre ion exchange mediaHarry, I. D. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the use of electrochemically treated viscose rayon based activated carbon cloth (ACC) for the removal of metal ions from aqueous effluent streams. Two types of treatment were performed: (i) electrochemical oxidation and (ii) electrochemical reduction to enhance cation and anion sorption capacities of the ACC, respectively. Electrochemical oxidation resulted in a loss of 61% BET surface area due to blockage of pores through formation of carboxylic acidic groups but its cation exchange capacity and oxygen content increased by 365% and 121%, respectively. The optimum constant current at which a combination of applied current and oxidation time at any extent of oxidation to produce ACC of maximum cation exchange capacity was found to be 1.1 A, with voltage of 4.2 V and current density of 0.8 mA/m2. Batch sorption experiments showed that the maximum copper and lead sorption capacities for electrochemically oxidised ACC increased 17 and 4 times, respectively, for noncompetitive sorption and 8.8 and 8.6 times, respectively for competitive sorption. Therefore, electrochemically oxidised ACC is an effective adsorbent for treating aqueous solution contaminated with copper/lead in both single component and multi-component systems. Industrial wastewaters are multicomponent systems, therefore, electrochemical oxidation of ACC is an efficient way of enhancing lead and copper ions sorptive capacity for industrial wastewater treatment. Electrochemical reduction resulted in a loss of 28% BET surface area due to formation of ether groups but its anion exchange capacity increased by 292%. The optimum constant current at which a combination of applied current and reduction time at any extent of reduction to produce ACC of maximum anion exchange capacity was found to be 5.5 A, with voltage of 9.8 V and current density of 6.4 mA/m2. Batch sorption experiments showed that the maximum chromium(VI) sorption capacity for electrochemically reduced ACC increased 2.12 times, with highest maximum chromium(VI) sorption capacity of 3.8 mmol/g at solution pH 4. Most industrial wastewaters contaminated with chromium(VI) are highly acidic, therefore, electrochemical reduction of ACC is an efficient way of enhancing chromium(VI) sorptive capacity for industrial wastewater treatment.
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Matematické modelování zpracování skla / Mathematical modelling of glass forming processChaloupka, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focus on modelling of float glass making process using viscose film type approximation. Navier-Stokes equations are averaged over one spatial variable. Then the domain with an a priory unknown shape, where the shape is a part of the solution, is transformed to a fixed computational domain. The problem is solved by finite element method using FEniCS software. In the end is discussed an influence of several parameters such as wheels, which regulates thickness of the glass and enforce an inner condition, boundary conditions or spreading coefficient on the numerical result. 1
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BAMBUVISKOS : En hållbar fiber för framtiden? / Bamboo Viscose : a Sustainable Fibre for the Future?Svensson, Karin, Magnusson, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Naturskyddsföreningen gav författarna uppgiften att undersöka förekommande viskosprocesser och alternativa regenereringsprocesser, detta för att identifiera hur hållbara de är ur ett miljöperspektiv och vilka processer som går att applicera på bambu. Detta för att se möjligheten att märka bambuviskos med Bra Miljöval och för att klargöra frekvent uppkommande frågor angående bambuviskos. Syftet är att se på de olika processernas kemiska innehåll samt vilka utsläpp de orsakar till luft och vatten. Ett delmål med rapporten är att den ska kunna användas som material vid vidareutveckling av kriterierna för Bra Miljöval Textil. Resultat som erhållits vid jämförelser av studerad litteratur är att de betydande faktorerna för miljöpåverkan från massaframställningen samt viskos- och lyocellprocessen beror av: använda kemikalier i processen, energianvändningen och vilken typ av energi, möjligheten till rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten samt återvinning av energi och kemikalier. Beroende på vilket råmaterial som används vid massaframställningen kan skillnader i markanvändning, användning av bekämpningsmedel och gödningsmedel samt upptagande av koldioxid skilja sig. Massa- och fiberframställning bör vara integrerade då energiförbrukning och mängd kemikalier kan minskas. Energin kan dessutom återvinnas till större utsträckning.Genom miljömärkningar från oberoende organisationer blir det lättare för konsumenter att göra miljömedvetna val och veta vad märkningarna står för. Sammanfattningsvis ska det påpekas att om regenererad bambu framställs som den görs idag är den ingen hållbar fiber, men sker framställningen i en integrerad process där kemikalier och energi återvinns samt rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten sker, kan bambuviskos bli en hållbar fiber för framtiden. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) gave the authors the task to investigative present viscose processes and alternative regeneration processes to identify how sustainable they are from an environmental perspective, and examine which processes that can be applied to bamboo. This to see the possibility to label bamboo viscose with “Bra Miljöval” (Good Environmental Choice), which is the eco-label of SSNC, and to clarify the frequently emerging issues concerning bamboo viscose. The aim is to look at the various processes, their chemical content and the emissions they cause to air and water. Another objective of the report is that it can be used as material for further development of the criteria for “Bra Miljöval”.Results obtained when comparing the studied literature is that the significant factors of the environmental impact from the pulp production, the viscose and lyocell processes depends on: chemicals used in the process, energy and energy source, the possibility of purifying emissions to air and water and recycling of energy and chemicals. Depending on the raw materials used for pulp production, differences in land use, use of pesticides and fertilizers as well as absorption of carbon dioxide differ. Pulp and fibre production should be integrated to reduce energy consumption and the amount of chemicals used. The energy can also be recycled to a greater extent.Eco-labels from independent organizations will make it easier for consumers to make environmentally conscious choices and be aware of what the labels stand for.In conclusion, it should be noted that if the regenerated bamboo is produced as it is today, it is not a sustainable fibre. If the production is done through an integrated process in which chemicals and energy recovery and purification of air and water occurs, bamboo viscose can be a sustainable fibre for the future. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen
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