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台灣期貨市場快速刪單之研究 —從投資者身分別探討 / A Study of Fleeting Orders in Taiwan’s Futures Markets Across Investor Types張庭鈞, Zhang,Ting Jun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要探討台灣期貨市場於2005年至2008年的快速抽單(Fleeting orders)現象。文章將市場交易者區分為機構法人、散戶、自營商以及外資共四類族群,研究抽單背後的動機是否與各族群中交易者的下單積極程度、追價動作,或是降低成交成本有關。實證結果顯示,機構法人在快速抽單動作上無顯著動機;在散戶部分,僅部分散戶具有能力進行快速抽單,而其主要動機是為了降低交易成本。自營商的進場動機,主要是以造市為考量,因此測試市場上是否存在更激進的交易對手單是快速抽單的原因之一。此外,自營商亦會因要降低成交成本而進行快速抽單的動作。由於外資的主要策略是使用波段操作獲取大額利潤,無顯著證據證明外資進行快速抽單的動機是涵蓋於上述三種假設。
本文亦透過實證分析,探討快速抽單與合約報酬的關係,並以研究觀察有較高的快速抽單率是否會帶來較佳報酬,實證結果顯示各族群皆無顯著正相關,但散戶有顯著負相關。四類族群各自有不同的交易型態,故不能將他們概一而論,本篇論文的貢獻即是透過快速抽單,證明四個交易族群在程式交易上,具有不同的策略方向以及對於市場有不同的熟悉程度。 / This paper focuses on the phenomenon of fleeting orders in Taiwan’s futures markets from 2005 to 2008. Traders who in the markets will be divided into local institutional investors, individual, Dealer, and foreign institutional investors. Our study will find the motivation behind fleeting orders under the three hypotheses: attractive, chasing, and the cost-of-immediacy. The empirical results show that local institutional investors have no significant motivation. Only part of individual investors have the ability to use fleeting orders, and their main motivation is to reduce transaction costs. Dealers act as a market maker, so the main motivation for dealers is to raise liquidity. So to test whether a more aggressive limit orders exists in the market is one of the reasons for them to submit fleeting orders. In addition, dealers will also cancel limit orders in order to reduce the transaction costs. Because the main strategy for foreign institutional investors is to obtain a large profit during a period, they have no significant evidence to explain any motivation under the three assumptions.
This article also analysis the relationship between fleeting orders and performance, and investigate whether the high fleeting ratio could bring much better profits. The empirical result show that all of four type investors have no significant positive correlation of fleeting orders and performance, but individual investors have significant negative correlation of fleeting orders and performance. Each of four type investors has different trading patterns, so that we should treat them case by case. The contribution of this paper is to prove that the four type investors have different strategies when they use trading program, and they also have different experience in Taiwan’s futures markets.
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台灣與印尼雙邊跨境移工政策:以在台逃逸印尼勞工為例 / Coordinating Migrant Labor Policy between Taipei and Jakarta: The Case of Runaway Indonesian Workers范安曼, Faustina, Anselma Unknown Date (has links)
考慮到外籍勞工議題涵蓋的層面多元,如多方的參與者,因此本篇論文將專注於闡述與探討負責輸出勞工及輸入勞工國家的角色及政策。本篇論文主要分為兩部份,第一部分,由於台灣的移工政策對於外國勞工非常嚴格,因此台灣的移工政策造成了印尼勞工過多的負擔,第二台灣和印尼政府無效率的配合,兩國政府只專注於表面並無徹底了解並從其根本解決勞工問題,這兩項因素造成了高比率的逃逸印尼勞工問題,除此之外,本篇論文亦將包含清楚的台灣政府和印尼政府的勞工政策發展,為了更清楚了解此一議題,本篇論文也向移民署收容所作問卷調查,訪問避難所的逃逸勞工,和研究台印勞工現象的專家學者們進行團體討論,本篇分析結果來自問卷調查及訪問,並將此一結果與現有的印尼及台灣政府的政策與合作進行分析。 / As one of the most populous country in the world, Indonesia’s predominance is sending its human resources to work abroad. However, many Indonesian overseas workers encounter mistreatment during their work time which leads to several arising problems. On the other hand, Taiwan has become one of the preferred destination countries due to three reasons; higher salary, better living and working conditions, and low mistreatment cases compare to other destination countries. Despite that, Taiwan government still encounters issues in managing foreign workers. Runaway foreign worker is a major issue in Taiwan’s labor market and Indonesian workers are accounted as the highest runaway foreign workers in Taiwan.
Previous researches have been conducted to analyze the phenomenon of runaway foreign workers in Taiwan and most of them addressed Taiwanese guest worker policy as the major reason. Research on runaway Indonesian workers in particular is very limited as most of the existing researches focused on Filipinas workers.
Taking into account that foreign workers issue is a multi-faceted phenomenon which involves various actors, this thesis acknowledges the roles and policies from both sending and host states. Therefore this thesis delivers two arguments. First, Taiwan’s guest worker policy has put excessive burden on Indonesian workers as Taiwan employs highly restrictive policy towards foreign workers. Second, Indonesia and Taiwan’s ineffective cooperation is unable to address the existing runaway Indonesian workers issue as it emphasizes more on scratching the surface than dealing with the root causes. These two variables have inadvertently contributed to the high number of runaway Indonesian workers. In addition, this thesis also delivers a clear labor policy development in Indonesian and Taiwan government to understand each institution’s in-take related to labor issues. In order to provide comprehensive findings, this thesis conducts survey with the Indonesian runaway workers in Detention Center, interview with the runaway Indonesian workers in shelters, and focus group studies with Indonesian and Taiwanese experts who are dealing with such phenomenon. The analysis is drawn from the results of survey and interview, and then is connected to the current Indonesian and Taiwanese policies and cooperation in addressing particular issue.
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健康人力資本對經濟成長的影響─以台灣各縣市進行分析 / The effect of health human capital on economic growth--A case of Taiwan侯慶銓, Hou, Cing Cyuan Unknown Date (has links)
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複數標記「們」與分類詞的分與合 / Plural Marker -men and Numeral Classifiers: Convergence and Divergence羅奕傑, Lo, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
自Greenberg (1972) 以來,陸續有學者探討世界語言中的複數標記和分類詞之間的關係,並指出兩者的相似之處(Greenberg, 1972; Sanches and Slobin, 1973; Borer, 2005; Her, 2012)。本文稱這些研究為CL-PM Convergence View。這些研究指出分類詞 (numeral classifier; CL) 與複數標記 (plural marker; PM)呈現互補分布的關係。學者們 (Borer, 2005; Her, 2012) 更進一步認為,分類詞與複數標記在同一名詞組裡呈現互補分布,表示兩者在句法結構上佔據相同的位置,應視為相同的成分。然而本文發現,台灣華語「Num+CL+N們」結構有一定的能產性。若將「們」視為複數標記,則台灣華語對於上述學者的理論就形成了反例。有鑑於此,本文目的在於以句法接受度實驗及語料庫兩項方法,重新檢視台灣華語「們」的各種用法,以期解決文獻上對於「們」的諸多爭議。接著,在建立語言事實後,本文探討「們」對於CL-PM Convergence View的意義,並對於台灣華語「們」與分類詞在歷時和共時上的互動作出新的解釋。
具體來說,本文釐清了下列六項事實,為文獻上的爭議提供新的證據: (一)「們」可用於非指人的名詞;(二)「N們」為定指;(三)「Proper N們」僅表示 ‘多位Proper N’;(四)「¬1群N們」合法;(五)「Num+CL+N們」合法;(六) 在有接受英語教育的前提下,母語者的英語程度越低,對於「Num+CL+N們」的接受度越高,也越容易受到英語句法結構的促發(priming),表示「Num+CL+N們」的產生與和英語的接觸有密切關係。考慮這些事實及其他台灣華語沒有爭議的特性,本文認為台灣華語「們」應視為一個集合標記(collective plural marker),而非文獻所說的伴同標記(associative plural, Iljic, 2001,2005; 陳俊光,2009)或是普通複數標記(additive plural, Li, 1999; Hunag et al, 2009)。最後,本文提出兩個論點: 第一,我們根據Her et al (to appear)的洞見,區分「語意複數」(semantic plural)及「語法複數」(grammatical plural);第二,我們提出新的事實,論證「們」在句法上,台灣華語「們」是一個附綴(clitic)而非詞綴(suffix)。這兩項論點證明台灣華語「們」並不違反CL-PM Convergence View的預測,亦可以解釋「們」與分類詞在歷時(李豔惠、石毓智,2000)和共時上的互動。 / Since Greenberg (1972), there have been many studies addressing the issue of the relationship between numeral classifiers (CL) and plural markers (PM) (Greenberg, 1972; Sanches and Slobin, 1973; Borer, 2005; Her, 2012). These scholars (henceforth CL-PM Convergence View) discovered that CL and PM tend not to co-occur in the same language, and even if they do co-occur, they are complementarily distributed within NP. Some linguists (Borer, 2005; Her, 2012) take this generalization further to propose that CL and PM in fact belong to the same category. However, when we look at Taiwan Mandarin (TM) data, a potential counterevidence can be found: [Num+CL+N-men], in which CL and –men, generally taken to be a plural suffix, co-occur within the same NP. In light of this, this study aims to take a realist look at TM –men, collecting relevant data from grammaticality judgment task and corpora so as to capture the behavior of –men. We then test CL-PM Convergence View against empirical data obtained in the study, showing that [Num+CL+N-men] does not constitute a counterexample to CL-PM Convergence View. The apparent interaction between CL and –men in TM can also be accounted for under our analysis of –men.
Specifically, this study establishes the following facts for TM –men: (1) the use of –men is not restricted to human Ns; (2) N-men must be definite; (3) Proper N denotes ‘more than one Proper N’; (4) [¬1 qun N-men] is grammatical; (5) [Num+CL+N-men] is grammatical; (6) native speakers’ acceptability of [Num+CL+N-men] is in negative correlation with their English proficiency, and priming effects of English structure [Num+N-s] are observed on speakers with low English proficiency. Taking these findings into account, this study proposes that TM –men should be best analyzed as a collective plural marker, contra Iljic, (2001,2005) and 陳俊光’s (2009) “associative” analysis on the one hand, and Li (1999) and Hunag et al’s (2009) “additive” analysis on the other. Accordingly, we argue that –men as a collective does not constitute a counterexample to CL-PM Convergence View, citing two further pieces of evidence: Her et al’s (to appear) insight that “semantic plural” and “grammatical plural” should be distinguished and the proposal made there to revise CL-PM Convergence View, and the “clitic” analysis of TM –men proposed in this study. Finally, we show that the distinction between “semantic plural” and “grammatical plural” also nicely explains the synchronic and diachronic interaction between CL and –men in TM.
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政府教育支出對人力資本的影響─以台灣各縣市進行分析 / The effect of government education spending on human capital ─ A case of Taiwan莊嘉恆, Chuang, Chia Heng Unknown Date (has links)
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公共空間的私營化?由「市定古蹟紫藤廬」審視台北市古蹟委託經營管理的政策與執行 / Privatizing the Public Space? A Review of the Implementation of the Historic Conservation Policy in Taipei through the Case of Wisteria Tea House余映嫻, Ying-Hsien Yu January 1996 (has links)
本研究以公共空間的理論角度切入,以四個層次的公共性,審視在台北市古蹟委託經營管理政策的執行下,市定古蹟紫藤廬的「公共」如何在這過程中挪移。市定古蹟紫藤廬的委託經營管理,原是摸索一個公共空間私營化,並將部分回饋於公共的創新方式,但在執行過程中,新的政府的公權力介入,原先私人經營的茶館轉而變成在契約下的商業行為,以及在公權力及私人經營主體之間扮演中介角色的協會,這三者之間交錯的關係,權力的拉扯,正是本研究的核心。 / Wisteria Tea House is the first case of the privatization of the management of historic site which also an integrated conservation case to attempt to integrate the physical historical space with the tea culture and the public space/sphere in the city.
After the designation of historic building due to a series of conservation movements, the manager of Wisteria Tea House had transformed to Chinese Wisteria Cultural Association from private Wisteria Diner (an informal restaurant). Then the Association subcontracts the most of the space to Wisteria Diner to constitute the management subject.
This research analyses the four dimensions of publics through a perspective of public space to review “the shift of public” in the implementation of the historic conservation policy of Taipei municipality. The management of Wisteria Tea House was an innovative way to search for the privatization of public space with the feedback fund. The core of the research is the tensions of power and the interwoven relationships through the commercial contracts among public power of municipal government, the mediator of the public organization of Association, and the real private manager, Wisteria Diner. / 第一章 導論 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1 .2文獻及理論回顧 4
1.2.1從公共的觀點談起:公共的多重性展現 4
1.2.2文化消費與古蹟保存 8
1.2.3作為一個個案:紫藤廬的既有研究 11
1.3研究發問與研究方法 13
1.3.1研究發問 13
1.3.2研究方法 14
1.3.3寫作架構 17
第二章 市定古蹟紫藤廬形構的歷史脈絡 19
2.1紫藤廬的歷史 20
2.2在什麼脈絡下保存策略提出 21
2.3從私人茶館到承租古蹟的私營關係 23
第三章 臺北市政府公權力的介入 27
3.1古蹟保存政策的轉變:從保存到管理維護到委託經營 28
3.2古蹟委託經營相關法規與其續約合約書的對照及現況分析 30
3.2.1委外經營雙方應簽訂書面契約 31
3.2.2委託經營管理項目 32
3.2.3再利用及委外經營管理 33
3.2.4經公告程序徵求民間機關參與 35
3.2.5委託時間(約期)的限制 36
3.2.6關於經費之編列 37
3.2.7定期監督 38
3.2.8市定古蹟紫藤廬租金及相關使用費 39
3.2.9各項稅捐 41
3.2.10各項收費 42
3.3契約書之比較分析 43
第四章 社團法人中華紫藤文化協會的角色與作用 45
4.1混沌之期:從無到有的過程 45
4.1.1紫藤廬指定古蹟之後的摸索階段 45
4.1.2成立紫藤文化協會:呼應市民連署之名,強調由下而上的組織 46
4.2古蹟委託經營管理時期:紫藤文化協會的更替及分析 47
4.2.1紫藤文化協會的更替 47
4.2.2協會更替所帶來的角色轉換 49
4.3紫藤文化協會及其協同團體的轉變及分析 50
4.3.1社區互動從有至無 50
4.3.2協會協同團體的轉變 51
4.3.3從相互合作到互相競奪 53
4.4分包合約的比較分析 56
4.4.1關係切割:從營業額回饋到租金概念 56
4.4.2免費活動場次消失 58
4.4.3資金流向 58
4.5在紫藤文化協會與公部門之間 59
4.5.1優勢?茶館為原有經營團隊 60
4.5.2古蹟營運督導委員會 61
4.6修繕計畫 65
第五章 紫藤廬的公共的多層次意義 69
5.1從私營變成公共空間私營? 69
5.2從產權為公的官員宿舍到私人經營的茶館,公與私的不清 70
5.3成為古蹟必須延續的精神與公共性 71
5.4忽略差異,對公共性的實質傷害 72
5.5市定古蹟紫藤廬:私營化下的公共領域 73
5.6轉變:是公共還是私人 76
5.7假公共之名? 77
第六章 結論 79
6.1古蹟委託經營管理:公權力與私經營的角力競奪 79
6.2市定古蹟紫藤廬作為一個公共空間的恢復 80
6.3古蹟委託經營是萬靈藥? 81
參考文獻 83
書目及期刊 83
相關法規 88
其他資料 90
附錄 93
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結合行動應用之自由行旅遊支援平台建置 / The Development of a Travel Supported Platform with Mobile Application for Backpacking王子瑜, Wang, Tzu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
觀光旅遊是現今十分興盛的休閒活動,根據 2010 至 2012 年交通部觀光局統計資料顯示,國人國內旅遊以非旅行社承辦平均高達約 88%,因此如何有效規劃行程內容及安排各景點間的交通路線,就成為旅遊前的重要準備工作。
本研究未來方向可以往更多的服務串流發展,如景點的多媒體內容、社群結合、智慧邏輯排程或外部資訊連結等等。隨著未來資訊技術的提升,將為系統平台帶來更多可能性、讓整體服務擁有更佳的整合性,提供使用者更好的體驗。 / Nowadays, touring is a popular leisure activity. According to statistics from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, people arranged their own domestic travels as high as 88%. Because backpacking can be economical and more flexible, many young people tend to travel by themselves. Therefore travel planning has become the most important preparation work. How to plan an effective schedule and how to arrange the routes between attractive points are the tasks that backpackers often need to face.
However there are few information services for the needs currently. The thesis designed and implemented a travelling support platform. First, the research identified design key elements by interviewing users and analyzing travelling behaviors. Second, the research mapped the touring process into functional models. Finally, we built and tested the platform prototype. This platform is Cloud-based and seamlessly integrates both website and mobile application to achieve the information service. Users use the website to schedule their trips and upload the schedules to the cloud database. Then the user can access the same schedule made at website on the mobile APP synchronously. They can check their schedule while they are traveling on the mobile phones. In addition, they can edit the schedule and rearrange new traffic routes real-time to adjust to the local circumstances.
The further developments of the platform will include more integrated services, such as multimedia contents, social network, and intelligent logic scheduling. With the evolution of the technology in the future, the platform will provide better user experience.
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劣勢者的競選策略 / The Campaign Strategy of Underdog楊家俍 Unknown Date (has links)
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台商大陸投資對其經營績效之影響 —以連接器產業為例 / The Impact of Investing in China on the Operating Performance of Taiwanese Firms—Evidence from the Connector Industry陳志哲 Unknown Date (has links)
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頁岩氣對台灣化石業的影響與建議 / The Shale Gas Impact on Taiwan Petrochemical Industry潘津佑, Pan, Gemma Unknown Date (has links)
頁岩氣對台灣化石業的影響與建議 / As America successfully explore shale gas and eagerly discuss its application from gas exporting to petrochemical industry downstream feedstock, shale gas comprehensive influence has made its self a hot topic since 2010. One third of Taiwan gas is from Malaysia and Qatar with importing cost around USD13-15/mmBTU, which are mostly used for power generation and domestic use and few are used for petrochemical industry because gas cost is too high comparing with naphtha. However, shale gas has brought down gas price to below USD4/mmBTU that provides a competitive advantage for America manufacturers and changes production method from naphtha to gas for petrochemical industry crackers. On the contrary, Asian petrochemical industry which are naphtha based crackers will face competition from America makers who has cheaper production cost and over supplied in domestic market and looking for international market. Taiwan petrochemical industry, dominated by two major petrochemical companies, is facing several difficulties including limited space for capacity expansion and furious competition from China and ASEAN. We will explore the possibility for Taiwan to import shale gas and any solutions to improve our situation.
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