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程智惠 Unknown Date (has links)

論ECFA下之原產地規則-以成衣業為中心 / The analysis of ECFA from prospect of garment industry

朱苔心, Chu, Tai Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
原產地規則隨著區域整合之興起,已成為一個相當重要的貿易問題。其不僅與國內整體產業發展有關,對於個別廠商之生產決策與外銷優勢亦有相當程度之影響。尤其對於部分相對弱勢之產業,若制定過於寬鬆之原產地規則,除將面臨區域內國家之進口壓力,區域外國家還可能透過違規轉運藉由優惠性關稅進口。台灣自從與經貿關係密切之中國大陸洽簽了兩岸經濟合作架構協定(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,ECFA),隨著貨品逐步之關稅調降,許多區內產品認定問題亦隨之而來。 而本文之研究目的,即為透過原產地規則之制定,在適當的彈性空間下,避免區外國家透過中國大陸轉運,使過多產品享有優惠性關稅進入國內市場,造成國內廠商受到衝擊。而本文所研究之產業為台灣之成衣產業,相較於中國大陸之成衣產業,其目前發展情形相對弱勢,故政府未來針對此產業制定原產地規則時必須更加謹慎地考量國內產業發展,並參考其他FTA所制定相關原產地規則。本文希望透過比較研究其他FTA,並審酌產業發展現況,經適當調整後,試擬一套適合台灣成衣產業之原產地制度。最後,為了解所建議原產地規則之可行性,本文以實際採訪政府機關之方式,了解原產地制度制訂者之看法與意見。 / Rule of origin is a quite important issue since the trend of regional integration. This is not only relevant with the development of domestic industries, but also has impact for the strategies of production and export each firm made. Domestic industries, especially for the relatively weak industries, will burden much pressure if the rules of origin are too simple and less restrictive. Sine Taiwan signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA)with China, we need to consider all the issues and impact rules of origin may occur. The main subject of this thesis is to set up appropriate rules of origin to avoid the severe impact to domestic industries caused by excessive import from China. Due to the condition of industry, I chose garment industry as a focus of my study and analysis. Since domestic garment industry involves more employed population compare to the other weak industry, government should consider more cautious when they set up rules of origin for garment industry in the future. By making the comparison for the rules of origin for garment industry in different free trade agreement, I tried to imitate the rules of origin for garment industry with some adjustment. In the last part, I made an interview with the researcher of Industrial Development Bureau to understand their opinion for the applicability of the rules of origin.

原產地規則之探討 / Analysis of Rules of Origin

賴永聲, Lai,Yung Seng Unknown Date (has links)
原產地規則已形成一項重要的貿易問題,其對商業進口型態與工廠尋求供 應來源決策之決定有相當影響。因此,企業於尋求最具成本效益之零組件 購買時,必須考慮零組件和最終產品之原產地將會如何被定義,如此才能 了解通關條件和關稅適用情形。於選擇製造廠和裝配工廠的設廠地點時, 企業也必須考慮於最終市場,其產品的原產地將如何被定義,以求能使其 產品之關稅和非關稅貿易障礙降至最低。企業全球化之增加與各國經濟的 互相依賴,使得產品原產地的決定變得相當困難。而且,進口產品的差別 待遇,傳統貿易障礙使用之額外限制,與企業的全球化策略,均使原產地 規則愈來愈重要。雖然政府目前正在草擬“進口貨品原產地認定標準”草 案,但目前國內對原產地規則之研究尚屬有限。基於使我國企業界進一步 了解此重要議題於世界主要貿易體之適用情形,以作為企業於本國與海外 投資和設廠等決策之參考,以及因應我國加入 GATT 及將成立之世界貿易 組織( World Trade Organization; WTO)後,於原產地規則之國際多 邊談判需要,特對產品與生產者之原產地規則,及原產地規則之政治經濟 學加以探討。最後,再提出個人淺見以供後續研究者及政府決策者於起草 我國原產地規則時參考 。

產品品質、市場規模與貿易政策:異質廠商貿易模型的詮釋 / Product Quality, Market Size and Trade Policy under Heterogeneous Firm Trade Model

林學宏, Lin, Shiue Hung Unknown Date (has links)
在第一個主題中,本文針對許多國家在自製率政策的使用上,是否可達成本國政府對提高產業生產力及保護的需求。在異質廠商獨占性競爭的架構下,本文發現一邊際自製率水準在本國政府的自製率政策目標間扮演相當重要的角色。此邊際自製率水準幫助我們進一步確認調整自製率政策強度的實質效果,其總合結果發現調整自製率政策強度並無法同時達成上述兩個目標,因此本國政府應審慎地選擇其一之目標達成,並採用最適當的自製率政策。 其次第二個主題則在廠商生產力的設定上與以往文獻不同,在此廠商生產力是由生產效率與產品品質兩變數來共同衡量。依此本研究主要發現有二,第一:當整個世界市場規模擴大對本國與外國而言,將允許相較於規模擴大前生產力更低的廠商存活在市場中,且市場上廠商家數、產品種類會增加但平均生產力會下降。在出口決策上,國內外有能力出口的廠商家數、產品種類會增加但平均出口生產力亦會下降;第二:若兩國間市場規模不對稱的情況下,當本國的市場規模越大,則本國市場能允許生產力越低的廠商存活,導致廠商家數、產品種類越多、平均生產力越低,反之國外之結果與上述相反,同時可進一步觀察到兩國間平均生產力差距擴大。在出口決策上,本國有能力出口的廠商家數減少,意即生產力越高的廠商越有能力出口,此外亦可觀察到兩國間出口生產力差距的擴大。在兩國間市場規模不對稱下透過出口等零利潤曲線,兩國異質廠商在不同生產效率與產品品質的組合下可將其出口決策劃分為四個區域,在此四個區域中說明本國及外國廠商在不同生產效率與產品品質組合下,其出口決策將有所不同。 最後第三個主題亦在生產效率與產品品質共同衡量生產力的前提下,探討異質廠商對原產地原則的選擇。本研究可歸納出三個主要結果,第一:在跨國家間提升產品品質技術一致的情況下,若消費者對產品(品質)偏好有差異,將影響二國間出口廠商申請原產地原則之選擇,意即若出口至對產品(品質)偏好較低的國家,則具有高生產效率的出口廠商將較具優勢;反之若出口至對產品(品質)偏好較高的國家,則具有高產品品質的出口廠商將較具優勢。第二:若僅考慮跨國間提升產品品質技術不同的情況下,亦將影響二國間出口廠商申請原產地原則之選擇。意即若出口至提升品質技術相對較低的(開發中)國家,則具有高產品品質的出口廠商將較具優勢;反之若出口至提升品質技術相對較高的(已開發)國家,則具有高技術效率的出口廠商將較具優勢。第三:若跨國間提升產品品質技術不同的前提下,進一步將跨國間消費者偏好程度不一致加入考慮,則可知已開發與開發中國家間,出口廠商在原產地原則的選擇差異上將縮小。

進口防衛措施之研究 -以汽車產業為例 / Import Safeguard Measures - Automobile Industry

柳權峰, Leou, Chung-Fung Unknown Date (has links)

析論歐盟優惠性原產地規則及其對台灣成鞋廠商國際投資之影響 / Analyze and research on EU preferential rule of origin and its impact on international investment of Taiwanese footwear producers

廖唯宸, Liao, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟廣泛地與世界各國簽訂優惠貿易協定,透過優惠貿易待遇的給予來促進與各國間政治與經貿的緊密連繫。而對於生產者而言,要適用這些貿易優惠的前提就是透過遵循歐盟優惠性原產地規則而使產品取得原產產品身分,無論是以完全取得或是經過充分作業或加工而產生實質轉型的方式。 本論文主要的研究目的,在於分析個別歐盟優惠貿易協定下關於累積規定、微量條款、出口退稅禁止等關鍵條文,與附錄清單就產品「實質轉型」標準規定的法律義涵,以及其隱含的政經意義;並就該意義進一步推衍出對於台灣的生產者,在眾多的歐盟優惠性協定法律架構下,存在個別規則適用難易程度具有差別且該差別將對生產成本有所影響之事實。而本論文另一重點則是就法規與生產稟賦搭配後得推衍出原則性之評估方法來評比出個別優惠性原產地規則在適用上之優劣順序,以協助台灣廠商未來考慮使用此項貿易優惠來進軍歐盟市場時,在國際投資之佈局上可以納入考量或作為參考,以選擇出最有利的受惠國或區域作為生產資源配置之基礎。 為使法律層面與實務上之運作加以結合,本論文進一步以台灣的成鞋廠商做為研究觀察之對象,檢視其是否會因為適用歐盟優惠性原產地規則而改變投資模式,另亦將與鞋廠商實際訪談所得之結論與推演出原則性評估方法加以比較,進一步檢討該評估方法之適用能力與情形,並提出應隨不同情況而加以修正相關假設之注意。 關鍵詞:歐盟優惠性原產地規則;原產地規則;原產產品;實質轉型;累積規定;微量條款;出口退稅禁止;附錄清單;生產稟賦;國際投資;成鞋。 / Europe Union (EU) broadly sign the preferential trade agreements with the other countries in the globe, and through the conferring of the preferential trade treatments, EU attempts to build up the tight political and economic bonds worldwide. The premise for producers who want to enjoy these trade preferences is to make sure that their product are qualified and recognized as “original product” in those beneficiary countries either by following the regulation of standard of “wholly obtained” or “sufficiently working or processing” stipulated in each preferential Rule of Origin (ROO). The main subject of this thesis is to analyze the legal meaning and the underlined policy purpose of the critical provisions in each EU preferential ROO, such as “cumulation”, “general tolerance rule”, “no-drawback rule”, and the standard of “sufficiently working or processing” of a product (substantial transformation) stipulated in the List Rules (in the Annex part) attached in each preferential trade agreement. And from those meaning Author reasons out the fact that the level of difficulty concerning applying and using these preferential ROO are different and the difference has its influence on cost of producing. Author also infers the basic method to assess the level of difficulty of these ROO while combining analyzing the ROO provisions and endowment in the beneficiary countries. This method is to assist those Taiwanese producers who have willing to use the EU preferential ROO to make their product qualified as “original product” with the minimized producing cost when entering into EU market, that is, to help producers cherry pick the beneficial countries (or area) for making investments distribution and deploying concerned producing resources and still have their the products entitled as “original product”. To combine the legal dimension and the producer’s operation in practice, Author further chooses Taiwanese footwear producers as observed subject of using the ROO and see if they would change their mode of investment thereafter. Author compares the conclusion derived from interviewing footwear producers with the basic assessment method, and further examines the applicability of the method and the potential correction of hypothesis under certained situations. Key words: EU preferential Rule of Origin, Rule of Origin, original product, substantial transformation, cumulation, general tolerance rule, no-drawback rule, List Rules, endowment, international investment, footwear.

品牌國家與公眾外交-以芬蘭與Nokia為例 / Brand state and public diplomacy-take Finland and Nokia for example

林佳蓉, Lin, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
品牌國家是近年來新興的議題。荷蘭籍學者彼得.范.海姆(Peter van Ham )於2001年在《外交事務》上發表文章提出:「隨著全球化和媒體革命的發展,已使得每一個國家更明白自身的形象、聲譽及態度,簡言之,即為其品牌。過去的傳統性外交重要性已逐漸消失,在未來政治家必須訓練自己有更好的國家品牌資產經營能力。品牌國家將不僅與他們自己競爭,更需與世界性的超級品牌媲美。」如今許多國家政府對此已相當重視。 本文試圖經由非傳統外交、軟權力、公眾外交、國家行銷等學術探討,對品牌國家的定義及內涵作一個更全面性的研究及瞭解;並藉由芬蘭與諾基亞相互之間關係的案例分析,對品牌國家做更多闡述,期藉此為我國政府運行帶來一些新的想法。 / Brand State is an emerging issue in recent years. In the year of 2001, the Dutch scholar Peter van Ham talked about this concept in Foreign Affairs that “Globalization and the media revolution have made each state more aware of itself, its image, its reputation, and its attitude -- in short, its brand. The traditional diplomacy of yesteryear is disappearing. To do their jobs well in the future, politicians will have to train themselves in brand asset management. Brand states will compete not only among themselves but also with superbrands.” Nowadays, many countries have paid a lot of attention to it. This thesis attempts to illustrate the definition and content of Brand State more comprehensively by researching non-traditional diplomacy, soft power, public diplomacy, national marketing and other academic theories. Also, it examines the case of the relevance between Finland and Nokia to elaborate Brand State more and tries to bring new ideas to our government.

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