Spelling suggestions: "subject:"”digitalization”"" "subject:"”digitalizations”""
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Kartläggning av föräldraskapsstöd under covid-19 pandemin. - en enkätstudie / Mapping of parental support during the COVID-19 pandemic.Liljegren, Linnéa, Grøstad, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den nationella strategin för stärkt föräldraskapsstöd som beslutades av regeringen 2018 har som mål att öka kunskapen, tillgängligheten och antal aktörer som erbjuder föräldraskapsstöd till föräldrar för bland annat ett jämställt föräldraskap. Då covid-19 pandemin bröt ut i början på 2020 förändrades förutsättningarna att ge stöd drastiskt på grund av olika restriktioner i samhället. Samhället digitaliserades på flera områden och möjligheterna till socialt umgänge och att bygga sociala nätverk minskade. Syfte: Att kartlägga blivande föräldrars deltagande i och nöjdhet av föräldraskapsstöd under covid-19 pandemin. Metod: Tvärsnittsstudie med datainsamling genom webbenkät under sommaren 2022. Data presenterades med deskriptiv statistik. Resultat: Totalt 418 respondenter deltog i studien med regiontillhörighet från samtliga Sveriges regioner. Undersökningen omfattade 396 gravida och 22 partners under den undersökta perioden. Resultatet visade ett missnöje gällande information om tiden efter förlossningen, till exempel hur parrelationen förändras och om nedstämdhet efter förlossning. De vanligaste informationskällorna var barnmorskan, internet och det egna sociala nätverket. Majoriteten av respondenterna hade inte deltagit i någon föräldragrupp under graviditeten (76,3%). Resultatet visade att 56,5% upplevde föräldraskapsstödet som tillräckligt under graviditeten. Att veta vart blivande föräldrar kan vända sig vid frågor framkom som en viktig aspekt för att uppleva tillräckligt föräldraskapsstöd under graviditeten. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att föräldraskapsstödet är individanpassat. Digitalt föräldraskapsstöd kan fungera bra som ett komplement till det fysiska mötet. Föräldrar som vet vart de ska vända sig vid frågor är mer nöjda med erhållet föräldraskapsstöd under graviditeten. / Background: The national strategy for reinforced parental support was introduced by the Swedish government in 2018 with the goal to increase the knowledge, the accessibility and the number of actors that offer support to parents to insure equal parenting, among other things. The conditions for giving support changed drastically when the COVID-19 pandemic started at the beginning of 2020, due to several restrictions in society. The Swedish society was digitized in several areas and the opportunities to socialize and build social networks decreased. Aim: The aim of the study was to map expectant parents’ participation in and satisfaction regarding parental support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A cross-sectional study with a web-based questionnaire was conducted in the summer of 2022. Data was presented with descriptive statistics. Result: A total of 418 respondents participated in the study with participants from all regions of Sweden. The study included 396 pregnant and 22 partners during the studied period. The results showed a displeasure with the information about the time after the delivery, for example how the partner relationship changes and depressive symptoms after the delivery. The most commonly used sources of information for the respondents were the midwife, the Internet and their own social network. The majority of the respondents had not participated in any parental groups during their pregnancy (76.3%). The result showed that 56.5% felt that they had received sufficient support during their pregnancy. Knowing where to turn to with any questions related to their child or themselves as parents was an important aspect of their perception of whether or not they had been given enough support during their pregnancy. Conclusion: It is important that the support is adaptable. Digital support may work well as a complement to the physical support. Knowing where to turn to is important in order to feel secure in one’s parental role.
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Is the University Key to Digital Development? : A study of the role of KTH in the digital development of the Swedish news media industry between 1990 to 2005Walerud, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
The digital development of the 1990s and early 2000s had a major effect on the Swedish media industry, including newspapers. Still, it is not clear what role academia had during this process. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of the university in the digital development of the Swedish news media industry. To investigate this, a case study has been performed, focusing on the Swedish technical university KTH Royal Institute of Technology. A theoretical background was created, consisting of the three waves of digitalization by Yoo et al. (2010), the emerge of the entrepreneurial university, and the Triple Helix model. Data were collected through archival research consisting of the Swedish magazines Ny Teknik and Pressens Tidning, and semi-structured interviews with seven individuals. The results showed that the digital development of the Swedish news media industry was characterized by the rise of the Internet, which generated both new news channels and contributed to digitally develop the printing industry. The results indicate that KTH’s role in this development was to provide the industry with well-educated engineers as well as innovations through research projects, to help media companies handle the opportunities and the challenges the digital development offered. The results also indicate that KTH in some ways can be compared to an entrepreneurial university, since the university has contributed to economic activities in society. However, most of these activities would not have been possible without the participation of the media industry, demonstrating that the concept of the Triple Helix to some extent also can be applied to this case study. / Den digitala utvecklingen av 1990- och tidigt 2000-tal hade en stor effekt på den svenska medieindustrin, inklusive tidningsindustrin. Det är dock inte klart vad för roll universiteten hade under denna process. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka universitetets roll i den digitala utvecklingen av den svenska nyhetsmedieindustrin. För att undersöka detta har en fallstudie genomförts, som fokuserar på det svenska tekniska universitetet KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. En teoretisk bakgrund togs fram, bestående av de tre vågorna av digitalisering av Yoo et al. (2010), framväxten av det entreprenöriella universitetet och modellen Triple Helix. Data samlades in genom arkivforsknings bestående av de svenska tidningarna Ny Teknik och Pressens Tidning, samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju personer. Resultaten visade att den digitala utvecklingen av den svenska nyhetsmedieindustrin karaktäriserades av uppkomsten av Internet, vilket genererade både nya nyhetskanaler och bidrog till en digital utveckling av tryckeribranschen. Resultaten indikerar att KTH:s roll i denna utveckling bestod av att bidra med välutbildade ingenjörer till industrin, likväl som innovation genom forskningsprojekt, vilket hjälpte industrin hantera möjligheterna och utmaningarna som den digitala utvecklingen medförde. Resultaten indikerar också att KTH i viss utsträckning kan jämföras med det entreprenöriella universitetet, eftersom universitetet har bidragit till ekonomiska aktiviteter i samhället. De flesta av dessa aktiviteter hade dock inte varit möjliga utan medieindustrins delaktighet, vilket demonstrerar att modellen Triple Helix i viss utsträckning kan appliceras på denna fallstudie.
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Цифровизация городской среды в рамках реализации концепции «умный город»: территориальный анализ и механизмы внедрения : магистерская диссертация / Digitalization of the urban environment within the framework of implementation of the “smart city” concept: territorial analysis and implementation mechanismsКовалев, Д. В., Kovalev, D. V. January 2020 (has links)
Объект исследования – реализация концепции «Умный город». Предмет – особенности цифровизации городской среды в рамках концепции «Умный город» и ее внедрения на территории Свердловской области. Цель – осуществление анализа особенностей цифровизации городской среды в рамках концепции «Умный город» и ее внедрения на территории Свердловской области и разработка рекомендаций по совершенствованию этого процесса. Решение поставленных в работе задач осуществлялось на основе применения таких методов исследования, как анализ теоретических и нормативно-правовых документов, анализ статистических данных. Проведено социологическое исследование с использованием метода вторичного анализа данных и анализа документов. В ходе исследования были рассмотрены теоретические и нормативно-правовые вопросы цифровизации городской среды, особенности концепции «Умный город»; проведен территориальный анализ особенностей цифровизации городской среды на территории Свердловской области, выявлены основные проблемы внедрения проекта «Умный город» в городах. Результатом работы стала разработка рекомендаций по совершенствованию цифровизации городской среды и внедрению элементов «Умного города» в муниципальных образованиях Свердловской области. / The object of the research is the implementation of the “Smart City” concept. The subject is the features of digitalization of the urban environment within the framework of the “Smart City” concept and its implementation in the Sverdlovsk region. The goal is to analyze the features of the digitalization of the urban environment within the framework of the “Smart City” concept and its implementation in the Sverdlovsk region and develop recommendations for improving this process. The solution of the tasks set in the work was carried out on the basis of the application of such research methods as the analysis of theoretical and regulatory documents, analysis of statistical data. A sociological study was carried out using the method of secondary data analysis and document analysis. In the course of the research, theoretical and regulatory issues of digitalization of the urban environment, features of the concept of "Smart City" were considered; a territorial analysis of the features of digitalization of the urban environment in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region was carried out, the main problems of the implementation of the "Smart City" project in cities were identified. The result of the work was the development of recommendations to improve the digitalization of the urban environment and the introduction of elements of the "Smart City" in the municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region.
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Изменение роли и компетенций преподавателя в цифровом университете : магистерская диссертация / Changing the role and competencies of a teacher in a digital universityИщенко, А. В., Ishchenko, A. V. January 2021 (has links)
Глобальный процесс цифровизации всех сфер человеческой жизни значительно ускорился за последние 20 лет в связи с активным развитием цифровых технологий. В последние несколько лет наметился тренд на экспансию современных технологий в образовательный процесс, которая значительно ускорилась в условиях пандемии COVID-19. Такое смещение акцентов в образовательной системе, очевидно, приводит к возникновению новых требований к образовательному процессу, образовательным учреждениям и преподавателям. В университетах нового типа – «цифровых университетах», образовательный процесс должен обеспечиваться преподавателями нового типа – «цифровыми преподавателями». Результат владения и использования цифровых средств в образовании при этом должен иметь значительное превосходство над результатом обучения без их использования. Цель работы – разработка моделей управления и проекта трансформации роли и компетенций преподавателя для повышения эффективности и качества обучения в цифровом университете. Научная новизна состоит в разработке новой модели организационной структуры образовательных организаций с учетом возможностей цифровых технологий для повышения эффективности и результатов обучения. Практическая значимость заключается в возможности применения результатов анализа путей трансформации роли преподавателя в структуре вуза и предложенной автором работы поддерживающей модели управления при структурных преобразованиях в университете. / The global process of digitalization of all spheres of human life has accelerated significantly over the past 20 years due to the active development of digital technologies. In the last few years, there has been a trend towards the expansion of modern technologies into the educational process, which has significantly accelerated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Such a shift of emphasis in the educational system obviously leads to the emergence of new requirements for the educational process, educational institutions and teachers. In universities of a new type - "digital universities", the educational process should be provided by teachers of a new type – "digital teachers". The result of the possession and use of digital instruments in education at the same time should have a significant superiority over the result of learning without their use. The aim of the work is to develop management models and a project for transforming the role and competencies of a teacher to improve the efficiency and quality of teaching at a digital university. The scientific novelty consists in the development of a new model of the organizational structure of educational organizations, taking into account the possibilities of digital technologies to improve the efficiency and learning outcomes. The practical significance lies in the possibility of applying the results of the analysis of ways to transform the role of a teacher in the university structure and the supporting management model proposed by the author of the work during structural transformations at the university.
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Актуальные направления развития банковского сектора России в условиях цифровизации : магистерская диссертация / Current directions of the Russian banking sector development in the conditions of digitalizationНовиков, Н. В., Novikov, N. V. January 2021 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение и библиографический список.В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты развития банковского сектора в условиях цифровой экономики.Во второй главе проведен сравнительный анализ цифровой трансформации банковского сектора.В третьей главе разработаныпредложения по трансформации банковского регулирования в условиях развития цифровых технологий в России. В заключении сформированы основные выводы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography. The first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of the development of the banking sector in the digital economy. The second chapter provides a comparative analysis of the digital transformation of the banking sector. In the third chapter, proposals are developed for transforming banking regulation in the context of the development of digital technologies in Russia. In the conclusion, the main conclusions are formed.
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Оценка и моделирование экономических рисков цифровизации сферы туризма : магистерская диссертация / Evaluation and modeling of economic risks of digitalization of the tourism sectorТабатчикова, С. В., Tabatchikova, S. V. January 2021 (has links)
Актуальность темы магистерской диссертации обусловлена потребностью компании йога-туров в подборе и внедрении решения модернизации способа стимулирования повторных продаж. Научная новизна исследования заключается в разработке решения по модернизации процесса стимулирования повторных продаж, основанного на анализе рисков и текущих бизнес-процессов компании сферы туризма Черноморского побережья Российской Федерации. Результаты работы: разработана стратегия цифровизации для компании йога-туров, увеличивающая эффективность процесса повторной продажи тура. / The relevance of the topic of the master's thesis is due to the need of the yoga tours company in the selection and implementation of a solution to modernize the method of stimulating repeat sales. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a solution to modernize the process of stimulating repeat sales, based on an analysis of risks and current business processes of a company in the tourism sector of the Black Sea coast of the Russian Federation. Results of the work: a digitalization strategy has been developed for the yoga tours company, which increases the efficiency of the process of re-selling the tour.
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Повышение эффективности процессов цифровизации промышленного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Increasing the efficiency of digitalization processes of an industrial enterpriseЛавренко, Е. В., Lavrenko, E. V. January 2023 (has links)
Современная экономика государств базируется на постоянных улучшениях: модернизуются существующие и разрабатываются новые модели, инновационные продукты и управляющие системы. Страны, чье руководство осуществляет финансовые вливания в инновации в социальную сферу, в повышение квалификации рабочей силы и развитие технологий, в качестве результата имеет ускорение экономического роста и повышение конкурентоспособности государства в целом. Современная экономическая реальность, связанная с введением антироссийских экономических санкций, придает особую актуальность вопросам развития в государстве конкурентоспособной экономики, импортозамещения и модернизации отечественного промышленного производства. Цель диссертационного исследования заключается в разработке предложений по повышению эффективности процессов цифровой трансформации промышленного предприятия. Научная новизна диссертационного исследования состоит в разработке алгоритма проведения цифровой трансформации промышленного предприятия с учетом его стратегических ориентиров, который позволяет повысить всестороннюю эффективность его деятельности, а также оценить степень влияния цифровизации на улучшение финансовых показателей компании в период санкций и импортозамещения. Практическая значимость диссертационного исследования заключается в возможности использования разработанного алгоритма и плана мероприятий по цифровизации на конкретном предприятии, а также в деятельности муниципальных и региональных органов управления в рамках частно-государственного партнерства. / The modern economy of states is based on constant improvements: existing models are being modernized and new models, innovative products and control systems are being developed. Countries whose leadership makes financial investments in innovation in the social sphere, in improving the skills of the workforce and developing technology, result in accelerated economic growth and increased competitiveness of the state as a whole. Modern economic reality associated with the introduction of anti-Russian economic sanctions gives particular relevance to the development of a competitive economy in the state, import substitution and modernization of domestic industrial production. The purpose of the dissertation research is to develop proposals for increasing the efficiency of digital transformation processes of an industrial enterprise. The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in the development of an algorithm for carrying out the digital transformation of an industrial enterprise, considering its strategic guidelines, which makes it possible to increase the comprehensive efficiency of its activities, as well as to assess the degree of influence of digitalization on improving the financial performance of the company during the period of sanctions and import substitution. The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the possibility of using the developed algorithm and action plan for digitalization at a specific enterprise, as well as in the activities of municipal and regional governments within the framework of public-private partnerships.
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Industry 4.0 and the Food Manufacturing Industry: A Conceptual FrameworkAdil, Muhammad Soban, Mekanic, Sedin January 2020 (has links)
Background: The manufacturing industry is diverting away from the one-size-fits-all mass manufacture towards more customized processes. With increasingly individualized consumer preferences and an intense competitive environment, food manufacturers are required to meet specific consumer demands with similar efficiency to those produced massively. Such market requirements are feasible with the technological advancements envisioned by Industry 4.0. The consequences of such are increased flexibility and mass customization in manufacturing which forces the food manufacturer towards its realization. The integration process, however, involves a comprehensive transformation that affects every aspect of the organization. This consequently imposes significant challenges upon the food manufacturing company. Purpose: The study aims to investigate the transformation process ensued by the food manufacturer for Industry 4.0. Consequently, a conceptual framework is developed detailing the application of Industry 4.0 in the food manufacturing industry. Method: An inductive qualitative approach, in combination with a multiple-case study, is pursued to address the formulated questions of research. Based on such, semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals representing three multinational food manufacturers. Further, a thematic analytical technique was adopted as means to identify similarities and patterns within the obtained data. The collected data was analyzed using thematic analysis through which the researchers came up with the conceptual framework. Conclusion: The results of the research reveal internal and external factors such as labor policies and IT infrastructure to influence the transformation process for Industry 4.0. In due to this, the implementation of the phenomenon occurs phase-wise, globally coordinated and regionally concentrated. This enables the organization to overcome the obstacles faced and, subsequently, ensure the successful deployment of Industry 4.0.
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Den konstanta digitaliseringen av arbetsrollen redovisningskonsult : En studie om digitaliseringen av redovisningskonsultens arbeteJacob, Nancy, Mahmoud Ahmed, Osama, Selvanayagam, Thanojitha January 2023 (has links)
Datum: 2023-05-31 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalen Universitet Författare: Nancy Jacob, Osama Mahmoud Ahmed, Thanojitha Selvanayagam (990101) (001212) (970719) Titel: Den konstanta digitaliseringen av arbetsrollen redovisningskonsult Handledare: Zelalem Abay Nyckelord: Redovisningskonsulternas arbete, bokföringsprogram, digitalisering, automatisering, och molnbaserade databaser. Forskningsfråga: Hur har digitiseringen och digitaliseringen av redovisningskonsultens arbete påverkat arbetsprocessen, kompetenskraven och intressenter? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att få en bild på hur arbetet som redovisningskonsult ser ut idag och digitaliseringens påverkan för yrkesrollen. Med en arbetsmarknad som konstant ändras och utvecklas kan det vara svårt att begripa de väsentliga aspekterna bakom yrket. Detta arbete ska undersöka vad som behövs för att vara en modern redovisningskonsult och de essentiella aspekterna bakom arbetet. Metod: I denna studie användes en kvalitativ metod för undersökningen och insamlingen av empiriska materialet har genomförts med hjälp av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer som bygger på förutbestämda frågor. I studien har författarna utgått från en deduktiv process, vilket betyder att både teori och hypotes används för att utforma studiens forskningsfråga. Slutsats: Genom digitaliseringen blir redovisningskonsultens arbete mer automatiserat vilket resulterar i att rollen blir mer inriktad mot rådgivning. Dessutom har digitaliseringen gjort kundrelationer mycket enklare och smidigare. Den moderna redovisningskonsulten ska ha tillräckligt med kompetens både inom teori och IT för att kunna hantera de digitala verktygen som Fortnox och Visma. Konsulten behöver inte bära högre kunskap inom IT som exempelvis en programmerare. / Date: 2023-05-31 Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration Institution: School of business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Nancy Jacob, Osama Mahmoud Ahmed, Thanojitha Selvanayagam ( 99/01/01) ( 00/12/12) ( 97/07/19) Title: The constant digitalization of the work role accounting consultant Supervisor: Zelalem Abay Keywords: Accounting consultants work, accounting programs, digitalization, automatization, and cloud-based database Research question: How has the digitization and digitalization of the accounting consultants work affected the work process, skill requirements and stakeholders? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand what the work of an accounting consultant looks like today and the impact of digitalization on the professional role. It can be difficult to understand the essential aspects behind the profession in a job market that is constantly changing and developing. This study aims to examine what is needed to be a modern accounting consultant and the essential aspects behind the work. Method: In this study, a qualitative method has been applied and the retrieval of empirical data has been conducted by nine semi-structured interviews based on predetermined questions. A deductive research approach has been applied, which means that both theory and hypothesis are used to design the study's research question. Conclusion: With digitalization, the work of the accounting consultant is automated and this results in the work of accounting consultants becoming more focused on advisory services. In addition, digitalization has made customer relations much simpler and smoother. The modern accounting consultant should have sufficient theoretical and IT knowledge to handle digital tools such as Fortnox, Visma, etc. However, having the same qualifications as, for example, programmers are not required.
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Hur nöjda är banksektorns kunder efter lanseringen av digitala banktjänster? : En kvantitativ studie med fokus på kundnöjdhet i olika generationer / A quantitative study on customer satisfaction amongst different generationsBerntsson, Alice, Sammils, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Banksektorn som så många andra sektorer har omfattats av samhällets digitala resa. Resan handlar om hur det digitala har fått en allt större roll i samhället. Digitaliseringen har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats hastigt och banksektorn har gått från att vara väldigt platsbunden till att kunna vara tillgängliga när och var som helst. Tidigare forskning presenterade resultat från andra länder. Resultaten från de utländska studierna visade olika faktorer som påverkade kundnöjdheten. Vissa av faktorerna påverkade kundnöjdheten positivt medan andra påverkade negativt. En faktor som framför allt påverkade negativt var ålder och de som var mest missnöjda var den äldre generationen i jämförelse med de yngre generationerna. För att få en ökad kundnöjdhet generellt i banksektorn var service och bemötande hos bankens medarbetare viktigt. Att banken tillgodoser kunders behov leder oftast till att kunden känner tilltro till banken och stannar som kund. Det är också viktigt att banken och levererar bra utvecklade digitala plattformar som även de ska tillgodose kundens behov. För att banken ska fortsätta ha en hög kundnöjdhet är det viktigt att de hela tiden undersöker hur kundernas behov ser ut. Pengar och investeringar är alltid kopplat till ett risktagande därför är det viktigt att banken bygger en relation till kunden samt är tillgängliga. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur kundnöjdhet ser ut i relation mellan de olika Generationerna Babyboomers, X, Y och Z. Syftet är att undersöka kundnöjdheten i Dalarnas län efter att banksketorn har lanserat digitala tjänster. Det finns två frågeställningar som handlar om vilken genration som redovisar den högsta generella kundnöjdheten och om det finns en skillnad på kundnöjdheten i olika generationer. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats i form av en enkätundersökning. Ur statistikprogrammet SPSS togs medelvärden fram som tydligt presenterade de olika generationernas grad av kundnöjdhet. Slutsats: Studiens resultat går inte att generalisera på grund av urvalsmetoden. Tidigare studier visar att Generation Babyboomers har den lägsta kundnöjdheten medan denna studie visar det motsatta. Faktorn tjänster hade generellt högst kundnöjdhet bland generationerna. Vidare studier får fördjupa och förklara varför det ser ut som det gör. / Background: The banking sector, like so many other sectors, has been affected by society's digital journey, which is about how the digitalization has taken on an even greater role in society. Digitalization has developed rapidly in recent decades and the banking sector has developed from being very location-bound to being able to be available anytime and anywhere. Previous research covered in this study presented results from other countries. The results from the foreign studies showed various factors that influenced customer satisfaction. Some of the factors had a positive effect on customer satisfaction, while others had a negative impact. One factor that above all had a negative effect was age, and the group who were most dissatisfied were the older generation in comparison to the younger generations. To obtain increased customer satisfaction in general in the banking sector, service and reception by the bank's employees was important. The fact that the bank meets customers' needs usually leads to the customer trusting the bank and staying as a customer. It is also important that the bank delivers well-developed digital platforms which also must meet the customer's needs. In order to the bank to continue to have a high level of customer satisfaction, it is important that they constantly examine what the customers' needs look like. Money and investments are always linked to risk-taking, therefore it is important that the bank establishes a relationship with the customer. Purpose: The study investigates what customer satisfaction looks like in relation to the different Generations of Baby boomers, X, Y and Z. The purpose is to study customer satisfaction in the county of Dalarna after the launch of digital services in the banking sector. There are two research questions that discuss which generation has the highest customer satisfaction as well as if there is a difference between generations and their customer satisfaction within the banking sector. Method: To answer the purpose of the study, a quantitative method has been applied in the form of a survey. From the statistics program SPSS, average values were produced, and they clearly presented the different generations' degree of customer satisfaction. Conclusion: The results of the study cannot be generalized due to the selection method. Previous studies show that Generation Baby Boomers have the lowest customer satisfaction, while this study shows the opposite. The factor regarding services generally had the highest customer satisfaction among the generations. Further studies may deepen and explain why it looks the way it does may clarify and explain the results to a deeper level.
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