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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳東慶, Chen, Dong-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
探討企業內員工在:一、其個人特徵;二、其工作方式特性方面之個別差異是否會造 成不同之績效。但隨 產業之不同、公司之不同、職位之不同,其影響情況皆會有差 異,所以本研究就以國內某壽險公司之股長級職員為例加以分析,希望此研究之結果 對公司人員之甄選與訓練政策之制定有很大之助益。 其內容分五章十六節加以闡述,玆簡列如左: 第一章:分四節,說明本研究之問題、目的、範圍、觀念性構架與研究假設。 第二章:分三節,說明本研究之變數選擇理由,包括個人特徵變數、個人工作特性變 數、與個人績效變數。 第三章:分五節,說明本研究之研究方法,包括研究步驟、問卷設計、抽樣與資料處 理、分析性構架、與研究統計方法之說明。 第四章:分二節,說明分析經過及其結果,包括一因子之變異數分析結果、二因子變 異數分析結果。 第五章:分二節,說明本研究之結論與建議。


潘水芳, Pan, Shui-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
一、緒論 1.研究動機:餐飲業係我國一大行業,如業者欲自眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,必須先對 顧客餐飲消費心理和行為有所了解。過去有關此方面之研究欠缺,且消費者餐飲行為 富於變化,故選取「商級餐廳定位問題」加以探討。 2.研究架構:研究個人特癥,情境因素,時間因素和餐廳知覺及偏好間之關係,暨其 它有關餐飲消費行者。 3.有關「定位」理論之介紹和大飯店餐廳特性之說明。 4.研究方法(抽樣方法、分析方法等)。 二、消費頻次,消費額和個人特癥間之關係。 三、各種情境下消費者對餐廳的偏好。 四、消費者對高級餐廳(大飯店內餐廳)之知覺與偏好。 五、其他有關消費者餐飲行為。 六、結論建議和研究限制。

「精進案」後國軍醫療人員任職進用之研究~以國軍醫學中心為例 / Research on the Recruitment and Employment of Military Medical Officers after the Armed Forces Streamlining Program: A Case Study of the Armed Forces Medicical Center

徐常渭 Unknown Date (has links)
國防部「精進案」政策執行後對國軍醫院醫療人員任職進用的影響甚大,其中以組織成員對進用管理、工作滿意及留職意願為主要關鍵,然而很少有研究者探討國軍醫院中進用管理與醫療人員工作滿意及留職意願間之關聯性。本研究之目的及在探討國軍醫學中心在「精進案」組織變革後,將醫療人員的進用管理、工作滿意及留職意願間之關聯性,透過問卷統計分析方式,歸納出以下的結論: 一、「精進案」政策執行後,國軍醫學中心醫療人員還是可以接受單位進用管理方式,並維持高度的工作滿意度,進而更有意願繼續留在國軍醫學中心服務。 二、年紀較長、高教育程度、擔任主管職位、服務在主要科別、服務年資年資及總年資較長的國軍醫療人員,其對進用管理認可程度較高。 三、男性、年紀較長、高教育程度、擔任主管職位、服務在主要科別、服務年資及總年資較長的國軍醫療人員,其對工作滿意程度較高。 四、已婚者、高教育程度、擔任主管職位、服務年資較長的國軍醫療人員,其對留職意願傾向較高。 五、提昇國軍醫療人員對進用管理的認可程度,可使人員加強人際合作關係,並將工作環境結合為個人生活的一部份,內化為自我實現的積極態度,進而提高工作滿意的程度。 六、「精進案」政策執行後,國軍醫學中心醫療人員對於單位進用管理方式認同程度越高者,其對自我的人際合作、融入工作環境、自我實現的追求及留職意願等方面認同程度也越高。 根據上述研究結果,筆者針對任職進用管理實務,提出以下建議﹕ 一、建立明確的目標與願景,並讓醫療人員清楚瞭解。 二、修訂國軍軍醫經管規定,整合人力資源與教育管理體系及單位。 三、提昇人員對人事政策的參與度。 四、妥善運用多元化獎勵與福利措施。 五、調整獎助金分配,實施一定比例的「變動獎助金」。 六、提昇醫療人員自我形象與專業素養。 七、建立學習型組織與氣氛,持續醫療人員職涯輔導。 / After the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, heavily depends on military medical officers which recommends for recruitment and employment, organizes the member to recommend for employment the management, satisfaction and remain on jobs rate as well. However, only little research had conducted to study the linkage of promotion program between people satisfaction and remain on job rate for the people who works at the military medical hospitals. The objective of this research focused on the promotion program, people satisfaction and remain on job rate after the process of the organization transformation through questionnaire and analysis. The results were summarized as follows: 1.The promotion and management program were accepted and maintain high satisfaction rate by the employee of the Armed Forces Medicical Center after the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, the employee have higher willing to remain their job at Armed Forces Medicical Center. 2.The new promotion program was more acceptable for the elder, high educated, manager level, people who worked for major departments and senior staff. 3.Male, elder, high educated, manager level, people who worked for major departments and senior staff were more satisfied for their job. 4.Married, high educated, manager level, senior staff were more like to remain at Armed Forces Medicical Center. 5.Employee more satisfied their jobs and work as a team, due to increase the acceptance of the promotion program, through enhance employee's relationship, integrates work and daily life and with enthusiasm for self-accomplishment. 6.After the Armed Forces Streamlining Program, got very positive results in promotion program acceptance, relationship build-up, integrates work and daily life, self-accomplish and remain on job. According to the above study results, some suggestions were proposed as below for the promotion program execution: 1.Establish clear mission and vision, let the employee who worked for Armed Forces Medicical Center fully understand. 2.Revise the management guidance for military medical doctors, harmonize HR (human resource), education manage system and related departments. 3.Enhance the participation of HR policy. 4.Properly using multiple reward and bonus programs. 5.Revise the bonus payment scheme, perform a fixed ratio of “flexible bonus”. 6.Improve the professional image and self-accomplishment of employee. 7.Build up the learning style organization and team spirit. Continue the career development program for employee.

高中職學生學業成績影響因素之探討 / Factors Affecting Academic Achievement of Students in Senior High School

褚馥瑜, Chu, Fu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)調查結果,對台灣地區高中職學生個人特徵、家庭背景以及學生生活進行次級資料分析,探討各種因素與學業表現之關聯性。   本研究選取資料庫中之9,750樣本數,以資料庫綜合分析能力測驗成績作為應變數,選取性別及手足數目等12個自變數,以Logit Model為實證模型分析,再以Ordered Probit Model進行實證結果穩健性檢驗(Robustness Check),發現兩者結果呈現一致性,本研究發現: 一、男性成績較女性成績為佳,曾經或現在就讀資優班者成績較為優異。 二、家庭手足數目對學生學業成績表現有負向影響,雙親教育程度、家庭收入愈高及家庭文化資本愈豐富對子女學業表現有正向顯著影響;家庭親子關係、父母閱讀頻率對於子女學業表現則無顯著影響。 三、補習、參加社團活動以及校隊培訓對學業成績有正向影響;打工及結交行為偏差朋友則對學業成績有負向影響。   本研究提出教育政策方向建議如下: 一、建議文創產業主管機關以差別取價之價格誘因方式提高親子參與藝文活動之意願,並持續鼓勵文創產業提供學校學生及家長參與藝文展演活動機會。 二、教育主管機關應持續執行對(中)低收入戶子女學雜費補助之政策,並建立對高中職學校社團活動之管理制度,另應加強學生品性教育管理。 / This study analyzes the association between personal characteristics, family background, the life of students and academic achievement of students in senior high school. The data have adapted Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The research has used 9,750 samples in the database. The dependent variable is the test scores of students while the independent variables are gender, the number of sibling, etc. This study has used Logit Model for empirical analysis and Ordered Probit Model for robustness check of the results. The research findings indicate that both models have similar conclusions, which are shown as follows. Firstly, the academic achievement of males is better than that of females. Moreover, students who are in the gifted and talented class have a better performance than those who are not in. Secondly, the number of sibling has a negative effect on academic achievement; whereas the education background of the parents, income and cultural capital of the family are as the opposite. The frequency of reading and the relationship between parents and children have no significant influence on academic achievement. Thirdly, the student who goes to cram school or participates in extracurricular activities has a positive influence on his/her academic achievement. However, the student with the part-time job or bad-behavior friends has a negative influence on his/her academic achievement. Therefore, the authorities should encourage parents and their children to participate in cultural activities through offering economic incentives and the tuition subsidies for low-income households continuously.

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