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社會媒體與太陽花學運 / Social Media and the Sunflower Student Movement凱琳娜, Böhm, Katharina Unknown Date (has links)
之春、西班牙的Indignants 抗議運動,以及在北美的佔領華爾街運動,
與成功的重要因素。除了台灣年輕人常用的Facebook、Line 等社交
究包含來自Facebook 與PTT 還有「新媒體」的資料,此外,此論文
體的狀況。 / Social media plays a crucial role in recent social movements. The Arab
Spring, the Indignants protest in Spain and the Occupy Wall Street
movement in North America highlighted the special role of digital social
media networks and its contribution to the facilitation of protest
movements. This master thesis examines the role of the social media in the
“Sunflower Student Movement” in Taiwan. It argues that social media and
the “new media” have been a crucial factor to the prolongation and success
of this movement. Besides the high penetration rate of social media, such
as Facebook and LINE, among young Taiwanese, another important factor
for protestors to use social media was the mistrust in the traditional
Taiwanese media. Through the “new media” ordinary citizens could
become a part of the protest and exert the same influence as the mainstream
media. The “new media” may pave the way for a more transparent
democracy in Taiwan and raise more political awareness among the young
citizens. The research of this thesis includes information collected from
Facebook and PTT as well as the “new media”. Additionally, interviews
among participants of the Sunflower Student Movement were conducted
to assess their use of social media during the movement.
1142 |
運用支持向量機和決策樹預測台指期走勢 / Predicting Taiwan Stock Index Future Trend Using SVM and Decision Tree吳永樂, Wu, Yong Le Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用479個全球指標對台指期建立預測模型。該模型可以預測台指期在未來K天的漲跌走勢。我們使用了兩種演算法(支持向量機和決策樹)以及兩種取樣方式(交叉驗證和移動視窗)進行預測。在交叉驗證的建模過程中,決策樹展現了較高的預測力,最高準確度達到了93.4%。在移動視窗的建模過程中,支持向量機表現較好,達到了79.97%的預測准確度。於此同時,不管是哪一種條件設定都表明當我們預測的週期拉長時,預測的效果相對較好。這說明全球市場對台灣市場的影響很大,但是需要一定的市場反應時間。該研究結果對投資人有一定的參考作用。在未來方向裡,可以嘗試使用改進的決策樹演算法,也可以結合回歸預測進行深入研究。 / In this research, we build a stock price direction forecasting model with Taiwan Stock Index Future (TXF). The input data we used is 479 global indices. The classification algorithms we used are SVM and Decision Tree. This model can predict the up and down trend in the next k days. In the model building process, both cross validation and moving window are taking into account. As for the time period, both short term prediction (i.e. 1 day) and long term prediction (i.e. 100 days) are tested for comparison. The results showed that cross validation performs best with 93.4% in precision, and moving window reached 79.97% in precision when we use the last 60 days historical data to predict the up and down trend in the next 20 days. The results imply Taiwan stock market is significantly influenced by the global market in the long run. This finding could be further used by investors and also be studied with regression algorithms as a combination model to enhance its performance.
1143 |
跨文化危機之新聞框架分析: 比較台灣與菲律賓報紙對於「廣大興28號」事件之報導 / Framing Cross-Cultural Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Coverage of the Guang Da Hsing No. 28 Incident in Taiwanese and Philippine Newspapers黃真媚, Marvee Gail Huedem Moreno Unknown Date (has links)
Framing research over the years has led to remarkable findings about how the media is able to influence public perception about certain issues or events. Framing analysis of international conflict is commonplace, yet only a few deal specifically with direct conflict between countries over a single incident. The current study conducted a comparative framing analysis on news reports of a single incident as covered by each country’s media. The incident in this case is the Guang Da Hsing shooting that occurred between Taiwan and the Philippines in May 2013. A content analysis of two newspapers from Taiwan and three from the Philippines was conducted to identify the frames that appeared in the text. Additionally, the incident was also examined from a cultural and crisis communication perspective, exploring themes of cultural difference, “othering”, attributions of responsibility, and crisis response strategies.
1144 |
互動在VJ表演所產生的觀眾自主控制權矛盾探討 / Analyzing the Paradox of the autonomy by the Audience in Interactive VJ Performance羅晧耘 Unknown Date (has links)
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新台幣與均一定價理論背離: 台幣實質與名目匯率差異的成因 / The New Taiwan Dollar against The Law of One Price - On the Causes of Taiwan’s Real/Nominal Exchange Rate Spread施安德, Springer, Andreas Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的國內生產毛額及薪資在過去十幾年來相當的穩定,但是生活水準卻仍然一直提升。這種矛盾現象來自於新台幣的名目跟實質匯率背離,在先進國家裡面是相當罕見的。本論文研究了台灣與國際經濟的整合、貨幣政策、政治局勢以及收支平衡帳等因素,並了解他們跟此矛盾之間的潛在因果關係。由於台灣未能充分參與最近一波的全球化浪潮,使得它的價格體系跟國際水準脫勾。而對外投資、外匯累積,以及傳統商業跟文化結構等因素,共同創造了現有獨特的低物價水準環境。為了防止這種長期的價格扭曲影響,台灣的國際政治情勢必須改善,或至少跟經濟行為能力分離。唯有如此,台灣的經濟情況才能恢復正常,讓實質跟名目匯率的差距縮小,(以美金計價的)名目國內生產總值和工資也才能成長。 / Taiwan’s GDP and wages have remained steady for more than a decade, though the living standard continued to rise. This paradox is induced by the New Taiwan Dollar’s nominal and real exchange rates diverging, an anomaly amongst advanced economies. Investigating ongoing international economic integration, Taiwan’s monetary policy, political situation, and balance of payments unveils the underlying causality. Taiwan could not participate in the most recent wave of globalisation, insulating its price level. In combination with outgoing investments, reserves accumulation, and its traditional business culture and structure, this has created an area of inimitable low prices. In order to prevent distortionary long-term effects, Taiwan’s political situation needs to either be resolved, or separated from its economic capacity to act. Only then can Taiwan’s economic situation normalise and the real/nominal exchange rate spread fade, which implies an increase in nominal GDP and wages (measured in USD).
1146 |
創新夥伴關係之研究 -以台灣大哥大志工數位媒合平台為例 / 無黃玉娟 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 平台推廣-結合集團的資源,並開發符合志工需求主題的短期志願服務類型,透過誘因機制吸引非營利組織及志工加入,以及更人性化的操作介面。
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不同產業的伺服器趨勢---以台灣角度看世界 / A Study on The Tendency of Server usage in Taiwan王鼎瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
1148 |
面對數位匯流之無線電視台競爭與行銷策略研究-以個案電視台為例 / The Analyzing of Competitive Strategy and Marketing Strategy of Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies in Digital Convergence Age - A Case Study張志祥, Chang, Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
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建立台灣電動計程車隊之可行性分析─以台灣大車隊為例 / Feasibility Analysis of Establishing Electrical Taxi Fleet- A Case Study of Taiwan Taxi何家歡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現: (1) 現行電動車的續航力足夠台灣一般計程車司機使用一整天不須充電。 (2) 在行駛相同的里程數下,電動車的充電費用遠低於汽油價格 (3) 以目前的車輛價格,電動計程車租金可達到計程車司機的接受範圍。(4)長期使用下,以電動車作為計程車的總成本低於使用汽油車,可以增加司機的收入 / In the soaring oil price, increasing urban air pollution and worsening global warming situation, promotion of Electric Vehicle has become an important development policy in many nations. However, many nations have focus and prioritize Electric Vehicle’s development in the public transit vehicle market instead of the consumer vehicle market, such as taxi, due Electric Vehicle’s high retail price, slow charging process and lack of functionality still cannot meet most consumers’ demands. In Taiwan, due to the lack of Electric Vehicle promotion and understanding in all markets and the higher price compared to petroleum-based vehicles, deployment of the aforementioned development policy has encountered more difficulties. Therefore, the more logical approach for Electric Vehicle promotion would be enabling taxi organization to purchase in mass numbers, then rent the vehicle to Taxi drivers.
This research focuses on the partnership between the Electric Vehicle industry and the Taxi Organizations, and will focus on the Taxi Organization, Taiwan Taxi, as a feasible research target case study.
This research will analyze based on four different roles of the Taxi industry, namely, the Taxi Driver, Taxi Organization, Taxi Customers and the government through: questionnaires that inquire about current vehicle use, interviews that provide insights to Taiwan Taxi’s management directions, documents that highlights government policy directions as well as subsidy on Electric Vehicles, and summaries that provide an understanding of each Electric Vehicle Manufacturers’ technologies.
From the above analysis, this research will aim to determine the feasibility of Electric Vehicles as Taxi in Taiwan and the possible benefits of such change. Finally, this research will compare the cost of Electric Vehicle versus current petroleum-based vehicles as an operative cost comparison to further prove that Electric Vehicle is a suitable replacement technology for the Taxi industry.
This research has found that: modern electric vehicle’s battery life is sufficient for regular taxi drivers in Taiwan for an entire day without recharge; under the same mileage, the cost of charging an electric vehicle is far cheaper than refilling petroleum; the cost of renting an electric vehicle is in an acceptable range compared to the current vehicle purchase price; in long terms, the cost of electric vehicles as taxi is far cheaper than using petroleum-based vehicles, which can increase the drivers’ profits.
1150 |
台灣日文新詩的誕生──以《臺灣日日新報》、《臺灣教育》(1895-1926)為中心 / The Birth of Taiwanese New Poetry Written in Japanese: Based on “Taiwan Daily News” and “Taiwan Educational Association Magazine” (1895-1926)張詩勤, Chang, Shih Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以1895-1926年的《臺灣日日新報》、《臺灣教育》為史料,討論台灣日文新詩如何誕生的問題。首先,藉由拓寬「台灣新詩」的定義,將1895年台灣進入日本統治、傳入日本近代詩的同時,便算作台灣新詩的起點。接著,透過爬梳日本近代詩的歷史,闡明日本近代詩對於台灣日文新詩的影響。此影響可分為兩階段,一是明治期「新體詩」的傳入,使得日文新詩開始在台灣出現、並開始在詩中收編殖民地台灣的意象。二是大正期「口語自由詩」的傳入,使得文語定型詩的形式受到解放,並持續受到日本近代詩思潮的影響,進而促使台灣詩人的出現。從這個過程中,可以看出台灣日文新詩的誕生與日本近代國家與近代語言的建構有著密切的關係,這樣的關係影響了日治初期台灣日文新詩的性格,也影響了台灣詩人最初詩作的樣貌。相較於前行研究對台灣初期新詩中民族與抗日精神之強調,本論文應能提供較為不同的認識。 / This study focuses on the historical materials in “Taiwan Daily News” and “Taiwan Educational Association Magazine”(1895-1926), and explains the birth of Taiwanese new poetry written in Japanese. First, this study expands the definition of Taiwanese new poetry by putting its starting point at 1895 when Japanese modern poetry entered into Taiwan. Then, this study examines the history of Japanese modern poetry and how Japanese modern poetry influenced Taiwanese new poetry. This influence unfolded in two stages. During the Meiji period, the “new style poetry” was introduced into Taiwan. Taiwanese new poetry arose within this trend and Japanese poets began to appropriate Taiwanese local images in their works. During the Taisho period, the “free verse” was introduced into Taiwan and brought about a more liberal form of poetry. Under such an influence of Japanese modern poetry Taiwanese poets emerged. This study shows that the birth of Taiwanese new poetry was intimately related to the construction of Japanese as a modern language and Japan as a modern nation-state. This relationship influenced the feature in early stage of Taiwanese new poetry and the appearance of poems by Taiwanese poets.On early stage of Taiwanese new poetry, previous researches mostly focus on the resistance against Japan. This study brings up an alternative approach and tries to make a breakthrough in the field of new poetry in colonial Taiwan.
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