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台灣傢俱工業生產管理之研究杜蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
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系統家具廠商垂直整合營運模式分析 / A study on business model of system furniture - virtual vertical integration林其泉, Lin, Chi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
過去傢俱業的產業價值鏈,大多採取專業分工模式。近年來,傢俱業整體產業經營環境開始產生轉變,導致國內傢俱業的外銷市場受到嚴重威脅,更重要的是,隨傢俱產業逐漸走向高級化、精緻化及多樣化,傳統廉價大量生產模式的傢俱業,已漸漸被取代。因此,台灣傢俱業者已逐漸體認到技術整合與技術升級的重要性。近來許多傢俱業者開始紛紛從專業分工模式,轉為朝向上、下游整合的經營模式,從專注少樣多量轉為多樣少量的生產模式。個案公司在本身資源相對不足的情況下,再加上為了加速回應市場變化的速度,以及提高對消費者的服務價值,即藉由虛擬垂直整合模式,間接減少消費者交易成本,策略性的採取上、下游虛擬整合模式,提供全方位的整合性服務。本研究即探討個案公司如何架構更具彈性的新興商業模式,有效進行產業價值鏈的整合,架構一個整合各方資源的虛擬平台,維持經營彈性,同時探討虛擬垂直整合模式的可行性及成功要素。 / The value chain of furniture mostly appears professional job assignment in the past years. Recently, furniture industry changes in operating environment caused export market to be seriously threatened. Furniture industry had transferred mass production mode into sophistication and diversity. Therefore, Managers with furniture industry have become conscious that technology integration and upgrades are very importance. Besides, many managers transferred specialization mode into up-and downstream integrated business model. In this paper, the case company which is relative shortage of resources adopts up-and downstream integrated business model to provide total solution services in order to response to changes in the market. The paper discusses the issue of how to build up a new business model, integrate value chain and creative a resources pool of virtual platform. Finally, the feasibility and success factors of virtual vertical integration are also discussed.
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解讀宜家的消費文化意涵─以布迪厄的日常生活言行理論為之周汶昊 Unknown Date (has links)
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貿易公司新商業模型研究:以傢俱行業為例 / A new business model for trading companies in furniture industry丁經武 Unknown Date (has links)
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產品服務化對傢俱零售產業供應鏈管理之影響 – 以A公司為例 / The influence of servitization on supply chain management in the furniture retail industry: A case study of Company A蘇國棟 Unknown Date (has links)
產品服務系統的概念是在八十年代被提出,當時基於國際化導致各國產業日趨競爭,企業因而積極尋求更多的途徑來創造成長,而當時許多企業,如: IBM、Xerox 等,由原本的產品銷售事業逐漸 跨足服務的提供,這帶給這些企業許多市場競爭優勢,進而促使更 多不同產業的企業開始應用類似的策略實施。
有鑑於國內產業目前積極地推廣產品服務系統,以創造各個領域的產業升級,因此本研究以產品服務系統的供應鏈管理做為討論的核心,希望了解企業在產品服務系統的落實中,應如何應對這商 業模式的變化。對此,本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討 以整理出研究的分析模型,再配合產品服務系統實施成功的國內傢 俱零售廠商做為研究個案,以進行調查。其中,分析模型主要由三個面向所構成,分別為下游供應網絡、焦點企業與上游供應網絡 , 並且在下游供應網絡的環節重點討論企業與顧客的互動模式,在焦 點企業的部分探討企業內部的管理措施,而在上游供應網絡探究企業與供應商的合作模式。
本研究發現產品服務系統的採行會直接地改變企業與顧客之間的互動關係,這促使企業必須與顧客進行密切的溝通,同時還需要積極獲取顧客的資訊。而由企業內部角度來看,則需要創造服務能力,調整績效管理模式,以及培養服務導向的組織文化。最後,企 業應與供應商應建立作業連結、資訊共享管道與誘因同盟,使彼此促成長期的合作關係,並讓整合方案能夠更效率地傳遞給顧客。
本研究透過實際案例的深入探討,了解到企業在執行產品服務系統的過程中,對於供應鏈採行了何種管理因應,其結果不但擴充 了“產品服務系統供應鏈”的理論探討,同時能夠也提供給未來相關領域的研究者與其他相關企業發展的參考。 / The concept of Product Service System (PPS) has been expanded since 1980s, when the globalization boosted the competition of various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to explore new business model to facilitate their performance within the market and at that period several companies (including IBM, Xerox) successfully obtained outstanding competitive advantages through providing service, which is derived from their product business, and formed the idea of PPS and Servitization. And so, more and more companies involve in PPS, hence PPS have already applied in numerous industries nowadays.
Previously, Taiwan’s local market put a lot of emphasis on PPS, in order to promote upgrade in various industries. Therefore, this paper is aim to discover implementational insight of PSS in the perspective of supply chain management (SCM) and realize how should company responds, when facing the change of business model. In this case, this paper utilize case study methodology with analysis model, which is contrived by desk research on PPS supply chain related paper, and execute in-depth analysis on case study of local furniture retailer, which possess successfully experience in PPS. In this research, the analysis model is consisted with three major dimensions, that is upstream supply network, focal company and downstream supply network. In the aspect of upstream supply network will focus on the discussion of customer interaction, but when it comes to the aspect of focal company will put emphasis on inner management and last would be the dimension of downstream supply network with understanding of supplier relationship management in the background of PPS.
The research results indicate that the application of PPS would bring direct change on the interrelationship of customer and focal company, this would cause the company to have frequent communication with customer and shall obtain customer information during interaction. And in the viewpoint of focal company, it should alter the performance evaluation model and acquire new ability of service and service-oriented culture. Last but the least, focal company should establish comprehensive operational linkages, information sharing methods and incentive alignment with supplier to deliver integrated solution to the customer efficiently.
With in-depth case study, this paper unveils the SCM detail information of Servitization and the result is not only contributive toward the academic research of PPS, but also provides valuable insight for industry with further expansion on PPS.
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中國行銷通路策略創新之研究—以T家具公司為例 / The Innovation of Sales Channel Strategy in ChinaA-Case Study T Furnishing Company任惠蓮, agogo Unknown Date (has links)
本文分六章,第一章是本文的緒論部分,介紹研究背景及意義,並對相關概念進行界定,提出本文的研究思路和方法,以及文章的結構安排和創新之處。在第二章中主要對資源基礎理論、藍海策略及創新理論等文獻進行了綜述,作為整篇文章的理論支柱。第三章介紹了中國零售業市場的發展概況,著重分析了中國市場量販店發展的情況,為後面提出行銷通路創新提供背景與動機。第四章分析了中國家居業市場現行的幾種主要的行銷通路模式,並綜合分析其特點。第五章以T公司為例提出為何開創新通路及其在中國市場行銷通路模式創新實務。第六章結論與建議。 / In last decade, China's economy kept growing at top speed. The booming stock market, while bringing the enormous opportunity for the Chinese capital market development, has driven the development of relevant industries too. The effect on furniture business is absolutely apparent. On one hand, the bullish stock market has brought high returns to stock holders, while raising the purchasing power of potential consumers. On the other hand, the development of capital market has offered the convenience to financing in furniture business too. However, the homogeneity and zero-sum game of marketing strategy in furniture business is serious enough to be a catastrophe to everyone concerned. In order to approach potential customers, the furniture factories must all rely on several sales channels of high market share to run their own shops inside. Furniture factories usually have their own distributors to promote their sales, or run their own shops. If there is information asymmetry between the furniture factories and sales channels, the furniture factories will encounter the possibility of the loss of shop presence and brand damage. In recent years, Carrefour, RT-Mart, and Wal-Mart develop their own sales channels in China at high speed in order to share the millions of dollars market. How to take advantage of the above-mentioned sales channels and leverage their own resources and core competence to create innovative sales channels, while offering higher value for the customers and getting rid of the cruel Red Sea competition is a challenge to the furniture factories and every participant concerned nowadays. This text takes furniture factory T Company as an example, through comprehensive and systematic marketing strategy analysis, and researches on T Company’s traditional sales channels and new sales channels within retailing chains, to explore a set of sales channels innovation model which is suitable for the Chinese market.
This research consists of six chapters. Chapter one which is an introduction part mainly focuses on the basis of the selected title and related definition, introduces relevant concepts, ways of thinking and method studied, and last but not least recommends the thesis structure and its possible innovation. Chapter two is literature review and comment. Representative figures, relevant fields of the thesis and their research results are reviewed on a chronological basis, including several following respects: Resource-Base Theory, Blue Ocean Strategy, and Innovation Theory. Chapter three is the development overview of Chinese retailing business and also analyzes the development of hypermarkets in China emphatically in order to illustrate the background and motive for sales channels innovation. In Chapter four, this research analyzes existing models of sales channels and its characteristics of Chinese furniture business comprehensively. Chapter five takes T Company as an example and further elaborates its strategy and operation on the innovation of sales channels construction. Chapter six is the conclusion and follow-up study suggestion.
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