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一致政府與分立政府對國會立法之影響-議程阻絕觀點之分析吳東欽 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:一致政府、分立政府、議程阻絕、程序委員會、審定議程、僵局、滯塞、遲延 / Both in the 2000 and 2004 presidential election,the Democratic Progressive Party won the presidency and gained the execution,however,legislation of government still controlled by the coalition of the KMT and PFP, became the conditions of the center level of divided government. This study tries to compare the different impact on legislation between the period of unified government and divided government since 1993-2007(from second to the fourth sess of the sixth Legislative Yuan) through the focus on the perspective of agenda obstruction,and the major agenda markup of the Procedure Committee in the Legislative Yuan.The goal is explored by the evidence analysis under the influence of the operation of divided government,whether our Congress produces the appearance that execution and legislation gridlock and policy stalemate easier or not ? Furthermore, find out and analysis which bills can’t access the agenda to markup or discuss?
First, the research aim at the appearance of voting and obstruct of the bills when the procedure committee markup the agenda. In order to know whether there are major differences between the period of unified government and divided government or not; Second , the research will analysis the content of bills that stalemate in the procedure committee; Finally, the research chooses the important themes of the public’s concern, and studies through discussion.Through this study,we find results by the evidence analysis:the opposition parties(the majorities)in Congress can predominate the agenda of legislation in the period of divided government,the role and the function of the procedure committee changes from advancing to resisting for cooperating with Executive departments,and by reason of these parties compete intensely,which often produces the confrontation , conflict and deadlock between ruling and opposition parties, therefore, it lead to these serious questions such as legislation stalemate,policy delay, and accountability. Comparing to researchs of American academic circle,we find impacts on the legislation of Congress of divided government operation are more close to the conventional claims of Sundquist’s mainpoints.
In order to mend bad effects by the divided government operation,we think the most urgent thing is to avoid the happening of agenda obstruction. This research also proposes many opinions and suggestions from the legal aspects, the operation aspects, the strategy aspects and the political aspects. Finally, I want to point out the concrete research analysis object and the survey target for other scholars to refer, and then, to accumulate, to construct more complete theory of divided government.
Key words :Unified government,Divided government,Agenda obstruction,Procedure Committee,Agenda markup,Gridlock,Stalemate,Delay
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影響臺北市住宅供給之因素探討 -土地細碎與開發政策的觀點 / A Study of the Factors that Influence Housing Supply in Taipei –The Perspectives of Land Fragmentation and Land Development Policy周昱賢, Chou, Yu Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
利用臺北市民國94年到103年的使用執照和拆除執照,以里為分析單元,計算臺北市各里住宅區的樓地板面積淨增加率,並觀察其在空間上之高低分布。影響樓地板面積淨增加率的因素除包含土地面積和產權因素,亦應包括總體因素,區位與政策因素。一般迴歸模型和空間迴歸模型之實證結果顯示:各里中住宅供給多寡主要受到總體因素影響。此外,劃定都市更新地區之政策亦具有吸引建築投資之效果。然而土地面積並非是影響住宅供給之關鍵因素。但本研究進一步發現,在相同條件之下,產權單純對於住宅開發供給多寡的差異,因臺北市區位而有不同,住宅開發供給量由多至少依序為早期發展區、郊區和市中心。且在早期發展地區,產權越複雜的里比起產權較單純的里,住宅供給確實有較少的趨勢,顯示土地產權仍然在臺北市部分地區,造成開發上的問題。 / It is understood that land supply is fixed and the price elasticity is zero, which implies that the side of demand is the dominant force in the real estate market. Because of this the supply side of land is often ignored. The issues of gridlock of real estate development are emerging in recent years worldwide, and Taiwan is no exception. In these instances the market does not seem entirely dominated by demand in the process of housing supply. Especially in cities which have entered a mature stage of development, the importance of land supply should be highlighted. This study is taking the perspective of supply and considering that lot size and land property key roles in the process of housing supply. Throughout this study, we proposed a two-dimensional analysis and indeed found that there was a negative relationship between development difficulty and the amount of residential development, which was the theoretical basis for the subsequent regression analysis. Whether market force or government force can overcome the problems of small lot size and complex land property was also a focus of attention in this study.
We used Building Use Permit and Demolition Permit from the year2005 to2014 in Taipei and the analysis units were individual neighborhoods. We calculate net increasing rate of floor area in residential sections of Taipei and observe its distribution in space. Factors affecting net increasing rate of floor area in residential sections include lot size and ownership factors, as well as general factors, region and policy factors. According to ordinary least squares (OLS) and spatial regression, the empirical results show that housing supply in each neighborhood in Taipei is dominated by general factors. In addition, the policy of the delineated renewal areas has the effect of attracting construction investment. However, the lot size was not a key factor in the process of housing supply. Furthermore, the study found that under simple land property conditions, housing supply discrepancies over location in Taipei and supplied quantity in order was the old core, periphery and center. And in the old core, compared to the neighborhoods of simple land property, the housing supply in neighborhoods of complex land property has a decreasing trend which reveals that land property is still causing development problems in parts of Taipei.
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我國公司法臨時管理人之實務觀察及法制研究 / An Observation of Judicial Practice and Legal Study on Temporary Manager of Company Act in Taiwan謝珮汝 Unknown Date (has links)
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傳統、改變、與僵局:渥雷‧索因卡《死亡與國王的侍衛長》劇中社會變革的勢在必行 / Tradition, change, and impasse: inevitability of social transformation in Wole Soyinka's Death and the King's Horseman吳嘉玲, Wu, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究渥雷‧索因卡《死亡與國王的侍衛長》一劇,以及本劇對約魯巴(Yoruba)人孤注一擲抵制西化卻徒勞無功的境遇所做的關注。本劇改編真實歷史,重演一九四五年在奈及利亞奧約(Oyo)城發生的動亂。當時應舉行侍衛長(Horseman)自殺儀式,然而英國殖民者以武力中斷。本劇一方面解釋這個儀式在約魯巴社會的重要性,另一方面揭露侍衛長心不甘情不願了結生命,並斷言活人獻祭這類殘忍的傳統必然要革除,特別是在因英國殖民而致的動盪時刻。 / 論文分為四個章節,依據米哈依爾‧巴赫汀(Mikhail Bakhtin)的時空型(chronotope)理論,探究《死亡與國王的侍衛長》其社會歷史背景與戲劇表演手法。第一章介紹作者和劇本,並回顧評論,以及說明接下來討論的議題和理論架構。第二章分析文本與現實世界相互輝映的關係。艾瑞克‧霍布斯邦(Eric Hobsbawm)在〈發明傳統〉("Inventing Traditions")的見解用以闡明傳統是因時制宜的產物。比爾‧阿希克洛夫特(Bill Ashcroft)等三人提出的後殖民典型,有助於瞭解約魯巴人為了阻擋外來影響竭力奮戰,儘管殖民政府的干預相當強勢。第三章詮釋劇中人物的性格特徵,以弗朗茲‧法農(Frantz Fanon)告誡不可畫地自限的觀點為鑑。無法順應社會變異因此冥頑不靈的人,失去了看世界的洞察力。而那些猶豫不決者,為了遵從老一套的價值觀,受煎熬得筋疲力盡。第四章總結本文,認為本劇主張靈活性和果斷力以進行改變。 / This thesis studies Wole Soyinka's Death and the King's Horseman and its concerns for the Yoruba people's desperate but futile resistance to Westernization. Adapted from a real historical event, this play reenacts the disturbance in the Oyo city of Nigeria in 1945, when the ritual of the Horseman's suicide was interrupted by the British colonial force. While the play explains the importance of the ritual in the Yoruba society, it reveals the Horseman's reluctance to end his life and asserts that cruel tradition like human immolation must be reformed especially at the fluctuating moment caused by the British colonization. / Consisting of four chapters, this thesis relies on Mikhail Bakhtin's chronotope to explore the socio-historical context and theatrical representation of Death and the King's Horseman. Chapter one introduces the dramatist and the play, reviews critical opinions, and illustrates the purpose and theoretical framework of the following discussion. Chapter Two, which analyzes the interrelationship between textual and actual worlds, adopts Eric Hobsbawm's "Inventing Traditions" to clarify tradition as produced according to specific circumstances. The postcolonial models proposed by Ashcroft et al helps understand the Yoruba people's struggle for no foreign impact despite powerful intervention by the colonial government. Chapter Three interprets the roles' characterization with the aid of Frantz Fanon's warning of self-confinement. Unable to adjust to social variances, the obstinate people blind their vision of the world, while those procrastinating become dead exhausted by difficult conformity to old values. Chapter Four concludes that this play argues for resilience and resolution to make difference.
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教廷與中華民國之外交關係 (一九四二年至二○一二年): 歷史、挑戰與前景 / The Diplomatic Relations between the Holy See and the Republic of China from 1942 to 2012: History, Challenges, and Perspectives鄭天龍, Védrenne, Landry Unknown Date (has links)
(一九四二年至二○一二年): 歷史、挑戰與前景 / Diplomatic relations between the Republic of China (ROC) and the Holy See were established in 1942. However, after a devastating civil war, the Chinese Communists gained control of Mainland China in 1949 and established the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing. As a consequence, the Nationalist government of the ROC was forced to move from Nanking to Taipei, Taiwan. The Papal representative continued to remain at his post but the Communist government expelled him in 1951. In the following year, the Holy See decided to relocate its Apostolic Nunciature to Taipei and maintain its ties with the ROC. The tensions in the Strait between the two Chinese governments have put the Sino-Vatican relations to several tests. Indeed, the Vatican desires to normalize its relations with the PRC but is also confronted with two major issues imposed by Beijing which requests the direction of the Catholic Church in China and the end of the Holy See’s recognition of Taipei. It would strike a serious blow to Taipei if the Supreme government of the Catholic Church decides to break off diplomatic relations. It will also create a fragile position for Taiwan on the international diplomatic stage since the Holy See, at present, is the only European ally to officially recognize the ROC government. The relations of the Holy See with Taiwan are characterized by a mutually productive and cooperative partnership, especially in the promotion of human rights, culture, world peace and advocacy of religious freedom and alleviation of global poverty. This thesis aims to clarify the triangular situation between the Vatican, the ROC and the PRC and to show the challenges as well as the dilemmas the Holy See is confronted with in order to normalize its relations with China. First, this study explains the international status of the Holy See and its specific mission. Then, through a diachronic analysis, this thesis traces the evolution of Sino-Vatican relations to later on identify the difficulties the Holy See has to face across the Taiwan Strait. Then, it will analyze the efforts of Pope Benedict XVI to initiate a rapprochement with China and all the issues that have to be solved before negotiating any diplomatic ties. Based on this analysis, this thesis will show that the PRC and the Holy See are still at a stalemate and that the Vatican won’t move its Nunciature from Taipei in the foreseeable future.
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