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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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開放大陸人民來臺政策衍生之犯罪問題研究 / Derivative Crime of Opening Taiwan to Mainland Tourism Policy

于長豪, Yu, Chang-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在民國七十六年十一月二日政府正式開放大陸探親後,兩岸人民往來逐漸頻繁,隨著兩岸人民的交流,對一群隨國民政府來臺的老榮民而言,此再回故鄉距離國民政府撤退大陸已經近四十餘年。兩岸從一九七0年代末期以來,在經濟與社會各方面交流日趨密切與頻繁,在開放探親後,雖屬同文同種,但在兩岸間文化、生活、語言上之差異,兩岸通婚人數逐年增加,從以往的偷渡犯罪,漸變為合法入境而產生另一種犯罪模式的轉變,所衍生各種犯罪問題亦日趨增加,其對國內安全議題影響亦逐漸擴大。 當前影響國家安全之因素,主要有國際環境、兩岸關係與國內形勢等三個面向,除傳統性安全的武力威脅外,許多非傳統性威脅亦逐漸增加,例如:大陸地區人民偷渡來臺、假結婚真賣淫、人口販運、毒品、走私、兩岸組織犯罪、傳染病等問題,均實值得做深入探討與研究,這些問題均對國內社會環境造成變化,增加維持社會治安與社會秩序的內政成本。 全球化的趨勢,在不影響國家安全的前提下,建構兩岸合作打擊犯罪之機制,實刻不容緩,臺灣應儘速尋求兩岸合作之可行模式,本文共分為幾部分,先經由政府對大陸政策實施迄今與執行層面做檢視與探討為出發點,並輔以對探親、結婚及近來討論開放觀光等議題和相關法令做全盤、統整性之分析。再來就相關犯罪所衍生之問題,在移民機關及警察機關間之協調聯繫和在執法上遇到之困境做分析,最後,本研究就合法來臺之大陸人民犯罪問題為研究主軸,並就相關問題提出個人之看法與建議,希能提供就國家安全機制上更完整之參考。 / The Republic of China launched an open policy for people to go abroad to China and visit with their relatives on November 2, 1987, thus the relationship between cross-straits becomes closer and closer since then. To those veterans who followed the Kuomintang government’s move to Taiwan in 1949, it has been almost 40-year- separation for them to make a return voyage. Moreover, since the end of 1970s, the interactions between Taiwan and China have become closer and more frequent in all aspects of economics and society. After the said policy, although the cultural, living, and language difference still exists, the numbers of intermarriage mountain up year by year. As a result, the crime pattern has gradually changed from previous illegal immigration to legal entering but crime enhancing. The crime pattern transformation derives more and more homeland security problems. Nowadays, the factors of influence upon homeland security are mainly related to international environment, cross-strait relationship and domestic situation. Except China’s traditional threat of force to Taiwan, gradually, much other kinds of untraditional threat arise, such as human smuggling, prostitution under the disguise of marriage, drug trafficking, cross-strait organization crime, infectious diseases and etc. Not only do the aforementioned issues influence local social environment but also increase the cost both of social security and public order. Under the trend of globalization, accordingly, there is an eager need for Taiwan to establish possible crime-fighting corporate system with China without influencing Taiwan’s homeland security. The purpose of this study is three-fold. First, based on Taiwan’s “China policy”, this study examines and reviews the policy implementation and effects, then further discusses and analyzes comprehensive issues and related regulations, like relatives visiting, intermarriage, and opening Taiwan to mainland tourism which topic has recently been discussed enthusiastically. Second, aiming at criminal derivatives, this study discusses the difficult situation for said policy communication and implementation between the Competent Authority of immigration, National Immigration Agency and Police Department when dealing with related crime. Finally, focusing on the crime issues of people who enter Taiwan legally from China, this study tends to launch a policy suggestion for reference as setting up a well-designed homeland security system.

霸權與國際公共財之關係-以人民幣國際化為例 / The relationship between hegemony and international public good - take the internationalization of RMB as an example

蔡智棠 Unknown Date (has links)
本文觀察到於越戰結束後,東亞呈現一個沒有霸權的狀態,然而,近來中國經濟的成長,使得人民幣國際化可能成為一項在東亞新出現的國際公共財。因此,筆者欲透過檢視東亞體系的現況與人民幣的國際化,嘗試對傳統霸權穩定理論中,對於霸權與公共財出現關係之部分進行修正,並重新檢視霸權的存在與一項新國際公共財提供之間的關聯性。 本文檢視東亞體系自戰後以來的演變與現況,並分別探討東亞體系中的三大行為者-中、美、日於體系中的角色轉變與其對於東亞體系的認知,最終本文提出「隱性霸權」的概念來為東亞體系下一註腳。 提出「隱性霸權」之概念後,本文進一步檢視人民幣國際化迄今為止的政策與現況,並透過8項貨幣國際化指標來評估人民幣目前的國際化程度。本文發現,人民幣目前的國際化程度比起世界其他主要貨幣,國際化程度仍相對較低,然而,本文認為由於中國本身的特殊條件,人民幣的國際化不是能或不能的問題,而只是何時的問題。因此,人民幣成為東亞體系中的國際公共財指日可待。 綜合上述討論,本文提出對於傳統霸權穩定理論的修正,指出於東亞體系中人民幣的國際化,讓傳統霸權穩定理論中,需要在體系內有一超強存在,國際公共財才得以出線的論述有修正之必要,此外,雖體系中有霸權存在將使公共財出現的可能性大幅上升,然而並不代表沒有霸權存在,公共財便不會出現。

亞洲無本金遠期匯率市場蔓延效果之研究 / Contagion Effects of Non-Deliverable Forwards in Asian Currencies

蕭旨芳, Hsiao,Chih-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
The impact of own-country and cross-border events on asset markets is an important subject. We examine the co-movement of conditional volatilities in Korean won, Chinese yuan and Taiwanese dollar NDF markets. Using a multivariate GARCH model, we test whether the announcement of Chinese yuan’s appreciation on 21st July, 2005 affects the co-movements of Asian NDF rates. Our findings show Japanese yen spot rate has influences on three Asian NDF markets. Furthermore the most liquid Korean NDF rate also affects Chinese yuan and Taiwanese NDF markets. Our results are consistent with the findings that Asian NDF markets also show strong co-movements, especially after the announcement date of Chinese yuan’s appreciation on 21st July, 2005.


陳怡蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
自1994年以來,人民幣對美元匯率始終維持在8.28:1美元。近年來,在中國對經常帳外匯收入之法定結匯要求下,其強勁出口貿易迫使中國不斷提高貨幣供給,收購出口廠商源源不斷之美元結匯需求,以維持固定匯率,進而造成人民幣匯率被低估及累積驚人外匯存底之結果。 惟此一運作方式引來美國產業團體及國會議員高分貝抗議,主張人民幣固定且低估匯率,提高中國產品之出口競爭力,使中國出口商享有不公平之貿易競爭優勢,損害美國製造業及勞工之權益,符合WTO所禁止之禁止性補貼規範,並違反IMF避免操控匯率之義務,故促美國貿易代表署調查並向WTO提出控訴。惟美國產業團體及國會議員之訴求已遭美國貿易代表署拒絕。 本文先以美國產業團體之訴求為出發點,並以WTO及IMF兩大組織之合作關係連貫後續討論:人民幣固定且低估匯率之措施是否符合WTO禁止性補貼之規範?是否違反IMF避免操控匯率之義務?前者以補貼三項要件「財務補助」、「受有利益」及「特定性」加以檢驗,後者則以「操控匯率」之定義及目前學者、IMF及美國財政部之判斷定之。最後做出構成禁止性補貼之可能性高、操控匯率之義務違反可能性高兩個結論。 中國已明確表示其匯率改革有其自訂時間表,需與國內金融改革、相關配套措施之建立及經濟發展情況相配合,不會受制於外國壓力而逕予改革。為解決此一問題,本文再就美國單邊貿易報復措施法案、中美雙邊財政外交及各種多邊場域協商等方式中,提出較適解決此貿易爭端之建議。 / Since 1994, China has fixed the exchange rate of yuan around 8.28 yuan per U.S. dollar. China requires its citizens and firms to exchange their dollars for yuan, so the strong exports and trade surplus enforce the Chinese government to add money supply to acquire the increasing dollars. As a result, China can peg and undervalue the exchange rate of yuan to dollar and accumulate astonishing foreign reserves. This situation arise the objection of American manufacturing alliance and Congressmen. They assert the pegged and undervalued yuan increase the competitiveness of China’s products, allow the China’s export companies to have unfair trade advantages, damage the benefits of American manufactures and workers. Besides, this regime constitutes the prohibited subsidy of WTO and violates the IMF obligation of avoidance of currency manipulation. They urged the USTR to investigate and launch a dispute settlement in WTO but had been refused. This article starts from the appeal of American alliance and use the cooperation between WTO and IMF to link the following discussion: is the regime of fixed and undervalued yuan consistent with the prohibited subsidy regulations in WTO and is the regime against the IMF obligation of avoidance of currency manipulation? The former one is examined by three elements: ‘‘financial contribution’’. ‘‘benefits’’ and ‘‘specific’’ while the latter one is tested by the definition of currency manipulation and the exchange rate reports of IMF and U.S. Treasury. The answers are positive both. China has asserted that she has her own time table and will not surrender to the pressure of foreign countries. This article then tries to use unilateral trade retaliatory measures, bilateral financial diplomacy and other multilateral consultations to find the proper resolutions.

人民幣國際化:思維、政策及成效檢討 / Internationalization of RMB: thought, policy and effect review

吳燕婷 Unknown Date (has links)

兩岸簽署貨幣清算協議之影響:以貿易人民幣結算為例 / The effect of a cross-strait currency settlement agreement-using Renminbi trade settlement as an example

梁翠月, Liang, Tsui Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國經濟持續高速成長, 國際貿易及投資快速擴展, 中國更積極推動貿 易及投資以人民幣結算, 人民幣在兩岸、 區域甚至全球市場流通可望大幅 增加。 1990年代以來, 兩岸經貿快速發展, 相形下, 雙方貨幣層面合作卻明顯 幾經波折、 踟躕不前, 目前兩岸雖已開啟人民幣現鈔清算服務但尚未建立貨 幣清算機制 , 限制台灣成為人民幣清算平台及後續金融影響力。 本文以 Devereux and Shi(2005) 為主架構, 討論兩岸簽署貨幣清算機 制建立對貿易廠商影響, 主要發現如下: (1) 於國際貨幣交易需透過工具貨幣 (Vehicle Currency,VC) 現實下, 兩岸人民幣貿易結算無法完全規避匯率風險, 此與台灣中央銀行意見一致, 但當兩岸進出口貿易全數以人民幣結算時, 若台灣使用人民幣銷貨收入購買中 國商品, 台灣對中國消費將完全不受匯率變化影響, 並非所有匯率風險皆由 台灣承擔; 此外, 當中國完全使用人民幣支付自台灣進口商品時, 中國最適 決策代數式和 D-S(2005) 雙邊貨幣直接兌換均衡 (BD) 部分相同, 自2012 年6 月1 日起, 人民幣與日圓直接兌換亦正式於東京和上海外匯市場展開, 結論因而別具政策意涵。 (2) 數值分析發現, 當兩岸進出口貿易全數以人民幣結算時, 台灣及中國總 消費對外國商品消費偏好非常不穩健, 對應所有θ, 中國總消費皆較台灣高, 且隨θ上升快速增加, 由於兩岸皆較雙邊匯兌需透過美元及雙邊貨幣可直接兌換時消費更多商品, 故可知兩岸皆得利於以人民幣進行結算。 對於上述結 論, 需要特別注意的是, 本文以包括台灣、 美國及中國, 且美國為工具貨幣 (VC) 發行國之三國模型, 是在非常特例的情況下進行福利分析, 此時雙邊 貨幣兌換均衡將與對稱交易均衡相同, 影響所及, 結論受校準時使用基準參 數值影響相當大; (3) 本文依循 D-S(2005), 限制工具貨幣發行國美國以外各國僅能於跨期 間持有美元, 故無法分析中國得以人民幣購買台灣商品下, 台灣累積一定金 額人民幣存量之影響, 然為簡化分析, 排除任何調整過程, 亦為模型不合理 處; 此外, 為簡化模型, 設定中國自台灣進口商品貨款中使用人民幣支付比 率α為外生, 然而該比率實際上應受人民幣在岸、 離岸市場利差及匯差、 全 球景氣變化增加持有美元意願等因素影響, 由於本文僅考慮貿易需求換匯 未考慮套利、 套匯行為, 將留待未來進一步分析。 / For the past three decades, a skyrocketing Chinese economy has supported its growing influences on international trade and investment,with Beijing’s active promotion for Renminbi investment and trade settlement, its greater circulation across the strait, in the Asia-Pacific region or even globally is only to be expected. Compared with the significantly intensified and institutionalized cross-strait trade and economic exchanges since early 1990s, monetary cooperation across the strait has obviously stalled and progressed slowly. Currently with only a cross-strait cash settlement agreement,but not an establishment of a cross-strait currency settlement mech- anism clearly limits Taiwan’s prospect to become the next offshore Renminbi center and its future financial influence. This thesis is based on Devereux and Shi(2005) to query into the effect of a cross-strait currency settlement mechanism for firms engaged in international trade. We find that: First, under the reality that international currency trade still uti- lizes U.S. dollar as a vehicle, cross-strait trade settled in Renminbi could not completely avoid exchange rate risks, which is in accordance with the opinion from central bank, however, when cross-strait trade are all settled in Renminbi, Taiwan would not bears all the exchange rate risks if Taiwan’s imports from China were paid in its Renminbi sales revenue; Furthermore, when all of China’s imports from Taiwan are settled in Renminbi, some of the algebraic expressions representing Chinese consumption and currency exchange decisions would coincide with the bilateral deviation(BD) equilibrium in D-S(2005) entailing some intriguing policy implications since starting from June 1,2012, yuan and yen can trade directly in Tokyo and Shanghai . Second,numerical analysis found that when cross-strait trade are all settled in Renminbi, though both sides’ total consumption are not robust to changes in preference toward foreign goods ,θ, for all θ in the relevant range , China’s total consumption is greater than Taiwan and the difference is increase in θ, in addition, they both consume more than when cross-strait remittance needs to be done via the U.S. dollar and when New Taiwanese dollar and Chinese yuan trade directly, it thus can be inferred that both Taiwan and China gain from Renminbi trade settlement.Though cautions should be taken that a welfare anal- ysis utilizing a three-country model consisting of Taiwan, China and the United States which further acts as the issuing country of vehicle currency is an extreme case, in that, bilateral deviation and symmet- rical trading equilibrium (STE) would be identical and the outcome highly subjects to benchmark values used in calibration. Third,The framework is borrowed from Devereux and Shi(2005) which prohibits non-vehicle countries from holding currencies other than U.S. dollar intertemporally, hence it could not provide any in- sights to the effects of the accumulation of a Renminbi pool in Taiwan under the Renminbi trade settlement scheme, which together with the fact that to simplify analysis, no adjusting process is included ren- der the model unreasonable and unrealistic; In addition, to reduce model construction, α, the percentage of China’s imports from Tai- wan to be paid in Renminbi is exogenous while in reality it should be endogenous and collectively determined by factors not exclusive to the spreads between CNY and CNH, differences in depositing and lending rates between the onshore and offshore market and investors’ inclination which is affected by the outlook of the global economy to embrace the safe haven of U.S. dollar. As arbitrage is ruled out and only currency exchanges for the purposes of trade is considered, all these drawbacks are to be improved upon in further studies.


小田, 格 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第21868号 / 人博第897号 / 新制||人||214(附属図書館) / 2018||人博||897(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 江田 憲治, 教授 西山 教行, 教授 太田 出, 教授 辻 正博, 教授 小倉 紀蔵 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

限制原大陸地區人民出任公務人員合憲性之研究-以平等權為中心的觀察 / On the Constitutionality of Restriction on Former Mainland Chinese People Serving as Civil Servants from the Perspectives of Right of Equality

陳靜慧, Chen, Ching Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的,是要探討兩岸人民關係條例第二十一條限制設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民不得出任公務人員規定之合憲性,並擇定以平等權觀點作為切入論述的角度。全文共分為六大部分:第一部分確認大陸地區人民與設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民在我國之法律地位為得享有平等服公職權之主體。第二部分確立平等權審查之基準,包括事務本質、憲法整體價值、體系正義及比例原則,是為檢證系爭條文合憲性及貫穿本文之核心價值標準。第三部分分析各國及我國公務員法制中,以忠誠度為考量來設定之審核申請出任公務員者「適任性」之法定任用條件之立法目的及法則,以找出與申請者適任公務人員與否重要相關之本質要素為何。第四部分則是分析設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民之本質屬性,是否具有不適出任公務人員之重要本質要素。第五部分檢討系爭條文所採差別待遇之手段及內容,是否符合比例原則。最後,本文就系爭條文是否符合憲法平等保障人民基本權利之意旨作一綜合評析,並嘗試提出修正系爭條文之具體建議。 / The Mainland Chinese people have become Taiwan people since they settled down in Taiwan area. However, Article 21 of the Statute Governing the Relations between People in Taiwan Area and People in Mainland Area stipulates that the former Mainland Chinese people registered residences in Taiwan area within 10 years (hereafter “former Mainland Chinese people” ) couldn’t serve as civil servants. It is debatable whether said stipulation constituting a discriminatory treatment to part of nationals serving in public service violates Article 7 of the Constitution guaranteeing the right of equality. To begin with, this paper defines the legal status of Mainland Chinese people as nationals from Constitution point of view. Then, the paper looks into the subject from several points of view, including the nature of the addressed subject, the value system of the Constitution, and the purpose of enactment. It is find that the preclusion of the former Mainland Chinese people serving as civil servants is in harmony with amendment to the Constitution. It is furthermore not in conflict with the equal protection of law provided in Article 7 of the Constitution. However, part of the measure of the above said statute not in accord with the principle of Proportion should be amended in order to concur with preservation of state security and the adequate exercise of rights to serve in public service of the people. The Germany’s civil service law, which provides conditions of reappointment of former civil servants under German Democratic Republic after German unification serves as a most valuable reference model.


黃喬詮, Huang,Chiao-chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文所稱「海事留置權」,係指兩岸海商法、台灣民法、大陸擔保法與合同法及兩岸其他特別法所定,與廣義海事上有關之船、貨和其他動產之留置權而言。詳言之,海事留置權之種類包括:依台灣民法物權編留置權章及大陸擔保法留置章取得之留置權、建造或修繕船舶人之船舶留置權、運送人或承攬運送人之貨物留置權、運送人或船長對於未清償共同海損分擔額之貨物留置權、船舶出租人之留置權、承拖人對被拖物之留置權、救助人對獲救船舶、貨物及其他財產之留置權、倉庫營業人之留置權、行紀人之留置權、信託法之留置權。有鑒於台灣民法物權編修正草案已作大幅度之增修,近年來大陸又積極推動研訂統一民法典工作,並已審訂通過民法(草案)其中第二編物權法(草案)部分之第二次審議稿,且大陸亦有學者對其海商法作出修改建議,值此新舊過渡現行法理論與實務多所歧異之際,藉機綜合研析,並作兩岸擔保物權領域的法制與實務之比較,此外,將來兩岸開放三通後,日後涉及債權擔保之民事事項與海事事項勢必與日俱增,船、貨留置之事件,亦將層出不窮,兩岸法院、仲裁機構、法學專家及人民適用彼岸地區規定之情形尤當頻繁,此時以兩岸海事留置權為中心,就可能衍生之相關實體與程序問題,予以深入比較探討,並發表所見,期能有助於國人就此一論題之瞭解,兼可供作兩岸法學研究、司法實務及立法之參考,此乃本文研究之主要目的。茲說明本論文之主要章節架構如次: 第一章 緒論 本章乃就研究本論題之動機、範圍與方法作一說明。 第二章 兩岸海事留置權之取得 本章首先就海事留置權之意義與海事留置權之種類予以概述後,再就依一般規定取得之海事留置權,其成立之積極要件與消極要件加以說明,接著就非依一般規定取得之海事留置權,其成立所須具備之要件按各種海事留置權分款予以析述。以上論點並就兩岸之異同為比較。 第三章 兩岸海事留置權之效力與消滅 本章就海事留置權之效力,按海事留置權對債權之擔保效力、海事留置權對留置物之支配力及海事留置權對留置權人之約束力分項予以論述,最後則就海事留置權之消滅略作說明。以上論點並就兩岸之異同為比較。 第四章 兩岸海事留置權之實行 本章分別就台灣與大陸關於海事留置權實行之條件、海事留置權實行之方法及海事留置權實行之程序予以論述,並作兩岸法制比較,以明其實行之條件、方法及程序之異同。 第五章 涉彼岸海事留置權爭議處理及認可執行之法律適用 本章分別就台灣及大陸對涉及彼岸海事留置權爭議處理之法律適用,及相互對在彼岸取得拍賣留置物之裁判或仲裁判斷等執行名義為認可執行之法律適用予以論述,以明就涉及彼岸海事留置權爭議處理之準據法,及相互認可彼岸執行名義並予執行之法律依據。 第六章 建議(代結論) 本章綜合研究所得,對於兩岸關於海事留置權及相關法制規範,以及學者之理解或司法實務所持見解,認為有欠妥適之處,提出檢討,並作出立法、修法或變更見解之建議方案,以代結論,俾有助於兩岸海事留置權及相關法制規範與解釋之修正與完善。 關鍵字:海事留置權、船舶留置權、貨物留置權、人保物保責任平等說、物保責任優先說、中華人民共和國海事訴訟特別程序法、中華人民共和國拍賣法、區際法律衝突、區際私法、民事確定裁判與仲裁判斷之認可執行、船舶優先權催告程序、臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例。


王珮瑛, WANG,PEI-YING Unknown Date (has links)
自一九二四年「蒙古人民共和國」宣布成立以來,即與蘇聯有著密不可分的關係。在 政治方面,雙方往來密切,外蒙並深受蘇聯的影響;在經濟方面,其一切建設和發展 ,更是在蘇聯的援助下進行。因此要探討外蒙的問題,便不可忽略蒙蘇之間的關係。 本論文即針對一九六○年以後,外蒙和蘇聯間的政、經關係,做一分析介紹。全文共 分為六章: 第一章:說明本論文的研究動機,研究範圍及研究方法。 第二章:為外蒙的簡介,除對外蒙本身做一介紹外,並敘述其獨立經過,藉此可看出 蒙蘇關係產生的背景。 第三章:分為政、經兩部份,說明一九六○年以前的蒙蘇關係。 第四章:探討一九六○年以後的蒙蘇政治關係,依黨政關係,與中共之關係、條約、 駐軍問題和對外關系五部份進行。 第五章:探討一九六○年以後的蒙蘇經濟關係,就援助與合作、貿易關係、外蒙與經 互會的關係和其經濟成果四個方面加以分析。 第六章:為本論文的結論,將對外蒙未來的發展狀況和國際地位做一評估。 本論文寫作期間,外蒙隨覂東歐的民主浪潮,亦產生了前所未有的遽變。希望透過本 論文的撰寫,能喚起大眾對外蒙的重視,並投以如對東歐,甚至中國大陸般相同的關 懷。

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