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Letramento funcional em saúde associado ao conhecimento de medicamentos : revisão integrativaMaszlock, Virgínia Petrini January 2017 (has links)
A partir da hipótese de que pessoas leigas, ou seja, “não profissionais” de saúde, apresentam baixo conhecimento sobre medicamentos, o estudo teve por objetivo identificar por meio de uma revisão integrativa as variáveis que interferem no letramento em saúde relacionado ao uso de medicamentos por pacientes atendidos em serviços de saúde. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que por definição sintetiza resultados obtidos em pesquisas oferecendo informações amplas sobre um tema, e pode ter diferentes finalidades, como definir conceitos, revisar teorias ou analisar métodos de estudos, permite a inclusão simultânea de pesquisa quase-experimental e experimental e combinando dados de literatura teórica e empírica. Realizada no período de janeiro a abril de 2016, foram utilizadas as bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, Google Acadêmico e BDTD. O levantamento abrangeu publicações nacionais e internacionais, em português, inglês ou espanhol, no intervalo de janeiro/1996-janeiro/2016, usando as palavras chave “health literacy”, “health education”, “medication knowledge”, “patient medication knowledge”, “patient”, “medication”, “education” e “patient*participation”. Os critérios de inclusão foram: idade >18 anos, ambos os sexos, qualquer país ou nível socioeconômico; usar técnicas de medir letramento e os de exclusão: estudos com grupos étnicos e camadas sociais pré-definidos; crianças ou seus cuidadores, gravidez, doenças específicas, etc. Foram identificados 637 estudos e excluídos 609 por diversos motivos, restando 28 na amostra final. Os países com maior número de estudos recuperados foram Estados Unidos, Brasil e Espanha, respectivamente, sendo a maior concentração a partir de 2009. Em relação ao delineamento científico dos estudos: 23 eram de natureza quantitativa, 3 qualitativos e 2 mista (quali-quantitativo). As principais questões sobre medicamentos estudadas foram: relação entre o nível educacional e o letramento funcional em saúde, a relação entre conhecimento de medicamentos, adesão à terapia e intervenções educativas. Sobre os métodos para identificar/avaliar o letramento em saúde o TOFHLA, a sua versão reduzida (S-TOFHLA) e REALM foram usados em dois estudos cada um deles. Em 17 estudos os questionários foram desenvolvidos pelos próprios pesquisadores e em três estudos foi também avaliada a adesão pelo Morisky-Green. A pesquisa de letramento em saúde pode auxiliar em programas sobre o uso racional de medicamento, pois parece existir uma correlação positiva entre letramento funcional em saúde e conhecimento sobre medicamentos, e este conhecimento está positivamente relacionado à adesão à terapia medicamentosa. / Based on the hypothesis that lay people, i.e. "non-professionals" of health, have low knowledge regarding medicines, this study aimed to identify, through an integrative review, the variables that affect the health literacy related to the use of medicines by patients treated in health services. This is an integrative review which summarizes results obtained in scientific researches offering comprehensive information on a topic and can have different purposes, such as defining concepts, revising theories or analyzing study methods, it allows the simultaneous inclusion of quasi-experimental research and experimental, combining data from the theoretical and empirical literature. The research was carried out from January to April 2016, during this period, the database from MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, Google Academic and BDTD were used. The search included national and international publications, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, in the period from January 1996 to January 2016, using the keywords "health literacy", "health education", "medication knowledge", "patient medication knowledge", "Patient", "medication", "education "and" patient*participation". The inclusion criteria were: age>18 years old, both sexes, any country or socioeconomic level; to use literacy and exclusion techniques: studies with pre-defined ethnic groups and social strata; children or their caregivers, pregnancy, specific diseases, etc. 637 studies were identified and 609 were excluded for several reasons, leaving 28 in the final sample. The countries with the highest number of studies recovered were the United States, Brazil and Spain, respectively, with the highest concentration starting from 2009. Regarding the scientific design of the studies: 23 were quantitative, 3 qualitative and 2 mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The main questions related to the studied drugs were: the relationship between educational level and functional literacy in health, the relationship between knowledge of medicines, adherence to therapy and educational interventions. On methods to identify/evaluate health literacy in health, TOFHLA, its reduced version (S-TOFHLA) and REALM were used in two studies each of them. In 17 studies the questionnaires were developed by the researchers themselves and in three studies the adhesion by Morisky-Green was also evaluated. The health literacy research can assist programs on the rational use of medicines since there seems to be a positive correlation between functional literacy in health and knowledge about medicines, and this knowledge is positively related to adherence to drug therapy.
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Naturopatia/naturologia no pórtico das racionalidades médicas : uma perspectiva de legitimação a partir da educação superior no Brasil e no mundoCeratti, Carina January 2018 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, apresentam-se os fatores que permitem à Naturopatia/ Naturologia ser entendida como uma nova Racionalidade Médica. Para tanto, partiu-se do conceito de Racionalidades Médicas e suas dimensões: Cosmologia, Doutrina Médica, Morfologia e Dinâmica Vital, Diagnose e Terapêutica. Utilizou-se o método de investigação de abordagem qualitativa classificando-se, de acordo com Apolinário (2006), em descritiva, documental; conforme a fonte geradora das informações, sendo objetos da pesquisa programas de disciplinas, matrizes curriculares e informações fornecidas nos sites institucionais de ensino superior em Naturopatia, no mundo, e Naturologia, no Brasil. O objetivo desse trabalho foi demonstrar como se apresentam as dimensões constituintes de uma Racionalidade Médica para a Naturopatia/Naturologia. Conforme os critérios de inclusão e exclusão dezesseis instituições foram analisadas em sete países. Como resultado, a Naturopatia/Naturologia pode ser considerada uma nova Racionalidade Médica, sendo entendida nas seis dimensões: uma cosmologia sincrética, dada à posteriori pautada na esfera própria de cada sujeito; uma Doutrina Médica multidimensional, integral, holística e vitalista. De promoção, prevenção e controle das condições de saúde e adoecimento dos sujeitos; uma Morfologia e Dinâmica Vital associativas, uma composição sintética dos saberes ocidentais e orientais em ciências da saúde; um Sistema Diagnóstico, misto das ferramentas das Racionalidades Chinesa e Ayrvédica, das práticas da Racionalidade Biomédica (conforme legislação de cada país), das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares; um Sistema Terapêutico (não fechado) com diferentes práticas das Racionalidades Médicas, Terapêuticas Tradicionais, Fitoterapia, Florais e Aromas, Terapêuticas relacionadas à Nutrição e as Práticas Integrativas e Complementares. / This dissertation intends to know the factors that allow Naturopathy/Naturology to be understood as a new Medical Rationality. For such, we started from the concept of Medical Rationalities and their dimensions: Cosmology, Medical Doctrine, Morphology and Vital Dynamic, Diagnosis and Therapeutics. The method of qualitative research was used. Classifying, according to Apolinário (2006), in descriptive, documentary, according to the information generating source being object of research, the curriculum, discipline programs, information supplied in the sites of Naturopathy superior level institutions, worldwide, and Naturology, in Brazil. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, sixteen institutions were evaluated in seven countries. As a result, the Naturopathy/Naturology can be considered a new Medical Rationality, being understood in the six dimensions: a syncretic cosmology, given the posteriori ruled in the own sphere of each individual; a multidimensional, integral or holistic, vitalist Medical Doctrine. Of promotion, prevention and control of the health and illness conditions of the individuals; associative Morphology and Vital Dynamic, based on principles and evidences of several knowledge, the sum, therefore, of the western and eastern sciences; a mixed Diagnostic System of the tools of the Chinese and Ayurvedic rationalities, of the practices of the Biomedical rationality (according to the legislation of each country), of the Integrative and Complementary Practices; a Therapeutic System (not closed) with different practices of Medical Rationalities, Traditional Therapeutics, Phytotherapy, Florals and scents, Therapeutics related to Nutrition and to the Integrative and Complementary Practices.
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Formalizace integrativní fyziologie / Formalization of Integrative PhysiologyMateják, Marek January 2015 (has links)
New information technologies bring with them new possibilities for defining and simulating complex physical systems. A huge amount of progress was made in this field with the Modelica language standard, developed by the worldwide nonprofit Modelica Association. Using the Modelica language specification, new chemical, hydraulic, thermal and population components for human physiology were designed for the implementation of the physiological principles in this thesis. The presented free Modelica libraries was named PHYSIOLIBRARY and CHEMICAL. Similarly to the electrical circuits already implemented in the Modelica Standard Library, it is also possible to connect the components of these libraries to the diagrams and, in this way, define more complex components of physiological systems. Using this kind of implementation, this thesis presents an extension and improvement of the HumMod version 1.6 model, developed at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (Jackson, MS), which has more than 5,000 variables. As a result of the use of graphical diagrams, our implementation is more expandable and more modifiable at each point. The precise rules of connections lead to fewer implementation errors. In addition, the visual verification of the model is achieved, because the physiological connections of...
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Developing and Testing a Theory of Intentions to Exit Street-level Prostitution: A Mixed Methods StudyJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Exiting prostitution is a process whereby women gradually leave prostitution after a number of environmental, relational, and cognitive changes have taken place. Most women attempting to leave street prostitution reenter five or more times before successfully exiting, if they are able to at all. Prostitution-exiting programs are designed to alleviate barriers to exiting, but several studies indicate only about 20-25% of participants enrolled in such programs are successful. There is little quantitative knowledge on the prostitution exiting process and current literature lacks a testable theory of exiting. This mixed-methods study defined and operationalized key cognitive processes by applying the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction (IMBP) to measure intentions to exit street-level prostitution. Intentions are thought to be a determinant of behavior and hypothesized as a function of attitudes, norms, and efficacy beliefs. The primary research objective was to measure and test a theory-driven hypothesis examining intentions to exit prostitution. To accomplish these aims, interviews were conducted with 16 men and women involved in prostitution to better capture the latent nuances of exiting (e.g., attitudinal changes, normative influence). These data informed the design of a quantitative instrument that was pilot-tested with a group of former prostitutes and reviewed by experts in the field. The quantitative phase focused on validating the instrument and testing the theory in a full latent variable structural equation model with a sample of 160 former and active prostitutes. Ultimately, the theory and instrument developed in this study will lay the foundation to test interventions for street prostituted women. Prior research has only been able to describe, but not explain or predict, the prostitution exiting process. This study fills a gap in literature by providing a quantitative examination of women's intentions to leave prostitution. The results contribute to our understanding of the cognitive changes that occur when a person leaves prostitution, and the validated instrument may be used as an intervention assessment or an exit prediction tool. Success in predicting an individual's passage through the exiting process could have important and far-reaching implications on recidivism policies or interventions for this vulnerable group of women. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Social Work 2013
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A estrutura conceitual e epistemolÃgica do comportamento antissocial: uma revisÃo integrativaBruno Nogueira Garcia 00 October 2018 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O comportamento antissocial à um conceito polissÃmico que se encontra presente na prÃtica e
no corpus teÃrico de Ãreas como o Direito, a Psicologia, a Psiquiatria e a Sociologia, assumindo
uma multiplicidade conceitual anÃloga aos seus vÃrios campos de abordagem. NÃo hà consenso
sobre a natureza e dimensionalidade do comportamento antissocial, fazendo com que, nesse
contexto plural, despontem uma sÃrie de modelos explicativos do fenÃmeno. Nesse sentido, o
presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a organizaÃÃo epistemolÃgica das teorias explicativas
do comportamento antissocial. Para tanto, apresenta-se delineado como revisÃo integrativa de
literatura, buscando alÃm de apresentar e descrever o fenÃmeno, conhecÃ-lo e analisÃ-lo dentro
de seu contexto sÃcio-histÃrico. Para construÃÃo dessa revisÃo, foram selecionadas as bases de
dados APA-PsycArticles, Lilacs e Redalyc. Da mesma forma, adotou-se os seguintes filtros:
descritor Ãnico Antisocial Behavior; produÃÃes do tipo artigo de periÃdico; nos idiomas
PortuguÃs, InglÃs e Espanhol; no intervalo temporal de 2006 a 2016; e nas Ãreas das CiÃncias
Humanas, Sociais e da SaÃde. Como suporte ao processo de organizaÃÃo dos dados, foi feito
uso do software Atlas.ti (versÃo 5). Selecionou-se um total de 95 artigos, detalhados da seguinte
forma: em termos de bases de dados, obteve-se 26 artigos na APA-PsycArticles, 20 na Lilacs e
49 na Redalyc; no que se refere ao idioma, foram 35 em InglÃs, 38 em Espanhol e 22 em
PortuguÃs; em relaÃÃo ao mÃtodo, 19 foram de natureza documental/revisional/teÃrico e 76 sÃo
estudos de campo/empÃricos/experimental; em termos de amostra, destacou-se as que
empregavam crianÃas e adolescentes em suas avaliaÃÃes, com 48,6% do total de estudos de
campo/empÃrico/experimental. ApÃs analisados, os artigos foram organizados em funÃÃo de sua
fundamentaÃÃo epistemolÃgica, delineando-se em quatro grandes aproximaÃÃes: clÃnicopsiquiÃtrica
(27 artigos), comportamental (28 artigos), legal (17 artigos) e sociolÃgica (23
artigos). Cada uma destas apresentou eixos temÃticos prÃprios que foram discutidos, a fim de
clarificar as abordagens mais proeminentes acerca do construto. Na parte final do estudo, em
contraponto Ãs aproximaÃÃes expostas, apresentou-se os modelos integrativos de compreensÃo
do fenÃmeno a partir de uma epistemologia pluralizada. Essa pesquisa construiu um vasto
apanhado epistemo-metodolÃgico dos modelos e teorias explicativas do comportamento
antissocial, inÃdito em lÃngua portuguesa, que se espera servir de referÃncia aos estudos e
trabalhos nas Ãreas multidisciplinares para as quais o tema surge como demanda relevante. / Antisocial behavior is a polysemic concept that is present in the practice and in the theoretical
corpus of areas such as Law, Psychology, Psychiatry and Sociology, assuming a conceptual
multiplicity analogous to its various fields of approach. There is no consensus on the nature and
dimensionality of antisocial behavior, giving rise to a series of explanatory models of the
phenomenon. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the epistemological organization
of theories explaining antisocial behavior. Therefore, it is presented as an integrative literature
review, seeking to present and describe the phenomenon, as well as to know and analyze it
within its socio-historical context. To construct this review, the APA-PsycArticles, Lilacs and
Redalyc databases were selected, as well as the following filters: single descriptor Antisocial
Behavior; scientific article type productions; in Portuguese, English and Spanish; in the time
period from 2006 to 2016; and in the areas of Human, Social and Health Sciences. The Atlas.ti
software (version 5) was used to support the data organization process. A total of 95 articles
were selected, detailed as follows: in terms of databases, we obtained 26 articles in APAPsycArticles,
20 in Lilacs and 49 in Redalyc; in terms of language, there were 35 in English,
38 in Spanish and 22 in Portuguese; in relation to the method, 19 were of a theoretical nature
and 76 are empirical studies; in terms of sample, the ones that used children and adolescents in
their evaluations were highlighted, with 48.6% of the total empirical studies. After analyzed,
the articles were organized according to their epistemological basis, outlining four major
approaches: clinical-psychiatric (27 articles), behavioral (28 articles), legal (17 articles) and
sociological (23 articles). Each one presented its own thematic axes that were discussed in order
to clarify the most prominent approaches to the construct. In the final part of the study, in
contrast to the exposed approaches, we presented the integrative models of understanding the
phenomenon from a pluralized epistemology. This research constructed a vast epistemologicalmethodological
survey of the models and theories that explain the antisocial behavior,
unpublished in Portuguese language, which hopes to serve as reference to studies and works in
the multidisciplinary areas for which the theme emerges as a relevant demand.
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Manejo da dor pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à mastectomia / Postoperative pain management in patients undergoing mastectomyMárcia Marques dos Santos Felix 03 September 2013 (has links)
O alívio da dor humana é preceito defendido há milênios e considerado importante missão dos profissionais da saúde. No entanto, milhões de pacientes todos os anos sofrem de dor aguda como resultado de um trauma, doença ou cirurgia. A dor aguda em pós-operatório, decorrente de lesões teciduais, pode gerar alterações fisiológicas que, se não forem resolvidas podem resultar em dor crônica, trazendo prejuízos à saúde e à qualidade de vida. A cirurgia de mastectomia, principal abordagem terapêutica para o tratamento primário do câncer de mama, é responsável por uma série de alterações vivenciadas pelos pacientes que a enfrentam, pois é um processo cirúrgico agressivo que pode levar à ocorrência de dor persistente no pós- operatório. O presente estudo consiste de uma revisão integrativa de literatura com o objetivo de analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o manejo da dor pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à mastectomia. A busca dos estudos primários foi realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, PubMed e CINAHL e compreendeu o período de julho de 2007 a julho de 2012. A amostra constituiu de 21 artigos científicos, que foram reunidos em quatro categorias temáticas: intervenções farmacológicas (5 artigos), intervenções não farmacológicas (4 artigos), técnicas anestésicas (11 artigos) e mensuração da dor (1 artigo). Os resultados evidenciaram que nos estudos com intervenções farmacológicas para o controle da dor pós- operatória, os fármacos utilizados como adjuvantes, associados aos analgésicos, AINEs, anestésicos e opioides, foram os anticonvulsivantes, os corticosteroides e os antidepressivos, que demonstraram ser adjuvantes seguros e eficazes para o manejo da dor após a mastectomia; algumas intervenções não farmacológicas, como medidas educacionais, musicoterapia e hipnose para analgesia pós-operatória foram investigadas com resultados positivos, mas esses achados necessitam de confirmação com estudos maiores e controlados para comprovar os benefícios dessas terapias sobre o manejo da dor em pacientes submetidos à mastectomia; apesar de mais pesquisas serem necessárias para avaliar o impacto do tratamento da dor pós-operatória sobre a síndrome da dor crônica pós-mastectomia, estudos demonstraram que o manejo adequado e eficaz da dor pós-operatória pode evitar o desenvolvimento dessas síndromes; as técnicas anestésicas foram a estratégia mais frequentemente utilizada para o manejo da dor pós-mastectomia e demonstraram ser eficazes na diminuição da dor aguda e na redução da necessidade de opioide intra e pós-operatório; há poucos estudos científicos que abordam a assistência de enfermagem no manejo da dor pós- mastectomia, evidenciando a necessidade de um número maior de publicações sobre o tema, por enfermeiros. Que estes resultados sirvam como estímulo para o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas, no intuito de contribuir para o manejo eficaz e efetivo da dor pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à mastectomia / Human pain relief is precept defended for millennia and considered important mission of heath care provider. However, millions of patients each year suffer acute pain as a result of trauma, disease or surgery. Acute pain in the postoperative period, resulting in tissue lesions, can cause physiological changes that, if not solved can result in chronic pain, impairing the health and quality of life. The mastectomy surgery, the main therapeutic approach for the treatment of primary breast cancer, is responsible for several changes experienced by patients because it is an aggressive surgical process that may result persistent pain in postoperative period. This study is an integrative literature review that aimed to analyze the evidence available in the literature on the postoperative pain management in patients undergoing mastectomy. The search of the primary studies was performed in the databases LILACS, PubMed and CINAHL and included the period between from July 2007 to July 2012. The sample consisted of 21 papers, which were grouped in four thematic categories: pharmacological interventions (5 studies), non-pharmacological interventions (four studies), anesthetic techniques (11 studies) and pain measurement (1 study). The results showed that in studies of pharmacological interventions for the postoperative pain control, the drugs used as adjuvants, associated with analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetics and opioids were anticonvulsants, corticosteroids and antidepressants, which have proven to be safe and effective adjuvants for pain management after mastectomy; some non- pharmacological interventions for postoperative analgesia were investigated and the results were positive, but these findings need to be confirmed by larger and controlled studies to prove the benefits of these therapies for pain management in patients undergoing mastectomy, although more research is needed to assess the impact of treatment of postoperative pain on the syndrome of chronic post-mastectomy pain, studies have shown that proper and effective postoperative pain management may avoid the development of these syndromes; anesthetic techniques were the most frequently used strategy for the pain management after mastectomy and shown to be effective in decreasing acute pain and reduced need for opioid intra and postoperative; there are few scientific studies on nursing care in the management of pain after mastectomy, evident the need for a greater number of works on the theme, by nurses. It is expected that the results encourage the development of new research that may contribute to the efficient and effective management of postoperative pain in patients undergoing mastectomy
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Assistência de enfermagem ao estomizado intestinal: revisão integrativa de literatura / Nursing care to the intestinal ostomized: integrative literature reviewIsa Menezes Bezerra 27 August 2007 (has links)
Este estudo consiste de uma revisão integrativa da literatura nacional e internacional sobre a Assistência de Enfermagem Hospitalar ao Estomizado Intestinal, publicada no período de 2002 a 2006. Para realização deste estudo foram utilizadas as fases propostas por Ganong (1987): seleção das hipóteses ou questões para a revisão; estabelecimento de critérios para seleção da amostra; apresentação das características da pesquisa primária; analisar os dados; interpretação dos resultados e apresentação da revisão. Realizou-se a busca on-line dos trabalhos científicos no site Bireme e no sistema Dedalus (USP). Estabelecemos como critérios de inclusão de trabalhos: abordagem da assistência de enfermagem ao estomizado intestinal hospitalizado, realizados com seres humanos, publicados em inglês, espanhol e português e localizados na íntegra; e como critérios de exclusão trabalhos que abordavam outros tipos de estomas (não intestinais), os experimentais com animais, trabalhos direcionados à clientela infantil e trabalhos publicados em outros idiomas que não o inglês, o espanhol ou o português. Obteve-se uma amostra de 22 artigos para análise. Os temas abordados foram categorizados em Cuidados de Enfermagem com 14 (63,6%) trabalhos científicos; Autocuidado com 4 (18,2%), e Complicações com 4(18,2%). A análise dos temas de pesquisa possibilitou identificar a necessidade de realização de pesquisas futuras abordando aspectos específicos como intervenções de enfermagem e estratégias de ensino, em todas as etapas do atendimento hospitalar, assim como a organização e dinâmica de atendimento da equipe de saúde hospitalar. Quanto aos delineamentos das pesquisas, evidenciou-se a necessidade de investimentos nos aspectos metodológicos como uma condição para produção de conhecimento científico que consolida a prática clínica. / The purpose of this dissertation is to present a national and international review about the Hospital Nursing Care to the Intestinal Ostomized from the period of 2002 to 2006. In order to realize this study, the stages proposed by Ganong (1987) were applied: selection of hypothesis or questions to the review, establishment of criteria for the sample selection, presentation of the primary research characteristics, data analysis, interpretation of the results and the review presentation. A research of the scientific works was made on the Bireme website and in the Dedalus (USP) system. The criteria established for the inclusion of the works were: mention of the nursing care approaches to the hospitalized intestinal ostomized, experiments performed on humans\' beings, publication of the work in English, Spanish and Portuguese of which the verbatim could be found. And the criteria for exclusion of the works were: works which referred to other types of ostomates (nonintestinal), to the experiments on animals, works aimed to the juvenile public and last, those works published in other languages apart from English, Spanish or Portuguese. Twentytwo sample works were obtained for analysis. The topics were classified in: Nursing Care with 14 (63, 6%) scientific works; Self-care with 4 (18, 2%) scientific works; and Complications with 4 (18, 2%) scientific works. The analysis of the research topics revealed the necessity of future researches on specific aspects, such as nursing interventions and teaching strategies in the different stages of the hospitalar service as well as in the dynamism and organization of the staff\'s service. Concerning to the delineation of the research, it became evident that there is also the necessity of investment in methodological aspects as a main condition to the acquisition of scientific knowledge to consolidate the clinic practice.
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A systemic approach for integrative design of buildings and landscapes: towards ecosystem services provision in urban areasSilveira, Clarissa Ferreira Albrecht da 08 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2018-09-12T13:40:35Z
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texto completo.pdf: 8868545 bytes, checksum: 225b7493537273bf0f117f47c3629351 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2018-09-12T13:41:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
texto completo.pdf: 8868545 bytes, checksum: 225b7493537273bf0f117f47c3629351 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2018-09-12T13:41:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Cities are at the core of current environmental problems and, conversely, may host the solutions for them. They are the defining ecological phenomenon of the twenty-first century. Natural patterns and processes within cities might be a means toward an ecological regeneration of their bioregions through a symbiotic relationship between them. In this context, design has a great potential to reshape cities, transforming them for improved living conditions and balanced ecological systems. Considering buildings and landscapes as reciprocal entities within a system is a great opportunity for design innovation and increased performance with an active engagement between people and nature. By assuming the ecosystem services approach as a reference for highest ecological performance when multiple ecosystem services are provided within a system, this dissertation proposes an urban ecosystem services framework and the concept of service providing design for assessing architecture and landscape architecture. This framework is the basis to analyze three rating systems that are the most relevant standards for sustainable and regenerative design of architecture and landscape architecture, being the Living Building Challenge â , LEED â , and Sustainable SITES Initiative â . Furthermore, two architecture and landscape architecture certified and high-performance projects are analyzed. Based on the analysis, other ecosystem services beyond those proposed in the framework are identified, being renewable energy sources and active living. Some ecosystem services considered are not required by the rating systems, and not provided by the projects, being medicinal resources, pollination, and spiritual experience. Although required, food production is not provided in the projects studied due to a scale issue as they are located in densely occupied urban sites. Moreover, SITES is currently more related to ecosystem services than LEED, which suggests that the ecosystem services framework has a great potential as a tool to explore the relationship of building design criteria and natural systems and cycles. Although most ecosystem services are identified as provided by the two assessed projects, their performance suggests that they are not yet fully integrated to the natural ecosystem. This fact corroborates to the necessary next step for defining the Urban Ecosystem Services Framework in a quantitative approach with a hierarchical organization of the ecosystem services. Rigorously addressing the ecosystem services approach in LEED, SITES, and other rating systems will help integrate ecological regeneration processes in architecture, landscape architecture, and cities.
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Yoga e saúde = o desafio da introdução de uma prática não-convencional no SUS / Yoga and health : the challenge of integrating a non-conventional practice into the Brazilian National Health SystemSiegel, Pamela 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Nelson Filice de Barros / Tese (doutorado) - Univversidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T09:11:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Siegel_Pamela_D.pdf: 6725081 bytes, checksum: 927fab05ed1e53b418d141d74f04658e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O yoga é uma prática psico-física sistematizada por Patanjali, sábio hindu, que viveu no século II a.C.. Em 1893 o yoga chega às Américas com a vinda do Swami Vivekananda aos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, nos anos de 1940, Caio Miranda começa a ensinar a prática no Rio de Janeiro. Portanto, o yoga é praticado há sessenta anos no país e há, ainda, poucas pesquisas sobre o mesmo no campo da saúde coletiva, razão esta que justificou o nosso interesse. Além do que em 2002 a Organização Mundial de Saúde incluiu o yoga no conjunto das práticas mente-corpo e estimulou seus países membros a pesquisar e adotar esta prática nos seus sistemas de saúde pública. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar as percepções dos líderes das principais tradições do yoga em São Paulo sobre a possibilidade da inserção dessa prática como política pública no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e seus processos de formação e profissionalização. Foram identificadas 21 tradições principais, das quais 18 líderes foram entrevistados e três não o foram por diferentes razões. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade em janeiro/fevereiro de 2006; em setembro/outubro de 2008 e abril de 2009, com roteiro construído em três secções: a) Identificação pessoal; b) A prática do yoga e c) Yoga e saúde. As entrevistas tiveram duração média de 1,5h e aconteceram em diferentes locais da cidade de São Paulo, de acordo com os apontamentos dos entrevistados. Todas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas com base na tradição da análise temática da pesquisa qualitativa. A maioria dos instrutores tem curso superior, formação em yoga adquirida no Brasil e em países estrangeiros, em cursos nos EUA e na Índia, viagens e retiros. Em relação à profissionalização, alguns dos entrevistados tiveram contato muito cedo com o yoga, seja através de leituras, influências familiares, inclinações místicas, estados de saúde delicados ou simples curiosidade. Outros entraram em contato com a prática na idade adulta e decidiram se dedicar à docência do yoga. Os entrevistados atuam em escolas particulares de yoga ou em organizações que promovem diferentes tradições do yoga, dando aulas, palestras, cursos de formação, cursos intensivos e de férias, bem como organizando retiros, viagens, seminários, e alguns escrevem artigos e traduzem livros sobre temas do universo do yoga. Todos os entrevistados aprovam a inclusão do yoga no SUS e elaboraram sugestões sobre: como a prática poderia ser ofertada, o público alvo, as técnicas de yoga a serem ensinadas, a duração das aulas, etc. Algumas áreas em que o yoga poderia fazer importantes contribuições seriam: vegetarianismo; correção postural e integração dos movimentos; cultura de paz; cultivo de valores; abstenção de vícios; consciência espiritual; integração do si; cultivo da atenção, oxigenação cerebral; cultivo de uma disciplina e melhoria da qualidade de vida. Conclui-se que o yoga é visto como um conjunto de práticas físicas, sociais e filosóficas úteis para o campo da saúde, todavia com muitos desafios para a sua integração no SUS, devido à sua identificação com a cultura alternativa e distanciamento das bases epistemológicas da medicina complementar e integrativa. / Abstract: Background: Yoga is a psycho-physical practice systematized by Patanjali, a Hindu sage, who lived in the second century BCE. In 1983, yoga was brought to America by Swami Vivekananda. In Brazil, around 1940, Caio Miranda began teaching the practice in Rio de Janeiro. Thus yoga has been practiced for the last sixty years in the biggest urban centers of the country and there are very few academic studies on the subject in the health field, which is the main reason to justify our interest in the study. Besides, in 2002, the World Health Organization included yoga in the group of the mind-body practices and stimulated its members to study and adopt these practices in the national health systems. Objective: This article explores the São Paulo yoga leaders' perceptions regarding the potential insertion of yoga as a public policy into the Brazilian National Health System, and their process of professionalization. Methods: Twenty one main traditions were identified, of which 18 leaders were interviewed, and the other three didn't participate for different reasons. Indepth interviews were carried out in January/February 2006; September/October 2008 and April 2009, through the application of a questionnaire divided into three sections: (a) personal identification; (b) yoga practice; and (c) yoga and health. The interviews lasted approximately 1.5 hr and took place in various locations in São Paulo city, according to appointments arranged by the interviewees and after they had signed a voluntary consent form. All the interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed according to the qualitative research tradition. Most yoga leaders have college education and acquired their yoga training in Brazil and in foreign countries, like USA and India, and through trips and retreats. Concerning their professionalization, some of the interviewees came in contact with yoga at a young age either through books, family influences, mystical inclinations, delicate states of health or simply curiosity. Others discovered yoga as adults and decided to become yoga teachers. They work in private yoga schools or for organizations which promote different yoga traditions, teaching, giving lectures, courses for teachers, intensive and vacation courses, and they also organize retreats, trips and seminars; some of them write articles and translate books on different themes pertaining to the yoga field. Results: All the interviewees approve the inclusion of yoga in the Brazilian National Health System and suggested how the practice could be applied, the main public, the yoga techniques, the duration of the classes, etc. Areas in which yoga was perceived as being able to make important contributions included: vegetarianism; postural correction and integration of movements; peace culture; the cultivation of virtuous values; abstention from addictive substances; spiritual consciousness; integration of the self; cultivation of awareness; brain oxygenization; cultivation of discipline and improved quality of life. Conclusion: Yoga is seen as a group of useful physical, social, and philosophical practices for the health field. However, challenges to its integration into the BNHS include its maintenance as an alternative culture practice and its distance from the epistemological bases of present complementary and integrative medicine. / Doutorado / Saude Coletiva / Doutor em Saude Coletiva
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Actitudes hacia el castellano y el catalán : Un estudio sociolingüístico entre veinteañeros y sus padres en el ámbitoTingsvall, Johan January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the attitudes toward Catalan and Spanish, the two main languages spoken in Barcelona, on the East coast of Spain, in Southwestern Europe. The aim of this study was to compare those attitudes between two generations of informants. The informants of one generation were born 1984-93 and were thus in their twenties at the time of the investigation, in 2013. The aforementioned generation was labelled with the name "Children", whereas their parents were labelled with the name "Parents". The method applied was direct, where the informants had to answer an online survey, and the number of informants that were studied was 15 for each generation, or 30 in total. The conclusion of the study, derived from the results to the aforementioned survey, is that the generation of the Children have a more positive attitude toward Catalan and more negative toward Spanish than the generation of the Parents.
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