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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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賴香菊, Lai, Xiang-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
原料、人工、製造費用為製造業中的三種主要成本,其中又以原料成本居首位,其管 理良善與否是決定盈虧的一個關鍵因素,傳統物料管理技巧常使投資於物料的成本和 顧客服務水準成正比,本研究旨在探討如何在增加顧客服務水準的同時,也能夠減少 投資於物料的成本。 第一章旨在闡明物料管理之意義,目的及重要性,並評估傳統物料管理技術之優劣, 而引出本研究之目的與範圍。 第二章旨在闡明新近發展出的電腦系統化物料需求規劃之內容,說明其投入與產出的 關係,處理邏輯,資料庫的建立,並說明如何建立主體生產排程,以配合物料需求規 劃。 第三章為模擬研究報告,利用前述理論模擬規劃一產品之物料需求,說明進行經過, 所受限制……等,並比較其實施前後之結果。 第四章則綜合本研究之結果,並提出建議。

階層式分群法在民事裁判要旨分群上之應用 / An Application of Hierarchical Clustering of Documents for Civil Judgments

何君豪, Ho,Jim How Unknown Date (has links)
司法院經常聘請資深的法官將民事裁判中具有參考價值的法律意見摘錄出來,製作成民事裁判要旨,民事裁判要旨可作為法官審理類似案件時的辦案參考,因此,在司法實務上民事裁判的搜尋為不可或缺的工作。然隨著資訊科技的發達及裁判數量的累積,民裁判要旨的搜尋結果可能多達數百篇,造成法官須耗費大量的時間在民事裁判要旨的閱讀上,如果能利用資料探勘的技術將搜尋到的民事裁判要旨加以分群,且分群的正確性又可達到一定旳水準,便可節省法官閱讀民事裁判要旨的時間。在本研究中我們嘗試將資料探勘技術中的階層式分群法應用在民事裁判要旨的分群上,並將法律條文所出現的用語作為加權的主關鍵字評估可否改善分群的效果,以探討資料探勘技術中的階層式分群法應用在民事裁判要旨分群上的可行性與成效。 / Judicial Yuan often invites senior civil judges to extract legal opinions from civil judgments for making the purports of civil judgments. The purports of civil judgments can be consulted as trial judges handle the similar cases, therefore, in judicial practices, it is an indispensable work for civil judges to search the purports of civil judgments. However, with the development of information technology and the cumulative number of judgments, the number of search results may be as high as hundreds, civil judges must have spent a lot of time reviewing of the purports of civil judgments. If we can utilize data mining technologies to cluster the search results, and the accuracy of clustering can be attained to a certain standard, it will save civil judges a lot of time on reviewing the purports of civil judgments. In this study we attempt to apply hierarchical method on the clustering of the purports of civil judgments, and adjust the weights of main keywords derived from frequently used vocabulary of legal provisions to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of application of hierarchical method on clustering of the purports of civil judgments.

由唐迄宋的迷樓研究──迂迴與幻象 / The Study of Milou: Detour and Fantasy

賀淑芳, Ho Sok Fong Unknown Date (has links)
從「迷樓」的敘事研究可投射出「享樂」與「匠藝」的兩大圖像。本論文的論述分成兩個層次,一個層次從唐宋期間各種不同類型的文本和文體來探討「迷樓」典故中的欲望與當時的話語現象的關係,涵蓋唐宋時二元對立的一系列價值如節制/放縱、儉/奢、自然/人工。另一個層次則是以「迷樓」的欲望與技術,來比擬文學創作意識中的欲望與技巧的問題,後者觸及詩學中的自然風格與人工技術或「工巧」之間的辯證關係。 迷樓不見於任何官方正史及私家撰述的史籍,它主要見於詩、詞、賦、小說逸史、方志和筆記或札記。根據方志,揚州被認為位於揚州,但在文學作品中,卻有迷樓位在揚州、長安、洛陽之說,本文認為,從唐宋詩詞的空間意象來看,迷樓其實更近於一種散佈於汴淮流域的想像空間,顯見「迷樓」有傳聞異辭的性質。雖然這篇論文有探究方志與文學文本中迷樓地點所在的問題,然而目的並非志在斷定迷樓「實體」存在與否、或存在於何處,而是在提供一種背景來理解唐宋時期人們對迷樓所在的認同差異與相關的空間敘述。 根據小說《迷樓記》的敘述,迷樓是煬帝所建的一座結構宛若迷宮的宮殿,它也是一個承載「極樂」想像的空間。「極樂」在宋代的養身論與主張節制的話語之中是需被抑制的一種禁忌。故此,有關「迷樓」中的「極樂」敘述是在尋回如同拉康所言的某種早已被排除出去的「愛欲」或原初已經失落的「歡爽」,人們對這種「極樂」的境界充滿想像,對於「極樂」的渴求威脅著主體賴以生存的經濟制度與權力體制乃至耗竭個人的身體。在此也參考巴塔耶的色情史理論,來說明主體也會渴求某種迷失自我的欲望。本文也將隋煬帝在迷樓內「浪費的技術」(即同時耗損自身精氣、浪費「發明」的技能、揮霍國家的財富)也延伸到詩學裡詩歌藝術裡一種創作技術上的魅力,來回扣宇文所安《迷樓:詩與欲望的迷宮》中以迷樓作為論述結構的「比擬」。本文也試圖以「迷樓」來「比擬」唐宋期間勾連自然與技巧的文學觀念,詩人為此心搖神馳,對文學技巧追求完美的「欲望」,使得欲望從現實空間「逃遁」到文學空間裡來,追求天工般技巧所造的詩境。 中國人傾向於將政權興亡與自然現象互比相連,使得興、亡循環成為必然發生且無可避免的現象,這種對於興亡循環有其必然性的觀念反而削弱了諷喻文學規勸帝王的實質功能。這正是迷樓作為諷喻的典故所盤結的重重矛盾與衝突之所在。意識到「諷喻」在啟悟他人功能上的侷限,詩歌作為高度創作與獨立自足的藝術性質更受重視,如唐宋詩學中有頗多詩話與詩評大量闡述詩歌創作的理想,崇尚以不鑿痕跡的技巧,來達到完美「自然」的詩境。 在唐宋兩代,可以發現在歷史處境的衝擊下,迷樓典故亦有所衍異,並被詩人加以部署以訴說個人的生命情境。唐宋兩代旅人在揚州岸外的長江與運河水道上曲曲折折的移動經驗,這種移動經驗也賦予迷樓遺址特殊的意象,無論是在遠離或接近揚州,蜀岡上的迷樓遺址都被包裹在迂回曲折的路線地圖裡,從迂迴到昇華,迷樓成為想像中登高地點的所在。在有意託諷之下,迷樓的敘事並不純粹只是過往歷史的回顧,同時也是當代歷史的指涉。 除了作為社會性敘事的諷喻功能之外,本論文最後也在兩個層次上回扣宇文所安以迷樓作為文學論述與詩學上的「比擬」:一、迷樓作為個體欲望縷織下與群體相隔離的藝術空間;二、傳聞中迷樓是一座在技術上巧奪天工的宮殿,在詩歌中「迷樓」經常被強調作為一種人工成果,與自然對立。通過這種自然──天工對比的論述,本文也嘗試指出迷樓足可比擬文學裡透過崇尚自然風格征服人工鑿痕的觀念。 / Through the variety of texts and genres from Tang to Sung, the narration of “Milou” had projected the figure of pleasure and exquisite craftwork. The inquisitions of this essay consist of two layers. First, to addresses the relation of the desire and the discursive phenomena at the time of Tang to Sung, especially on the binary aspect of temperance and pleasure, frugality and luxury, nature and craftsmanship. Secondly, to mate the dazzling craftwork of Milou correspondent with the desire and pleasure of the attentive craftwork in literary world, in which the dialectical relation between the Nature and craftsmanship was deeply concerned. Neither the official nor the private historical texts have any record on Milou. However, the allusion and narration of Milou was found in variety of texts including poets, rhapsodies, lyrics, novels, geographical documents and notes. According to the novel “The Tales of Milou”(Milou Ji, 迷樓記), Milou was a labyrinthine palace built by Shui Yang Ti, a space loaded with the imagination of “utmost enjoyment”(Ji Le, 極樂). The utmost enjoyment had been known as a forbidden state in the discourse on regimen, it was also considered as a dangerous force which threatening to the nation. The inquisition of “utmost enjoyment” has been linked to the “technique of waste”, which provoke the exhaustion of the King’s body, and also the waste of accumulative wealth of the kingdom, and brought huge chaos and doom to the dynasty. My argument of the “technique of waste” has extended to the discussion of creative technique involved in literary writing, which had been gaining a lot of attention in late-Tang and Sung, poets were aware of the poor efficacy of “critical allegory” (feng yu諷喻) due to the paradox of flourish and fading which had been seen as nature mechanism, as has been pointed out by Stephen Owen. Poetry had gained its own sovereignty; poetic commentators had discussed the technique of creation enthusiastically and pursued for the perfect poetic scene(境). There are two layers of discussion which closely interrelated with each other: 1. Milou was a symbol of pleasure and crafty achievement, and thus contradictory to the Nature. 2. This essay has further elaborated the relation of the crafty image of Milou with the “clever technique” (巧工) in the poetic notion from Tang to Sung. However, to achieve perfect work for poetry that look like the work of nature(天工), it definitely had to be created through superb technique that can smooth away any crafty traces.

樂齡人工智慧服務平台策略 / Strategies of the aged AI service platform

胡佩蘭, Hu, Pei-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
樂齡商機因人口老化問題而持續受到關注,新聞媒體更是屢屢報導各國各界對樂齡市場龐大商機的預估,惟與現實生活對比後不難發現樂齡商品或服務甚為不足;故而在自身與年邁父母對樂齡服務的需求,觀察時下樂齡人口及其家庭可能面臨的問題與需求,便興起「樂齡服務平台」的念頭。 在客觀驗證目標族群樣貌後,因應多元而分散的特性,以及現今尚未成型的樂齡市場環境下,「樂齡服務平台」的商業模式必將面對足以開疆闢土、滿足需求的核心競爭力建構問題。是而考量樂齡族群的需求特色及痛點外,亦檢視個人的專業、經驗與人脈、資源範圍,遂鎖定可同時滿足多方條件考量的「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」科技運用,成為「樂齡人工智慧服務平台」構想起源。 由於現今台灣對於人工智慧「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」技術甚為陌生,再加上技術功能範疇複雜,故將藉由本篇論文探討研究的過程,鎖定此人工智慧平台之初步策略,客觀分析樂齡需求痛點,對照研究所得之「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」功能特色與運用限制是否得以滿足,並檢視平台本身建置「AI ChatBot聊天機器人」的能力是否足夠面對競爭,進而評估「樂齡人工智慧服務平台」核心競爭力與發展初步策略的適切性及完整度。

遺傳程式與市場擇時策略之研究:臺灣股票市場的應用 / Genetic Algorithms and Market Timing Strategies: An Application of Taiwan Stock Market

陳建福, Chen, Chien Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合由Holland(1975)所發展的遺傳程式與資訊科技的計算理論來研究臺灣股票市場的市場擇時策略,並根據Bauer(1994)對於投資法則的編碼方式,分別考慮以基本分析與技術分析為基礎的遺傳程式市場擇時策略,並且以買入持有策略、投資無風險資產與追漲殺跌策略等三種投資策略作為比較基礎來評估遺傳程式在投資策略應用上的可行性。   研究期間為1984年至1991年,其中樣本內期間為1984年至1988年,而樣本外期間為1989年至1991年,研究結論如下:   1.不論採基本分析或技術分析為基礎的遺傳程式投資法則,在樣本外期間第一年(1989年)的報酬均顯著高於投資無險資產與追漲殺跌策略,但低於買入持有策略。   2.就整個樣本外期間(1989-91年)而言,採用基本分析的遺傳程式投資法則顯著優於買入持有策略,而採用技術分析的遺傳程式投資法則並不具有投資績效。   3.以基本分析為基礎的遺傳程式投資法則較適用於長期投資,而以技術分析為基礎的遺傳程式投資法則較適用於短期投資。   4.樣本外期間經歷了遺傳程式沒有學習過的資料型態(亦即1990年初股價連續下跌趨勢),對於遺傳程式的學習能力形成了一大挑戰。

遺傳演算法在財務預測之應用 / The Application of Genetic Algorithms on the Finance Forecasting

范饒耀, Farn, Rou-yao Unknown Date (has links)
每股盈餘是公司的重要財務資訊之一,它可以反應公司的經營績效,因此一方面可以提供給投資者作為投資決策之參考,另一方面提供給管理者作為管理評量的參考指標之一。過去在每股盈餘等財務預測往往以統計方法進行,因此在自變數選擇上常受到限制,同時有些預測模式其輸出結果往往只能以常長或衰退等二元式的結果表示。而另一方面,以類神經網路預測方式的預測模式可能因變數增加,使得網路變的較複雜。本研究嘗試以人工智慧中的遺傳演算法來作為預測的工具,發展財務預測模型,來預測每股盈餘,解決過去預測方式的限制或缺點。同時也將對過去的遺傳演算法稍做修正,並嘗試以實際值的編碼方式進行編碼,以符合需求。最後進一步比較遺傳演算法和其他預測方式,瞭解以遺傳演算法做於預測每股盈餘工具的特性及優缺點。 / Earnings per share (EPS) is one of the important financial indicators to a corporation. It reflects the operating performance of a corporation. On one hand, EPS provides information available to investors for decision making; on the other hand, it is an indexfor measurement of management. In the past, financial forecasting was often done by using statistical models. However, the input variables were limited by using these statistical models. Besides, some stastical models only provide dichotomy output ,such as either "grwoth" or"decline". The neural network forecasting model will be more of complexity, when the input variable increases. This research attempts to develop a financial forecasting model to forecast the EPS by using the Genetic Algorithms, which is a new topic of artificial intelligence. This model excludes both the limitations and disadvantages of the models mentioned above. Here, the genetic algorithms will be modified and the real number will be used to code as a gene of achromosome to meet the requirements of the finacial model. Finally,we compare the genetic algorithms financial forecasting model with the other ones in order to understand the features, advantages and disadvantages of genetic algorithms as being a financial forecasting tool .

專家系統在輔助股票上市案件審查之研究與設計 / An Expert System for Supporting Stock Registration Examination

陳木興, Chen, Mu-Shing Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於國內經濟之持續成長,證券市場的交易也日益活絡,因此藉著在證券市場發行證券的方式來籌措資金,以便從事大規模經營的公司家數也越來越多。隨著股票上市申請案件的增加,證交所上市部負責股票上市案件審查人員的升遷、調職及離職,精通審查程序的證券專家便相對的稀少。為加速申請案件之審查、保留證券專家的工作經驗與知識、及訓練新進人員,發展專家系統是值得一試的措施。 在人工智慧領域中,專家系統技術已成為由實驗理論進入商品化的一種技術,為人工智慧技術中較為成熟的一環。國外已經有不少成功的應用專家系統實例,國內各單位目前對於人工智慧的研究,也多半集中在專家系統的開發上。然而,擷取領域專家的知識及經驗,並由這些知識及經驗架構而成的知識庫,是專家系統的主體。因此,本研究目的有二:一、收集相關資料,整理出在股票上市案件審查程序上的知識與經驗,並以恰當的知識表示法轉換成電腦程式。二、利用GoldWorks Ⅲ在個人電腦上設計一個專家系統的雛型系。 本研究已經運用專家系統建構工具GoldWorks Ⅲ建構完成輔助股票上市案件審查的專家系統雛型,本雛型系統包含了兩大子系統:(1)分類子系統,(2)審查準則子系統。經由本研究之探討及系統實際設計,可得以下結論:ぇ經系統評估的結果發現,將專家系統之觀念與技術應用在輔助股票上市案件審查過程上是可行的;え將股票上市案件審查所需的專業知識及經驗予以形式化後,並以規則基礎知識表示法設計成知識庫,保存在電腦系統中。因此,如果審查人員都在系統的引導之下作出合理的判斷,當能提高股票上市案件審查判斷結果的一致性。(3)透過本研究專家系統雛型之執行及解釋,使得經過適當訓練的非專家,亦能享受專家的知識及經驗,亦可藉以輔助股票上市案件審查專業人才的培訓。(4)使用專家系統建構工具設計系統雛 型,能快速的在短期間內建立一個雛型系統,應該是未來應用的主流。


水谷, 瑞希, Mizutani, Mizuki 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)


福田, 敏男, 下島, 康嗣, Fukuda, Toshio, Shimojima, Kouji 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

用於動作引導之穿戴式觸覺回饋系統 / An Exploratory Study Of Wearable Motion Guidance System

陳彥妤, Chen, Yen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
當今運動健身蔚為風潮,加上網路資源普及,許多人藉由數位教學影片鍛鍊體 魄,不但能自由安排時間,也能在家參與課程,成為新世代的學習方式。傳統上,運 動健身較好的方式為教練在旁協助,除了口頭給予即時的指示,還能直接以身體觸碰 學員姿勢不良的部位,引導其肢體伸展、調整身體重心、提醒放鬆過於緊繃之部位, 然而新世代的學習方式透過教學影片無法立即對運動者當下的肢體動作做出反應,過 程中全倚賴運動者本身對於肢體的認知,往往和影片中教練的動作有落差而不自知, 因此,本研究期望藉由觸覺回饋輔助使用者做出正確的姿勢或動作。 過去針對觸覺回饋的研究相當地多,甚至可回溯至1950年代,然而將觸覺回饋應 用於運動指引的研究近年才漸漸出現,其應用層面僅限於提示作用,無法引導使用者 該如何動作,且目前回饋方式仍需倚賴受測者記憶動作與觸覺回饋的對應關係,無法 直覺做出反應。本研究模仿肌肉群收縮帶動肢體運動之方式,設計人工外部肌肉引導 手臂旋前旋後動作,人工外部肌肉包含步進馬達產生拉力、魚線及鬆緊帶模擬肌肉分 佈、收縮以及袖套包覆手臂帶動旋轉,系統設計歷經三版本的演進,最終設計出一套 具引導效果的觸覺回饋穿戴式裝置。 系統評估共邀請10位受測者進行實驗,結果證實此套裝置能有效提供方向性指示 (正確率98%),且受測者普遍反應裝置提供的回饋方式相當直覺,手臂會有被帶動 的感覺,能馬上知道該如何轉動手臂。實驗更進一步測試引導手臂轉動特定角度,實 驗結果效果也相當好,平均誤差在3度以內,此外,亦探討實驗過程中受測者對觸覺回 饋的行為反應,作為日後系統改良或觸覺回饋設計的參考。 / Nowadays, exercise and fitness have become a growing trend. Since the access to the internet resources is very easy and popular, many people choose to do exercise through digital online videos, which not only they can arrange their own exercising schedule, but also they can learn the courses at home. Traditionally, a better way for exercise learning is getting assistance from a professional coach, who can give instruction immediately, and adjust by direct body contact right away while the exercisers act incorrectly. However, the online video can not accomplish the purpose. On the condition that the exercisers rely only on the cognition of their own bodies they might not notice their posture different from the video. This research aimed to provide guidelines to do the correct posture or movement through tactile feedback. From past till now, the researches of tactile feedback are of considerable numbers, we can find the related researches back to 1950s. Recently it starts to be applied in exercising guiding. However, the applications only provide passive instructions, which require users to memorize the relationship between the tactile feedbacks and the correspond actions. Users are unable to react by instinct. In this research, we imitate the way of body movement driven by the muscles contraction. We design artificial external muscles on a sleeve to guide forearm pronation and supination. The wearable tactile feedback sleeve consists of stepper motors to provide pulling force, fishing wires and elastics to imitate muscle contraction to drive the forearm to roll. This system design has been revised three times, and we finally established a wearable tactile feedback device which has guiding effect. 10 participants are recruited for the experiments. The result showed that this device can guide forearm rolling successfully (the accuracy is 98%). The participants commented that the feedback is very close to instinct. They felt their arm was guided by the device, and knew the exact moment to roll their forearm. In the second experiment, we tried to guide the forearm rolling for several target angles and the result was quite promising. The mean error is within 3 degrees. We also reported the participants’ reactions through our tactile feedback system. We will expand the system to guide the other parts of human body in the future.

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