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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

多網卡無線網狀網路下支援點對點串流的品質感知多重骨幹建置設計 / Quality-Aware Multiple Backbone Construction on Multi-interface Wireless Mesh Networks for P2P Streaming

陳維鴻, Chen, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
無線網狀網路(WMNs)為目前熱門的廣域無線網路接取技術。使用者可以透過WMNs隨時在各處使用即時影音播放的服務。相較於傳統的主從式架構,低成本且容易建置的點對點架構更適用於影音串流的應用;在進行即時影音播放的時候,影音播放的品質便為相當重要的目標。因為多媒體應用服務對於延遲及網路傳輸效能相當敏感,且WMNs的傳輸過程中常會面臨同頻道干擾的問題而使得傳輸的效能銳減,當每個網路節點都具有多張無線網路卡時,如何善用WMNs多頻道傳輸的特性提升效能更是顯得特別重要。在本篇論文中,我們利用WMNs多頻道傳輸的特性進行多媒體群播傳輸,參考史坦納樹的概念來改善現有的MAODV路由演算法,以傳輸品質較佳的鏈結改良原本尋找最小跳躍數路徑的方式,建立兩棵完全互斥的群播樹作為點對點傳輸的骨幹網路,並以MDC的概念將影像串流編碼成兩份獨立的子串流分別經由不同的群播樹傳輸。經實驗評估,我們的方法在網路負載較高的環境下能有效的降低延遲並提高整體系統的效能。 / In WMNs, users can enjoy the real-time video streaming service anytime and anywhere through the services. Compared to the client/server model, P2P approaches is more suitable for video streaming applications because of its low cost and easy deployment. But when using the real-time multimedia service in WMNs, the multimedia applications are very sensitive to delay time and the performance of packets transmission. And the performance is significantly influenced by the co-channel interference, so that it is important to know how to transmit by multi-channel to enhance the performance. In our approach, we choose the better quality links for routing instead of the minimum hop-count path in MAODV. Then we distribute the video streaming to receivers by multicast in multi-channel WMNs, and refer to the Steiner tree concept to modify the MAODV routing protocol to construct two disjoint multicast trees as the backbone for the P2P structure. Therefore, we can adopt the MDC scheme to encode the video into two independent sub-streams and transmit separately along these trees. Experiment results show that in higher network traffic load environment, our scheme is more effective to reduce the latency and improve overall system performance.

車用行動網路中以車行方向為基礎的貪婪路由演算法 / Moving Direction Based Greedy Routing Algorithm for VANET

黃祥德 Unknown Date (has links)
由於VANET上的行動節點移動速度快,加上受到道路及交通號制的限制,導致網路拓樸快速改變,容易造成網路斷訊,影響資料封包在網路上的傳送效能。在傳統的MANET上有許多用來傳送資料封包的路由機制,並不直接適用在VANET上。隨著Global Position System (GPS)的普及,越來越多的車輛都具備GPS,用以輔助行車定位之用。在本研究中我們將透過GPS取得車輛的地理資訊,提出一個適用於VANET中以車行方向為基礎的貪婪路由演算法(MDBG)。 本論文目的在強化VANET網路上資料封包的路由選擇策略。所提出的路由機制將會透過hello message來取得相鄰車輛的位置和車行方向,並利用目標要求(DREQ)、目標回應(DREP)來獲得目標車輛的資訊。進而運用車輛的車行方向,選擇適當的相鄰車輛找出一條穩定的路由路徑。當來源車輛和目標車輛的車行方向相同時,AODV能有不錯的效能表現。而我們的路由演算法(MDBG)將強化當來源車輛和目標車輛的車行方向相反,並且逐漸遠離時的效能表現。實驗模擬的結果顯示MDBG在封包到達率、吞吐量和平均端對端延遲上較之於AODV及DSR演算法有更優異的表現。 / Packets transmission over VANET is intermittent due to rapid change of network topology. This comes from both high mobility of mobile nodes and road limitation. Intermittent transmission causes inefficient packet delivery. Those routing protocols applicable to MANET might not be suitable for VANET. On the other hand, Global Position System (GPS) is becoming prevalent in assisting positioning for vehicles. In this research, we develop a Moving Direction Based Greedy (MDBG) routing algorithm for VANET. MDBG algorithm is based on the geographical information collected by GPS. The objective of the thesis is to enhance routing decision in packet delivery. The "hello message" is used to retrieve the locations and moving directions of neighboring vehicles. Destination REQuest (DREQ) and Destination REPly (DREP) messages are used to retrieve target vehicle information. The source vehicle will thus use these information together with its own moving direction information to establish a stable routing path by selecting appropriate neighboring vehicles. AODV algorithm is proved to have good performance as both the source vehicle and target vehicle have the same moving direction. MDBG algorithm is proposed to leverage the problem as source vehicle and target vehicle move far apart in opposite directions. Simulation results show that MDBG outperforms both AODV and DSR in packet arrival rate, throughput and average end-to-end delay.

公共場所播放電視、廣播節目之著作權爭議問題研究 / A study on copyright disputes of the public broadcast in public places

陸淑華, Lu,Shu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
看電視、聽廣播,是我們日常生活當中經常從事的活動項目,由於電視及廣播節目之內容包含有戲劇、音樂、錄音、舞蹈、語文等多種不同著作,也因此使得著作權與每個人產生密不可分的關聯。 一般在家中看電視、聽廣播並不會構成公開利用著作之行為,但於旅館、醫療院所、餐廳、咖啡店、百貨公司、賣場、便利商店、客運車、遊覽車等提供販售商品或服務之公共場所,提供廣播、電視節目予顧客或大眾欣賞,由於可能涉及公開利用著作之行為,且近十多年來,陸續因著作權集體管理團體向旅館、餐廳、醫療院所、客運等公共場所提供收看電視或收聽廣播之業者,要求向其取得授權、收取授權費用,因此,使得此議題不論於著作權法適用上及授權實務上,爭議不斷。 本論文除就公共場所播放電視、廣播節目涉及我國著作權法之相關規範進行分析,並參酌國際公約、國外相關立法例加以探討,釐清相關法律適用及檢討有無需要修法之處外,同時,由於實務上此類爭議,絕大多數為著作權集體管理團體於市場上執行業務所引發,故本論文特就我國著作權集體管理制度中有關集體管理團體使用報酬等相關問題一併加以探討。進而提出政策面、法制面與執行面之建議。

公務機關之間傳輸個人資料保護規範之研究-以我國、美國及英國法為中心 / A Comparative Study of Regulations for the Protection of Personal Data Transmitted between Government Agencies in Taiwan, the U.S. and the U.K.

林美婉, Lin, Mei Wan Unknown Date (has links)
政府利用公權力掌握之個人資訊包羅萬象,舉凡姓名、生日、身分證字號、家庭、教育、職業等。科技進步與網際網路發達,使原本散置各處之資料,可以迅速連結、複製、處理、利用;而為了增加行政效率與減少成本,機關透過網路提供公眾服務日益頻繁,藉由傳輸共用個人資料等情況已漸成常態。這些改變雖然對政府與民眾帶來利益,但是也伴隨許多挑戰,尤其當數機關必須共用資訊時,將使管理風險更添複雜與難度,一旦過程未加妥善管制,遭人竊取、竄改、滅失或洩露,不僅當事人隱私受損,也嚴重傷害政府威信。因此,凡持有個人資料的政府機關,均必須建立適當行政、技術與實體防護措施,以確保資料安全與隱密,避免任何可能危及資料真實之威脅與機會,而造成個人人格與公平之侵害。   隨著全球經濟相互連結以及網路普及,個人資料保護如今已是國際事務,這個趨勢顯現在愈來愈多的國家法律與跨國條款如OECD、歐盟、APEC等國際組織規範。而在先進國家中,美國與英國關於資訊隱私法制發展有其不同歷史背景,目前美國聯邦機關持有使用個人資料必須遵循的主要法規為隱私法、電腦比對與隱私保護法、電子化政府法、聯邦資訊安全管理法,以及預算管理局發布的相關指導方針;英國政府則必須遵守人權法與歐盟指令架構所制定的資料保護法,並且受獨立資訊官監督審核。此外,為了增加效率,減少錯誤、詐欺及降低個別系統維護成本,公務機關之間或不同層級政府所持有之個人資料流用有其必要性,故二國在資料傳輸實務上亦有特殊規定或作業規則。相較之下,我國2012年10月1日始施行的「個人資料保護法」對於公部門間傳輸個人資料之情形並無具體規定,機關內外監督機制亦付之闕如,使個人資料遭不當使用與揭露之風險提高。 為了保障個人資訊隱私權,同時使公務機關之間傳輸利用個人資訊得以增進公共服務而不違反當事人權益,本研究建議立法或決策者可參酌美國與英國法制經驗,明定法務部負責研擬詳細實施規則與程序以供各機關傳輸個人資料之遵循,減少機關資訊流用莫衷一是的情況;而為保證個人資訊受到適當保護,除了事先獲得當事人同意外,機關進行資料共用之前,應由專業小組審核,至於考慮採取的相關重要措施尚有:(1)建置由政策、程序、人力與設備資源所組成之個人資訊管理系統(PIMS),並使成為整體資訊管理基礎設施的一部分;(2)指派高階官員負責施行及維護安全控制事項;(3)教育訓練人員增加風險意識,塑造良好組織文化;(4)諮詢利害關係人,界定共用資料範圍、目的與法律依據;(5)實施隱私衝擊評估(PIA),指出對個人隱私的潛在威脅並分析風險減緩替代方案;(6)簽定正式書面契約,詳述相關權利與義務;(7)執行內外稽核,監督法規遵循情況,提升機關決策透明、誠信與責任。 關鍵詞:個人資料保護、隱私權、資訊隱私、資料傳輸、資料共用 / Governments have the power to hold a variety of personal information about individuals, such as the name, date of birth, I.D. Card number, family, education, and occupation. Due to advanced technology and the use of the Internet, personal data stored in different places can be connected, copied, processed, and used immediately. It is relatively common for government agencies to provide people with services online as well as transmit or share individual information to improve efficiency and reduce bureaucratic costs. These changes clearly deliver great benefits for governments and for the public, but they also bring new challenges. Specifically, managing risks around sharing information can sometimes become complicated and difficult when more than one agency is involved. If the government agency which keeps personal information cannot prevent it from being stolen, altered, damaged, destroyed or disclosed, it can seriously erode personal privacy and people’s trust in the government. Therefore, each agency that maintains personal data should establish appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to insure the security and confidentiality of data and to protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the integrity which could result in substantial harm on personality and fairness to any individual . As the global economy has become more interconnected and the Internet ubiquitous, personal data protection is by now a truly international matter. The trend is fully demonstrated by the growing number of national laws, supranational provisions, and international regulations, such as the OECD, the EU or the APEC rules. Among those developed countries, both the U.S. and the U.K. have their historical contexts of developing legal framework for information privacy. The U.S. Federal agency use of personal information is governed primarily by the Privacy Act of 1974, the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, the E-Government Act of 2002 , the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, and related guidance periodically issued by OMB. The U.K. government has to comply with the Human Rights Act and the Data Protection Act of 1998 which implemented Directive 95/46/EC. Its use of individual data is overseen and audited by the independent Information Commissioner. Further, because interagency data sharing is necessary to make government more efficient by reducing the error, fraud, and costs associated with maintaining a segregated system, both countries have made specific rules or code of practice for handling the transmission of information among different agencies and levels of government. By contrast, Taiwan Personal Information Protection Act of 2010 which finally came into force on 1 October 2012 contains no detailed and clear provisions for data transmitted between government agencies. Moreover, there are also no internal or external oversight of data sharing practices in the public sector. These problems will increase the risk of inappropriate use and disclosure of personal data. To protect individual information privacy rights and ensure that government agencies can enhance public services by data sharing without unreasonably impinging on data subjects’ interests, I recommend that law makers draw on legal experiences of the U.S. and the U.K., and specify that the Ministry of Justice has a statutory duty to prescribe detailed regulations and procedures for interagency data transmission. This could remove the fog of confusion about the circumstances in which personal information may be shared. Also, besides obtaining the prior consent of the data subject and conducting auditing by a professional task force before implementing interagency data sharing program, some important measures as follows should be taken: (1) Establish a Personal Information Management System which is composed of the policies, procedures, human, and machine resources to make it as part of an overall information management infrastructure; (2) Appoint accountable senior officials to undertake and maintain the implementation of security controls; (3) Educate and train personnel to raise risk awareness and create a good organizational culture; (4) Consult interested parties and define the scope, objective, and legal basis for data sharing; (5) Conduct privacy impact assessments to identify potential threats to individual privacy and analyze risk mitigation alternatives; (6) Establish a formal written agreement to clarify mutual rights and obligations; (7) Enforce internal as well as external auditing to monitor their compliance with data protection regulations and promote transparency, integrity and accountability of agency decisions. Key Words: personal data protection, privacy rights, information privacy, data transmission, data sharing

使用調適性的CoMP於LTE-A Downlink端提升頻譜的使用率 / Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering for CoMP in LTE-A Downlink Transmission to Improve the Spectrum Efficiency

蔡欣儒, Tsai, Hsin Ju Unknown Date (has links)
第四代行動通訊系統(The Fourth Generation of Mobile Communications System,簡稱4G)LTE-A(Long Term Evolution-Advanced)利用載波聚合(Carrier Aggregation)與多天線MIMO(Multi-Input Multi-Output)通道技術大幅提升上傳與下載的傳輸速率,並加入協同多點協調傳輸(Co-ordinated Multi-Point Transmission)技術加強基地台服務的覆蓋率。透過LTE-A的CoMP聯合運作(Joint Processing)方式,藉由鄰近基地台之間的互相協助,有助於位於細胞邊緣處之使用者裝置(User Equipment,UE)訊號傳輸品質提升,將周圍鄰近之基地台訊號的干擾化為有益之訊號來源。中繼技術(Relay)則能將來自基地台之無線電訊號接收後經過解碼與編碼再送出,提升周遭UE接收的訊號強度。 基於行動網路環境中使用者的移動性,細胞邊緣使用者的人數與位置分布隨時間改變,傳統CoMP傳輸多屬靜態的叢集演算法事先定義CoMP傳輸叢集,導致傳輸叢集不符合細胞邊緣使用者的分布與需求,細胞邊緣使用者的傳輸增益有限。動態的CoMP傳輸雖然較靜態的CoMP傳輸符合邊緣使用者的需求與分布,然而,因其屬於分散式的架構缺乏管理控制中心,規劃傳輸叢集的過程需仰賴基地台之間頻繁的控制訊號溝通。 本論文提出一個動態的CoMP傳輸叢集演算法-階層式動態CoMP傳輸叢集演算法(Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering for CoMP ,HACC),透過階層式架構,不但具備靜態CoMP傳輸演算法集中式系統的優點,也保有動態CoMP傳輸演算法隨使用者分布調整傳輸叢集的特點。首先於系統定義之叢集中選出上層叢集代表(top cluster head,TCH),由基地台收集服務範圍內UE分布與通訊品質,篩選出細胞邊緣使用者並傳遞此資訊給TCH,由TCH選出較多細胞邊緣使用者的區域為CoMP傳輸叢集之子代表(sub-cluster head),以CoMP傳輸叢集之子代表為中心點尋找相鄰的區域形成CoMP傳輸叢集。除此之外,再搭配Relay延伸來自基地台之訊號,強化基地台服務範圍內非邊緣區域之訊號,提供UE更佳的傳輸品質。 透過實驗模擬證實,本論文提出的方法在系統整體UE的資料吞吐量比傳統靜態以及Hongbin et al.[10]提出之以UE需求為主的動態CoMP叢集演算法來的優異,特別是對位於細胞邊緣通訊不良處之UE資料吞吐量有更顯著之改善,系統整體的頻譜效率也有所提升。 / The fourth-generation mobile communications system (4G) LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced) uses carrier aggregation and multi-antenna MIMO channel technology dramatically to increase the speed in both uplink and downlink, and use coordinated multi-point transmission(CoMP) and relay to improve the coverage of base station. Through joint processing(JP) in CoMP, base station(BS) communicates with adjacent BSs and then some of them build up a CoMP cluster helping the user equipment(UE) which is located at the edge of cell by enhancing the signal strength. CoMP-JP is able to transform interference from adjacent cells into useful signals. Relay technology receives radio signals and then amplifies signals before re-transmission to strengthen signals. The number of cell-edge users and their locations change with time due to the mobility of users in mobile communications system. Most traditional static CoMP transmission clustering algorithm are predefined CoMP clusters. As the distribution of cell-edge users in the system changes, the transmission clusters may not meet the needs of cell edge UEs so that the transmission gain is limited. Compared with static CoMP clustering, dynamic CoMP clustering changes with time to meet the needs of cell-edge UEs, providing an appropriate service to cell-edge UEs. However, dynamic system belongs to distributed system and lacks management control center, it highly depends on frequent communication signals among base stations during the process of clustering generation. This paper proposes a dynamic clustering algorithm for CoMP-JP - Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering for CoMP (HACC). By hierarchical structure, HACC not only has the advantages of static CoMP centralized system, but also maintains the characteristics of dynamic CoMP adjusting the clustering with cell-edge users. At the first step, we define an upper cluster representative of the group (top cluster head). Then, depending on the number of cell-edge UEs in every sector, the system chooses sub-cluster head. Sub-cluster head chooses neighboring sectors to generate a CoMP-JP transmission cluster. In addition, relay stations amplify the signal from BS providing better transmission quality for non-cell-edge UEs. Simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms traditional static CoMP clustering and UE-specific CoMP clustering method proposed by Hongbin et al.[10] in data throughput, particularly for cell-edge UEs, and spectrum utilization.

台 灣 數 位 無 線 電 視 共 同 傳 輸 公 司 的 建構內涵與發展類型:一個新制度論觀點的探究

李洋, Lee,Yang Unknown Date (has links)
做為新制度流派之一的歷史制度論認為:一政策的成形,乃為情境中各要角(actor)勢力的競逐過程。研究者則在探討,做為競逐場域的共同傳輸公司,各要角勢力的競逐態勢,又將對未來台灣數位無線電視的樣貌,產生什麼樣的影響? 本研究提出,要探討台灣共同傳輸公司的建構意涵,需回到歐洲公共廣電媒體數位化的發展脈絡進行考察,並再回到台灣的情境脈絡中,定義共同傳輸公司於台灣的建置意涵為何。 研究者從八國(英國、瑞典、西班牙、法國、荷蘭、芬蘭、愛爾蘭、義大利)歐洲公共廣電媒體數位化的過程,歸納出三套共同傳輸公司的類型,包括:「既有獨佔型」、「準公共事業型」,及「市場競爭型」。本研究除分析這三種傳輸公司類型移植台灣的意義為何,並進一步評估其移植的可行性。另外,本研究亦針對共同傳輸公司議題,對未來「NCC作用法」的修法方向提出建議。 / The goal of Historical Institutionalism is one of the sects of New Institutionalism. It focus on finding, measuring and tracing patterns and sequences of social, political, economic behavior and change across time and space. Historical Institutionalism argue that the actors involved in the social context are the important variables for understanding political outcomes. This study try to find out the process of transmission company construction in Taiwan based on the viewpoint of historical institutionalism. Taiwan government plans to switch of the analog terrestrial television before 2010. Government try to stop the vertical integration of terrestrial television. Then also plan to construct the transmission company. This study compares with the process of digitalization of European public service broadcasting, and typologies 3 forms of transmission company, including ‘Existing-monopoly Type’, ‘Quasi-public service Type’ and ‘Market-competition Type’. After that, continuing thinking about the adaptability of three types in Taiwan. And also interprets the connotation of development of transmission company in Taiwan.

雙方相等性驗證機制的設計及其應用 / A study on the design of Two-Party equality testing protocol and its applications

吳承峰, Wu, Cheng Feng Unknown Date (has links)
雙方相等性驗證即是在不洩漏任何自身私密資訊的情況下,進行秘密計算來了解彼此的資訊是否相等。然而在大多數的現有協議之中,多數為不公平的協定,也就是說其中的一方(被告知方)只能相信另一方(告知方)所告知的比較結果,而無從驗證。雖然邱等學者在2011 年提出的〝具隱私保護功能之兩方相等性驗證機制之提案〞已經提供了具雙方驗證的協定,但此方案因為在加密演算法上的限制導致實作較為困難。因此,在本論文中,將利用ElGamal 的加密機制,提出了一套新的雙方相等性驗證的協議,具備相同的雙方相等性驗證的功能,但對加密演算法的限制較少,實作及運算也較為有效率。另外,搭配模糊傳輸的協定,讓使用者藉由本研究所提出的協定跟伺服器端溝通,來獲得所欲取得的資料,並同時保障使用者以及伺服器端的隱私。同時除了理論的證明安全性及正確性之外,也撰寫程式模擬並證實協定的正確性及討論其效能。 / Two-party equality testing protocol allows two entities to compare their secrete information without leaking any information except the comparison result. In previous works, the comparison result can only be obtained by one entity (ie. informer) and then the entity informs the result to the other entity (ie. receiver). The receiver has to accept the received result since he has no way to verify its correctness. Ciou et al. in 2011 first mentioned this problem and proposed a new protocol to solve the aforementioned problem. However, their protocol has some specific restrictions which making it unpractical. In this paper, based on the ElGamal encryption, we propose a new two-party equality testing protocol. Our protocol has the same feature (ie. allows the two entries to test the correctness of the comparison result) as Ciou et al.’s protocol but is more efficient and practical than theirs. On the other hand, combining our protocol with an oblivious transfer protocol can let users communicate with servers and to get the data in a private way. It is useful on the issue of privacy protection. Finally, the security and correctness are discussed and proved. The efficiency of the protocol is also provided.


林培勳 Unknown Date (has links)
圖書館除典藏當代文化外,亦負有發展教育、傳播文化、提供資 訊等功能(公共圖書館宣言)。隨著科技的進步,人類文明不斷向前推 展,尤以電腦科技的日益精進,網際網路的使用者快速成長,圖書館 無論是在資料蒐集、整理、資訊的提供等功能上,都面臨數位化的需 求。 關於數位化圖書館所涉及之著作權法問題,可分為二大部分探討: 一、紙本館藏數位化重製,及數位化後透過網路提供圖書館服務之著 作權法問題。 二、圖書館直接從市面上購置數位著作,其取得與利用之問題。 壹、圖書館數位化涉及之著作權法問題 一、重製概念是否包含「數位化重製」 貳、圖書館網路服務涉及公開傳輸權 一、新法對於線上文獻傳遞服務之影響 二、圖書館內部網路使用與公開傳輸權 三、線上列印之合理使用審查 參、可否經由網路出借數位館藏 肆、圖書館取得數位著作授權之困境 一、數位著作取得、利用之限制 二、相關著作權仲介團體之欠缺 四、解決機制 (一)相關著作權仲介團體之設立 (二)利用著作的送存制度 (三)電子資料庫市場的擴大 伍、修法方向 一、明文賦予圖書館數位化重製權 為了順應數位時代下圖書館數位化之時代潮流,並得以有效地保 存館藏著作,著作權法應於第四十八條明文賦予圖書館得將館藏著作 數位化之權限,為合理使用之部分。至於數位化之館藏,無須區分已 公開或未公開發行之著作,蓋即使未公開之著作,亦有以數位化重製 保存以及提供利用之必要。不過,對於數位化重製仍須有一定之限 制,亦即,若在市面上已有相關之數位化著作存在,則不得再就館藏 數位化,而應付費取得使用之權限。 二、限制圖書館數位化服務之範圍 基於數位著作保護技術措施尚未成熟,若直接賦予圖書館就數位 重製後之著作,可透過網路或類似管道提供公眾利用,將造成著作權 人之嚴重損害。因此,數位化後之館藏,在館內使用時,僅限於數位 化資料之檢索用途、全文內容閱覽,若讀者第四十八條第一款要求圖 書館重製著作,則僅能提供紙本的版本,不得將全文內容之數位化檔 案交與讀者利用;又就實體館外之使用者,圖書館僅得提供線上目錄 檢索,但不得提供線上資料全文內容閱覽及線上列印。若有此需求, 仍須取得著作權人之授權或同意始得為之。 三、增訂法定授權制度給予著作權人補償 在賦予圖書館數位化重製權利的同時,應採取前述的法定授權制 度或其他類似著作權補償制度,對於著作權人經濟之不利益加以適當 補償,以衡平雙方利益。圖書館依法進行數位重製,須向著作權人給 付主管機關所制訂公布之使用報酬。 四、學術論文資料庫之建置 本文認為,為了促進學術交流與進步,或可賦予圖書館建立論文 數位化全文之資料庫,以提供檢索、網路傳輸及線上列印。為避免影 響層面太廣,其範圍應限於依照「學位授予法」取得學位之本國博碩 士論文。不過此種利用將對論文之著作權人造成影響,應增訂法定授 權制度,給予著作權人一定之補償,才不致於不合理地損害著作人法 定利益。 五、圖書館共同營運準則之制訂 本文建議,為著作權專責機關之經濟部智慧財產局,可仿照美 國之CONTU(National Commission on New Technogical Uses Cppyrighted Works),制訂供圖書館營運遵守的準則,以使圖書館在 進行重製或其他圖書館服務時有所依循。

考慮時間價值的兩階段群組訊息網路編碼的散播機制 / A two-phase network coding design for mobile time-valued group-message dissemination

劉亭侁, Liu, Ting Shen Unknown Date (has links)
現今因無線通訊技術的進步,使得人們能方便地利用智慧型裝置透過3G,4G和Wi-Fi等技術彼此溝通聊天。其中,聊天應用是最受智慧型裝置使用者歡迎的應用程式。大部分的聊天應用程式需依賴網路以達到訊息交換的目的。然而網路的頻寬是非常有限的,當使用者處在擁擠的環境中時,他們可能會面臨資源耗盡問題。此外,例如在漫遊的情況下有些使用者並沒有行動網路的存取,導致使用者無法使用聊天應用。 因此我們希望利用無線廣播傳輸的特性,開發一個應用於間歇性網路連接的聊天應用程式。然而,廣播傳輸的散播策略若沒有設計得宜,可能導致廣播風暴的問題,使得整體網路效能低落。我們研究的目標是要如何在間歇性網路增加訊息的傳輸效率。為了達成此目標,在我們的研究中考量了許多技術要求,如:訊息具有截止時間與優先權特性、多聊天室應用、傳輸效率。 我們提出了一種兩階段基於網絡編碼設計的訊息散播方法,實現在機會性社群網路中的訊息散播。網絡編碼階段,提高網路頻寬的傳輸效率,也能增加網路傳輸的可靠性;預熱階段能提升網路編碼訊息被解開的機率。最後,利用政大的真實軌跡紀錄評估我們所設計的訊息傳播方法。結果顯示,我們的方法是有效率且優於氾濫式的路由協議和一般的網絡編碼散播技術。 / Nowadays, the advancement of wireless communication technology has allowed people to use smart phones to communicate with each other more easily via 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, etc. One kind of popular mobile Apps is “chat” App. Most chat Apps rely on the Internet to exchange the messages. However, the bandwidth of network is limited in some circumstances. When users stay in the crowded environment, they will face the resource depletion problem. Besides, some people may not subscribe to any cellular network access, e.g. in roaming scenarios. Therefore, we want to develop a novel mobile Chat APP in intermittently connected networks. We utilize the characteristic of the wireless broadcast transmission. However, it may cause the broadcast storm problem without careful design. How to increase the efficiency of message delivery in such intermittently connected networks is our research goal. To achieve this, technical issues in our research involve message priority, multi-chatroom, deadline and transmission efficiency. We proposed a two-phase network coding design for message dissemination to enable the multi-hop instant messaging in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks. The network coding phase can increase the bandwidth utility and transmission efficiency. Moreover, it can improve transmission robustness and adaptability. The warm up phase can increase the decoding probability of coded packets. Finally, we evaluated our approach with real trace data from NCCU. The results showed that our approach is effective and superior to the flooding based routing protocol and the pure network coding technique.

銀行國際傳輸客戶資料保護規範--以英國法為中心 / The study of the regulations on the protection of international data transfers in U.K. banks

林詩韻, Lin, Shih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊技術之快速發展及受到金融交易全球化之影響,在營運模式及法令遵循之需求下,使得銀行業將客戶個人資料跨境傳輸至其他國家之公務或非公務機關所產生之資料保護或對資訊隱私權衝擊等議題漸增。為調和不同國家間對於個人資料保護文化及規範程度之差異,各國及各國際組織間均致力於如何在不影響商業交易需要、個人資料隱私安全及資訊自由流通之前提下,經由適當法律規範對於資料管理者國際傳輸個人資料之行為,予以適當控管。 隱私權之概念雖起源於美國,惟現行各國對於個人資料國際傳輸保護規範仍以歐盟委員會於1995年發布之個人資料隱私保護指令(Directive 95/46/EC)最為重要且影響層面較大。在歐盟指令仍須各會員國將其轉化為國內法,始得有效執行之前提下,本研究以金融服務產業發展較為領先之國家—英國,以英國銀行業適用之個人資料國際傳輸保護規範為研究主題,所涉法規包括:歐盟指令、英國1998年資料保護法(Data Protection Act, DPA)及英國金融服務業適用之相關規範等。 研究結果發現,英國1998年資料保護法在參照歐盟指令之相關規範下,對於資料管理者將個人資料國際傳輸已訂有相關限制規定及如何符合相關豁免規定之作業流程及評估程序,英國專責資料保護之監理機關(資訊自由及保護委員會),並已依據歐盟指令,發布規定授權英國企業得採用標準契約範本及經其個案核准採用共同約束條款,顯示英國對於國際傳輸之個人資料已有一定程度之保障。惟如同歐盟委員會之研究報告所述,英國相對於歐盟其他會員國,並未將國際傳輸規範明訂於資料保護法之本文,對於當事人資訊隱私權保護之法律位階,仍有待加強。 不同於我國係於銀行法明定銀行對客戶資料之保密義務,英國法院認為銀行對於客戶資料之保密責任,原始存在於銀行與客戶間之契約。惟英國與我國相同於金融相關法令中僅針對銀行境外委外所涉之國際傳輸訂有相關監理規範(包括境外委外事先申請核准、申請程序及應檢附之文件),以透過銀行與委外服務供應商之委外契約,確保金融監理機關能跨國有效行使其監理權限,保護當事人之權益,至於銀行因非委外事項,將客戶資料跨境傳輸至其他國家時,仍應回歸適用資料保護法有關國際傳輸之相關規定。 本研究最後就我國與英國對於個人資料國際傳輸相關保護規範之比較結果發現,我國個人資料保護法雖已於99年修正發布(新個資法),但對於國際傳輸之限制規定,修法後雖已明定國際傳輸之定義及加重非公務機關違反國際傳輸規定之罰則,惟未修正其實質規範內容,仍僅授權中央目的事業主管機關於非公務機關有第21條所列四項情形之一時,得限制其進行國際傳輸。在新個資法下,非公務機關對於個人資料之國際傳輸,已無須取得目的事業主管機關登記,並取得執照,雖有利於資料之國際流通,惟為保護當事人個人資料於傳輸後之安全,我國是否尚須其他配套措施,以落實個人資料於國際傳輸層面之保障,值得深思。 本研究對於我國銀行業國際傳輸個人資料保護規範之主要建議,包括(1)宜透過各中央目的事業主管機關對被監理機構之監理及其與相關公益團體間之合作,以強化各界對於個人資料保護之重視,(2)國際傳輸之限制規定應予細緻化,並透過產業自治逐步達成個人資料保護之目的,(3)金融監理機關宜配合個人資料保護法之修正,訂定銀行業國際傳輸之作業規範,(4)宜透過租稅合作協定,在不違反我國個人資料保護法及銀行法之原則下,協助我國金融機構解決美國「外國帳戶稅收遵從法」之實施,衍生對於個人財務資訊隱私權及跨境傳輸個人資料保護之問題。

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