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搬送波周波数偏差を伴うスペクトル拡散信号のパラレル同期捕捉水谷, 昌展, 片山, 正昭, 山里, 敬也, 小川, 明 20 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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搬送波周波数偏差を伴うスペクトル拡散信号の周波数・拡散系列同期捕捉奥田, 慎治, 片山, 正昭, 山里, 敬也, 小川, 明 20 October 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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從復原力觀點建構青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為影響因素模式之研究 / Constructing a factor model of drug abuse and delinquency among adolescent: A resilience perspective葉怡伶, Yeh, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為之影響因素模式,並瞭解復原力如何對青少年藥物濫用與偏差行為產生影響。本研究共分為兩組,在一般組青少年的部份,以台灣地區11所國、高中職(含進修學校)1711 位青少年為研究對象;藥物濫用組則是以台灣地區13所矯治機構中,555位藥物濫用青少年為研究對象。研究工具包括衝動性人格量表、父母依附關係量表、師生互動關係量表、同儕關係量表、偏差同儕量表、青少年復原力量表、青少年偏差行為量表與藥物濫用程度量表。本研究採用描述性統計分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與結構方程模式進行資料分析。研究主要發現如下:
(一) 藥物濫用組青少年之衝動性人格、與父母之間的疏離感、所接觸的偏差同儕及其行為偏差程度顯著高於一般組。
(二) 兩組青少年和父母、教師以及同儕之間均有良好的依附與互動關係。但一般組青少年之師生互動與同儕關係顯著高於藥物濫用組。
(三) 兩組青少年皆有良好的復原力。然一般組青少年在「同理心與人際互動」及「情緒調節」的得分上較高。而藥物濫用組則是在「希望與樂觀」的面向上得分較高。
(四) 整體而言,藥物濫用組青少年之藥物渴求與藥物依賴程度並不高。
(五) 衝動性人格與偏差同儕是直接影響青少年偏差行為的關鍵危險因子,而父母依附關係則是使得青少年偏差行為下降的保護因子。衝動性人格、師生互動關係、同儕關係以及偏差同儕會透過復原力,提高個體行為偏差的程度。僅有父母依附關係會透過復原力降低青少年的偏差行為。
(六) 藥物濫用雙模式驗證結果皆顯示復原力是直接影響青少年藥物濫用的關鍵保護因子;而偏差行為則是對青少年藥物濫用有直接影響的關鍵危險因子。衝動性人格、師生互動關係與偏差同儕都會透過復原力與偏差行為,而提高青少年藥物濫用的程度。而父母依附關係與同儕關係則是會透過復原力及偏差行為降低青少年的藥物濫用。
最後,根據本研究主要發現提出若干意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育、犯罪矯正與學術研究上之參考。 / The aim of this study was to construct the factor model of drug abuse and delinquency among adolescent and to explore the influence of resilience on the factor model. The participants in this study were 1711 middle school students and 555 youth drug offenders in prisons in Taiwan. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Impulsive Personality, the Inventory of Mentoring Function, the Inventory of Meaning Making, the Inventory of Parent Attachment, the Inventory of Teacher-student Interaction, the Peer Subscale of TRICA, the Inventory of peer delinquency, the Inventory of Adolescent Resilience, Juvenile delinquency Questionnaire, and the Inventory of Drug Abuse. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, one-way MANOVA, Pearson correlation, and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows:
(1) Youth drug offenders had high levels impulsivity and engaged in more delinquent behavior than the normal group; they also felt more alienated by their parents; youth drug offenders’ peers engage in more delinquent behaviors than the normal subjects.
(2) Both normal subjects and youth drug offenders were perceived high levels of teacher-students interaction, parental attachment, and good peer relationship. Nevertheless, normal subjects had stronger perceived teacher’s influence and better peer relationship than the youth drug offenders.
(3) Both normal subjects and youth drug offenders had high levels of resilience; nevertheless, normal subjects outperformed the youth drug offenders on the “empathy and interpersonal interaction” and “emotional regulation”. Youth drug offenders outperformed the normal subjects on the “hope and optimism”.
(4) Youth drug offenders didn’t have high levels of drug craving, dependence, and drug abuse.
(5) Adolescent impulsive personality and peer delinquency as the risk factors had direct effects on juvenile delinquency; conversely, parental attachment was the protective factors. Moreover, adolescent impulsive personality, teacher-student interaction, peer relationship, and peer delinquency had indirect effect on their delinquent behavior via resilience.
(6) According to these two factor models of drug abuse, teacher-student interaction and peer delinquency had direct effect on drug abuse for model 1; and only teacher-student interaction had direct effect on drug abuse for Model 2. Moreover, the results of these two factor models, resilience were the important protective factor against drug abuse; conversely, juvenile delinquency as the risk factor had the direct effect on drug abuse. As the result, impulsive personality, teacher-student interaction, and peer delinquency had indirect positive effect on drug abuse via resilience and juvenile delinquency; moreover, parental attachment and peer relationship had indirect negative effect on drug abuse via resilience and juvenile delinquency.
Recommendations for family, school, correctional institution, and future study are discussed.
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國中生人格特質、師生互動關係與偏差行為之關係石文宜, Shih,Wen-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論,並對教師、學校及未來研究,提出具體建議,供後續實務工作及研究參考。 / The main purposes of this study were to investigate the styles of teacher-student interaction in junior high school and to explore the relationships among personalities of junior-high-school students, teacher-student interaction, students’ satisfaction and misbehaviors.
The participants included 800 junior high school students in Taiwan. The employed instruments were Personality traits Inventory, Teacher-Student Interaction Inventory, and Activity Experiences Inventory. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, MONOVA, Discriminant Analysis, Pearson Correlation, One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, Scheff’s Method and Multiple Regression.
The main findings in this study were as following:
1.Teacher-student interaction in junior high school was high “Influence” and middle “Proximity”, and further, the most frequently styles of teacher-student interaction were “Low-influence Low-proximity”, and “High-influence High- proximity”; the least is “Low-influence High- proximity”.
2.For students, there were no significant gender differences on teacher-student interaction.
3.There were no significant SES differences on influence and styles of teacher-student interaction, however, SES had negative influences on proximity of teacher-student interaction.
4.For teachers, there were no significant gender differences on teacher-student interaction.
5.There were no significant gender differences on influence and styles of teacher-student interaction, however there were significant differences on proximity of teacher-student interaction, more specially, interaction of male students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers, and interaction of female students and male teachers had higher proximity than male students and female teachers.
6.Personalities of students and influence of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion and openness to experience of personalities of students and proximity of teacher-student interaction had significant positive correlations, and personalities of students can correctly discriminate 42.5% styles of teacher-student interaction.
7.Influence and proximity of teacher-student interaction had negative influences on students’ misbehaviors, in addition, the style of “Low-influence Low- proximity” leads to high students’ misbehaviors.
8.Influence and proximity of teacher-student interaction had positive influences on students’ satisfaction, and students mostly satisfy the style of “High-influence High- proximity”, and dissatisfy the style of “Low-influence Low- proximity.
9.Teacher-student interaction and students’ satisfaction effect reciprocally student’s misbehaviors.
10.For whole students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 17.8% to 18%.
11.For male students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 18.8% to 19.6%.
12.For female students, many different variables could effectively predict student’s misbehaviors about 16.3% to 17%.
Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.
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孩童早期受托照顧與兒童犯罪之關聯性探討 / The association between child care arrangement and child crime黃政翰 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑此,為避免課後托育匱乏所帶來的長久負面效應,應在托育政策的制訂上,建立一個安全友善、平價普及的課後托育制度;其次,地方政府也應在幼托政策上投注更多資源,以達到兒童犯罪預防的效果;最後,政府機構須正視區域發展失衡對孩童的影響。 / Childcare arrangement plays an important role to child development. This study is to explore the possible correlation between childcare arrangement and child crime.
The data is from 16 counties and cities in Taiwan from 1998 to 2015. The estimation methods are ordinary least squares, fixed effects and random effects models.
The results show that a county/city’s child crime rate is negative correlated to its after-school care ratio, which implies that when a county/city has a higher proportion of children in after-school care programs, the child crime rate would be lower. The results also show that some explanatory variables, like divorce rate, legitimate baby ratio and population density, are significantly correlated to child crime rate. However, crime detection rate and police expenditure seem to be not correlated with child crime rate.
In formulation of proper childcare policy, it is important to create a safe, friendly, affordable, and universal after-school care system. So, it could ensure that the long-term negative effect from lacking of after-school care program. In addition, local government should spend more resource on child care programs in order to achieve the effectiveness of child crime prevention. Finally, government agency should also address the regional development imbalances on children.
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刺激尋求動機與創造力、偏差行為之關係研究楊蕢芬, YANG, KUI-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
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從運動產業複合體看運動節目的性別偏差-以SBL及WSBL為例連思晨 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以SBL及WSBL為研究案例。研究結果發現,台灣運動產業複合體的運作邏輯,大致符合西方文獻中所述的運動與資本的關係,三者間的資金流動造成其相互依賴;而性別偏差的部分,從量與質兩大面向的分析結果,發現台灣運動轉播節目確實有性別偏差的現象,且造成此一現象的原因,是因為運動產業三者間存有「群眾≒利潤」的思考邏輯,使得運動組織、媒體組織、企業組織皆以男籃為主、忽視女籃,而形成了節目偏異的結果。 / This paper purposes to discuss the reasons of the gender disproportion of the sports programs in Taiwan. The main direction of this paper is the sport/industry complex, and this paper tried to understand how the capital circulating in the complex effects the gender disproportion of sports programs. The two main questions include: (1) How the Taiwan sport/industry complex works? (2) How the framework of Taiwan sport/industry complex influences the gender disproportion of sports programs? I used the method of in-depth interviewing to find out the relationship within the three parts of sport/industry complex (sport organizations-media organizations-enterprise organizations). Text analysis is the major method to analyze the gender deviation, and the secondary method is in-depth interviewing.
The study cases are SBL and WSBL in this paper. The result reveals that the logic of working sport/industry complex approximately conforms with the relationship of sport and capital described in the west literature. From two directions of quality and quantity, the observing results show that there is gender disproportion in Taiwan sport programs. More important, the logic “audience≒profit” within the three kinds of organizations is the reason of gender deviation. It also makes the sport, media, enterprise organizations put their resources on the male basketball games and ignore the female basketball games. Therefore, the gender disproportion in the Taiwan sport programs forms.
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Hi-C實驗資料正規化 / Hi-C data normalization魏孝全 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討高通量染色體捕捉技術 (high-throughput chromosome conformation capture, Hi-C) 實驗所產生的關聯矩陣資料之正規化方法。已知該類實驗主要用來測量染色體之間的空間距離,正規化的目的是移除資料中的系統性偏差,本文主要針對基因特徵所造成之偏差。有別於Hu等人 (2012) 所提出的「局部基因特徵正規化法」(local genome feature normalization, LGF法),我們所提出的「二次函數正規化法」(quadratic function normalization, QF法) 建立在更為一般化的二次對數模型與負二項分配假設上。本研究透過模擬實驗以及人類淋巴細胞資料 (GSE18199) 來評估QF法的表現,並且與其他方法比較。在模擬實驗中,我們發現當模型正確時,QF法能有效消除偏差。在實例中,當基因特徵偏差被消除後,則染色體之間的相對距離在重複實驗資料之間有更為一致的結果。另一方面,我們發現實驗所採用的限制酶影響關聯矩陣的結果,而且運用這些正規化方法並不能有效消除限制酶造成的偏差。 / Recently, the high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) experiment is developed to explore the three-dimensional structure of genomics. To assess the chromosomal interaction, a contact matrix is produced from a Hi-C experiment. Very often, systematic technical biases appear in the contact matrix and lead to inadequate conclusions. Consequently, data normalization to remove these biases is essential and necessary prior advanced inference. In this research, we propose the so-called quadratic function normalization method, which is a modification of the local genome feature normalization (Hu et al., 2012) by considering a more general model. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the proposed method. When the model assumption holds, the proposed method has adequate performance. Further, a Hi-C data set of a human lymphoblastoid cell GSE18199 is employed for a comparison of our method and two existing methods. It’s observed that normalization improves the reproducibility between experimental replicates. However, the effect of normalization is lean in eliminating the bias of restriction enzymes.
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追蹤指數與控管CVaR之投資組合規劃模型 / Portfolio Optimization under CVaR Control and Tracking Error Minimization蔡依婷, Tsai, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
指數型基金透過追蹤指數來提供投資人被動管理的投資策略,因而成為保守投資人的熱門投資工具。本論文的目的在於建立一個追蹤指數的同時也能有效控管損失的指數型基金。在此目標下,該基金面臨到的不單是追蹤指數的績效,還有降低資產配置風險的問題。有鑑於此,本論文融合兩種下方風險的概念:指數追蹤的下方偏差(downside absolute deviation)以及條件風險值(conditional value-at-risk, CVaR)。針對兩者間的規避程度分別分配其權重,並以該基金之平均報酬大於指數的平均報酬作為限制條件,經由改寫下方偏差與離散化CVaR後得到一個新的線性規劃模型。本論文以台灣50指數與恆生指數的歷史資料做為實證探討的對象,驗證使用本線性規劃模型所建立之指數型基金的效能。 / Index fund has become popular in these days among the conservative investors since it provides a passive investment strategy. The main purpose of this paper is to create an index fund which can replicate the performance of a broad-based index of stocks and has the ability to control the loss efficiently at the same time. For this purpose, the index fund we build confronts with not only the performance of index tracking, but also lowering the level of the risk of assets allocation. In order to accomplish the goal, we combine two concepts of downside risk: downside absolute deviation and conditional value-at-risk (CVaR). Under the constraint of average portfolio return being greater than average index return, and assign weights according to the degree of evasion to each of the risks, a linear programming model is formulated by rewriting downside absolute deviation and discretizing CVaR. The results obtained from the computational experience on Taiwan 50 index and Hang Seng index are provided for testing the efficiency of this model.
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親子知覺之教養方式與偏差行為關係之研究:以臺灣青少年成長歷程研究資料庫為例 / Parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles in relation to adolescent deviant behaviors: Evidence from the Taiwan Youth Project詹欣怡, Chan, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之分析方法為描述性統計、相依樣本變異數分析、結構方程模式等,研究結果顯示:一、最常出現的教養方式為監督教養,最少出現的教養方式則為嚴厲教養;而國中生偏差行為的發生情形不高;二、親子雙方的教養知覺有顯著差異;三、本研究提出親子知覺的教養方式與偏差行為之結構關係模式皆獲得支持,(一)親子知覺監督教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,而子女知覺的監督教養也具有中介效果;(二)子女知覺嚴厲教養的程度愈高,其發生偏差行為的情形也愈高,而父母知覺的嚴厲教養則完全透過子女知覺的嚴厲教養之中介效果,而影響子女的偏差行為;(三)母子知覺引導式教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,同時子女知覺的引導式教養也具有中介效果,然而父子部分則皆無顯著影響;(四)親子知覺的一致性教養皆對偏差行為沒有顯著的預測力。據此,本研究提出相關討論與建議。 / This study explored the differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles, and examined the relationships between these perceptions and adolescent deviant behaviors. Adolescent perception of parenting styles also played a role of mediated variable. The data come from questionnaires filled out by ninth-grade students and their parents from the Taiwan Youth Project in 2000.
Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA of paired samples, and structural equation modeling. The results showed that : 1. The frequency of deviant behavior of junior high school students was low. 2. The frequency of monitoring was the highest, and the frequency of harsh disciplines was the lowest. 3. The differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles were significant. 4. The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the theoretical model of parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles and adolescent deviant behaviors. (1) When parents and adolescents perceived more monitoring, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of monitoring also played an important mediating role. (2) When adolescents perceived more harsh disciplines, they had more opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Through the mediating effect of adolescent perception of harsh disciplines, parental perception of harsh disciplines had significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (3) When mothers and adolescents perceived more inductive reasoning, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of inductive reasoning also played an important mediating role. However, paternal and adolescent perceptions of inductive reasoning had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (4) Parental and adolescent perceptions of consistency had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. This study also proposed some relevant suggestions.
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