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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Jag har inte tid” : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrapars förhandlingar vid vård av sjukt barn

Sandin, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of the negotiation process behind the decision of who will stay at home with a sick child and to develop the knowledge of the mechanisms considered to affect the negotiation process, in particular, the mechanisms likely to contribute to an uneven use of care leave. In the study six interviews were conducted with three sets of parents. These interviews were then analysed with Janet Finch’s (1989) definition of negotiation of family responsibilities. The study finds that the negotiation on care leave is a result of the negotiation of the shared view of reality. This image is in turn influenced by a number of institutional aspects such as job design, relative resources, and the couple's ideological points. Previous studies that found that relative resources, converted to salary, affects the distribution greatest. Instead the results of this study points out that the nature of work is most important for how parents divide their care leave. If one parent have work that easier can be pushed forward or to be away from, the latter tend to be the one who stays at home. This arrangement, however, is affected by a number of other factors. For example, the ideas of a fair distribution of care leave counteract this tendency.

企業債務協商與處理之個案分析探討 / Business Debt Negotiation and Settlement - A Case Study

彭普明 Unknown Date (has links)
企業從創立之導入期,逐漸成長茁壯,進入成長期、成熟期、到衰退期,在其生命週期過程中的每一個階段,都必須面對內外環境急遽變遷的嚴酷考驗,及「適者生存、不適者淘汰」的殘酷事實挑戰。最能適應環境變化之企業,才有生存機會,否則將走入歷史之命運。 企業之突然崩潰、清算倒閉,其影響所及除股東、員工、客戶、供應商、債權人等關係人外,國家整體產業結構、經濟、及社會大眾亦難倖免,甚至全球各國都將遭受波,如2007年之美國次貸風暴,衍生為全球之金融海嘯,造成全球經濟大蕭條,其嚴重性,不可小覬。 企業發生財務危機,除因突發性之重大意外事故或災害外,都是經過日積月累過程所產生的結果。企業「財務危機的生命週期」可分為(1)醞釀之潛伏期、(2)爆發之發生期、(3)擴大之惡化期、(4)財務危機之處理期,及(5)經財務危機處理後之觀察期。 企業若能在「財務危機的生命週期」早期階段予以解決,對企業之傷害最輕。成功的財務危機處理,不僅能化解危機,甚至還能夠反敗為勝,利用危機創造利基,但依歷史資料觀察顯示,陷入財務危機之企業,後續能成功繼續存活者,畢竟仍為少數。 本研究以財務報表及財務比率等財務資訊,分析探討一家已營運三十餘年的老店何以發生財務危機之情事?其可能之徵兆或原因為何?該個案企業又如何面對?如何透過債務協商解決財務危機?於財務危機處理之債務重組與營運重組後之財務績效是否獲得改善?是否脫離財務危機之陰霾? 本研究就個案之分析探討所獲結論:一、個案企業透過債務協商與處理之「債務重組」及內部控管與營運效能提升之「營運重組」後,應已脫離財務危機之風險。二、企業面臨財務危機時之債務協商與處理能否成功之重要因素:1.債務協商與解決的基本之道:(1)高階經營管理者及其團隊之誠信與誠懇度、(2)財務透明度、(3)產業或產品之能見度、(4)公平性-公平對待各債權人。(5)主動性、積極性與及時性。2.債務協商與解決的協助機制:(1)推請有舉足輕重之債權金融機構(債權人)出面整合、(2)善用政府、金融機構與公會輔導機制、(3)善用專家顧問之協助機制、(4)盡量整合各項不同債務成一,減少個案之要求與干擾。3.自助人助-加強內部控管及開源節流措施之營運重組:(1)提升本業營運效能,加速營運體質改善、(2)縮減支出,降低成本,提升獲利水準、(3)處分變賣不具效益或效益不佳或閒置之資產,回收資金、(4)檢視及爭取內部或外部可能之「續命仙丹」資源、(5)衡量本身營運與財務能力,主動提出還款計畫供協商。 / The business cycle is usually divided into four stages: build-up, expansion, maturity and recession. A business will inevitably encounter the severe tests in rapidly changing environment and need to deal with the challenges for “Survival” at every stage of the life cycle. Some can survive if well adapt to the change of environment, otherwise disappear. The collapse and bankruptcy of businesses will affect not only its related parties such as shareholders, employees, clients, vendors and debtors but also the national industrial framework, economy, society and even the whole world. For example, the sub-prime crisis of the United States in 2007 caused the worldwide spreading of financial storm and resulted in global recession. No one could slight such severity. It usually takes a long period of time for a company to dip into financial crisis unless there is a sudden occurrence of accident or catastrophe. The life cycle of business financial crisis can be described as follows: (1) the latent period, (2) the occurrence period, (3) the deterioration period, (4) the recovery period and then (5) the post-crisis observation period. A business will only get the lightest damage if problems can be solved at the early stage of life cycle of business financial crisis. The successful financial management can not only minimize the damage of financial crisis and in some cases can even turn defeat into victory. However, it is a very rare case according to the past records... This study, based on the financial information is to analyze and discuss how an over-30-year-old company dipped into financial crisis? What were the signs to reveal upcoming crisis or reasons to make it happened? How did the company deal with the crucial challenges and how did the company solve the financial problem through debt negotiation and settlement? Did the financial performance of the company improve after settlement of financial crisis? And did the company get away from the haze of financial crisis? The conclusions of this case study are summarized in two aspects. First of all, it is believed that the company has recovered from the financial crisis after completing the negotiation for debt restructure, reinforcing the internal control and enhancing operational efficiency through reorganization. Secondly, there are some important factors to make the debt negotiation successful. Fundamentally, it requires honest and sincere attitudes of top-management, financial transparency, visible industry future, fairness to respective debtors and aggressive initiative with timely response. In addition, a successful negotiation mechanism should also need a leading debtor to integrate the various opinions, the proper use of guidance and assistance mechanisms of government, financial institutions and industrial association, the proper use of guidance and assistance mechanisms of the specialists and consultants, and consolidation of debts and liabilities into one negotiation system to simplify the negotiation process. Finally, the company facing the financial crisis has to self-help first by taking all possible measures in achieving more effective internal control and cost saving through the operational restructure programs. The programs have to be able to improve the operational efficiencies, to reduce the expenditure and operational cost-down to lift up the profitability, to dispose idle or low-value asset for generating cash, to strive for the possible internal and external resources for sustainable operation and to initiate the repayment plan based on the financial capability.

Conflict management in consumer behaviour : examining the effect of preferred conflict management style on propensity to bargain

Daly, Timothy Michael January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two under-researched areas of consumer behaviour: conflict handling styles and consumer bargaining. As illustrated in this thesis, consumer bargaining is a substantial and important behaviour that has rarely been studied from a consumer perspective. Further, conflict handling, which is considered an important and wellresearched phenomenon in an organisational context, has been rarely applied to consumer behaviour, despite the potential for conflict in many areas. The aims of this thesis were to a) examine consumer bargaining behaviour across a variety of culturally diverse nations; b) develop and validate a new instrument to measure conflict handling styles; and c) examine the relationships between the likelihood of consumer bargaining, preferred conflict handling styles, and personal values. Consumer bargaining was found to be common in both developed and developing nations. Respondents from Australia and Germany reported bargaining for a broad range of products that vary in their prices, including cars, electronics, appliances, clothing, and computers. Bargaining in South Korea was even more common, including everyday purchases like clothing, and food and drink. Finally, bargaining in Brazil was almost as common as in South Korea, and also included expensive consumer durable purchases, such as electronic products and cars, in addition to everyday purchases, such as clothing, and food and drink. The conflict handling style instrument developed in this project had convergent validity with existing ratings scales, reproduced the theorised structure of the dual-concerns model of conflict handling, and had predictive validity in a service recovery context. The benefits iii of the new scale over existing ratings scales include: a) capturing relative preference for the conflict handling styles; b) reduction of sources of common method variance; c) reduction of ratings scale response biases; and d) reduction of numerical effect biases, such as different perceived distances between response categories. The newly developed scale was also used to assess the hypothesised relationships between personal values, conflict handling styles, and consumer bargaining intensity in a developed Western country (Germany). As expected, the dominate conflict handling style was positively related, while the avoid conflict handling style was negatively related to consumer bargaining intensity. Although no relationship was found between personal values and consumer bargaining intensity, personal values were found to be an antecedent of conflict handling styles. Specifically, the power value type was found to be a positive predictor of the dominate conflict handling style, while benevolence and social universalism were found to be positive predictors of the integrate conflict handling style.

Clerical workers, enterprise bargaining and preference theory : choice & constraint /

Thomson, Lisa. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- La Trobe University, 2004. Submitted to the School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 283-294). Also available via the World Wide Web.

The return of the obsolescing bargain and the decline of 'big oil' a study of bargaining in the contemporary oil industry /

Vivoda, Vlado, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Flinders University, School of Politics and International Studies. / Typescript bound. Includes bibliographical references: (leaves 336-398) Also available online.

Revisorns självförtroende vid förhandling : en undersökning av olika faktorer med ett möjligt samband

Alvin Rydén, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Abstract [sv] Titel: Revisorns självförtroende vid förhandling Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Henrik Alvin Rydén. Handledare: Jan Svanberg. Datum: 2015-05 Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva vilka faktorer av transformellt ledarskap, identifikation och förhandlingsbeteende som kan ha ett samband med revisorns upplevda self-efficacy i en förhandlingskontext. Metod: Uppsatsen har ett deduktivt förhållande till teori och utvecklar flera hypoteser som sedan testas. Datainsamlingen sker med hjälp av en enkätundersökning. Urvalet består av 3 300 revisorer i Sverige, auktoriserade och godkända. Analysen av insamlad data sker med hjälp av datorprogrammet SPSS och statistiska metoder som Principalkomponentanalys (PCA), korrelationsanalys och multipel linjär regression. Resultat och slutsats: Distributivt förhandlingsbeteende har ett delvis negativt samband med self-efficacy. Resultaten är dock inte entydiga och ger inte tillräckligt stöd för att motivera ett accepterande av hypotesen. För de övriga hypoteserna finns inget samband i detta urval. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ansträngningar bör göras för att förbättra urvalet med hjälp av slumpmässiga principer istället för det bekvämlighetsurval som används nu. Utöver urvalet kan det även vara på sin plats att titta närmare på ett av de använda måtten. Det råder oklarheter kring validiteten för ett av måtten som mäter transformellt ledarskap. Detta bör i första hand vara nästa steg för att se om resultaten av den här studien även gäller utanför det befintliga urvalet. Uppsatsens bidrag: Det här är en av de första studierna som görs om self-efficacy med revisorn och förhandlingar som utgångspunkter. Den kan därför ses som en studie som kan peka på intressanta områden för fortsatt forskning. / Abstract [en] Title: The auditors self-confidence in negotiation Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Henrik Alvin Rydén Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Date: 2015-05 Aim: The main thesis of this study is to describe what the relationship is between a number of factors that might be associated with self-efficacy in negotiation. These factors are transformational leadership, organizational identification, professional identification and distributive and integrative negotiation behavior. Method: The essay has a deductive approach to theory and develops several hypotheses which are then tested. The data collection is done by using questionnaires. The sample is based on 3 300 auditors in Sweden. The analysis of collected data is done using the computer program SPSS and several statistical tools: principal component analysis (PCA), correlation analysis and multiple linear regression. Result & Conclusions: Distributive negotiation behavior has, in part, a negative association with self-efficacy. The results thereby give some support for one the hypothesis even though it is not enough to provide an answer that would lead to an acceptance of the hypothesis. No findings within this sample suggest that the other constructs is associated with self-efficacy. Suggestions for future research: Efforts should be made to improve the sample using random principles instead of the convenience sample used now. In addition to the sample, there is uncertainty about the validity of one of the measurements of transformational leadership. This should primarily be the next step to see if the results from this study also are applicable outside the existing sample. Contribution of the thesis: This is one of the first studies made about self-efficacy with the auditor and negotiations as starting points. For that reason it should be viewed as a study that might point out directions for further investigations within the fields of self-efficacy and auditor and client negotiations.

L'arrêt de la Cour Internationale de justice du 10 octobre 2002 relatif au différend frontalier Cameroun c. Nigéria : contribution à l'étude de l'exécution des décisions en matière territoriale / The judgment of the international court of justice 10 october 2002 on the border dispute (Cameroon v. Nigeria). : contribution to the study of the implementation of decisions relating to land boundary

Owona-Mfegue, Kourra-Félicité 14 October 2013 (has links)
L’exécution des décisions juridictionnelles internationales soulève l’une des questions, sinon la question fondamentale qu’implique l’autorité des arrêts rendus par la plus haute instance juridictionnelle des Nations Unies : comment assurer de manière effective, en droit comme en fait, la mise en oeuvre de sentences dont l’autorité juridique est indéniable certes, mais évidemment assujettie à la (bonne) volonté des États ? D’ordinaire deux réponses semblent possibles : par l’exécution spontanée ou l’exécution forcée. Pourtant, l’expérience de la mise en œuvre de l’arrêt rendu le 10 octobre 2002 dans l’affaire de la Frontière terrestre et maritime entre le Cameroun et le Nigeria se démarque de ce schéma classique. Elle n’est ni spontanée, ni forcée mais provoquée. Devant le caractère dérisoire des sanctions possibles en cas d’inexécution, le réalisme diplomatique vient au secours de l’effectivité de la chose jugée. En effet, l’ONU (l’organe judiciaire principal et le Secrétaire général) met en place un dispositif de provocation de la négociation dans l’exécution du futur arrêt, pour n’avoir pas à intervenir sur le fondement de l’article 94 § 2 de la Charte. Dans cette hypothèse la plus sensible dans le domaine de l’exécution des arrêts de la CIJ : celle où la Cour attribue un territoire disputé à un État alors qu’un autre État l’occupe en fait, l’alchimie entre procédure juridictionnelle et procédure négociée s’avère efficace. L’exécution de l’arrêt revêt en outre une dimension originale supplémentaire grâce aux mécanismes sui generis tels que la Commission mixte Cameroun Nigeria et l’accord post-juridictionnel parrainé par l’ONU et les puissances tutrices. On ne peut avoir meilleure illustration de la contribution de l’Afrique à l’effectivité des décisions de la CIJ, comme au règlement pacifique des différends internationaux. / The implementation of international judicial decisions raises one of the questions, if not the fundamental one related to the authority of the decisions rendered by the highest Court of the United Nations. In fact the question is How to ensure effectively, the implementation of sentences whose legal authority is undeniable, but certainly and obviously depending of the (good) will of the States, in law and in fact. Usually two answers seem possible: spontaneous implementation or enforcement. However the experience of the implementation of the Judgment in Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria disregard this classic pattern. This is a preventive and early implementation by the parties and third parties, and then a delayed but effective implementation. It led to a probably unique approach in the settlement of judicial disputes. Indeed it is the first time that the UN (i. e ICJ which is the main judicial organ and the Secretary General) without delay for the foreseeable implementation’s difficulties to get involved under Article 94 § 2 of the Charter establishes an early and preventive diplomatic system of implementation. In the view of the ridiculous nature of possible sanctions for non-compliance, the diplomatic realism came to the rescue of the effectiveness of the res judicata. In this most sensitive field in implementing the judgments of the ICJ, the hypothesis in which the Court assigns a disputed territory to a state while another state occupies it in fact and of the hostility of the local populations to the change of the sovereign de facto, the merge between judicial procedure and negotiated procedure is effective. The implementation of this judgment is also original because of its sui generis mechanisms in implementing the decision such as the United Nations Joint Commission or the post-jurisdictional Agreement sponsored by the UN and witnesses States. There is no better example of the African contribution to the effectiveness of the decisions of the ICJ, as far as the peaceful settlement of international disputes is concerned.

Diálogos entre stakeholders em redes de organizações de agronegócios na busca da mitigação dos efeitos da mudança climática: o caso do Instituto do Agronegócio responsável - ARES

Azevedo, Denise Barros de January 2010 (has links)
O atual momento de incertezas induzidas pelas mudanças climáticas no agronegócio brasileiro tem-se mostrado oportuno para pesquisar as ações em torno das cadeias produtivas como um todo. Analisar como o agronegócio brasileiro está se preparando para se posicionar e agir diante das novas realidades climáticas é crucial tanto para a academia como para o futuro das atividades produtivas. As incertezas geradas por esse novo contexto associadas à ausência de diálogos e de diretrizes assim como a resistência a mudanças e a falta de confiança entre os stakeholders do agronegócio tornam-se problemas para o agronegócio,. Assim, a formação de redes entre stakeholders do agronegócios é fundamental para promover o conhecimento coletivo e propor convenções específicas para o momento atual e para o futuro. Nesse contexto, o conflito entre produção de bioenergia e alimentos é uma discussão central no agronegócio mundial e nacional. As questões levantadas nesta pesquisa são: como os diálogos entre stakeholders do agronegócio podem contribuir com os relacionamentos entre as organizações em rede? Qual o papel no agronegócio na discussão das mudanças climáticas no contexto do dilema da bioenergia? O objetivo da presente pesquisa é o de propor um framework para analisar a natureza dos diálogos entre stakeholders e os modelos criados para atuar nos conflitos da bioenergia e das oportunidades em redes voltadas para bioenergia com relação às mudanças climáticas no agronegócio brasileiro. Para isso, foram usadas as abordagens teóricas de Stakeholders, Redes, Negociação, Conflitos e Teoria das Convenções. Esta pesquisa classifica-se como de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, e o método adotado para a realização desta pesquisa é o de estudo de casos. Foram analisadas as organizações relacionadas com bioenergia participantes do Instituto ARES. O ARES é uma instituição inédita ligado ao agronegócio Brasileiro com intuito de promover o diálogo entre as cadeias produtivas.Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que o dilema de produção de bioenergia e alimento são aceitos seriamente pelos stakeholders, uma vez que estão dispostos a agirem em conjunto, criando bases para construção da confiança entre as diferentes cadeias produtivas; isto é, cadeias produtivas diferentes preocupando-se com outras cadeias. Esta visão permite a formação de redes, mesmo com os conflitos que existem entre elas, com negociações embasadas em confiança, coletividade, comunicação, interesses diversos com soluções únicas (estratégicas) em forma de convenções. A contribuição da pesquisa está relacionada as novas formas de análises teóricas entre os stakeholders do agronegócios. / The current moment of uncertainties induced by climate changes in the Brazilian agribusiness has been convenient for researching the actions related to the productive chains as a whole. Analyzing the way chosen by the Brazilian agribusiness to face the new climate realities is crucial both for the academy and the future of productive activities. The uncertainties generated by the new context associated to the absence of dialogues and guidelines as well as the resistance to changes and the lack of confidence among the agribusiness stakeholders have become a problem for the agribusiness. Then, it is fundamental the network formation among the agribusiness stakeholders to promote the collective knowledge and propose specific conventions for the current moment and the future. In this context, the conflict between bioenergy production and food is the central discussion of the national and international agribusiness. The issues raised in this survey are: How can the dialogues among the agribusiness stakeholders contribute to the relationships among the organizations of the network? What is the role of agribusiness in the discussion of climate changes within the bioenergy dilemma? The goal of this survey is to propose a framework to analyze the nature of dialogues among stakeholders and the models created to act in the conflicts of bioenergy and the opportunities in networks linked to bioenergy in relation to the climate changes in the Brazilian agribusiness. The theoretical approaches of Stakeholdes, Networks, Negotiation, Conflicts and Convention Theories were used to answer these questions. This survey is classified as exploratory and qualitative in nature and the method adopted is the case study. It was analyzed the organizations related to bioenergy participating in the Institute ARES. ARES is a new institution linked to the Brazilian agribusiness, aiming at promoting the dialogue among the production chains. The results of the survey show that the dilemma of bioenergy and food production are seriously considered by the stakeholders, since they want to act together, creating bases for the construction of confidence among the different productive chains; that is, different productive chains worried about other chains. This view allows the network formations, even with the conflicts existing among them, using negotiations based in trust, collectivity, communication and different interests related to exclusive solutions (strategies) used as conventions.The contribution of this survey is related to the new ways of theoretical analyzes among the stakeholders of agribusiness.

Serving, not Steering: The Korean Experience of Government Distrust and Public Protest in the Foreign Policy Making Process of the U.S.-Korea Beef Agreement

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: In 2008, South Korea suffered a great loss of public trust in government. Since May 2, 2008, street protests against U.S. beef imports and the April 2008 beef agreement continued for more than 100 days. These public protests started with peaceful candlelight vigils but some of them turned violent in the end of May. According to a white paper on the protests published by the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, for 106 days from May 2 until Aug. 15, there were 2,398 separate rallies drawing 932,000 people. Among them, 1,476 protesters were indicted for participating in illegal and violent protests. 100 police officers suffered serious injuries and 401 light ones. 88 civilians were seriously injured. The South Korean National Assembly had to remain idle for more than 80 days due to numerous political debates and the approval rating of President Myung-Bak Lee plummeted from 40 percent range to near 20 percent during the protest period. This Dissertation started from a question of why people were so angry against their government. The whole process of the U.S.-South Korea Beef negotiation was reviewed, focusing on whether or not Korean government and its negotiators tried to make a domestic agreement with people. For the purpose, this dissertation developed an integrated framework by the combination of the two level-game theory with the advocacy coalition framework. The framework was also used to investigate the effect of external factors outside the Korean policy-making system of the beef negotiation. The framework reviewed win-set changes of both countries, especially focusing on the change of Korean win-set size. Then, the whole process of the beef negotiation in the dissertation framework was interpreted in the aspect of the New Public Service. This interpretation gave the dissertation the theoretical importance, showing the way in which the interpretation contributed to the decision-making theory. Findings in the dissertation revealed that there was a deep disagreement between what Korean government wanted and what Korean people actually desired. Finally, this dissertation considered how public administrators could increase communication with their people in the Korean policy-making system. Janet and Robert Denhardt's shared values approach to the public interest and the decision-making process would be one answer. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Public Administration 2012

Facultative Labour Arbitration as Final Offer Arbitration / Arbitraje Laboral Potestativo como Final Offer Arbitration

Velásquez Meléndez, Raffo 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article explains how it was formed and shaped the Facultative Labour Arbitration optional by the judgments of the Constitutional Court, in order to that the workers or the employer may resort and request the initiation of arbitration which their counterpart must be submitted obligatorily, without previous arbitration clause or agreement. the constitutional system requires that the labor arbitration has to be an alternative mechanism to the negative response of the previous negotiations. / El presente artículo explica cómo se ha formado y perfilado el arbitraje potestativo laboral mediante las sentencias del tribunal Constitucional, con el fin de que los trabajadores o el empleador pueden recurrir y solicitar el inicio de un arbitraje al que su contraparte deberá someterse obligatoriamente, sin necesidad de cláusula arbitral o acuerdo previo. El sistema constitucional exige que el arbitraje laboral sea un mecanismo subsidiario ante la respuesta negativa de las negociacionesprevias.

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