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金融創新個案研究:儲互社融資專案於喬安互助平台上之應用分析 / Case of financial innovation: an analysis of jaic and contribution financing provided by Credit Union League顏培臣 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文建議喬安應設法解決外界對平台存續性的憂慮,如與政府機關洽談適法性的解決辦法、提升互助安定基金對互助人的保障,甚至是增加喬安會員的多元化附加價值服務以吸引不同族群以分散風險,相信若能改善外界對平台風險的種種質疑,平台的發展前景將潛力無窮,也將很有機會成為一金融創新商品中的耀眼巨星。 / The population of over 65 year olds is 10.7% of the total population this year. Accompany with the decrease in the domestic birth rate and the rapidly aging population, the level of aging in Taiwan is becoming more apparent. For these aging people, JA InterCare(JAIC) Incorporation launched “InterCare 30” which features low premiums and the integrity and transparency of the financial data. Everyone can join this system without upper age limitation and health condition. This thesis focused on the “InterCare 30”and the contribution financing. We took the contribution financing which provided by Taichung branch of Credit Union League of ROC as a case to analyze the expected return and risk.
According to our analysis, the main insured’s life expectancy will less than 12 years. Because most of these guys are under-privileged people, the death rate might be higher than normal. Also, the business risk of JAIC is very critical; the mutual aid system would collapse if it became difficult to recruit new contributors or when a large number of contributors withdrew from the plan.
Therefore, we recommended that JAIC should try to set up a legal and sustainable platform. For instance, they could lobby government for legislation, try to increase the amount of stabilization fund or provide more value added products for their insured. If they could set up a real legal and sustainable platform, “InterCare 30”would be a unlimited potential insurance product.
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喬安公司的「安家30專案」整合商業模式 / An analysis of "Intercare 30" business model湯可維 Unknown Date (has links)
我國在邁入高齡化社會的同時,再加上少子化的趨勢,使得65歲以上之老年人口比例逐年增加。同時在這群老年人口中有部份是屬於經濟弱勢及老弱殘疾,此部分通常是保險公司之拒保族或是無法負擔高額之保險費用而成為社會體制下所遺忘、缺乏完善照顧之族群。因此喬安網路平台股份有限公司推出「安家30專案」,強調繳費低廉、不須體檢、費率平準、無年齡上限皆可加入。因此本研究透過產業分析、市場競爭產品優劣勢分析,並利用資料蒐集(至2010年6月止),來了解「安家30專案」在產業中之定位及競爭商品中之利基及缺點。然而本研究認為符合此商品目標客群之經濟弱勢且老弱殘疾之族群也僅約16.4萬人左右,再加上同性質之地方往生互助會、老人會或是部分類似特定保險商品的競爭,在沒有地方深耕優勢及知名度等劣勢下,喬安網路平台股份有限公司若想利用「安家30專案」將此事業坐大,於市場中獨佔鰲頭,16.4萬人之潛在客群顯然不足提供喬安網路平台股份有限公司於市場上發光發熱。為了開源增加收益、擴大目標客群,喬安公司研擬消費購物商城平台業務-Hooli 互利購,期望透過此平台與會員關係更緊密、拓展非經濟弱勢老弱殘疾之客群、增加殯葬產業中之服務範圍及與「安家30專案」相輔相成增加會員數及拓展營收。本文針對上述分析,於文末對於「安家30專案」是否真能為喬安網路平台股份有限公司作出貢獻作出評論。 / Accompany by more senior people and low birth rate, the ratio of population above 65-years-old has been gradually increased. Among the population, some are low-income who can’t afford high insurance premium, some have serious illness that insurance companies refuse to insure, their life have became unsecured and need more care. Thus, "Intercare.com.tw” emphasizes low premium, exempt health examination, equal payment, everyone can participate without age restriction. We focus on industrial analysis, competitive product to analyze “Mutual-Aid Found mechanism and the feasibility study on the Internet mutual indemnification program” strength and weakness. However, only 0.164 million people are their aimed customer, other mutual organizations or insurance policies occupy some customer. It’s hard to survive if only rely on 0.164 million people. We suggest "Intercare.com.tw” to develop a new Internet-based platform named Hooli-Go, which aims to make tighter membership relation, discover potential customers, expand service coverage, and cooperate with “Mutual-Aid Found mechanism and the feasibility study on the Internet mutual indemnification program” to boost revenue. We draw a conclusion on if this combination can make positive contribution to "Intercare.com.tw”.
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魏晉時期喪葬禮儀與孝道的關係陳大猷 Unknown Date (has links)
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先秦儒家宗教性研究──以孔孟荀對「喪葬」、「祭祀」、「天」的觀點為討論中心 / Pre-Qin Confucianism Religious Studies──Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi for funeral ,sacrifice ,Heaven 's viewpoint.梁右典, Liang,Yuo Dien Unknown Date (has links)
我的論文題目是:「先秦儒家宗教性研究──以孔孟荀對『喪葬』、『祭祀』、『天』的觀點為討論中心」。主標題提供研究方向,副標題鎖定研究範圍,目的對「儒家宗教性」的持續思索。「宗教」與「宗教性」有同有異,需要進行概念區分;回顧學術動態,確定研究進路,成為第一章主要任務。一言以蔽之,「宗教性」是思想家對「喪葬」、「祭祀」、「天」的態度。第二章探討思想背景,「喪葬」與「祭祀」屬於「禮樂文化」的一環,與「宗教」思想密切相關;然而,孔孟荀有別之前「宗教」傳統,能夠賦予新義。本文研究他們的「宗教性」面向為何。「喪葬」與「祭祀」方面,從現代用語來說,上述兩項議題涉及「生死大事」與「鬼神世界」,以「宗教性」意涵理解是可以嘗試的研究進路,在此得到有力支持。除此之外,「天」涉及「超越層面」、「終極關懷」,必須與思想家認同的價值根源結合來看。可以明白「天」「人」並非毫無關聯,與「宗教性」內涵也息息相關。以上所說,分別在第三、四、五章進行分析論證;而在第六章進行整體研究,得到孔孟荀宗教性中「思想脈絡」演變所呈現的意義、與「出土文獻」對照所反映的面貌、和「西方文化」比較所凸顯的特色。第七章結論統整全文內容,展現先秦儒家孔孟荀宗教性,作為全文結束。 / This is a study of Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi religious articles.The first chapter of the task to make a distinction between religion and religiosity.The second chapter discusses the formation of religious background.About funderal and sacrifice,Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi different from the past,can give new meaning.Heaven involve transcendence,ultimate,which are associated with religiosity.These are the third,fourth and fifth chapters.Chapter VI of the overall study,highlights the characteristics.Chapter VII is the conclusion.
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