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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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水庫移民政策轉變與執行:以瀾滄江為例 / Dam-induced Resettlement Along the Lancang River: Policy Change and Implementation

李泳雯, Sabrina Habich Unknown Date (has links)
中國經濟的快速成長導致電力需求的急劇增教。雖然現在主要仍是以煤炭的方式提供全國的電力,但中國政府也一直在尋找能有效降低環境污染的替代能源。因此“水力發電”在中國能源政策扮演的角色越來越重要--這時,擁有巨大水資源的雲南省就變成了中國西南的關鍵提電者之一。過去二十年之內,已有企業與政府針對該省重點的水力設施進行大量投資。然而,發展水電雖然有助於生產大量的電,也帶來眾多環境和社會層面的影響。中國政府承認這些反面的影響,因此開始了設計一系列水電發展政策來預防可能的嚴重後果。 本論文分析中國中央政府和雲南地方政府共同制定的水電移民政策,以及新政策對當地執行過程所帶來的影響。基於多元的田野調查,本論文顯示地方政府如何落實中央政府制定的政策。雖然這幾年中國的水庫移民政策有大量的改進,但因為建設大水電站涉及層面廣,時間長,安置過程久,所以中央政府政策的彈性調整,造成當地政府執行過程對不同時間的移民外置帶來不對等的安置,因此印發水庫移民的方抗。 / Policy-making of dam-induced resettlement is a dynamic process that shows how group interests have been distributed and adjusted during different stages of water resource development in China. Since 1949, China’s political direction, economic system and its national strength have been in constant flux, reflecting in the policy towards land appropriation and resettlement induced by water conservancy and hydropower projects. The present study focuses on the changes that have taken place in the area of dam-induced resettlement policy after 2006 when the first regulations on resettlement caused by water resource and hydropower projects were amended. It shows how this policy change is perceived by villagers relocated in the course of dam construction, and addresses the question of why policy improvements have not led to desired results. The paper first addresses policy change in the area of dam-induced resettlement over the past six decades. In subsequent sections, I draw on findings gathered during my doctoral fieldwork to demonstrate how the recent improvement of resettlement regulations for water resource and hydropower projects at the central level are translated into implementation strategies at the local level in Yunnan. I show that while delegating the implementation of resettlement processes to the lowest level of the administrative hierarchy allows for innovative policy experimentation and flexible adaptation, the long timespan needed for the construction of large dam projects gives rise to uneven policy implementation and resistance on the side of resettled communities.


李長晏 Unknown Date (has links)
我國中央與地方的關係,在歷經臺灣省各縣市實施地方自治綱要、自治二法、精省再造工程,以及新地方制度的施行發展後,已逐漸由監督型或行政保留式的地方自治,和平漸進地轉型至更具實質的或法律保留式的地方治理型態,使地方政府成為一個充分享有管理地方自治事務,以及具有地方發展潛力的自治體。 本研究主軸之一乃扣緊前項的發展趨勢,透過制度設計的觀點來分析台灣中央與地方的府際關係,以期能對這精省後、新地方制度下的中央與地方互動關係作一有效合理的安排。這些安排有︰地方政府間之競爭與合作、權責劃分與權限爭議、政策衝突與管理與府際財政管理等方面。 英國自1945年以來,地方政府的治理模式發生不同階段的變遷,而這項變遷之演化,全隨著中央政府執政之政黨不同而不同,而在兩者逐步互動的過程上,牽引出一些有效互動的機制,配合舉世政府再造運動的發展取向。 本文主軸之二乃在扣緊前項的發展趨勢,首先探討英國中央政府與地方政府府際關係之所以轉型的系絡及其過程,進而導出兩造互動的本質,分析其有效互動的種種機制。這些機制有︰正常化政黨政治監督、常態化定期溝通協商、建制化專業政策社群、特殊化非民選準政府、合產化中央與地方合夥、合法化協力規劃機制與透明化公共課責機制。 其次,在因應台灣推動精省工程的歷史時刻,處於府際關係重建的重要關頭,正需他山之石以攻錯的關鍵時機,分析英國體制對台灣的重大啟示,建議職司當局要︰運用定期溝通協議機制、建立真誠論述政策網絡、設計府際協力規劃機制、推動公私部門合夥措施、成立府際關係互動會議、擴大推廣政府塑能運動、下放權力加碼地方作為、建立水平府際互動機制、及重視共同事項的權限劃分方式。 最後,英國之經驗雖值得借鑑,但台灣成功的借鑑定要注意本身之系絡,英國成功的配套,絕不可只移機制本身,而忽略支撐機制的文化及其它行政配套作為。

中央與地方府際衝突之研究 / The Research on Conflicts between Central and Local Governments

高美莉, Kao, Mei Li Unknown Date (has links)
1999年地方制度法施行以來,地方極力爭取自主權,中央與地方自治團體間衍生多次衝突,爭議之層面涵括地方財政權、立法權及人事權等地方自治核心領域。針對中央地方衝突,司法院大法官作出多號解釋,惟並未定紛止爭,突顯出建立中央地方衝突解決機制之必要性。 本論文選擇五個衝突個案,分別是財政衝突的統籌分配稅款及地方積欠健保政府補助款;立法衝突之行動電話基地台自治條例牴觸案及台北市里長延選案;人事權衝突之縣市警察局長任免案。先以府際關係理論進行鉅觀分析,分析其府際關係網絡圖,突顯其網絡利害關係人,如何進行聯合或對抗。次以賽局理分論析中央地方之賽局策略選擇過程,進而賽局及報酬模擬分析。 期望透過各類型中央地方府際衝突個案研究,提出解決下列問題。一、釐清中央地方府際衝突之影響因素?二、究竟何為中央地方權限爭議解決機制?三、台灣府際衝突之關係網絡圖像為何?四、府際衝突賽局中之博奕過程模式為何? 本研究提出四項結論。一、法律與制度變遷與府際衝突交互運作影響;二、政黨對立為府際係衝突最關鍵影響因素;三、建立多元之協調解決機制,為解決府際衝突之有效措施。四、提出全觀型府際賽局理論,以詮釋我國府際關係衝突現象。 本研究並提出五項建議,有助於未來我國府際關係正向發展,一、釐清府際衝突深層網絡關係結構,二、擴大跨域合作府際關係,三、追求中央與地方府際之最適效益,四、邁向多層次之地方治理,五、體認「地方自治為憲法制度性保障」之真諦。 / Since the Local Government Act enacted in 1999, local governments strive for local autonomy; therefore some supervisory conflicts aroused between central and local government. Those conflicts related to law autonomous enactment, finance autonomous rights and personnel rights. Despite Judicial Interpretation No.550 and 553 had review above conflicts, disputes still remained unsolved, which proclaimed the importance of constructing the reconciliatory mechanism of conflicts. This study tries to analyze five conflict cases including tax redistribution fund, premium of National Health Insurance, cellular phone base management local act, the prolonged election of Taipei li-chairman and incumbency of police bureau chief. Four conclusions are drawn as below, first, legal and system change will affect the IGR conflicts mutually. Second, parties antagonism is a crucial factor for IGR conflicts. Third, multi reconciliatory mechanism of conflicts would be efficient, a holistic game theory could interpret those conflicts. The last chapter proposes recommendations such as to clarify the IGR networks structure, broaden the cross-boundary cooperation, pursuit the optimal payoffs, work towards a multi-level governance and comprehend the core meaning of “local autonomy as a system assurance”.

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