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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公司治理、併購溢價與綜效之關聯性研究 / The relationship between corporate governance, merger premium, and synergy

游莉芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Gomper, Ishii, and Metrick (2003)利用IRRC針對24個公司反購併措施調查所建構出的G-index,作為衡量公司治理程度優劣的指標,分數越高代表股東權利越弱、公司治理越差。研究樣本為美國1990至2007年的國內併購案,主併和目標公司以中位數作為分組依據,在四種組合中分別從公司治理變化、併購溢價、短期宣告效果、長期股票超額報酬(CAR與BHAR法)、長期經營績效以及簡單最小平方法之迴歸模型,來探討公司治理好壞是否會影響到併購溢價幅度和併購綜效。 整體共計624個併購樣本中,平均溢價為32.54%,其中全以現金作為支付工具有顯著較高的溢價比率。在短期的併購宣告效果中,主併公司在事件窗口(-1,1)下平均累積異常報酬為-2.07%,而目標公司則為18.09%;然而長期來看皆有顯著性異於0的負報酬,以及經過產業調整後的經營績效(ROA)增長率也有負的統計顯著值。顯示整體併購樣本雖支付高溢價,但在長期的股票報酬或經營績效上並無法創造超額報酬或是增強營運效率。 此外,研究實證發現當目標公司治理越差,主併者必須付出較高的溢價比率;以及當主併公司的治理越差,在主併和目標的短期宣告效果上皆會有較低的異常報酬。在影響長期綜效的迴歸模型中,公司治理、主併公司帳面市值比、目標公司資產報酬率對於CAR皆有顯著影響能力;而併購金額、目標公司資產報酬率(ROA)則是對於BHAR有顯著的影響能力。 在不同公司治理四種組合中,以「公司治理好的去併購公司治理差」的組合會付出最高的併購溢價;在短期宣告效果上,表現最好的組合為「公司治理好的去併購公司治理好」;而在長期股票報酬(CAR)方面,則以「公司治理差的去併購公司治理差」組合表現最好,此組合的主併公司有顯著較高的帳面市值比;最後在長期營運績效資產報酬率(ROA)上,以「公司治理好的去併購公司治理好」表現最好。整體來說,本研究重點在「公司治理好的去併購公司治理差」時,雖付出較高的併購溢價,但平均來說享有較好的長期綜效。

併購獨立專家之選擇及併購後綜效之探討 / A study on the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction

黃玉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將我國獨立專家可能發揮之功能分為能夠認證交易係公平且無弊端之「消極認證功能」及能積極預測綜效並為市場排除不具綜效交易之「積極認證功能」,並藉由分析代理成本與獨立專家選擇之關聯性,以及獨立專家自我選擇與併購後綜效之關聯性,實證探討我國獨立專家制度之運作概況及其功能。 研究結果發現,衡量代理成本之公司及交易特性變數中,負債比率較高、外部大股東持股比率較低、機構投資人持股比率較低、併購溢價較高、主併與被併公司相對規模較接近時,公司聘僱高聲譽獨立專家的可能性較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有降低代理成本之消極認證功能之論點。積極認證功能方面,本研究發現,以併購金額市佔率衡量獨立專家聲譽時,高聲譽獨立專家簽發評價報告之併購案,併購後市場佔有率成長幅度較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有積極認證功能之論點,但僅限於市場綜效部分。 / This study tests whether the negative certification function and positive certification function are important service performed by independent experts in the M&A transaction. It conducts an empirical investigation of the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction. The result demonstrates that when the debt ratio is high, the percentage of stock owned by institutional owners and external shareholders is low, the premium is high, and the size of acquirer and target is similar, acquirer tends to hire a more prestigious independent expert. It confirms that the negative certification function exists. In addition, we find that when the reputation (measured by market share) of independent experts is high, the market synergy in the M&A may be higher than others. It is because of that the independent experts tend to protect their reputation by choosing their clients rigorously. Therefore, the positive certification function is also confirmed.

臺灣金融業併購綜效之研究-以元大金控併購大眾銀行為例 / A Study of Merger and Acquisition Synergies in the Financial Industry in Taiwan – A Case Study of the Merger of Yuanta Financial Holding and Ta Chong Bank

陳嘉盈 Unknown Date (has links)
歷經兩次金改,我國本國銀行的家數從2000年最高峰53間,降至2014年的39間,但國內銀行金融服務市場已趨飽和,銀行家數過多且規模過小的現象仍然存在,近年存放款利差縮小,銀行間價格競爭日趨激烈,對於整體銀行業的獲利能力影響甚鉅。為利我國銀行掌握亞洲經濟成長契機,提升獲利及國際競爭力,金融監督管理委員會自2013年起推動金融業布局亞洲,提出「金融業打亞洲盃」的政策宣言,鼓勵金融業整併或參股海外機構以擴大規模。 元大金控係以證券投資服務為主體而發展之金融控股公司,亦是金融監督管理委員會點名最積極投入打亞洲盃的金控之一,2015年8月元大金控宣布併購大眾銀行,合併後由子公司元大銀行為存續公司。本研究採個案研究法,以元大金控併購大眾銀行為例,個別探討雙方發展現況及併購動機,並分析此併購案的策略目的及併購綜效。 本研究結果得出,元大金控藉由合併大眾銀行將產生以下併購綜效:(一)規模經濟效益、(二)均衡業務結構、(三)提升銀行獲利貢獻、(四)維持穩健資產品質,元大金控藉此拉升銀行業務的恆常獲利貢獻,進而轉型成證券及銀行雙主軸的金控,同時取得大眾銀行的香港分行,以香港為前進大陸的發展據點,經營兩岸三地金融服務市場,有助其朝向「亞太區最佳金融服務提供者」之願景邁進。 / After going through two financial reforms, the number of the banks in Taiwan had decreased from 53 banks in 2000 to around 39 banks in 2014. Still, the problem of an excess of the banking operators had persisted. Due to the saturated Taiwanese domestic market for commercial banking services, the interest spread had thinned remarkably and this oppressive situation had drawn the local commercial banks into a price war on interest rates on deposits and loans. In 2013, following the growing concern over the price competition and in the hope of enhancing international competiveness of Taiwan’s banking industry, Financial Supervisory Commission unveiled its plan—Asia Cup policy—to promote consolidation of domestic financial institutions and encourage them to invest overseas market to further scale up the business. Yuanta Financial Holdings, one of the holding companies that actively seek overseas business opportunities, was the biggest securities broker in Taiwan. After completing the acquisitions and mergers of Ta Chong bank in August 2015, the company not only remains the leading position in securities market but also further strengthens its banking business. The thesis is based on the M&A case, and the purpose of the study is to determine the reasons and motivations behind the M&A between two financial institutions as well as the company’s current development in order to analyze and understand what are synergistic gains that two banks benefit from the merger. In short, the study suggests that the merger between Yaunta financial holdings and Ta Chong Bank has created following M&A synergies—realizing economies of scale, balancing business structure, enhancing banking profitability, and maintaining steady asset quality. After merging with Ta Chong bank, Yaunta financial holdings transitioned from a securities brokerage-focused company to a holding company focused on Twins Pillar of securities and banking operations. Also, company’s Hong Kong branch, which was acquired from the M&A, will serve as a firm foothold in Chinese market in order for this banking giant Yaunta to achieve the goal of becoming best financial service provider in the Asia Pacific region.


王靖堯 Unknown Date (has links)
全球在90年代資訊革命及監管自由化(deregulation)的背景下,國際金融體系產生了明顯的變化,各國紛紛進行一連串金融改革。如1997 年日本修改「獨占禁止法」與通過「解除控股公司設立禁止後之金融相關整備法」;1999 年11 月美國通過「金融服務業現代化法」(Financial Service Modernization Act of 1999)為代表,其目的不外是期望透過法令上的解除管制,使金融服務業朝向綜合化業務發展。 本文研究金融機構在追求大型化與多元化趨勢下,檢視以證券商為標的之併購案與主併者產生的財富效果(wealth effect)的關係,並進一步探討影響財富效果的主要原因為何。研究樣本則是選擇日本金融市場由1998年至2007年間以證券商為標的之併購事件,研究結果發現: 一、當以證券商為標的併購案件宣告時,對主併者產生顯著的超額報酬。 二、當以證券商為標的併購案件宣告時,主併者為非銀行金融機構所產生的超額報酬會顯著於以銀行為主體者。 三、主併者成長潛力的大小與宣告併購所產生的超額報酬顯著正相關。 四、當以證券商為標的併購宣告時,主併者財務槓桿大小與宣告併購所產生的超額報酬為顯著負相關。 實證結果所代表市場對於資本化程度高、快速成長及非銀行機構在合併後產生的併購綜效最具有信心。最後,本研究也彙整一些相關建議,以供後續學者、企業以及政府機關做參考。

合理性意見書是否具有資訊意涵?-以台灣上市公司併購案為例 / Does Fairness Opinion Contain Useful Information? - The cases of M&A in Taiwan

林宇軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年至2012年台灣主併公司為上市公司的併購案件為樣本,探討合理性意見書評價內容和主併公司短期股價影響及併購後綜效之關聯性。研究結果發現,於意見書揭露日時,若獨立專家評估價格高於雙方約定交易價格愈多時,即評價溢酬愈大,或是評價報告由高聲譽獨立專家所出具,主併公司會有正向的累積異常報酬率;且在此情況下,主併公司併購後綜效亦會愈大。故本研究認為,合理性意見書中的評價資訊,於揭露時具有訊號發射效果,可以幫助外部股東及投資人判斷交易是否對其有利,降低內外資訊不對稱,同時亦具有認證併購後公司會產生合併綜效之功能。因此,併購時獨立專家所出具之合理性意見書確實具有資訊意涵。 / This study analyses the relation between target firm valuations disclosed in the fairness opinions and acquiring firm performances by using the samples of Taiwanese listed company in M&A transaction between 2002 and 2012. We find that the stock price reactions to the public disclosure of fairness opinions are positively related to the difference between target firms valuations contained in the fairness opinion and the merger offer price and the reputation of independent experts. Under these conditions, the synergy in the M&A may be higher than others. Therefore, we suggest that the information contained in the fairness opinions can not only reduce information asymmetry between management and stockholders, but also certify that the M&A transaction will produce synergy. We conclude that fairness opinion does contain useful information to market participants.


呂子立 Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟全球化、自由化與網路事業發達的趨勢影響之下,近年來金融國際化亦加速發展,各先進國家之銀行產業無不積極擴展海外事業版圖,同時世界各國亦逐步開放其國內金融市場,吸引外國金融機構直接投資,以增加其金融產業競爭力。在因應二十一世紀全球化競爭快速發展之際,歐洲銀行業紛紛藉由國內併購及跨國併購方式以增強其競爭能力。為因應全球金融風暴衝擊或區域性金融風險波及,世界各國金融業者也藉由私募方式趁機在亞洲、拉丁美洲與俄羅斯收購投資標的,藉以低價取得價值被低估資產,擴大其區域營運規模,進而強化客戶網絡關係。 / 本論文研究主題為歐洲銀行業併購後經營績效之探討,採用財務比率、併購動機及經營績效分析其成功的因素。本論文個案研究為英國蘇格蘭皇家銀行(Royal Bank of Scotland)併購國民西敏寺銀行(National Westminster Bank)之案例,此案例為『以小併大』的案例(併購時國民西敏寺銀行約為蘇格蘭皇家銀行的三倍規模大),且創下當時英國銀行史上金額最大的併購案。 本論文案例以併購活動對股價之影響、併購前後三年之財務績效及併購後的營運績效,予以比較分析。本案例研究結果,就國民西敏寺銀行股東而言,雖然蘇格蘭皇家銀行付出併購溢價(PremIum)但因併購綜效的發揮,得以有效增加其股東之財富;蘇格蘭皇也由名不見經傳的小銀行,擠身為英國第二大銀行,並為其後各項鉅額之併購案,建立堅實的基礎與經驗。 / This research investigates the motivations and consequences of a banking merger case - the 1999 merger between Royal Bank of Scotland and National Westminster Bank in the UK, an apparently successful case. Accounting financial ratios and post-merger stock price trends are used to evaluate post-merger performance and we also investigate the sources of synergies by comparing the ratios of pre-merger and post-merger time windows of 3 years. We conclude that the case is successful both in terms of providing a significant bid premium to National Westminster Bank’s shareholders and in terms of the excess returns and improved financial performance of Royal Bank of Scotland /National Westminster Bank over the post-merger period. In addition, the success of this M&A deal can be attributed to Royal Bank of Scotland’ insightful business strategies including focus merger, the strategic goals in line with the takeover motives, accurate estimates of the gains and costs of acquacquisition and, fully exploiting the synergies from the merger, and brand awareness strategy.

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