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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planering av en landbaserad odling av Ulva intestinalis på norra Öland / Planning of a land-based cultivation plant of Ulva intestinalis in northern Öland

Petersson, Sarah, Larsson Regnström, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Ulva intestinalis är en fotoautotrof grönalg som är utspridd i stora delar av världen och har ett flertal användningsområden, däribland som matråvara samt som biobränsle. Matindustrin står idag för en fjärdedel av världens utsläpp av växthusgaser. För att FN:s globala mål ska uppnås innan år 2030 måste dessa utsläpp minska. Ett sätt att bidra till att målen nås är att ändra vilka livsmedel som produceras, där alger kan vara en del av den framtida mera hållbara maten. Syftet Med detta arbete var att undersöka möjligheterna för en hållbar algodling för matkonsumtion.Målet var att genom en litteraturstudie hitta en parameter som potentiellt kan påverka tillväxten av Ulva intestinalis och planera ett experiment i en odlingsanläggning på norra Öland som undersöker den valda parametern. I litteraturstudien undersöktes det vilken parameter som skulle kunna testas i en framtida odlingsanläggning. Resultatet som erhölls från litteraturstudien var att substrat är viktigt för algens sporsättning och i kombination med projektets begränsande faktorer blev substrat den parameter som bör testas i experimentet. Utifrån att substrat valdes som parameter lades ett förslag på ett experiment fram. Slutligen diskuterades potentiella felkällor samt så gavs det förslag på eventuella fortsatta studier. / Ulva intestinalis is a photoautotroph green algae that is found in large parts of the world, and has a variety of uses, for example as food and as biofuel. The food industry is responsible for one fourth of the world’s green gas emissions, and for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to be reached before the year 2030, these emissions must be reduced. One way to contribute to the achievement of these goals is to change what kind of food is being produced,and algae could be part of the more sustainable future food. The purpose with the project was to examine the possibilities for a sustainable land-based algal cultivation for food use. The goal was to find a parameter that could potentially influence the growth of Ulva intestinalis, and to plan an experiment in a cultivation plant in northern Öland that examines the selected parameter. The method that was selected to fulfill the goal of the project was a literature study, in which some potential growth parameters were identified, so a conclusion of which parameter should be tested in a future experiment could be made. The result from the study was that substratum is important for the settlement of the spores, and in combination with the limits of the project it was chosen to be the parameter to be tested in the planned experiment. On the basis of substratum as the selected parameter, a proposal for an experiment was presented. Finally, potential sources of error were discussed, and suggestions for future studies were made.

Remnant echoes of the past : Archaeological geophysical prospection in Sweden

Viberg, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has been to investigate the benefits, pitfalls and possibilities of using geophysical methods in archaeological projects. This is exemplified by surveys carried out at archaeological sites in different geographical and chronological contexts. The thesis also aims at investigating the cause for the under-use of the methods in Swedish archaeology by looking at previously conducted surveys. The methods used during these surveys have been Ground-penetrating radar (GPR), magnetometer, slingram and a kappameter. The surveys in the mountain tundra region of Lapland show that magnetic susceptibility surveys is a valuable aid in discovering heaps of fire-cracked stones and when combined with magnetometry, also hearths. GPR and magnetometer surveys within the Migration Period ringfort Sandbyborg provided the spatial layout of the fort and indicated, along with results from recent excavations and metal detections, many similarities with the ringfort Eketorp II. The non-magnetic character of the sedimentary bedrock on Öland and Gotland is suitable for magnetometer surveys and the method is also highly appropriate for the detection of the remains of high-temperature crafts. GPR surveys at St. Mary’s Dominican convent in Sigtuna produced the spatial layout of the central cloister area. The investigations also show that the geology, pedology, land use and the character of commonly occurring prehistoric remains in Sweden, in certain circumstances and in certain areas, have restricted the possibility of successfully carrying out geophysical surveys. Care must therefore be taken to choose the right instrument for the survey and to tailor the sampling density of each geophysical survey, according to the character and size of the expected archaeological remains, in order to maximize their information return. To increase the use of geophysical methods in Sweden the educational opportunities, both for surveyors and professional archaeologists, need to improve. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

Competition and habitat preferences of Collared (Ficedula albicollis) and Pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a hybrid zone in the Mittland forest on Öland, Sweden : A comparison of census data collected in 1985/6 and 2023 / Konkurrens och habitatpreferenser hos Halsbandsflugsnappare (Ficedula albicollis) och Svartvit flugsnappare (Ficedula hypoleuca) i en hybridiseringszon i Mittlandsskogen på Öland, Sverige. : En jämförelse mellan inventeringsdata insamlat 1985/6 och 2023.

Blad, Elias January 2024 (has links)
Climate change is affecting the distribution of species, sometimes making previously separated species come into secondary contact. For closely related species, this often leads to competition and sometimes also hybridization, which can have negative effects on genetic bio? diversity. Collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) and pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) are two closely related species that hybridize where they meet on the Swedish islands Gotland and Öland. Studies from Gotland and the north of Öland have shown that the pied flycatcher is outcompeted and displaced from favourable, high-quality habitat by the collared flycatcher, leading to a decrease in the number of pied flycatchers in deciduous forest. However, this has not been shown for the ecologically important and one of the largest deciduous forests in Sweden, the Mittland forest located in central Öland. Here I use census data collected during two periods separated by 37 years from the Mittland forest to investigate habitat choice and competition between the two species. Although the number of collared flycatcher has greatly increased in the area, I show that the collared flycatcher has not outcompeted the pied flycatcher from favourable habitat. I also show that pied flycatcher does not have a preference for coniferous forest. Lastly, I show that the two species have a near complete overlap of habitat niches. These results indicate that they are in direct competition over the favourable habitat, that there is no equilibrium between the species and the collared flycatcher might still be expanding in the Mittland forest. Allowing more time to pass and further research will show if the pied flycatcher will be displaced from the high-quality habitats in this area or not.

Lotte Lasersteins feminina blick på den moderna kvinnan : En studie av fyra kvinnogestaltningar / Lotte Laserstein's Feminine Gaze on the Modern Woman : A Study of Four Female Depictions

Unneberg, Alicia January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

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