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公務員組織團體權利之探討林永芳, Lin, Yong-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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人民參與審判制度之比較研究— 以美國、日本及海峽兩岸為中心 / Comparative Study ont Judicial System of People's Participation among US,Japan,Taiwan,and Mainland China洪翊學 Unknown Date (has links)
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中共報紙廣告內容及趨勢之分析齊 怡, GI-YI Unknown Date (has links)
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中共傳播媒介塑造的台灣形象王旭, WANG, XU Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 前言。
第二章 文獻探討。
第三章 研究方法。
第四章 資料分析。
第五章 結論與建議。
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立法院處理人民請願案之研究吳萬得, Wu, Wan-Dei Unknown Date (has links)
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「超限戰」戰略想定之研究田金麗 Unknown Date (has links)
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人民幣匯率變動對中國經濟發展之影響許銘修 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國長期實質匯率之研究 / A Study on the Long-Run Real Exchange Rate in China郭欣宜 Unknown Date (has links)
中國在世界貿易舞台上所扮演的角色日益重要,人民幣的均衡水準成為十分熱門的議題。本文為貿易財與非貿易財部門的相對生產力找尋新的代理變數來檢視Balassa-Samuelson效果,以解決中國物價指數因受政府控制而難以反映實際生產力的問題。此外,亦將對人民幣匯率的預期引進實證模型中,以量化分析來探討人民幣是否具有自我實現的行為。本文實證結果顯示人民幣均衡匯率與相對生產力、貿易開放程度、熱錢數目間有長期關係。貿易財與非貿易財相對生產力與熱錢數目的上升可能帶動人民幣升值;貿易開放程度則與均衡匯率呈反向關係。 / As China plays an important role in the world economy, the research on the real exchange rate in China has received a lot of attention. This study chiefly contributes to adopt a more reliable proxy different from previous studies to capture the Balassa-Samuelson effect; in addition, we formerly introduce the expectation of Renminbi into the empirical model. This paper empirically investigates the behavior of the real exchange rate in China during the period from 1980 to 2005. Particularly, we provide a single-equation in an empirical framework which takes the specific features and characteristics in China economy into account. The empirical evidence shows that the degree of openness, the volume of hot money, and the relative productivity of traded to nontraded sectors are key factors to the determination of the long-run equilibrium real exchange rate in China. Both the increases in the relative productivity and an anticipated appreciation in the real exchange rate eventually may lead to a real appreciation in the currency. In contrast, the influence for opening up to the world economy is that the real exchange rate may depreciate.
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開發中國家實質匯率研究:以中國為例 / The Real Exchange Rate in Developing Countries: A Study on China邱芳鉁 Unknown Date (has links)
China has been in a state that the currency appreciation is needed to restore the external balance. However, it appears that Chinese government worries about that the Renminbi appreciation may decrease the output. This purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate whether the contractionary hypothesis prevailing in developing countries holds for China with quarterly data over the period from 1995Q1 to 2006Q2. We apply VAR models by means of impulse response functions and variance decompositions. The empirical evidences indicate that even taking the spurious correlation into account, the real appreciation of Renminbi leads to a fall in China’s output. Thus, our findings do not support the contractionary devaluation hypothesis. Moreover, the impact of the exchange rate on output is not through the inflation rate. In the short run, real exchange rate shocks have much power in explaining the output’s variation while the U.S interest rate and government spending shocks are determinants to the variation in output in the long run. Particularly, the monetary policy has relatively weak effect on the output and the real exchange rate.
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國際政治因素對於匯率體制與政策的影響:以人民幣匯率為例 / The Effect of International Politics on Exchange Rate Regime and Policies: the Case of Chinese Currency趙文志, Chao,Wen chih Unknown Date (has links)
但隨著不斷增加的雙邊貿易逆差與國際壓力,中國雖然仍沒有改變中國匯率體制與水平,但也開始改變表示願意思考人民幣改革的可能性並將人民幣完全自由浮動,完全由市場供需來決定作為最後終極目標。甚至到最後出其不意的改變人民幣匯率體制並升值2.1%。這顯示在中國改革人民幣過程中,國際政治因素扮演重要的角色,發揮重要影響力。因為在堅持不變的理由中,中國始終以國內經濟因素與中國內部穩定的政治性理由來拒絕國際社會的要求,但在最後改革的說帖中,中國也承認國際壓力是其推動匯率改革的重要因素,可見除了國內經濟與政治面向的考量外,國際政治因素也是具有重大影響力。 / This paper discusses whether exchange rate regimes and exchange rate policies are affected by international politics, as well as how international politics affect exchange rate regimes and exchange rates. By examining these questions, I would like to analyze the mechanism by which international politics affect exchange rates and figure out the relationship among exchange rate regime, policies and international politics.
This paper puts forth four hypotheses.
First of all, exchange rate regimes and exchange rates are not only affected by domestic politics and economic factors, but they are also affected by international politics.
Second, decisions regarding exchange rate policies made by governments are based on international politics, domestic politics and economic factors.
Third, the behavior and expectations of market traders are also affected by macro economic index, domestic political situation and international political situation.
Forth, under bilateral trade imbalance, state B which is a great power and has large trade deficit with state A has influence on state A. State A and State B have an imbalance trade relationship. State A which has a large trade surplus will increase dependence on state B.
Under these hypotheses, the author would like to answer the above questions by discussing the case of the Chinese currency, the Renminbi (RMB). Hence, the case study will ask the following questions. First of all, was the Chinese currency reform made on July 21, 2005 by the Chinese government affected by international politics? Second, how did the international community press the Chinese government to reform exchange rate regime? Third, how did the Chinese government respond to pressures from the international community and market? Fourth, how did market traders respond to and interpret interactions between the Chinese government and the international community.
The research achieved the following results.
First of all, under hypotheses two and four, exchange rate regimes and policies are affected by international politics.
Second, ways which international politics affect exchange rates and regimes are through public pressure, bilateral official talks, trade sanctions, and oral threats. Public pressure is when a state with trade deficit asks a state which has trade surplus to adjust the exchange rate to reduce trade surplus. Bilateral official talks are when decision makers on both sides negotiate with each other for imbalance trade relationship. Exchange rate is an important dimension to negotiation. Trade sanctions are the last step to make the state which has trade surplus adjust exchange rate. Oral threats can be uses with the above mentioned measures.
Third, in the case of RMB, the Chinese government rejected the international community’s request to adjust exchange and regime. Because of the weakness of China’s economic development and its unhealthy financial systems, the Chinese government rejected adjustments of exchange rate and regime under pressure from international communities. The Chinese government does not think that the undervalue of Chinese currency is the main reason of U.S. trade deficit and emphasized that there is no need to change RMB exchange rate and regime.
With increasing trade surplus and pressure from international community, the Chinese government started to change its attitude towards the issue of RMB exchange rate. The Chinese government expressed that it was willing to consider the possibility of exchange rate reform, and movement of RMB exchange rate was fully determined by market forces.
On July 21, 2005, the Chinese government adjusted regime and level of Chinese currency unexpectedly. The reform on July 21, 2005 implied that international politics played an important role in the exchange rate reform. Although the Chinese government denied that exchange rate reform was made under international pressure, international pressure is one of the main reasons behind the Chinese government changing the exchange rate policy according to the U.S. official’s testimony before the committee of Congress. The Chinese government reiterated that reform on July 21, 2005 was carried out according to the development of domestic economic development. But because of that, U.S. officials expressed that Chinese officials made a commitment of reform to them in bilateral talks, so we can understand that the international community has influence on the policy of exchange rate reform in addition to factors of domestic economy and politics.
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