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中國大陸國家與社會關係1989-2002:以鑲嵌之社會團體自主性為例戴東清, Day, Dong-ching Unknown Date (has links)
每隔一段時間,就會有專家、學者出面預測中國大陸即將崩潰,只是實際情況的發展似乎與他們的預期有所出入。換言之,儘管中國大陸目前有許多問題,但是尚未有證據顯示,這些問題在短期內可能引發重大危機。 中國大陸曾經被視為約十年會有一個週期的政治危機週期,上次危機發生在一九八九年,在時序進入二○○五年之後,似乎已逐漸脫離危機週期的規律。 任何國家都可能發生各式各樣的危機,危機的結果卻不見得會帶來崩潰,其關鍵在於國家與社會如何面對及應付危機,雙方關係究竟在危機前後是如何彼此定位?
以天安門民主運動事件為例,在事件發生之前,中國大陸正面臨自改革開放以來最大的經濟危機—通貨膨脹。 然而危機的結果是以軍隊鎮壓收場,使得中國大陸社會運動就此陷於沉寂之中,晚近社會抗議事件雖然有增加的趨勢,但距離真正形成持續性的社會運動尚遠。 由此可知,政權出現正當性危機進而使得社會自主性增加,就必須具備兩項條件:一是引發正當性危機的事件出現;二是正當性危機出現後,社會力量興起與各方政治勢力透過妥協安排後,增加其本身的自由性。
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空間因素、貨幣需求與總體經濟王平, WANG,PING Unknown Date (has links)
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初探形象修復策略使用及口語表現之文化意涵 - 以黃義交緋聞案和柯林頓緋聞案為例詹乃璇, Chan, Nai-Hsuan Christina Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以個體主義- 集體主義架構的四個面向(自我概念、情境歸因、關係、溝通方式),以及「社會性面子」和「道德性面子」概念,來觀察黃義交緋聞案和柯林頓緋聞案的形象修復策略之口語表現。研究者有鑑於既有之形象修復策略並無文化相關方面之探討,無法完全符合本土危機處理之狀況。因此本研究以危機情境類似的黃義交緋聞案和柯林頓緋聞案,作為比較的個案,以了解兩案使用形象修復策略之差異,以及其口語表現所展現的文化意涵。
本研究個體主義-集體主義架構方面,採取Oyserman, Coon & Kemmelmeier (2002)所提出的「自我概念」、「情境歸因」、「關係」三個面向,以及和傳播相關的「溝通方式」四個面向,來作個體主義文化和集體主義文化特色的比較整理;在面子概念方面,本研究結合多位學者對東西方面子的研究(Hu, 1944;Ho, 1976;朱瑞玲,1987;Morisaki & Gudykunst, 1994),以及「社會性面子」和「道德性面子」的概念(周美伶與何友暉,1992),以理解面子在黃義交緋聞事件和柯林頓緋聞事件的意義;形象修復策略方面,本研究則結合Benoit(1995, 1997a)之五大形象修復策略,以及黃懿慧(2001)對Benoit形象修復策略之增補,作為本研究的用來分析兩案形象修復策略的理論基礎。簡言之,本研究觀察的是黃案與柯案之形象修復策略口語表現,具有哪些個體主義文化和集體主義文化的特質,以及在這些口語表現中所呈現的面子概念為何。
本研究採取「雙個案研究法」,以期對兩案的理解較為完整。研究設計方面,本研究採取「三角驗證原則」(principles of methodological triangulation)來提高研究結果的信度與效度,包括「方法的三角檢定」,即採用描述性統計以及論述分析,以及「資料分析的三角檢定」,即將資料以不同的層次加以分析,評估不同分析層次是否得到相同結果。多重資料來源包含台灣(三大報)與美國(紐約時報、華盛頓郵報)的報紙內容分析,和文件分析。
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應用個體選擇模式檢驗促銷活動之成效余思瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
個體選擇模式(discrete choice model)廣泛應用於國外的交通運輸及行銷領域,而國內交通運輸領域,也長期以此模式分析個體的運具選擇行為。反觀國內的行銷領域,因較難取得消費者的商品品牌購買紀錄,而鮮少應用個體選擇模式分析消費者的選擇行為。有鑒於此,本研究嘗試以問卷收集消費者對三個洗髮精品牌的選擇行為,以個體選擇模式中的多項邏輯模式(multinomial logit model)、巢狀邏輯模式(nested multinomial logit model)、混合多項邏輯模式(mixed logit model)進行分析,檢驗問卷設計中的促銷活動、消費者特性對選擇行為的影響性。
此外,根據本研究樣本,我們也發現海倫仙度絲與潘婷間的替代、互補性較強。 / Discrete choice model has been demonstrated to be a useful tool for analyzing consumers’ choice behavior data in the area of transportation and marketing research. However, since a complete data set containing consumers’ history of purchase behavior was rarely available to public, the model was less popular in the marketing research area than in the transportation research in Taiwan.
Based on limited survey data on consumers’ choice among three different brands of shampoo, we applied multinomial logit model、nested multinomial logit model、mixed logit model in this study to understand promotion program’s effect on consumers’ choice behavior , the result showed that shampoos’ original price、discount、volume of hair conditioner bestowal、more volume with the same price all had significant impacts on consumers’ choice behavior, among them, discount and volume of hair conditioner bestowel influenced more .In addition, consumers’ gender、age、occupation and frequency of changing brands also affected consumers on choosing brands of shampoos. The study also found that a consumer who chose the same brand regularly behaved notably differently.
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統合的追尋:朵莉絲.萊辛<四門之城>中的空間與心靈 / Quest for Integration: Space and Psyche in Doris Lessing's The Four-Gated City陳建州, Chen, Chien-Chou Unknown Date (has links)
第一章,我將分析都市空間的主要兩個意象,疆界(boundary)與層疊漫渙(palimpsest),以及主角瑪莎與心理原型面具(the archetype persona)的遭逢。在此我將探討主角作為一個城市的觀察者和批判者如何察覺那些可見或不可見分隔都市空間的疆界。同時也將說明主角在面對面具原型時如何解決內在退縮和成長的衝突。在下兩章,我將討論兩個建築空間和主角內在心靈的關係。首先,在傑克的房子裡,主角探索記憶和身體的連結並初探被深深壓抑的自我仇恨。其後,在科利奇的豪宅,主角則把自我狀態從防衛性的貝殼意象轉化為開放空間裡的流動中心點。同時,主角亦透過潛入瘋狂和內在暗影(the archetype shadow)的經驗,習得如何面對暗影與探掘其心靈的潛意識。 / In this study of Doris Lessing’s fifth and final volume of her Children of Violence series, The Four-Gated City, I would like to explore how the spatial imagery illustrates the inner landscape of the protagonist and how the protagonist’s wandering journey in the urban and architectural space symbolizes her inner quest for psychic integration. With an emphasis on the interchange between space and psyche, the spatial imagery is read as linguistic crystallization of psychic activities and environmental stimuli, which mirrors not only the physical appearance of the surroundings but also the psychological reality of the characters. As a result, with this spatial imagery as point of departure, I will also employ Jung’s individuation theory to account for the protagonist’s psychic journey.
In the first chapter, I examine the two major urban spatial images, the boundary and palimpsest, and Martha’s encounter with the archetype persona. In this part, I would like to present the protagonist, Martha Quest, as an astute city observer and critic, who perceives the visible and invisible boundaries demarcating the urban space. I will also explicate how Martha is brought to confront the archetype persona and resolves the tension between regressive impulse and inner urge for growth.
In the following two chapters, I will probe into how two architectures symbolize Martha’s intrapsychic space. In Jack’s house, Martha explores the nexus of body and memory and intimates the repressed self-hater. In Coldridge’s grand mansion she transforms her self-image from a defensive “shell” into a circulating center in a fluid open space. Then, in a symbolic descent to the madness and the inner shadow, Martha learns to confront the inner shadow and explore this unconscious aspect of her psyche.
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在不同實驗設計下藥物個體生體相等性檢定力之比較董雅萍 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上,判定一種學名藥(generic drug)與原廠藥(innovator drug)是否具有生體相等性所常用的統計方法為:比較兩種藥物的生體可用相對值(relative bioavailability)的母體平均數是否相等,此即所謂的平均生體相等性(average bioequivalence)。然而就兩種藥物可互用的觀點而言,似乎更需要考慮的是每位受測個體在服用藥物後,不同藥物在個體內反應的差異性,因此 Anderson and Hauck (1990)提出個體生體相等性(individual bioequivalence)的觀點。
本文採 Schall (1995)所建議的判定準則來作為評估一種學名藥與原廠藥是否具有個體生體相等性的依據。內容重點為透過模擬(simulation)實驗的方式,對判定藥物為個體生體相等性的檢定力(power)作一評比,研究的項目有:(1)檢定力在不同交叉實驗設計(crossover design)下表現的異同;(2)檢定力在不同參數組合情況下表現的趨勢;(3)樣本數(sample size)對檢定力的影響。 / Conventionally, that a generic drug and an innovator drug are regarded as having the same treatment effects is based on the concept of average bioequivalence,i.e., that average responses between individuals on the two formulations are similar. Anderson and Hauck (1990) argued that it was not sufficient to expect that an individual patient would response similarly to the two formulations. The thought has received a lot of attention lately, and quite a few methods have been proposed to deal with the issue of the individual bioequivalence. According to the "unified" approach proposes by Schall (1995), a simulation study on power to declare bioequivalence and coverage probability of confidence intervals is carried out here to compare their performance under different experimental designs.
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近代中國社會變遷與報紙整合功能(1912-1921)莔以<< 申報>> 與<< 大公報>>為例 / Integrated function of the newspaper and the process of social盧嵐蘭, Lu, Lan-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討民初十年危機時期中,報紙(傳播媒介)如何透過讀者的詮釋架構在社會化過程中建構個體同一性與社會同一性,以產生社會整合功能。我們分別以五項核心問題分析前述論旨:第一,媒介的社會地位對媒介整合功能的影響;第二,媒介身為社會眾多整合管道之一而與其他整合工具共同發揮整合功能;第三,關於客觀現實、符號現實、主觀現實之間的穩定關係影響媒介的整合功能;第四,社會與媒介之間存在著創生──功能關係,第五,過度惡化的社會危機嚴重破壞媒介的整合功能。在釐清這些問題之際,特別以個體同一性與社會同一性之構成來觀照社會整合功能,並強調行動者的詮釋架構在其中扮演重要角色,且媒介預設之詮釋社群是為社會整合的根本基礎。 本研究主要針對1912-1921 年 的《申報》與《大公報》提出上述說明與解釋,並採用詮釋研究與現象社會學的方法學取徑,論證媒介現實與歷史現實,以及媒介現實與主觀現實之間的關係,指出所謂現實建構係詮釋社群之詮釋類型與詮釋架構的產物,並說明透過掌握歷史脈絡對了解媒介整合功能的重要性。從觀察民初十年的歷史情境,我們發現由於社會全面危機而扼抑了報紙的整合角色,其中主要因為詮釋架構失效導致現實轉型失敗,並引發一系列的危機循環。 在這個過程中具有關鍵作用的個體同一性與社會同一性皆因詮釋危機而一再遭受威脅與破壞,使得主觀現實與客觀現實間無法建立對應和諧的關係,且原可經由媒介之符號秩序而傳遞重要他人以供行動者重建現實之參考的報紙也因社會危機瓦解媒介與其他整合管道協同運作的效果,進而失去可能具有的整合功能。 / This dissertation examines the dialectics between social change and news media. Five issues central to the reality cons-truction of media have been selected for this study:
1)the social position of media determines it''s integrated function, 2)mass media is one of various integrated means in society, 3)the relations between objective reality, symbolic reality, and subjective reality as elements of social integration, 4)the genetic-functional relation between society and mass media, 5)social crises diminish the integrated function of media. It is argued that social integration consists in personal identity and social identity. Special emphasis is placed on the inter-dependence of identity process and reality construction which was based on interpretive schemes. An argument is made that mass media presuppose interpretive communities which underlie social intergration. This study is based on data from Shun Pao and L''Impartial in 1912-1921. Using interpretive approach and phenomenological sociology, we have documented the relationship between media reality (symbolic reality) and historical reality. Moreover, we have established that this relationship in an artifact of interpretive schemes or of interpretive types. Finally, we have also presented evidence as to the import of media''s inte- grated role, suggesting the utility of historical context approach. According to the analysis of historical condition in modern China, we conclude that the wholesale crises impinged upon the construction of personal and social identities, disorganized interpretive schemes of social actors, and formed ineffica- cious significant others and symbolic order constituted by media reality.
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公共網絡管理:臺北市政府戶政業務跨機關服務傳遞協力合作網絡實證研究 / Collaborative Public Management: the Empirical Study of Interagency Service DeliveryNetwork on the Household Registration Services in Taipei City Government謝俊義 Unknown Date (has links)
跨機關服務協力合作網絡的有效形成,在官僚體制漸漸無法發揮績效的情況下,更顯得重要。為了探討在機關間協力合作的種種問題,本研究以公共網絡管理文獻建構跨機關間協力合作的模型。公共網絡管理的文獻,主要在探索公共管理者的行為與角色,以及機關間的協力合作行為,如何貢獻於服務傳遞協力合作網絡績效,而這兩個研究問題,也存在於本論文的觀察單位-臺北市政府戶政業務之中。資料來源主要是以問卷方式調查臺北市政府負責戶政業務戶政人員的主觀認知性資料。研究方法則是透過描述性統計、相關係數、信度考驗、確認性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)、迴歸分析、迴歸診斷與結構方程式(Structural Equation Model, SEM)。
本研究的問卷抽樣數共524份,有效問卷為338份,回收率為64.5%。在統計分析上,無論在因素負荷量、信度考驗、迴歸模型解釋比率,以及結構方程式的模型適配度皆符合或接近標準。而多元迴歸分析(OLS)與結構方程式(SEM)亦顯示機關之間的資源分享與協助並無助於戶政服務傳遞協力協力合作網絡間的績效,這也解釋部分理論文獻對協力協力合作網絡過於樂觀的質疑。本研究亦發現網絡管理文獻所建構的特定因素如核心機關(民政局)的協調,以及策略與結構的協調與整合是有助於戶政服務傳遞協力協力合作網絡績效。在研究貢獻上,期許檢驗研究問題與研究假設,以及這些規範性理論應用至政府實務的深度。 / The efficient formation for interagency service delivery network is comparatively important when the bureaucracy falis to make it well in public affairs. This research employs the literatures of public network management to construct the model of interagency collaborations. Two research are discussed in public network management and our research with the observed unit of the household registration of Taipei City Government: how the behaviors and roles of public network managers and collaborative behaviors among public agencies contribute to the network performance of interagency service delivery network. The data sources are draw from subjective perceptive data of public managers and public administrators who response for household registration services in Taipei City Government. The research method employs descriptive statistics, correlations, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis, regression analysis, regressive dignosis and structural equation model.
The response rates in this research are 64.5%(338/524). In statistics, the the factor loadings, reliability, R2 for the regression model, and the goodness of the fit for structural equation model(SEM) also show that the resources-sharing among the agencies does not benefit the netwotk performance in household service-delivery network, which doubt the celebratory viewpoints from some public network management literatures. This research also finds some factors such as the coordination of network core administrative agency (the Bureau of Civil Affairs), the integration and coordination of strategies and structures, are helpful for network performance in collaborative network of household service-delivery network. For the contributions of research, this research expects to examine our research questions and research hypotheses and then applies these normative theories to the depths of government practices.
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台灣壽險業健康保險損失率影響因素之探討 / The factors that influence the loss ratio of health insurance policies for life insurance companies in Taiwan邱于君, Chiu, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
(三)本研究發現健康險損失率受到總體因素的影響,一般而言比壽險公司個體因素的影響微弱。個體因素確實會顯著影響壽險公司健康險損失率,而且壽險公司不同的規模型態,其主要影響健康險損失率的因素亦會有所不同。 / This study examines the factors that influence the loss ratio of health insurance policies for life insurance companies in Taiwan. First, this thesis intends to investigate whether there are significant differences in loss ratios among insurers due to firm size. Secondly, the impact of marketing channels on health insurance loss ratio is analyzed where the distribution systems mainly used by insurers are divided into three categories: employee sales, agent/broker channel, and others. Finally, this study conducts regression analyses on the health insurance loss ratio with firm-specific and macroeconomic variables to help insurers in controlling risks in the future. The empirical results are shown as follows.
1.The loss ratios of health insurance vary significantly with firm size. The loss ratio of large insurance companies is significantly higher than that of small insurances companies.
2.Distribution system has a significant impact on the loss ratio of health insurance. When the insurer relies more on other channels, instead of employee sales and agent/broker, the insurer will have lower loss ratio.
3.The impact of macroeconomic variables on the loss ratio of health insurance is less than that of firm-specific variables. Additionally, the influential variables for loss ratio may be different between insurers of large and small sizes.
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資訊扭曲在英國選民脫歐抉擇之角色 / The Role of Information Distortion in the Brexit Referendum林琮紘, Lin, Tsung Hung Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,在移民潮來襲、民眾高喊反全球化與選民不安全感高漲的大環境背景下,脫歐陣營對選民所關心之議題的煽動與對資訊的操控使選民在做出投票抉擇時受到明顯誤導。此外,模型結果亦顯示,選民的個人社經背景與心理態度認知同樣對選民投票行為產生影響。總結而言,本研究透過微觀層次的分析,針對促使選民投下脫歐一票的因素做出深入探討,並以「資訊扭曲」作為重要變數,補充議題投票相關研究之不足。 / In the Brexit referendum held in June 2016, 51.89 per cent of the voter voted Leave and 48.11 per cent voted Remain. The result sealed the fate of the UK as an outsider of the European Union. While the reasons behind voter’s choice to leave the EU remain disputed, individual voter’s socio-economic status, party identification, populism, anti-elite mood, and identity toward European were among the most frequently listed factors. In order to fill the gap that existing researchs has left, this thesis focuses on the significance of “issue voting” in voting behavior. It discusses if the distortion of information by the Leave campaign had a significant impact on people’s voting choice. It uses the “logistic regression model” to analyse six issues brought about by the Leave campaign. They include the NHS, immigration, trading arrangements with other nations, unemployment, working conditions for British workers, and unconditional maintaining of all the benefits from the EU. By focusing on the individual level, I try to investigate how the distortion of information has impacted upon people’s voting behavior in the Brexit referendum.
The study shows that against the background of an increased flow of immigrants and heightened anti-globalization mood, voters had a strong sense of insecurity. Under such circumstances, the Leave campaign exploited the opportunity to incite voters on issues they cared most about, manipulated information during the demagogic campaign, and misled people on their voting decision. In addition, the model also demonstrates that voters’ socioeconomic status and mental cognizance have the same effect on people’s voting behavior. In the nutshell, this thesis uses micro-level analysis to investigate voter behavior in the Brexit referendum. It brings in “information distortion” as a key variable in explaining voter behavior, a variable largely neglected in the existing literature on issue voting.
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