Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
931 |
MDESIGN for MathcadPolyakov, Denis 09 May 2012 (has links)
- TEDATA bietet mit MDESIGN die Deutschlandweit größte Bibliothek von Maschinenelement-Berechnungen an.
- Mit Hilfe von Mathcad E-Book wird ein Teil dieser Bibliotheken auch MC-Kunden zur Verfügung gestellt.
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- Vorhandene und geplante Berechnungen
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Kouření jako sociální deviace a jeho regulace / Smoking as a social deviation and its regulationRázga, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of smoking as a social deviation. It focuses mainly on when and under what conditions smoking in the Czech Republic becomes a social deviation. The thesis points out that nowadays there are ideal conditions for smoking to become a social deviation. There are, in particular, two reasons for that: First, smoking is unhealthy and second, there is a new international trend of health promotion which is very popular today. The core of the theoretical part is represented by a chapter on social deviation which also includes the issues of social norms and presentation of smoking as a social deviation. Smoking becomes a social deviation in cases of breach of formal norms defined by the legal provisions regulating smoking. The thesis, therefore, includes a detailed inventory of all legal measures regulating smoking in the Czech Republic. The practical part addresses the views of students of social science disciplines regarding smoking as a social deviation. Students demonstrated a very good knowledge of the given issues. They do not perceive smoking as a social deviation, nevertheless, they suggested three new regulatory measures which in their opinion should strengthen the statutory regulation. By this, they also pointed out other cases of potentially socially deviant smoking.
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Bohumil Hrabal v ruských překladech (se zaměřením na vlastní překlad novely Harlekýnovy miliony do ruštiny s komentářem) / Bohumil Hrabal in Russian Translations (with a Focus on the Author's Russian Translation of Harlequin's Millions with Commentary)Molchan, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Mgr. Ing. Maria Molchan Bohumil Hrabal v ruských překladech Богумил Грабал в русских переводах Bohumil Hrabal in Russian Translations Abstract The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyze existing translations of Bohumil Hrabal's works into the Russian language, to create an adequate translation of Hrabal's novel Harlequin's Millions, to accompany it with an introspective commentary on the translation process, and to place it into the context of the current translational norm. The present work can be defined as an empirical-analytical study. The empirical part of the thesis consists of the first translation ever done of Harlequin's Millions into Russian preceded by a complex theoretical-analytical study. This study has a multilevel structure and includes translation criticism of Hrabal's works in Russian based on a special methodological framework, which was developed specifically for the purposes of our research. The study also covers the issue of translational norm, offers a review of secondary literature on Hrabal, and defines the author's role among other Czech writers on the Russian book market. The translation of Harlequin's Millions is followed by an extensive multilevel analysis of the novel's translation, including its correspondence with the existing translational norm in Czech-Russian...
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Implementation of an Automation System to Support Test Case Execution and Classification for Electrical TestsBabakhani, Mohammad Reza 14 November 2019 (has links)
In recent years, automotive engineering becomes more challenging and complex than previous years because of the innovation that transformed the cars powertrain system. By the quick developing of the automotive systems and increasing the consumer demand for Hybrid Vehicles (HV), Electric Vehicles (EV) and Autonomous cars, authenticity and security of engine systems
are an essential part. The Hybrid Electric Vehicle structure contained several system sections like Electric Motor, Inverter, DC-DC Converter, etc. For testing this device, OEM’s are providing a special automotive standard norm (these norms are individually defining by automotive companies as LV124/123/148) which used for simulates variety of the electrical disturbances and monitoring the system behavior. This standard profile applies, simulates and
records by EM Autowave system. Electrical tests have been done for a long time manually. Manual testing takes a huge amount of time, money and human resources. Based on the facts, the thesis purpose is to provide the
automated system test for supporting test case execution on the HEV test bench, and offline classification independent of the test bench. This scope of the project will be developed by adapting automation library which is going to equip new features for automation system tool.
On the other hand, in order to conform the test simulator and their communication system, a device file is implemented for loading and testing the electrical profiles on the test bench system. In addition, automated classification and evaluation used Matlab functions and the test result will be provided as plots which makes differential discovering very easier.
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"Feelin' Good As Hell" : En fallstudie av diskurserna runt artisten Lizzo / ”Feelin’ Good as Hell” : A Case Study of the Discourses Surrounding the Artist LizzoPattberg Miller, Ottilia January 2020 (has links)
I detta arbete görs en undersökande fallstudie av artisten Lizzo, med fokus på attvisa hur den allmänna samhälleliga diskursen rörande större kroppar påverkar enartist som kroppsligt står utanför rådande kroppsliga ideal. Med utgångspunkt i skrivna intervjuer har ett grundresonemang etablerats, och vidare har detta följt med genom analys av konserter, en musikvideo, en musikanalys och en låttextanalys. Materialet analyseras med hjälp av Faircloughs diskursbegrepp som metod där viss fokus även lagts på Boréus tillägg om subjektspositioner, och med intersektionalitet, body positivity och Ekmans (2012) begrepp viktordningen som teoretiskt ramverk.Analysen visar på att Lizzo som enskilt fall arbetar mot den allmänt vedertagna samhällsdiskursen runt kroppsideal och den större kroppen genom både fysisk handling på olika sätt och språkligt agerande med motdiskurs diskurs där inslag från bland annat body positivity-rörelsen syns med. Resultatet visar att Lizzo reagerar mot samhällsdiskursen, med sitt artisteri och med sin persona, med en motdiskurs som går emot de rådande skönhetsideal både språkligt och fysiskt, och kan argumenteras har skapat en ny form av kroppsaktivism.
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Spory o význam normy proti chemickým zbraním: otázka neletálních látek v kontextu Úmluvy o chemických zbraních / Contested Meanings of the Norm Against Chemical Weapons: CWC and the Issue of "Non-Lethal" AgentsMartínková, Hana January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the debate on non-lethal chemical weapons under the Chemical Weapons Convention regime. I examine the evolution of the debate between 2002 and 2017 and use a modified theory of the cycle of normative change to analyse it. Apart from identifying main actors and actions taken by them, I identify the rule structure, rule tensions and arguments that are central to the issue of riot control agents and incapacitating chemical agents, later re-branded as central nervous system acting chemicals. In addition, I highlight the importance of (re-)framing and issue decoupling as successful strategies for norm- entrepreneurs to employ when gathering support.
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Formování politiky EU pro boj s dezinformacemi / Forming the EU Disinformation PolicyŠramková, Vanesa January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of a possible formation of the EU disinformation policy by norm entrepreneurs including Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, France and Germany. The work is based on the theory of social constructivism and the concept of norms. Through the analytical framework of the norm life cycle, it seeks to find out how the disinformation policy can be integrated into the EU by norm entrepreneurs, and what normative clashes can be found in the process of the birth of the disinformation policy of the EU. A possible formation of the EU disinformation policy is analysed through three stages of the norm life cycle - norm emergence, norm cascade and norm internalisation. In the norm emergence part, the Baltic states with France and Germany are examined in terms of their motivation and efforts to promote a disinformation-related norm. The norm cascade part discusses a normative clash of a regulation norm and the norm of freedom of expression. Lastly, the norm internalisation part analyses the challenges of the incorporation of the norm in the system once the previous stages are accomplished. The research has shown that even though a common regulation norm of the EU is inevitable, the EU should introduce a cooperative mechanism of its member states and private actors to prevent clash with...
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Slabé a slabé* homeomorfismy / Weak and weak* homeomorphismsŠvarc, Radovan January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis we are studying some properties of weakly sequential homeomorphisms between Banach spaces. First, we show some results that summarize how are some clas- ses of Banach spaces (specifically separable spaces, spaces with separable dual, Asplund spaces, reflexive spaces, weakly compactly generated spaces and spaces not containing isomorphic copy of ℓ1) determined by weak topology of the space. Then we show that to preserve some properties (separability, reflexivity and being weakly compactly gene- rated) it is enough for the spaces to be weakly sequentially homeomorphic. Furthermore we show that if two spaces are weakly sequentially uniformly homeomorphic then one contains isomorphic copy of ℓ1 if and only if the other spaces has this property. Finally we construct weakly sequential homeomorphisms between some class of Banach spaces.
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Starka monster och självständiga prinsessor : En studie om genusgestaltningar i digitala applikationer inom förskolans verksamhet. / Strong monsters and independent princesses : A study of gender in digital applications within preschool.Ärleskog, Casandra January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur genus gestaltas i digitala applikationer som används av barn i förskolans verksamhet. I tidigare forskning finns en kunskapslucka i relation till detta ämne, vilket i kombination med förskolans jämställdhets- och genusuppdrag samt digitaliseringsuppdrag motiverar föreliggande studie. Med stöd av dokumentär forskningsmetod genomfördes kvalitativa innehållsanalyser av fem digitala applikationer, vilka mötte upp med formulerade urvalskriterier. De digitala applikationerna innefattade totalt 14 karaktärer, vilka analyserades abduktivt med stöd av Hirdmans genussystemteori och Nikolajevas motsatsschema. Studien visar att pojk-/manskaraktärer i hög grad reproducerar genusnormer och dikotomin mellan könen samt att flick-/kvinnokaraktärer i högre grad utmanar genusnormer och denna dikotomi. Studiens slutats är att digitala applikationer som används av barn i förskolans verksamhet, genom dessa gestaltningar av genus, reproducerar och befäster den hierarki som Hirdman menar gör mannen till normbärare.
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Sex och relationer : att utgå från eleven / Sex and relationships : it emanates from the studentMason, Carl, Miranda, Daniél January 2021 (has links)
Till följd av regeringsbeslutet om obligatorisk utbildning i sex och relationer för alla lärarstudenter från och med 2021 och en insikt i att det finns ett behov av en förbättrad undervisning inom ämnesområdet, har vi syftet att synliggöra, utifrån den forskning som existerar, varför det bör undervisas i ämnesområdet redan från de tidiga åldrarna i skolan. Arbetet är en forskningsöversikt där vi har utgått från olika databaser där sökningarna har skett systematiskt. Forskning inom ämnesområdet sex och relationer mot målgruppen är väldigt begränsad, i vissa fall till och med obefintlig. Detta kan bero på att den vuxne individen inte ser sex och relationer som en självklarhet utan som något som kan anses kontroversiellt, då barnets oskuldsfullhet har en stark position i samhället. Undervisning i ämnesområdet bör utgå från elevens perspektiv, intresse, behov och nyfikenhet oavsett vad de vuxna tycker. Forskningen som vi tagit del av poängterar vikten av en tydlig och adekvat läroplan i ämnesområdet samt att det krävs en samverkan mellan vårdnadshavare, skolan, lärare och eleverna själva. Det påvisas att vi lever i en tid av ständig press från omvärldens krav och normer, där skolans ansvar och roll som utbildare är högst relevant.
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