Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
921 |
Studie efektivnosti využití pracovišť ve vybraném provozu / The Study Efficiency of Utilization of Workplacess in Selected OperationMilota, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of data obtained by observing and measuring workplaces of assembly lines with a focus on the efficiency of their utilization, through selected elements of industrial engineering, which the reader can get acquainted with in the theoretical part of the thesis. In this thesis the line productivity during the shifts is analyzed, an ideal line balancing condition is defined and suggestion for changing the time of line consumption norm according to the measured line cycle time is made. According to the complex analyzes of the workplaces, suggestions are concluded and an economic appreciation of these proposals is also elaborated. The author of this thesis finds the main benefit of this work in increasing of the productivity of the analyzed line in the case of implementation of solution designs.
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Övertidsnormen : ett organisatoriskt hinder för en jämställd arbetsplats / The norm of overtime : an organizational barrier for a gender-equal workplaceMöller, Maria, Nilsson, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
Trots att flera åtgärder genom jämställdhetsplaner på global nivå och lagstiftning harupprättats, samt regler och föreskrifter för organisationer att förhålla sig till finns, kvarstårdet faktum att det är ojämnt fördelat bland män och kvinnor på chefspositioner i dagensorganisationer. Samtidigt visar forskning och statistik, en ojämn fördelning vad gäller ansvaret för hem och barn, där det kan ses att kvinnan tar det största ansvaret. Eftersom det på senare tid redovisats om en övertidsnorm på dagens chefspositioner valdes syftet att belysa och skapa förståelse för problematiken kring den rådande övertidsnormen utifrån ett kvinnligt perspektiv, samt övertidsnormens inverkan på organisationers jämställdhetsarbete inom den privata sektorn i Sverige. För att uppfylla studiens syfte valdes kvalitativa djupintervjuer där respondenternas egna erfarenheter och syn på ämnet efterfrågades. Åtta respondenter deltog i studien och tolkning av empiri i förhållande till vetenskapliga studier visade att övertidsnormen är försvårande för kvinnor som vill inneha chefspositioner. Resultatet visar att respondenterna inte hade haft någon möjlighet att besitta en chefsposition om de inte hade haft en partner som kunde ta ett större ansvar för barnen och hemmet. Resultatet är dock inte generaliserbart eftersom endast åtta respondenter deltagit. Däremot finns en indikation på att övertidsnormen är ett problem som många kvinnor får tampas med. Det fanns även indikationer på att kvinnor drar sig från att söka chefspositioner på grund av oförenligheten med barn som övertidsnormen skapat. Baserat på resultatet drogs slutsatsen att dagens organisationer måste tänka om vad gäller kraven och förväntningarna kring övertid, samt se över arbetsbelastningen på chefspositionerna för att kunna genomföra ett mer hållbart jämställdhetsarbete i framtiden. / Despite that several measures like global gender equal plans and leglisation have been established, and the organizations have rules and regulations to follow, the fact that the managerial positions in organizations is unevenly distributed by men and women remains. At the same time, research and statistics show an uneven distrubution of responsibility for home and children, where women take more responsibility. Lately a norm of overtime has been reported at the managerial positions. Due to that the purpose was chosen to illuminate and create understanding for the problem of the norm of overtime from a womens perspective, and how the norm of overtime effect organizations gender equality work within the private sector in Sweden. Qualitative in-depth interviews with the intention to get the respondents to share their own experiences and thoughts about the subject was chosen to fulfill the purpose of this study. Eight respondents participated in this study and the results showed that women with children have difficulties to have a managerial position because of the norm of overtime. The results also show that women with children need to have a partner that take a greater responsibility for home and children if they should be able to have a managerial position. As this study only contained eight participans the result may not be generalized. Even so the results indicate that the norm om overtime is a problem for many women. The results also indicate that women may avoid a managerial position because of the difficulties to combine the job with children that the norm of overtime has created. Based on the results the conclusion became that if organizations want to have a sustainable gender equality work, they have to rethink. They must change the demands and expectations about overtime and create a reasonable workload for the managers within the organization.
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Řízení jakosti ve výrobě firmy / Production quality managementBanatová, Radomíra January 2008 (has links)
This masters thesis considers the proposal for quality improvement of an industrial process. Established methods and proccesses according to valid ISO standards are described here. There are recommended proposals and methods for improvement of current situation of processing On the production of provided informations here.
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Zkušební zařízení mechanické odolnosti termostatických hlavic / Thermostatic valve testing deviceRybařík, Ladislav January 2009 (has links)
The focus of this Master’s thesis is on designing a device for testing the mechanical endurance of thermostatic valves according to the EN215 standard. The endurance tests under the influence of torque and bending moment are the main probléme it deasl with. The thesis contains engineering design of the testing device and it also includes mechanical drawings, design of sensors and measuring algorithm. The design of a water circuit used for water conditioning for the trstiny device is also included.
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Situations d'illettrisme et difficultés à l'écrit en Haute-Normandie : le cas de l'orthographe / Situations of illiteracy and writing difficulties in Normandy : the spelling’s caseConseil, Jeanne 19 October 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse s’intéresse aux pratiques orthographiques des personnes en difficulté à l’écrit et en particulier des adultes illettrés. L’illettrisme qualifie les personnes de plus de 16 ans qui, après avoir été scolarisées en France, n’ont pas acquis une maitrise suffisante de la lecture, de l’écriture et du calcul, ce que l’on appelle, dans le champ de la formation pour adultes, les compétences de base. Cette étude vise à mieux connaître l’hétérogénéité de la population illettrée et à identifier plus particulièrement les compétences et les difficultés en orthographe qu’on y observe. Elle propose ainsi une description et une analyse linguistique des pratiques orthographiques des adultes en difficultés à l’écrit, et montre que pour l’essentiel, ils savent faire des choses à l’écrit, y compris du point de vue orthographique. Cette étude cherche également à mieux connaître les dispositifs institutionnels de la formation aux compétences de base des adultes illettrés, en particulier en Haute-Normandie. L’ensemble des analyses vise à dégager des pistes de réflexion didactiques, fût-ce brièvement, et à donner des outils concrets afin de « lire autrement » qu’en termes normatifs, les pratiques orthographiques qui s’écartent de la norme. / The following thesis tackles the subject of orthographic practices among persons struggling to write and more especially the illiterate adults. Illiteracy concerns 16-year-olds and over who, after attending school in France, have not yet mastered reading, writing, using calculus, and did not acquire basic competencies, as it is qualified in the adult training field. This study aims to find out more about the heterogeneity of this illiterate population, and more particularly to identify the competencies and difficulties that are linked to spelling. This thesis offers a description and a linguistic analysis on orthographic practices with adults who are struggling with written language. It shows that for the majority, they can actually put things in writing, even from an orthographical outlook. Furthermore, it delves into the understanding of the institutional means in place to help training illiterate adults, especially in the region of Upper-Normandy (France). All the analyses have for objective to draw didactic food for thought and suggest tangible tools in order to « read differently » than with normative terms, the orthographical practices that divert from the norm.
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”Beroende på vad man läser för barnen så får de omedvetet in de här könsrollerna” : En undersökning om hur verksamma pedagoger i förskolan ser på att använda barnböcker för att motverka traditionella könsroller / “Depending on what you read to the children, they unconsciously get into these gender roles" : A study on how educators in preschool think about using children's books to prevent traditional gender rolesNordström, Frida, Sandén, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Förskolan har i uppdrag att aktivt arbeta för en jämställd verksamhet där alla barn får möjligheter att utveckla sin egen individ oberoende av könsuppfattningar. I läroplanen för förskolan skrivs också att barn ska få chans att ta till sig barnböcker och dess innehåll, uttrycka sig och utmana sitt tänkande (Skolverket, 2018). Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur förskollärare och barnskötare tänker och agerar utifrån ämnen som genus, normer och jämställdhet i relation till arbete med barnböcker för att motverka traditionella könsroller. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna vi använt oss av är Hirdman och Hardings genusteorier. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats där vi har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio förskollärare och barnskötare fördelade på två förskolor. Fokus var att synliggöra hur de tänker kring genus, normer, jämställdhet och barnböcker. En inventering av barnböcker utfördes på respektive förskola för att synliggöra verksamheternas variation av barnböcker. Resultatet av inventeringen redovisas i resultatavsnittet. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys har genomförts. Den resulterade i sex kategorier där pedagogernas tankar kring centrala aspekter i förhållande till arbetet med genus, normer och jämställdhet avseende barnböcker framkommer.
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Gesellschaftskritik durch die Phantastik : In Die unendliche Geschichte, Eine Woche voller Samstage, Krabat und Wir pfeifen auf den Gurkenkönig / Criticism of the society through the fantastic in The Neverending Story, A week full of Saturdays, Krabat and The Cucumber KingPetterquist, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit analysiert, aus einer literatursoziologischen Perspektive, wie die vier ausgewählten Romane die Gesellschaft kritisieren. Man kann Gesellschaftskritik in allen diesen Romanen finden, jedoch unterscheiden sich die Schwerpunkte. Die unendliche Geschichte ist ein komplexes Werk und behandelt sowohl die innere Reise, als auch, dass die Wünsche und Entscheidungen immer Konsequenzen haben müssen. Eine Woche voller Samstage widersetzt sich den Normen der Gesellschaft. Die Hauptkritik in Krabat ist die Gefahr mit Macht und Unterdrückung wie in einer Diktatur. Wir pfeifen auf den Gurkenkönig behandelt in erster Hand die Gleichberechtigungsfrage innerhalb der Familienstruktur und gegenüber dem autoritären Vater. Die Romane spiegeln die damalige Zeit und deswegen kann man diesen vier Romanen aus der Phantastik der 1970er Jahren die Rolle als kritischer Gesellschaftsprüfer zuschreiben.
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Normkritiken: den fria konstens paradoxSvartz Rydmark, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
When Nationalmuseum 2018 reopened after a thorough renovation, a cultural debate arose in Sweden about the extent to which norm criticism has taken over the museum's permanent exhibition. The intention of norm criticism is to act as an inclusive tool, by, among other things, making visible, criticizing and changing structures. However, can the inclusive norm criticism also inhibit freedom of expression by causing an exclusion of certain art expressions and performers? In other words, does there arise a paradox in applying norm-critical requirements on artistic freedom? The purpose of this essay has been to present an answer to this question and thereby making a contribution to the discourse within the science of Arts, regarding the prerequisites of artistic freedom. The study was conducted through semiotic image analysis by the artwork: Anders Zorn – Badande kullor, Bruno Liljefors - Orrspel i mossen and Carl Larsson – Till en liten vira. The analysis were further developed through commutation tests, where the artist's gender affiliation changed from male to female with the intention of, from a norm-critical perspective, studying whether and how the artist's gender affiliation in a transmitter context influences the meaning and signification of the artwork. The results from the image analysis show that the meaning in the interpretations of the works shifts in a varying degrees, which can contribute to both confirm, creating new and challenging already known oppressive norms and structures. To summarize, the study concludes that in norm criticism such a paradox can arise, which can have limiting and exclusionary consequences for the prerequisites of artistic freedom in the form of, for example, self-censorship and discrimination.
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Lipschitz stability of solutions to linear-quadratic parabolic control problems with respect to perturbationsTröltzsch, F. 30 October 1998 (has links)
We consider a class of control problems governed by a linear parabolic initial-boundary
value problem with linear-quadratic objective and pointwise constraints on the control.
The control system contains different types of perturbations. They appear in the
linear part of the objective functional, in the right hand side of the equation,
in its boundary condition, and in the initial value. Making use of parabolic regularity
in the whole scale of $L^p$ the known Lipschitz stability in the $L^2$-norm
is improved to the supremum-norm.
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$L_\infty$-Norm Computation for Descriptor SystemsVoigt, Matthias 15 July 2010 (has links)
In many applications from industry and technology computer simulations are
performed using models which can be formulated by systems of differential
equations. Often the equations underlie additional algebraic constraints.
In this context we speak of descriptor systems. Very important characteristic
values of such systems are the $L_\infty$-norms of the corresponding transfer
functions. The main goal of this thesis is to extend a numerical method for
the computation of the $L_\infty$-norm for standard state space systems to
descriptor systems. For this purpose we develop a numerical method to check
whether the transfer function of a given descriptor system is proper or
improper and additionally use this method to reduce the order of the system
to decrease the costs of the $L_\infty$-norm computation. When computing the
$L_\infty$-norm it is necessary to compute the eigenvalues of certain
skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils composed by the system
matrices. We show how we extend these matrix pencils to
skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils of larger dimension to get more
reliable and accurate results. We also consider discrete-time systems, apply
the extension strategy to the arising symplectic matrix pencils and transform
these to more convenient structures in order to apply structure-exploiting
eigenvalue solvers to them. We also investige a new structure-preserving
method for the computation of the eigenvalues of skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian
matrix pencils and use this to increase the accuracy of the computed
eigenvalues even more. In particular we ensure the reliability of the
$L_\infty$-norm algorithm by this new eigenvalue solver. Finally we describe the
implementation of the algorithms in Fortran and test them using two
real-world examples.
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