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Automation of Customization on TEXO’s FSX Weaving Loom ConceptKidanemariam, Semere January 2012 (has links)
The continuously increasing demand of the customer requires equivalent response from the industry. This phenomenon of lean supply chain has also been seen in the paper and textile industries. TEXO AB produces customized weaving looms for the paper and textile industries. As every machine is redesigned to the customer requirements, TEXO needed to make the process efficient and effective. Once again the application of new computing technologies comes in handy. The practice of parametric design is applied to the TEXO’s FSX concept, which is one of the three weaving loom machine series supplied by TEXO. The frequent customization of FSX concept for each customer has created the need for faster redesign, better communication and quick order to suppliers. The automation is done on Autodesk Inventor using its iLogic and Shrinkwrap features. The parametric model is complete where all components to be customized are included. An excel sheet with design calculations, parameters and possible machine modules is developed together with the model. The feasibility of the automated design has been shown by the complete conformance of the model to the requirement. The excel sheet is very useful for improving the internal and external communications. After the completion of this project the redesign time is significantly reduced and the communication is simplified. It is also now possible to identify customization and module opportunities for future machines.
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The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Customer LoyaltyRhodes, Matthew, Maracic, Julian, Axberg, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
Background: To date, there have been several studies conducted on how social media marketing affects customer loyalty. However, they have been narrowed down to specific areas, such as luxury fashion, the airplane industry, and so on. Therefore, there is a literature gap on how social media marketing affects customer loyalty in general. This research seeks to fill that gap though investigating how certain characteristics of social media marketing activities affect customer loyalty in general. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the effects social media marketing has on customer loyalty. Methodology: This research will be conducted by gathering quantitative data through a cross-sectional research design. A survey was performed based on the theoretical concepts in the theoretical framework, which seeks to test the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. An operationalization was created to showcase the theoretical grounds for each question, where each question is bound to a concept/variable. Students in ages 18-30 were used to define the sample population for this research. Conclusion: The purpose of this paper was to describe the effects social media marketing has on customer loyalty. Due to H1 and H2 being approved, and H3 and H4 being rejected, this paper provides evidence that there is a significant positive impact of the SMMA characteristics of entertainment and interaction on customer loyalty. It was also established that there were two SMMA characteristics that did not have a significant positive relationship with customer loyalty; trendiness and customization.
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Integrering av en regelmotor ur ett systemutvecklingsperspektivLoo, Daniel, Ekersund Norman, Miranda January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar att bidra till kunskap till skapandet av en regelmotor för hanteringen av verksamhetsregler ur ett systemutvecklarperspektiv. Studien har utförts hos företaget Mobilaris som själva har identiferat ett potentiellt behov av verktyg för att på bättre sätt hantera verksamhetsregler. Innan studien påbörjades, så utfördes en förstudie då regelmotor som skulle nyttjas valdes ut. Studien har genom en designstudie där en regelmotor iterativt har utvecklats för att passa systemet Planning & Scheduling™. Datainsamlingen är gjort genom enkäter och semistrukturerade intervjuer som föregåtts av en presentation av artefakten. Enkäterna har följt en kvantitativ modell som kallas System Usability Scale. De semistrukturerade intervjuerna har sedan analyserats med hjälp av en innehållsanalys för att kunna identifera behoven och göra artefakten bättre. Resultatet av studien är riktlinjer som med fördel kan användas när man implementerar en regelmotor för ett resursplanneringssystem. Studien har identiferat nio teoretiska koncept varav åtta har kunnat bekräftas utifrån empirin. Det har också identiferats fyra nya designprinciper som anses göra regelmotorn bättre. / This study aims to contribute knowledge to the creation of a rule engine for the management of business rules from a system developer perspective. The study was conducted at a company called Mobilaris, which has identifed a potential need for tool to better manage business rules in one of their systems. Before the study began, a pilot study was carried out to select the rule engine that where going to be used in the study. The study has through a design science study where a rule engine has iteratively developed to fit the system Planning & Scheduling™. The data collection is done through surveys and semi-structured interviews that are preceded by a presentation of the artifact. The surveys follow a model called the System Usability Scale. The semi-structured interviews was then analyzed using a content analysis to be able to identify needs to make the artifact better. The results of the studies are guidelines that can be benefcial when implementing a rule engine for a resource planning system. The study has identifed nine theoretical concepts, of which eight have been confrmed based on empirical evidence. Four new design principles have also been identifed that are considered to make the rule engine better.
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Design automation in industrial order-to-delivery processes : Enabling mass customization of made-to-order productsOlander, Måns, Lüning, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Today's manufacturing industry is heading more and more towards a mass customization approach. This enables customers to individually specify product characteristics and unique design features to fulfill their exact needs. A common way to accomplish this is by means of design automation often used together with knowledge-based engineering. In this thesis, the order-to-delivery process for customized floor gratings at Weland AB is used as a case. This process is currently manual and dependent on several different departments. It results in a time consuming process which is prone to human errors. The purpose is to investigate how design automation can be used and implemented to automate and improve sections of the order-to-delivery process for customized products at an industrial manufacturing company. The objective is to develop a product configurator to automatically generate 3D models and documentation for production and sales support. The configurator succeeded in demonstrating the possible advantages of using design automation. It showed the possibility to reduce the construction department's workload and achieve faster time-to-offer for the sales department. Additionally it is concluded that using a product configurator reduces the risk of human errors and opens up possibilities for other improvements, such as reducing material waste in the production.
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Kundanpassning av kunskapsintensiva företagstjänster : Vilka konsekvenser kan tjänstemodularitet medföra?Stedt, Viktor, Mattsson, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: På samma sätt som fordonsindustrin uppfyller kundens behov medhjälp av ett kundanpassat utbud bestående av standardiserade moduler, finnsdet intresse hos konsultbolag att använda modularitet för att standardisera ochkundanpassa tjänster. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utforska fördelar, nackdelar och risker med attanvända tjänstemodularitet för konsulttjänster från både kundens ochleverantörens perspektiv, samt undersöka vilka konsekvenser tjänstemodularitetkan medföra. Metod: En explorativ fallstudie genomfördes och med teoretisk tematisk analysidentifierades fördelar, nackdelar och risker med att använda tjänstemodularitetför konsulttjänster. Vidare analys gjordes för att undersöka vilka konsekvensertjänstemodularitet medför. Datainsamlingen har bestått av primärdata frånintervjuer och sekundärdata från observationer och dokument. Resultat: Studien resulterade i två teman, sex subteman och 25 koder. Studienpåvisar flertalet fördelar, nackdelar och risker med tjänstemodularitet förkonsulttjänster, från både kundens och leverantörens perspektiv. Fördelar,nackdelar och risker vägdes samman för att beskriva konsekvenser somtjänstemodularitet medför. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats är att tjänstemodularitet kan bli ett effektivt sätt attkombinera kundanpassning och standardisering, förutsatt att funna nackdelaroch risker hanteras. De nackdelar och risker är i många fall kopplade direkt ellerindirekt till de funna fördelarna och utmaningarna som nackdelar och riskermedför kan leda till fördelar om dom hanteras rätt. Originalitet: Studien bidrar med ökad förståelse kring tjänstemodularitet förkonsulttjänster. Detta genom att belysa nackdelar och risker medtjänstemodularitet ur både kunds- och leverantörsperspektiv. / Background: In the same way that the automotive industry meets thecustomer's needs with the help of a customized range consisting of standardizedmodules, there is an interest in consulting companies to use modularity tostandardize and customize services. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore the advantages, disadvantages,and risks of using service modularity for consulting services from both thecustomer's and the supplier's perspective, and to investigate the consequencesof service modularity. Methodology: An exploratory case study was conducted and with theoreticalthematic analysis the advantages, disadvantages, and risks of using servicemodularity for consulting services were identified. Further analysis wasperformed to investigate the consequences of service modularity. The datacollection consisted of primary data from interviews and secondary data fromobservations and documents. Result: The study resulted in two themes, six subthemes, and 25 codes. Thestudy reveals several advantages, disadvantages, and risks of service modularityfor consulting services, from both the customer's and the supplier's perspective.Advantages, disadvantages, and risks were weighed together to describe theconsequences of service modularity. Conclusion: The study concludes that service modularity can be an effectiveway to combine customer customization and standardization if disadvantagesand risks are addressed. The disadvantages and risks are in many cases linkeddirectly or indirectly to the advantages found and the challenges thatdisadvantages and risks entail can lead to advantages if they are handledcorrectly. Originality: The study contributes to an increased understanding of servicemodularity for consulting services. This is done by highlighting disadvantagesand risks with service modularity from both a customer and supplierperspective.
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Elektronický dohled v oblasti spotřeby a médií / Electronic surveillance in the area of consumption and mediaŠpačková, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
5 Abstract My diploma thesis is focused on electronic surveillance in the area of consumption, marketing and media. Electronic surveillance is a form of collecting and evaluating data, which were created as a secondary product of electronic devices. The use of new technologies and internet allows spying their users and saving the received data to both state and commercial databases. Subsequent data use is common in the business or crime prevention area. This practice brings the risk of privacy disruption, influencing and directing people. The diploma thesis consists of three main chapters. The first chapter follows up the history of surveillance and its development. The second part is focused on formation of the electronic surveillance and describes different areas of surveillance. The third chapter relates to one concrete area - consumption and marketing. This chapter includes also practical examples. Key words Surveillance, interactivity, customization, reality show, Panopticon, media
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Dynamic constraint handling in mass customization systems : A database solutionKåhlman, Johan, Spånberger, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop an architecture for a Mass Customization information system that allows for product customization restrictions being dynamically expressed through the database. Method: A study evaluating an artifact made using Design Science Research. The evaluation was made using both a quantitative and a qualitative method. Findings: Building upon a literature review to establish a knowledge base, an artifact was created using React and Node.js to build a web application combined with a Neo4j graph database. The artifact allows for products and their inherent restrictions to be dynamically added and modified through constraints defined in their data. This data can be used in the web application to assemble and customize components, where the constraints can be enforced by the web application in real time without any modification to the application. The artifact can enforce all constraints that were intended and it was considered as a better overall solution for handling constraints compared to the currently used solution by Divid, a market leading company in the usage of Mass Customization systems with constraint handling in the context of ventilation systems. Implications: The results implicate that the usage of graph database systems in Mass Customization systems holds great promise, specifically as a new way to handle constraints between components dynamically. Limitations: The results from the expert panel only reflects the opinions of Divid and might not be true for other companies interested in this area. The artifact solution was successful in its purpose to illustrate the concept of dynamic constraint handling. However, it is still unclear if the system holds up in a professional context with more complex rules and heavy demands on performance.
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[pt] Code smells são estruturas pobres que prejudicam a manutenção do sistema.
Sendo assim, code smells devem ser detectados e removidos, através
de refatoração, no começo do ciclo de vida do software. Refatoração consiste
em modificações no código que visam melhorar a manutenção do software,
removendo ou mitigando estruturas pobres. Contudo, as estratégias
de detecção e refatoração de smells são subjetivas. Isto é, desenvolvedores
trabalhando no mesmo sistema podem divergir acerca da existência de um
smell. Essa divergência é influenciada pelo conhecimento do desenvolvedor,
incluindo o design do sistema e o código analisado. Como consequência,
essa divergência afeta também a aplicação das refatorações. Assim, é preciso
customizar a detecção de smell e refatoração a partir do conhecimento
dos desenvolvedores. Afinal, o desenvolvedor é quem confirma a nocividade
de um smell e define como refatorá-lo. Para isso, decompomos nossa pesquisa
em 3 passos: (i) como customizar estratégias de detecção de smells?,
(ii) se e com que frequência os desenvolvedores customizam suas refatorações?
e (iii) como dar suporte a customização de refatoração?. No primeiro
passo avaliamos as técnicas de aprendizagem de máquina quanto a capacidade
de customizar sua detecção para cada desenvolvedor. Segundo, nós investigamos
como desenvolvedores customizam refatorações, analisando suas
modificações de código enquanto aplicam certos tipos de refatoração. Além
disso, nós também discutimos como essas customizações estão relacionadas
com a inserção, remoção ou mitigação de smells e se são apoiados pelo
Eclipse. Terceiro, nós propusemos uma abordagem que permite a aplicação
de refatorações customizadas. Nossos resultados indicaram que as técnicas
de aprendizagem de máquina são capazes de capturar o conhecimento do
desenvolvedor e obter alta acurácia detectando smells. Além disso, desenvolvedores
frequentemente customizam refatorações que não são totalmente
suportadas pelo Eclipse. Para piorar, customizações complexas, geralmente
manuais, tendem a reduzir o efeito positivo da refatoração. Portanto, nossos
resultados servem como base para melhorar o suporte de ferramentas: a (i)
detecção customizada de smells, levando em consideração o conhecimento
do desenvolvedor e (ii) a aplicação de refatoração customizada. / [en] Code smells are poor structures that harm software maintenance. Therefore,
code smells should be detected and removed, through refactoring, early in
the software lifecycle. Refactoring consists of a sequence of code modifications
that aim to improve software maintenance by removing or mitigating
poor code structures. However, the strategies for detecting and refactoring
smells are subjective. Even developers working on the same software may
diverge on their opinions about the existence of a smell. In fact, this divergence
is mostly influenced by the developer s knowledge, including the
system s design and the analyzed source code. As a consequence, the same
divergence affects the application of the corresponding refactorings. Therefore,
there is a need to support the customization of smell detection and
refactoring based on the developer s knowledge. The developer is who, after
all, becomes the decision maker on confirming the harmfulness of a smelly
structure and how to refactor it out. In order to address this issue, we split
our research in 3 steps: (i) how to customize smell detection strategies? (ii)
whether and how often developers customize their refactorings? and (iii)
how to support refactoring customization? In the first step, we evaluated
the use of machine learning techniques for properly customizing smell detection
for each developer. Second, we investigated how developers customize
refactorings by analyzing their code modifications while applying certain
refactoring types. Besides, we also discussed how these customizations are
related to the introduction, removal or mitigation of smells, and whether
they are currently supported by Eclipse, a popular IDE. Third, we proposed
an approach that allows the application of custom refactoring. Our
results indicated that machine learning techniques are able to efficiently capture
the developer s knowledge and achieve high smell detection accuracy.
Also, even though developers frequently customize refactorings, their customizations
are often not supported by Eclipse. To make it worse, complex
customizations, which are manually performed, tend to reduce the positive
effect of the refactoring. Therefore, our contributions serve as a basis for
improving tool support for: (i) customized detection of smells considering
the developer s knowledge, and (ii) application of customized refactoring.
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Can (S)He Close the Deal? The influence of Purchase Intention Through Gender-Assigned Artificial IntelligenceCole, Jared Lee 28 July 2023 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly integrated aspect of daily life. Particularly, businesses have been incorporating AI into many of their features from customer support to product personalization. While there has been a body of research exploring the interpersonal impacts of AI and human participants, there is limited research on the effects of human-like AI on its influence in the purchasing process. Taking the theoretical framework of the Computer Are Social Actors (CASA) paradigm, I utilized a 2 x 3 experiment to measure if the perceived sex of an artificial intelligence impacts consumers' purchase intention, trust, and sense of agency. Participants interacted with either a male-gendered or female-gendered AI chatbot, or a static website, which then recommended a water bottle based on the participants' preferences. The study indicated significance with both male and female participants preferring the control website over both AI sexes. The study also indicated significance in women participants feeling more overall agency than men participants during the experiment. The results indicate a potential need for a new level of human realism before CASA can be framed within some AI applications. / MACOM / Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly integrated aspect of daily life. Particularly, businesses have been incorporating AI into many of their features from customer support to product personalization. While there has been a body of research exploring the interpersonal impacts of AI and human participants, there is limited research on the effects of human-like AI on its influence in the purchasing process. Taking the concept that people naturally treat human-like technology as real humans, I have evaluated whether consumers' purchase intention, trust, and sense of agency are impacted while interacting with either a male-gendered or female-gendered AI chatbot , or a static website, which then recommended a water bottle based on the participants' preferences. The study showed that both male and female participants preferred the control website over both AI sexes, and women participants overall felt more agency than men participants during the experiment. The results indicate that there may need to be a new level of human realism before users will treat some AI applications as fellow humans.
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Valmöjligheter vid köp av bostadsrätt : En studie om ökad kundnytta via frånval och tillval / Options when purchasing condominiums : A study of increased customer benefit through removable- and add- on optionsAndersson, Helen, Granudd, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Det finns flertalet publicerade artiklar som handlar om ökad kundanpassning via exempelvis tillval men få eller inga som behandlar frånval. Ett exempel är en artikel av Mohamed och Elkaftangui från 2016 som studerar Förenade Arabemiratens bostadsmarknad. Artikelns slutsats är att det endast kan finnas ett begränsat antal tillval att välja mellan för att det ska vara möjligt ur ett kostnadsperspektiv att genomföra projektet. Vidare diskuterar en artikel av Griz med flera från 2017 bostadsköparens behov av att få specialanpassa sin lägenhet. Denna artikel framhäver även att det är nödvändigt att bygga standardiserat, dels för att det ger stabilitet och kvalitet, men även för att det är kostnadseffektivt. Det är emellertid nödvändigt att bygga på ett sådant sätt att lägenheterna i efterhand går att ändra efter bostadsköparens egna behov. Det finns således flera vetenskapliga källor som säger att det är viktigt att bostadsköparen måste kunna anpassa sitt boende efter sina egna förutsättningar. Samtliga verkar dock vara fokuserade på att detta antingen ska göras på så sätt att det finns tillval (vilka då måste hållas begränsade ur kostnads och byggnadsteknisk synpunkt), eller att bostadsköparen enkelt ska kunna göra om lägenheten i efterhand. Dessa två alternativ har båda stora nackdelar. Alternativet att riva ut och ändra en helt nybyggd lägenhet är inte miljövänligt och att bara erbjuda tre olika tillval som är Mohameds och Elkaftangui alternativ kommer inte att tillfredsställa alla bostadsköpare. Vid intervjuer med branschaktiva har det framkommit att tillval är krångligt och dyrt och att många företag istället går mot att erbjuda allt färre val. Mer omfattande frånval är idag inte möjligt på grund av kraven i Boverkets byggregler, BBR. Vissa företag ställde sig dock positiva till mer omfattande frånval om det skulle vara lagligt, några var helt emot det då de ansåg att det skulle bli för krångligt och dyrt och en tredje grupp ställde sig tveksamma. Syftet med studien var att belysa frånval som ett möjligt alternativ för att minska miljöpåverkan inom byggbranschen, samt ett sätt att öka kundnyttan. Vidare har flexibilitet varit ett återkommande ämne som kommit upp både i litteratur samt under intervjuer, varav flexibilitet har blivit en central del av studien. Resultatet har främst uppnåtts genom intervjuer med två jurister, en forskare, en arkitekt och tolv branschaktiva. Litteratur och lagtext har även varit avgörande för att uppnå resultatet med studien. Slutsatsen har uppnåtts genom en sammanställning av intervjuerna, litteraturen samt lagarna. Slutsatsen är att för att frånval ska vara möjligt krävs en ändring av BBR. Frånval är vidare inget som bostadsutvecklarna i dagsläget verkar ha något större intresse av då det försvårar deras processer. För att frånval ska bli attraktivt för bostadsutvecklarna kommer det troligen krävas att hela projekt byggs som skal snarare än färdiga lägenheter. Detta skulle kunna vara en lösning för att minska kostnader som uppstår vid nyproduktion av bostadsrätter, samt ett sätt för bostadsköparna att fullt ut kunna välja sin egen inredning. / There are many published articles that deal with increased customer customization through, for example, add-on options, but few or none that deal with removable options. One example, is by Mohamed and Elkaftangui from 2016 studying add-on options on the United Arab Emirates housing market. The conclusion of Mohamed and Elkaftanguis article is that there can only be a limited number of options to choose from in order to make it possible for a project to be cost-effective. Furthermore, an article by Griz and others, from 2017, discusses the housing buyers need to customize their own apartment. This article also emphasizes the need to build standardized, partly because it provides stability and quality, but also because it is cost-effective. However, it is necessary to build in such a way that the apartments can subsequently be changed according to the home buyers own needs.There are several scientific sources that say it is important that the home buyer must be able to adapt his/her accommodation according to his/her own circumstances. However, all articles appear to be focused on the fact that either this should be done through add- on options (which must be kept limited from a cost and building point of view) or that the customer can easily change the apartment afterwards. These two options both have major disadvantages. The option of tearing out and changing a brand-new apartment is not environmentally friendly. Further, offering only three options that are Mohamed and Elkaftangui alternative will not satisfy all home buyers. When interviewing industry professionals, it has been found that customization is difficult and expensive, many companies instead go for offering fewer choices. Removable options are also not possible today due to law requirements. Some interviewees favored removable options if legal, some opposed it since they considered it to be too complicated and expensive, and a third group expressed doubts. The purpose of this report was to highlight removable options as a possible alternative to reducing environmental impact in the construction industry, as well to increase customer benefit. Furthermore, flexibility has been a recurring topic that has come up in both literature and interviews, of which flexibility has become a central part of the essay. The results were mainly achieved through interviews with two lawyers, one researcher, one architect and twelve industry experts. Literature and legal texts have also been crucial for achieving the results. The conclusion has been achieved by compiling the interviews, literature and law. The conclusion is that to be able to remove options an amendment to the Housing Code of Building Regulations is required. Additionally, removable options are not something that the construction companies currently seem to have a greater interest in as it complicates their processes. In order for removable options to be attractive to the construction companies, it will probably be required that the entire project will be built as a shell rather than ready-made apartments. This could furthermore be an opportunity to reduce costs of new built apartments, as well as a way for customers to fully choose their own interior
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