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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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aSTAR.com 名媛網 - 女性美夢成真的線上社群網站商業計畫 / aSTAR.com entertainment - A girl's dreams-come-true online social network service business plan

周紘德, Chou, Steven Unknown Date (has links)
每個女孩都有個夢想,希望某天能成為光鮮亮麗的鎂光燈焦點,擁有美好的物質生活。亞洲社會普遍有這種女子愛慕虛榮的現象,尤其以台灣最為風氣盛行。台灣過去的10年間,電視偶像劇如雨後春筍般地快速成長,儼然成為台灣電視收視群的最大戲劇種類之一。而大部分的這些偶像劇內容不外乎是講述某位平凡小女子與有錢有權的公子哥兒的偶然相遇,燦爛的交集為平凡的女子帶來人生的轉捩點。從無到有,從平凡百姓到坐擁榮華富貴,人見人愛的,已成為時下台灣年輕女性最喜愛的電視橋段,也同時投射出她們幻想成為劇中女主角的渴望。從2001年紅極一時的 『流星花園系列』 到2008年底剛剛落幕且創下台灣電視史上收視率最高的偶像劇 『命中注定我愛你』。這些偶像劇的成功在在顯示出台灣女性心理對平凡女麻雀變鳳凰的遭遇有極大的連結。 只要有需求,供給的市場就會浮現,aSTAR.com名媛網正是以台灣數百萬年輕女性福祉為出發點而創造出來的全新Web2.0 虛擬網路社群新概念。突破市面網路社群框架,開發史無前例的虛擬平台再搭配養成概念的線上社群互動設計,aSTAR.com名媛網將為台灣女性提供獨一無二的虛擬世界新體驗。透過各式機制和會員互動以及打造一間充滿獨特奢華的精緻空間,女性使用者現實社會中得不到的虛榮心和眾人目光將可在aSTAR.com名媛網上得到滿足。 詹宏志:『台灣還有再做100家網路上市公司的機會』。 aSTAR.com名媛網將會在台灣網路社群市場大放光芒,朝上市的終極目標前進。 / Every girl has a very dream, a dream that one day they will live a famously glamorous life with luxurious material-world satisfaction. This phenomenon of females pursuing vanity is especially evident in Asian countries, particularly in Taiwan. In past 10 years, there has been a rapidly growing surge of teen-idol dramas in Taiwan's television-show-making industry. The storyline of the majority of these idol dramas portrays one thing and one thing only and that is the story of a very ordinary girl falling in love with a life-turning rich and handsome young man and live a happily ever after life. From the nearly decade-ago Meteor Garden(流星花園) to the most recent television super hit Destiny Love(命中注定我愛你), they all share this very pattern and both received enormously high viewership from female audience. Where there is demand, there is supply. aSTAR.com is the solution to fulfill this inner wish of Taiwanese females. With an unprecedented Vanity Room Space concept and an interactive social networking platform, aSTAR.com is proud to bringing this brand new online social networking experience to Taiwan's audience. aSTAR.com users will be able to enjoy the fun of building up their very own virtual rooms with precious and exclusive collections for showcase and, at the same time, experiencing a series of interesting networking interaction with other aSTAR users to win the Socialite title. “Taiwan has room for at least a hundred more Internet companies' IPO,” a quote from Taiwan's famous Internet entrepreneur, Hung-Tze Jan(詹宏志). aSTAR.com, with its virtual space and socialite networking experience, will make big presence in Taiwan's Internet market and reach ultimate IPO goal.

區間最小距離及其應用於網站男女最速配模式 / Minimum Distance with Interval Values and Its Applications on Internet Pals Making

陳彥豪, Chen, Yen Hao Unknown Date (has links)
目前網路上為了解決單身男女尋找配偶的問題,設計出一些網路交友平台。藉由速配機制,從茫茫人海中找出適合的另一半。本篇論文想要探討這些機制是否能夠達到最佳速配,使男女雙方找到適合自己的另一半。我們藉由模糊語意與軟計算技術,考慮以區間模糊數來計算兩者最小距離,以期達到最佳的男女速配。最後,我們改良Yahoo奇摩交友平台,並藉由實際資料來做模擬配對。由實證資料顯示,本研究方法,能將男女的速配度以更精確的數字呈現出來。 / So far, for the purpose of solving the problems of unmarried men and women who want to seek for spouses, people have designed some platforms for helping people make friends on internet. And from the “match system”, one can discover the suitable couple from the boundless huge crowd. But can these mechanisms attain the goal to reach the perfect match and find the another half? This paper use the fuzzy meaning and the soft computation technology to compute the minimum distance between two sets by trapezoid fuzzy number to make the suitability between men and women achieve the maximum.In the research designing part of the paper, we improve the Yahoo personals website in Taiwan, and we have the pals making by real data. From the research, we will find out that this way will help people choosing the pals who are close to everyone’s ideal spouse.

平台企業價值創造與客戶黏著性探討 / A Case Study on the Value Creation and Customer Stickiness of Platform Business

林葳, Lin, Wei Unknown Date (has links)
台灣寂寞商機的興盛,以及網路的蓬勃發展,使網路交友平台越來越熱絡,紛紛進入產業分食大餅,但並非各個網路交友平台皆能吸引龐大用戶的興趣,進而長駐於平台之內,使平台順利成長。有些網路交友平台缺乏自我特色,最終落得合併與收場的地步;然而,有部分擁有強烈特色與清楚定位的網路交友平台,不僅穩坐產業前幾名寶座,更是不斷自我成長,讓用戶與平台間的關係越趨緊密、密不可分,本研究試圖回答以下兩大問題: 一、 交友平台如何建立用戶專屬陷入成本,增加其對平台的黏著性? 二、 交友平台企業如何創造對客戶的價值? 為回答上述兩大問題,本研究依序分析平台機制設計、探討平台建立用戶信任感的因素、研究平台專屬資產的類型、以及平台創造顧客價值的層面,並根據分析結果,本研究針對實務與後續研究提出建議。本研究提出以下結論: 一、 網路交友平台的定位明確,掌握以定位出發的核心機制設計,衍生開發功能,善用插旗、築牆、圍城策略,環環相扣,能提昇用戶對平台的黏著度。 二、 網路交友平台善用社群策略,洞悉用戶網路外部性的運作,會提昇平台對用戶的價值,也會對企業成長產生正向回饋。 / With a view to business opportunity of single people and a flourishing Internet, it is getting great demand of online dating businesses in Taiwan in order to divide up the market. However, not every online dating business can arouse enthusiasm in their members, not to mention building up the stickiness of platform business. Some of them are lack of characteristics and it result in the condition of mergers and acquisitions, and even ending up their businesses in the long run. But some possess strong styles and clear position, they not only having good ratings but also make tighter relationship between members and themselves. Specifically, the present study tries to answer the following two questions: 1. How do the online dating business build up asset specificity cost and increase the customer stickiness? 2. How do online dating businesses make value creation? By analyzing the platform mechanism, this study concludes that: 1. The clear position of platform and mastering core mechanism, and making progress in developing interrelated functions can increase the customer stickiness of members toward online dating businesses. 2. Online dating businesses which are good at strategy of community and Internet externality can increase the platform value, and also have positive impact on the growth of platform business.

網路科技在娛樂人才媒介產業之應用 / The application of internet on entertainment human resources industry

鄭邁, Mai Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
自台灣地區演藝行業隨著經濟發展起飛,工商業繁榮與人民生活品質的提升帶起了電視廣告、唱片、電影、偶像劇的盛行,而媒體的推波助瀾更吸引大量的年輕人投入演藝行業的意願和行動,促進了演藝人才媒合產業的發展。然而演藝工作是一項傳統行業,其運作模式自第二次世界大戰結束迄今五十年未變,潛在演出人和需求單位間媒合的不效率,使得尋找演出人的時間成本增加,加上因此所衍伸而出層出不窮的社會問題,讓演藝娛樂產業業者與相關單位都亟需擁有更加安全、效率的方式來滿足各自的需求。 台灣地區以模特兒經紀服務為名目,卻並不是真的有提供演員試鏡機會資訊,卻要求有心進入演藝行業的年輕人進行自費拍照或自費接受模特兒教育課程,此類俗稱詐騙型的藝人經紀公司林立,根據經濟部資料顯示超過三千兩百餘家,估計每年以此類似掛羊頭賣狗肉行為進行營利行為的產值,超過新台幣百億元,加上正派經營型態的模特兒(藝人)經紀公司在廣告拍攝、戲劇、唱片發行、版權授權與活動舉辦等文化外銷產業中獲得的產值,每年更超過新台幣千億元。近年來隨著政府致力推廣「台灣軟實力」,其發展後勢亦被看好。 在經紀公司當中大量比例以演藝經紀為名,本身卻並非從事以媒介通告工作,僅以演藝名目從中賺取不當收益者,並從事騙財騙色的詐騙種種行為,又使得這個行業更加蒙罩上一層負面陰影。 隨著網路的普及,演出人尋求通告機會的管道趨於多元化,Terpstra(1996)提出網際網路線上服務是最新的管道,也是最有發展潛力的招募方式,透過網路的「連結性」與「可達性」(謝清佳,民89),將「媒體」以及「仲介」的角色結合,使網路成為一個服務平台,串聯多個虛擬社群與市場,並支援各種不同型態的傳播溝通服務(Huston,2000)為傳統演藝界人才媒介市場帶來新的契機。 網際網路平台向以訊息自由為特質,本研究以網際網路為之於演藝人才產業媒介之應用為題,嘗試找出一條創新模式,使得演藝行業也能最大程度地實現公平效率和安全,讓有明星夢的年輕人能放心地嘗試夢想,也讓演藝行業中的演出人才配置更有效率。

寂寞經濟時代─行動交友App自我揭露與使用動機研究 / The Era of Loneliness-Self-Disclosure and Motive of Online Dating Apps

鐘心辰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究重點欲探討時下人人皆有的心理狀態「寂寞感」、「交友軟體的使用動機」與「自我揭露」行為之間的關係、而「交友軟體品質特性」又如何調節影響「交友軟體使用動機」與「自我揭露」行為。本研究採取網路問卷調查的方式,對於交友App有使用經驗的使用者為主要調查對象,共計307有效問卷進行分析。本研究主要發現如下: 1.本研究的受試者以男性、年齡18-25歲、學歷以大專院校者為最多,感情狀況以未婚族群最多,但是還是有非單身甚至已婚交友用戶;使用交友軟體的時間大多兩年之內,平均下載2.66個交友App軟體,其中最常使用的交友App軟體為Beetalk。受試者平均每週上交友軟體的天數為5.07天,每週花費5.43小時。另外,高達94.1%的受試者曾經在交友App平台上與陌生人進一步用其他通訊軟體、社群媒體互動,並有88.9%的受試者曾約現實碰面。 2.寂寞感程度可顯著的正向預測交友軟體使用動機中的日常社交、社會逃避以及尋愛之三個構面。 3.寂寞感程度可顯著的正向預測自我揭露中的誠實度、數量以及正負向之三個構面。 4.關於交友軟體使用動機(日常社交、社會逃避、尋愛)與自我揭露(誠實度、數量、正負向)之間的關係:交友軟體使用動機中日常社交、社會逃避與尋愛之三個構面皆可顯著預測自我揭露中的誠實度:當日常社交和社會逃避動機越高時,自我揭露中的誠實度越高;但是當尋愛動機越高時,自我揭露中的誠實度越低。交友使用動機中日常社交和尋愛之二個構面皆可顯著預測自我揭露中的數量:當日常社交動機越高時,自我揭露中的數量越高;但當尋愛動機越高時,自我揭露中的數量越低。交友使用動機中日常社交之構面可顯著正向預測自我揭露中的正負向。 5.交友軟體品質特性(使用者介面、安全性、形象聲譽、會員素質、尋愛達成率)對交友軟體使用動機與自我揭露的調節效果中,僅只有尋愛達成率對交友軟體使用動機和自我揭露產生調節效果。 6.交友軟體使用動機中僅有日常社交之構面對於寂寞感程度與自我揭露有中介效果。 / The purpose of this study is to explore how “loneliness” which is widely prevalent throughout the society affects the motives of using online dating applications and the behavior of self-disclosure. Furthermore, how the quality of online dating apps operates in between the motives of using online dating apps and the behavior of self- disclosure. Online survey was conducted and 307 respondents completed the questionnaire. The research results are presented as follow: 1.Most of the respondents in the study are male, aged from 18 to 25, graduated from college and are currently single. Still, there are some of them in a relationship and even married. Subjects mostly have been used the dating apps less than 2 years, and averagely downloaded 2.66 dating apps. Furthermore, the most popular dating apps is Beetalk. Respondents use dating apps 5.07 days a week and 5.43 hours a week in average. Besides, there are 94.1% of the respondents have used other social media or social apps to communicate with other users they met in dating apps and 88.9% of the respondents have actually met up in real life. 2.Different degree of loneliness have statistically significant and positive predictable effect on the motives of using online dating apps including “Daily Social Needs”, “Escape to Virtual World”, and “Romance”. 3.Different degree of loneliness have statistically significant and positive predictable effect on the different aspects of self-disclosure including: Honesty, Quantity, and Positivity. 4.The motives of using online dating apps including “Daily Social Needs”, “Escape to Virtual World”, “Romance” have statistically significant and predictable effect on the honesty of self-disclosure. “Daily Social Needs” and “Romance” of motives have significant and predicable effect on the quantity of self-disclosure. Only “Daily social needs” have statistically significant and predictable effect on the positivity of self-disclosure. 5.Only the quality of “Love Achievement Rate” of online dating apps have operation effects in between the motives of using online dating apps and the behavior of self- disclosure. 6.Only “Daily social needs” of motives of using online dating apps have mediation effects between loneliness and the behavior of self disclosure.

網路交友平台補貼與收費機制探討 / The analysis on the Subsidy and pricing Model of the online dating platform

黃銘勳, Huang, ming syun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來平台商業模式與網路交友的盛行,使得許多網路交友平台應運而生。平台的收費模式不以傳統使用者付費的觀念建立,而是以整體平台的互動作為收費的考量,以較優惠或是免費的方式來吸引會引起正向跨邊網路效應的使用者加入,讓他們作為平台的被補貼方,藉此吸引平台的付費方群體加入。 本研究以雙邊平台的觀點來研究網路交友平台是如何設計讓使用者願意加入此平台、如何設計互動機制讓平台上雙方群體進行互動,如何訂定合適的管制讓使用者能方便使用並信任此平台上使用者的真實性,讓適當的顧客匯集。即使同為網路交友平台,其交友的目的、交友的模式也有所不同,因此本研究先探討各交友平台是如何設計互動模式,來促進使用者間的交流,並比較各平台的不同之處。 理解平台的互動機制後,接著探討平台的補貼準則。因為各網路交友平台的設計不同也使得補貼準則有所差異,透過文獻裡所述的補貼準則來分析平台是透過哪種方式來向使用者進行收費,以及分析使用者願意支付費用的原因。 透過幾個交友平台的個案分析,本研究觀察到雖都為網路交友平台,但是其交友的機制都會因其設計理念、交友目的而有所不同。因此本研究整理出哪些補貼準則被應用在網路交友平台上,而各交友平台如何設計收費時機在互動模式上,以理解網路交友平台的整個收費訂價的方式。 / Platform business model and online dating has become popular in recent years, therefore more and more online dating platforms are being set up. Platform pricing model is not set up by user charge alone, how users interact on the platform is also considered. Platform controller attract users who can cause positive cross-side network effect by offering them better price so that they can attract users who are willing to pay the fee. This research depends on two-side market theory to explain how online dating platforms attract users to enter their platforms, design interaction mechanism and set rules to allow users to use platforms easily. Depending on different dating purposes, every online dating platform has its own design. Therefore, this research discusses how different online dating platforms design interaction mechanism and compare the differences between them. After understanding how platforms design interaction mechanism, platform pricing model is then discussed. Every platform has its own pricing model, because of different design. This research analyzes platform pricing model by subsidy rules from previous studies, and why users are willing to pay. By analyzing several online dating platform cases, this research concludes that platforms have different interacting mechanisms because of website design purpose and user dating purpose. This research demonstrates which subsidy rules are used on online dating platform and how these platform design charge timing in order to understand online dating platform pricing model.

寵物社群電商三合一平台商業模式規劃 / Plan on the 3-in-1 business model for pets, social network , and e-commerce

竇立德, Tou, Lite Unknown Date (has links)
本計劃因應台灣地區大量適婚年齡男女未嫁娶與少子化,所以許多人將寵物視為家庭的一份子,讓台灣寵物市場穩定成長,因此計劃打造一個以寵物為主題的行動平台,本平台將建立一個結合交友、社群與電子商務的綜合產業生態圈。 本計劃規劃的執行方式為藉由App的方式,讓會員免費使用交友與社團服務,建立以寵物為共同興趣的大型社群;再透過大數據與LBS機制(Location-Based Service基於位置的服務)進行寵物用品與食品相關的電子商務與廣告媒合。 本計劃預期效益為三年內產生8千萬元台幣營收與締造會員30萬人;針對個人方面,本計劃為對寵物有興趣的男女進行交友媒合,並為其建立實體與線上的交流社團;針對廠商方面,本計劃為大型寵物食品用品廠商建立行銷廣告通路,為小型寵物食品用品與文創商品廠商建立銷售通路。在商家方面,本計劃為寵物用品店、寵物醫院、寵物旅館、寵物美容院、寵物餐廳等等建立與客戶連絡與溝通管道。

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