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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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雷飛龍, Lei, Fei-Long Unknown Date (has links)
臣下敢在君主深惡痛絕之下結黨爭權,君主的領導方法或能力,一定有所欠缺,縱使英明強幹的君主,如其在重大問題上遲疑不決,或已決定而又起動搖,臣下即可能結黨相爭,如果君主採用「分而治之」的手段,利用臣下的對立,以維護君權,也可能引起黨爭;如果君主不能明斷,則君主已失其定分止爭的作用。臣下為求取勝利,自不免結黨以爭,如果君權已經旁落,則君主為求收回權力、或臣僚中之不滿於竊取權力者,亦將結黨以爭,漢、唐、宋、明各代的黨爭無不如此。 故就東漢、中唐、北宋、晚明等黨爭的形成原因來說,均難謂為出於某一單純原因而係由於各種因素的湊合,例如東漢黨爭的形成,君權旁落與取士制度關係取大,仕途壅塞則其助力,中唐牛李黨爭的形成,政策的不同,取士制度,均為主要原因,而君主所採「分而治之」的手段,君不明斷,仕途壅塞,均有助力,北宋的范仲淹、王安石及其反對者的鬥爭,主因即在學術政策的不同,地域的不同,君主的領導方式,亦有重要關係,晚明黨爭的發生,君主的領導無方最為重要原因,品性、地域的不同, 仕途的壅塞,取士制度等,均有關係。 最後我們認為朋黨的形成,一般都是出於「弱者」意識,所謂弱者,亦即自認其利益未被照顧或未被妥善照顧的人,這種人往往構成一個「不滿的利益集團」,不論何時何地,只要有「不滿的利益集團」存在,即可能出現朋黨。

行在淨土,解在唯識:近代東亞佛教的解神話詮釋學 / Demythologizing Amitābha: A Consciousness-Only Hermeneutics of Pure Land Buddhism in Modern East Asia

孫亞柏, Jakub Zamorski Unknown Date (has links)
此文獻以淨土佛教中的解神話化爭議來闡述更為廣泛的議題,意即,西方人文學科的分類(在此則特指宗教哲學)是否、以及在何種程度上,對於識別和解釋現代東亞知識發展有所助益? 在序章中,已對此一普遍議題對當代淨土佛教研究如何產生影響有所說明。該領域長期以來受到日本學者—特別是被歸類為所謂「宗學」的日本淨土教派的學者們—所左右。毋庸置疑地,這些學者們所用以談論淨土傳統的思想框架,強烈地受到19世紀末日本面對西方哲學、神學之衝擊所影響。然而,近幾年來,部分西方學者認為,這樣的觀點並不適用於中國淨土佛教的情況,因為在中國,淨土宗並非一有系統之思想內容,而僅是作為虔誠與儀式實踐。本論文將以不同的切入點來探討此爭議。本文關注於:當淨土信仰與實踐被置於「佛教詮釋學」中的爭議來論述時,意即,以較為精練的方法論來詮釋文本時,西方化的思想框架是否能夠充分地呈現這些佛經的「詮釋者」們最初的關懷。 本文所關注的議題,在於部分佛教現代主義者借助唯識思想來詮釋淨土信仰之傾向。如同在本書頭二章所敘述的,部分日本淨土「宗學家」將此種解讀歸類為將淨土佛教「解神話化」。在此,解神話被理解為對淨土神話的批判性詮釋,並以此回應現代化與西方化。此種詮釋亦被認為是回歸到淨土神話「真正的」意義,意即,阿彌陀佛實為內在真理之象徵,而非外存之他者。然而,如同第四章所述,在近代中國,以唯識學詮釋淨土教義的方法論發展,乃是對現代化之前、以及現代化早期所產生的、懸而未決之爭議的反動,而不僅是西方衝擊之下的產物。而如同第五章中所論及的,這些尚未塵埃落定的爭議其中之一,便是所謂「自性彌陀」是否應被理解為真正的救世主;又或者,其應當被視為嚮導、老師。 在接續的章節中,筆者將著重於特別選定的若干核心材料,藉以呈現前述之中國佛教徒開始大量接受現代西方概念後所發展出來的詮釋學爭論。第六章探討由19世紀在家學者沈善登所撰寫的論著《報恩論》之殘篇。就筆者所知,《報恩論》為可知成書年代的漢語文獻中,最早從「現代」觀點來檢視淨土宗與唯識學的關係之著作,意即,該類撰文者普遍熟知後啟蒙時代的西方觀點。第七章則分析中、日對於適切理解淨土宗解脫敘述的爭論。該爭論為1899年至1901年間,楊文會與淨土真宗的一組僧人,即小栗栖香頂和内記龍舟,之間的筆戰。此處所關注之抄本收載了楊文會對唯識思想與淨土信仰的關係最為早期之書面表態,意即,其堅信淨土信仰應當與唯識思想之研修相互連結。雖已有部分學者對該爭論進行研究,然而,此一特殊面向卻尚未引起太多關注。為了進一步解析前述之發展於民國初期的概念,第八章將以唐大圓之選文作為研究實例。作為改革派在家居士,唐大圓主要活躍於20至30年代之間,亦為西方概念匯聚之時期。本章不僅剖釋唐大圓之銘言:「行在淨土,解在唯識」,亦將闡述此奠基於唯識思想之「解」如何在對同期淨土傳統、特別是對法藏菩薩之神話理解的批評中,揭示呈顯出來。 最後,第九章將總結主要考察成果,並提出未來深入研究之可行方向。在第九章,筆者主張唯識思想為漢傳佛教提供了統一的準則來理解淨土神話,而此方式與兩種傳統解讀大相逕庭,意即,其並非彷彿單純的奉獻者一樣,照字面地將阿彌陀佛與淨土理解為「心外」之物,亦非如學院派讀法一般,將阿彌陀佛等同於心性。淨土信仰的唯識學詮釋能夠支持將阿彌陀佛視為人類社群的「啟發的領導者」此一現代想像;同時,其亦得以將佛教思想與現代對理想社會和社群發展的理念相互連結。

唐傳奇夢境的程式和敘事結構 =The forms and narrative structure in the dream of Chuanqi in Tang Dynasty / Forms and narrative structure in the dream of Chuanqi in Tang Dynasty

蘭倩 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

雅俗的流轉: 以顧曲齋刊《古雜劇・唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》為中心. / Change of elegance and commonplace: a study of woodblock illustrations for Rain on the phoenix tree in Guzaju published in the House of Guquzhai / 以顧曲齋刊《古雜劇・唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》為中心 / Ya su de liu zhuan: yi Gu qu zhai kan "Gu za ju, Tang Minghuang qiu ye wu tong yu" wei zhong xin. / Yi Gu qu zhai kan "Gu za ju, Tang Minghuang qiu ye wu tong yu" wei zhong xin

January 2013 (has links)
萬曆四十七年(1619),會稽文人王驥德(1540-1622)刊印出版了《元人古雜劇二十種》(或稱《古雜劇》),該書彙集元代雜劇20篇,并配有精美的版畫插圖,《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》即為其中的第17篇。 / 作為晚明徽派版畫風格的典型例證,顧曲齋所刊《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》中的4幅版畫插圖,可與明代中晚期蘇州地區職業畫家的人物故事畫作品進行比勘。筆者基於比對結果,運用圖像學理論,提出徽派版畫系仇英風格人物畫在版畫中餘續的假說。不僅如此,白樸(1226-1306後)《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》這一劇目本身即包含著明皇故事的文學創作傳統,且與之對應的明皇题材故事畫作亦廣受歡迎。尤其在明代,明皇題材故事畫與蘇州地區的商業創作緊密相關,為版畫的創稿提供了豐富的圖像資源。 / 最後,筆者通過對顧曲齋本《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》圖文關係及刊刻者王驥德個人經歷的考察,證實《古雜劇》的商品屬性及刊刻者所掌握的圖像資源。最終解答版畫史上關於徽派版畫風格來源問題:版畫繪刻者深受仇英人物畫風格的影響,或直接對部份畫作進行圖像挪用。同時亦說明在晚明江南,文人積極參與商業活動為文學與藝術兩個領域所帶來的雅俗標準的變更。 / In the 47th year of Wan-li, Wang Jide (1540-1622), a literatus in Guiji County, published the anthology of Yuan comedies named Guzaju in his personal printing house Guquzhai. In this book, he compiled 20 plays written in the Yuan dynasty with beautiful book illustrations. Rain on the Phoenix Tree was the 17th play in this book. / The illustrations for Rain on the Phoenix Tree in Guzaju were good examples for “Hui School of woodblock prints. Compared these woodcuts with those in the same style and paintings existing in the same period, I argued that the “Hui School of woodblock prints actually followed the style of narrative paintings made by Qiu Ying. Moreover, the story of the Tang emperor Minghuang has become a popular theme in the field of both Chinese literature and painting. Those traditions not only contributed to the birth of Bai Pu’s (1226-1306) comedy Rain on the Phoenix Tree, but also prided fruitful paintings as patterns for the professional painters like Qiu Ying. Since Qiu’s work prevailed the painting market in Jiangnan, thousands of narrative paintings including the theme of emperor Minghuang followed Qiu’s style. These paintings acted as commercial products as well as pictorial drafts for the engravers in late Ming. / Finally, the form of Guzaju and Wang Jide’s publication activities both showed that Wang, as owner of Guquzhai, aimed to use the illustrations to cater to the market and he did conversely get the pictorial resources from the market. Besides, the booming commercial trade of paintings in Jiangnan helped us finally get the answer for the origin of “Hui School of woodblock prints as well as showing the transformation of art criteria in the late Ming dynasty. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 賴妮. / "2013年7月". / "2013 nian 7 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 86-95). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Lai Ni. / 致謝 / 論文摘要 --- p.i / 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》插圖的風格來源 --- p.6 / Chapter 第一節 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》插圖的風格來源問題 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二節 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》插圖風格來源試探 --- p.10 / 小結 --- p.25 / Chapter 第二章 --- 《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》的圖文傳統 --- p.27 / Chapter 第一節 --- 白樸《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》的故事來源 --- p.27 / Chapter 第二節 --- 明皇題材繪畫作品的特點 --- p.35 / Chapter 第三節 --- 人物故事畫傳統中的明皇故事圖 --- p.40 / Chapter 第四節 --- 明皇故事畫在明代江南地區的流傳與創作 --- p.47 / 小結 --- p.50 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《古雜劇·唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》的刊刻背景 --- p.53 / Chapter 第一節 --- 顧曲齋刊《古雜劇》的商品屬性 --- p.54 / Chapter 第二節 --- 流通的私藏·雅化的俗曲 --- p.59 / Chapter 第三節 --- “棄儒就賈與通俗文化生產 --- p.67 / 結論 --- p.74 / 附表1 --- p.77 / 附表2 --- p.82 / 附表3 --- p.83 / 附表4 --- p.85 / 參考書目 --- p.86 / 圖版目錄 --- p.95 / 圖版 --- p.105

禪宗法眼系與南唐文學 = The Fayan lineage of Chan Buddhism and the literature of Southern Tang / Fayan lineage of Chan Buddhism and the literature of Southern Tang

陳文麗 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

從文化資產到文化創意─漢唐樂府之梨園樂舞研究 / From the Cultural Heritage to the Cultural and Creative Industries ─ Research for Li-Yuan Music and Dance of Han Tang Yuefu

蔡旻呈, Tsai, Min Cheng Unknown Date (has links)


神塚, 淑子 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:11610015 研究代表者:神塚 淑子 研究期間:1999-2000年度

「這是上帝的貓」?:論《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中同伴物種之倫理 / "This is God's Cat"?: On Ethics of Companion Species in Life of Pi

簡滋儀, Chien, Tzu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在重新思考人與動物之間的倫理關係,企圖擺脫西方哲學傳統之下人類中心的立場。透過哈洛威《同伴物種宣言》與《當物種相遇》中同伴物種的概念來閱讀馬泰爾的《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》,這樣的倫理關係得以透過建基於「關係性」上而實現,而非以西方哲學傳統下的人/動物之二元對立為基礎。在這樣的倫理關係中,人與動物在會面時透過「回視」達到溝通。也在會面中,人與動物與彼此「成為共在」,並且共同形塑彼此的主體性。此外,《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中可見擬人化的口吻敘述老虎理查‧帕克的故事,本文將解釋在這種擬人化中可以看見同伴物種倫理的實踐。 本論文由五個章節組成。第一章包含《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》相關評論,並回顧西方哲學傳統之下人與動物的關係。第二章意圖闡明在哈洛威脈絡之中同伴物種的概念,尤其是「關係性」和「成為共在」。透過檢視Pi和理查‧帕克在救生船上的種種細節,本文認為Pi和理查‧帕克的關係可被視為同伴物種的關係。第三章聚焦在「回視」的動作,作為同伴物種間建立雙向溝通的方式。本文也將透過「回視」深入分析Pi和理查‧帕克溝通上的(不)可能性。第四章將《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中兩個版本的故事讀為兩種動物敘事的並置。兩者皆從擬人化的角度去敘事,但是其中一個版本透露出同伴物種倫理的實踐,另一個版本則回歸到傳統人類中心式的解讀。第五章為本文之總結,主張蘊含同伴物種倫理的動物敘事能夠幫助我們理解如何透過關注生活中真實存在的動物去重新思考人與動物之間的關係。 / The thesis aims to rethink an ethical relationship between humans and animals that is separated from the anthropocentric stance in the Western philosophical traditions. Reading Yann Martel’s Life of Pi in light of the ethics of companion species in Donna Haraway’s The Companion Manifesto and When Species Meet, I would like to contend that this ethical relationship take shape while it is founded on relationality, instead of the human/animal dichotomy. Acts of respect need to be exerted by human and animal participants when they meet. And in the meeting, they become with each other in the relationship in which their subjectivities are co-constituted by each other. The narrative of Pi living with Richard Parker employs a kind of anthropomorphism endowed with ethics of companion species. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One is a review of research on criticism of Life of Pi and discussions of human/animal relationships in the Western philosophical framework. Chapter Two aims to elucidate the concepts of companion species in Haraway’s context, including relationality and becoming-with. By examining the details in Pi and Richard Parker’s life on the lifeboat, I argue that they are in a companion-species relationship. Chapter Three focuses on the act of respect, the practice for the companion species to evoke mutual responses. The (im)possible communication between Pi and Richard Parker will be analyzed. Chapter Four reads the two versions of the story of Life of Pi as a juxtaposition of two kinds of animal narratives. Both told from anthropomorphic perspective, the story with the animals is registered with ethics of companion species while the story without animal returns to the traditional anthropocentric interpretation. Finally in Chapter Five, I conclude that animal narrative that is entailed with ethics of companion species enables us to rethink the human/animal relationship by attending to real animals which are physically beside us.

王學與科舉: 從考試用書、講會與地方敎育說明二者的關係. / 從考試用書講會與地方敎育說明二者的關係 / Wang xue yu ke ju: cong kao shi yong shu, jiang hui yu di fang jiao yu shuo ming er zhe de guan xi. / Cong kao shi yong shu jiang hui yu di fang jiao yu shuo ming er zhe de guan xi

January 2000 (has links)
丁穎茵. / "2000年6月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 參考文獻 (leaves 204-214) / 附中英文摘要. / "2000 nian 6 yue" / Ding Yingyin. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 204-214) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter 第一章´Ø --- 問題與回顧 / Chapter 一、 --- 王學與科舉 --- p.1 / Chapter 二、 --- 近人研究回顧 --- p.2 / Chapter 1/ --- 有關思想史硏究的構想 --- p.2 / Chapter 2/ --- 科舉制度與考試文化 --- p.7 / Chapter 3/ --- 個案硏究 --- p.11 / Chapter 三、 --- 章節安排 --- p.15 / Chapter 第二章´Ø --- 從考試評審標準論明代學術的轉變 / Chapter 一、 --- 舉業與學術 --- p.17 / Chapter 1/ --- 科舉的另一面 --- p.17 / Chapter 2/ --- 批評朱學的試卷 --- p.18 / Chapter 二、 --- 評審標準的趣¯‘ة --- p.20 / Chapter 1/ --- 史料與評審標準 --- p.20 / Chapter 2/ --- 各科考試的重點 --- p.21 / Chapter 3/ --- 評審標準的「無我」到「有我」 --- p.27 / Chapter 三、 --- 從朱學到王學 --- p.30 / Chapter 1/ --- 體認的歷史淵源 --- p.30 / Chapter 2/ --- 體認的升格 --- p.31 / Chapter 3/ --- 體認標準的衝擊 --- p.38 / Chapter 4/ --- 體認的另一出路四 --- p.42 / Chapter 四、 --- 結論 --- p.47 / Chapter 第三章´Ø --- 唐順之:考試用書與科舉 / Chapter 一、 --- 《文編》的編撰 --- p.49 / Chapter 二、 --- 從科舉之道到入聖之途 --- p.50 / Chapter 三、 --- 明代考試用書簡介 --- p.57 / Chapter 四、 --- 理想與現實的平衡 --- p.62 / Chapter 1/ --- 第三場的考試範圍 --- p.63 / Chapter 2/ --- 《文編》:神明與應試之奧妙 --- p.68 / Chapter 3/ --- 《諸儒語要》:關係世教與登第之作 --- p.76 / Chapter 五、 --- 《文編》、《諸儒語要》的下場 --- p.82 / Chapter 六、 --- 結論 --- p.85 / Chapter 第四章´Ø --- 王畿:德業、舉業並重的講會 / Chapter 一、 --- 隨緣解縛法 --- p.88 / Chapter 二、 --- 講會:吾人此生大事 --- p.90 / Chapter 1/ --- 何謂講會? --- p.91 / Chapter 2/ --- 交修麗澤之益 --- p.97 / Chapter 3/ --- 舉業與德業:理想的講會 --- p.103 / Chapter 三、 --- 學術與事業 --- p.109 / Chapter 1/ --- 《登科錄》:王學的舉業紀錄 --- p.110 / Chapter 2/ --- 王畿學生:王門德業的傳承 --- p.115 / Chapter 四、 --- 狂者是非 --- p.122 / Chapter 1/ --- 腹背受敵的傳道人 --- p.123 / Chapter 2/ --- 師門血脈的展開 --- p.129 / Chapter 3/ --- 一代宗盟的魅力 --- p.133 / Chapter 五、 --- 結論 --- p.137 / Chapter 第五章´Ø --- 耿定向:地方教育與王學的傳播 / Chapter 一、 --- 德業、舉業與功名富貴 --- p.140 / Chapter 二、 --- 謹序庠之教 --- p.143 / Chapter 1/ --- 鄒魯之教 --- p.144 / Chapter 2/ --- 策問:學道之筌 --- p.146 / Chapter 3/ --- 講學:尋譯正道的入門 --- p.156 / Chapter 三、 --- 道不遠施 --- p.162 / Chapter 1/ --- 《權子》:王學的野語、童謠 --- p.163 / Chapter 2/ --- 《繹異編》:郢書燕說 --- p.170 / Chapter 四、 --- 傳道與授業 --- p.181 / Chapter 1/ --- 《登科錄》:功名與德業的紀錄 --- p.182 / Chapter 2/ --- 耿門弟子:德業的傳承 --- p.188 / Chapter 五、 --- 結論 --- p.194 / Chapter 第六章´Ø --- 結論 / Chapter 一、 --- 舉業即「士業」 --- p.197 / Chapter 二、 --- 考試評審標準一體認內涵的轉變 --- p.197 / Chapter 三、 --- 王學的傳播 --- p.198 / 參考書目 --- p.204 / 附錄一:明代鄉試、會試中選比率表 --- p.215 / 附錄二:明代科舉考試第三場題目分類表 --- p.217 / 附錄三:王畿學生生平簡介表 --- p.244 / 附錄四:耿定向策問題目分類表 --- p.246

1950年代唐滌生粤劇創作研究. / Study on Tang Di-sheng's Cantonese opera works of the 1950s / 一九五零年代唐滌生粤劇創作研究 / 唐滌生粤劇創作研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / 1950 nian dai Tang Disheng Yue ju chuang zuo yan jiu. / Yi jiu wu ling nian dai Tang Disheng Yue ju chuang zuo yan jiu / Tang Disheng Yue ju chuang zuo yan jiu

January 2008 (has links)
Having written over 449 pieces of Cantonese opera works, Tang Di-sheng (1917-1959) is considered to be one of the most outstanding and influential librettists and playwrights of Hong Kong Cantonese opera in the 1950s. His Cantonese operas such as Liu Yue Xue (Snow in June; 1956), Di Nu Hua (The Floral Princess; 1957) and Zi Chai Ji (The Purple Hairpin; 1957), Shuang Xian Bai Yue Ting (Two Immortals at the Pavilion of the Moon; 1958), Bai Tao Hui (Madam Lee Sam Neung; 1958), and Zai Shi Hong Mel Ji (The Reincarnation of Plum Blossom; 1959) are well known to be Tang's masterpieces. / In chapters three and four, the study applies the Merriam's model "concept", "behavior" and "music sound". First, the thesis examines the classical plays, the historical story, pre-existed Cantonese opera and other plays and discusses these "concepts" in relation to Tang's creation. His "behavior", behavior of performers, musicians, audiences and listeners constitutes in the stage performances, the movies and the recordings became the "music sound" of the works of Tang. Finally, it also attempts to understand the works of Tang against the social and cultural background in Hong Kong. The analysis of the selected works shows that Tang attempted to change the creative idea of the works, performing practice, the female role in the 1950s, and how Tang cultivated a unique Hong Kong flavor in his own works. / The theoretical framework is based on Merriam's research model, "concept", "behavior", and "music sound" itself, and has referred to Timothy Rice the revision model which developed a three-dimensional model ("historical construction", "social maintenance", and "individual creation and experience") for ethnomusicological research. Chapter two examines "individual creation and experience", which discusses the biography and the works of Tang Di-sheng, analyses his creativity and experience. Moreover, it is a macroscopic research to correlations in the Hong Kong society and Cantonese Opera. For "historical construction", this chapter studies the social background of Hong Kong's historical development, the development and changes of the social cultural contexts of Hong Kong society and a how did Tang receive "social maintenance" from 1950 to 1959. / 戴淑茵. / Adviser: Chan Sau Yan. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-08, Section: A, page: 2942. / Submitted: November 2007. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 373-399). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Dai Shuyin.

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