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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中共對台工作機制研究:政府過程的觀點 / A study on the Taiwan affairs mechanism of the CPC:“Process of Government” perspective

郭瑞華, Kuo, Jui Hua Unknown Date (has links)
中共對台工作組織研究是兩岸關係研究課題的核心,值得就此議題,投注心力予以關注。本論文旨在針對中共對台工作運作過程,透過理論的闡述和案例的實證,試圖掌握中共決策行為發生的規律、決策規則的選擇,以及政策的實施等過程,進一步找出影響中共對台決策績效的真實原因,為我國與中共交手尋求對策。因此,本論文以政府過程為研究途徑,關注下列問題:中共對台決策權由哪些組織及何人控制?哪些組織或人得以參與對台決策過程?有哪些因素、哪些人影響中共對台決策過程?台灣民眾的利益是如何輸入中共的決策中樞?對台政策如何制定?政策制定的法定程序如何?有哪些實際過程?制定出來的政策如何執行?哪些組織或人控制著對台政策的執行過程?對台政策能否得到有效的執行?影響政策執行的因素為何?政策制定與執行如何互動? 政府過程(process of government)是對政府活動的行為、運轉、程序,和構成要素如政治利益團體之間,以及它們與政府之間的交互關係,進行實證性的分析、研究和闡述。政府過程研究,強調用一種動態的方法,對政府體系與制度進行觀察、分析。政府過程的核心功能是政府決策和決策實施。過程是指政治要求與支持的輸入,轉化成權威性政策輸出的過程,包括利益表達(interest articulation)、利益綜合(interest aggregation)、政策制定(policy making)、政策執行(policy implementation)等,其中政策制定或政策執行是政治過程的關鍵性階段。本文假設中共的對台政策的制定依據,都來自於聽到、看到、想到:聽到台灣領導人、朝野政黨、社會意見領袖、學者專家、大眾傳媒怎麼說,看到台灣平面媒體怎麼寫,民意調查怎麼反應,以及政治、經濟、社會如何變化,中共決策制定者進而思索如何據此制定適當的對台政策。因此,本論文以為中共對台工作的政府過程,始自訊息的蒐集、綜合研析。 本論文探討的中共政府,有四個層次:一是狹義的政府,這是指中央政府的國務院及各級地方人民政府;二是廣義的政府,除了國務院及各級地方人民政府,還包括全國人民代表大會及各級地方人民代表大會;三是更廣義的政府,也就是除了第二類,尚包括中國共產黨各級組織、軍隊組織,以及中國人民政治協商會議各級組織等;四是包含上述之外,同時涵蓋民主黨派、人民團體,甚至企業、社團等,也就是所謂的政府體系。就宏觀面來看,本論文其實就是在探討中共政府體系的對台工作。 中共對台工作機制的建立,與其對台認知有關,當認知改變,對台政策隨即跟著改變,對台工作的方法,以及組織和人員也接著改變。因此,中共慣稱,政治路線決定組織路線,組織路線又決定幹部路線。政治路線是總方針、總政策,政策決定後,就須從其本質和需求,考慮何種組織體系以達成目標。同時,就政府過程探討中共對台組織結構,並不只是從規範層面就結構談結構,而是從實務運作上可以觀察到的功能進行分析,也就是以哪些政治結構實際上介入政府過程為標準。基本上,中共對台工作已經形成一個龐大的網絡,是以台辦系統為主幹,再佐以黨、政、軍、群等其他相關部門,構成網絡關係結構。綜合而言,中共對台工作機制,是中共為進行國家統一過程而設置的一種制度安排,並具有下列特點:一、黨的領導;二、黨政共治模式;三、軍隊角色特別突出;四、領導與協調小組普遍設置;五、社群參與政府過程運作;六、多元、多層次的複雜工作體系。 關鍵字:中共對台工作、政府過程、利益表達、利益綜合、政策制定、政策執行 / The research over Leading Group of Taiwan Affairs has been an important issue in the study of Cross-Strait Relations. This thesis attempts to find out the pattern of China’s policy over Taiwan Affairs through the process of decision making within Leading Group. At least seven research questions can be listed in this thesis. 1) Who and which group control policy over Taiwan Affair in China? 2) Who is involved in the process of decision making? 3) Which element can influence the change of policy? 4) How does China consider the interest of Taiwan’s people? 5) How to implement Taiwan’s Policy in reality? 6) Who has power over the implementation of Taiwan’s Policy? Finally, 7) how does the interaction between policy implementation and policy making in China? The research over process of government can be considered as the behavior, performance, procedure and formation of government, as well as the interaction and empirical analysis of political interest groups and government. It is a dynamic process over the investigation of governmental system. Process is defined as the input of political request and demand, as well as the output of authoritative policy, including interest articulation, interest aggregation, policy making, and policy implementation. The last two elements, especially, are the essence of policy process. By assuming China’s policy on Taiwan is formed by hearing, listening and deliberating of Taiwan: hearing the voices of Taiwan’s leaders, scholar, media; listening to the poll of Taiwanese people; and deliberating the evolutions on Taiwan’s political, economic and social changes; China’s decisions making in terms of Taiwan Affairs can be molded. This thesis will focus on the Chinese governmental process on Taiwan Affairs and discuss four levels of central governments in terms of decision making over this issue. The first and most narrow-defined level of central government refers to the State Council and its national branches. The second and less narrow-defined of central government refers to the first level governmental organs plus the National People’s Congress and its national branches. The third level of government is defined as the first and second levels of governmental organ plus the Chinese Communist Party, military organization and National Committee of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference. Whereas the fourth and widest-defined central government includes above organizations plus all kind of governmental bodies. From this aspect, this thesis aims to discuss Taiwan Affairs from all sorts of governmental bodies. The establishment of Policy on Taiwan Affairs is based on China’s perception on Taiwan issue. The change of perception will shift the direction of policy, which will also affect China’ attitude and arrangement of personnel. Therefore, China government used to argue—it is political direction determines organization direction, and it is organization direction decides cadre direction. Political direction is the mainstream of all kinds of principles and policies. When political direction is decided, organization direction should be adjusted in order to achieve political direction. In the meantime, the discussion over the process of government in terms of Taiwan Affairs should not be focused on the‘norm,’rather; it is the empirical analysis that matter. Basically, China’s affair on Taiwan Issue has formulated an enormous governmental network, which constitutes by the Chinese communist party, politic, military and many governmental divisions. All in all, six characteristics of Taiwan Affairs can be found in this thesis: 1) the dominate of the ruling party; 2) a model of join-governance; 3) the emphasis of the role on military; 4) a wide establishment of coordination committee; 5) various participations within governmental process; and 6) multi-variate and multi-levels working system. Key words: Taiwan affairs, Process of government, Interest articulation, Interest aggregation, Policy making, Policy implementation

電子參與對公民信任之影響 / Exploring the Effect of e-Participation on Citizen Trust

陳韋聿, Chen,Wei -Yu Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,電子化政府與公民信任之間的因果關係,一直為學者所爭論。眾多研究顯示電子化政府有助於促進公民信任感;然而,目前公民對現有電子化政府服務、電子參與滿意度偏低,且台灣社會資本逐步流失,不免令人質疑電子化政府建立公民信任感的有效性。然而,近年電子治理的提出,眾人期待實現審慎思辨的民主,顯現運用資訊通信科技讓更多公民參與決策過程的重要性。因而引起作者在電子治理對公民信任影響上研究的興趣。 本文認為電子化政府可以促進公民對政府的信任,但前提是這項機制必須值得信賴,否則將出現反效果。故作者從電子治理中的電子參與著手,探討其對公民信任的影響。主要研究方法為文獻回顧及深度訪談,其中訪談對象為十四位具我國電子參與經驗者,運用質性研究分析訪談資料,輔以文獻檢閱釐清電子參與與公民信任之間的影響路徑與因素包括三種類型:1.使用電子參與後,其正面影響因素提升公民對政府的信任感;2.使用電子參與後,其負面影響因素降低公民的內在政治效能感,進而削弱對政府的信任感;3.公民對政府的低度信任,降低使用電子參與的意願與行為。 訪談分析顯示公民對政府的信任和政府電子參與機制的信任感不足,且兩者相互影響。受訪者對政府的信任感比對政府網站和電子參與機制的信任感低,而電子參與經驗豐富者,較不信任電子參與機制;電子參與經驗淺者,較信任電子參與機制。若以電子參與的三種類型觀之,公民對電子資訊提供較為滿意、電子諮詢次之,雖然我國尚未設置電子決策制定,但是多數受訪者對此機制運作表示質疑。 我國電子參與仍在持續推動中,政府應該正視公民信任的重要性,以及電子參與與公民信任之間的負面影響因素,著重在:資訊的深度與多元性、資訊透明度、資訊品質、搜尋系統的設計完善、回應性、使用者的代表性、論壇引導話題、資訊安全與互動性的維護,並消弭數位落差、避免資訊超載等情況,以營造公民進行電子參與的環境與設備,使其有足夠誘因使用,期許我國電子參與推行順利。 / The casual relationship between e-government and citizen trust(in government) has been argued by scholars. Research has shown that e-government may improve citizen trust, but citizens are not satisfied with e-services and e-participation nowadays. When social capital in Taiwan is flowing away, people tend to suspect the effectiveness of e-government in establishing citizen trust. However, citizens still expect deliberative democracy while e-governance comes to reality recently. It means that the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can enrich the process of decision-making for citizen participation. That’s the reason why the author attempts to explore the effect of e-participation on citizen trust. The evidence support that e-government can improve citizen trust in government. The premise, nevertheless, is its mechanism has gained fundamental trust; otherwise, negative effects will come out. The main research methods include literature review and in-depth interview. There are 14 interviewees with experience of e-participation in Taiwan. In addition, the author used qualitative method to analyze interview data. Besides, using literature to induce three types of effects paths and causes between e-participation and citizen trust. Firstly, after using e-participation, its positive factors improve citizen trust in government. Secondly, after using e-participation, its negative factors lower internal efficacy of citizen and then weaken their trust in government. Thirdly, the low trust in government will weaken willingness and behavior of e-participation. Interview results indicate the lack of citizen trust in government and e-participation, and both also connect each other. Interviewees’ trust in government is lower than their trust in government web sites and e-participation. Citizens with rich experience of e-participation show lower trust in e-participation. On the other hand, those with poor experience of e-participation have more trust in e-participation. If we observe three types of e-participation, citizens are more satisfied with e-information than e-consultation. Although e-decision-making has not been realized in Taiwan, many interviewees suspect this mechanism. The governments in Taiwan keep pushing e-participation. They should know the importance of citizen trust and the negative factors between e-participation and citizen trust revealed in the study. Particularly, governments should focus on depth and diverse information, transparency, quality of information, friendly use of search engine, responsiveness, and representative. They should also properly manage topics of e-forum, information safety, interactivity; eliminate digital divide and avoid information overload. Government should strive for good environment and facilitate citizen usage of e-participation. Our e-participation will succeed while government has good inducement to encourage citizen.

自動駕駛車的新資訊科技角色之研究 / A study of the emerging role of information technology in the autonomous car

蔡懿安 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技(Information Technology, IT)對我們的生活與企業帶來極大的影響與改變。在企業中,資訊科技經常扮演不同的角色,這些不同的資訊科技角色(IT Role)可以自動化企業流程、支援決策制定、整合資源,甚至實現轉型與創新,對於企業的決策帶來不同層面的影響。而我們從近年來新興的資訊科技─大數據與人工智慧技術中,發現了不同於過去的新資訊科技角色。為了近一步了解這個新角色,本研究選擇人工智慧應用之一的自動駕駛車作為研究案例。本研究目的是探討自動駕駛車的資訊科技所扮演的新資訊科技角色;研究問題包含 (1) 自動駕駛車的資訊科技如何影響駕駛決策制定 (2) 在決策制定過程中,人與資訊科技分別扮演何種角色與職責。 本研究採用多個案研究法,分為兩個階段。首先,為解構資訊科技的決策制定流程,本研究依據決策理論與系統理論建構一研究架構。於文獻探討的章節中,本研究根據過往文獻與案例,提出四種企業常見的資訊科技角色─Automation、Supporter、Mentor與Enabler,並將研究架構應用於以上資訊科技角色以進行調整與驗證。接著,本研究選擇Google (Waymo)與Tesla作為自動駕駛車的研究個案,並將研究架構套用於兩個個案研發的自動駕駛車。由於不同的自動駕駛車研發理念與實現方式,Google與Tesla自動駕駛車的資訊科技分別扮演兩種不同的資訊科技角色─Autonomer與Smart Automation,本研究進一步比較所有資訊科技角色的研究架構結果,了解資訊科技角色的特性、影響與適用的決策類型。 自動駕駛的決策問題與環境與過去有極大的不同。為了實現安全的自動駕駛,資訊科技需要的資料類型更加多元,除了傳統數位類型資料,也需要收集周遭環境的3D影像等資料;另外,由於決策從過去的靜態問題轉移到動態與快速變化、擁有爆炸性資料與資訊的環境中,資訊科技需要更多的應變能力以制定更即時與適當的決策。由於資料、決策問題與環境的改變,企業對於資訊科技能力的需求也隨之改變,從自動駕駛車的個案中,本研究發現原本的資訊科技角色(Automation、Supporter、Mentor、Enabler)並不具備能應對如此動態與快速變化的決策問題與環境的能力,因而根據個案提出有能力實現動態即時決策制定的兩種新資訊科技角色。 使用人工智慧技術的Google無人駕駛車扮演著Autonomer的角色。資訊科技角色Autonomer能夠與外界進行互動,並且能夠不斷地追蹤、反饋與修正以實現自我成長;此外,面對各種駕駛決策情境,也能夠在無人為干預的情況下獨力完成駕駛決策的制定。資訊科技的學習能力是面對未知與難以預測的問題的最大優勢,而Autonomer的自我學習與決策制定能力也是與其他資訊科技角色最大的不同之處。使用大數據技術的Tesla自動駕駛車的Autopilot系統扮演著Smart Automation。資訊科技角色Smart Automation擁有更進步的資料收集與分析能力,能夠在動態與快速變化的環境中處理更為複雜的決策問題;此外,面對各種駕駛決策情境,Autopilot系統能在駕駛人保持監督的條件下進行自動駕駛以駕駛輔助的方式減輕駕駛人的負擔。最後,我們發現對於決策制定,資訊科技不僅能扮演一個完全獨立的角色,也能夠扮演一個與人互補的角色。大部分的人工智慧如同Google無人駕駛車做為一個Autonomer的角色,但同時更多企業目前使用的資訊科技屬於Supporter、Mentor與Smart Automation以支援或強化決策者的能力。 本研究探討在自動駕駛過程中不同資訊科技角色如何影響決策制定,以及駕駛人與資訊科技的角色與職責。並且從決策類型與資訊科技能力的角度,協助決策者與使用者全面地了解每個資訊科技角色的特性與適用的決策類型。此外,科技不斷在進步,本研究也提供一個了解各種資訊科技角色的基石,透過本研究的研究架構與方法,協助企業與決策者了解不同資訊科技對於決策的影響,本研究結果也能延伸應用於其他自動化、大數據與人工智慧相關領域,如無人工廠、吾人航空載具、工業4.0與金融科技(Fintech)。 / Information technology (IT) has brought great changes to people and business. In various applications, IT plays diverse roles that can automate business processes, support decision-making, integrate resources, and enable transformation and innovation and brings the impacts on different aspect of decision-making in enterprises. However, with the emerging technology of big data and artificial intelligence (AI), there is a new role for IT. To understand this role, we chose the autonomous car, an application of AI, as a study case. The objective of the research is to understand the new roles played by IT in the autonomous car. We focused on two questions: (1) how IT impacts decision-making in the autonomous car; and (2) what roles do IT and humans play during the decision-making process. This study applies a multiple case study in two phases. First, we built a conceptual framework, based on decision theory and system theory, to deconstruct the decision process of IT. To adjust and verify the framework, we applied it to actual cases and proposed IT roles of Automation, Supporter, Mentor and Enabler. Second, we applied the framework to the chosen autonomous car case studies, Google (Waymo) and Tesla, to explore the new role of IT in the autonomous car. Because of the different philosophies, there were two distinct roles played by IT in Google and Tesla’s autonomous cars, Autonomer and Smart Automation, respectively. We furthermore compared the frameworks of Google and Tesla, as well as the existing and new IT roles, explained the differences regarding the IT roles and decision types, and found out the applicable decision-making type of each IT roles.. Compared to the past, there were the great differences for the decision problems and environment of autonomous driving. To realize the safe autonomous driving, the data IT required became more diverse including non-text or non-digit data; besides, the decision-making also changed from static decision problems into dynamic and rapid decision environment with the explosive data and information that IT required more resilience to make decision. Due to the changes of the data, decision problems and environment, the demand for IT capability also changed. From the cases of the autonomous car, we found the original roles including Automation, Supporter, Mentor and Enabler was not enough – they did not possess the capability to make the dynamic and instantaneous decision. Therefore, we proposed two new IT roles – Smart Automation and Autonomer in this research that these two new IT roles which were applicable to the dynamic and instantaneous decision-making. The computer of the Google driverless car using AI technology acted as an Autonomer that was responsible for interacting with the surroundings and being self-growing with continuous tracking and adjustment; furthermore, under driving decision circumstances, this computer could assume the entire decision-making process without human intervention. The self-learning and decision-making ability of Autonomer is the characteristic most different from other IT roles; additionally, the learning ability was the greatest strength for dealing with unknown and unpredictable circumstances. The Autopilot system of the Tesla self-driving car, leveraging big data technology, acted as a Smart Automation that could process more complex decision problems in the dynamic environment with the advancement of data collection and analysis ability; furthermore, under the driving decision circumstances, the Autopilot system of the Tesla self-driving car could temporarily take over the driving control to decrease the driving burden and provide assistance to make driving easier. According to the research results, IT can not only play a totally independent role but also a complementary role. Most AI played the same IT role – Autonomer, such as the computer of the Google driverless car; meanwhile, much of the IT introduced by businesses acted as Supporter, Mentor and Smart Automation to assist and complement humans. This research provided a perspective for identifying how the different IT roles impact decision-making while driving an autonomous car and clarify the responsibility of humans and IT in the driving experience; moreover, from the perspective of decision problems and IT ability, it also provided a comprehensive and general understanding for realizing the characteristics of diverse IT roles and the applicable decision problems.


魏葛蘭, Wei, Ge-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章以施奈德(Richard C. Snyder)等所創之﹁決策制訂模型﹂(Decision-Ma- king Model)為研究蘇聯決策制訂之指涉架構。並就﹁外交政策﹂之界定,探討外交 政策之研究途徑、目標、手段、權力基礎,以及國家利益和安全。再分析蘇聯之決策 制訂與執行架構,及影響其外交、軍事決策制訂與執行之機構。 第二章首先界定﹁戰術武器﹂一詞,再研究核子時代之戰略理論,如嚇阻理論、巨型 報復與彈性反應(全面之戰爭與有限戰爭)......等攻擊與防衛之理論,並探 討對於蘇聯戰略武器時代之適用性,以及﹁贏得核子戰爭﹂之真實性為何。 第三章從國際層面,分析戰略武單競賽與管制之理論與實際。悉心研究自第二次世界 大戰後所曾試探解決國際上戰略武器競賽之各種裁減和管制方案,作為分析未來﹁戰 略武器管制﹂可行性研究的基礎 第四章就﹁共產主義意識型態﹂、﹁俄羅斯傳統﹂和﹁國家目標與行動綱領﹂,從理 論和實際並重的角度判斷外交政策之決策制訂和執行。 第五章軍事戰略理論、戰略兵力部署及其指揮結構。 第六章以美蘇﹁戰略武器管制談判﹂第一、二階段為個案,分析蘇聯對於戰略武器管 制、外交、軍事之政策制訂,以及未來戰略武器管制之展望。 結論

司法與立法兩權間的緊張關係— 以法律違憲裁判對國會立法權的限制為中心

李嘉嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
憲法的框架性賦予立法者具體化憲法的任務,而憲法同時也賦予司法者解釋憲法、維護憲法的職責,因此司法權與立法權實際上都在從事重新詮釋憲法的工作,然而當兩者間意見不一致時應如何處理,便形成司法權與立法權之間產生緊張關係的源頭。我國釋憲實務在釋字第四〇五號解釋揭示司法院大法官就憲法所為之解釋,對於立法院行使立法權亦有拘束力,後續在釋字第六三三號解釋、第七屆立法委員選舉時引發的中央選舉委員會組織法草案爭議,以及近來考試院對立法院於民國九十六年七月十一日修正公布的記帳士法第二條第二項提出釋憲聲請案,都顯示立法權與司法權之間的緊張關係逐漸升高,而使立法權與司法違憲審查權之間的權限爭議問題受到關注。 本文首先分析司法權與立法權之間的緊張關係,並嘗試討論兩權間緊張關係的三種不同處理方式,第一種是區分立法權與司法權的功能領域,在立法裁量的空間之下法律違憲審查應予以退讓,而形成法律違憲審查的界限;第二種處理方式是當法律違憲裁判的結果是法律違憲無效時,立法權除了接受法律違憲的結果外,在某種情況下容許立法權可以排除違憲結果,而使司法權的決定不再是最終決定;第三種處理方式是法律違憲決定的結果雖可以拘束立法權,但是讓法律違憲決定對立法權的拘束力受到一定條件或期限的限制。 接著討論德國聯邦憲法法院一九九五年的「十字架案判決」(Kruzifix-Entscheidung)與後續巴伐利亞邦議會在該判決後的修法,以及本國法相關案例分析,整理我國相關大法官解釋的事實、爭點與大法官論點,並援引相關理論、學說見解,試予以評析,最後討論我國現行司法解釋的效力規範及問題,冀能為我國司法院大法官審理案件法修正草案提出修法建議。

標準制定組織之智慧財產保護政策及競爭法問題探討 / A Study on Intellectual Property Protection Strategies and Antitrust Issues of Standard-Setting Organizations

湯亦敏, Tang, Yi-min Unknown Date (has links)
「沒有標準化就沒有現代經濟。」在知識經濟時代,掌握制定規則權力者,就占有主宰市場的領導地位。由於絕大多數標準係由政府或私人組織所制定,因此,研究標準制定組織具有重要意義。此外,觀察當代立法趨勢,政府以採訂私人組織或非政府組織所擬定之產業標準的方式,擴增其管制功能,在此潮流下,採訂私人草撰標準成為法律規範一環,此舉一方面可能形成授權立法之漏洞,另一方面將迫使個人暴露於著作權侵權行為之刑事、民事以及行政制裁大帽。同時,政府將產品標準及認證之工作委由產業協會等私人組織承擔亦成主流,該項¬「公益性」作業即可能成為事實標準制定者用來限制競爭、不當逐利的手段。 本文便以上述爭議問題為出發點,討論標準制定組織所擬定之標準,特別是經過政府機關以法律規範形式採用後,是否仍該當著作權的保護客體?並將研究延伸到網路產業中標準著作權保護的適當性問題,以及針對標準這類事實編輯物的資料庫保護進行分析;其次,本文將針對一國之產業標準制定組織為研究重心,探討例如標準制定與認證中的限制競爭及獨占管制的法律問題,以及隱然成為事實標準的市場領導者涉及智慧財產權的拒絕交易紛爭等課題。然而,針對上述命題的前提要件是對標準的概念與應用有相當之瞭解,以導入標準制定組織之運作、不同層級標準制定過程之影響及其所涉及之智慧財產爭議問題研究。因此,本文將對國家標準以及行業標準制定及運用過程所涉及之著作權及競爭法問題作深入且廣泛之瞭解,以此為基礎,分析各層級標準制定體系的規範內涵,繼而詮釋一國保護行業標準之著作權與競爭法之法律規定;並提出建言作為我國標準化體系之發展、參與國際標準制定活動、標準著作權保護分析架構、事實編輯物(資料庫)保護模式、競爭法對標準與認證活動之適用以及切入拒絕交易案件等之參考。 / In a knowledge-based economy, whoever dominates rules-developing overpowers the market. Most of the standards are set by the government and private organizations; therefore, a study on standard-setting organizations is of essential value. The Government leverages its regulatory function by adopting law standards promulgated and copyrighted by non-governmental actors. Despite governmental ambitions, no one is responsible for evaluating the legitimacy of this approach ex ante and no framework exists to facilitate analysis. On the other hand, standard-developing and conformity assessment increasingly falls on the shoulders of industry associations and lead to impartiality concerns from the antitrust law perspective. Regarding standards that are generated and controlled by private actors exposing citizens to criminal, civil and administrative sanctions, this paper contributes an analytical framework and proposes institutional mechanisms to implement it in terms of copyright. This paper extends by questioning if copyright would be an appropriate form to protect standards in the Internet industry. Then, it explores ways to protect compilation of facts and databases once they are de facto standards. Following the antitrust concerns, this paper focuses on industry standard-setting organizations within a specific territory to explore the antitrust and unfair competition problems confronting the role of the de facto standard-setters or the certification performers and the refusal to deal involving intellectual property issues. As foundations, this paper initiates by a detailed study of concepts and applications surrounding standardization; then, it leads to how a standards is produced, how standard-developing organizations in various levels affect the market, and how the intellectual property problems involves in standardization. In conclusion, based upon in-depth coverage of copyright and antitrust predicaments facing applications of national standards and industry standards, this paper interprets how copyright and antitrust laws work to protect business standards. At the same time, it delivers suggestions for the development of our standardization system, involvement of international standard-setting activities, an analytical framework for standards in copyright, protection for compilation of facts and databases, and how antitrust laws works when it comes to non-governmental standard-setting actors.

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