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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林孟彥 Unknown Date (has links)
住宅一直是家戶最重要的選擇之一,瞭解家戶對於住宅選擇之行為對於政府政策的擬定有很大的幫助,學者自1960年代即投入家戶對於住宅選擇行為之研究,在1970年代McFadden提出多項羅吉特模型(Multinomial Logit,MNL)後,MNL在此研究領域中即被廣泛的應用。然而MNL模型存在方案間之「不相干獨立替選方案」(Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives,IIA)特性,使得方案間若存在關連性時,會造成估計的偏誤,影響推論的結果與準確性。 既然MNL的IIA特性在某些情況下會造成估計偏誤進而影響推論結果與準確性,因此放寬IIA限制的模型即被提出。巢式多項Logit(Nested Multinomial Logit,NMNL )模型允許方案間存在關連性,放寬IIA的特性限制,因此NMNL是更一般化的模型,更能符合現實情況。 本研究以「中央研究院經濟研究所」民國93年「華人家庭動態資料(PSFD)」為實證資料,以NMNL模型分析家戶對住宅選擇之研究,實證結果發現在選擇次序上,家戶以最先考慮區位、其次為樣式、最後考慮租買的選擇次序最符合實證資料;而在變數上,在家戶屬性方面,家戶所得、家戶人數與戶長年齡對於家戶在選擇住宅時顯著的影響;在住宅屬性方面,坪數、房間數與舒適性對家戶選擇有顯著影響。


陳佳甫 Unknown Date (has links)
價格預期是影響市場價格波動的重要因素,但過去房價預期的研究多半以客觀的市場與環境因素取代購屋者實際的預期,缺乏購屋個體實際的預期研究。股價與物價預期相關研究已從個體預期的角度發現價格預期具有高度的異質性,隱含多元豐富的資訊。故本研究希望釐清個體購屋者預期,是否因身分屬性、搜尋行為、動機與認知產生不同的預期?房價預期的差異與股價預期、民生消費品價格預期有何不同與類似之處?在不同的景氣狀況之下預期之異質性是否因此而改變? 由於購屋者預期為類別變數,本研究使用多項羅吉特模型。實證結果顯示,購屋者身分、行為、動機與認知使房價預期產生差異,其中女性購屋者看漲機率較男性高與消費市場預期差異結果相同,加上住宅投資消費目的皆較投資者多,推測購屋者對住宅商品之看法仍偏向消費市場。此外,從在不同景氣階段,房價預期之異質性會因此改變,主因是住宅投資與消費價比例發生變化。當市場投資比例增加時,購屋者房價預期差異較大,反之預期差異較小。


吳秉鴻, Wu, Ping Hung Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀台灣過去數十年來的產業經濟發展歷程,在國際間有許多正面的評價,稱之為「台灣經濟奇蹟」。在政府政策致力於塑造有利於科技產業發展的環境下,製造業為台灣產業帶來重大的貢獻,當我國不同的產業類別之製造業發揮其優勢競爭力的同時,亦使得台灣地區北、中、南三大區域發展出各自獨特且具有潛力的製造業特性。 事實上,區域產業特性與賦能之優劣將可透過區域中廠商與行動者的活動來表現,尤其是區域中的模範角色,是檢視區域中有無可學習的模範者和模仿其整體投資階段過程的重要指標,對於區域內外企業進駐和設立工廠的組織決策相當重要(Bandura, 1986; van Praag, 1996; Kriegesmann, 1999; Fornahl, 2003)。這樣的仿效行為將指向區域中旗艦廠商投資設廠區位選擇與組織決策行動,換句話說,旗艦廠商(flagship firm)是區域發展中重要的模範角色(role model)(Fornahl, 2003),而其區位選擇與組織決策行為對於區域發展將佔有舉足輕重的地位。另一方面,過去傳統投資區位選擇的討論,多論及單一廠商設立工廠在地理空間的決策行為。然而本研究認為旗艦廠商多工型工廠(multiplant)的特性在組織決策上的區位選擇行為,面對各區域經濟與產業發展特性的差異,應有不同於過去文獻與理論的考量。 是故,本研究透過天下雜誌公佈台灣地區2007年製造業1000大廠商,聚焦台灣地區製造業旗艦廠商面對投資母國區位選擇的考量,透過旗艦廠商在台投資多工型工廠歷程決策之整體分析,藉由投資時間與空間區位,以及廠商組織型態面向的討論,了解台灣地區旗艦廠商投資多工型工廠於母國區位選擇之因素。透過多項羅吉特模型的實證研究,本研究歸納研究成果,提出下列政策建議: 一、推動企業總公司在地化發展,有助區域內旗艦廠商再投資母國之活動 二、透過旗艦廠商在區域內之投資經驗,引導再投資活動,以利區域發展 三、區域內產業特性強化與升級,以加強區域高科技產業支撐力 四、科學工業園區與區域內科技基礎產業優勢分進合擊,提升產業關聯性 五、提升區域總體經濟發展,有助於吸引區域內高科技產業再投資之活動


胡嘉瑋, Hu,Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化潮流下,企業透過跨國投資活動拓展經營規模,利用企業組織優勢,配合當地生產稟賦,進行跨界生產活動。而台灣在經濟發展逐漸穩定成長,國內市場面臨飽和及投資環境變遷等因素,已有不少廠商向外進行投資活動,尤其是中國大陸地區。根據相關研究顯示,台商早期進去中國以傳統製造業為主,屬於勞力密集高之產業,後期則逐漸以資本及技術密集產業為主,顯示在不同時期,台商對中國投資特性之改變。 本文從FDI理論作延伸,以經濟地理學、企業管理學角度切入,探討台灣知識密集型製造業集團投資中國區位選擇。以台灣知識密集型製造業集團作為研究標的,其目的在於反映台灣目前企業組織變化及產業動態,而研究區位則依研究目的,分為台灣地區、渤海灣地區、長江三角洲地區及珠江三角洲地區。實證模型採多項羅吉特模型(multinomial logit model, MNL),實證變數分為兩個部分:第一部分為廠商變數,放入集團產業類別、投資時間及投資經驗,第二部分為區位變數,放入薪資、市場規模、工業化程度、專利產出強度及外資投資強度。實證結果顯示集團對於區位條件較重視,且會因本身活動不同,而對市場規模、外資投資強度會有不同表現。依相關研究推論,投資珠江三角洲地區之集團以出口導向為主,對於外資投資強度為正向反應,市場規模則為負向;而渤海灣地區則剛好相反為內需型;長三角地區之集團則為兩者兼具。同時從結果亦發現地區之專利產出強度對於內需市場型集團為正向反應,映證地區創新表現越高,則企業將有意願在該地投資,因該地之創新氛圍有助於企業產品或技術創新,滿足當地市場需求。 因此從成本優勢來看,中國三大地區僅管勞工薪資不斷成長,但仍比台灣地區更具優勢,市場規模也是如此。但若以專利產出強度來看,台灣過去累積多年的創新活動,政府支持企業創新研究,並以國家機構帶領民間企業進行創新研發,輔以高度教育之人才,使得台灣地區在創新研發競爭力上比中國較具優勢。而台灣作為跨國企業集團母國地位,除透過開拓海外市場、拓展生產基地外,在母國進行投資活動有利於企業核心競爭力維持,確保跨國企業總部握有關鍵技術,維持台灣地區競爭力。


李信佩 Unknown Date (has links)
由於傳統國人的觀念「安土重遷、購屋保值」,使得一般人都想要擁有自己的房屋,然而房價居高不下,國人大多需仰賴長時間之儲蓄,始有購屋之能力,使得許多人一屋難求,因此,本研究利用79年台北市家戶及住宅普查調查資料,探討家戶住宅租購選擇之影響因素,並瞭解選擇租屋或購屋之對象及其選擇行為,進而估計各類型家戶選擇租屋或購屋之機率。 本研究採用巢式多項羅吉特(Logit)模型分析家戶之住宅租購選擇,及各類型家戶之租購選擇機率,並估計出自有房屋市場與租賃房屋市場間有很高的替代性存在,若忽略租購選擇,則所估計到之住宅需求將會造成誤差,因此,為避免產生錯誤的結果,不應將自有房屋市場與租賃房屋市場分開來討論。 在影響家戶住宅租購選擇之因素方面,所得、住宅價格.利率、家庭因素、預期因素、心理因素等其他因素,皆會影響家戶之選擇行為,而本研究僅就家戶組成來探討住宅之租購選擇。此外,在住宅租購選擇之機率方面,各類型家戶選擇自有房屋之機率均相當高,凸顯台北市高住宅自有率之現象,此種現象正反映傳統國人購屋保值的觀念,房價在高漲的情況下,許多人仍將購屋視為理想目標。

為什麼會估不準?-影響大量估價準確性因素之探討 / A Study on Factors that Affecting Accuracy of Mass Appraisal

陳信豪, Chen, Sin Hao Unknown Date (has links)
從1960年代開始,公部門基於稅務處理需求,使得電腦輔助大量估價(Computer Assisted Mass Assessment,CAMA)成為輔助的工具,大幅提升了估價的效率。在1990年代,金融機構因不動產證券化的發展及不良資產估價等業務,而衍生了對大量不動產進行估價的需求,同時在電腦與統計模型的進步之下,自動估價模型(Automated Valuation Models,AVM)應然而生,並被廣泛應用在金融市場。由此可知因為不動產經濟活動的熱絡發展,大量估價的需求日益增加,其具備的客觀與效率等優點更彰顯其重要性。 雖然大量估價的需求日益增加,然而過去對於估價準確性相關研究,主要著重在估價理論與技術層面、估價行為對估價結果的影響、探討個別估價和大量估價的估值比較,而較少單獨探究影響大量估價準確性的因素。由於特徵價格理論隱含不動產高度異質的特性,不動產價格受到總體經濟、政策、住宅屬性、公共設施、區位等因素影響,然而前述因素是否會對估價準確性造成影響?造成影響的因素為何?為本文所欲探討之問題。 本文在實證部分分成兩階段,首先以特徵價格理論為基礎,利用實價登錄資料建立大量估價模型,以MAPE與Hit Rate來衡量估價準確性,結果指出MAPE達到14.19%,而正負誤差10%的命中率為47.18%、正負誤差20%的命中率為74.75%,跟過往研究所建立的大量估價模型相比具有相當的水準,顯示出官方性質的交易資料具有一定的可信度。在建置大量估價模型後,本文以模型價格及成交價格間的比值作為劃分估價準確程度的依據,以多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析,結果指出住宅大樓、捷運站周遭住宅、大坪數住宅估價結果容易呈現低估情形;而新市區中心估價結果容易呈現高估的情形;另外比較特別的是舊市區中心、北郊區估價結果較容易呈現高估及低估,換言之在這兩個區域估價容易得到不準確的結果。 / Since 1960s, public sector began to take advantage of computer assisted mass assessment(CAMA) based on taxation services and greatly improved the efficiency of appraisal. In 1990s, financial institutions due to the development of securitization of real estate and non-performing asset valuation and other services, generating the demand of mass appraisal. Simultaneously, due to the development of computer and statistical models gradually progress, bring in automated valuation models(AVM) in the financial markets. Hence, with the real estate economic activities gradually booming, the increasing demand for mass appraisal, which has the objective of efficiency and other advantages will be more to highlight its importance. While the increasing demand for mass appraisal, but past studies about the accuracy of appraisal, mainly focused on the theoretical and technical aspects, the impact of behavior on the valuation results, and to explore appraisers and mass appraisal of the valuation. However, past studies less focused on a large number of factors affect the accuracy of the appraisal. Since the hedonic price theory implies highly heterogeneous characteristics of real estate, real estate prices affected by factors of macroeconomic, tax policy, housing properties, public facilities, location and so on, but whether the aforementioned factors will affect the valuation accuracy?Is this research seeking to explore the issue. In this paper, the empirical section is divided into two stages, first with the hedonic price theory based on the use actual price registration to establish the mass appraisal models, and base on MAPE and Hit Rate to measure the accuracy of the appraisal, the results indicate MAPE reached 14.19%, while the margin of error of 10% hit rate of 47.18%, 20% hit rate is 74.75%. Compared with the past studies, this model has established a great performance. This research proved that the official data with reliability. After establishing the mass appraisal models, the research use model prices and the transaction price ratio as the basis for division between the accuracy of the appraisal and use multinomial logistic model to conduct empirical analysis. The results indicated that the residential building, housing around MRT stations, the big area housing was prone to result underestimate valuations, the new urban center appraisal results likely to show overvalued valuations. On the other hand, old city center and the northern suburbs results presented overestimate and underestimate valuations simultaneously, in other words, that is usually get inaccurate results in these two regions.

預售屋、新成屋與中古屋之偏好選擇 / Housing choice among presale houses, newly constructed houses and existing houses.

王俊鈞, Wang, Jiun Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
住宅選擇是每一個家戶都會面臨到的問題,過去文獻發現購屋者先選擇租屋或購屋,若決定購屋,則先決定於何區位購屋,然後再決定購買何種房屋類型之房屋,然而卻未曾提及購屋者於不同市場類型住宅間之選擇。預售屋、新成屋以及中古屋等不同市場類型之住宅,各自隱含不同的效用及風險,影響著購屋者之選擇,因此本研究試圖討論購屋者於不同市場類型住宅間之選擇與偏好。 本研究採用內政部營建署「住宅需求動向調查」資料,利用混合多項羅吉特模型探討不同限制條件下,預售屋、新成屋與中古屋之個體選擇行為。實證結果顯示,投資者較偏好於購買知覺風險較高之預售屋,期待以高知覺風險換取高的報酬;教育程度較高者,因對居住品質要求愈高,因此傾向於選擇設備新穎之預售屋與新成屋;家戶平均月所得較高之購屋者,負擔能力較高,因此選擇總價較高之預售屋機率較高,其次為新成屋。此外,搜尋頻率愈高者,選擇預售屋之機率愈高,因預售屋無實體存在,預售屋購屋者為降低其知覺風險,將花費更高之搜尋成本。在價格彈性分析部分,實證結果顯示預售屋之競爭力最高,但預售屋之受衝擊力亦最高,而中古屋之競爭力於三種市場類型中居次,但中古屋衝擊力最小,因此,當單價屬性發生變動時,較不影響中古屋購屋者之選擇,但卻大幅影響預售屋購屋者之選擇機率。 / Every household would face housing choice, the past housing choice study founded that households decided tenure choice first, if they decides to buy a house, they first decided on what location, and then decided what type of housing to buy, but it has not been mentioned the housing choice among different residential market types. Pre-sale houses, newly constructed houses and existing houses implied different effectiveness and risks, affecting the choice of homebuyers. This article tried to discuss homeowners’ choice among different residential market types. This study use Construction and Planning Agency, "Housing Demand Survey of 2009" data, use mixed multinomial logit model, investigated under different constraints, housing choice behavior among pre-sale houses, newly constructed houses and existing houses. The empirical results showed that investors prefer higher perceived risk in buying pre-sale housing, looking for a high perceived risk and high rewards; higher education level, due to the higher quality requirements for living, so they preferred pre-sale houses and newly constructed houses. Homebuyers which have higher average monthly household income, have more affordable ability, so the probability of choosing pre-sale houses are much higher, followed by the newly constructed houses. In addition, the higher search frequency were more likely to choose pre-sale houses because pre-sale houses for sale no physical presence, pre-sale housing homebuyers in order to reduce their perceived risk, would spend more search costs. In the price elasticity analysis, empirical results showed that the pre-sale houses had the highest competitiveness, but the impact force was also the highest, while the existing houses market, the competitiveness of the third types was the second place, and the competitiveness of the existing houses was the smallest. Thus, when a change in unit price attribute, does not affect existing houses homebuyers, but significantly affected the choice probability of pre-sale houses homebuyers.

跨界投資與在地再投資區位選擇研究 / A study on location selection of trans-border investment and reinvestment in home country

王冠斐 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究著眼於台灣經濟轉型、中國經濟的崛起與台灣企業組織的變化,從台灣企業集團的總部設立、跨界投資的區位選擇及在地再投資三個面向進行討論,期望在既有的研究基礎上,就台灣廠商在兩岸投資區位佈點的考量提出完整性的觀察,並強化既有的研究。 首先,以台灣1000大製造業為研究樣本,選擇包括純辦公室使用、研發設計、台商一千大、跨國生產網絡、外資企業、員工人數、資本總額、知識密集型、傳統型製造業等變項分別代表總部功能、跨界治理能力及企業屬性三大類變數,透過二元羅吉特模型以及集群分析方法,探討台灣企業在首都、都會區以及生產性服務業及創新氛圍同質性地區的總部設立區位選擇行為。實證的結果發現,代表企業屬性變數的資產總額、員工人數和產業別明顯影響台灣製造業廠商在首都設立總部的區位選擇,而總部功能為純辦公室使用或設有研發機構者更傾向將總部設立於首都或都會區,跨界治理能力的影響則未能獲得證實。另外,過去國內在研究企業總部地點選擇研究上較少從創新氛圍角度出發,而本研究實證的結果發現,台灣製造業廠商企業總部的區位選擇不僅受到地區生產性服務業的影響,也受到地區創新氛圍的影響。 在跨界投資區位選擇部分,本研究以台灣250大企業集團中的知識密集型製造業集團為研究對象,以台灣、環渤海地區、長江三角洲地區、珠江三角洲地區為研究場域,選擇企業特性與投資區位條件變數,並以多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。其中,企業特性變數為產業類別、投資經驗、投資時間等三項因子,而投資區位條件則有勞工薪資、市場規模、區域創新強度及外資投資強度等因子。實證結果發現,代表經濟發展階段的投資時間變項確實會影響企業集團的區位選擇行為,產業的類別不同其區位選擇也會不同,先前的投資經驗雖然影響區位選擇。但是與過去研究不同的是,本次實證發現對台灣企業來說面對相似而且鄰近的市場,進入新市場的動機可能比過去的投資經驗來得重要的多,同時投資區位條件亦會影響區位選擇行為。另外,過去較少直接連結廠商生產面的區域創新能力亦明顯影響企業集團的區位選擇,因此本研究認為區域創新活動對於跨國企業在地化取得知識及技術亦具有相當重要的意義。 在地再投資部分以台灣製造業1000大廠商中知識密集型製造業為研究對象,並以工業地域觀點所劃分的台灣地區北、中、南三大區域為研究場域,選擇包括在台投資經驗、總部區位、第一次投資決策、路徑依循等企業廠商組織決策之屬性變數,以及包含區域中科學園區的設立、產業專業化係數、雜異化指標等區域環境變數,透過多項羅吉特模型進行實證分析。實證的結果發現,總部區位確實影響後續再投資的工廠區位選擇,第一次的投資決策經驗對於第二次投資的區位選擇行為影響比總部區位的影響明顯,代表時間演進而產生路徑相依的地區經濟型態差異變項也確實會影響區位選擇行為。而當區域內科學園區的發展相較未臻成熟時,其區域的賦能仍不足以吸引企業廠商進駐,至於台灣企業的再投資區位選擇基於對區域特性的了解較偏好區域內工業地域的地方化經濟,而不偏好區域內工業地域的都市化經濟。 / Stressed on the Taiwanese economical transition, the up-rising of Chinese economy and the change of Taiwanese enterprise organization as well as based on the past research, this study explores the factors affecting location selection behavior of Taiwanese firms across Taiwan Strait from three aspects including the establishment of enterprise headquarter, cross-border investment and local re-investment. On the establishment of enterprise headquarter, the top 1000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan were sampled and some factors were analyzed including office type, R&D, multinational production network, foreign enterprise, number of employee, total asset, knowledge-intensive business, and traditional manufacturing firms. However, these factors could be classed into three fields: headquarter function, cross-border management ability and firm characteristics. Then, the location selection behavior of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter was examined by the techniques of binary logit model and cluster analysis technique among capital area, urban area and homogenous area with productive service industry and innovation-based cluster. The results of empirical analysis show that the factors represented firm characteristics including total asset, number of employee and enterprise type significantly affected the location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter. Furthermore, it is also verified that the enterprise headquarter had been established in capital or urban area if the headquarter was provided with R&D or simply used as office, but the effect of cross-border management upon headquarter establishment is insignificant. The effect of innovation-based cluster upon location selection of enterprise headquarter is seldom studied in the past. However, according to empirical results in this study, they show that location selection of Taiwanese enterprise headquarter is affected not only by local Productive Service industry but also by regional innovation-based cluster. On the location selection of cross-border investment, this study focused on the area of Taiwan, Bohai Economic Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. The top 250 Taiwanese enterprise groups were taken into consideration, and the multinomial Logit model was adopted for empirical analysis in which firm characteristics and location conditions were chosen as research variables. Where, firm characteristics contained industrial type, investing experience and investment time, and location conditions included labor cost, market scale, regional innovation intensity and foreign investment intensity. The empirical results indicate that industrial type and investment time significantly affect the selection of investment locations. In contrast, investment experience only slightly influences the selection of investment locations. In addition, we find that entrepreneurial motivation to enter new markets may be much more influential than prior location investment experiences for Taiwanese enterprises functioning within similar markets. Regional differences shaping investment conditions in Taiwan and mainland China also affect the selection of investment locations. Our analysis shows a particularly strong linkage between regional innovation capacity and the selection of investment locations. This implies that regional innovation capacity plays a very important role in the selection of investment locations for multinational enterprises On local re-investment, the top 1000 knowledge-intensive manufacturers in Taiwan were the samples divided by region into the northern, central and southern Taiwan groups by administrative region. The factors affecting organizational decisions were the attribute variables, including Taiwan investment experience, headquarters location, first investment experience and path dependence; and the factors affecting location selection were the regional environment variables, including regional science park status, industry specialization coefficient and Hirschman-Herfindahl index (HHI). The multinomial Logit model was used for empirical analysis, and the results show that the headquarters location affects plant location selection in re-investment, and the first investment experience has a more significant effect on the plant location selection in the second investment than the headquarters location, suggesting that the path-dependent heterogeneity in regional economic style developed over time affects location selection. Also, the immaturity of regional science parks affects plant location selection when regional empowerment cannot attract enterprises. Lastly, Taiwanese enterprises prefer regions with localized economies to regions with urbanized economies for plant location selection.

台北捷運聯合開發住宅選擇行為與旅運行為之研究 / The research of Taipei MRT joint development of residential choice behavior and travel behavior

黃永漢 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內有許多研究提倡大眾運輸導向發展 (Transit Oriented Development)的理念,政府也大力推動大眾運輸系統的建設,其中最為重要的是捷運的建設,在台北都會區,捷運路網的建設正逐步完成,與捷運建設息息相關的捷運聯合開發(Transit Jointed Development)也隨之蓬勃發展,同時,捷運聯合開發亦是我國推動大眾運輸導向發展普遍的作法之一。目前台北都會區目前共有82處聯合開發基地,已完工基地有35處,可容納6,317個家戶,以及755,773.69帄方公尺樓地板面積,對於減緩日益嚴重的都市住宅問題,有一定程度的幫助。但在規劃聯合開發住宅時,聯合開發住宅在不同類型、特性之捷運場站中,將面臨到許多問題,如:純住宅型態或住商混合型態較能符合民眾之需求?哪些家戶會選擇聯合開發住宅?又其家戶類型以及選擇原因為何?這些問題如何解決,係本研究欲探討之內容,因此,本研究以台北捷運聯合開發已完工且辦理租售作業之開發基地作為研究對象,並篩選出9處聯合開發基地進行實證研究,透過問卷調查的方式,瞭解民眾之聯合開發住宅選擇行為與旅運行為,並透過二項與多項羅吉特模型,探討影響民眾聯合開發住宅選擇行為之影響因素。 實證結果發現,在旅運行為方面,聯合開發住宅住戶之大眾運輸使用率大幅增加,在通勤時間與花費方面,通勤時間與花費均減少。除此之外,聯合開發住宅住戶之汽車持有率與使用頻率均大幅減少。在家戶特性方面,捷運聯合開發住宅住戶之家戶規模普遍較小,且家計負責人之年紀普遍較為年輕,進一步形成其他特性,如:就學人口比例較低、家戶月收入較低等。在影響因素方面,家戶規模、住宅帄均單價、住宅規模對民眾選擇不同類型之聯合開發住宅有顯著影響。最後依據實證結果,建議未來聯合開發住宅之規劃應加入TOD的規劃原則,對於聯合開發住宅之坪數、商業面積,應依捷運場站之類型進行調整,使聯合開發住宅之效益達到最大。 / In recent years, there are many researches promote the idea of the transit-oriented development. The government also vigorously promotes this infrastructure projects. One of the most important projects is the development of the MRT system. In Taipei metropolitan area, while the construction of the MRT network is gradually completed, the transit jointed dvelopment is also flourishing. Moreover, transit jointed development is the most common way in order to promote TOD. Currently, there are 82 Transit Jointed Development bases in Taipei metropolitan area. 35 of the bases have already completed, which can accommodate 6,317 household with 75,577,369 square meters of floor area. It certainly will help to alleviate the problem of urban housing. However, in planning of the Jointed Residential Development, it will face many problems due to the different types of characteristics of the MRT station. For example, which households will choose a jointed development dewilling? What is the reason of choosing jointed development dewilling? How to solve these problems? These are the contents of the study. Therefore, in this study, we target the bases that have already been completed and applied for rental operations in transit jointed development as the research object, and select 9 of them for the empirical research. In order to understand people’s choice behavior in jointed development dewilling, we use survey as a method, and explore the factors that affect people’s choice behavior by applying Binary Logit and Multinomial Logit Models. The results of empirical research show that households in the jointed development dewilling increase their public transport usage and reduce their commuting time and costs. In addition, their car ownership rate and frequency of use are significantly reduced. In the aspect of household characteristics, the households in the jointed development in the household scale are generally small and relatively young age of the householder. Those characteristics are going to further the formation of the other features, such as: the lower the proportion of student population and lower income households. Impact factors, such as the size of the household, the average residential price, residential scale on the people choose different types of joint development dewilling have a significant effect. Finally, according to the empirical results, it is recommended that the TOD should be added to the planning principle of the future Joint Residential Development. For the Jointed Residential Development, the size of house and commercial area should be adjusted along with the MRT in order to maximize the efficiency.

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