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購屋決策者的個人特質與購屋行為關係之探討 / The Study of The Relationship Between Consumer's Personality and Decision-Making Process for Housing Purchase李炳漢 Unknown Date (has links)
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台鐵車路分離下員工選擇行為模式分析之研究趙國裕 Unknown Date (has links)
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育成中心經營效率之研究曾宏昌 Unknown Date (has links)
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投資型購屋者機率預測模型之建立 / The Probability predictive model of housing investors邱于修, Chiou,Yu Shiou Unknown Date (has links)
住宅為兼具消費及投資之雙重功能財貨,因此若從購屋動機劃分購屋族群,可以分為自住者及投資者,近年來受到國內房市呈現生氣蓬勃之景象及利率持續走低等總體經濟因素影響之下,出現越來越多以投資為主要目的之投資型購屋者,對於金融機構之購屋貸款業務來說,投資者之還款行為相較於自住者是比較不穩定的。故本文之研究目的即藉由探討自住者及投資者之購屋特徵異同,建立投資者之機率預測模型,預測某購屋者成為投資者之機率,提供一較為客觀之機率預測模型,供作金融機構放貸參考準則。接著進一步探討在不同機率界限(cutoff point)下之預測準確率,找出預測準確率最高之機率界限值,提高本模型之預測準確度;並探討金融機構在不同經營方針下之較適機率界限值。 / 本文使用台灣住宅需求動向季報之已購屋者問卷,建立二元羅吉特模型。研究結果顯示,區位在中心都市、高單價、小面積產品及大面積產品、預售屋及拍賣屋市場屬於投資型產品,而搜尋時間短、搜尋間數少、年齡較長、男性、無固定職業及家庭平均月收入較高者成為投資者之機率較高。接著,運用貝氏定理計算出預測準確率最高之機率界限值,結果當機率界限值為0.70時預測準確率最高,投資者達72.22%,自住者達80.07%。此外,並使用2007Q4的資料作樣本外驗證,投資者命中率為65.52%,自住者命中率為84.51%。最後,為提供金融機構運用,本文模擬兩種預測誤差在不同權重下對於金融機構所造成的損失,找出損失最少的機率界限值,結果皆是以0.70為最適機率界限值。 / Housing is dual function goods, consumption and investment, so if we separate the home buyers by their motives, they can be defined as two groups, owner-occupiers and investors. Recently, because the housing market is vigorous inland and the rates are fairly low, there are more and more home buyers buying houses for investment. To financial institutions, their payment behaviors are more instable, compare to owner-occupiers. So this article is aim to build a probability predictive model of housing investors by discussing the different home buying characters between owner-occupiers and investors. Therefore we can provide financing institutions a more objective method evaluating if they should lend money to the home buyers. Then we discuss the predictive accuracy with different cutoff points, finding the cutoff point with highest predictive accuracy, therefore we can elevate the model`s predictive accuracy. Besides, we also discuss the most optimal cutoff point for financial institutions under different administration principles. / This article builds binary logit model by the data of “Housing Demand Survey in Taiwan”. Our results suggests that if the houses in downtown、high unit price、big and small acreage、presale and court auction housing market belong to investing houses. And short search duration、few search items、older、male、non-constant job、higher income are getting higher probability to be housing investors. Then, we use Bayesian Theorem to figure out the cutoff point with highest predictive accuracy, and Our results suggests that 0.70 cutoff point with highest predictive accuracy , at that time, investor predictive accuracy is 72.22%, owner-occupier is 80.07%. Besides, we also do the out-sample test by the 2007Q4 data, the investor`s hit-rate is65.52%, the owner-occupier`s hit-rate is 84.51%. At the end, in order to provide financial institution to use, we give two predictive deviation different weights, to find the smallest loss cutoff point, the result all suggest that 0.70 is the most optimal cutoff point.
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跨界投資與在地再投資區位選擇研究 / A study on location selection of trans-border investment and reinvestment in home country王冠斐 Unknown Date (has links)
在地再投資部分以台灣製造業1000大廠商中知識密集型製造業為研究對象,並以工業地域觀點所劃分的台灣地區北、中、南三大區域為研究場域,選擇包括在台投資經驗、總部區位、第一次投資決策、路徑依循等企業廠商組織決策之屬性變數,以及包含區域中科學園區的設立、產業專業化係數、雜異化指標等區域環境變數,透過多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。實證的結果發現,總部區位確實影響後續再投資的工廠區位選擇,第一次的投資決策經驗對於第二次投資的區位選擇行為影響比總部區位的影響明顯,代表時間演進而產生路徑相依的地區經濟型態差異變項也確實會影響區位選擇行為。而當區域內科學園區的發展相較未臻成熟時,其區域的賦能仍不足以吸引企業廠商進駐,至於台灣企業的再投資區位選擇基於對區域特性的了解較偏好區域內工業地域的地方化經濟,而不偏好區域內工業地域的都市化經濟。 / Stressed on the Taiwanese economical transition, the up-rising of Chinese economy and the change of Taiwanese enterprise organization as well as based on the past research, this study explores the factors affecting location selection behavior of Taiwanese firms across Taiwan Strait from three aspects including the establishment of enterprise headquarter, cross-border investment and local re-investment.
On the establishment of enterprise headquarter, the top 1000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan were sampled and some factors were analyzed including office type, R&D, multinational production network, foreign enterprise, number of employee, total asset, knowledge-intensive business, and traditional manufacturing firms. However, these factors could be classed into three fields: headquarter function, cross-border management ability and firm characteristics. Then, the location selection behavior of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter was examined by the techniques of binary logit model and cluster analysis technique among capital area, urban area and homogenous area with productive service industry and innovation-based cluster.
The results of empirical analysis show that the factors represented firm characteristics including total asset, number of employee and enterprise type significantly affected the location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter. Furthermore, it is also verified that the enterprise headquarter had been established in capital or urban area if the headquarter was provided with R&D or simply used as office, but the effect of cross-border management upon headquarter establishment is insignificant. The effect of innovation-based cluster upon location selection of enterprise headquarter is seldom studied in the past. However, according to empirical results in this study, they show that location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter is affected not only by local Productive Service industry but also by regional innovation-based cluster.
On the location selection of cross-border investment, this study focused on the area of Taiwan, Bohai Economic Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The top 250 Taiwanese enterprise groups were taken into consideration, and the multinomial Logit model was adopted for empirical analysis in which firm characteristics and location conditions were chosen as research variables. Where, firm characteristics contained industrial type, investing experience and investment time, and location conditions included labor cost, market scale, regional innovation intensity and foreign investment intensity.
The empirical results indicate that industrial type and investment time significantly affect the selection of investment locations. In contrast, investment experience only slightly influences the selection of investment locations. In addition, we find that entrepreneurial motivation to enter new markets may be much more influential than prior location investment experiences for Taiwanese enterprises functioning within similar markets. Regional differences shaping investment conditions in Taiwan and mainland China also affect the selection of investment locations. Our analysis shows a particularly strong linkage between regional innovation capacity and the selection of investment locations. This implies that regional innovation capacity plays a very important role in the selection of investment locations for multinational enterprises
On local re-investment, the top 1000 knowledge-intensive manufacturers in Taiwan were the samples divided by region into the northern, central and southern Taiwan groups by administrative region. The factors affecting organizational decisions were the attribute variables, including Taiwan investment experience, headquarters location, first investment experience and path dependence; and the factors affecting location selection were the regional environment variables, including regional science park status, industry specialization coefficient and Hirschman-Herfindahl index (HHI). The multinomial Logit model was used for empirical analysis, and the results show that the headquarters location affects plant location selection in re-investment, and the first investment experience has a more significant effect on the plant location selection in the second investment than the headquarters location, suggesting that the path-dependent heterogeneity in regional economic style developed over time affects location selection. Also, the immaturity of regional science parks affects plant location selection when regional empowerment cannot attract enterprises. Lastly, Taiwanese enterprises prefer regions with localized economies to regions with urbanized economies for plant location selection.
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